June 2015 - Hope Lutheran Church

June 2015
The Monthly Spirit of Hope
Rest Time
The apostles returned to Jesus and told him all that they had done and taught. And
he said to them, “Come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest a while.” For
many were coming and going, and they had no leisure even to eat. And they went
away in the boat to a desolate place by themselves. Mark 6:30-32
“Come away by yourself to a desolate place and rest a while.” Words of Jesus that
are so inviting. As I write this, the end of the program year at Hope Church is near its
finish. It has been another whirlwind year. So much goes into the ministry that we
call Hope! I am truly thankful for what God has done through this place that I call
family. Hope Church is such an amazing place to be the Church. I pray that you find
our ministry together just as rewarding and fulfilling.
As the program year winds down I find that the summer months ahead (although
busy-Annual Picnic, VBS, Stay-at- Home Mission Trip, National Youth Gathering, etc.)
is a welcome time to find rest. Rest has a way of refocusing us. When we live at a
busy pace, rest is the chance for us rejuvenate, recharge, and relax. But dare I say
that rest is much more? Rest can actually change how we view our lives. Rest gives
us the ability to refocus.
The words of Jesus in Mark’s gospel come at time when the apostles were out and
about working hard for the Kingdom of God. They are off on a mission preaching,
teaching, and healing. When they return they are physically and emotionally spent.
And so Jesus invites them to rest. He tells them to take a break and get away from it
all—for a while. Although exhausted, weary, and tired, the time of rest Jesus spoke
of was more than just taking it easy. I believe that Jesus was offering them a chance
to refocus. They could now shift their attention from the day to day craziness of life
to building up their relationship with each other and God.
June Verse-of-the-Month
(Gal 5:13 CEB)
“You were called to freedom,
brothers and sisters; only don't
let this freedom be an
opportunity to indulge your
selfish impulses, but serve each
other through love.“
Inside this Issue
Small Groups
Youth News
Join Us
Mission Outreach
Prayer Requests
Breathe Grace Article
VBS Registration Form
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Inside Story............................................................................................................2
Inside Story............................................................................................................2
Inside Story............................................................................................................3
Inside Story............................................................................................................3
Golf Registration Form
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Inside Story............................................................................................................4
Inside Story............................................................................................................4
Inside Story............................................................................................................4
Special Points of Interest
Entering this season of summer I encourage you to adhere to Jesus’ invitation. Like
the apostles, when able, find the time to rest. Spend intentional moments with God,
family, and friends. Refocus your energy into building up relationships with those
that matter the most. Jesus knew rest was important not only physically and emotionally but also relationally. Jesus knew that rest can change not only how you feel
but also how we view life and each other.
Your friend in Christ,
Pastor Brown <><
Briefly highlight your point of interest here.
Briefly highlight your point of interest here.
Briefly highlight your point of interest here.
Moms Connect
Stitched at Hope
Stay-At-Home Trip
Church Picnic
Want to Grow… Article
Shelter Dinner
Relay for Life
Briefly highlight your point of interest here.
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Thursday, June 25th at 7:00pm
Now that summer is here, kick back and
relax with a good book. Maybe pool-side.
Maybe with your air conditioner turned on
full-blast. Either way, feel free to grab a
copy of our latest read and join us at
Hope's book club while we enjoy light refreshments and chat about this month's
chosen book, Breath, Eyes, Memory.
Published when Danticat was only 25 years
old, this first-person novel began as an essay about the author's own experiences
growing up in Haiti. Her fictional character,
Sophie Caco, is sent from her impoverished
village to be reunited with a mother she
barely knows in New York City.
The novel follows her discovery of self as
she comes to terms with the person she is,
where she's come from, and where she is
June: Breath, Eyes, Memory,
Edwidge Danticat
July: The Happiness Project, Gretchen Rubin
August: Veronika Decides to Die, Paulo
September: The Children Act, Ian McEwan
October: The Shack: Where Tragedy
Confronts Eternity, Wm. Paul Young
November: The Diving Bell and Butterfly,
Jean Dominique Bauby
December: Christmas Jars, Jason F. Wright
“For where two or three are
gathered in my name, there I am
among them” Matthew 18:20
Summer is here and we hope you
are taking the opportunity to
enjoy the great outdoors and
spend time with your loved ones!
