Hodgkins Park District 8997 Lyons Street Hodgkins, IL 60525 708-354-6563 FAX 708-354-9269 e-mail to: hodgkinspark@yahoo.com Hours of Operation Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Sunday Closed Registration Hours Park Board Meetings Monday through Friday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. You may register at the Park District office or by mail. Park Board Meetings are held on the third Thursday of the month at 6:30 p.m. The public is welcome to attend. Accommodations for Persons with Disabilities Disclaimer The Hodgkins Park District, in compliance with the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA), will make any reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities. Please contact the ADA Coordinator, Eileen Tucker, at 708-354-6563 x3 for your leisure enjoyment. The Hodgkins Park District makes every effort to provide complete and accurate information about our programs contained within this brochure. If any error has occurred, the Park District has the right to revise, delete or change any information it deems necessary. Board of Commissioners Executive Director of Parks and Recreation Joe Moxley—President Lumie Jones Vern Millsap Dolores Misasi Jackie Warkentien Kelly Young younghpd@gmail.com Director of Recreation Eileen Tucker tuckerhpd@comcast.net Secretary Treasurer Dawn Morgan Ronald P. Kubicki Director of Parks Elias Lopez eliaslopezhpd@yahoo.com Pre-School Supervisor Inside This Issue 3 Policies 4 Rental Information 5 Zoom Zoom Parties 6 Registration Policies 7 Registration Form 9 Pull Out Calendar 10 Field Trips 11 Family Activities 12 Early Childhood 14 Halloween Activities 15 Christmas Activities 16 Youth & Teen 19 Facility Schedules 20 Adult 23 Open Gym Hours 24 Closures & Volunteers www.hodgkinspark.com Lida Mills millshpd@comcast.net Recreation Leader Supervisor Jake Klotz Safety Coordinator Megan Jadron Assistant Director of Parks Margarito Medina Recreation Staff Yesenia Nunez Matt Azzarello Connor Carson Martin Almeida Jessica Mills Ashley Bleck Parks Staff Rocky Martinez 1 708-354-6563 www.hodgkinspark.com 2 708-354-6563 Code of Conduct To ensure an enjoyable and safe program for all participants, the Hodgkins Park District has developed a behavioral code of conduct. Participants must: Show respect to all participants and staff Refrain from using foul language Refrain from causing bodily harm Show respect for equipment, supplies & facilities Temporary removal or permanent suspension from the program and/or facility may result if behavioral standards are not maintained. Insurance The Hodgkins Park District does not provide medical insurance coverage or liability insurance coverage for those participating in recreation programs or while using Park facilities. Such insurance would make programs and user fees prohibitive. Policies Non Resident Fees Registration is on a first come first serve basis. All programs listed in this brochure are contingent upon sufficient enrollment. All field trips are also on a first come first serve basis. Registration must be made at least 5 days before the first day of class unless otherwise indicated. All registrations made after the 5 day deadline are subject to a 10% fee. The Park has the right to cancel any programs or trips due to lack of participation or unforeseen circumstance. The Hodgkins Park District residents, via property taxes, make a significant financial contribution to the operation of the Park District whether they use it or not. The Non-Residents Fair Share concept is intended to apportion any equalizing fee to Non-Resident participants so they contribute to the overall financing of the Park District on an equitable basis with Residents. Throughout this brochure, the higher fee is the Non-Resident fair share fee. A “Resident” is defined as anyone “LIVING” within the geographic boundaries of the Village of Hodgkins. Refunds After a class has started: refunds will not be given unless there is a doctor’s excuse given. There will be deductions taken for classes held. There will be $10 handling on all refunds, unless the class was canceled by the Park District. All checks returned due to insufficient funds will be charged a $30 handling fee. There will be no refunds for any reason after a two week cancellation date! A Note to Parent or Guardian When present in the classroom with the assigned teacher, children are under the instructor’s supervision. In all cases, it is understood that children eight years and older, are responsible for their own behavior and whereabouts while they are at a program site. Parents should establish and discuss with their children both drop-off and pick-up arrangements, and guidelines relative to expectations of on-site conduct. Payment Methods Payment methods accepted are: cash, check, Visa, MasterCard & Discover. Fee Code The fee code used in this brochure is as follows: R—Resident of Hodgkins Park District NR—Non-Resident www.hodgkinspark.com 3 708-354-6563 INSIDE FACILITIES GYM A/B max 400 people $200 Refundable Deposit $225 Residents/$340 Non-Residents per hour GYM A or B max 200 people $100 Refundable Deposit $115 Residents/$175 Non-Residents per hour PARTY ROOM max 28 people $20 Refundable Deposit $20 Residents/$30 Non-Residents per hour INDOOR PLAY AREA max 37 people $100 Refundable Deposit $20 Residents/$30 Non-Residents per hour COMBINED PARTY ROOM AND PLAY AREA $140 Refundable Deposit $35 Residents/$55 Non-Residents per hour MULTI PURPOSE ROOM A/B max 275 people Includes kitchen, tables & chairs $200 Refundable Deposit $130 Residents/$195 Non-Residents per hour MULTI PURPOSE ROOM A max 187 people Includes kitchen, tables & chairs $100 Refundable Deposit $95 Residents/$145 