May 2015 HaKol Herzl-Ner Tamid 3700 East Mercer Way Mercer Island, WA 98040 HaKol is the monthly newsletter of Herzl-Ner Tamid WEDNESDAY • MAY 6 • Iyar/Sivan 5775 6:00 PM Co-Sponsored by Herzl-Ner Tamid & Stroum Jewish Community Center Maccabia, BBQ & Bonfire Join HNT & the J for a community-wide Lag B’Omer celebration! See you at the HNT Wittenberg Waterfront Park Adults: $12 / Kids under 13: free - RSVP at 206-232-8555 • • T’Filot A MESSAGE FROM RABBI ROSENBAUM The Big Inning A classic Jewish joke asks: “Where do we find baseball in the Torah?” The answer: “In the big inning God created heaven and earth.” But, we don’t have to rely on silly puns to find sports in Judaism. What other religious tradition has a holiday devoted to sports events? We do! It’s called Lag B’Omer. Lag B’Omer is the Jewish track and field day. It commemorates our guerilla war against the Romans when we lived in caves, ate by the campfire, and shot bows and arrows as freedom fighters. When I was a child attending Jewish day school, I used to look forward to this day all year. All day long we were at the park doing color war. This wasn’t a break from school. This was actually a Jewish holiday! I reconnected with Lag B’Omer as an adult through my Israeli neighbors, Lenny and Ziva, when our family lived in Worcester, Massachusetts. There was an empty lot across from our house, and one Lag B'Omer, they did what all Israelis do on the holiday. They built a bonfire on the lot and began roasting marshmallows. Soon the whole neighborhood joined them, Jews and non-Jews alike. I was hooked again. It isn’t surprising that Israel should re-connect us with Lag B’Omer. After 2000 years of living outside of our land, we had lost touch with the physical side of our Tradition. Israel was more than a rebuilding of our homeland. It was a rebuilding of the new Jew in the image of our Biblical ancestors. Jews again worked the land and served in an army. In America, too, the new self-confidence of our people expressed itself physically. In the 1920s, seven of the nine American boxing titles belonged to Jews. The truth is, the dichotomy between body and soul has always been alien to Judaism. Maimonides taught that daily exercise is a mitzvah. If our bodies are out of shape, they will distract us from our ability to reach out to others with full energy. What better way to make this point than to devote an entire Jewish holiday to the celebration of sports? So, join us on May 6 for a fun Lag B'Omer field day! There will be intergenerational sports activities for every age and level of ability. There will be relay races that six year olds and eighty-six year olds can enjoy together. And, of course, we’ll have our usual bonfire, marshmallow roast and barbecue. Be part of the team! And, go M’s! May they be blessed this season with many Big Innings! Rabbi Jay Rosenbaum 2 DAILY MINYAN: WEEKDAYS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:00 AM SUNDAYS AND SECULAR HOLIDAYS . . . . . . . 9:00 AM PRESHABBAT ONEG: FRIDAYS . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:30 PM Friday, May 1 - 6:00 PM – Services in Upper Foyer • Birthday Shabbat Saturday, May 2 – Services in Feinberg Social Hall • Parasha Study – 9:30 AM • Services – 10:00 AM • Shabbat for Kids - 10:30 AM Friday, May 8 – 6:00 PM – Services in Upper Foyer Saturday, May 9 – Services in Sanctuary • Parasha Study - 9:30 AM • Services - 10:00 AM • Ner Tamid 50th Anniversary Friday, May 15 – 6:00 PM – Services in Sanctuary • Third Friday Shabbat for Young Professionals - 6:30 PM Saturday, May 16– 10:00 AM – Services in Sanctuary • B’not Mitzvah of Halle Deutsch & Elyse Rice • Babynaming of Dana & Brett Stellman's daughter • Shabbat Minyan – 10:00 AM in Skolnick Board Room Friday, May 22 – 6:00 PM – Services in Upper Foyer • Anniversary Shabbat Saturday, May 23 – Services in Feinberg Social Hall • Parasha Study – 9:30 AM • Services – 10:00 AM • Erev Shavuot Dinner & Learning - 6:00 PM Sunday, May 24 – 9:30 AM – Services in Sanctuary • Shavuot Day 1 • Blessing of the Babies Monday, May 25 – 9:30 AM – Services in Feinberg Social Hall • Shavuot Day 2 • Yizkor Friday, May 29 – 6:00 PM – Services in Sanctuary • High School Shabbat Saturday, May 30 – 9:30 AM – Services in Sanctuary • Bar Mitzvah of Jonah Powazek Blessing of the Babies The first day of Shavuot is on Sunday, May 24. Herzl-Ner Tamid has a tradition of blessing the new babies born to our congregation. This blessing is for babies whose parents and grandparents are members, plus others who’d like their little one to receive the blessing. The babies and their parents will be called to the bima for an Aliyah. Siblings are also welcome to join them. The first week of May you will receive an informative letter from Carol Reynolds which will request an RSVP. You can contact Carol on ext. 208 or email 206-232-8555 • • B'nai Mitzvah Everyone is invited to share services & the kiddush following our B'nai Mitzvah May 16 Halle Deutsch is the daughter of Inger and Jay Deutsch and the older sister of Elijah Deutsch and Kyler Deutsch. She is the granddaughter of Patricia and Harold Deutsch and Judy and Carl Schiff. Halle is in 7th grade at Forest Ridge. She enjoys performing in school plays, playing basketball for her school, singing, skiing and hanging out with her friends. For her mitzvah project she has chosen to donate a portion of her proceeds to SEEDs, a program out of Arizona helping women and children escape abusive situations. SEEDs was founded by a dear family friend, who Halle has much admiration for, MonaLou Callery. May 16 Elyse Paige Rice is the daughter of Jessica Abramson, Jeff Rice and stepdaughter of Josef Abramson z”l. Elyse is the loving older sister of Elan, Eliot and Evi. She is also the granddaughter of Carolyn and Brian Butler, Jonathan and Cathy Friedberg, David and Mimi Rice and Dan and Aviva Abramson. Elyse is a 7th grader at Islander Middle School. She is a passionate singer and dancer and has been performing with Island Sound since she was seven years old. Elyse spends her summers at Camp Solomon Schechter and plans to be a counselor there someday. Having lost her stepfather to colon cancer, Elyse is focusing her mitzvah project on Obliteride, an annual cycling event to raise money for lifesaving cancer research at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. May 30 Jonah David Powazek will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on Shabbat Naso. He is the son of Laurie and Alan Powazek and the younger brother of Joshua and Sarah Powazek. He is the grandson of Linda & Mervyn Gerson, Regina