Whether it's here at Hope or on
the road for vacations, Hope
Moms Connect is wishing you a
wonderful and safe summer
break! We hope to see you back
here for our next meeting
September 15 at 9:30 am.!
Please email for more information
or with any questions.
Amy Arrowsmith at
Elena Geil at
Welcome to Hope’s Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Please note: There has been a change in the date of the June meeting of Hope’s
WELCA. The new date is Wednesday, June 17th. At that time, Hope’s WELCA will be
traveling to Meadville, PA, to visit Bethesda Children’s Home. We will deliver the baby
clothes we have collected for their Right Start Program along with the “Box Tops for
Education” to help with their school supplies. We will tour their campus and be their
guests for lunch.
WELCA has been collecting gently used or new baby clothes (ages 0 to 24 months),
diapers and baby wipes for Bethesda’s Right Start Program for Young Mothers. Right
Start provides a safe, structured environment for young mothers to enhance their skills
for nurturing, parenting, independent living and healthy relationships. Young women
and their children receive education, support, guidance, medical care, and access to
community resources specialized in meeting their needs. Your collections may still be
placed in one of the narthex bins labeled for that purpose. Bethesda is one of the
Southwestern PA Synod’s projects called Faith Works.
We will meet at the church (morning time to be announced) and car pool. Therefore, if
you are going, please let us know. Please reply to Marlene Horanski (email: horanski@zoominternet.net) by June 15th.
Bring your latest project and join us in the Narthex for fellowship and craft time.
Crafters of all ages and experience are welcome. Bring a kit and learn to knit, crochet, or needlepoint. We will continue to meet throughout the summer!
We'd love to see you there!
June 4 – 7:00 pm and June 11 – 10:00 am
For more information
contact Heather at dyfm@hlc.church
Available dates for Altar
Flowers, Sanctuary Candles,
Prayer Tables Candles, and
Coffee Fellowship for 2015
are still available.
Please contact the church office at
724-776-3141 or by email at
info@hlc.church to sign up.
Thank you!
The following dates are still available:
Sanctuary Candles
Join us at The Watering Hole at Hartmann's Golf Course/ Resort
— 169 Hartmann Road, Harmony, PA at 5:30pm on June 20th.
July 12
July 19
Call Paul Wunderlin at 724-713-4722
July 26
August 30
September 6
September 13
Prayfully consider joining us and inviting a friend as Pastor Chris leads us through: The
Prophets, An Introduction. Author: Abraham Heschel Beginning Thursday, September
10 at 7 pm and Friday, September 11 at 9am.
September 20
September 27
October 11
We strongly recommend that you purchase and read the book over the summer for
preparation to the study. You can
purchase your book as follows: We will be
studying only Volume 1 but a Volume 2 is available, in case you are interested.
October 18
December 6
December 13
**ISBN # 0-06-131421-8 for the old single volume (Vol 1 only)
**ISBN # 978-0060936990 for the complete edition (Vol 1 & Vol 2 combined in one
December 29
Coffee Fellowship
Combined Vol 1 & 2 new on Amazon: cost is $15.82. Combined Vol 1 & 2 are available
used on Amazon: cost is under $8.
For questions contact Karen Johanknecht, karens@johanknecht.com
The next game day is
Wednesday, June 3rd at 1:00pm
Wednesday, June 17th at 1:00pm.
JOY is a small group ministry created for the 50+ age
group. The purpose of the group is have fellowship
with each other in a fun setting. Currently we meet
the third Wednesday of each month for Game Day,
We play cards and board games and have a great time
laughing and talking with each other.
Altar Flowers
Prayer Table Candles
July 19
July 26
August 30
October 25
December 20
December 27
(Reformation and Confirmation)
June 15-18, 2015
Open to all students ages: 5th
going into 6th through 8th going
into 9th. Make the most of your
summer by serving your
community and strengthen your
relationship with God.
