Ohio Northern Mathile Center Law Graduates Ranked First Groundbreaking Scheduled

Ohio Northern
Issue No. 197
Oct. 31, 2007
Mathile Center
for the
Natural Sciences
4:00 p.m.
Thursday, Nov. 8
Law Graduates Ranked First
in Passing Bar Exam
Mathile Center
Groundbreaking Scheduled
Ohio Northern University’s Pettit College of Law graduates are
ranked No. 1 in Ohio for first-time applicants passing the bar exam.
The ONU graduates represented the highest percentage of firsttime applicants passing the July 2007 bar, with 95 percent of firsttime takers passing the Ohio bar examination. Statewide, there were
1,094 first-time applicants, and 88.1 percent received passing scores.
David C. Crago, dean and professor of law at Ohio Northern,
celebrated the accomplishments of the ONU graduates and
proclaimed, “We are extremely proud of our students and their
successful completion of the Ohio bar examination. This is
the culmination of years of hard work, determination and selfdiscipline.”
Ohio Northern graduates also are ranked No. 2 in the state for
first-time applicants passing the February 2007 bar examination.
In addition, ONU law graduates fared well in the July bar
examinations in Florida (100 percent), Illinois (100 percent),
Indiana (100 percent), North Carolina (100 percent) and
Pennsylvania (90 percent).
The new attorneys will be sworn in during a special public session
of the Supreme Court on Monday, Nov. 5, 2007, at The Ohio
Theatre in Columbus.
Ohio Northern University will hold a groundbreaking ceremony
for the Mathile Center for the Natural Sciences adjacent to the
Meyer Hall of Science on Thursday, Nov. 8, at 4 p.m.
This new student-centered academic research and learning facility
will blend trademark hands-on teaching excellence with advanced
technology in a functional modern environment. The building
will include 21 classrooms, five seminars/conference rooms, 21
laboratories, 34 offices and four storage spaces. The 95,145-squarefoot structure will connect the Meyer Hall of Science with the
Robertson-Evans Pharmacy building.
The Mathile Center is named for Drs. Clayton and MaryAnn
Mathile, who initiated the campaign to construct the center
by pledging $5 million, plus an additional $5 million in matching
Clayton Mathile graduated from ONU in 1962 with a business
administration degree. After seven years with the Campbell Soup
Company, he joined The Iams Company in 1970. The Mathiles
became sole owners of Iams in 1982 and sold the company to
Proctor and Gamble in 1999.
Following the sale, the Mathile Family Foundation’s grantmaking
increased significantly. Mathile and his wife MaryAnn established
the Foundation in 1998 as a vehicle for sharing the many
blessings of their business success. The Foundation strives to foster
hope, inspire change and impact children in need. Mary is the
Foundation’s CEO, board chair, and treasurer; Clayton and all five
of their children are represented on the board of trustees.
The Mathiles will participate in the groundbreaking ceremony,
and remarks will be made by ONU President Kendall L. Baker,
Ph.D.; Robert Manzer, ONU dean of Arts and Sciences; Terry
Keiser, ONU chairman of the Department of Biological and
Allied Health Sciences; and Stephen Jacquemin, an ONU senior
environmental studies major from Delaware, Ohio.
Health Screening!
Nov. 10, 2007
McIntosh Ballroom
To learn more, contact the Human
Resources Department at ext. 3106.
Students Continue
Flood Cleanup
Student volunteers, from left, Josh Gargac,
a sophomore in mechanical engineering
from Northwood, Ohio; Jay Gindlesberger,
a second-year pharmacy student from
Magnolia, Ohio; Krista Helmuth, a secondyear pharmacy student from Louisville, Ohio;
and Stacy Waterman, a third-year pharmacy
student from Ohio City, Ohio, install
insulation under a home in Ottawa. On Oct. 27, a total of 23 volunteers from
ONU took a van to the volunteer center in
Ottawa to help with reconstruction following
this year’s flood.
“We split up in groups of four or five and
did a lot of insulation installation,” says
Andrew Taylor, a fifth-year pharmacy student
from Chillicothe, Ohio, who organized the
trip for ONU’s Habitat Chapter and NCF
He adds, “Ottawa will be in the rebuilding
phase for quite a while and would love anyone
to help especially on the weekends.” To contact the volunteer
organization and get involved, call (419) 523-3288 or (419)
890-7937. Vocal Music Event Friday
The Music Department will present the ONU Women’s Chorus,
ONU Men’s Chorus, and the ONU A Cappella Ensembles in
concert at 8 p.m., Friday, Nov. 2 in the Snyder Recital Hall.
