Vision, Mission and Values CMWA’s VISION Safe, respectful, empowered birth choices for all women CMWA’s MISSION To ensure all women and the community are well-informed, well-prepared and well-supported for pregnancy, birth and parenthood. VALUES & PRINCIPLES Respect, Integrity, Community, Empowerment, Safety, Sustainability 1 CMWA CHEAT SHEET Who is Community Midwifery WA? Community Midwifery WA (CMWA) is a not-for-profit organization which derives the majority of its funding from the WA government. It aims to help parents make informed choices about pregnancy, birth and beyond. What does CMWA do? CMWA offers a range of pregnancy work-shops, up-to-date, evidence based information and resources and midwifery advice to pregnant women and their partners. CMWA also offers post-natal support for the early days of parenting. CMWA’s childbirth education and post-natal services are free to all CMP clients, but are offered to anyone in the community, generally for a fee. What do we advocate for? Choices in childbirth Our vision is for safe, respectful, empowered birth choices for all women. We believe that it is a fundamental right of every woman to choose where and how she gives birth – be it in a birthing centre, in public or private hospital, at home. Continuity of care We believe that continuity of care can facilitate a positive relationship based on trust between a women and her carer resulting in a more empowered and satisfying birthing experience. Where a woman requires a number of health professionals to be involved in her care, this care should be provided in a collaborative and consultative manner with a lead maternity carer available to coordinate that care. At all times the woman and her baby should be at the centre of the care and provided with up-to-date evidence to enable her to make informed choices about that care. What is CMWA’s role in delivering WA Health’s Community Midwifery Program (CMP)? The CMP is a WA Health service which CMWA partners to deliver. WA Health is responsible for the clinical governance and human resources management of the CMP. CMWA provides administrative support, antenatal education and post natal support services at no charge to clients on the CMP. We also provide community awareness services to ensure women are informed of all their choices in childbirth. What services does CMWA offer? CMWA’s childbirth education classes begin with the Choices in Childbirth session, a two hour interactive information session. Early Pregnancy classes are for women and partners in the first 16 weeks of pregnancy. Preparation for Childbirth classes are offered for the second trimester, run over 6 weeks and developed on the National Childbirth Trust model. They include a 2 hour session on breastfeeding. A shorter session for second time parents, and one on one sessions with FIFO parents is also offered. Finally as part of the Preparation for Childbirth series we offer a Dad 2 Dad session facilitated by a male Midwife and father of four. At around five weeks before birth we offer a four hour Active Birth Workshop to prepare the woman and her partner to labour actively. VBAC and Positive Caesarean classes are offered, as well as birth pool and other equipment hire services offered on a cost-recovery model. Post-natally we offer lactation consultations for $40 for women in the community, or free for women on the CMP. We also offer Mother Nurture groups, co-facilitated by a peer and a therapist, a model developed by CMWA and delivered in Gosnells, Fremantle and Mandurah, with a sister group Making Sense of Motherhood running at Joondalup Women’s Healthworks. Supporters CMWA is a not for profit organisation eligible to seek funding from a range of sources to diversify and increase our services to women in WA, consistent with our vision and mission. North Metropolitan Area Health Service have just re-funded CMWA for 3 years from 1 July 2012-30 June 2015 to deliver antenatal education, administration and post natal support services for the CMP. We have also been funded for three years to deliver a childbirth education service for Refugee and Migrant women in the southern suburbs of Perth. CMWA has been re-funded for 2013 to deliver antenatal education to parents and High School students, and antenatal education train the trainer for service providers in the West Pilbara. Lotterywest has supported CMWA in 2012 to undertake a Strategic Planning Process which will create a Five Year Plan from 2013-2018 They have also supported us to update our library stock, hire equipment stock and childbirth education resources City of Mandurah has funded CMWA to deliver Mother Nurture Groups in Mandurah from 2012-2014 We also received funding from Friends of Heatchote to pay for equipment to establish the group. 