Registrations are online at
hlc.church. For more information
see the flyer on the back.
It's already June, and we're officially closing out our school and program year! It's been
great to have you all join us this year and there's no need to fear – we have plenty
going on this summer and would love to see you come out and join us for all our fun!
In May we had great monthly meetings (double the fun for both Kidz Klub and
CHAOS!), a fantastic opportunity to fundraise with Mussig's, as well as to dedicate a
special day to all the moms and mom-figures who so greatly shape and inspire us. In
June we will have the opportunity to give back some more, making our Stay at Home
Mission Trip a time not just for personal growth, but also as a chance to help others.
And we can't forget our upcoming Vacation Bible School experience. It's not too late to
get involved, as a camper or a volunteer!
I know summer just started, but I am already looking forward to the fall, when we can
do it all again. Enjoy your time off, friends!
Ms. Heather
June 22nd - 26th
9:00am -12:00pm
Registration is open. Volunteers
are still needed for Station
Leaders and Assistants, Group
Leaders, Youth Helpers,
Decorations, and more. List of
donations needed for Crafts and
Snacks is now available.
Registration forms, sign-up for
volunteers, and sign-up
for donations needed is on the
Information Table in the Narthex
or in the back of this issue. Thank
you! We can't do it
without you.
Join us for the last meeting of the year!
May 31st from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Plan on plenty of fun and outdoor games!
Register online at www.hlc.church
Thank you to everyone who supported the Mussig's Plant Sale Youth
Fundraiser. We sold a lot of tickets
and your kind support is appreciated
as we prepare to serve locally at our
Stay At Home Mission Trip and as we
travel to Detroit for the National
Youth Gathering in July! Thank you
for your generosity!
Join us for the last meeting of the year!
May 31st from 4:00 – 6:00 p.m.
If you want to receive email notifications, please
email: kidzklubcranberry@hotmail.com
In honor of David Letterman retiring and in the spirit of Stewardship; here is a Top 10 List of Ways to Save
Money while Shopping.
10. REBATES – A good rule of thumb is if a rebate is $5+, it is worth your time, postage, and envelope to claim
your rebate. If you can do it online – even better, go for it!
9. Weigh produce – Did you know that all 5lb. bags of Apples / Potatoes / Onions / … do not weigh the
same? One may weigh 5.5 lbs. and another may weigh 4.6 lbs. Rule of thumb – weigh 3 bags and take the
heaviest bag.
8. Maintain a Coupon Box –you can use a shoe box or whatever and purchase alphabetical tabs. Organize
your coupons – alphabetize by key word on coupon and highlight the expiration date. Pull expired coupons
and regularly review all coupons mid-month to be able to use coupons before they expire.
7. Watch fewer Commercials – the more commercials you watch, the more money you spend (at Starbucks,
diet Cokes, new car, and so on). Studies have shown that this spending can amount to $260 extra spending
per hour of TV watched!
6. Buy items when they are On Sale – Shop the store flyers! Make your lists according to the sales ad.
5. Take Coupons with you when you travel – Are you staying with family while on your vacation? If you offer
to contribute towards groceries, take along your coupons. Are you vacationing at the beach and not eating
out every meal? Take along your coupons.
4. Use your store card and store coupons – savings on these cards can range 10% to 50%.
3. Use manufacturer & E-coupons – we get flyers in the weekly free papers and with our Sunday paper with
coupons. You can save thousands of dollars per year on your shopping bills thru the diligent use of coupons.
2. Put your list in store order – Stores have a store directory which list items and the aisle they are in. For every extra 15 minutes you spend wandering in the store, studies have shown that impulse buying can cost you
$25 for that wandering time. The more time you take to shop, the more money you will spend.
1. Shop with a list – research shows that if you shop with a list, and stick to it, you are likely to spend as much
as 30% less. Exception – if your impulse is on sale and you are getting it for pennies, by all means throw the
item in the cart!
Many of these tips I gleaned from a book I am reading – A Tip a Day with Ellie Kay (12 months’ worth of Money
-Saving Ideas). I hope some of these tips were new and helpful. Smart shopping is just one of the many ways
we can be good Stewards of what God has blessed us with.