Non-Residents per hour MULTI PURPOSE ROOM B max 88 people Includes kitchen, tables & chairs $100 Refundable Deposit $40 Residents/$60 Non-Residents per hour MULTI PURPOSE ROOM A/B—No Kitchen $200 Refundable Deposit $110 Residents/$165 Non-Residents per hour MULTI PURPOSE ROOM A—No Kitchen $100 Refundable Deposit $70 Residents/$105 Non-Residents per hour MULTI PURPOSE ROOM B—No Kitchen $100 Refundable Deposit $35 Residents/$55 Non-Residents per hour RENTAL ADD ON Volleyball Equipment $75 www.hodgkinspark.com OUTSIDE FACILITIES SHELTERS East Playground, West End 1 & 2, Weeping Willow, Lenzi Park $50 Refundable Deposit $15 Residents/$25 Non-Residents per hour SPLASH HARBOR SHELTER $50 Refundable Deposit $25 Residents/$40 Non-Residents per hour WEST END $50 Refundable Deposit $50 Residents/$75 Non-Residents per hour COLE LENZI FIELD $50 Refundable Deposit $50 per hour $60 per hour with lights LITTLE LEAGUE FIELD $50 Refundable Deposit $50 per hour $60 per hour with lights LENZI BASKETBALL COURT $50 Refundable Deposit $25 per hour LENZI SOCCER FIELD $50 Refundable Deposit $25 per hour 20 X 30 TENT $150 Refundable Deposit $175 6 TABLES & 50 CHAIRS WITH TENT RENTAL ONLY $150 Refundable Deposit 4 708-354-6563 Zoom Zone For 10 guests includes: Party Room & Zoom Zone for 2 hours Table cloths on tables Staff assistance for 2 hours Gift for birthday child Printable invitations on-line Each additional child $6 up to 25 guests Climb Crazy For 10 guests includes: Party Room & Zoom Zone for 2 hours Table cloths on tables Plates, napkins, cups, forks & spoons Hot dogs & Chips Soda Staff assistance for 2 hours Gift for birthday child Printable invitations on-line Each additional child $8 up to 25 guests Fun Frenzy For 10 guests includes: Party Room & Zoom Zone for 2 hours Table cloths on tables Plates, napkins, cups, forks & spoons Pizza (cheese, sausage or pepperoni) Soda Staff assistance for 2 hours Gift for birthday child Printable invitations on-line Each additional child $10 up to 25 guests Hodgkins Park District 8997 Lyons Street, Hodgkins, IL 60525 708-354-6563 www.hodgkinspark.com www.hodgkinspark.com 5 708-354-6563 PLEASE READ ALL THE REGISTRATION INFORMATION LISTED. It will help registration go SMOOTHLY for all of us. REGISTRATION POLICIES Fees must be paid at time of registration The Hodgkins Park District reserves the right to correct or modify program information due to errors, omissions or changes. Errors can happen in printing so please check our website for the most current information/corrections/changes before registration. Telephone registrations are not accepted Fax registrations are accepted when paid by credit card. Returned checks will be charged a $30 fee. MAIL-IN REGISTRATION PROCEDURES Complete Registration Form. Write legibly or type in all required information including name, address and phone. Read the waiver and sign the form. One (1) family may register per envelope. Do not include applications from other families. Include credit card information or a check payable to the Hodgkins Park District for appropriate fees. Incomplete or illegible forms or incorrect checks may delay the processing of your form. Mail or drop off completed forms and check to the Hodgkins Park District, 8997 Lyons Street, Hodgkins, IL 60525 A receipt confirming enrollment status and fee payment will be mailed or e-mailed. Any overpayments will be placed as a credit on your household account. How to Watch a Good Program Die ALL CLASSES & TRIPS MUST BE REGISTERED BY THE FRIDAY BEFORE THE CLASS START DATE UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED. NO EXCEPTIONS. Classes will not run without the minimum number of participants advertised. We try to give advance notice of cancellations, so if you wait until the last minute to sign up, the class may already have been cancelled due to low enrollment. Please sign up at your earliest convenience! www.hodgkinspark.com 6 Programs for YOU! Is there something you’ve always wanted to learn? Let us know and we’ll try to find an instructor. Do you have any skills you could share as an instructor or do you know anyone who might like instructing a class? Again, let us know. This is your Recreation Department! Fee Assistance If you are aware of any children who are being denied the right to participate in recreation programs due to the fee structure, kindly inform the Hodgkins Park District. Requests will be considered on an individual basis. Keep Your Pets Out of the Parks Please keep your dogs and other pets out of the parks. The presence of animals makes the maintenance of a clean and healthy environment much more difficult. It also prevents many persons from enjoying the parks. 708-354-6563 In order to better serve participants, please check this box to inform us of any special needs, accommodations, severe reactions/allergies, or medical conditions that may impact the participant’s enjoyment in the programs. We will then call to discuss appropriate and further actions after your registration is completed. Program Title Participants Name Birth Date Participant Liability Waiver and Hold Harmless Agreement PHOTO INFORMATION On occasion, the park district staff or local newspaper photographers may take pictures of participants in our programs, classes or events. Please be aware that these pictures are only for Park District use, most likely in future catalogues, brochures, pamphlets, flyers, website or for publication in a local newspaper. IMPORTANT INFORMATION The Hodgkins Park District is committed to conducting its recreation programs and activities in a safe manner and holds the safety of participants in high regard. The Hodgkins Park District continually strives to reduce such risks