Powazek z”l, and Ben Powazek z”l. Jonah is a 7th grader at Issaquah Middle School. He enjoys playing football and is a proud Seahawks fan! He likes to help others in need and care for animals, especially his fish, cat and dog. For the past few years he has volunteered with Teen Feed. For his Mitzvah Project he has decided to raise money to fund one or more dinners at Teen Feed providing homeless teens in our community with a warm meal. Shabbat Morning Minyan Saturday, May 16 • 10:00 AM • Skolnick Board Room The Shabbat Morning Minyan fosters communal participation through inspired davening. Our goal is to fill the room with ruach, so come sing, harmonize, or just hum along! If you’re interested in reading Torah for Shabbat Minyan, or in leading part of the t’filot, please contact Andy Robinson at: or 425-378-2753. The Battle of the Sexes: Freedom & Compulsion in Matters of the Heart 6:00 PM - Dinner with lots of singing 6:45 PM - 15 minute Ma’ariv Service at the Wittenberg Waterfront 7:00 PM- 9:00 PM - Study session with Rabbi Rosenbaum & Rabbi Yarkin We will be exploring the sexual ethics of the Bible in relation to human freedom. • What role does choice play in matters of love and desire? • What are the constraints placed on men and women by human nature and by our Tradition? • How did our ancestors respond to those constraints? How should we? Join us for a free-wheeling discussion of some of our boldest and most controversial Biblical texts! Cost for dinner: $18/adult Register at by May 15 Shabbat Greeters Needed! Have you noticed that there’s always a smiling face to greet you when you come for services at HNT? How would you like to BE one of those smiling faces? We are looking to expand our “roster” of Shabbat door greeters. Being a greeter does not need to be a weekly commitment (unless you’d like it to be), so contact if you’d like to do your part in making HNT a welcoming place to be! 3700 E. Mercer Way Mercer Island, WA 98040 HaKol is published monthly, except June/July/August. Production by HNT staff. The deadline for HaKol is the first of the month preceding the month of publication. Tuesday - Thursday.........................9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Friday................................................9:00 AM - 3:00 PM 206-232-8555 • • 3 Children's Programming To the families of the Frankel Religious School, Much have I learned from my teachers, more from my colleagues, but most from my students. - Talmud, Ta'anit 7b How amazing is it that we learn the most from those we are blessed to teach? I have been so fortunate to spend the last year-and-a-half here at HNT and as a part of the Frankel Religious School. Being able to get to know the many children and their supportive families that shine our school halls with their warmth, joy and kindness has been a highlight of my life. I am so grateful to have been able to work with the many teachers - true scholars and dedicated colleagues - and our effervescent TAs who as a partnership bring their love of Judaism to our classrooms. I am humbled by the dedication of our amazing school parents who brave bridge traffic, early and late school hours, and our infamous carpool line, to ensure that their children carry on the honored traditions of our faith. L’dor v’dor! I know the school will continue to grow and thrive during the upcoming school year, and I look forward to hearing about the exciting plans for the future. I send my best wishes and deepest thanks to the families and the entire congregation that supports our school and helps create a vibrant future for our synagogue. B’shalom, Leslie Mickel, FRS Principal FRS Calendar Preschool meets May 3 and May 17 this month. 6th Grade Open House and Student-Lead Shabbat Service Saturday, May 2 • 9:30 AM Our 6th Grade students will honor their families’ time and devotion to their Jewish studies by leading a Shabbat morning service and reading from the Torah! Families will be honored at their child’s reading with an Aliyah. Snacks and other activities included in this memorable morning. Save the date for this memorable morning! Shabbat for Kids • Saturdays, May 2 & 16 • 10:30 AM We will host our Mini Minyan for students in K-2nd grade led by Rachel Yedidia, and Junior Congregation for 3rd-5th grade led by Jamie Schwartz. Both programs this week are from 10:00-12 and include a snack. We hope to see FRS and JDS students there! 4 FRS Brunch & Open House • Sunday, May 3 • 10:00 AM Honor our many parent volunteers, enjoy a wonderful brunch with other families, and visit your child’s classroom! What a great way to celebrate a great year of school! Please plan on joining us as we close this school year with a happy morning! Early Dismissal for FRS • Wednesday, May 6 • 6:00PM School will dismiss at 6:00 PM for the HNT Lag B’Omer celebration! Get ready for Maccabia, BBQ, and marshmallow roasting! Sign up ASAP at (No drop off) Children’s Choir • Saturday, May 9 Come hear the amazing voices of our Children’s Choir during Shabbat morning services! We are so proud of our wonderful Children’s Choir and all of the hard work and practice these children have put in so they can lead our congregation in song! Lead by Cantor Kurland and Chava Mirel. 6th/7th Grade Ice Cream Party • Sat., May 9 during class Come celebrate a great morning with our USY teens! After a morning service with our USY teens, our students are invited to an ice-cream party! Last Day of FRS: 6th/7th Grade: Saturday, May 16 All students are invited to attend this last day of class for this school year. See friends & close out the school year with a great morning! Last Day of FRS: Preschool – 5th Grade: Sunday, May 17 Come celebrate our last day of school! School will begin at 9:30 AM (students go directly to their classrooms) and will conclude with our closing assembly at 11:30 AM. Our assembly will be outdoors, weather permitting. We will finish the morning with an ice cream party hosted by our wonderful Parent Committee! Our 11:30 AM assembly will be for all FRS families where we will celebrate a great year and honor our hard-working teachers and teen TAs. School will dismiss at 12:15 PM. We hope to see all FRS students families on this special day! “Taste of FRS” for Preschool and Kindergarten! Sunday, May 31 • 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM Are you the parent of a child ages 3-6 entering preschool or Kindergarten this fall? Do you know of a family with children ages 3-6 who might be interested in our amazing Frankel Religious School program? We are hosting a “Taste of FRS” for preschool and