Carol Flinn – member of Stewardship Committee
Recently a Stephen Minister from another congregation had the privilege of meeting a
woman who was facing a serious surgery. She told her pastor how much it meant to her to
have had the ongoing support of a Stephen Minister: “My Stephen Minister was more than a
trusted friend. In her presence, I experienced God’s grace. I felt cared for, strengthened and
supported. She was truly a gift.”
Pastor Ron’s Bible Study: Fearless
October 7th-November 11th
Women’s Group Study: Women in the Word
Pastor Chris will be leading a study on "The Prophets," by A.J. Heschel, a seminal work with a
self-evident subject. Thursday sessions will start on 9/10 at 7pm; Friday sessions on 9/11 at
Teacher Appreciation Lunch
June 7th at 12:30pm at the Sports Grille Cranberry located on Freedom Road.
Church Picnic June 14, 2015 at North Boundary Park in the Dan Baker Pavilion.
9:00am — Worship Service at Hope
11:00am — Outdoor Worship Service at North Boundary
10:00am — Picnic Setup at North
12:00pm — Church Picnic at North Boundary
(No 11:00am service at Hope)
It is asked that all families bring either a desert (last name starting A-M) or a side dish (last name starting with N-Z). Chicken will be
provided and table settings will be furnished by Hope.
Hope Evangelical Lutheran Church Council Meeting Notes May 19, 2015
Discussion Items:
At recent congregational meetings, the following motion was presented and voted on:
“As a congregational family in partnership together in mission and ministry to share the Good News of Jesus Christ, the Congregational
Council moves that Hope Evangelical Lutheran Church increase the building loan amount to a maximum of $2.4 million for the new
construction and renovation of building space.”
Results of the voting were:
Total votes cast -
Votes to Approve -
Votes to not Approve -
The motion was approved by approximately 94% of voting members.
The Church picnic will be on June 14th at North Boundary Park. The Church will provide chicken with those whose last names begin with A M being asked to bring a dessert and those with last names beginning with N - Z bringing a side dish.
Mission moments are taking place at services so that ministries within the church can provide information to the congregation and help
members find which one(s) are the right fit for them. Please consider getting involved and making a difference in the life of the church.
A new structure has been implemented with the goal of improving communication between the various ministries, the congregation, and
Council. The Committees are in one of four overarching groups:
Hearth (Building, Finance, Property, Stewardship Committees). Council Trustee: Tim Kirsch
Outreach (Hospitality and Public Relation & Evangelism Committees). Council Trustee: Alicia Demchak
Praise: (Mutual Ministry and Worship Committees). Council Trustee: John Burglund
Education: (Christian Education and Youth Committees). Council Trustee: Steve Geil
As always, if you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact any Council member:
Jon Agnew, Sue Bentley, John Burglund, Alicia Demchak, Dan Douglass, Marilyn Duke, Steve Geil, John Graf, Tim Kirsch, Bud Krapp, Roy LeCates, Peggy Mays
Our 7th annual golf tournament will be held on Saturday, August 15th - Mark your calendars and register now!
We invite YOU to join us in planning and preparing for this fun event. You don't have to love golf to help in some way so
plan be with us at our upcoming meeting!
We are seeking donations from individuals and businesses interested in supporting our upcoming tournament. Consider
purchasing a Hole Sponsor Sign or donating a gift card to support this event. All proceeds will go toward fighting pediatric
The next Pleasant Valley Shelter dinner will take place on
Sunday June 21st. The signup
sheet is now available on the
table in the Narthex for food
donations and volunteers to
½ pans are available for those who wish to donate food. All
prepared items will be needed at the church the night of the
meal by 6:30pm. Volunteers, who are serving, please plan to
meet at the church by 6:30pm. For questions, please contact
Jason and Alicia Demchak at 724-687-0306.
Saturday, July 25th - Sunday, July 26th!