and insists that all participants follow safety rules and instructions that are designed to protect the participants’ safety. However, participants and parents/guardians of minors registering for this program/activity must recognize that there is a inherent risk of injury when choosing to participate in recreational activities/programs. You are solely responsible for determining if you or your minor child/ward are physically fit and or skilled for the activities contemplated by this agreement. It is always advisable, especially if the participant is pregnant, disabled in any way or recently suffered an illness or impairment, to consult a physician before undertaking any physical activity. WARNING OF RISK Recreational activities/programs are intended to challenge and engage the physical, mental and emotional resources of each participant. Despite careful and proper preparation, instruction, medical advice, conditioning and equipment, there is still a risk of serious injury when participating in any recreational activity/program. Understandably, not all hazards and dangers can be foreseen. Depending on the particular activity, participants must understand that certain risks, dangers and injuries due to inclement weather, slipping, falling, poor skill lever or conditioning, carelessness, horseplay, unsportsmanlike conduct, premises defects, inadequate or defective equipment, inadequate supervision, instruction or officiating, and all other circumstances inherent to outdoor and indoor recreational activities/programs exist. In this regard, it must be recognized that it is impossible for the Hodgkins Park District to guarantee absolute safety. WAIVER AND RELEASE OF ALL CLAIMS AND ASSUMPTION OR RISK Please read this form carefully and be aware that in signing up and participating in this program/activity, you will be expressly assuming the risk and legal liability and waiving and releasing all claims for injuries, damages or loss which you or your minor Child/ward might sustain as a result of participating in any and all activities connected with and associated with this program/ activity (including transportation services/vehicle operation, when provided). Grade M/F Fee Total Enclosed: $______ I recognize and acknowledge that there are certain risks of physical injury to participants in this program/activity, and I voluntarily agree to assume the risk of any and all injuries, damages or loss, regardless of severity, that my child/ward or I may sustain as a result of said participation. I further agree to waive and relinquish all claims I or my child/ward may have (or accrue to me or my child/ward) as a result of participating in this program/activity against the Hodgkins Park District, including its officials, agents, volunteers and employees (hereinafter collectively referred as Hodgkins Park District). I do hereby fully release and forever discharge the Hodgkins Park District from any and all claims for injuries, damages, or loss that minor child/ward or I may have or which may accrue to me or my child/ward and arising out of, connected with, or in any way associated with this program/activity. I have read and fully understand the above important information, warning of risk, assumption of risk and waiver and release of all claims. If registering via fax, our facsimile signature shall substitute for and have the same legal effect as an original form signature. Name:_______________________________________________________ e-mail:_______________________________________ Signature:____________________________________________________ Date:________________________________________ Address:__________________________________________________________________________________________________ City/Zip:_____________________________________________________ Phone Number:________________________________ Payment Method: Check Cash Card #_________________________________________________________________ Exp. Date___________________________ Name as it appears on credit card:__________________________________ Authorized Signature:__________________________ www.hodgkinspark.com 7 708-354-6563 www.hodgkinspark.com 8 708-354-6563 Four Winds Casino 4th Park Board Meeting 18th Teen Bunco 26th Adult Bunco 27th Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Boy’s Sleepover 3rd Pumpkin Painting 9th Haunted House Hunt 10th & 17th Halloween Fun Night 11th Four Winds Casino 16th Park Board Meeting 16th Scary Movie Night 21st Prepare For Halloween Night 22nd Pumpkin Carving 23rd Witches of Halloween Party 23rd Mystic Blue Lunch Cruise 25th Heaps Haunted Corn Maze 25th Halloween Happening 30th & 31st Halloween Carnival 31st Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Tree Lighting 1st Santa’s Holiday Bash 6th Adult Holiday Craft Class 9th Fashion Outlets of Chicago 13th Park Board Meeting 18th Holiday Magic at Brookfield Zoo 20th Christmas Sweatshirt Class 22nd Christmas Cookie Class 23rd Park Closes at 12:00 24th Park Closed 25th Sledding 29th Movie Day “It’s A hard Knock Life” 30th New Year’s Eve Party 31st Park Closes at 2:00 31st Park Closed Jan. 1st Girl’s Sleepover 7th Teen Volleyball 11th Four Winds Casino 13th Bunco 15th Turkey Hunt 20th Park Board Meeting 20th Movie Day “Penguins” 26th Park Closed 27th & 28th Sun Mon Sat Sun 1 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 28 29 30 31 1 30 31 www.hodgkinspark.com 9 708-354-6563 Haunted House Hunt When: Time: Ages: Cost: Instructor: Friday, October 10th Friday, October 17th 9:00 p.m. 5th Grade & up TBA for each house Jake Klotz If you’re a fan of haunted houses you won’t want to miss this trip! We will find the scariest haunted houses around! Bring your friends and have a scary good