The Women’s Chorus is directed by Dr. Denise D’Arca with
associate directors Jamie McClelland and Kristen McDowell.
The Men’s Chorus is directed by Professor Dennis Kratzer with
associate director Josh Voll. Assistant directors for the Men’s Chorus
are Andrew Stein and Adam VonAlmen.
The six a cappella ensembles are coached by Dr. Denise D’Arca.
Faith Heflin and Marinda Hanover are the accompanists for the
Women’s Chorus and Ryan Neal accompanies the Men’s Chorus.
This performance marks the debut of two new A Cappella groups:
Northern Renaissance Voices, a nine-voice mixed group who sing
Madrigals, and “N”Harmonics, a mixed contemporary a cappella
group--five singers, a vocal percussionist, and a “sound guy.”
Also making their debut performance is a women’s barbershop
quartet so new they don’t even have a name. In addition, two
men’s barbershop quartets: Frozen Chords and O.N.Who? and the
returning women’s barbershop quartet, Four Degrees North, will
The event is free and open to the public.
Silent Auction Under Way
A silent auction to benefit The Northern Fund is being held on
the second floor of Hill Building. Stop in to see items available.
The auction ends at 3 p.m., Nov. 6.
Law Auction Set
The College of Law will hold its 11th annual Public Interest
Auction at noon on Friday, Nov. 30, in the law lounge.
Funds from the auction allow law students to work in public
sector agencies over the summer, doing legal work for non-profit
In addition, the day will include the Pro Bono Symposium, a
continuing legal education program, “Professionalism and Public
Interest Obligations,” presented by Professor of Law Bruce French.
That program will begin at 8:30 a.m. in the Moot Court Room.
To learn more, contact Cheryl Kitchen at ext. 2220.
Gerber Book Signing Set
ONU law professor Scott Douglas Gerber will be discussing his
new legal thriller, “The Law Clerk,” on Nov. 1, 2007, from 11:30
a.m. to 12:45 p.m. in the Moot Court Room of the College of Law
(room 129).
Visit the publisher’s web site for further information about the
book: http://upress.kent.edu/books/Gerber_S.htm
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Northern Sun is published for faculty and staff of Ohio Northern University. Contact Communications and Marketing at: m-wilkin@onu.edu
Jonathan Pitts, Ph.D., associate professor of English and a
faculty advisor with Dave Kisor, Pharm.D., to the new ONU
Multisport club, won his division in the Battle of Ohio Triathlon
Series, a series of triathlon and duathlon races held throughout
Ohio beginning in May. In the final race, Olympic Duathlon on
Sept. 30, Pitts qualified for the Powerman world championships in
Zofingen, Switzerland. Pitts also placed second in his division in the
Columbus Metro Trailblazer Running Series, a series of 5k and 10k
races which began last April and ended in early October.
Lions Club Raising Funds
for Pilot Dogs
ONU’s Lions Club is raising funds for Pilot Dogs. The goal is
$4,000, which will be matched dollar for dollar by Dr. Sandra
Hrometz in the College of Pharmacy.
If the goal of $8,000 is reached, the club will give Pilot Dogs
enough funds to cover the costs of providing one blind person with
a trained guide dog.
Pilot Dogs is supported entirely by public contributions. The
Ohio, organization was established in 1950 to train
The following law students will travel to Iceland in January as
Pilot Dogs to guide the blind. Pilot Dogs gives its
part of the Icelandic Legal Exchange Program: Marissa D’Altorio,
to the sightless at absolutely no charge. The blind
Export, Pa.; Tristin Kilgallon, Ada, Ohio; Meaghan McGuirk,
family, friends or a sponsoring agency are not
Johnstown, Pa.; Rex Steele, Preston, Ind.; Adam Weaver, Mohnton,
Pa.; and Emily White, Floyds Knobs, Ind.
The qualified recipient receives round-trip transportation to
The ONU students will travel Jan. 16-21, 2008. In exchange, the
plus room and board for the intensive four-week
Icelandic law students will visit Ohio Northern shortly thereafter.
with their new guide dog. Currently, Pilot Dogs
The Icelandic Legal Exchange Program began in 1960 when
150 individuals each year throughout the
former Dean Eugene Hanson served as a Fulbright Lecturer at the
University of Iceland’s Faculty of Law. Dean Hanson worked very
From Oct. 29 through Nov. 12, ONU’s Lion Club will have
closely while in Reykjavik with Armann Snaevarr, and they become
containers in the following areas:
good friends. Professor Snaevarr’s career in Iceland included being
the President (Lehr 201)
dean and professor of the Faculty of Law, Rector (President) of the
Student Affairs (McIntosh Center)
University of Iceland, and then President and Justice of the Supreme
the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences (Dukes
Court of Iceland. Every year since that time, Icelandic law students
have visited Ohio Northern and ONU has sent law students to
* Office of the Dean of the College of Business Administration
Iceland. Nearly one-fourth of the practicing attorneys in Iceland
(Dicke 121)
have participated in the program and have visited Ohio Northern.