Mark your calendars NOW for this year's Relay For Life. This is a celebration
for the whole family, so plan to come out and join in all of the fun at North
Boundary Park as we celebrate our cancer survivors, remember those we've
lost, and raise awareness and funds for the American Cancer Society! You do
NOT need to be a Hope Relay Team Member to come and enjoy this event
and team members are NOT required to walk. But we would love to have you
join Hope's team! Contact Alicia Demchak, Paul Wunderlin or Karen Johanknecht for questions. Thanks in advance for helping to raise cancer awareness!!
Hope's Relay for Life Team Meeting - Please consider joining our team as we
plan and prepare for this year's Relay For Life at North Boundary Park on June
3rd at 6:30pm. We need you!!
Hope’s Sunday school has collected crayons, erasers, pencils and notebooks and backpacks. We will fill the backpacks with the supplies and
donate them at the NYG trip. Thanks for all your support and donations!
With our program year coming to an end, you might think that Hope is shutting down until next Rally Day (September 13 th, by the way). But no
worries! Hope Church is still open and your brothers and sisters in Christ will be out serving! Get involved with some of our missions!
Global Links (just show up and serve!)
Shelter Dinner (cookers and servers)
Vacation Bible School (class helpers, snacks, crafts, games)
CHAOS Stay-at-home-mission (meals, supplies, transportation)
If your summer is too busy, consider being a Sunday School helper next year, or perhaps helping lead Hope’s mission in something like the
Property Ministry, who keep our facilities nice.
There are also many valuable ministries locally that Hope supports. This summer, our youth will be serving locally at:
Brenckle’s Farm (Brencklesfarm.com)
Global Links (Globallinks.org)
The Woodlands (mywoodlands.org)
and Camp Lutherlyn (lutherlyn.com)
These are some great places to grow as disciples this summer. I can’t wait to hear the ways you’ve found to serve Christ in the world!
Pastor7Chris <><
MAY 31, 2015
Prayer Requests will remain on the prayer list for one month. Please resubmit prayer request for additional prayers and or updates.
Jena (Eric Sellers’s Niece)
Prudy (Dorothea’s Friend)
Lisa and Dean White
Bobbi Nickles
Judy Hartman
Lisa K.
Janeane Hessinger (Abby Sannes’s mom)
Battle with Cancer
Battle with Cancer
Battle with Cancer
Battle with Lung Cancer
Battle with Cancer
Karen Beemiller’s Friend and her Grandson—Please send a prayer for safety, positive resolutions and guidance.
Tina Kramer — Please pray for the family of Joyce, the family of Ron and the family of Sylvia as they entered the Church Triumphant. Please pray for the co-worker of Tina’s elderly mother, Helen.
Zutter Family— Please pray for the family of Mark Sorenson as he entered the Church Triumphant.
Amy Krause — Please send a prayer for strength for Amy to get through all her treatments.
Aikens Family— Please pray for the father of Judy Aikens as he entered the Church Triumphant.
Greg Grabowski — Please send prayers to Greg as adjusts to his new living arrangements and new job in information technology in Akron, Ohio.
Hope’s Shut-Ins: Kim Good, Grace Sutterlin, Suzann Friskorn, Clyde English, Antoinette McCulley
Breathe Grace (a devotion on forgiveness)
by Pete Wilson, Let Hope In
Have you ever had someone you count on make a promise and then break it? How about a close friend who takes a deep secret that you
shared in confidence and tells somebody else? Maybe you had someone who was entrusted to care for you but instead hurt you in one of the
deepest ways imaginable by abusing you? A business partner gains your trust and then exploits it? How about an ex-spouse who took the love
you had for one another and ruined it by cheating on you?
If you live long enough, chances are you’ll be hurt or betrayed by someone. Betrayal is not just being hurt by somebody; it’s being hurt by
someone you thought you could count on. Betrayal is always a violation of trust and a breaking of a promise. It comes at the hand of a friend,
spouse, coworker, or boss. And like a sucker punch, it always comes as a shock.