time. Min 4/Max 14 Mystic Blue Skyline Lunch Cruise When: Time: Ages: Cost: Instructor: Saturday, October 25th 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. All Ages (children under 14 must be accompanied by an adult) $66 R/$73 NR Eileen Tucker Do lunch differently. Get lost in the view of the Chicago skyline from the largest panoramic windows on Navy Pier. You will love cruising with dining, DJ music and dancing. Limit 15 Heaps Haunted Corn Maze When: Time: Ages: Cost: Instructor: Saturday, October 25th 8:30 p.m. 6th Grade & up $17 R/$20 NR Jake Klotz Make your way through the famous Heaps Haunted Corn Maze if you dare to try! This is an outside attraction so make sure to dress appropriately. Min 4/Max 14 Holiday Magic at Brookfield Zoo When: Time: Ages: Cost: Instructor: Saturday, December 20th 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. All ages (under 12 must be accompa nied by a parent or guardian) Adults $20 R/$27 NR Children 3 to 11 $15 R/$22 NR Seniors 65 & over $15 R/$22 NR Yesenia Nunez See over 1,000,000 twinkling lights, ice carving, light shows and more! You’re sure to feel the magic of the holidays. www.hodgkinspark.com 10 708-354-6563 Family Pumpkin Carving When: Time: Ages: Thursday, October 23rd 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. Family Program—children must be accompanied by an adult Cost: $15 Resident Family $22.50 Non-Residents Family Instructors: Yesenia Nunez & Jessica Mills Make it scary! Make it cute! It’s up to your family to decide how your pumpkin will turn out. Cost includes the cost of the pumpkin. Min 5 families/Max 15 families Family Open Gym Night When: Time: Ages: Cost: Thursdays 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. Family Program—children must be accompanied by an adult Free to Residents/$7 Non-Residents Thursdays are reserved for families! Use the gym and multi purpose room for playing basketball, jump ropes, games of tag and more. All ages of children welcome. Wednesday, December 31st 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. $3 Residents/$4.50 Non-Residents This is a family program. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Kids never make it to midnight? Have plans but still want to celebrate the new year with your children? How about a New Year’s Eve party during the day? There will be food and activities for families to enjoy. Then at the stroke of NOON everyone will shout HAPPY NEW YEAR and celebrate will a toast, noise makers and all! www.hodgkinspark.com 11 708-354-6563 Tot-Time—3 Days When: Time: Ages: Cost: Instructors: Monday, Wednesday & Friday 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. 3 to 5 years that have not attended kindergarten $200 R/$300 NR Lida Mills & Yesenia Nunez Tot-Time—2 Days When: Time: Ages: Cost: Instructors: Tuesday & Thursday 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. 3 to 5 years that have not attended kindergarten $135 R/$200 NR Lida Mills & Yesenia Nunez This fall your child will learn all about the wonders of autumn, colors and celebrating Halloween, Thanksgiving & Christmas. Children need to be potty trained by the first day Terrible Two’s of class. September 15th to January 16th. No class the week When: Tuesdays of Thanksgiving and two weeks of winter break. Min 4/Max 18 Time: 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. Ages: 18 to 36 months Cost: $44 R/$66 NR Instructors: Lida Mills & Yesenia Nunez Bring your terrific two year old to the Hodgkins Park District for some fun playin in the class room and learning new games and songs, then having a small snack. Parents are welcome to stay with their child. Min 4/Max 12 Little Tykes Open Gym When: Time: Ages: Cost: Instructor: Monday, Wednesday & Friday 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. 2 to 6 years Free to R/$3 NR Jake Klotz Music Together This program is just for the youngsters. It is an hour of supervised free play that allows the children time to play and interact in a non-structured environment. Let’s Get Fall Crafty When: Time: Ages: Cost: Instructor: Mondays 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. 2 to 5 years $12.50 R/$18.75 NR Yesenia Nunez Paint it, glue it and hang it for all to see! During this class you will be creating adorable crafts to go along with the season. Min 4/Max 10 www.hodgkinspark.com 12 When: Time: Ages: Cost: Instructor: Tuesdays 2:00 to 2:45 p.m. 0 to 2 years $12.50 R/$18.75 NR Yesenia Nunez These 45 minute music and movement classes are mixed-age for children birth to 2 years old. It’s perfect for siblings, cousins, neighbors and friends. Class activities include singing, dancing, free movement, finger play and instrument jam. Min 4/Max 10 708-354-6563 Spanish for You and Me When: Time: Ages: Cost: Instructor: Classes start September 15th and end on November 26th unless otherwise indicated. There will be no classes on holidays and the two weeks of winter break. Wednesdays 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. 3 to 5 years $12.50 R/$18.75 NR Yesenia Nunez Children will have so much fun learning Spanish. Each week they learn the ABC’s, numbers, animals & etc. Min 4/Max 10 Colors of My World When: Time: Ages: Cost: Instructor: Witches of Halloween Party Thursdays 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. 0 to 2 years $25 R/$37.50 NR Yesenia Nunez When: Time: Ages: Cost: Instructor: Red, Yellow, Green and Blue discover the colors around you. Your child will learn about a different color while doing different activities such as painting. Afterwards children will have a snack that goes with the color of the day. Min 4/Max 10 Let’s celebrate Halloween with some of your favorite witches. Children will play games, search for the witches black cat, make a craft, hear a story and have a snack. Min 4/Max 8 Turkey Hunt Pee Wee Picassos When: Time: Ages: Cost: Instructor: Thursday, October 23rd 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. 