Hong Kong Ophthalmological Symposium 2015 12th – 13th December 2015 Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre Organizing Committee Advisors: Dr Pak-chin CHOW Dr Vincent YW LEE Prof Calvin CP PANG 26th March 2015 Chairmen: Dr Dorothy SP FAN Dr Hunter KL YUEN Hong Kong Ophthalmological Symposium 2015 – First Announcement Secretary: Dr Winnie WY LAU Treasurer: Dr George PM CHENG Scientific Secretaries: Dr Kelvin KL CHONG Dr Emmy YM LI Dr Jason CS YAM Dr Wilson WK YIP Publication Secretaries: Dr Tommy CY CHAN Dr Connie HY LAI Dr Gillian Denise JY SIU Dr Jane CC YEUNG Social Secretaries: Dr Aaron TK CHU Dr Michelle CY FAN Dr Lawrence PL IU Dr Raymond LM WONG Floor Managers: Dr Jonathan CH HO Dr Tracy YT KWOK Dr Stephen TL LI IT Managers: Dr Victor SC CHU Dr Mary Ho Dr Simon KH SZETO Dr Gordon SK YAU Dear Colleagues, On behalf of the Organizing Committee, it is my pleasure to cordially invite you to participate in the Hong Kong Ophthalmological Symposium, the annual scientific meeting of the Hong Kong Ophthalmological Society and the College of Ophthalmologists of Hong Kong to be held on 12th – 13th December 2015. The theme of the meeting is “Myopia and Oculoplastic”. We are most honoured and delighted to have Professor Geoffrey ROSE, Consultant Surgeon, Moorfields Eye Hospital, London, UK and Professor Terri YOUNG, Chairlady of Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, University of Wisconsin, USA as our Featured Speakers. We have also invited the newly established Hong Kong Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (HKSOPRS) to organize a special symposium in the morning on 12th December 2015. As in previous years, there will be sessions for free paper and poster presentations. This year, you will have the option to submit a soft copy of your poster presentation to be an E-poster presentation in addition to the printout version (printed poster remains mandatory). Your support is essential if our meeting is to remain as successful and enjoyable as it has always been. Please find an Abstract Form enclosed. A typed abstract of not more than 150 words should be submitted to the Secretariat by e-mail to asm2015hk@yahoo.com.hk . The deadline for abstract submission is 1st August 2015. Please note that the contents of the abstracts may be edited. The official tool for presentation is Windows PowerPoint. Scientific posters should fit into the 54” (H) x 24” (W) format. A maximum of two abstracts would be accepted for each first author. Besides the prestigious awards for Outstanding Oral and Poster Presentations for “Pre-Academy Fellows”, special prizes will also be presented in the well-received programme, “Residents’ Challenge”. In case of more than 2 posters with the same score for the Best Poster Presentation Award, additional marks will be given to the member who also submitted an E-poster. Abstracts of sufficient quality work will be published in the supplement issue of the Hong Kong Journal of Ophthalmology. Enclosed, please also find the Registration Form. You are encouraged to submit your registration before 1st August 2015, as a special rate is available for ‘Early Birds’. Thank you for your kind participation and active support. looking forward to seeing you at this year’s Symposium. Immediate Past Chairman: Dr Alvin L YOUNG Yours sincerely, The Secretariat: Room 802, 8/F HKAM Jockey Club Bldg 99 Wong Chuk Hang Rd Aberdeen, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2761 9877 / 2761 9128 Fax: (852) 2715 0089 Email: asm2015hk@yahoo.com.hk Dr Dorothy FAN Co-Chairman, Organizing Committee Hong Kong Ophthalmological Symposium 2015 Hunter Yuen Dr Hunter YUEN Co-Chairman, Organizing Committee Hong Kong Ophthalmological Symposium 2015 Encl The Organizing Committee is very much
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