14 May 2015 Dear fellow members, On behalf of the Executive Committee, we cordially invite you to attend our Annual General Meeting (AGM), which has been scheduled on 28 May 2015 (Thursday). Details can be found in the enclosed Notice of AGM. Executive Committee Member Openings for Election - Our Executive Committee Members, Mr. Josh Lam, Ms. Sophia Lau, Ms. Claudine Lee, Mr. Timothy Peirson-Smith and Ms. Felice Wong, will complete their current service term. There will be five vacancies in the Executive Committee according to our current Memorandum. Please complete the enclosed nomination form and return to Ms. Claudine Lee by email at hon.sec.hkieia@gmail.com or by fax at 2815 3377 on or before 26 May 2015. As indicated by Mr. Henry Leung in the 2014 AGM, he will take up the service term of Chairman for one year instead of the regular two years-term, to enable him to complete his missions on the BSAP working group as well as to strengthen the collaboration with the Institute of Environmental Management & Assessment (IEMA), UK. Now the tasks are mostly completed, he will retire from his Chairman position after the AGM this year. As the service term of Chairman is two years according to our Memorandum, an election of chairman is also set as an agenda item. The IEMA EIA Knowledge Exchange Forum cum IAIA 2015 – It was successfully held in April 2015, our delegation had a very fruitful exchange with the IEMA, the UK EIA / Planning Authorities and practitioners. I am pleased to inform you that the delegation will give us a debriefing from the forum and the step up training approaches with IEMA during the dinner reception. Dinner Reception - In keeping with our tradition, a dinner reception will be held after the AGM. To encourage participation, the Committee has set the cost of the dinner at a very attractive price of HK$100 per person. The informal dinner will be in Chinese style and it should be another great opportunity for members to socialise and network. To make reservations for the dinner, you only need to check the appropriate box on your reply form for the AGM. To allow an estimate of attendance in advance and to avoid disappointment, we would urge you to make reservations for the dinner early, preferably on or before 26 May 2015 (Tuesday). Proxy - If members cannot attend the AGM in person, we urge you to complete and sign the enclosed Proxy Form and return to us by one of the methods indicated in the Proxy Form. Register to the HKIEIA Website - It is appreciated that more members have registered and visited our official website for learning the updates and updating personal profiles after the revamp. Those who have not yet registered, we encourage you to do so as soon as possible to enjoy the surfing. Continuous Professional Development (CPD) – Members are required to provide their CPD Records for their annual renewal of membership and/or Accredited Monitoring Professional (AMP) status as per required under the institute’s memorandum. Please fill in the attached CPD log sheet and return to us. The log will be checked and verified by the Accreditation Panel members. Professional Directory – Members are required to update their particulars for Institute’s record, please fill in the attached form and return. Please return the CPD log sheet as well as the professional directory to us by post (P.O. Box 28756, Gloucester Road Post Office, Hong Kong) or by email (hkieia.hk@gmail.com). This AGM will allow you the opportunity to hear about the Institute’s accomplishments over the last year and also provides you with the opportunity to meet friends and working partners in the environmental assessment industry. We look forward to seeing you at the AGM. Claudine Lee Honorary Secretary HONG KONG INSTITUTE OF ENVIRONMENAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT Notification of Annual General Meeting 2015 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Hong Kong Institute of Environmental Impact Assessment shall be held at 6:30pm on 28 May 2015 (Thursday) at the World Trade Centre Club, 38/F, World Trade Centre, 280 Gloucester Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong. The reception will begin at 6:00pm. Agenda for AGM 2015: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. To confirm the Minutes of the last AGM held on 12 June 2014 To receive and consider the Chairman’s