Experience Sharing Seminars

2015 Hong Kong Awards for Environmental Excellence (HKAEE)
Experience Sharing Seminars
: 8 May 2015, 15 May 2015, 29 May 2015, 5 June 2015, 12 June 2015
: 2:30 pm ‐ 5:30 pm (Registration starts at 2:15 pm)
: Conference Hall, 4/F, HKPC Building, 78 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Venue : Free‐of‐charge
: Cantonese
Language : HKAEE Hotline (Tel: 2788 5903)
Online Application: www.hkaee.gov.hk/english/apply/2015Seminars250.html
Energy Conservation Showcases
Green Enterprises: Fostering a Brighter Future
8 May 2015 (Friday)
Adopting green practices not only reduces a company’s operational
cost but also enhances its brand image and corporate
competitiveness. Representatives from different industry sectors
will share their experience of adopting green business strategies
and the associated benefits.
(Most suitable for Public Services, Manufacturing
and Industrial Services, Transport and Logistics
and Property Management sectors)
Environmental Tips: Energy Conservation Showcases
15 May 2015 (Friday)
(Most suitable for Hotels and Recreational Clubs,
Property Management, Manufacturing and
Industrial Services and Public Services sectors )
To achieve sustainability and reduce emissions, many companies have
adopted innovative energy conversation solutions, which not only help
them reduce operation costs, but also strengthen their long‐term
competitiveness. Representatives from different industry sectors will share
their experience of adopting energy conservation strategies and the
associated benefits.
New Green Business Era: Sustainability
29 May 2015 (Friday)
Practising green management is by no mean difficult. A company
(Most suitable for Public Services, Hotels and can develop its own sustainability programme step by step.
Recreational Clubs, Media and Communication, Representatives from different sectors will share their green
Property Management and Construction Industry sustainability strategies.
Environmental Strategies: Partnership for Environmental Excellence
5 June 2015 (Friday)
(Most suitable for SMEs, Construction Industry,
Manufacturing and Industrial Services, Property
Management and Schools sectors)
Running a successful green business requires not only internal
cooperation but also synergy with partners, such as suppliers,
contractors and customers. Representatives from different sectors
will share their experience of collaborating with partners for
environmental excellence.
Green Management: “Business as Usual?” – See How the Latest Low Carbon Strategies Can Make a Difference
12 June 2015 (Friday)
(Most suitable for Construction Industry, Schools,
Property Management and Public Services
Implementing energy conservation measures can reduce
operational costs and build competitive advantages among fellows
in the same industry. Representatives from different organisations
will share their experience of enhancing energy efficiency and
lowering carbon emission.
Exhibition booths will be arranged to showcase the achievements of past HKAEE winners.
The HKAEE is a prestigious environmental awards in Hong Kong aiming to encourage the adoption of green management and recognise
organisations’ commitment towards environmental protection. The Hong Kong Awards for Environmental Excellence and the Hong Kong
Green Innovations Awards are now open for application. The deadline for submission is 16 June 2015 (Tuesday). Please visit HKAEE
website www.hkaee.gov.hk for details.
Promotional Partners
2015 Hong Kong Awards for Environmental Excellence (HKAEE)
Seminar Content
Green Enterprises: Fostering a Brighter Future (8 May 2015)
Experience Sharing ‐
• CLP Power Hong Kong Limited
• Golden Cup Printing Co., Ltd. ‐ Dongguan Golden Cup Printing Co., Ltd.