3 Partners CMWA is a passionate believer in well-thought out and clearly documented partnerships as a smart and effective way to deliver services to the community. We are always keen to develop partnerships with government, nongovernment and business. From the Heart WA Our partnership with From the Heart WA has been vital in the development and delivery of Mother Nurture Groups. We share their passion and belief in the importance of the lived experience in assisting others to wellness, and to feeling confident and happy raising their babies. WA Health’s Community and Child Health Services (CACH) CMWA has been able to deliver a Mother Nurture group in Mandurah thanks to the support of CACH who provide Lindy Henry to co-facilitate the group. WA Perinatal Health Unit CMWA has received considerable support from WAPMHU to access funding to develop the Mother Nurture groups we offer, as well as to deliver awareness events for perinatal mental health. Universities There are now three universities in Perth offering Midwifery qualifications. CMWA is very keen to ensure women in the community are aware that they can access midwifery students seeking continuity of care experience hours in order to graduate and we have updated our website to include a page to facilitate women getting in touch to find a student. This support has been invaluable for our Refugee and Migrant service, as well as for the many women pregnant in Perth who have little or no family support, and/or a partner working Fly in Fly Out (FIFO). Australian Doulas We have been delighted to support Australian Doulas’ successful funding application for rebranding, and value their doula training program which continues to provide volunteers for the Refugee and Migrant Program. Women’s Health Services CMWA enjoys productive partnerships with Women’s Health Services, particularly Ishar Multicultural Women’s Health Service, Midland Women’s Healthcare Place, Joondalup Women’s Healthworks, Women’s and Families Health Services Northbridge, Fremantle Women’s Health Care Place and South Eastern Metropolitan Women’s Health and Wellbeing Services (formerly Gosnells Women’s Health). Partnership relationships include the benefits of networking to better define and deliver services, use of premises to deliver antenatal education in different areas of Perth, support letters for grant applications, and a venue for our Mother Nurture Group in Gosnells. We are very grateful to all the staff of women’s health services across Perth who have been so supportive and helpful. Members As an incorporated organisation, CMWA has a membership base which is essential to our organisation’s well-being. Many join as members to pursue their goal of self-education through our lending library, while others join to volunteer or provide other support. It goes without saying that CMWA is extremely grateful for the support of our Members. Last year we were fortunate to attract new and renewing membership subscriptions to the tune of $3,475.00, and while this helps fund our library service, the knowledge that so many women support what we do is invaluable. Volunteers CMWA continues to be spoiled for choice with volunteers. There are team of volunteer Midwifery Students and Doulas who support our Refugee and Migrant Project, working with the women to provide the support they need. This year, the CMWA Manager was supported by Lotterywest, WACOSS and MODAL to undertake a Diploma of Management, and chose as her project CMWA’s Volunteer Program. We were lucky enough to engage regular support from Imke Konow, who updated our volunteer policies and procedures and got started on our Archive project. The purpose of the archive project was to separate out clinical and non-clinical archival material and ensure all clinical archives are stored with the Clinical Midwifery Manager of the Community Midwifery Program. Administrative archival material was then sorted and those items no longer required were shredded. A register of archival material was established, documenting all of this work, and creating a schedule for ongoing shredding of administrative archives on a 7 yearly cycle. Imke returned to Europe after the first phase was finished, and Kristy Woodleigh offered us a whole week of full time work and completed the Archive project for us. We have long enjoyed the support of Sandra Grey who visits us weekly and keeps the CMP Application Packs organised, and she is currently enjoying a lovely long holiday with her husband. Jeanette Booth appeared on the scene after Sandra’s departure on holiday, and descends on us every Tuesday and powers through a mountain of administrative work. Clarissa Machin continues to support as in the library and undertaking any tasks we ask of her. Last December we had a simple Volunteer Celebration which was rained off so was held not at King’s Park, but at our premises instead. This December we have put in for Department for Communities funding to get together the many birth-related organisations such as Birthrites and Australian Doulas which give so much of their time to support women. We are hoping to hold a celebration at South Beach with all of us together. 