Annual Report for 2014 – 2015 To receive and consider the Financial Report of the Honorary Treasurer for 2014 - 2015 To elect Executive Committee Members of the Institute The election of Chairman To appoint an Auditor of the Institute for 2015 – 2016 Any Other Business The IEMA EIA Knowledge Exchange Forum cum IAIA2015 debriefing session will be held during the dinner reception and all members are welcome. The cost for the dinner is HK$100 per person. A reply form is enclosed for registration. If you would like to nominate candidates to stand for election for the vacant posts of the Executive Committee, please complete the enclosed nomination form and return it to us, preferably on or before 26 May 2015. By order of the Executive Committee, Claudine Lee Honorary Secretary 14 May 2015 (Enquiries should be directed to Claudine Lee, Honorary Secretary, at 2241 9847 or hon.sec.hkieia@gmail.com) Enclosures 1. 2. 3. 4. Draft Minutes of AGM held on 12 June 2014 AGM and Annual Dinner Reply Form Election Nomination Form Proxy Form Hong Kong Institute of Environmental Impact Assessment Draft Minutes of Annual General Meeting 2014 6:30pm, 12 June 2014, World Trade Centre Club, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong PRESENT: Fellows: Cheung, Freeman Frommer, Glenn Howard (P) Hui, Simon (P) Lam, Josh Corporate Members: Bhanja, Alexi Bhanja Cheung, Suzanne Chan, Chris Chan, Desmond (P) Chan, Lighting Chan, Samuel Chan, Vivian Chau, Keith Cheung, Amy (P) Cheung, Laurent (P) Chiu, Ming Ho (P) Choi, Peter (P) Choy, Priscilla (P) Chu, Chung Sing (P) Chua, Manuel Chung, Anna (P) Fan, Billy Fung, Yiu Wah (P) Gallacher, David (P) Ho, Derek (P) Ho, Ben Ho, Marlene (P) Hui, Kwong Yiu (P) Hui, Yuk Hung (P) Ip, Marcus Ip, Natalie (P) Isa, Mohamed Hasan Lam, Kin Che (P) Lee, Shirley Leung, Henry Liu, Wing Hei (P) Peirson-Smith, Timothy Yeung, David Keung, Anthony (P) Keung, Colin (P) Ko, Winnie (P) Kong, Ping (P) Kwong, Samuel Lai, Raymond (P) Lam, Derek Lam, Chris Lam, Josephine Lau, Tak Yan (P) Lau, Vincent (P) Lau, Sophia Lee, Karen (P) Lee, Claudine Leung, Kenny (P) Leung, Roger (P) Liu, Hon Cheung Liu, Vincent Lui, Karen (P) McMillan, Sharne (P) Ng, Henry (P) Ng, Wendy (P) Ng, Flora (P) Ng, Queenie (P) Ng, Danny (P) Shea, Mark Shek, Emily So, Tung Shing (P) Tam, Christine (P) To, Holy Tong, Angela (P) Tsang, Michael (P) Tsang, Fan Cheong Tsang, Terence (P) Tso, Lawrence (P) Tsoi, Joanne (P) U, Clara Wong, Antony Wong, Chi Man (P) Wong, Steven (P) Wong, Alfred (P) Wong, Wilson (P) Wong, Wai Kit (P) Wong, Wing Yee Wong, Felice Wong, Charles (P) Wong, Amy Wong, Chi Chung Xiong, James Yan, Wai Lok (P) Yan, Becky Yeung, Benjamin Yeung, Victor (P) Yuen, Wang-cheong (P) Note: (P) - Proxy ITEMS: 1. Minutes of AGM held on 20 June 2013 The minutes of 20 June 2013 were endorsed by the members. 2. Chairman’s Report Mr. Henry Leung, Chairman of the Committee, presented the Annual Report on the activities that had taken place in the Year 13/14 and was endorsed by the members. 3. Treasurer’s Report Mr. Freeman CHEUNG, Honorary Treasurer, presented the financial statement for the year ending 31.03.2014 and the auditor’s report prepared by the Honorary Auditor, Louis Lai & Luk Certified Public Accountants, which were endorsed by members. 4. Amendment to the Memorandum Nil 5. Election of Committee Members Mr. Henry Leung agreed to take up the service term of Chairman for one year instead of the regular two years-term, to enable him to complete his missions on the BSAP working group as well as to strengthen the collaboration with IEMA, UK. He will retire from his Chairman position after the AGM this year and there were no objection with the proposal. Ms. Clara U and Mr. Mohammed Isa were elected members of the Committee for a term of 3 years. 6. Appointment of Auditor for Year 14/15 Members agreed on the re-appointment of Louis Lai & Luk Certified Public Accountants as the Institute’s Honorary Auditor for Year 14/15. 