* Office of the Dean of the College of Engineering (Biggs 203)
Several faculty and staff from the law school have also traveled to
Iceland, including Victor Streib (2000), Sherry Young (2003), Steve * Office of the Dean of the College of Law (Tilton 103)
* Office of the Dean of the College of Pharmacy (Robertson-Evans
Veltri (2006), Linda English (2006), Cheryl Kitchen (2006) and
Mindi Wells (2006). ONU students also have the opportunity to
* Biology Department (Meyer 118)
study abroad for one semester in Iceland.
* Chemistry Department (Meyer 262)
* ONU Switchboard (Lehr 100)
* Physical Plant
* Physics Department (Science Annex 113)
The James F. Dicke College of Business Administration will
present Elizabeth H. Klimes, vice president of Six Sigma for Eli Lilly * ONU Bookstore (McIntosh Center)
Additionally, contributions can also be sent directly to Prof. Paul
and Company, in the next installment of the Dean’s Distinguished
Nutter (Taft Room 208) and Sandra Hrometz (HPPEC 251).
Lecture Series on Thursday, Nov. 1, at 7 p.m. in the Dicke Forum.
Pilot Dogs is officially recognized by the U.S. Treasury
Klimes’ lecture is entitled “Charting Health Care’s New Frontier.” Department as a tax-deductible charity. If you are interested in
The lecture is free and open to the public.
donating, your cancelled check payable to Pilot Dogs, Inc., can
serve as your receipt for tax purposes.
Health Care Executive to Speak
‘What Every Individual Should
Know About Estate Planning’
The Ohio Northern University Retirees Society will host guest
speaker Kathryn W. Miree on Thursday, Nov. 8, from 9 to 11 a.m.
in the McIntosh Activities Room.
Miree, president of Kathryn W. Miree & Associates, Inc., will
present a lecture entitled “Top Ten Things Every Individual Should
Know About Estate Planning.”
This lecture is free and open to the public.
To learn more, contact Ken Block, executive director of
development, at ext. 2008 or e-mail: k-block@onu.edu
Pianist to be Featured
The ONU Artist Series will present an evening of piano music
with I-Chen Yeh on Tuesday, Nov. 6, at 7 p.m. in the Snyder
Recital Hall. A native of Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Yeh has won competitions in
Taiwan, Japan and the United States. She studied piano in Vienna
under Rudolf Kehrer and is currently a doctoral candidate in
contemporary music at Bowling Green State University (BGSU).
This event is free and open to the public.
Northern Events - Nov. 1-7
Arts and Lectures
Nov. 1
Nov. 2
11:30 a.m., “The Law Clerk,” discussion and book signing,
Law Professor Scott Gerber, Law 129
8:00 a.m., Volleyball OAC Tournament
1:00 p.m., Swimming vs. College of Wooster
7:00 p.m., “The Conditions of Healthcare in the U.S. and the
Role of the Pharmaceutical Industry,” Elizabeth Klimes, Vice
President of Six Sigma at Eli Lilly and Company, Dicke Forum
Nov. 2
8:00 p.m., ONU Women’s Chorus, ONU Men’s
Chorus, and the ONU A Cappella Ensembles in concert,
Snyder Recital Hall
Nov. 4
4:00 p.m., Band-O-Rama, Freed Center
Nov. 7
8:00 p.m., Instrumental Ensembles Concert, Snyder
Recital Hall
Nov. 3
1:30 p.m., Football vs. Heidelberg
4:00 p.m., Volleyball, OAC Tournament
6:00 p.m., Swimming at Kenyon College
Campus Events
Nov. 5
6:30 p.m., JV Football at Heidelberg
Nov. 5
6:30 p.m., Town and Gown Banquet, McIntosh Ballroom
Nov. 6
Election Day!
9:00 a.m., Deans only meeting, McIntosh 202
5:30 p.m., University Council
Nov. 7
8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., “Charitable Planning in a Changing
World,” continuing education seminar, Dicke Forum.
Contact Ken Block at ext. 2008 for details.
For more events, go to: