May 3, 2015 5th Sunday of Easter Holy Name of Mary Parish Serving San Dimas and La Verne and surrounding communities Staffed by the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary Page 2 5th Sunday of Easter My dear sisters and brothers, Last weekend we had an experience of community that continued to define who we are and are becoming. Thanks to each of you for making a choice to do something. The beauty of our Festival is that we are reminded that we are all branches connected to one life – giving vine. Even in the midst of the rain the community remained as one. It might not have unfolded the way we hoped it would but Sunday became a reminder again of who we are. The tribute to Mrs. Candy Kuzmickas for her over 35 years of service to our school was emotional and expressive of a grateful community. I am especially grateful to: x San Dimas Sheriffs & Explorers for their presence, support and availability for all three days. x Each person who stepped foot on the property to buy a ticket, go on a ride or watch someone go on one, buy something to eat, make something to eat, staff a booth, picked up paper and cleaned up, looked out specifically for the safety of our children. x Tom Kay & David Bugelli and their families for again making this more than it was last year. x Sarah Barr and her helpers in selling tickets right up to the last minute for the car raffle. x You who could not come but still bought a ticket to support us. x The school community, parents, Candy Kuzmickas, staff, and faculty for enabling Friday morning to unfold the way it did. Our sister school Immaculate Conception turned this into Disneyland. x All who donated so that 320 children from the inner city could enjoy something they could only dream of. x I am proud to be your pastor and continue to grow in love of each of you. As branches of Christ the Vine, we are part of something greater than ourselves, something which transform and transcends the fragility of our lives. In our simple acts of kindness and most ordinary help and support, may we realize and celebrate our connections to each other and the Risen Christ. We are who we are, and who we are becoming: Broken, wounded, frayed; unworthy, worthy; gifted, limited; Weak, strong. We are who we are, and who we are becoming: asleep, awake; giving, self-absorbed; changed, changing; deserved, underserving. We are the beloved children of God, Blessed by Grace. So take us as we are, Holy One: Even while there is still so much healing needed, help us to accept and welcome others as they are, and as they are becoming. Use us, refine us, “Summon out what we should be. Place your seal upon our hearts:” Live in us. Set us free. What connections give you life, take life from you? How do you nurture your connections? What and who do you take for granted that you are connected to. Thank you for remaining connected to Holy Name of Mary. So many wonderful branches here in this place: broken, beautiful and becoming the Body of Christ. Remaining in love, connected to you, Fr. Rich, SS.CC. May 3, 2015 Mis queridas hermanos y hermanas, La semana pasada tuvimos una experiencia de comunidad que continua definiendo quiénes somos y que nos estamos convirtiendo. Gracias a cada uno de ustedes por escoger el hacer algo. La belleza de nuestro Festival es que se nos recuerda que todos somos ramas conectadas a una vida– la vid verdadera. Aun en medio de la lluvia, la comunidad permaneció como una. No pudo desarrollarse de la manera que esperábamos que lo haría, pero el Domingo se convirtió en un recordatorio