UpToDate Anywhere

 UpToDate Anywhere
Now Available at University of Michigan Health System
University of Michigan is now offering UpToDate Anywhere to all clinicians, providing access to all features, tools and the Mobile App. If you haven’t registered with UpToDate® yet, you’re missing out on many unique benefits! Please register when you access UpToDate via Epic. Access UpToDate by right-­‐clicking in Chief Complaint, Health Maintenance, Diagnosis, Allergies, Medication Entry, Procedure Entry, Flowsheets, Results, Vitals, or Medication Review. Benefits of Registering: ü Free UpToDate Mobile App for your iPhone, iPad, Android and Windows 8 devices. ü Access UpToDate remotely by logging in from any computer with an Internet connection. With your username and password you created when you registered you’ll get the evidence-­‐based clinical information you need from home, the office or wherever you are! ü AMA PRA Cat 1 CME credits when you research a clinical question using UpToDate on site or remotely – including on your mobile device. UpToDate.com ǀ Tel 1.800.998.6374 ǀ customerservice@uptodate.com