The crippling reality is that if we don’t do something with that hurt or betrayal, it will assault us every time it comes to our mind. It will keep us
prisoner of our past because that hurt will impact everything we touch. Some of you have somehow convinced yourself that you can manage
the hurt from your past without offering forgiveness. In fact, maybe you even tell yourself that you can hardly remember the pain. But unfortunately, the pains we dare not remember are often the most dangerous pains of all. We fear these particular hurts so much that we stuff
them deep into our heart and past. But they always come back. Usually disguised, but they always come back.
Bitterness contaminates everything. It doesn’t isolate to the source of bitterness; it spreads to all of your relationships. And left unchecked, it
will ruin everything that is important to you. Sometimes you don’t forgive someone for their sake; you do it for your own freedom.
I met Gerry and his wife, Brenda, several years ago at church. Gerry is quite a bit older than I am, but there was a certain kind of peace this
man radiated that made me want to get to know him better.
I took them to lunch one day to hear their story and hung on to his every word over the next hour and a half. Gerry and Brenda had a baby girl
and named her Annie, which meant “blessed by grace.” You can imagine how heartbroken they were when during Annie’s freshman year of
college, her life began to unravel. Annie dropped out of college and was living with some friends over two hundred miles away from home.
Eventually Gerry and Brenda discovered that their daughter’s problems were being fueled by a heavy drug addiction. During her freshman
year of college, Annie had gotten mixed up with the wrong group of people, mainly, a guy named Kyle. He introduced her to drugs, and the
rest was downhill from there. She lived with Kyle in a drug-induced stupor for the next two years. There were weeks they would disappear and
nobody would know where they were or hear from them. Brenda and Gerry spent many nights crying and praying, fearing that she was dead
in some heroin house. As Gerry recalled, “I blamed this guy. I had tried several times to drive up to Indiana to get her, to rescue her, but she
would never come with me. I was convinced that Kyle was manipulating her. I was convinced that if it wasn’t for him my daughter would not
be doing drugs and not be in the shape she was. For the first time in my life, I allowed my hatred to take me to a dark place. I began daydreaming about how I could kill Kyle. I thought about how I would do it and how I would cover it up. I convinced myself it was the only thing I
could do to get my daughter back. I planted a seed of hate in my heart that night, and the root of bitterness began to grow. It was fertilized
daily by my thoughts of getting rid of Kyle.”
Hate is our natural response to any deep and unfair pain. It’s an instinctive backlash against anyone who wounds us wrongly. Nobody wants to
admit they hate someone, because it makes us feel cruel and malicious. Hate makes you want to see them hurt in the same way they made
you hurt. It makes you dream about evening the score. As Gerry was telling me his story, it never once crossed my mind that his anger, his
vengeance, his hate, was unjustified.
Here’s the truth about forgiveness, though: authentic forgiveness is never cheap. When we get hurt and the hurt is deep and the hurt is unfair, we want the other person to get hurt back. We want them to know the pain that they’ve inflicted on us. We want them to pay. I know
what that feels like. You do too. It’s human nature.
The only way we’ll be able to forgive others when they wrong us is understanding that when we sin against God, when we run as far away
from Him as we can, when we return, He receives us. When we get that, when that moves from our head to our heart, we understand that we
can’t do anything but forgive people when they wrong us. We can’t help but begin to let go of the hate that has us barricaded in the past. As
we forgive people, we gradually begin to see them differently. Our hate blinds us, keeping us from seeing them apart from what they’ve done
to us. But forgiveness allows us to see deeper into them. They were broken human beings before they hurt us, and they are broken human
beings after they hurt us. I’m not saying it becomes easy, but when you understand how you have wronged God and that you have been a
messed-up person who has only sinned against Him your entire life and yet He’s received you through the death of His Son, you are compelled
to forgive other people. My understanding of God’s forgiving me despite me enables me to forgive others despite others. And while this act of
forgiveness may not erase your past hurt, it does erase the power it has over you. It all allows your past to truly become just that — your past.