3 to 5 years $12 R/$18 NR Lida Mills When: Time: Ages: Cost: Instructor: Fridays 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. 2 to 5 years $12.50 R/$18.75 NR Yesenia Nunez Thursday, November 20th 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. 3 to 5 years $12 R/$28 NR Lida Mills Your child will hear stories about turkeys and Thanksgiving. They will make a craft, have a snack and then go on a search for a turkey to take home for their Thanksgiving dinner. Min 4/Max 8 Little artists will use their creative skills painting and creating fun artwork with other children. Min 4/Max 10 Christmas Craft Class Christmas Sweatshirt Class When: When: Time: Ages: Cost: Instructor: Time: Ages: Cost: Instructor: Wednesdays December 3rd, 10th & 17th 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. 3 to 5 years $10 R/$15 NR Yesenia Nunez Children will decorate a sweatshirt for them to wear during the holidays. This class will be messy so please dress appropriately. Min 4/Max 12 Each week your child will make a beautiful Christmas decoration for your family to enjoy at Christmas time. Min 4/Max 12 www.hodgkinspark.com Monday, December 22nd 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. 3 to 5 years $10 R/$15 NR Yesenia Nunez 13 708-354-6563 $2 to Residents/$3 Non-Residents Come check out our all new Halloween Event! Come if you dare to take a walk down Nightmare Lane and see what hauntings Halloween has to bring! Wristbands are needed for this event. Wristbands can be picked up at the Hodgkins Park District during business hours. If you would like to volunteer call 708-354-6563. After an afternoon of trick-or-treating come for an hour of fun at the Hodgkins Park District playing all types of games! www.hodgkinspark.com 14 708-354-6563 Tree Lighting Ceremony The annual Village Tree Lighting Ceremony will take place on Monday, December 1st at 6:30 p.m. Please join us for hot chocolate and refreshments as we kickoff the holiday season in Hodgkins! We are now accepting nominations for an individual (or family) to have the honor of lighting the tree. If you would like to submit a nomination, please fill out the following form and return it to the Hodgkins Park District by, Friday, November 14th. Nominee:______________________________ Reason for Nomination:______________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ Phone Number of Nominee:_____________________ Nominator:_______________________________ (If you would like to remain anonymous, leave blank) Saturday, December 6th 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. Free Wristband to Residents of Hodgkins $7 Non-Resident Fun for all ages! NES! e I L E TH ytim D I n a O V n i A ome your c n a You c o pick up s! t and b t s i r w www.hodgkinspark.com 15 708-354-6563 Gamers Paradise When: Time: Ages: Cost: Instructor: Mondays 4:oo to 5:oo p.m. K to 10th Grade $3 R/$4.50 NR Jake Klotz If you love playing video games then this is the class for your. You will be playing a huge variety of games from Madden to NBA to WWE and everything in between. Gather your friends and lets see who the top gamer is. Min 4/Max 10 Haunted Planning Committee When: Time: Ages: Cost: Instructor: Mondays 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. 6th Grade and Up Free Jake Klotz Youth Volleyball Are you interested in being a part of our Haunted House? If so, make sure to bring all of your creative ideas and help us scare the pants off of everyone. Mondays 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. 12 to 18 years $3 R/$4.50 NR Jake Klotz Grab a partner and join us for our Teen Cornhole League. Every week games will be played and records will be kept. The league will finish off with playoffs and a championship match. Min 2 teams/Max 6 teams Cheerleading When: Wednesdays Nov 12th to March 25th Time: 6:45 to 8:00 p.m. Ages: 2nd to 8th Grade Cost: $130 $65 due at registration $65 due Jan. 21, 2015 Instructor: Jaclyn Kinney Come join our cheer team and learn cheerleading stunts, chants, motions, facials, jumps & tumbling. The cheer team will perform at three different events. Uniforms & bows are included in the price. Max 25 www.hodgkinspark.com Tuesdays 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. 1st to 5th Grade Free to R/$3 NR Martin Almeida Let’s learn how to play volleyball! You will learn everything to play volleyball: plus you have a brand new gym to play in! Min 6/Max 24 Teen Cornhole League When: Time: Ages: Cost: Instructor: When: Time: Ages: Cost: Instructor: 16 Teen Volleyball Night When: Tuesday, November 11th Time: 6:00 p.m. Ages: 6th to 12th Grade Cost: Free to R/$2 NR Instructor: Connor Carson Come experience our new volleyball court at the Hodgkins Park District. You will play a tournament and the winners will get a chance to win a prize! Come on out for the fun. Min 6 708-354-6563 HPD Jr. Girl’s Club Yoga for Kids When: Time: Ages: Cost: Instructors: When: Thursdays Time: 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. Ages: K to 6th Grade Cost: $25 R/$37.50 NR Instructor: Victoria Jackson BSEd, eRYT Thursdays 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. K to 3rd Grade Free to R/$7 NR Yesenia Nunez & Jessica Mills HPD Girl’s Club When: Time: Ages: Cost: Instructors: Fridays 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. 