Kindergarten–age children and their families. Children will get to attend a class, sing along with Cantor, hear a story from Rabbi Yarkin, and more while parents meet the teachers and learn more about our caring and child-centered Jewish program. For more information, email Rabbi Yarkin at 206-232-8555 • • End Summer Hunger Food Drive On May 3, FRS will be kicking off our Annual End Summer Hunger Food Drive. End Summer Hunger is Hopelink's grassroots campaign to help provide low-income families whose children receive free and reduced-fee breakfasts and lunches during the school year with food. We are proud to participate in this program and will be collecting items through the last day of school, May 17. We invite the greater HNT congregation to join us in making a difference for kids in our community. There will be donation bins located in both the upper and lower foyers and classrooms. The most needed items are canned meals, cereal, pasta, peanut butter, rice, canned vegetables and canned meat. Garinim Playground Minyan • Saturday, May 2 & 16 • 10:00 AM Shabbat morning + wonderful Michelle Younker = a great way to share Shabbat! Enjoy this Shabbat morning program for toddlers and preschoolers. We meet in our Gan Danny classroom for free play, stories, songs, prayers, and a Shabbat Oneg. Bring your friends – guests welcome! Garinim (“Young Seedlings”) Friday Shabbat Dinners – Members’ Homes - Friday, May 29 Thank you to Amanda Beller and Mitchell Silverstein for hosting the May Garinim Shabbat dinner (potluck). Families with preschool-age children and younger are invited to share a Shabbat evening with other Garinim families once a month during the summer months. To RSVP and get more information about the location, time, and what to bring, please email Amanda at: Taste of Livnot Thursday, May 5 Temple B'nai Torah: 15727 NE 4th St, Bellevue 98008 Taste of Livnot Chai is a chance for teens and parents to come experience Livnot for an evening and meet current students enrolled in the program. Current and visiting students are welcome to bring Jewish friends from synagogue, school or other activities to try out Livnot on May 5th! Even if you are undecided on plans for next year, please plan to attend this great session to learn more about all of the opportunities Livnot will offer in the fall. Livnot Chai is a Jewish high school program that responds to the unique and evolving needs of Generation Z by taking students out of the classroom and teaching them to be leaders in communal institutions. Our approach encourages students to use their personal passions and talents to engage in high-impact social justice projects in the greater Seattle area. Taste of Livnot Chai Schedule 6:00 PM – 6:30 PM: Dinner for parents and students 6:30 PM – 7:25 PM: Students attend class, parents meet 7:25 PM – 7:35 PM: Break & Dessert reception 7:35 PM – 8:30 PM: Students & parents attend class sessions 206-232-8555 • • 5 TEEN PROGRAMMING Well Played... Our Winning Kadima Trivia Teams! Kadima 6th Grade After-School Pizza Party: Monday, May 11 • 6:00 PM 7th Grade After-School Pizza Party: Tuesday, May 12 • 6:00 PM Dinner, Games, fun times galore! (JDS students are welcome!) Wild Waves Adventure Park • Sunday, May 17 • 12:30 PM Time to go wild with Kadima at our END OF YEAR TRIP! Bus will depart and return students to HNT (at 5:30 PM) Cost $45 (includes transport, pizza lunch and wild waves entrance fee) (5th graders are welcome to join to get a taste of what’s in store when they become 6th graders in the Fall…) Let me know if you’re coming: USY Seattle Achim (Open to all 9th -12th graders) Pirates of Pinwheel Regional Convention 2015 • May 15 – 18 Spend a Shabbat with Pinwheel USY a Camp Solomon Schechter! See friends from all over, travel the seas to Tumwater to volunteer, treasure hunt to Wild Waves adventure park! For more information please contact or Aviva Tilles, Regional Youth Director at or (206) 953-2545 or 1(800) 417-1332 x109 Early bird price $290 plus transportation. Sign up at: 360 Degrees of Israel Sunday, May, 31 • 5:00 PM – 8:00 PM SPECIAL ISRAEL PROGRAM, DINNER & PALOOZA: All 8th to 12th graders are welcome to attend: We are thrilled to announce that StandWithUs Northwest, working with UW student leaders Jamie and Jessica Schwartz and with our 20-something year-old shaliach (Israeli representative) Tamir Gofshtein, will run a workshop and panel with us to cover Israel from many perspectives: • • • • • 6 Growing up in Israel (being a teen there, what’s popular, what is similar v different to the U.S.) Modern Israeli history A 360 degree perspective on Israel (Israel apart from the conflict) The Arab-Israeli Conflict in the Mideast and worldwide Ways to respond to over-the-top criticism of Israel (and ways to respect reasonable criticism) This program will give high school students an opportunity to discuss the issues we hear about so often here, to hear firsthand how Israelis perceive the same issues. We will provide enough background to figure out for themselves where they’d fit in the Israeli political spectrum after hearing critiques from both the political left and right, and learning more about the country apart from the conflict. Working with students at the UW and the StandWithUs shaliach, high school students will hear perspectives that aren’t simply their parents’ or their grandparents’ views. Following the program we will enjoy BBQ dinner at the Wittenberg Waterfront with campfire, s'mores, music and more! Please RSVP to by May 22 so we know how much food to prepare. 206-232-8555 • • CONGREGATIONAL LEARNING Women's League Save the date June 28 for our end of year volunteer celebration and annual meeting. Join us to find out what's happening next year and to honor our fabulous volunteers! Welcome to Third Space, a vibrant space in between work and home where you choose to connect with community! Like us on Facebook: Third Friday Shabbat Dinner • Friday, May 15 6:30 PM happy half-hour 7:00 PM short sweet services 7:40 PM decadent delicious dinner All 20 to 30 somethings are welcome to celebrate monthly third Shabbats at HNT. Early bird price: $10 (RSVP by May 11, do it, do it, DO IT!) Regular price: $15 • RSVP at Looking for more ways to connect to Jewish Young Professionals? Happenin’ Round The Sound: (visit these websites for an array of amazing events) First Friday Shabbat, May 1: Selah ( Second Friday Shabbat, May 8: Jconnect ( Fourth Friday Shabbat, May 22: The Tribe ( Fifth Friday, May 29: Shabbat Around the Sound It’s back! Join local hosts from Jconnect, The Tribe, Third Space, and Kolenu for a