• Hong Kong Air Cargo Terminals Limited
• K11 Concepts Limited ‐ K11 Art Mall
• The Dairy Farm Company, Limited
• Introduction of Hong Kong Awards for Environmental Excellence and Hong Kong Green Organisation Certification
Environmental Tips: Energy Conservation Showcases (15 May 2015)
Experience Sharing ‐
• Fong's National Engineering Company Limited ‐ Integrated Intelligent Rinsing System
• Harbour City Estates Limited ‐ Pacific Club
• Kai Shing Management Services Limited ‐ Millennium City 5 (Shopping Arcade and Office Tower)
• Swire Coca‐Cola Hong Kong (This session will be conducted in English)
• The Hongkong Electric Co., Ltd. ‐ Lamma Power Station
• Introduction of Hong Kong Awards for Environmental Excellence and Hong Kong Green Organisation Certification
New Green Business Era: Sustainability (29 May 2015)
Experience Sharing ‐
• Airport Authority Hong Kong
• Grand Hyatt Hong Kong • HKT Limited
• Hong Kong Housing Authority ‐ Lam Tin Estate
• Gammon ‐ Kaden SCL 1111 Joint Venture ‐
MTR Shatin to Central Link (SCL) Contract No. 1111 : Hung Hom North Approach Tunnels
• Introduction of Hong Kong Awards for Environmental Excellence and Hong Kong Green Organisation Certification
Environmental Strategies: Partnership for Environmental Excellence (5 June 2015)
Experience Sharing ‐
• Causeway Corner Limited ‐ Causeway Corner
• Chun Wo Construction & Engineering Company Limited ‐
Happy Valley Underground Stormwater Storage Scheme
• Gammon Construction Limited ‐ Concrete Technology Department
• Royal Elite Service Company Limited ‐ Imperial Cullinan
• SKH Wing Chun Primary School
• Introduction of Hong Kong Awards for Environmental Excellence and Hong Kong Green Organisation Certification
Green Management: “Business as Usual?” – See How the Latest Low Carbon Strategies Can Make a Difference (12 June 2015)
Experience Sharing ‐
• Leighton ‐ Gammon Joint Venture ‐
MTR Express Rail Link (XRL) Contract 810A : West Kowloon Terminus Station North
• Queen's College Old Boys' Association Secondary School
• Sino Estates Management Limited ‐ Olympian City
• The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
• Introduction of Hong Kong Awards for Environmental Excellence and Hong Kong Green Organisation Certification
Remark: Arranged in alphabetical order of the English names of Organisations.
2015 Hong Kong Awards for Environmental Excellence (HKAEE)
Experience Sharing Seminars
Application Form
To Apply: 1. Online application http://www.hkaee.gov.hk/english/apply/2015Seminars250.html OR
2. By Fax: 2776 1617
I/We would like to join the Experience Sharing Seminar(s) scheduled on: (You can select more than one seminar)  8 May  15 May  29 May  5 June  12 June
Name of Organisation:
Address :
Tel :
Fax :
Contact Person :
Email :
Is your organisation a Small and Medium Enterprise (SME)?
(Remark : An SME is a manufacturing business which employs fewer than 100 persons; or a non‐manufacturing business
which employs fewer than 50 persons. “Number of persons employed" shall include individual proprietors, partners and
 Yes  No
shareholders actively engaged in the work of the business; and salaried employees of the business, including full‐time or
part‐time salaried personnel directly paid by the business, both permanent and temporary.)
Nature of Business :
 Manufacturing and Industrial Services
 Hotels and Recreational Clubs
 Construction Industry
 Public Services
 Property Management  Media and Communication
 Servicing and Trading
 Schools
 Restaurants
 Others (Please specify: _____________)
 Transport and Logistics
 Shops and Retailers
Name of Participant
Job Title
Please「」 if Certificate of Attendance is needed
Note: Please submit another application if there are more than 5 participants.
1. HKPC reserves the right to reject any application under any circumstances and for any reason.
2. HKPC reserves under any circumstances the right to change the contents of the activity, speaker, location, date and time.
3. Typhoon and Black Rain Signal: Activities will be cancelled if typhoon signal no.8 or above or black rainstorm signal remains hoisted at 11:00am on the event day. Organiser will inform participants the new arrangement.
4. HKPC has adopted a Personal Data (Privacy) Policy. Information leaflets are available at the Registration Office upon request, or you may contact our Personal Data Controlling Officer for further details. 5. Consent Statement
Personal data (including your name, phone number, fax number, correspondence address and email address) provided by you will be used for the purpose of the administration, evaluation and management of your registration. You have the right to request access to, and amend your personal data in relation to your application. If you wish to exercise these rights, please send email to: edm@hkpc.org.
HKPC intends to use the personal data (including your name, phone number, fax number, correspondence address and email address) that you have provided to promote the latest development, consultancy services, events and training courses of HKPC.
Should you find such use of your personal data not acceptable, please indicate your objection by ticking the box below.
□ I object to the proposed use of my personal data in any marketing activities arranged by HKPC.