4th to 6th Grade Free to R/$7 NR Yesenia Nunez & Jessica Mills Can you imagine being a mountain and standing absolutely still for hundreds of years? How do you think it would feel to move across the desert if you were a slithery cobra? Did you ever wonder how strong you would become if you were a warrior? You can discover all of this and much more...while stretching, balancing and exploring in yoga class! This club is intended for girls to get together once a week to do many things. They will meet and discuss what they want to do then afterwards, the group will participate in their game, craft or activity that was agreed upon. Min 5/Max 15 The benefits of yoga are an amazing foundation for children. Strength and flexibility, concentration, capacity to be calm, self-esteem, body awareness, peer and social interaction. All leading to becoming truly well in body and mind. Min 10 Teen Bunko When: Time: Ages: Cost: Instructor: Friday, September 26th 6:00 p.m. 6th to 12th Grade $4 R/$6 NR Connor Carson Pumpkin Painting When: Time: Ages: Cost: Instructor: Have you ever heard of the game Bunko? Have relatives talked about it and your just can’t wait to get into the game. Now it’s your time to learn how to play and they you will use your skills to play tournaments and winners will get some awesome prizes. Min 7 Thursday, October 9th 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. K to 6th Grade $10 R/$15 NR Yesenia Nunez You child will paint a boo-tiful pumpkin and take it home for the family to enjoy. The fee includes the price of the pumpkins. Min 4/Max 8 Boy’s Sleepover When: Time: Ages: Cost: Instructors: Friday, October 3rd 8:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. 1st to 8th Grade $15 R/$22.50 NR Matt Azzarello, Jake Klotz & Ryan Bleck Classes start September 15th and end on November 26th unless otherwise indicated. There will be no classes on holidays and the two weeks of winter break. Come join the fun at the boy’s sleepover. There will be games, food and tons of fun. Can’t wait to see you there. Min 6/Max 16 www.hodgkinspark.com 17 708-354-6563 Scary Movie Night When: Time: Ages: Cost: Instructor: Movie Day—”Penguins” Tuesday, October 21st 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. 5th to 10th Grade $3 R/$5 NR Martin Almeida When: Time: Ages: Cost: Instructor: Do you like being scared? Do you like movies? If you said yes to one of these questions, then this movie night is for you! CAUTION! This movie is not intended for those that scare easily. Min 4/Max 16 Those crazy Penguins from Madagascar are back with their own movie. Bring your friends and have a laugh at their funny antics. Bring extra money for snacks. Min 4/Max 12 Halloween Fun Night When: Time: Ages: Cost: Instructors: Christmas Cookie Class Saturday, October 11th 7:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. 5th to 10th Grade $15 R/$22.50 NR Martin Almeida, Yesenia Nunez & Jessica Mills When: Time: Ages: Cost: Instructor: Prepare for Halloween Night Sledding Wednesday, October 22nd 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. K to 6th Grade $8 R/$12 NR Connor Carson When: Time: Ages: Cost: Instructor: The time is here to prepare for Halloween! Come on down and you will decorate cookies, carve pumpkins and even design a bag for your Halloween candy! Min 4/Max 12 Movie Day—”It’s A Hard Knock Life” Friday, November 7th 8:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. 1st to 8th Grade $15 R/$22.50 NR Yesenia Nunez, Jessica Mills & Ashley Bleck When: Time: Ages: Cost: Instructor: Have fun playing games, watching a movie and being up all night with your friends. Bring your sleeping bag. Min 6/Max 16 www.hodgkinspark.com Monday, December 29th 9:00 a.m. to 12 :00 p.m. 3rd to 10th Grade $6 R/$9 NR Jake Klotz Pull up your boots and tighten up your scarf and get ready to fly down the snow hill on your sled! Afterwards enjoy some sandwiches, chips, hot cocoa and cookies. Girl’s Sleepover When: Time: Ages: Cost: Instructors: Tuesday, December 23rd 1:30 to 3:00 p.m. K to 6th Grade $8 R/$12 NR Eileen Tucker Learn how to make some of those special Christmas cookies that you love so much. Also, take some home to share for Christmas! Min 4/Max 12 Come out an play with your friends at the park district until MIDNIGHT! Be warned this fun night will have several spooky activities! Pizza & drinks will be served. Min 4/Max 16 When: Time: Ages: Cost: Instructor: Wednesday, November 26th 10:30 a.m. K to 10th Grade $7 R/$10.50 NR Eileen Tucker Tuesday, December 30th 10:30 a.m. K to 6th Grade $7 R/$10.50 NR Eileen Tucker Annie is back like you have never seen her before. See how this orphan melts the hearts of everyone around her and finds a place to call home. Min 4/Max 12 18 708-354-6563 Gym Evening Schedule Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Open Gym Basketball Open Gym Basketball Open Gym Basketball Open Gym Basketball Family Night Teen Open Gym Basketball Youth Open Gym Multi-Purpose Room A Evening Schedule Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Jazzercise Cornhole League Jazzercise Jazzercise Open Gym Volleyball Multi-Purpose Room B Evening Schedule Monday Wednesday Thursday Baby Sitting at the Zoom Zone Cheerleading Cheerleading Jazzercise Family Night When: Monday & Wednesday Zoom Zone Hours Monday to Thursday Time: 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Open Play 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Open Play—All children must be accompanied by an adult. Friday 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Open Play Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Open Play Sunday Closed Rates Residents Non-Residents Ages: Children pre-school to 6th grade. Children must be potty trained. Cost: $3 Residents/$6 Non-Residents Need to work out but you don’t have anyone to watch your kids? Drop them off at the Zoom Zone and a staff will watch them while you use the fitness center or take a fitness class. Parents must stay in the building. All children must be wearing socks. Free $3 per day $12—5 punch pass $20—10 punch pass Ages Pre-School to 6th Grade. Children under Kindergarten must be accompanied by an adult. Children must be wearing socks to enter the Zoom Zone. www.hodgkinspark.com 19 708-354-6563 Four Winds Casino Trips When: Cost: Instructor: Thursdays September 4th October 16th November 13th $6 per person each Lida Mills 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. date Pre-registration is required and you must be 21 years or older Haunted Planning Committee When: Time: Ages: Cost: Instructor: Mondays 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. 