The magazine for alumni and friends of the University of Canterbury • Volume 5, no.2 • Summer 2008 Flying high with the Conchords Comic actor Rhys Darby Centennial celebrations Ernest Rutherford and Rita Angus remembered The right ingredients Culinary crusader Richard Till Timber towers The rise of wooden buildings Contents 8 Making the most of being Murray Rhys Darby’s portrayal of the well-meaning but naïve band manager in the Flight of the Conchords has led to movie roles and advertising contracts. 12 Rutherford’s path to the Nobel Prize Editor: Jeanette Colman Co-Editors: Stacey Doornenbal and Chanel Hughes Sub-Editor: Roy Hughes Designer: Jane Blatchford 18 Challenging the status quo Print Production: Xpress Printing House 21 Nano thread binds fans to All Blacks Fibre imprinting nanotechnology developed at the University of Canterbury is helping rugby fans get closer than ever to the All Blacks. 22 Breaking through the legal glass ceiling Staff and students in UC’s School of Law have gained a rare insight into the American legal system with the visit by Sandra Day O’Connor, the first woman justice of the United States Supreme Court. 28 Taking timber to new heights Research into new methods of construction using timber is likely to transform the look and feel of the buildings of the future. 30 Rita Angus in Christchurch Rita Angus’ memorable images and distinctive style has elevated the Canterbury alumna high in the pantheon of New Zealand’s finest painters. 32 Climate change theory undermined by a landslide New findings by University of Canterbury researchers could pour cold water on evidence that climate change is happening simultaneously around the world. 34 Putting top tucker back on the table Celebrity cook Richard Till is on a crusade to help New Zealand get over its culinary cultural cringe and put classic Kiwi tucker back on the nation’s menu. 37 Tricks of the trade Dr Paul Ballantine has spent a decade researching how retailers tempt shoppers into spending. Regular features Canterbury Magazine Volume 5, no.2 — Summer 2008 December 2008 marks 100 years since Canterbury alumnus Ernest, Lord Rutherford, received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. Former human rights commissioner Rae Julian’s unswerving pursuit of fairness has seen her at the forefront of the fray on numerous issues affecting generations of New Zealanders. 2 Canterbury 40 Books 45 Alumni Networks 42 Alumni Activities 46 Obituaries 44 Events Diary 47 Alumni Benefits Photographers: Duncan Shaw-Brown and Eve Welch (unless stated otherwise) Contributors: Naomi Arnold, John Campbell, John Coley, Peter Cragg, Maria De Cort, Jane Lucas and John MacDonald. Advertising: Rates available on enquiry to the Editor. Submissions: Correspondence should be addressed to the Editor at: Communications and Development University of Canterbury Private Bag 4800 Christchurch, New Zealand Ph: +64 3 364 2922 Fax: +64 3 364 2679 Email: Cover: Comic actor Rhys Darby. Canterbury is the biannual magazine for the alumni and friends of the University of Canterbury. It is distributed to 46,000 people worldwide. Views expressed are those of the contributors and not necessarily those of the University. Articles may be reproduced with the Editor’s permission. Chancellor’s welcome Arts alumnus Rhys Darby, profiled on page 8 of this issue, is another graduate making his mark on the world. The stand-up comedian has gone from the small stages at comedy clubs to the big screen, starring in movies alongside some of today’s best known film stars. Darby describes his years at Canterbury as some of the best of his life. His affection for the University is not uncommon and is shared by so many of his fellow UC alumni, myself included. Indeed, Rutherford himself was so enamoured with Canterbury that he left his collection of medals, including the Nobel medal, in our care. With that came a responsibility to ensure the institution would continue to be one with which the great physicist would want to be associated. In December the University will be celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Nobel Prize being awarded to its most illustrious graduate Ernest, Lord Rutherford. During what has been described as a century of inspiration, Rutherford’s legacy has motivated tens of thousands of Canterbury scholars across a range of academic disciplines. Like Rutherford, a Canterbury education has been the making of these individuals who have gone on to make their mark in the world. Another centenary we mark this year is the 100th anniversary of the birth of distinguished Canterbury alumna Rita Angus, one of New Zealand’s most important 20th century painters, whose life work was celebrated this year in a major exhibition at the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa and in the first biography of the artist, written by Jill Trevelyan. While we are proud of the University’s heritage, we must always look forward to ensure the institution’s excellent reputation is maintained. To adapt a common analogy, we are only as good as our next graduate. Attracting the best people to work and study at the University is crucial. As this edition of Canterbury went to print I was delighted to be announcing that Dr Rod Carr would be UC’s next Vice-Chancellor. Carr is currently Managing Director of Christchurch-based Jade Software Corporation. Prior to joining Jade in 2003, he was deputy governor and director of the Reserve Bank of New Zealand. He has also held senior positions within the Bank of New Zealand and the National Australia Bank. Carr will come to the University with proven leadership skills and an impressive academic record. He has LLB(Hons) and BCom(Hons) degrees from the University of Otago, an MBA from Columbia University Graduate School of Business (New York), and MA and PhD degrees from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. Carr is a long-time supporter of the University. He currently chairs the advisory board of NZi3 — the national ICT Innovation Institute based at UC. He is also a director of the Geospatial Research Centre and a member of the College of Business and Economics Advisory Board. I believe he will provide excellent leadership as the University builds on the progress it has made in recent years. With my term as Chancellor and Council member finishing at the end of this year I will be, what might be