wonderful Shabbat dinner in one of Seattle's many unique and eclectic neighborhoods. This month we are adding Eastside locations, too! Choose from a variety of neighborhoods and themes and pick the one that suits you best! Dinners are potluck so not only do you get to experience a new ‘hood but new and exciting dishes as well. RSVP at Wednesday, May 20 Game Night at Mox Boarding House, Bellevue We’ve reserved tables at the new Mox Boarding House Gaming paradise. Treat yo’self to great food, coffee, drinks and adult game time. They have an incredible library of games, from Settlers of Catan to Cards Against Humanity for us to destroy one another with… RSVP on our Facebook event at Sisterhood Book Club • Tuesday, May 5 • 7:00 PM We will discuss The Henna House by Nome Eva. The book to be discussed on June 2 is The Storyteller by Jodi Picoult. A Sunday book club will be starting soon. Space is limited so sign up now! For more information about these and other programs, please contact Kari Haas at 206-719-2224 or Rosh Chodesh Group Monday, May 18 • 7:00 PM • Skolnick Board Room Enjoy ritual ceremony, lively discussion and inspirational learning with Rabbi Yarkin. You do not need to be a member of Women's League (or wear purple - though many do) to take part and attend this popular FREE event. Snacks provided in an informal spirited and communal celebration. For more information, please contact Kari Haas at 206-719-2224 or Channeling Rabbi Kula Sunday, May 3 • 10:00 AM • Skolnick Board Room Rabbi Irwin Kula caused quite a stir when he was here as our Scholar in Residence. Many of you told me how inspired you were by his words. Some of you also told me you were unsettled by some of the things he said over the weekend. Everyone agreed that he gave us a lot to talk about and think about beyond the time he was at HNT. Several people have already asked me whether we could have a follow up session to discuss the ideas Rabbi Kula put forth, including those that uplifted us, those that challenged us to action, and those that disturbed us. I especially liked Rabbi Kula's idea of trying out new mitzvot for 40 days and reflecting on their impact together. If we decide to go that route, Rabbi Kula has expressed an interest in being involved in that conversation in some way over the course of the next year. I would like to invite you to help us begin our reflection on May 3. Please let me know whether you are able to make it. I look forward to a lively exchange! Rabbi Rosenbaum 206-232-8555 • • 7 8 206-232-8555 • • High School Shabbat: Oh The Places You'll Go! Friday, May 29 • 6:00 PM Co-Chaired by Lisa Katsman & Sandy Samuel Join the entire HNT community as we celebrate this year’s graduating high school seniors with a special Shabbat Service and festive dinner. Please RSVP at & fill out our survey at: by Thursday, May 21 Make the celebration even better by getting involved! Know a name we missed? Want to volunteer? Like to make a donation to help keep this event affordable for everyone? Our Graduating High School Students: Sari Brashem Michael Chanen Michael Drucker Jordan Gonchar Danielle Katsman Noam Kurland Juliette Levy Matthew Lipsen Jeremiah Michel Noah Mogil Mikayla Nudelman Ryan Ottinger Joshua Powazek Nathan Rosenstein Michael Sidell Lily Taub Ana Vincenti Jamey Vinnick Olivia Waggoner Richelle Willner-Martin Denielle Zambrowsky Please let us know please if your graduating high school senior is not listed. 206-232-8555 • • 9 Shabbat Dinner Circle Solstice Shabbat “Wonderful group of people. Diverse ages and activity level in the shul just a lot of fun and we really clicked.” – Ricki Gafter Mark your calendar for Friday, June 19: Solstice Shabbat! 6:00 PM services 7:30 PM dinner “It’s so wonderful to get to know other people in our community and connecting on a deeper level with people you see in shul but maybe didn't know so well. Really fun and I'll definitely participate again!” – Kari Haas “No one left before 11 p.m. and we didn't even realize what time it was. The guests all brought a dish for the dinner and it all tasted good. We must be a congregation of good cooks!!” – Lore Coe These are just a few of the wonderful comments we have received about March’s Shabbat Dinner Circle. We are always looking to expand our base of people to match up new groups. No two dinners are the same! Look out for next year’s dates in upcoming issues of HaKol! This dinner, formally known as the Grand Shabbat Dinner Circle, is put on by the Membership Committee as a time to come together at HNT and see friends, old and new. Everyone is invited – participants from Shabbat Dinner Circle and Block Parties, new members, and anyone else who wants to see some friendly faces for a Friday night in shul. Being the weekend of the Summer Solstice, we will learn about the connection between the sun, the moon and Judaism. RSVP at: by June 12 DIRECTORY UPDATES Please use the updates below to keep your HNT Congregational Directory current. For privacy reasons, we have omitted directory changes in the online version of HaKol. To obtain directory changes, please contact the office for a hard copy of HaKol at 206-232-8555 Israel Left, Right & Center: Seeking Common Ground Sunday, May 3, 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM • Skolnick Board Room • Cost: $15 Dear Friends, The new heresy in American Jewish life is politics. There is very little we can say about God that will scandalize people today. But, if we say the ‘wrong’ thing about politics, especially if it has to do with Israel, people will stop talking with us. This is true whether we are left, right or center. And, it is an intolerable situation. How can we speak of peace in the Middle East if we cannot speak with each other? Towards that end, at HNT, we are beginning a conversation which we hope will have a different tone. We’d like to start with a small group and dedicate ourselves to speaking with each other both honestly and civilly about Israel, especially when we disagree. Come join us for an open, honest, and menschlich conversation with HNT members across the political spectrum. A light dinner will be provided. To register, go to: B'shalom, Rabbi Rosenbaum 10 206-232-8555 • • Daytimers Spring 2015 Film Series Daytimers Creative Writing Everyone has a story. What's yours? Join us at HNT once a month for an hour and a half to gather as a writing group. Explore ways of expressing and preserving your own stories AND/OR simply come for inspiration and an opportunity to stir up your creative juices using prompts and other ways to just start writing. Let's start a