5 Outgoing Chair’s Report DEBBIE SLATER Change is the only certainty, and never more so that in the maternity care sector at present. This has been a very eventful year on a number of fronts, and I have attempted to summarise these complex developments below. Federal Reforms As Chair of CMWA I was able to report regularly on the progress of federal maternity reforms due to my involvement in a number of state and federal committees looking at these issues. Many of you will be aware that the federal reforms to provide Medicare provider numbers and prescribing privileges for privately practising midwives have been under review over the last year. In August of 2012 at the meeting of the Standing Council on Health (that is, all the State Health Ministers), it was agreed that the exemption for Privately Practising Midwives be extended to 2015. Collaborative arrangements were also reviewed to allow midwives to have a collaborative agreement with a health service rather than an individual medical practitioner. Continuity of Care Models While these are two positive initiatives, the reality is the continuity of care with a known midwife remains the option for a minority of women. CMWA remains very passionate and committed to ensuring this model of care is available to women not just through the Community Midwifery Program, but in all public maternity care hospitals. To this end we ensure we are represented on the Models of Care Working Group at Women’s and Newborns Health Network, and utilise our ability to meet with the Minister for Health to actively promote this agenda. Statewide Homebirth Policy and the Review of Homebirths in WA The Statewide Homebirth Policy was quietly released in the last financial year, with minimal negative media backlash. This policy, while we acknowledge concerns about tightening inclusion criteria for women, at least paves the way for this model of care to be part of the mix of maternity services in WA. In 2008 the Review of Homebirths Report was released, and this prompted significant effort from the CMP Midwives to work on addressing the recommendations. Therefore, when the Review of Homebirths in Western Australia – Progress Report was finally released some time after it was finished, it was clear that most of the recommendations relating to the CMP had been addressed. There were recommendations for other health services too – for example, increasing the number of continuity of care models available to women especially those not experiencing a low risk pregnancy, and therefore not eligible to birth on the CMP – but this is definitely still a work in progress. CMWA in 2011-2012 To bring it all back to the local context, this has been a very interesting and challenging year for CMWA in that three major sources of funding all came to an end on 30 June 2012. I noted in last year’s Annual Report that WA had signed up to a new arrangement for funding not for profits – the Delivering Community Services in Partnership policy. As the Manager’s Report highlights, this has been a positive initiative for CMWA in that we have been able to secure more sustainable funding to deliver support services to the CMP. We have also been able to continue to grow our services such as the Refugee and Migrant Project, which instead of having Lotterywest special project funding, has now secured three years’ funding to continue to develop. As a provider of childbirth education and post natal support services, CMWA looks set to be able to continue to grow, to support women’s choices in childbirth. I invite you to review the full reports of our main services and take the opportunity to thank all the CMWA staff who ensure that these services are delivered to such a high standard, with professional and heart felt enthusiasm. I commend the Manager Pip Brennan’s efforts in ensuring all services have been re-funded. Farewell…. After a very happy and productive ten years in Perth, I have decided to re-locate to the UK for the next few years while my sons undertake university studies in the UK. It has been wonderful to be involved with the CMWA team, and I want to thank each and every Board and Staff member who have made this journey so positive. I know I am leaving CMWA in very capable hands with our new Chair and our Manager already working together very productively to bring about the next exciting chapter in CMWA’s history. Incoming Chair’s Report JUSTINE HYAMS In July of 2012 Debbie Slater announced that she would be returning to the UK. This certainly left all of us on the Board, as well as CMWA staff, feeling in shock! Debbie has been such an amazing advocate for women’s choices in childbirth, with influential state and federal roles. She was also a highly valued childbirth educator, having delivered the 6 week Preparation for Childbirth classes for CMWA since 2007. To