described, a very interested observer. As Chancellor and Council member I have had the great privilege of serving my alma mater. It has been a very rewarding experience. I have particularly enjoyed my involvement in the University’s drive to increase its engagement with alumni. The annual Alumni Reunion Weekend, offshore alumni functions, the establishment of international alumni chapters and the introduction of this publication are some of the developments in this area in recent years. I would like to take this opportunity to thank our alumni community for its support and advocacy for the University. I also wish to thank Council members, past and present, and University staff for their support. The fact the University is in such great heart is a testament to the benefits of collegiality and a shared commitment to make Canterbury the best it can be. Best wishes for the holiday season and 2009. Dr Robin Mann Chancellor Summer 2008 3 News Rod Carr appointed new Vice-Chancellor Dr Rod Carr takes up the post of Vice-Chancellor of the University of Canterbury in February 2009. The University of Canterbury’s newlyappointed Vice-Chancellor, Dr Rod Carr, says he is looking forward to building on the progress the institution has made in recent years. UC Chancellor Dr Robin Mann says he is delighted at the appointment. “It is easy to observe that the University has invested much effort in articulating its vision, mission and goals and has undergone a significant restructuring to lay a solid foundation of transparency and accountability,” he says. He has LLB(Hons) and BCom(Hons) degrees from the University of Otago, an MBA from Columbia University Graduate School of Business (New York), and MA and PhD degrees from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. “Joining together with the College of Education with its unique character, culture and capabilities has created new responsibilities and opportunities.” Carr is a long-time supporter of the University. He currently chairs the advisory board of NZi3 — the national ICT Innovation Institute based at UC. He is also a director of the Geospatial Research Centre and a member of the College of Business and Economics Advisory Board. Carr, who will take up a five-year appointment in February, is currently Managing Director of Christchurch-based Jade Software Corporation. Prior to joining Jade in 2003, he was deputy governor and director of the Reserve Bank of New Zealand. He has also held senior positions within the Bank of New Zealand and the National Australia Bank. “I believe strongly that, as Vice-Chancellor, I am ultimately responsible to Council for the sustainable viability of the institution as a place where new knowledge is created, learning takes place and knowledge can be preserved and protected for the benefit of future generations,” he says. 4 Canterbury Magazine “Dr Carr comes to the University with proven leadership skills and an impressive academic record.” Mann says Carr has impressed the University Council with his understanding of the broad issues facing UC and the wider tertiary sector. Improving retention rates for first-year students is an issue of particular interest to Carr. “With first-year attrition rates in excess of 20 per cent there seem to be important questions worthy of good answers. Are we attracting the right students? Do they have realistic expectations of what will be required of them and are they adequately prepared to meet acceptable standards for progression? “I understand that there are certain ‘rights of admission’ outside the University’s control but prospective students may be better off in deciding whether to exercise those rights if they have a clearer understanding of the achievement standards expected for progression in advance or early on in their university programme.” Carr replaces Professor Roy Sharp who left the University after being appointed Chief Executive of the Tertiary Education Commission. Carr’s appointment has been welcomed by Business NZ Chief Executive Phil O’Reilly who says it will create new partnership opportunities. “Innovation and the commercialisation of research will be pivotal to New Zealand’s future prosperity,” says O’Reilly. “Close links between universities and the private sector are critical to achieving these goals. I commend the University Council for an excellent selection and look forward to working with Dr Carr in his new role.” Sex offender recidivism study brings researcher top award Research by University of Canterbury PhD student Gwenda Willis into sex offender recidivism has been recognised at the 2008 MacDiarmid Young Scientists of the Year Awards. Willis, who won the Science and our Society category award with a cash prize of $5000, found that offenders may be more likely to reoffend if they are forced away from the community after leaving prison. Her work is the first published study to show a link between recidivism and quality of planning for community reintegration. Participants in Willis’ research had completed a prison-based treatment programme at the Kia Marama Special Treatment Unit at Rolleston Prison, near Christchurch, for men convicted of sexual offending against children. She studied 39 men who had reoffended since their release and 42 who had not, measuring the quality of release plans for both groups. The groups were matched in terms of time since release and risk for reoffending. She measured planning for accommodation, employment, social support and setting pro-social goals related to their values. Her findings were validated by a subsequent study of sexual offenders released from Te Piriti Special Treatment Unit at Auckland Prison. Results showed that, overall, sex offenders with good planning had a 6 per cent reoffending rate, compared to 17 per cent for those with poor planning. Having a place to live organised when they got out of prison was shown to be particularly important. Willis presented her research to an international conference on the treatment of sexual abusers in the United States last year and was awarded the prize for best paper by a postgraduate student. “A lot of research in this field has concentrated on changing the attitudes or mind-set of offenders but few people have realised the importance of the environment they are being released into,” Willis said. “My work shows that more careful planning, which is a relatively inexpensive thing to do, can make a real difference, providing communities co-operate and help sex offenders make the transition.” Willis expects to complete her PhD early next year and is also training to be a clinical psychologist. Gwenda Willis won the Science and our Society category award in the 2008 MacDiarmid Young Scientists of the Year Awards. A showcase of UC research now on web The University of Canterbury has launched a new website to showcase the University’s research excellence. made possible with the technical support of Information and Communication Technology Services. UC Research Profile provides a single web source for information about research undertaken at UC. It includes detailed information on the research interests and affiliations of UC researchers, the research projects they are working on, the research groups they are part of and the major pieces of equipment they use. Maxine Bryant, the Research and Consultancy Project Manager responsible for the profile, said development of the system had been significant, taking more than 18 months from start to release. All this information is fully interlinked and provides users with a broad view of research at UC and access to greater detail about the particular research they are interested in. Users can search by keyword, project or researcher name, or browse by subject area or department. UC Research Profile is an initiative of Research and Consultancy and has been “This will be a great tool for a host of users and purposes, ranging from people looking for an expert on a particular topic, to students looking for potential supervisors, or researchers looking for potential collaborators on research projects or investigating what equipment UC has available for research,” she said. The profile can be accessed at www. or via links on the UC homepage. Summer 2008 5 News Radiata pine researcher receives FRST fellowship Dr Hema Nair was about to leave New Zealand for postdoctoral research when she received word that she had been granted a Foundation for Research, Science and Technology (FRST) Postdoctoral Fellowship. The fellowship, worth $273,000 over three years, means she can stay at the University of Canterbury and continue her investigations into radiata pine. Nair was one of 14 researchers nationwide to receive a FRST fellowship. It includes an annual stipend plus allowances for research costs and ongoing skills development. “I was about to go for my postdoctoral assignment to the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, but the fellowship came through for me in the nick of time.” Nair said the fellowship would allow her to “grow as a scientist”. “It is one fellowship where the candidate is given equal importance as much as the project is. The fellowship will give me an opportunity to foster collaborations with other labs abroad which are working in the same field and also the flexibility to use novel approaches to solve problems.” Nair is investigating spiral grain in radiata pine. Spiral grain is the inclination of Dr Hema Nair is investigating spiral grain in radiata pine. wood fibres to the axis of a tree. Ideally the fibres should be parallel with the axis, as spiral grain as little as five degrees out of alignment with the axis significantly reduces the value of the timber, which twists and loses strength on drying. She will research whether different chemicals used in the forestry industry could be contributing to the formation of spiral grain. New Zealand timber exporters as well as improve the intrinsic qualities of New Zealand-grown radiata pine, generating higher quality timber that will earn premiums in the international market. Her research builds on earlier studies she has undertaken into wood quality and will use a tissue culture system she has developed that makes it possible to grow radiata pine wood in a laboratory Petri dish. Nair’s research has potential to reduce the multi-million dollar losses sustained by Isotope facility a boost to environmental research Researchers at the University of Canterbury will gain a better understanding of the Earth’s geochemical fingerprints thanks to the opening of a new $1 million stable isotope analytical facility. The facility, housed in the Department of Geological Sciences, was officially opened in September. Stable isotopes account for more than 99 per cent of all organic and inorganic material on the planet, including the rocks we mine, water we drink, air we breathe and food we eat. Environmental geochemist Dr Travis Horton (Geological Sciences) said stable isotopic data for ice, fossils and sedimentary rocks, provided the foundation for our understanding of Earth’s ancient climate conditions, while other applications included the ability to trace water resources through groundwater and geothermal systems. 6 Canterbury Magazine Assistant Vice-Chancellor and former head of Geological Sciences, Professor Steve Weaver, said the $1 million state-of-theart laboratory represented “a tremendous boost for environmental science research at Canterbury, especially in the fields of climate change, bio-geochemistry and pollution studies”. Horton said a variety of research projects were already in the works. “In Geological Sciences, we are pursuing research questions aimed at advancing our understanding of everything from geothermal systems, to water resources, to climate change. At the same time, colleagues in the School of Biological Sciences are pursuing stable isotopic research on aquatic ecosystems, cellular plant biology and biomineralisation. It’s quite an exciting time for environmental research here at UC.” Dr Travis Horton prepares samples from a 15 millionyear-old lake limestone for an ongoing paleoclimate research project. Major funding boost for UC research University of Canterbury research projects have received a multi-million dollar boost in 2008. In July, three projects led by UC researchers were awarded more than $10 million funding in the Foundation for Research, Science and Technology’s (FRST) main 2008 investment round. Each of the projects’ industry partners also contributed funding, taking the total to more than $11 million. In October, 11 UC projects were awarded $7.2 million in the latest round of the Marsden Fund, an increase of more than $3 million over the 2007 round. The projects are across a range of disciplines from carbon neutrality and aquatic ecosystem dynamics to sustainable peace in the South Pacific. Acting Vice-Chancellor Professor Ian Town said the scope of projects awarded funding in both rounds reflected the breadth of UC’s research strengths and its research aspirations. “For example, some of these projects have a very strong focus on sustainability. The University is having discussions about establishing a Sustainability Institute with a view to becoming a leader in sustainability issues.” He said the $7.2 million in Marsden funding was the most the University had been awarded in a single round and he paid tribute to those involved in the applications process. “On behalf of the University I would like to congratulate our researchers and our team in the Research and Consultancy Office.” The successful lead researchers in the FRST-funded projects are Professor Phil Butler (Physics and Astronomy), Associate Professor Neville Watson (Electrical and Computer Engineering/Electric Power Engineering Centre) and Associate Professor Shusheng Pang (Chemical and Process Engineering). predicted. We anticipate that true full-colour X-ray images will also be very dramatic and have a positive impact on healthcare in New Zealand and the world,” Butler said. Pang’s research team aims to develop technologies for production of hydrogenrich syngas and second generation bio-liquid fuel. It will use New Zealand renewable energy resources of woody and agricultural biomass. It hopes to have a nine per cent share of the national diesel market by 2021. Watson’s project seeks to address issues related to increasing demand for energy in New Zealand (see page 16). It will research the integration of renewable energy sources such as small-scale wind power and solar power with existing electricity networks, and its impact on what is known as power quality (PQ). The research findings will help the electricity industry predict and plan for robust and resilient electricity supply. Age no barrier to achievement A 64-year-old retired school teacher who returned to university to keep his brain active has been recognised as among the country’s top achievers. Gary Whitcher, who is in the first year of his PhD studies, was one of eight UC students to be awarded a Top Achiever Doctoral Scholarship, collectively worth nearly $750,000. Whitcher said he was encouraged to return to university by some of his former pupils at Rangiora High School where he taught classics, history and English. For his PhD Whitcher is investigating the impact of American culture in New Zealand from 1945 to 1965. The single largest scholarship went to Muhunthan Rajaratnam (Biological Sciences) who was awarded $98,679 to study cytokinin-regulatory genes and seed development of perennial ryegrass. The other scholarship recipients are: Jessica Boyce (Psychology), Wanting Jiao (Chemistry), Anna MacDonald (Mathematics and Statistics), Lois Tonkin (Sociology), Laura Young (Biological Sciences) and Ni Zhang (Electrical and Computer Engineering). A total of 32 scholarships valued at $3.1 million were awarded nationally. Assistant Vice-Chancellor and Dean of Postgraduate Studies, Professor Steve Weaver, described the students as “outstanding” and said the University was delighted they had been recognised nationally for the quality of their research proposals. “That such a high proportion of scholarships available throughout New Zealand has gone to Canterbury speaks volumes about the excellence of not only our postgraduate student body but also the academic staff who will supervise and support these projects. The scholarships cover a range of disciplines in the sciences, social sciences, humanities and engineering — testifying to the breadth of excellence at the University of Canterbury,” Weaver said. Butler’s project aims to create a New Zealand industry supplying spectral X-ray detector systems to the international research and medical imaging markets (see page 27). What will be known as the MARS (Medipix All Resolution System) imager will transform X-ray CT images from black and white to full colour. “The transition from black and white to full colour in photographs, cinema, television and computer monitors has been much more dramatic and important than anyone Gary Whitcher is investigating the impact of American culture in post-war New Zealand. Summer 2008 7 acDonald By John M 8 Canterbury Magazine Rhys Darby aka Murray Diary entry: midday, meet comic actor and UC alumnus Rhys Darby. Mental note: make sure you don’t call him Murray. Like John Clark (aka Fred Dagg) before him, Darby’s TV character, publicly anyway, has overshadowed his own identity. From experience if you tell someone you’re off to interview Rhys Darby, there’s a good chance they won’t know who you’re talking about. Tell them it’s Murray from Flight of the Conchords, and they’ll probably want to come too. Darby’s portrayal of the well-meaning but naïve band manager with a penchant for roll calls has led to movie roles alongside the likes of Jim Carrey and Philip Seymour Hoffman. As well as global Nike adverts with tennis star Roger Federer. The set for Canterbury magazine’s meeting with Darby is a busy inner-city café. Our interview is the outcome of just two text messages and a very brief phone conversation — “Yeah, cool. See you tomorrow”. Seeing him among the lunchtime crowd waiting for his flat white and this writer, it’s hard to imagine his movie and advertising co-stars being quite so hands-on with their media management. Darby’s stint at Canterbury, which he describes as one of the best times of his life, followed three years’ service in the army. He was 16 when he enlisted, four years after joining the Air Training Corps with dreams of becoming a fighter pilot. “But unfortunately at school I was very bad at physics and maths, so the dream slipped away. I was just terrible, but I was still interested in the order of military life. I wanted to do something important and was attracted by the idea of having tasks and completing them in a group setting, and the self-confidence associated with the sense of achievement. “All the things that are taught in the army I’ve put into practice to get where I am today. “Where I’m at today is due to order and having things thought out and setting goals and timing. It’s all important stuff — for example, getting to places on time.” And he is. Our meeting was scheduled for midday — he arrived at 11.55am. “Don’t you dare print that,” is his response to a suggestion that he’s New Zealand’s equivalent to James Blunt, British soldier turned middle-of-the-road pop star. “I see what you mean, except he’s very dull. And besides, everything else soldiers are good at, I lacked. Like a sense of direction.” After three years of military life and in need of something new, Darby saw university as a good next move. He arrived on campus thinking he would eventually be a journalist and left three years later with a BA in art theory (1999) wanting to be an entertainer. He attributes the change to his experiences with the student association’s Comedy Club. “I went to university thinking, ‘right, here we go, heads down, get into my subjects and get my degree and do journalism as a postgraduate thing’. I didn’t have any idea there was a clubs and societies scene and then all of a sudden found out you could join these groups and meet like-minded people. The Comedy Club opened up to me — a guy called Guy Roberts was running it at the time. He said, ‘Hey come along. We meet once a week, we write sketches and at the end of the year we put on a show’.” Darby says he “clicked” with the people in the club. “I’d been silly and done comedy all my life in the wrong situations and for the wrong reasons and now I was realising I could do it for the right reasons.” While at university Darby started developing the stand-up comedy routines he would later take to Auckland, where he became aware that he had something different to offer audiences. He credits his decision to go to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival five years ago as a pivotal moment in the advancement of his career. “There’s over 600 comedy shows there and the mind boggles to think what chance you might have of being seen by someone important. But the whole thing was about being seen by your peers and word getting around.” It was in Edinburgh that Darby started working with Flight of the Conchords’ Jemaine Clement and Bret McKenzie. to people and we helped each other out. I did their fliers and Bret did my lighting and sound, and at halftime he would hand out biscuits to the audience. We wanted to get people thinking, ‘These Kiwis have come all this way, they’ve got no money and here they are putting on these little shows and handing out biscuits and they’re so weird’. So when the Conchords got asked to do a pilot for the BBC they asked me to play their manager and, of course, the rest is history.” It’s a history that has created a bright future. Many here in New Zealand have marvelled at how Darby has leveraged off the international success of the Flight of the Conchords TV series. A DVD of his stand-up comedy routine is being released globally before Christmas and he has two movies coming out — Yes Man with comic actor Jim Carey, and The Boat that Rocked directed by Richard Curtis, with Bill Nighy, Kenneth Branagh, Emma Thompson and Philip Seymour Hoffman among his co-stars. The Boat that Rocked, due to be released next year, is set in England in the 1960s and portrays life on a pirate radio ship, similar to New Zealand’s Radio Hauraki. “In the movie I’m Angus ‘the nut’ Nutsford — a self-proclaimed nut and wacky dude, so not the most popular guy on the boat. Some of the other DJs are very cool and all about the music and the drugs and my guy certainly isn’t; he’s more of a goon.” In both movies Darby uses his Kiwi accent. He believes the directors have been attracted to him by the sincerity and good nature of his Flight of the Conchords character and have wanted that element in their films. “Really big players in the industry have really singled him out as something they really want to do something with. Unlike David Brent (The Office), Murray’s a very likeable guy and there’s nothing bad about him at all. He’s all about heart. He’s a decent, fun-loving guy and just wants to do what’s best for the team.” Given that, it’s highly likely that in time Murray is going to be quite happy to take a back seat and let Darby take a bit more of the limelight. “To get there alone took all of our money so we only had a few fliers each to hand out Summer 2008 9 The bottom line for readers By Jeanette Colman “To see children improve so markedly was startling. It raised participants’ levels of self-esteem and this provided a boost to them and their families.” Addington School teacher Amanda Teear, a UC alumna, has seen dramatic improvements in the reading levels of her Year 5-6 students. “As I thought I already had a comprehensive reading programme in place, I was initially sceptical but found that AVAILLL surpassed my expectations early. “The children developed skills in fluency, imagery, comprehension, retelling in sequence, note-taking and dictionary use,” says Teear. Hollywood movies, often considered a threat to reading, have now proved to be a powerful ally in education. Researchers from the University of Canterbury’s School of Literacies and Arts in Education have spent the last eight months trialling a US-based reading programme in six Christchurch schools. On average, readers who took part in the programme improved their reading age by 1.2 years in only six weeks. The patented programme, called Audio Visual Achievement in Literacy, Language and Learning (AVAILLL), is based on the use of movie subtitles to support literacy activities. Students are enticed into books through “ReadWatching” popular movies that are themselves based on books. The programme builds on research undertaken in 1992 by UC Emeritus Professor Warwick Elley. After analysing the results of the International Education Assessment study of reading literacy, Elley discovered that heavy watching of subtitled TV for students in five of the top performing countries may be a variable that contributed to higher results. AVAILLL was developed by Dr Alice Killackey, previously from Northern Arizona University in the USA, who has also overseen trials of the programme in Christchurch. “AVAILLL is ultimately about reading books and academic texts. Specialised activities ensure students are glued to the subtitles and then to all types of reading. This has doubled the effect of only watching subtitled movies,” says Killackey. “The results in themselves were significant with an average class (literacy) increase of 11 months in only six weeks. The true result was the instant ignition of pride the children showed in their reading and themselves. They have started to transfer this pride through to the rest of their curricula learning. They know they are successful readers and have the confidence to give anything a try because they ‘can’ read.” Parkhill says the programme has huge potential to motivate students in becoming life-long readers. “The results are very exciting as were the expressions of dismay from many students when the programme ended. The practice of continuing to use subtitles when viewing DVDs in leisure time is a testament to the interest and motivation that many students now have towards reading.” She says she is particularly excited about the potential of the AVAILLL programme to reduce New Zealand’s 20 per cent tail of reading underachievement that kept emerging in international comparisons. “Results for Mäori students from a bilingual class were particularly significant where these students made an average gain of 1.5 years in just six weeks.” In 2009, a larger study will occur to determine longer-term effects and wider use of AVAILLL to enhance reading programmes in New Zealand schools. More information on the programme can be found at “AVAILLL is not a gimmick or novelty but an innovative programme which represents a significant breakthrough in literacy education. It offers a long sought after method for advancing reading skills for students nine years and older.” UC senior lecturers Jilaine Johnson and Faye Parkhill (Literacies and Arts in Education) were invited by Killackey to act as research consultants while the programme was introduced in 25 classrooms in Christchurch. Johnson, who is the UC project leader, says the gains in reading comprehension levels, oral fluency and vocabulary knowledge by those who participated in the study have been dramatic, especially among minority and below-average readers. “AVAILLL taps into student strengths and gets them involved in reading within a medium that they are so familiar with, ie the movie, and, by using text subtitles, takes away the fear of failure. “The AVAILLL programme engages students in learning; it literally ‘hooks’ them in and they desire to be involved. Because of its structure, AVAILLL has students reading at high concentration levels for one hour per day. “Many children do not realise they are reading so much because it is ‘fun’ but certainly become aware of their improvement after two weeks on the programme,” Johnson says. 10 Canterbury Magazine Children at Addington Primary School in Christchurch “ReadWatch” a movie as part of the AVAILLL programme. The science of intimate relationships By Stacey Doornenbal The intricacies involved in the sometimes fraught world of intimate sexual relationships have long been a subject of fascination. study — and in my research I am trying to understand how that small group works; how you affect your partner and how your partner affects you.” Why some relationships work while others fail, why people choose the partners they do, and why we bond intimately with another, are the kind of questions that have produced self-help books and talk show fodder by the tonne. Fletcher’s interest in the area is wideranging and his approach combines experimental social psychology and evolutionary psychology. He has studied couples who have only been together for a few weeks to those who have been married for an average of 10 years, studying their attitudes and views as measured by questionnaires, analysing their behaviour in the laboratory, and measuring the speed of their responses on computers in saying “yes” or “no” to words describing their relationship or relationship beliefs. But at the University of Canterbury the complex world of human intimate relationships is less about men coming from Mars and women from Venus, and more to do with science. Professor Garth Fletcher, from the University’s Psychology Department, has been studying the workings, and failings, of close relationships for more than 20 years, publishing many articles and books and establishing an international reputation for this work. A social psychologist, with an evolutionary psychology bent, Fletcher has a particular interest in the complex workings of the human intimate mind and how it is linked to behaviour. “My interest is in trying to understand how emotions, behaviour and cognition — the ABC of psychology — fit together in close relationship contexts; how do these processes work and where do emotions like love and cognitions like our relationship expectations and beliefs come from?” says Fletcher. “I’m also interested in trying to understand how people in relationships interact. Each relationship has a unique interactional footprint because there are only two people involved — it’s the smallest group you can He has also been teaching a popular postgraduate course on the science of intimate relationships at Canterbury since 2001, and has worked with many postgraduate students studying subjects such as forgiveness, stalking, mindreading in relationships, and how couples go about changing or regulating each others’ behaviour. Most recently he has been investigating and publishing research concerned with the question — is love blind? This drive to ensure the survival of our genes can also be seen in the process of mate selection. Fletcher’s research, along with that of others, suggests there are three principal factors that we pay attention to when judging potential partners — kindness and trustworthiness, attractiveness and health, and the possession of resources and status, or the potential to attain them. “From an evolutionary psychological viewpoint, the first and third criteria represent the motivation to invest in you and your offspring. The second one — attractiveness — signals the possession of good genes. Because women invest somewhat more than men in the children, both in terms of pregnancy and raising the children, we would expect women to rate the possession of status and resources — the investment factors — as more important than men but rate attractiveness — a genetic factor — as less important than men. Indeed, research shows this sex difference is universal, including student samples at the University of Canterbury.” “There is strong evidence to suggest that love is an evolved mechanism, rather than simply a cultural construct, designed by evolution to bring people together in such a fashion that they stay committed to each other for several years to help raise their children. Recent research by Fletcher shows that when looking for a short-term sexual relationship the importance of the attractiveness factor goes up, for both men and women, while the attention to investment factors go down. He says this is consistent with the proposition that attractiveness signals good healthy genes, which is all one is potentially obtaining from a short-term fling. “What has happened is that cultural expressions of this commitment, which are universals like marriage, have developed on the back of what evolution has designed humans to do.” “The intimate relationship world is a difficult yet pivotal place to inhabit and humans have evolved to learn how to navigate this world, obviously not perfectly, but I think in a very remarkable way.” Summer 2008 11 Rutherford’s path to the Nobel Prize December 2008 marks 100 years since Canterbury alumnus Ernest Rutherford received his Nobel Prize, a first for a person educated in New Zealand. Dr John Campbell looks back at the early life of one of New Zealand’s most famous sons. One of the most illustrious scientists of all time, Ernest Rutherford is to the atom what Darwin is to evolution, Newton to mechanics, Faraday to electricity and Einstein to relativity. His pathway from rural child to immortality is a fascinating one. Rutherford nearly didn’t make it to secondary school. In the late 19th century, education in New Zealand was compulsory to age 12 and free to the age of 14. Secondary schools were then private schools and expensive to attend. The Rutherford family of Havelock could not afford to send young Ern to Nelson College. His only chance was the one scholarship available to Marlborough pupils. On his second attempt, he gained the scholarship but only because Edward Pasley, eight months his junior, crashed in English. Pasley, who went on to become a travelling salesman, had beaten Rutherford in geography and history and they had tied in maths. Had Pasley not crashed in English, Rutherford may well have accepted the offer of a cadetship in the civil service having been placed 15th of the 202 candidates for the 1886 Junior Civil Service Examination. Fifteen-year-old Rutherford entered Nelson College in 1887, at the fifth form level as befitting his age and schooling. He regularly won prizes — and hence more money for fees and boarding — in modern languages and literature. In 1888 he matriculated to the University of New Zealand, but was not placed high enough in the junior scholarship examination list to be awarded funding. Unable to afford to go without a scholarship, Rutherford stayed on at Nelson College for a further year and was named dux of the school. In 1889, on his second attempt, he won one of the 10 Junior National Scholarships to the University of New Zealand. At Canterbury 12 Canterbury Magazine College he came under the influence of the professor of chemistry and practical physics, Alexander Bickerton, who taught him to think and inspired him into research. Rutherford was a good student but only on a par with others. Willie Marris, who beat Rutherford in mathematics, was a classics scholar from Wanganui who left after his BA degree to go to England to cram for the Indian Civil Service exams. He rose to be Sir William Marris, Governor of Assam. Apirana Ngata, the first Mäori to attend Canterbury College, studied law. He later became Sir Apirana Ngata, politician, and the head on the New Zealand $50 banknote. Jack Erskine, an excellent mathematician from Southland, followed Rutherford by a year and was to carry on research started by Rutherford. Erskine went into electrical engineering before making a fortune on the stock market. Today’s Erskine Fellowships offered by UC in the faculties of science, engineering and commerce, stem from Erskine’s generosity and frugal life. Rutherford threw himself into the life of an undergraduate. He started in the college’s third rugby team, rising through age and attrition to its first team which was generally thrashed. He joined the science society in its formation year during which the word “evolution” was in the title of a third of the topics discussed. At the Dialectic Society he argued “That the influence of the modern newspaper press is excessive and dangerous” and “That the average value of environment as a factor in the formation of character is greater than that of heredity”. Rutherford helped Erskine pen one of the anonymous songs sung irreverently at the annual capping ceremony, highlighting the clash between arts and sciences. For the BA degree, students studied equally in six subjects, four being examined after the second year and the other two in the final (third) year. Mathematics and Latin were compulsory. For the other four subjects, Rutherford chose applied mathematics, French, English and physics (BA students were restricted to only two science subjects). Rutherford won the one senior scholarship in mathematics available nationwide that allowed for another year (1893) at the University of New Zealand, during which he took honours (Master of Arts) in mathematics and experimental science. By then he was boarding with a widow, Mary Newton, whose husband had drunk himself to death. At the time the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union was striving for universal suffrage as it believed the only way women would have control over the demon booze was if they could vote. Newton was the right-hand woman of the movement’s leader, Kate Sheppard, whose image today graces the New Zealand $10 banknote. In 1893, New Zealand became the first country in the world to grant women the vote. It was also the year Rutherford was old enough to be listed on the electoral roll. He had an insider’s view of this momentous occasion. Rutherford’s honours in physical science was entirely by exam but the regulations required him to go into the exam room with a note from his professor saying that the candidate had carried out original research. Bickerton had developed a theory of astrophysics (the partial impact theory) which he thought could explain all astronomical observations such as nova and, indeed, life itself. Bickerton suggested Rutherford study the electrical synthesis of the nitro-compounds of hydrogen, carbon and oxygen, but he declined because he didn’t have a chemical background. (In the 