new community. This program is sponsored by Daytimers of Herzl Ner-Tamid and open to all. Tell your friends. Wednesdays, May 27, June 24, July 22, and August 26 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM $5/workshop May 20: The Jewish Cardinal – A 2012 French film with English Subtitles - This film tells the true story of Jean-Marie Lustiger, the son of Polish Jews living in France, who maintained his cultural identity as a Jew even after converting to Catholicism at a young age, and later joining the priesthood. Rising quickly within the ranks of the Church, Lustiger was appointed Archbishop of Paris by Pope John Paul II - a new platform for his dual identity as a Catholic Jew, but earning him both friends and enemies from both groups. When Carmelite nuns planned to build a convent within the walls of Auschwitz, Lustiger found himself a mediator between the two communities - and was forced at last to choose his side. Register at Films follow lunch, served 11:30 AM -12:30 PM Carol Barnett, writer, poet, teacher, and filmmaker will help you discover the possibilities. Any questions? Contact her at 206-922-3236 or For more information or to make reservations, call 206-232-8555 Reserve by the Friday before the event Register at: Memorial Day Flags Ellis Corets will again be placing American flags at the graves of U.S. Service Veterans buried in Herzl Memorial Park. This is being done in honor of Memorial Day. Please let in the office know of any veteran who should be honored. You can leave a voicemail for Carol Reynolds on ext. 208, or email Military Veterans Buried in Herzl Memorial Park Reynold Atlas z”l D2-16-37 Samuel “Buddy” Friedman z”l C2-15-20 Donald Portman z”l D2-10.35 David Apple z”l C2-15-30 Charles Herbert Glowitz z”l D2-15-29 Myer Romanoff z”l C1-5-20 Joseph Asher z”l C2-9-33 Solomon Walter Goldfine z”l Herbert Rosen z”l Charlie Brenner z”l C1-8-10 Solon E. Gould z”l B3-23-33 Emanuel Edward Rosenblatt z”l C2-13-22 Seymour Cousens z”l D2-16-26 Merle Griff z”l William Schwamberg z”l C2=15-32 Kurt Dessauer z”l B3-22-48A Victor Guttman z”l C1-6-47 George Sterling Silver z”l A1-5-10 Seymour Dwor z”l C1-6-35 Albert M. Israel z”l A2-17-9 Simon Strauss z”l C1-3-31 David Edelson z”l D2-15-43 Abe Kubey z”l B1-5-10 Leo Weiss z”l C2-11-13 Robert Edelson z”l B2-13-43 Howard Eugene Levinson z”l C1-7-45 Seymour “Sy” F. Williams z”l C2-13-31 Maurice Epstein z”l B3-22-58 Gerald Joshua Lewis z”l C3-18-3 Richard Willner z”l C1-4-31 Jack Farber z”l B2-14-41 Eddie G. Lorraine z”l B2-13-7 Cantor Joseph Frankel z”l B1-3-48 Philip David Maslan z”l C2-15-31A C2-10-10B C1-7-42 206-232-8555 • • C1-4-26 11 OPERATING BUDGET AS APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS MARCH 17, 2015 REVENUE: Dues Adult Education Campships Cemetery Administration Donations Endowment Revenues Facility Usage Fundraising Revenues Special Fundraising/Dues Enhancement Yahrzeit Plaques Revenue High Holiday Appeal Interest Income Miscellaneous Programs Mitzvah Corps Religious School Ritual Security Young Adult Young Family/Early Childhood Outreach Programs Youth Total Support and Revenue 2014/2015 2014/2015 Current Year Current Year Projected Projected Budget Difference 2015/2016 2015/2016 Proposed Budget % of Revenue and Expense Proposed Increase (Decrease) Over Last Year 1,340,500 29,400 4,000 19,000 35,000 75,000 59,000 135,000 25,000 10,200 75,000 1,000 10,000 3,000 193,100 39,050 46,000 4,500 1,000 3,000 2,107,750 1,331,500 40,400 4,000 18,000 37,500 77,500 53,350 141,000 3,600 82,000 1,000 10,000 6,000 199,250 42,800 55,000 4,500 1,000 3,000 2,111,400 (9,000) 11,000 (1,000) 2,500 2,500 (5,650) 6,000 (25,000) (6,600) 7,000 3,000 6,150 3,750 9,000 3,650 1,371,400 41,000 4,000 18,000 35,000 78,000 59,000 192,000 35,000 3,600 82,500 1,000 10,000 5,000 206,500 40,150 55,000 5,000 1,000 3,000 2,246,150 61.1% 1.8% 0.2% 0.8% 1.6% 3.5% 2.6% 8.5% 1.6% 0.2% 3.7% 0.0% 0.4% 0.2% 9.2% 1.8% 2.4% 0.2% 0.0% 0.1% 100.0% 30,900 11,600 (1,000) 3,000 57,000 10,000 (6,600) 7,500 2,000 13,400 1,100 9,000 500 138,400 29,400 3,500 4,000 34,850 2,000 10,000 11,500 24,000 3,000 270,800 52,800 1,000 3,500 1,000 8,000 459,350 41,600 3,500 4,000 44,350 2,000 11,000 5,000 15,000 6,000 282,750 50,450 1,000 2,500 3,000 6,500 478,650 12,200 9,500 1,000 (6,500) (9,000) 3,000 11,950 (2,350) (1,000) 2,000 (1,500) 19,300 40,500 3,500 4,000 46,350 2,000 11,000 4,000 20,000 5,000 293,650 59,650 1,000 5,000 5,000 6,500 507,150 1.8% 0.2% 0.2% 2.1% 0.1% 0.5% 0.2% 0.9% 0.2% 13.1% 2.7% 0.0% 0.2% 0.2% 0.3% 22.6% 11,100 11,500 1,000 (7,500) (4,000) 2,000 22,850 6,850 1,500 4,000 (1,500) 47,800 Administration Annual Meeting Audit/Accounting Review Depreciation Fundraising Expenses Legal Expense Utilities/Maintenance Membership Personnel President’s Discretionary Fund Publicity/Marketing Security United Synagogue Dues Total Support Services Expenses 77,500 500 11,000 15,000 2,000 142,000 500 1,347,400 1,500 6,000 25,000 20,000 1,648,400 84,750 500 10,200 30,000 (1,150) 143,100 500 1,320,900 100 8,000 28,000 20,000 1,644,900 7,250 (800) 15,000 (3,150) 1,100 (26,500) (1,400) 2,000 3,000 (3,500) 77,750 500 9,000 20,000 500 144,100 500 1,426,650 1,500 8,000 28,000 22,500 1,739,000 3.5% 0.0% 0.0% 0.4% 0.9% 0.0% 6.4% 0.0% 63.5% 0.1% 0.4% 1.2% 1.0% 77.4% 250 (2,000) 5,000 (1,500) 2,100 79,250 2,000 3,000 2,500 90,600 Total Expenses 2,107,750 2,123,550 15,800 2,246,150 100.0% 138,400 Surplus/(Deficit) - (12,150) (12,150) - PROGRAM SERVICES EXPENSES: Adult Education Camp Solomon Schechter Campships Cost of Facility Usage & Yahrzeit Plaque Expenses Directory Hakol Livnot Chai Miscellaneous Programs Mitzvah Corps Religious School Ritual American Jewish University (U of J) Young Adult Programs Young Family/Early Childhood Programs Youth Total Program Services Expenses SUPPORT SERVICES EXPENSES: 12 2014/2015 Current Year Budget 206-232-8555 • • - CHART OF ACCOUNTS 206-232-8555 • • 13 Slate of Officers Executive Committee Nominations: President Dan Mintz Executive Vice-President Chuck Friedman Treasurer/Financial Vice-President Jonathan Langman Membership Vice-President Donna Peha Secretary Michele Glasser Immediate Past President Julie Ellenhorn Board of Directors Nominations 2 Years Terms: Marilyn Corets Aaron Rosenstein Antony Egnal Linda Krisher Benjamin Diament Board of Directors Nomination for 1 Year Term (to fill an unexpired term) : Billy Pruchno Nominating Committee Nominations for the 2015-2016 Slate Tzachi Litov Linda Jacobs Tina Novick Leslie Kinder MAY ANNIVERSARIES 4 9 15 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 14 Yakov & Faina Marder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Marty & Christina Lazoritz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Dean & Gigi Altaras. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 George & Sylvia Siegel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Corbin & Debbie Tudor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Jason & Gabriella Blair. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Brian Katz & Joann Wadge. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Shimon & Julie Mizrahi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Val & Karen Robins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Mickey & Cathy Friedman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Dan Addess & Jill Nogi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Tom & Marci Hanan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Robbie & Bonnie Cape. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Larry & Adrian Lustig. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Eli & Barbara Lahav. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Shawn & Sarah DeAngelis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Jeff & Lissa Wax. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 John Livingston & Andi Neuwirth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 27 28 29 30 Tony & Lynn Wartnik. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Jon & Cynthia Franklin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Brian & Deborah Lurie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Court & Michelle Will. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 David & Sharron Hartman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Ralph & Lisa Katsman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Richard & Bettie Panick. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Eli & Karen Friedman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Howard & Karen Lieberman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Faytel & Faina Ayzenberg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Bob & Rita Lowy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Warren & Heather Libman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Alan & Iris Langman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Kelvyn & Hilary Abramowitz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Craig & Eydie Katz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Jonathan & Stacie Stutz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Marty & Molly Fisher. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 206-232-8555 • • Get your sneakers on and mark your calendar for the Swedish SummeRun & Walk for Ovarian Cancer with HNT Athletes/Team HNT! Sunday, July 19 • Race begins at 8:15 AM Swedish Medical Center, First Hill, Seattle $30 pre-registration fee through July 23, $35 day-of-race Swedish SummeRun (5K Run/Walk) was started in 1993 by Saul Rivkin, MD, and his five daughters, with the help and support of Swedish Medical Center, in memory of Marsha Rivkin z”l, a beloved HNT member, and in recognition of the ongoing fight against this deadly disease. Since 1993, Swedish SummeRun has raised over $4 million towards ovarian cancer research. We continue to assist in loving memory of HNT members Marsha Rivkin, Babs Fisher, and Gail Stulberg. Money raised from SummeRun will help the Marsha Rivkin Center in its mission to save lives and reduce suffering through improved treatment, early detection, and prevention of ovarian cancer. 100% of proceeds benefit the Marsha Rivkin Center for Ovarian Cancer Research. Last year we raised $2,575 - help us top that goal and run cancer down! Help make 2015 the best year ever as we run or walk in support of this great cause! Visit and join Team HNT! For questions, email our team captain Faye Plum at Judaica Shop Gardening at HNT Sunday, May 3 • 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Come help beautify HNT! We will work in the entry garden and parking lot area. We weed, prune roses, remove blackberry vines, etc. Bring a hand trowel, container for weeds, pruning shears and if you prune blackberry plants, bring heavy gloves. Please RSVP to Lana via email or 425-747-5742. Cell 425-445-5742 on that Sunday. If you want to volunteer on a different day or time, let Lana know. Help us make a beautiful difference. From artisan to adorable, we have what you need to “do” Jewish. Proceeds from the shop fund camperships ($3,000), youth programs ($1,500) and more. Buy Judaica and gifts and give twice! To special order items, contact Iris Schwartz at and allow 6 weeks for special orders. Volunteers NEEDED. Contact Manager Lana Finegold at 425-747-5742. Thank you for being our customer. May Hours Wednesdays: 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM Sunday, May 17: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM If our hours don’t fit your lifestyle, please make an appointment: Kari Haas: 206-719-2224 - Sue Solomon: 206-232-8480 206-232-8555 • • 15 IN SUPPORT OF ONE ANOTHER These generous tributes were made through March 31, 2015 Amy Mackoff Campership Fund In Memory of Susan Allina Ostrer Judith Fink Mark & Sharon Sandler Cantor's Discretionary Fund In Appreciation of Frankel Library Fund In Memory of Harold Wilenzick Janet Wilenzick Mel Wilenzick General Fund In Honor of Meira Saltzman's birth David & Julie Ellenhorn Cantor Kurland Alan & Laurie Powazek Cantor Kurland for Gabe's Bar Mitzvah Mike, Stacy, Gabe & Jamey Vinnick In Memory of Barry Hasson Mindy Hara, Sanford Salzberg & Family Herb Kotkins Perry & Sandy Bloch Judith Fink Peter & Carol Michel Sol Konikow Joel & Barbara Konikow In Memory of In Memory of Danny Lewis Fund In Memory of Emma Rykus Millard & Wendy Lesch Eileen Mintz Kitchen Fund In Memory of Barry Hasson Bob & Rita Lowy Esther Benveniste Morris Kavesh Elliot & Lucie Kavesh Refuah Shelemah Muriel Epstein Elliot & Lucie Kavesh Endowment Fund In Honor of Boaz Malakoff 's Bar Mitzvah Ron & Lori Kaufman In Memory of Judith Fink Joel & Barbara Konikow Neil & Sari Schneider Flowers Fund In Memory of Erma Rykus Robin Lawson & Family 16 Erma Rykus Mark Lawson & Family Refuah Shelemah to Esther Kahn Sharon Boguch Memorial Fund Susan Furman Allina Ostrer Beverly Blum Rita Rosen Jane Strasburg Bruce & Marsha Krivosha Aaron Klein Aaron & Amy Lavin Kate Langman Ralph Langman Alan Langman Yvette Jacobs Irene Beer Andrew & Janet Jacobs Jan Jaski Anne Harris Harry "Hesh" Romanowitz Clara Levy Avra, Seamus, & Harlow Dolan Gertrude Auerbach Barbara Heft Gail Stulberg Barry Stulberg Sol Kay Betty Kaminoff