say she will be sorely missed doesn’t quite do it justice. I joined the CMWA Board in November of 2011 as a very happy customer of the CMP. I had heard about the CMP while still living in Tom Price, heavily pregnant with baby number 2 after a long break. Baby no 1, by now in High School, had encountered the educational talents of CMWA’s Ruth McIntosh and Melanie Gregory at a school talk in Tom Price, funded through the Communities for Children project administered in the West Pilbara. Son number one came home full of questions and interest in the impending birth of his brother. Still unsure of the best birthing options for me in Perth, I met with Ruth and Mel before they left Tom Price, and found myself booked on the CMP in Perth where I enjoyed the most amazing birth experience ever. Co-Location with the Cockburn GP Superclinic in 2013 At my first Board meeting, the issue of rising rent in the North Fremantle premises was raised, and the opportunity for CMWA to become a tenant at the soon to be built Cockburn GP Superclinic was first suggested. I have been happy to lend my professional expertise in construction to continue to steer this project to the stage of getting an ideal new premises for CMWA – it is a very exciting opportunity and will greatly enhance our abilities to reach pregnant women, and to work with GP and allied services to develop services that better suit women’s needs. Reducing our rent and increasing parking and passing trade will also be wonderful benefits of the move. The current best estimate is for a September 2013 move. Strategic Planning – Five Year Plan 2013-2018 It was also identified that CMWA was in need of an opportunity to reflect on our current stage of development, and think about where we would like to go from here. This process is underway as we speak with a new Strategic Plan due for release by January 2013. As noted in the Manager’s report, re-branding is a priority for CMWA to ensure that we can continue to grow as a not for profit organisation delivering education and support services to pregnant women no matter where they are having their baby. I have been very honoured to join CMWA’s Board and take on the role of Chair and look forward to overseeing a very exciting and important stage of CMWA’s development as an organisation. 7 Manager’s Report PIP BRENNAN It has been a very demanding and exciting year, with three separate funding agreements due to come to a close. I am delighted to say that since the end of the financial year we have been able to secure ongoing funding for all three contracts, so that has been a huge achievement for us. All not for profit organisations now fall under the Delivering Community Services in Partnership Policy, which means that when negotiating service agreements with WA government agencies we stipulate how much it costs to deliver a service, rather than being awarded potentially unsustainable amounts of funding. The new policy supports the development and growth of the not for profit sector to ensure we can go on delivering reflexive, support, women and family based services to the community. The new policy also calls for outcomes based agreements, where actual outcomes from the services are articulated and negotiated with the WA government funding partner. While challenging, this approach is a welcome focus on delivering excellent services. I continue to have unwavering support from the CMWA staff and Board and am very grateful for their talents and commitment. It has been a huge adjustment to see the departure of our much loved Chair Debbie Slater, and many of us in WA and Australia are reeling from the shock! We have been very lucky to obtain the interim Chair services of Justine Hyams who found out about us through the West Pilbara Childbirth Education project. Justine brings a fresh and different perspective, as a recent CMP client and a professional business woman to help us to continue to grow as an organisation. Service Agreement with WA Health We have now completed the 2.5 year Activity Based funding agreement with WA Health to provide support services to the CMP. We have successfully negotiated a new Outcomes Based agreement to carry out the same services, with some additions and growth of capacity. What this specifically means is that we provide four services; 1. Community Awareness activities to ensure women know about all their choices in childbirth and the CMP 2. CMP Administration for the day to day administration of the CMP 3. Antenatal education for the CMP 4. Post natal support services namely lactation consultations and Mother Nurture groups. Our services are free to women on the CMP but are open to all women in the community, usually for a fee. It is important to note that while CMWA provides support services to the CMP, the CMP is a WA Health service and the clinical governance and human resources management reside with WA Health. The CMP sits under North