6th Grade and Up Free Jake Klotz Are you interested in being a part of our Haunted House? If so, make sure to bring all of your creative ideas and Time: Ages: Cost: Instructor: When: Time: Ages: Cost: DIY When: Coffee, Cards & Chatter Wednesdays September 17th—Scrabble Coasters September 24th—Cleaning Slime October 1st—Creative Mugs October 8th—Dry Erase Boards October 15th—Crayon Art 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. 16 years & up $30 R/$45 NR Connor Carson 1st and 3rd Tuesday of every month 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. 55 years and older A smiling face! Join your friends playing card games while having coffee and snacks. CCC will meet in the new Senior Room. Do It Yourself is a fun way to make many creative and useful things. Amaze your friends and family with your unique talents. Min 4/Max 12 www.hodgkinspark.com 20 708-354-6563 Bunco When: Sat, September 27th Sat, November 8th Time: 6:00 p.m. (doors open at 5:45 p.m.) Cost: $20 each night Instructors: Lida Mills & Eileen Tucker Time for Bunko! There is never ending fun when you get together with all your friends for a great night of Bunco! There will be lots of food, lots of prizes and lots of fun! Sign up today. Please register by Wednesday, September 24th and Wednesday November 12th. Adult Holiday Craft Class When: Time: Cost: Instructor: Tuesday, December 9th 6:30 p.m. $30 R/$45 NR Joy Caldwell Petals of Joy Display this beautiful wreath that you will make during the holidays. All materials will be supplied. If you have a special ornament that you would like to add feel free to bring it. Christmas Shopping at Fashion Outlets of Chicago When: Time: Cost: Instructor: Saturday, December 13th 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. $5 R/$7.50 NR Eileen Tucker Grab a friend and spend the day getting your last minute shopping done. While you are gone, pack your child a lunch and drop them off at the free babysitting in the Zoom Zone. (Children must be potty trained.) Min 8/Max 30 Chair Yoga When: Time: Cost: Instructor: Tuesdays 9:00 to 10:00 a.m. $25 per 4 week pass $8 walk-in Victoria Jackson, BSEd, eRYT Chair yoga is a gentle type of yoga practiced while sitting in a chair or standing to use the chair as support, giving you all of the benefits of Hatha yoga. Classical yoga postures are modified for chair yoga to gently stretch, extend and flex the spine, and exercise muscles and joints. Postures also align the body, allowing energy to flow freely, which massages and tones internal organs, enhancing circulation, digestion, hormonal activity and overall health. Practitioners of yoga achieve increased muscle tone, flexibility, energy, stamina and strength. Breathing techniques, meditation and deep relaxation provide the tools to reduce stress, anxiety and depression and allow you to improve concentration, sleep better and find your inner strength. Chair yoga is suitable for all ages, fitness levels and physical conditions. Min 10 www.hodgkinspark.com 21 When: Time: Cost: Instructor: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 5:15 to 6:15 p.m. $150 R/$225 NR Dawna Latka, Certified Instructor You read it right! This is a ridged 10 week class that will whip your body into shape. Min 10 When: Time: Cost: Instructor: Tuesdays 10 wks 7:45 to 8:45 p.m. $50 R/$75 NR Dawna Latka, Certified Instructor Strengthen your inner core using a bar during all of your training activities. Min 8 708-354-6563 Fitness Center There’s more opportunity for exercise in our newly updated fitness center! There is all new equipment for free weights, new exercise bikes, elliptical, rowing machine, tread mills and more! Members also have the use of the gym during adult hours. Memberships run one full year from the date of purchase. Fitness Center Hours Membership Rates Adults Teens & Seniors $75 Residents/$195 Non-Residents $60 Residents/$195 Non-Residents Family Rates 2 members 3 members 4 members $125 Residents/$365 Non-Residents $175 Residents/$550 Non-Residents $200 Residents/$700 Non-Residents Monday—Friday 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Sunday Closed Members must live at the same address and must be in the same immediate family! A picture I.D. may be required. Corporate Rate $150—Employees of tax paying businesses to the Hodgkins Park District PLEASE REMEMBER….. In order to provide our members with a safe and enjoyable workout environment, please abide by the following: Membership ID’s are to be scanned at the front office when using the facility. Coats, exterior clothing and gym bags should not be brought into the fitness or gym area. Please use the lockers for these items. Lockers are for daily use only, unless you have reserved a permanent locker. Locks left on unreserved lockers will be cut off. Children are not allowed in fitness area and should not be left unattended. Do not monopolize equipment. Be courteous and allow others to “work in” between your sets. TV use is on a first come first serve basis. Please remember to scan out when you leave. THANK YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION Jazzercise Certified Jazzercise Instructor: Kay Gardner, Owner Cost: Choose your option…. Option 12 Month Minimum 6 Month Minimum 1 Day Pass Joining Fee $40.00 $50.00 $15.00 Time: MWF M-F M-Th Sa & Su a.m. a.m. p.m. a.m. 5:30 9:15 6:30 8:30 www.hodgkinspark.com Monthly Fee $40.00 $45.00 22 Each 60 minute class includes: warm-up, 30 minute aerobic workout, muscle toning, strengthening using weights and a full body stretch. With fresh choreography to music you love, this is a program that’s anything but routine. Wear comfortable clothes and gym shoes. Daily registration on site 15 minutes prior to the start of class. Call 630-660-7761 for more information. 