de quiénes somos. El homenaje a la Sra. Candy Kuzmickas por los 35 años de servicio a nuestra escuela fue emotivo y expresivo de una comunidad agradecida. Estoy especialmente agradecido a: x Los Sheriffs de San Dimas y los Exploradores por su presencia, apoyo y disponibilidad en los tres días. x Cada persona que puso un pie en la propiedad para comprar un boleto, subirse a los juegos, o ver a alguien subirse en uno, compró algo de comer, hizo algo de comer, a el personal que estuvo en los puestos, a quien recogió un papel del piso y limpió, a quien estuvo al cuidado específico de la seguridad de nuestros hijos. x Tom Kay y David Bugelli y sus familias por hacer esto de nuevo y más que el año pasado. x Sarah Barr y sus ayudantes por estar en la venta de boletos hasta el último minuto para la rifa del automóvil. x Tú, que no pudiste venir, pero todavía compraste un boleto para apoyarnos. x La comunidad escolar, Candy Kuzmickas, personal y profesores, los padres por permitir la mañana del Viernes el desarrollarse de la manera que lo hizo. A juestra escuela hermana Inmaculada Concepción que convirtió esto en Disneyland. x Todos los que donaron para que 320 niños de los barrios pobres pudiera disfrutar de algo que sólo podían soñar. x Me siento orgulloso de ser su pastor y seguir creciendo en el amor de cada uno de ustedes. Como ramas de Cristo-la vid, somos parte de algo más grande que nosotros mismos, algo que transforma y trasciende la fragilidad de nuestras vidas. En nuestros simples actos de bondad y la más ordinaria ayuda y soporte técnico, podemos realizar y celebrar nuestras conexiones uno al otro y a Cristo Resucitado. Somos quienes somos, y en lo que nos estamos convirtiendo asi: rotos, heridos, mutilados; indignos, dignos; talentosos, limitados; débiles y fuertes. Somos quienes somos, y en lo que nos estamos convirtiendo asi: dormidos, despiertos; generosos, absortos en sí mismos; cambiados, cambiando; merecidos, no merecidos Somos los hijos amados de Dios, bendecidos por la gracia. Así que llevános asi como somos, Santo: aunque todavía es necesaria tanta sanación, ayúdanos a aceptar y dar la bienvenida a otros, asi como son y en lo que se están convirtiendo asi. Usános, refínanos “Convócanos a lo que debemos ser. Coloca tu sello en nuestros corazones:” Vive en nosotros. Libéranos. ¿Qué conexiones le das a vida, le quitas a la vida? ¿Cómo nutres tus conexiones? ¿Qué y a quién tomas por sentado que tu estás conectado también. Gracias por permanecer conectado al Santo Nombre de María. Tantas ramas maravillosos aquí en este lugar: rotas, hermosas y convertiendose en el cuerpo de Cristo. Permaneciendo en el amor, conectado a ti, Fr. Rich, SS.CC. May 3, 2015 HOLY NAME OF MARY PARISH On our festival weekend we had an experience of community that continued to define who we are and are becoming. Thanks to each of you for making a choice to do something. The beauty of our Festival is that it is open to all and that we were able to enjoy together with no incidents destroying our peace. We are grateful to: x San Dimas Sheriffs for their presence, support and availability for all three days. x Each person who stepped foot on the property to buy a ticket, go on a ride or watch someone go on one, buy something to eat, make something to eat, staff a booth, picked up paper and cleaned up, looked out specifically for the safety of our children. x You who could not come but still bought a ticket to support us. x For all volunteers including: Zachary Abraham, Fran Adkins, Mark Alvarado, Patrick Arballo, Donny Balla, Sarah Barr, Ron Bayless, Jacqui Bradley, Boy Scout Troop 423, Susan Bugelli, Grady Callen, Toni Callen, Elias Castro, Sam and Darlene Capuano, Mark Christopher Auto Center, Maurice Cote, Michelle Cote, Lynne Cruise, Dr. Dave Earlandson, Lino Flores, Pete Fosselman, Rita Cruz Gallegos, Marty Gallegos, Kristina Giuliano, Al and Adrick Gonzaz, Steve Gutierrez, Matt Hayden, Colleen Helm, Davey Helm, Helm & Sons, Jen Hoge, Tim Hughes, Petra Irlandez, Debbie Jimenez, Joe Jimenez, Pat Joyce, Candice Kuzmickas, Kathi Lioudakis, Knights of Columbus, William Lee, Enrique Lopez, Tim Lopez, Andy MacMullen, Al Mantilla, Debbie Marquez, Gabe Marquez, Charlie Martinez, Dominic Montanez, Wally Mendoza, Chuck Montoya, Chris Neag, Loretta Neag, Bob Nalbach, Joe Noriega, Ray Ortiz, Natalie Ortiz, Nicholas Ortiz, Dominic Ortiz, Mel and Trinnie Panlilio, Mario Perez - Miller/Coors, Jean Pierce, Paul Pierce, Richard Pittman, Nora Prescott, David Prescott, Kevin Pucci, Ron Rake, Janet Reilly, Hector Rivera, Nick Rivera, Renee Rivera, Amada Robitaille, Donna Rohrer and Family, Vanessa Saavedra, Michael Sanchez, Gary Schwary, William Snyder, Cody Teunisse, Harold Teunisse, Tony Vena, volunteers from the 7th Grade class, the school faculty and staff, the parish staff, Fr. Rich and the Sacred Hearts priests. x And a special thanks to Tom Kay & David Bugelli and their families for again making this more than it was last year. Page 3 Page 4 Sat. Sun. 5th Sunday of Easter May 3, 2015 8:30 D Parish Office 5:00 Dn. Marv and Sharon Estey Ext. 177 Dn. Mario and Irene Lopez Ext. 110 Dn. Jose and Maria Guadamuz Ext. 171 Dn Al and Rita Austin, RCIA Ext. 110 Pat Joyce, Director of Administration Ext. 112 / Janice de Hart, Admin. Asst. to the Pastor Ext. 111 / Michele Cote, Admin. Asst., Ext. 199/ Deborah Lamborghini, Parish Secretary. Ext. 110 / Receptionist, Ext. 110 / Lani Galvan, Coordinator of Liturgy and Ministry Ext. 136 / Brenda Luna, Grief Support Minister Ext. 137 / Dolores Gomez, Director of Music Ext. 135 / Charlie Martinez, Director of Pastoral Ministry / Ext. 140 Geoff Pulido, Youth Minister & Confirmation Coordinator Ext. 234 Melanie Bailey, Coordinator of Catechetical Programs Ext. 232 / Erika Montenegro, Admin. Asst (Rel Ed) / Ext. 280 / St. Vincent de Paul Conference Ext. 138 8:00 10:00 12:30 5:00 Mon. 8:30 Tue. 8:30 Wed. Thu. 8:30 6:30 8:30 Fri. 8:30 Mario Agno, Jeff De Leon, Int. Eduma Umanah, Int. Amaete Umanah C Luis Gutierrez, Haedan Farley, Ray & Irene Zapp, Int. Susan Riady D Int. Debbie Hansen, Int. Ken Butera, Int. Dr. Joseph D Int. Stephanie Charland, Int. Rochelle Balacuit, Int. Marijo & Kennedy McPherson, Pete Kuzmickas, Olivia Esparza, John Van Tilburg, Benita Ballesteros R Micaela Campos, Maria Luisa Valles, Marcello Barrera, Jose Maria Nava, Ruben Ordonez WM Hilary Paul, Hector Gutierrez, Int. Liz Fitzsimmons, Alejandro Jimenez WM Int. Fr. Tom Mullen, SS.CC., Ernesto Santos, Int. Olivia Romero, Int. Luz Macias D Int. Jonathan Schwichtenberg, Vito & Christina Graziano, Ernesto Santos, Int. Virginia Hernandez C Marciano, Alejandro, and Roberto Bacus, Kathleen Murphy D People of the Parish PD Rafael Granada, Pablo Elgron, Dado Lumiqued, Ruperto Abapo D Encarnacion & Gregoria Sandoval, Joe & Lucy Aschoff, Susan Lomastro, Margie Grossi Gonzalez Next Week Priest Mass Schedule: Sat. 5:00—WM, Sun. 8 & 10—D, 12:30—R and 5:00—C Presider Key* C=Cronin D=Danyluk PD=Peter Dennis WM=Bill Moore M= Donal McCarthy R=John Roche VP: visiting priest *Schedule subject to change Rest In Peace Maryann Low Lucille Wilson Paul Green Cardinal McIntyre Fund 2nd Collection this weekend May 2-3 Since 1951, the Cardinal McIntyre Fund for Charity has offered hope for those in crisis situations throughout the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. On May 2-3, all parishes in the Archdiocese will take up this collection. Your contribution goes directly toward emergency help for food, utilities, medical, housing or funeral expenses. Please be as generous as possible. Envelopes will be distributed at all the masses this weekend. Thank you! San Gabriel Valley Magnificat is hosting a prayer brunch with guest speaker Karen Moses, on Saturday, May 9, 2015, 10:00 a.m. -1:00 p.m., (registration @ 9:30) at the Via Verde County Club, San Dimas, CA. Magnificat is a ministry whose objective is to help foster growth in holiness and to live out the mystery of Mary's visit to Elizabeth in our lives. Registration fee: $25 by May 4th, $29 after. Registration forms will be in the entrance of the church. For more information, contact Clara Luera at (626) 963-5532. (909) 599-1243 Fr. Rich Danyluk, SS.CC., Ext. 114 / Holy Name of Mary School Candice Kuzmickas, School Principal (909) 542-0449 Ext. 226 Serving Camps: Afflerbaugh, Paige & Rockey Serving Senior Living Communities: Emeritus, Hillcrest, Casa Bonita, San Dimas Retirement To submit an article for the parish bulletin you must email it to by Monday, no later than 3PM. Holy Name of Mary Mass Schedule Saturday: First Saturday 8:30 AM and 5 PM in English Sunday: 8 AM, 10 AM & 5 PM in English and 12:30 PM en Español Weekdays: Monday — Friday: 8:30 AM in English Wednesday 6:30PM en Español First Friday: Adoration until 6 PM Confessions: 3:30 pm Saturday in English 7:00 pm 4th Wednesday of the month en Español Parish Office 909-599-1243 Fax: 909-599-4230 724 East Bonita Avenue, San Dimas, 91773 Parish Office hours: Monday—Friday 9AM to 5PM Saturday 9AM to 12PM Sunday 9AM to 2:30PM Website: Email: May 3, 2015 HOLY NAME OF MARY PARISH Page 5 From the Director of Administration…… In today’s Gospel reading, Jesus reminds us how important each and every one of us is when He says, “I am the vine; you are the branches.” One of the central ideas in the spirituality of stewardship is how crucial each person is to the success and effectiveness of the community. Of course, together we can do so much more than each of us can individually. Are you using your gifts? Are you using your gifts to build the community and to serve others? Jesus speaks of His Father “pruning” the branches that do not bear fruit. As is often the case in ancient Greek, a word can have two meanings. The word for “prune” is also the word for “cleanse.” That is the point the Lord is most likely making. Until we are “cleansed,” until we have sought conversion and change with the help of God, we are not able to fully fulfill our covenants with God. Stewardship, of course, is a call to each of us to respond to our many gifts with thanksgiving and service. Fruits bear seeds within them. Our response to God’s call is to allow our seeds to produce more fruit. The author Robert Louis Stevenson said, “Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant.” As our Easter season continues, we need to make sure we are attached to the vine of the Lord, and that we are planting seeds. Financial Stewardship: Thank you for your generosity to Holy Name of Mary Parish! HNM School is accepting enrollment for grade 1 for the Fall 2015. Please contact Candice Kuzmickas at 909-542-0449 ext 226. HOLY NAME OF MARY SUMMER SCHOOL Called to live the love of Jesus, we are COMMITTED to the unfolding of faith and high academic standards in every child’s heart and mind. (Mission Statement) …let’s continue the unfolding of faith and high academic standards in your child’s heart and mind. Who: Subjects: Dates & Days: Time: Tuition: Grades K– 8 in the Fall 2015* Reading, Writing/Grammar, Math July 1st – July 31st ; Monday – Thursday 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. $350 *Enrollment is limited to the first 15 students at each level. Applications are available in the school office or on the hospitality cart SAVE THE DATE: SATURDAY, MAY 9TH, 2PM. BISHOP AMAT 5TH ANNUAL ALUMNI FOOTBALL GAME WILL BE HELD AT KIEFER STADIUM! Please tell your classmates, teammates and friends. Contact the Alumni Office at (626)962-2495, ext. 7456 to RSVP and play in the game. Admission is free! Guadalupana Society / Pechanga Casino National Suicide Prevention Lifeline YOU ARE NOT ALONE.1-800-273-TALK (8255) SACRED HEART RETREAT CAMP 2015 Summer Camps Staffed by the Sacred Heart Sisters, these camps offer an enjoyable camping experience in a wholesome Christian atmosphere and a delightful loving spirit. FAMILY CAMP: June 18-21 or June 25-28 GIRLS’ CAMP: July 12-18 or July 26-August 1 For information call 909-866-5696 or Events page — Spaces are limited. Donations are needed to help sponsor a child or family to camp. Please help! Contributions can be sent to: P.O. Box 1795, Big Bear Lake, CA 92315 Join us for a fun day at the Pechanga Casino in Temecula, Saturday, June 13th. Bus will depart from Holy Name of Mary Parish at 10:00 a.m., and will return to the church around 6:00 pm.; $20 per person. For reservations and info call Carmen Val Verde, 909-973-0335. Payment must be made at the time of reservation. Reservations/ cancelations should be made no later than by May 29th. Last minute cancelations will not be reimbursed. Evento Guadalupano. Acompañenos a divertirnos al Casino Pechanga de Temecula el sabado 13 de juno de 10:00 a.m. Boletos $20 por persona con Carmen Val Verde. No se haran reservaciones sin pago anticipado. Ultima fecha para reservar/cancelar su espacio sera a mas tardar el dia 29 de mayo. No Habra reembolso por cancelaciones de ultimo minute. Gracias. (Please note: all trips are subject to cancelation) Page 6 5th Sunday of Easter May 3, 2015 31st Annual Volunteer Recognition Dinner Quiet Cannon Montebello 901 North Via San Clemente, Montebello, 90640 May 11, 2015 6:00 pm Join us for our Parish Book Discussions Only 2 Thursdays left May 7 - May 14 7:00 – 8:00pm Holy Name of Mary School’s Faculty Lounge Over 200 volunteers will be recognized this year for their commitment to serving others in their parishes and in their local communities. For more information, call Tom or Mary Ann Nolan (626) 259-3854 x The sisters of the Trinitarians of Mary will be selling religious articles after all the masses on Sundays, May 3rd & 10th. Please stop by and support the sisters. For more information on the sisters go to Catholic Summer Camp Applications Now Accepted! “Love God, Love Others” That's the motto of the Circle V Ranch Camp, Located in Santa Barbara County's Beautiful Santa Ynez Valley. There are seven sessions to choose from each with its own theme-so hurry to ensure your first pick and enroll your kids ages (7-14). The camp is run by the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, and offers Mass per session. Camp costs $425 per camper. Financial assistance is available, so please don't let the cost keep your child from enjoying the Circle V experience. For more information call Bob Fleming at 909-599-1243 Ext. 138. Bob will return your call as soon as possible. “Living with the Wounded and the Weak” Tuesday, May 12, 2015 9am-4pm $65 per person (includes program, lunch and soft refreshments) Mater Dolorosa Passionist Retreat Center 700 N Sunnyside Ave, Sierra Madre, CA 91024 626-355-7188 This year’s dinner will also honor two distinguished Catholic community leaders who give so generously of themselves in service to others: x Rev. Richard Danyluk, SS.CC., Administrator, Holy Name of Mary Parish (San Dimas) Dan Murphy Foundation Rev. Danyluk and Holy Name of Mary Parish’s strong social service programs, including their St. Vincent de Paul chapter, have partnered with Catholic Charities San Gabriel Region to help serve those most in need in their local community. Dan Murphy Foundation has been a major supporter of Catholic Charities San Gabriel Region’s youth summer programs, helping reduce youth interaction with gangs. All proceeds from this important event will provide needed support for Catholic Charities San Gabriel Region’s programs and services – and provide struggling families and individuals with the tools to break the cycle of poverty. All are welcome to attend. Tickets are $100.00 per person. Sponsorship and advertising /tribute book opportunities are also available. For Reservations or Additional Information, Contact: Diane DeAnda, Catholic Charities, San Gabriel Region QUEEN OF PEACE ROSARY GROUP You are invited to join us on Thursday evenings for prayer and Mass. We meet in the Damien Chapel at 6:45 pm; Mass begins at 7:30 pm. May 7, 2015 Fr. Michael Barry, (6:15pm)(Healing Mass/Sec Br. Formation) MARRIED COUPLES. A Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend will give you the “gardening tools” you need to help your marriage grow and blossom. The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend on May 15-17, 2015 at the Hilton Garden Inn in Arcadia. For more information call David & Teri Muse at (626) 644-1775 or register online at Thank you to our parish family for your generous donations and support for our sister school visit. Your support allowed us to bring Immaculate Conception students to HNM, turn on the festival rides for two hours, provide lunch for everyone, and give each student a special festival T-shirt. What a wonderful day of fun and fellowship at HNM! It would not have happened without you! May 3, 2015 HOLY NAME OF MARY PARISH TOGETHER IN MISSION To date 587 families have paid or pledged a total of 4129,099.52 to Together In Mission. Thank you so much! This says so much about how you choose to live the Gospel message. Please know that your contributions will make such a difference to many schools and parishes that benefit from this wonderful program. WOW (Widows or Widowers and other singles) OLA’s delightful social and casual support group which meets twice a month invites you to join them on the 2nd & 4th Wednesdays of the month from 6:15pm—7:30pm in the OLA auditorium adjacent to the church. Please call Jo Pearring 909-626-0489 or Roseann Hildum 909-455-4638 for more information and RSVPs to game night. Other parishes’ festivals: OLA Fiesta at Our Lady of the Assumption Church returns to Claremont for a 68th year May 8, 9 & 10 St. Louise de Marillac (Covina) Frontier Days Carnival May 29th, 30th & 31st. Peace for the Children - Hope for the World ~ the Choirs and Orchestra of Pueri Cantores San Gabriel Valley Join the young choristers of Pueri Cantores San Gabriel Valley for their 21st Annual Spring concert. The highly acclaimed choir of children and youth from throughout the San Gabriel Valley, under the direction of Patrick Flahive,will perform on Friday, May 22, at 7:30pm in Sacred Heart Church 314 W Workman St. Covina, CA 91790 along with pianist Porfirio Mojica. Suggested donation for tickets is $15 at the door ($12 for seniors and children under 12). Suggested donation is $12 if reserved in advance. Call (626) 918-3994 to reserve tickets at the discounted price. Following the performance, a reception of complimentary treats, hosted by the parents of Pueri Cantores SGV, will take place in the Sacred Heart School Auditorium. Page 7 HNM’s Summer Camp Program June 17 – July 31, 2015 7:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Grade K–8 Daily and Weekly rates available. Registration forms can be found on our website: or at the parish or school offices. CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF THE WORD: Volunteers needed! Looking for volunteers with a heart for children and the Word of God! Our Children’s Liturgy of the Word program meets on Sundays during the 10 am Mass. Children are dismissed during the Liturgy of the Word in order to hear and discuss the readings at their level in a school classroom. Each session is conducted by wonderful catechists sharing their love of the Lord and scripture. Please contact Melanie Bailey at or 599-1243 x232 to find out more about how you can help. SAVE THE DATE EVEREST VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL 2015 August 3-7, 2015* from 9 am – 12:15 pm each day Mark your calendars for our 6th annual Holy Name of Mary VBS in our NEW parish hall! Watch for more information to come on volunteering and registering for this fun, Bible-focused summer camp. * Dates subject to change if hall construction is not complete. PRAY FOR Our Nation Join us Thursday May 7th 11:45am—12:30pm San Dimas City Hall Plaza 245 E. Bonita Ave. Page 8 5th Sunday of Easter Please Pray for the sick and the suffering: Ray Hernandez, Ronald Ortega, Luz Macias, Maria J. Calderon, Consuelo Arroyo, Maria Guerrero, Bubalo Family, Jean Wintrose, Enrique Haro, Gary Wilson, Carolyn Frias, Leia Franco, Dolores Termini, Anthony and Antionette Preciado, Gerry Caccamo, Rene Casillas, Faviola Jimenez, Tom Marshall, Sean Regan, Sandra Maloney, Maryanne Monagle, Margaret Boyle, George Estey, Fel Bautista, Judy Peña, Anissa Michelle, Dorothy Avelar, Calixto de Guzman, Talya Meldy, Bill McLaughlin, Bob Charles, Keith Broome, Sam, Matthew & Noah Beauchamp, Cale Smith, Laura Cowen, Paul Mazzarini, Ana Buenrostro, Amberly Vasquez, Jack Nobrega, Linda Duran, Elisa Perez, David Gonzales, Sandra Cavanaugh, Kathleen Rodriguez Semer, Edna Bambarger, Rosemary Andreu, Darrel Knight, Marion Storte, Bob Garcia, Alvino Luna, Gabriel Murillo, Allen Galle, Rose Swalwell, Marion Storte, Ana Maria Graciamo, Yadira McCleary, Raquel Rojas, Henry Lopez, Martha Martinez, Irma Mejia, Susan Lopez, Cynthia Carrillo, Mason Graven, Jessica & Patrick Han, Mary Constantino, Jose Reyes, Luis Castellanos, Amelia Iniquez, Maria Madrigal, Geremias Landeros, Marbella Romero, Susan Diaz, Josefina Saucedo, Ray Gonzalez, Jr., Jaime Castano, Isaac Martinez, Lucila Martinez, Manuel Hinojosa, Alma Patricia Mendoza, Angie Lotzano, Demetrio Garcia, Jesus Adrian Salazar, Jose Vargas, Claire St. Pierre, Joanne Do, Bart Welsh, Pandora Russell, Angelina Ramirez, Tracy Vasquez, Jeffrey Vasquez, Teresa Burragan, Enrique Cardenas, Eduardo Arista, Cecilia Parra, Pandora Russell, Marion Storte, Jack Graham, Nina Ramirez, Alex Zumansur, Javier Romero, Pati Mendoza, Nick Lopez, Madeline Gentile, Tom Quiroz, Lolita Vazques, Corinne Zamora, Cliff Brittel, Evelyn Runde, Gabriel Zuniga, Jackie Jarillo, Virginia Hernandez, Michael D’amico, Nalzira Borges, Jonathan Mendoza, Fely Benavides, Louie Benavides, Henry Lee, Vince Sayre, Jill Graham, Florencia Garcia, Eloisa Mejia, Kimberly Edwards, Daniel Quezada, Dorothy Chrostek, Patricia Fuller, Marilyn Italiano, Charles Delgado, Judy Murdock, Linda Damato, Esperanza Rosales, Adan Ortiz, Brianna Cervantes, Dee Dee Boyd, Steve Torti, Will Corcoran, Victoria Llanos, Ernestina Toro, Hugo Contreras, Maria De Jesus Romero, Maria Lepe Valasquez, Petra (Nene) Irlandez, Barbara YehleHertz, Molly Hillary, Tracy Vasquez, Robert Coppack, Margie Sanchez, Chit Santos, Paul and Sandra Massarini, Jessy Arellano, Gianny Lucarelli, Cathy Candelaria, Norm Lavallee, Lorraine Atilano, Juan Lopez, Yolanda Jara, Jennifer Caballero, Dorothy Duhaime, Julio & Mary Lou Escobedo, Patty Mendoza, Herlinda Benavides, Carmela Caro, Sherri & Larry Creamer, William Snyder, Carlatta Roberts, Vicki Barstow, Lucita Reyes, Lester Grant, Angelica Lopez, Brandon Love, Jackie Inocencio, Stephanie Grosso, Helen Tice, Ricardo Verdin, John Gonnella, Mandy Grace Lowa, Kevin Gardner, Joshua Padilla, Maria Ayala, Melinda Zamora, Patricia Carter, Katherine De Leon, Terry Jackson, Milagros Ruiz, Evelyn C. Martinez, Ron Constantino, Armando & Sandra Rodriguez, Lorenzo Enriquez, Rosa M. Lanza, Elena Wessel, Ron Belmarch, Sr., Marcellino Vera, Frannie Martin, Tom Caballero, Kenny Sawyer, Randy Gregory, Lynn Martinez, Valerie Castro, Reena Shah, John Jones, Teresa Siegel, Sandy Snyder, Joshua Nilo, Jose Gonzalez, Sonya de Hart and Rusty Spotti May 3, 2015 This Week’s Schedule MONDAY, May 4 6:00 Adoration 8:00 Centering Prayer 8:30 Mass 9:00 Rosary Group 7:00 Hispanic Ministry 7:00 Alcoholic Anonymous 7:00 Bible Institute—Spanish TUESDAY, May 5 6:00 Adoration 8:00 Centering Prayer 8:30 Mass 9:00 Rosary Group 10:00 Tuesday Rosary Group 6:00 Lectors Practice—Spanish 6:00 Lector Formation Training—Spanish 6:00 SHIELD Men’s Ministry Steering Committee 6:30 PTG Board 7:00 SHIELD Men’s Ministry 7:00 Lector Meeting—Spanish 7:00 Choir Rehearsal Adult—English WEDNESDAY, May 6 6:00 Adoration 8:00 Centering Prayer 8:30 Mass 9:00 Rosary Group 6:30 Mass—Spanish 7:00 Adult Confirmation—English 7:00 Adult Faith Formation—Spanish 7:00 Centering Prayer 7:00 R.C.I.A. 7:00 Mavavillas de Jesús 7:30 Marriage Ministry—Spanish THURSDAY, May 7 6:00 Adoration 8:00 Centering Prayer 8:30 Mass 9:00 Rosary Group 6:00 1st Communion Rehearsal 7:00 Prayer Shawl Ministry 7:00 Adult Spanish Confirmation 7:00 Rediscover Catholicism Book Discussion 7:30 Children Choir Rehearsal—Spanish FRIDAY, May 8 6:00 Adoration 8:00 Centering Prayer 8:30 Mass 9:00 Rosary Group 6:00 Confirmation Mass 7:00 Mavavillas de Jesús SATURDAY, May 9 6:00 Adoration 8:30 Communion Service 10:00 Baptism—English 12:00 Special Needs First Communion 3:30 Reconciliation 5:00 Mass SUNDAY, May 10—6th Sunday of Easter 8:00 Mass 10:00 Mass 12:30 Mass—Spanish 2:00 Baptism Prep Class—Spanish (Pre-registration is required) 5:00 Mass CH Chapel CH Chapel OLG J5 S5 CH Chapel CH Chapel Chapel OLG J5 MC LIB Chapel MC CH CH Chapel CH Chapel CH Chapel J6 MC S7 S8 CH CH Chapel CH Chapel CH OLG S8 J5 CH CH Chapel CH Chapel CH S6, S8 CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH J5 CH NOTE: Please refer to your Religious Education Calendar for your child’s class schedule.
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