Trail Running Camp 2015 powered by Bjak

Trail Running Camp 2015 powered by Bjak
Date: Friday 22.05.2015 to Monday 25.05.2015
Friday 22.05.2015; 16:00 Meet at the Camphotel reception
General meeting and chance for participants to get to know each other over a welcome drink
Equipment info and opportunity to fill any missing items of your own kit
Equipment check
Trail running information with presentation and videos
Chance to try out hire shoes
Chance to hire a drinks rucksack.
Total duration: approx. 2.5 hours
Meeting point: Camphotel, reception
In the evening: 22:00 for Camp participants
Start of the Night-trail (Please bring head torch – can also be purchased on site in the Trailshop)
Duration: approx. 45 – 60 minutes + stretching
Meeting point: Camphotel, reception
Saturday 23.05.2015, 09:30 meet at Camphotel, reception
Start of the Trailrun Speedtrail section of the Hochkönigman 2015 and the qualification course for the Trail
Running World Championships 2015
Incl. trail running technique uphill und downhill
Route: 21km / 1566+ vertical metres
Duration: approx. 5 – 6 hours incl. breaks
Meeting point: Camphotel reception
In the afternoon: 17:30 meet at the Camphotel Reception, then to the gym
Short warm up
Weight training for trail runners
Stabilisation training for trail runners
Please bring towel and suitable clothes for indoors.
Duration: approx. 1.5 hours
Meeting point: Camphotel reception
Sunday 24.05.2015 09:30 Meet at the Camphotel reception
Start of the Trailrun – the last section of the Hochkönigman 2015 Marathon and Endurance Trails, taking you up
to the Hundstein at 2117 m, via the Schwalbenwand and then down to the sprint finish in Maria Alm.
- Stretching
Route: approx. 30km / approx. 1900+ vertical metres
Duration: approx. 6-7 hours incl. breaks
Meeting point: Camphotel reception
Afternoon: Relax
Evening: 18:00 Meet at the Camphotel reception, then on to the Seminar room
Talk: How come others can run faster than me?
Duration: approx. 1.5 hours
Meeting point: Camphotel reception
Monday 07:45 Meet at the Camphotel reception
Early Bird Trailrun / Sunrise trail; Duration: approx. 45 mins + stretching
Meeting point: Camphotel reception
Then breakfast and independent departures.
Trailrunning equipment:
Collapsible beaker
Mobile phone with audible ring tone
First aid kit
Survival blanket
Rain jacket (with 10,000ml water column resistance)
Waterproof trousers (with 10,000ml water column resistance)
Personal identification card
Long trousers
Longsleeved shirt
Head torch
Spare batteries
1L liquid
Refreshment: gels and bars, electrolyte drinks!
Trail Running sticks, salt tablets, amino acid tablets, …, note though that the sticks must be taken from start to
All items of equipment and nutritional refreshments can be bought on location.
Trail running events take place in the outdoors and through nature conservation areas along already existing tracks,
paths, forestry tracks, gravel roads, and on public and private roads. Highways rules must be adhered to, and in the
case of 2-way traffic, runners should stay on the left-hand side. Crossing public highways and private property should
be done in an orderly fashion. Any unfair behaviour towards other competitors will lead to an instant curtailment of
the tour by the Trail Running guides.
If required items of compulsory equipment are found to be missing at the check before the start, then these can, where
possible, be brought to the start. If this is not so, then the Trail Running guide will decide whether it is possible to
continue with the start.
All participants of Bjak Trail and Running camps confirm to the Trail Running guide with their signature their
disclaimer of liability and their suitable health condition and the ability to proceed safely along exposed trails at
higher attitudes.
Participants’ fees excluding accommodation, including supervision, participant’s shirt, electrolyte drinks,
energy bars and information folder:
Euro 199Registration: with details of name, address, e-mail address, telephone number, and shirt size