Metropolitan Area Health Service’s Public Health and Ambulatory Care division. Lotterywest Grant CMWA was again funded by Lotterywest, this time to conduct a 5 Year Strategic Plan, as well as to replenish our library and childbirth education resources, and boost the range and number of items we hire to support women’s choices in childbirth and early parenting. CMWA and the Community Midwifery Program One of the key issues we would like to address in our 5 Year Strategic Plan is the confusion in most people’s minds between CMWA and CMP. It is, as they say, complicated. As the table below illustrates, there has been a fundamental change in the management of the CMP since 2006. However, because of the similarity of names and branding, and the inter-connectedness and support of each entity, there is significant confusion in the community as to who does what. In very simple terms, CMWA is a not for profit organisation which provides administration, antenatal education and post natal support services for the CMP. CMWA is like all not for profit organisations, free to seek funding opportunities to deliver services that support our mission. The CMP is a WA Health service delivering a maternity service to low risk women living in Perth wishing to have a known midwife to birth at home or in a public hospital. 1996-2001 2006-2009 2009-2012 and onwards CMWA: -Insurance of CMP -Clinical Governance of CMP -HR Management of CMP Midwives -Administration of CMP -Antenatal Education CMWA: -Administration of CMP -Antenatal Education CMWA: -Administration of CMP -Antenatal Education -Post Natal Support Services -Special Projects – Refugee Migrant, West Pilbara etc – sky is the limit! HEALTH: Provided funding directly to CMWA to deliver the CMP HEALTH: -Insurance of CMP -Clinical Governance of CMP -HR Management of CMP Midwives HEALTH: -Insurance of CMP -Clinical Governance of CMP -HR Management of CMP Midwives Re-branding, moving – what next?? As noted in our Incoming Chair’s Report, we will be looking at re-branding, and re-naming to make it more obvious to the community what we are about and what we do. We are taking the opportunity of our impending move from North Fremantle to the Cockburn GP Super Clinic to undertake the process concurrently, so that when we are in our new premises we will have our new branding, new name and new ideas and partnerships to develop and deliver our services. Consumer Representation CMWA now has a presence on a range of committees, including Women’s and Newborns Health Network, and its Executive Advisory Group, the Network’s Continuity of Care Working Group, the Safe Sleeping Group, the Refugee and Migrant Maternal Health Advisory Group, as well as the State Perinatal Mental Health Group and a range of Early Years groups across areas of Perth. We also delivered the inaugural Maternity Consumer Representation Training as a small pilot in partnership with the Health Consumers’ Council and will be developing a page on our website to highlight support and opportunities to be a Consumer Representative. We are very passionate about empowering women to have an effective say and strongly believe the best way forward to achieve the many reforms and an increase in midwifery led maternity care services is through the voice of women. 9 CMWA Services Report Community Awareness CMP Marketing In 2010 CMWA received extra funding to undertake marketing of the CMP, and over the 2011-12 financial year it has been really wonderful to be able to carry out some of the more expensive ideas such as putting leaflets into Bounty Bags, running a toilet door advertisement campaign and targeting local newspapers with flyers. We have been attending shopping centres regularly with an information stall and a birthing pool, which can certainly make for interesting Saturday morning discussions. All in all we have visited 9 shopping centres, had stalls at 11 different Expo events, including a Women’s Health Day for GPs. We have spoken to more than a thousand women and given out countless leaflets and balloons. There has been a discernible increase in numbers on the CMP; from 258 to 301, and it is wonderful to know that we will be able to continue to offer a marketing program under the new WA Health contract to keep the message out in the community. We are still perfecting our approach to General Practitioners, as we recognise that this can be a difficult area to tackle, due to the workload of GPs and the number of people wanting to reach them with information, some of whom have significant budgets! We are currently perfecting a system of approaching GP surgeries to obtain appointments for follow up presentations on the CMP so that GPs feel confident in referring women to the program. CMWA’s Website Our website continues to be a crucial part of community awareness, with the internet and word of mouth continuing to be the main sources women finding out about CMWA and the option of birthing on the CMP. Our website statistics show a clear upward trend in hits, reflecting our impression of increasing business! Website Hits CMWA's website Jan-Jun 2010 Jul-Dec 2010 Jan-Jun 2011 Jul-Dec 2011 Jan-Jun 2012 7416 8501 10820 11971 14997 CMWA’s Community Awareness/ Front of House Presence CMWA’s North Fremantle office saw a steady increase of women and families attending for classes and consultations, to browse the library and to drop off or pick up birthing pools and other hire equipment. We record all the different requests for information we get from women and families, and the community. As is clear, a large percentage of the enquiries we receive relate to the CMP, alongside Choices information, it is more than half our workload. Our workshops are next in frequency, with our library continuing to be popular. CMP Administration Jackie Skilton and Jane Stanley continue to offer a wonderfully efficient and warm front of house for the CMP. They are located in the Joondalup office and have been joined by Jesika Mullins to keep on top of the demanding level of paperwork, which has only grown in the wake of the Statewide Homebirth Policy and the increased interest generated by the CMP Marketing project. The CMP Admin Team continue to keep on top of all the changes necessitated through policy and procedure reviews conducted by WA Health. Their dedication and commitment is to be highly commended. Jesika Mullins Jane Stanley Jackie Skilton CMP Statistics – where are they? As this Annual Report highlights in various places, CMWA is striving to provide some clarity about its relationship with the CMP. It was therefore decided not to include statistics for the CMP in this Annual Report, as they are WA Health data and need to be released as part of the North Metropolitan Area Health Service’s Annual Report. Please do feel free to contact the CMP Manager to find out more. 11 Childbirth Education RUTH MCINTOSH Our pregnancy classes have continued to grow and develop. Our range of classes is designed to be taken over the course of pregnancy, or even pre-pregnancy. We have spent some time this year in documenting the CMWA childbirth education programs, articulating our interactive and innovative style of antenatal education designed to engage and empower parents to be. 2nd Trimester Early/ PrePregnancy Choices in Childbirth Early Pregnancy Class Preparation for Childbirth - 6 week series, or Old Hands for second and subsequent children. 3rd Trimster Active Birth Workshop Dad2Dad Breastfeeding Our Childbirth Education Team has currently expanded with the partnership with ECU, whose Midwifery lecturers are now conducting the Active Birth Workshops in Joondalup. Some statistics: We ran: • 43 Active Birth Workshops at North Fremantle, Joondalup, Curtin and Midland • 63 Choices in Childbirth sessions at North Fremantle, Joondalup, in our Schools and out in the community • 33 Preparation for Childbirth sessions, including the 6 week series (including the Breastfeeding workshop), Dad2Dad workshops, our new Old Hands sessions for second and subsequent babies and Especially for You one on one sessions for families who struggle to get to the classes for the 6 week series Participants Choices in Childbirth Info Active Birth Workshops Preparation for Childbirth Midwifery/ lactation advice hours Attendance at centres Total 08-09 54 238 450 352 828 1922 09-10 626 234 510 571 1423 3364 10-11 1588 316 939 615 1430 4888 11-12 2370 400 725 542 2424 6461 Feedback from classes “I am a midwife and a mother of 2 and I learnt new things today which is great. I also found the information thorough and consistent which is great.” (Active Birth Workshop Comment) “Enjoyed everything, has really got me thinking about my options and I'll research more now.” (Active Birth Workshop comment) “I walked away knowing more from this session than I ever did through my entire first pregnancy” (Choices Workshop comment) “Good "meat & potatoes" info to help women make informed choices around birth” (Choices Workshop comment) “I cannot emphasise enough how much the classes helped me to look at childbirth in a very positive manner.” (Prep 4 Childbirth Workshop comment) “All information was delivered non-biased and factual.” (Prep 4 Childbirth Workshop comment) “Such good advice and support” (Prep 4 Childbirth Workshop comment) 13 Post Natal Support Services Mother Nurture Groups 2011-2012 has been an important year for the Mother Nurture program. Significant effort has gone into documenting the model effectively, with a view to growing it further to assist more mothers in the early months of parenting. Through our partnership with From the Heart WA, CMWA was able to present at the Marce Conference in 2011, highlighting our Mother Nurture group programme at the Conference Breakfast. Mother Nurture received significant interest, including from Lindy Henry from Peel, and through the generosity of City of Mandurah we were able to successfully replicate the group model to Mandurah with Lindy cofacilitating with From the Heart’s Cathryn de Franco. Mother Nurture developers and co-ordinators: Therapist Facilitator Sue Coleson and Peer Faciltiator Adele James We are currently running three groups – at North Fremantle, Armadale (which is re-locating to Gosnells from Term 4) and at Armadale. We continue our partnership with Women’s Healthworks in Joondalup to continue to liaise regarding their similar program, Making Sense of Motherhood. Mother Nurture groups run for a 10 week term, and are for mothers of pre-crawling babies. The focus of the group is on facilitating the mother to build confidence in herself as a mother, learning to relish her new and demanding role. All in all there were 13 groups run in the last financial year. Evaluation of the group consists of taking Edinburgh Post Natal Depression (EPDS) scales before and after the group, and in 2012 after consultation with the WA Perinatal Mental Health Unit the Being a Mother (BAM) scale. Women are also asked about their fears and anxieties before and after the group, and their confidence in parenting. The feedback is very positive, with 97% of attendees noting that that felt more positive and less anxious about parenting after attending the class. 79% of respondents showed a decrease in EPDS scores in one case reducing from 23 to 14. 16% remained the same with 5% showing a slight increase. In 2012-2013 we will continue to develop and monitor the program’s results and undertake external evaluation of the model. CMWA is represented on the Perinatal Infant Mental Health Model of Care working group and we will continue to ensure our service is relevant, effective and part of the picture of improving perinatal mental health. Our new funding contract from 2012-15 has allowed for an increase in the number of groups run and has allowed us to appoint Sue Coleson and Adele James onto CMWA’s staff to assist in growing this valuable and effective service. COMMENTS FROM EVALUATION FORMS: “Mother Nurture is a safe place to talk about the real difficulties in becoming a parent” “Gave me allocated time to spend on me and baby – fantastic” “I learned not to be so hard on myself and listen to myself more” CMP Support Services - Post Natal Support Services Lactation Consultations In the last financial year, just under 300 women and families benefitted from CMWA’s Lactation Support service. The strategy to support breastfeeding is several fold: breastfeeding classes in pregnancy run as part of the Preparation for Childbirth six week series, or as a stand-alone two hour class during the day, and lactation support consultations either over the phone or in person with Ruth McIntosh. We have also started hiring out breast pumps for women who require them to maintain supply and continue to breastfeed. In August 2011 CMWA organised for special cakes for World Breastfeeding Week and some newspaper coverage to raise awareness of the importance of breastfeeding. 15 Pregnancy Support For Refugee And Migrant Women The generous Special Projects funding offered by Lotterywest over 3 years to deliver a Pregnancy Support Project for Refugee and Migrant Women concluded on 30 June 2012. We were delighted to be provided with three years’ funding from the Minister for Health, which we aim to supplement with fundraising initiatives in the next year. In April of 2012 we said a sad farewell to Lisa Chalmers, and to Dionne Waddell who worked so hard on the project; Lisa in particular established the project from scratch. Lisa and Dionne have been replaced by midwives Felicity Kostera and Siana Crichett, joined by Naomi Winter who is providing administrative support. There was a noticeable increase in referrals from April which has continued, keeping Felicity and Siana very busy. We are currently working on a partnership with South Eastern Metropolitan Women’s Health and Wellbeing Services (formerly Gosnells Women’s Health) to deliver the program from their premises, enhancing the opportunities for women to engage with local services such as the Save the Children Playgroup held in the same building weekly. Statistics from 2011-2013 New referrals Women seen Appointments Interpreters Used Home visits Hospital visits Doulas placed Midwifery Continuity of Care Experience Students linked with women Clients birthed CMP referrals CMP births Presentations Liaison Meetings Professional Development Number 45 99 214 55 184 51 25 5 23 2 1 4 58 3 We have partnered with Ishar, Womens and Families Health Services Northbridge and Women’s and Newborns Network to engage service providers in the area of refugee maternal health to discuss collectively how best to deliver services. A very successful forum was held in August and a Working Group on maternity care for Refugee and Migrant women has now been convened by Women’s and Newborn’s Health network to