Dear - Hong Kong Management Association

Seminar on "Reputation Management at the Speed of Social Media:
Best Practices for Hong Kong Companies"
Wednesda y, 20 May 2015
Guest Speaker:
In 2015, social media in Hong Kong becomes a primary news
source as well as being a platform for people to share feedback and
preferences. It has made everyone with a smartphone a potential reporter. Many top
digital commentators now have more followers that some media have total viewers or
readership. Result? Social media forms opinion and drives behaviour. It is vital for
companies to realize just how important it has become in Hong Kong and understand
the emerging marketing and reputational opportunities and risks. Mr Charles
Lankester, SVP, Reputation Management, Asia-Pacific of Ruder Finn will share with
participants recent local and international “winners and losers” and propose practical
solutions for social media, reputation management and risk management strategies.
With a career across Hong Kong, Asia-Pacific and Europe, Mr Lankester has
Mr Charles Lankester
represented some of world’s best known corporations including Visa, Starbucks, GE,
SVP, Reputation
Johnson & Johnson and Novartis. Before joining Ruder Finn, Charles established
Management, Asia-Pacific
reputation consulting firm, SharpeLankester, which was the 2014 Winner of the
Holmes Report’s Asia-Pacific New Consultancy of the Year. Prior to SharpeLankester,
Charles was Regional Managing Director at Edelman. He specializes in the areas of
reputation management, crisis communications and investor relations, bringing
insight, quick thinking, practical counsel and a focus on results.
Below are some of the highlights of the seminar:
Where Hong
Kong People
Get Their
News in 2015
Enrol Now!!
Wednesday, 20 May 2015
3:30 pm – 5:00 pm
Room 201, Pico Tower,
66 Gloucester Road, Wanchai
Language: English
Free of charge for HKMA members
HK$ 490 for Non-HKMA members
How is the
Social Media
in Hong Kong
What Hong
Drivers in 2015
Ways of
Global Best
Examples of
Seminar on "Reputation Management at the Speed of Social Media:
Best Practices for Hong Kong Companies"
Wednesda y, 20 May 2015
Wednesday, 20 May 2015
3:30 pm - 5:00 pm
Room 201, Pico Tower, 66 Gloucester Road, Wanchai, HK
Free of charge (HKMA members )
HK$490 per person ( Non-HKMA members )
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------Application Form
To: The Hong Kong Management Association
Enquir y:
Ruby Lee
Tel: 2826 0521
E-mail: rubylee
Elsie Chan
Tel: 2826 0535
E-mail: elsiechan
Reser vation: Grace Sit
Tel: 2774 8583
E-mail: gracesit@hk
Sindy Siu
Tel: 2774 8515
Fax: 2365 1000
Spaces are lim ited, reser vation will be on a f irst-come-f irst-served basis! Interested
parties are requested to send the application f orm to the Secretariat together wit h the
exact f ees on or bef ore 15 May 2015. Conf irmation e -mail will be sent to successf ul
applicant. Any cancellation made less th an 48 hours pr ior to the event will not be accepted.
(Please fill i n the follow ing in BLOCK LETTERS )
If applicable, please put a tick on □
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(If applicable)
Company Address :
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Cheque No. :
Amount : HK$
(If applicable)
( P l e a s e ma k e c r o s s e d c h e q u e p a y a b l e t o “ T h e H o n g K o n g Ma n a g e me n t A s s o c i a t i o n ”, a n d r e t u r n i t t o
1 6 / F T o w e r B , S o u t h ma r k , 1 1 Y i p H i n g S t r e e t , W o n g C h u k H a n g , H O N G K O N G )
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Signature: __________________________________
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Date: ____________________________________
Please photocopy for more registration forms if necessary.
No refund will be made after payment, but participants can arrange to have their places substituted should they be unable
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