7. Any other Business - Fellow Member, Mr. Timothy Peirson-Smith suggested that the Institute should increase the subsidies to overseas conferences and encourage young members to attend. Members endorsed the Executive Committee to work out the arrangement for adoption. - Corporate Member, Ms. Clara U encouraged young members to attend the upcoming soft skills training organized by the Institute. - Fellow Member, Mr. Josh Lam suggested that an exchange or a sharing session of problems in EIA reports with government would be good to improve the quality of EIA reports and improve efficiency of the process. - Chairman acknowledged and appreciated for the above suggestions, and would further discuss with Executive Committee members in the coming year. - There being no other business, the meeting adjourned at 8pm. Claudine Lee Honorary Secretary (2014/15) 20 June 2014 HONG KONG INSTITUTE OF ENVIRONMENAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT AGM 2015 Reply Form Name of Member:______________________________ Membership No.:_______________ Tel. No.:______________________ Email:_______________________________________ Please indicate if you will attend the following events on 28 May 2015 at the World Trade Centre Club, 38/F, World Trade Centre, 280 Gloucester Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong. YES NO ( ) ( ) Annual General Meeting at 6:30 pm [Reception will start at 6:00 pm] ( ) ( ) Dinner at 8 pm [@HK$100 for Member & @HK$200 for Non-Member]. I enclose a cheque (no. ____________) made payable to Hong Kong Institute of Environmental Impact Assessment in the total sum of HK$___________ for _______ participants. Please if you would like to have a vegetarian dinner. Please send this reply form to reach Claudine Lee by fax at 2815 3377 OR by email at hon.sec.hkieia@gmail.com on or before 26 May 2015 HONG KONG INSTITUTE OF ENVIRONMENAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT Nomination for Election of Committee Member at AGM 2015 on 28 May 2015 I am a Corporate Member of the Institute and hereby nominate the following Corporate Member(s) for election as Committee Member: Committee Member :_____________________________ Committee Member :_____________________________ Committee Member :_____________________________ Committee Member :_____________________________ Committee Member :_____________________________ I confirm that the above persons have accepted to be nominated and have agreed to serve as Committee Members if elected. Proposer Signature :_____________________________ Date :_____________________________ Please send nominations to Claudine Lee by fax at 2815 3377 OR email at hon.sec.hkieia@gmail.com on or before 26 May 2015. Note: The following Members will complete the service term in the Committee:Mr. Josh Lam Committee Member Ms. Sophia Lau Committee Member Ms. Claudine Lee Committee Member Mr. Timothy Peirson-Smith Committee Member Ms. Felice Wong Committee Member The following Members will remain in the Committee: Mr. Henry Leung (as Immediate Past Chairman), Ms. Clara U, Mr. Freeman Cheung, Mr. Mohamed Hasan Isa, Prof. Lam Kin-che, Mr. David Yeung. [Information on the election of Committee Members is available for viewing from the Memorandum at the Institute’s official website: http://hkieia.org.hk/About-the-HKIEIA/TheMemorandum] HONG KONG INSTITUTE OF ENVIRONMENAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT Proxy Form for Annual General Meeting on 28 May 2015 If members cannot attend the AGM in person, you may sign this Proxy Form and return to us by one of the follow methods: 1. By post to HKIEIA, c/o BMT Asia Pacific Ltd, 5/F, FWD Financial Centre, 308 Des Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong; or 2. By fax to number 2815 3377 on or before 5pm, 28 May 2015; or 3. By email to hon.sec.hkieia@gmail.com on or before 5pm, 28 May 2015, scanned page with signature shown; or 4. By putting into the “Proxy Collection Box” located at the Reception Counter of the AGM venue. All proxy forms must reach us using one of the above methods before the commencement of the AGM. Members are advised to submit the form as early as possible to avoid delays. ================================================================== I, ( Environmental ( Impact ), being a Corporate Member of the Hong Kong Institute of Assessment, hereby appoint fellow Corporate Member ) of the Institute as my ___________(a) General proxy * ___________(b) Special proxy to* _____________ attend* _____________ vote* _____________ act on my behalf on the following specific matters:* ______________________________________________________ Signature _____________________ ( ) (*Please tick as appropriate) Date ____________________
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