ensure there is better coordination in the sector to agree and define models of service going forward. While we are continuing to deliver a service in the southern suburbs of Perth we are very keen to ensure that we are part of the systemic overview and planning of services to ensure we continue to deliver relevant, effective services. Communities For Children West Pilbara RUTH McINTOSH and MELANIE GREGORY As reported last year, CMWA was given the exciting opportunity to branch out in our service delivery by providing childbirth education in the West Pilbara. Putting the WA back into CMWA, if you will! We obtained the services of Curtin University to undertake external evaluation, which was very beneficial both in terms of developing the program and reporting on its effectiveness. CMWA’s visits to the West Pilbara in 2011- 2012 took place over two consecutive weeks in May. The first swing was to Tom Price and Paraburdoo ; the second swing was to Karratha and Roebourne. The following sessions were delivered: • • • • • • • • Train the Trainer Active Birth Workshop Nintirri (training relevant service providers embedded within communities in facilitating Active Birth Workshops) (May 9); Active Birth Workshop for Families Nintirri (May 10); Pregnancy and Childbirth Education Tom Price Senior High School (May 10-11); Train the Trainer Breastfeeding Nintirri (May 11) Breastfeeding for Families Nintirri (May 11) Yarning Session Mawarnkarra Health Service (May 16) Pregnancy and Childbirth Education Girls’ Group Onslow (May 16) Train the Trainer Active Birth Workshop Nickol Bay/Karratha (May 17) Our contract to deliver childbirth education in the West Pilbara came to a close on 30 June 2012 and we are delighted to say that we have been provided with further funding to continue to deliver both antenatal education and school talks, with the next sessions planned for Term 4 2012. “Many of the comments made by participants in May 2012, whether they were local service providers or families, related to the benefits of the experiential learning in a group context about the process of pregnancy and the support and options available, rather than traditional didactic learning approaches.” Curtin University External Evaluation Report 17 CMWA’s Team STRATEGY & GOVERNANCE Board of Management Justine Hyams - Chairperson Tracey Scotchbrook Carole Pinch Natalie Greig Sara Davis Judith Wilson Claire Ross Manager Pip Brennan WAHealth Liaison, Grants, HR, Governance, Finance, Project Management Childbirth Education Ruth McIntosh - Post natal Support Services CMP Administration Community Awareness Special Projects Co-ordinator Danielle Freeth Melanie Gregory Lactation Support Ruth McIntosh Jane Stanley Jackie Skilton Jesika Mullins Amanda McKinley Naomi Newman Debbie Slater Mother Nurture Groups - Sue Clark - Reception, Hire, Library Refugee and Migrant Project - Nancy Peters Bookkeeping Felicity Kostera Elissa Strumpher Website, Evaluation and Statistics Naomi Winter Siana Crichett Sue Coleson Adele James Jane Stanley Marylou Clark West Pilbara Childbirth Education Project Mark Walters Linda Wilson Ruth McIntosh, Melanie Gregory CMWA’s Merchandising and Fundraising Program In 2011-2012 we have focused on our growing merchandising program of items for hire and sale. The birthing pool hire service is particularly popular. Given the CMP Marketing project, plus our focus on getting core contracts refunded, we have not had the extra capacity to run a fundraising event. This is something we would like to address in the 2012-13 financial year, with a particular focus on funding for the Refugee and Migrant program. Sue Clark is to be congratulated for developing CMWA’s merchandising services which support our library service which is an integral part of ensuring women are aware of their choices in childbirth. She continues to oversee and manage the complexities of this service, while maintaining a smiling presence on our reception desk! Sue has been vital in helping CMWA develop independent sources of funding to supplement our grant funding. CMWA’s Financial Governance CMWA continues to strive to improve our financial reporting and governance to ensure that we are able to report on current projects accurately, and cost grant applications to pursue new project opportunities. A Finance Committee has now been formed with our new Accountant, our Manager, our Bookkeeper Nancy Peters, Sue Clark, and our Treasurer and Chair. We have Our Auditor for 2011-2012 was Francis A Jones and a summary of the financials appears below, the full financials are available for those who are interested. REVENUE OPERATING EXPENDITURE Employee salaries, benefits etc Depreciation Other administrative costs NET DEFICIT/ SURPLUS 2012 $ 821,264 2011 $712,026 $463,279 $ 18,776 $327,791 $ 11,418 $381,823 $ 18,851 $306,781 $ 4,571 Our bookkeeper Nancy hard at work! 19
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