Breathe Grace (a devotion on forgiveness)
by Pete Wilson, Let Hope In
Sometimes it takes so long you actually can’t remember the moment you did it. You just kind of wake up one day, and when you think of that
person, you’re surprised to discover that you don’t hate them near as much. You realize you’ve actually started to forgive them without even
consciously making a decision to. After about two years Annie, whom Gerry thought he would never have a relationship with again, moved
back home. The abusive relationship she had with Kyle was finally over. But even though he had his daughter back, his hatred for Kyle continued to rage. At our lunch, Gerry said, "Pete, one day I woke up and knew I had to let this anger go. It was damaging my ability to love anyone.
I had become a bitter, wound-up, short-tempered man, because my vengeance was slowly poisoning me. It took me a while, but day by day I
began to let the hurt go. I continually reflected on the love and forgiveness of Jesus and asked God to fill me with what he had already extended to me." Gerry continued, “I asked my daughter if Kyle still worked at the same plant he had for years. She assured me that as far as she
knew he was. So that morning, not able to take it anymore, I started the four-hour drive.” When Gerry reached Kyle (he said), “I’m here to say
that I’m sorry. I’ve held a lot of anger toward you over the years for what I felt you had done to Annie and I want you to know I’m sorry.” As
Gerry stood there in the lobby of this plant embracing Kyle, he felt a peace come over him that he hadn’t felt in years. “The last time I was
driving this direction on this road, I was contemplating killing a man because I was filled with so much rage and hate toward him. This time I
was beginning to be filled with love toward the same man, whom I had just finished embracing. Never forget how powerful of a miracle forgiveness is.”
In recent years I’ve spent a lot of time with people who desperately want to experience the healing that comes along with forgiving someone.
And with each one of them, generally there is one of three hurdles that seem to stand in the way of forgiveness.
The first hurdle is the idea that forgiving is the same as condoning. Forgiving does not mean that you decide you will tolerate injustice. Injustice needs to be fought at every turn. Forgiveness is the opposite of excusing. The fact that forgiveness is needed and granted indicates that
what someone did was wrong and inexcusable. Because forgiveness deals honestly with sin, it brings a freedom that no amount of excusing or
condoning could ever hope to provide.
The second hurdle is the idea that forgiving means you always reconcile with the other person. Sometimes you cannot reconcile. If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. — Romans 12:18. If the other person is not willing to acknowledge their part, if
they are not willing to confess and repent when they have wronged you, then you cannot reconcile.
You cannot build a relationship safely unless it’s built on truth. Without truth, there’s no trust. Without trust, you have no relationship.
The third hurdle is that people often confuse forgiveness and forgetting. We need to forgive precisely because we have not forgotten what
someone did. When we forgive, we must draw on God’s grace and consciously decide not to think or talk about what others have done to hurt
us. Forgiving someone means knowing full well that the offense was inappropriate, improper, or out-and-out wrong — and then deciding to
relinquish your feelings of being entitled to make the guilty person pay. To forgive someone is to let go of your desire to see them hurt. You
let it go.
With forgiveness there is a vertical transaction and a horizontal transaction. This is where we’re learning to trust God, because we start with
this vertical transaction. In an act of trust, we hand over the responsibility of what to do next to God. We fully acknowledge the wrong done to
us, and we place both the act and the consequences into His hands. When someone hurts us, there are consequences. We’re going to live
with the consequences whether we want to or not. Our only choice is whether we will do so in the bitterness of unforgiveness or the freedom
of forgiveness.
Forgiveness is me giving up the right to hurt you for hurting me. Instead of hurting you for hurting me, I make a conscious choice to free you
despite hurting me. While hurt people will hurt people, free people will free people. And when someone hurts us, Jesus stands with us. He
stands in us. His word to us is that He hopes we’ll forgive this person, this offense in the same way He forgave us. That we’ll trust Him to heal
us, restore us, and free us from the hurt.
And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you. — Ephesians 4:32 (NKJV)
For an electronic copy of the Spirit,
please log on to our website at:
www.hlc.church. Hope is a Stephen
Ministry congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
Hope Lutheran Church
8070 Rowan Road
Cranberry Twp, PA 16066
Phone: 724-776-3141
Fax: 724-779-8914
E-mail: info@hlc.church