708-354-6563 Zumba When: Mondays 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Wednesdays 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Fridiays 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Cost: $25 per 4 week pass each class day $8 Walk-In Instructor Anita Finnigan Certified Zumba Instructor Are you ready to party yourself into shape? Forget the workout, just lose yourself in the music and find yourself in shape. Classes feature exotic rhythms set to high-energy Latin and international beats. Before you know it, you’ll be getting fit and your energy levels will be soaring! It’s easy to do, effective and totally exhilarating. Open Gym Open Gym is free to residents of Hodgkins. NonResidents must pay $7 per day to play. All non-residents must pay even if they are “just watching”. Gym clothes and gym shoes must be brought and changed into. Do not wear them to the gym. No baseball caps may be worn. Mondays 8:00 am—3:00 pm 3:00—6:00 pm 6:00—9:00 p.m. Adult K to 6th Grade 7th Grade & up Tuesdays 8:00 am—3:00 pm 3:00—6:00 pm 6:00—9:00 p.m. Adult K to 6th Grade 7th Grade & up Wednesdays When gym reaches full limit, patrons may be turned away. No adults are allowed in gym during youth hours. 8:00 am—3:00 pm 3:00—6:00 pm 6:00—9:00 p.m. Thursdays No gum. 8:00 am—3:00 pm 3:00—6:00 pm 6:00—9:00 p.m. No spitting. Fridays No food or drink are allowed in the gym area. No one will be allowed to be under the influence of alcohol or other drugs during open gym hours. Violators will be asked to leave the facility immediately and may have their Park District privileges suspended or revoked. No chewing tobacco or smoking is allowed in any Park District facility. Coats, gym bags & etc. need to be placed in a locker, not on the gym floor. Locks may be placed on lockers, but must be removed each night. Adult K to 6th Grade 7th Grade & up 8:00 am—3:00 pm 3:00—6:00 p.m. 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. Adult K to 6th Grade 7th Grade & up Adult K to 6th Grade 6th to 10th Grade Saturdays 8:00 am—4:00 pm K—Adults Sundays Closed Patrons must be respectful to others and staff at all times or they will be asked to leave without a refund. www.hodgkinspark.com 23 708-354-6563 Tornadoes and Severe Weather Fire and Emergency Evacuation If you are inside the Hodgkins Park District building when a tornado or severe weather warning has been issued, you are instructed to follow the building supervisor’s instructions and seek cover in the tornado shelter until further notice. If you are outside on park grounds, seek shelter inside the building immediately and follow the building supervisor’s instructions. The Hodgkins Park District is looking for a Senior Volunteer! We need someone that would like to spend their days in the Senior Center to suggest programs, trips and to oversee the activities for the day. Anyone interested can contact Eileen Tucker at 708-354-6563 x3 Thursday, November 27th Friday, November 28th 1/2 Day Wednesday, December 24th Thursday, December 25th 1/2 Day Wednesday, December 31st Thursday, January 1st www.hodgkinspark.com If you are inside the Hodgkins Park District building when the fire alarm goes off, you are instructed to vacate the building immediately for your safety. Please go across the street in front of the Hodgkins Public Library so that staff members can take a head count of participants. 22 708-354-6563 KICK OFF TO THE 25TH ANNIVERSARY SUPPORT OF ST. JUDE CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL “FAMILY BINGO NIGHT” Entry Fee: $1.00 per Family 50/50 Split the Pot Raffles PRIZES The Hodgkins Fraternal Order of Police Lodge #151 has sponsored the Annual Bike-AThon for St. Jude Children’s Hospital for over 24 years. In 2015 we will celebrate our 25th Anniversary. We will have a kick off to the annual Bike-A-Thon by sponsoring Family Bingo Night on the 3rd Friday of every month beginning September 19, 2014. You will pay one entry fee per family. There will be food available to purchase. Small prizes will be awarded for the game winners, with each family eligible for an entry to one Grand Prize each month. All family members will be invited to our Bike-A-Thon on May 2, 2015. If you wish to walk or ride to raise money, we encourage the whole family to participate. Families are also asked to come up with individual Fund Raising events to support the cause. LOCATION: Hodgkins Park District 8997 Lyons Street Hodgkins, IL 60525 TIME: 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Bus transportation will be provided. Pick-ups will begin at 5:00 p.m. on Lenzi Avenue. Stops will also be made at the Laundromat on East Avenue. If you have any questions, please call (708) 352-4623 and ask for Elaine. Hodgkins Park District 8997 Lyons Street Hodgkins, IL 60525 Resident Hodgkins, IL 60525
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