Bernard Howard Billy Howard, Mimi Sternberg, Ari & Sadie Anna Minsky Bob & Becky Minsky Peter Thomas Bob & Natalie Malin Lawrence Brazg The Brazg Family William Krivosha Joan Krivosha Bruce & Marsha Krivosha Yetta Donin Carol Barer Robert Rosenfeld Carrie Rosenfeld Meyer Miller Charles & Marilyn Caplan Joseph Steinberg Cheryl Cohen Bertha Glazer Cynthia Shifrin John Mintz David Mintz Cyrus Youssefnia David Youssefnia Richard Pintus Doris Stiefel Jack Leff Elaine Mintz Margaret Olbaum Erica Garrie Ruth Chestnut Evie Chestnut Ebrahim Cohansedgh Parviz Pirnazar Flora Cohansedgh Lotte Katz Florence Katz Burstein Marion Glazer Henry Arshon Gail Halpern Beth Feldman Gary & Linda Feldman Fannie Cohen Sylvia Kutoff George & Sylvia Siegel Gerda Yuval Adam Yuval Gideon Yuval Gillian Witus Gillian Witus Nathan Schwartz Gloria Newman Dave Ross Harold & Ferne Ross Aaron Klein Harris Klein Faye Feldman Henry Feldman Florence Kamph Hermine Maxwell Rhoda Fishman Eisen Ilyse & Greg Wagner and Family Irving Epstein Irene Epstein Bessie Benzion Irvin & Beverly Benzion Anne Silverstein Irwin & Shirley Silverstein 206-232-8555 • • Rhoda Fishman Eisen Jack & Pauline Reiter Lawrence Soriano Jim & Lee Keller Joseph Okrent Joan Okrent Mauricel Mayo Joey & Marcia Mayo Vivian Ordell John & Elaine Cohn Ruby Gladstein Julie Gold Jack Lewit Karen Dunn Joseph Touriel Lance & Sandra Korb Marnie Korb Robert Korb Lance Korb Sylvia Kutoff Larry & Bev Lemchen Robert Rosenfeld Leslie Rosenfeld Gordon Ann Etsekson Lois Mayers Ben Edelheit Lonnie Edelheit Fortuna Policar Marc & Sue Policar Ida Balter Mark & Ruth Balter Hyman Golden Michael Golden Albert Kovsky Michael Kovsky Shmuel Jacoby Michal Jacoby Benjamin Jaffe Mike & Cheri Levy Rose Bovarnick John White Jacob Bovarnick Mike & Ruth Bovarnick Ruth Schwartz Mimi, Jeffrey, Ryan & Lauren Rubenstein Jesse Wool Myra Franklin Hertha Highiet George Highiet Rosalyn Phillips Nancy Morse Elias Traub Pat Newman Sam Burstein Paul Burstein IN SUPPORT OF ONE ANOTHER These generous tributes were made through March 31, 2015 Joseph Golden Phillip & Judy Koppel Cyril Fink Rahla Turck Fannie Kramer Robert & Pam Glowitz Rose Greenberg Rochelle Sturman Harry Gould Ronald Gould Sam Fine Bessie Fine Rozelle Morris Dorothea Leeser Herbert Hamlet Ruth Schocken George Winston Ruth Winston Myrna Flory Sara McGregor Rhoda Fishman Eisen Scott Reiter & Rachel Weintraub Moses Schain Norman Schain Sid Schain Stanley Friedman Steven & Julie Friedman Ruth Wershkoff Susan Edelheit Abner Angel Sylvia Angel Mitzvah Corps Fund In Memory of Judith Fink Ilyse and Greg Wagner & Family Jack & Pauline Reiter Emma Rykus Jeff & Judy Ziedman Babe Lehrer Michael & Tina Novick Percy Goldman Nolan & Pat Newman, Adam, Gina and Jonathan Bessie Schnitzer Geri Schnitzer Newson, Sam Newson,Dani, Josh Marianna & Rami Newson Julia Shaffer Harry Kauffman Ron Kaufman Morning Minyan Fund In Honor of The birth of Avi Yakov Sandler Allan, Beth & Adam Las In Memory of Judith Fink Mike & Cheri Levy Barry Hasson Paul & Launa Winegrad Miriam Dahukey Stan & Fran Schill Dody Norban Steve & Brenda Luper Mark Schnitzer Geri Schnitzer Newson, Sam Newson, Dani, Josh Marianna & Rami Newson Rabbi Rosenbaum Discretionary Fund In Appreciation of Rabbi Rosenbaum for Gabe's Bar Mitzvah Mike, Stacy, Gabe & Jamey Vinnick In Honor of Purim Shpiel David & Lisa Fain David Pulda’s 60th Birthday David Stiefel’s 60th Birthday Pat & Nolan Newman, Adam, Gina and Jonathan In Memory of Judith Fink Aaron & Ruth Bernstein Abner Angel Esther Lott & Family Yetta Wolf Philip Chanen Barry Hasson Pat & Nolan Newman, Adam, Gina and Jonathan Rabbi Yarkin Discretionary Fund In Memory of William Kraft Jonathan & Karen Langman Within the Shul Family We Celebrate . . . • The engagement of Daniel Shapiro, son of Gary z"l & Raquel Shapiro, to Sina Delarosa • The engagement of David Kaplan, grandson of Rabbi Arlene Schuster, to Elizabeth Langevin • Noam Kurland, Cantor Bradlee Kurland and Sandy Samuel who will be honored at the Friendship Circle’s 10th Annual Volunteer Appreciation Dinner on May 28 • Bryan Gula on his lead role as Danny Zuko in the Broadway Production of “Grease” at the 5th Avenue Theatre this summer We Welcome to the World . . . • Oren Maximilian Klaff and Zakary Idan Klaff twin sons of Rivka and Jeff Klaff and twin grandsons of Linda & Efrem Krisher and Denise & Les Klaff • Isaac Nelson Berg, grandson of Deborah & Doug Rosen • Ariel Malka, grandson of Becky Zimmerman Frankel Religious School Fund Irene Epstein’s 1st greatgrandchild Sharon Boguch In Memory of Barry Hasson Ilyse & Greg Wagner and Family Hans Nussbaum Curt Nussbaum Marcia Nussbaum Youth Activities Fund In Honor of The birth of Efrem & Linda Krisher’s new grandsons, Zakary & Oren Jeff & Judy Ziedman Neil & Sari Schneider The birth of Jeff & Rivka Klaff ’s twin sons Neil & Sari Schneider In Memory of Susan Alina Ostrer Neil & Sari Schneider H N T We Wish a Refuah Shelemah to Congregants . . . Jerry Adam, Hilary Abramowitz, Marion Aronson, Ety Askenazi, Arny Barer, Astrid Bloch, Ruth Bovarnick, Muriel Epstein, Valerie Epstein, Paula Feldman, Lana Finegold, David Gilman, Esther Kahn, Yosefa Kouse, John Livingston, Al Lott, Carol Maslan, Robert (Bob) Minsky, Carrie Rosenfeld, Susanne Rosenkranz, Sandy Samuel Kelly Schreer, Sam Zarkin We Offer Condolences to the HNT families of . . . • Barry Hasson z”l, father of Michelle Behar and Eydie Katz • Herbert Kotkins z”l, father of Karen Rosenzweig • Erma Rykus z”l, mother of Judy Harris • Roberta Cohen z”l, mother of Warren Cohen and grandmother of Raviv Cohen • Judith Fink z”l, sister of Susan Edelheit & aunt of Dena Herbolich • Nathan Ross z”l, father of Bobbi Chamberlin and grandfather of Max Shifrin and Alexis Chamberlin • Muriel Covner z”l, stepmother of Audrey Covner (Dianne), grandmother of Claire Covner and Michael Covner • Tony Hansen z”l, stepfather of David Isenberg (Lorna) stepgrandfather of Kate Isenberg and Jacob Isenberg 206-232-8555 • • 17 BELOVED DEPARTED MEMORIALIZED WITH YAHRZEIT PLAQUES AT HNT SHABBAT OF MAY 1/2 May. 2 Morris Litt Wayne M. Droker David Levinson May. 3 Herman Cohen Sam Mesher Edward Solomon Samuel Slotnick May. 5 Joseph Spektor Bertha Brice May. 6 Fannie Greenberg Nellie Curtis May. 7 James Rosenbaum Jerome Katz Dora Meltzer Jerrold Tat Sara Schenkar Sophie Caplan Steve Kessler May. 8 Erwin Roos Joseph Lerner SHABBAT OF MAY 8/9 May. 9 Yetta Finkelstein May. 10 Morris Latts Simon Lewinski Pinchas Mutchler Ben Walker May. 11 Annabell Becker Benezra Jenny Fuchs May. 12 Therese Jacobi Izidor Feldman Selma Egnal Louis Jaffe May. 13 Mordechai (Max) Gleser Louis Levy Ben Rogel Frances Cordova May. 14 Sam Eilenberg Herman Tobias May. 15 Solomon Sentner SHABBAT OF MAY 15/16 May. 16 Samuel Stern Charles Lowenthal May. 17 Leah Pinchev Walter Schoenfeld May. 18 Rosalie DuBonne Nathan Bovarnick Judith Bensky May. 21 Marc G. Mayers Pearl Konigsberg May. 22 Gizella Weinberger Sam Arshon Herman Weinberger Rose Woolfe Frida Weinberger Ludvig Weinberger Malvina Weinberger SHABBAT OF MAY 22/23 May. 23Joe Pinch Manney Berman Reuben Erdrich May. 24 Sam Kahn Julius Blum Bernard Krasnowsky May. 25 Beatrice Levinson May. 26 Louis Wise Anna Berman Samuel Minkove May. 27 Jacob Sadick Isadore Brown Sophie Lax Abraham Silver May. 28 Charlie Tucker Joseph Woolfe Joseph Lewis May. 29 Harry Ash Anna Bovarnick Anna Finegold SHABBAT OF MAY 29/30 May. 30 Walter Kiksmann May. 31 Tillie Kahn Aron Shifrin Leonard Lighter Gertrude Pody Jun. 1 Berta Woislawski Elizabeth Schwarz Isaac Roffe Louis Kahn Rebecca Rose Lott Jun. 2 Mary Miller Isaac Robinson Elvira Oppenheimer Mary Erdrich Jun. 3 Harold Rosenblume Susanne Frankel Lillie Wittenberg Siegfried Hamburger Jacob Keisler Jun. 4 Jack Brin Charles Fine Harry Thalheimer Samuel Peizer Ann Tobias Jun. 5 Abe Levey Anna Dolgoff From the Ritual Committee: Yizkor Yizkor Memorial Prayers are said just a few times during the year in the synagogue. Most people are familiar with the recitation of Yizkor during Yom Kippur, but Yizkor is also said on the last day of the three Biblical pilgrimage holidays Sukkot, Passover and Shavuot. This Shavuot, on the second day of observance, Herzl-Ner Tamid will have a Yizkor service. Although relatively brief, the Yizkor service is a meaningful way to honor those who are no longer alive, and to do so in a supportive communal setting. Please join us. Herzl Memorial Park, 16501 Dayton Avenue North, Shoreline, WA 98133 If there is a death in the family, call the Seattle Jewish Chapel at 206-725-3067 For information, call Elaine Weinstein at 425-455-4703 The Cemetery Committee: George Siegel, President . . . . . . . . . . . . 206-363-2196 Elaine Weinstein, Vice President . . . . . 425-455-4703 Peter Michel, Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . 425-788-3249 Steve Burns, Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206-232-9427 Shirley Sidell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206-801-7009 Harris Klein . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206-232-2026 Jay Matt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206-232-5730 Small rocks to leave at graves are available under the reader board on the north side of the chapel. 18 206-232-8555 • • May 5775 2015 Iyar Sivan See T’filot for PreShabbat oneg, Friday, Saturday, and Holiday service times & locations. Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday 1 12 Nisan Thursday 2 13Nisan LAG B’OMER MACCABIA, BBQ & BONFIRE 1 Saturday Friday 12 Iyar Services:6:00PM Birthday Shabbat 206-232-8555 • • Hebrew:9:30AM ChannelingRabbiKula: 10:00 AM Gardening: 10:00 AM WLMeeting:10:30AM KidsChoir:12:15PM IsraelLeft,Right&Center: 4:30PM 10 21 Iyar Minyanaires: 9:00 AM Hebrew:9:30AM Big Ideas:10:00 AM KidsChoir:12:15PM Women’s League Book Club:7:00PM 11 24 Shavuot 6 Sivan Services:9:30AM Blessing of the Babies 31 13Sivan 19 Hebrew:9:30AM Big Ideas: 10:00 AM TasteofFRS:10:00AM USYIsraelFest:5:00PM 22 Iyar 6th Grade After School Pizza:6:00PM 28Iyar 18 17 Last Day of FRS Hebrew:9:30AM Judaica Shop: 10:00AM-12:00PM Big Ideas: 10:00 AM KidsChoir:12:15PM KadimaWildWaves: 12:30PM 15Iyar 29 Iyar Rosh Chodesh Group: 7:00PM 25 7 Sivan Memorial Day Office Closed Shavuot ServicesincludingYizkor: 9:30AM 5 16 Iyar Taste of Livnot Chai: 6:00PMatTBT 12 23Iyar 19 1 Sivan Livnot Chai Social JusticeProgram: 6:00PM 7th Grade After School Pizza:6:00PM Volunteer Appreciation Dinner&Annual Meeting:6:15PM 26 8Sivan 6 17 Iyar Hebrew:7:00PM Judaica Shop: 10:00AM-2:00PM FRSEarlyDismissl: 6:00PM Lag B’Omer Maccabia, BBQ & Bonfire: 6:00 PM 13 24 Iyar Judaica Shop: 10:00AM-2:00PM Hebrew:7:00PM 20 Judaica Shop: 2 Sivan 10:00AM-2:00PM DaytimersLunch&Film - The Jewish Cardinal: 11:30AM Hebrew:7:00PM Third Space Game Night at Mox Boarding House 27 9 Sivan Judaica Shop: 10:00AM-2:00PM DaytimersCreative Writing:1:00PM Hebrew:7:00PM 7 18Iyar 8 8:03PM 19 Iyar Ahare--Mot-Kedoshim 9 20 Iyar 16 27 Iyar 23 5Sivan Services: 10:00 AM Celebratingthe50th Anniversary of theFoundingof Congregation Ner Tamid Services:6:00PM Lag B’Omer 13Iyar ParashaStudy:9:30AM 6th Grade Open House: 9:30AM Services: 10:00 AM ShabbatforKids: 10:30AM WEDNESDAY, MAY 6 at 6:00 PM 14 Iyar 3 4 FRSBrunch:10:00AM 2 8:12PM 14 25Iyar 21 3Sivan Hebrew:7:00PM Ritual Committee Meeting:7:00PM 15 26 Iyar Services:9:30AM Bat Mitzvah of Halle Deutch&ElyseRice Stellman baby naming Shabbat Minyan: 10:00 AM ShabbatforKids: 8:21PM 10:30AM Behar-Behukotai Services:6:00PM Th irdFridayShabbatfor YoungProfessionals: 6:30PM USYRegional Convention at CSS 22 4 Sivan Services:6:00PM Anniversary Shabbat 28 10 Sivan ShabbatSingers:7:00PM 29 Emor 8:30PM 11 Sivan Services:6:00PM HighSchoolShabbat& Dinner Garinim Shabbat Dinner(offsite) 8:38PM ParashaStudy:9:30AM Services: 10:00 AM Tikkun Leil Shavuot Dinner:6:00PM Bamidbar 30 12 Sivan Services:9:30AM Bar Mitzvah of Jonah Powazek Naso VOLUNTEER APPRECIATION & ANNUAL MEETING Honoring Board Members & all of our volunteers 6:15 PM: Complimentary Indian Dinner 7:15 PM: Annual Meeting Tuesday, May 19 • 6:15 PM RSVP by May 15 at or call 206-232-8555 x204 Herzl-Ner Tamid Conservative Congregation Affiliated with The United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism 3700 East Mercer Way, Mercer Island, WA 98040 P.O. Box 574, Mercer Island, WA 98040 Phone: 206-232-8555 • Fax: 206-232-0283 • Senior Rabbi Jay Rosenbaum / Cantor Bradlee Kurland / Director of Congregational Learning, Rabbi Jessica Yarkin / Executive Director, Nadine Strauss / Program and Events Manager, Rebecca Levy / FRS Principal, Leslie Mickel / 2014-2015 Executive Committee Dan Mintz, President Jonathan Langman, Exec. Vice President Billy Pruchno, Treasurer/Financial V.P. Donna Peha, Membership V.P. Chuck Friedman, Secretary Julie Ellenhorn, Immediate Past President 2014-2015 Board of Directors Sharon Constantine Marilyn Corets Benjamin Diament Antony Egnal Ricki Gafter Michele Glasser Kari Haas David Isenberg Brenda Luper Steven Novick Scott Perry Aaron Rosenstein Leah Saltzman George Siegel Ilyse Wagner 206-232-8555 • • NON PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID Mercer Island, WA Permit No. 42
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