1950s Stanley Miller and Harold Urey attained world fame in carrying out such experiments, to produce the building blocks of life.) Instead Rutherford chose to extend an undergraduate experiment measuring the magnetism of iron to study whether the results also held for rapidly-cycling magnetizing fields. Rutherford was inspired by Nikola Tesla who had come to world notice in August of 1893 when he publicly demonstrated transmitting electrical power without wires. (A discharge tube glowed when held near his high-frequency, highvoltage transformer.) Alternating currents were the high technology of the day. Rutherford made a mechanical device which could switch on an electric current then, within 100,000th of a second, could switch on a circuit to measure the effect of the current thus far. The brilliance of Rutherford as a scientist was evident from his first year of research, during which he was mostly self-taught, as demonstrated by the skill and thought that went into the construction of his timing device. Employment now loomed; but where? There were few jobs for physical scientists in New Zealand, apart from becoming a government analyst in one of the main cities to keep miners and industry honest. Rutherford missed out on permanent employment as a schoolteacher on several occasions but was employed at Christchurch Boys’ High for a short time as a relieving teacher. The only surviving account of this experience, that of a boy in a junior mathematics class, was not flattering. Rutherford couldn’t control a class and was a bit advanced for them. His only chance to progress in science was to continue research with an Exhibition of 1851 science scholarship in mind. In 1894, Rutherford returned to Canterbury College and enrolled for a BSc. This relatively new degree allowed students to avoid Latin. With two science subjects already under his belt from his BA degree, Rutherford’s choice for the two extra subjects needed for a BSc was chemistry and geology. Rutherford extended his magnetic research to even higher frequencies, using a damped Hertzian oscillator to reach even higher oscillating current rates. He slowly dissolved the surface of his iron needle to show that at high frequencies only a thin surface skin was magnetised and the magnetism direction reversed lower in this layer. During this work he invented a simple device for detecting the passage of a current pulse of very short duration, down to about one two-hundredthousandths of a second. This involved placing a steel needle in a small coil in the circuit and using a sensitive magnetometer to detect that the magnetism of the needle had changed. There were two applicants for the nomination of the Exhibition of 1851 science scholarship, which was awarded to Rutherford after the successful nominee withdrew. This allowed Rutherford to travel anywhere in the world to do research in a field important to the nation’s industrial interests. So in 1895, a 23-yearold Rutherford left New Zealand’s shores holding three degrees from the University of New Zealand. Already he had a reputation as an outstanding researcher and innovator working at the forefront of electrical technology. Rutherford elected to study with Professor J J Thomson at Cambridge University’s Cavendish Laboratory and became the University’s first non-Cambridge research student. Within five months, Rutherford held the world record for the distance over which a wireless electric-wave had been detected — half a mile. He had been encouraged in this by Sir Robert Ball, the director of the Cambridge Observatory and the scientific adviser to the Irish Light Association, who advised Rutherford that if he could get the distance to a reasonable one he would solve the terrible problem of how a ship could detect a lighthouse during fog. Summer 2008 13 Rutherford wrote to his girlfriend back in New Zealand that fame and fortune awaited. Thomson sounded out financiers who concluded that an impossibly large investment would be needed to commercialise wireless telegraphy. Fast communication was already in wide use through telegraphy and undersea cables. worldwide in medical physics. Radioactivity was a lesser curiosity. Realising how good Rutherford was, Thomson invited him to join in his own research projects. Rutherford used both to ionise his gases but quickly changed to trying to understand the peculiar nature of radioactivity. Very quickly he showed that ionising rays from radioactive materials seemed to be of two sorts. One, which he called alpha rays, was highly ionizing and easily stopped, whereas the other, which he called beta rays, wasn’t as ionizing and had more penetration. From early 1896 Rutherford helped Thomson with experiments into why putting an electrical discharge through a gas turned a good electrical insulator into a good electrical conductor. But his time at Cambridge had come to an end. His scholarship had already been extended for a third year and hopes of a fellowship were dashed by stringent rules applying to non-Cambridge graduates. In 1897 Thomson announced the discovery of the electron, the first object smaller than an atom. Rutherford was an immediate convert to sub-atomic particles and this became his life’s work for which he has achieved enduring fame. In 1889 Rutherford was appointed to lead physics research at McGill University in Canada in order, as he was told, “to knock the shine off the Yankees”. And lead he did. He quickly found that radioactive thorium gave off a radioactive emanation. He had discovered radon. This put him on the track to discover that radioactivity was the spontaneous disintegration of some heavy atoms into slightly lighter ones, with the emission of rays/particles of enormous energy. He was the first to produce the growth and decay curves for radioactivity. For these experiments, Rutherford initially used ultraviolet light to ionise the gases he was studying. But two accidental discoveries were announced that changed physics, and Rutherford’s research field, forever. Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen in Germany accidentally discovered X-rays and Henri Becquerel in France accidentally discovered radioactivity. X-rays went into immediate service Rutherford had had to carry out his own chemical separations until he was joined by a specialist chemist, Frederick Soddy, after April 1901. They worked out several of the radioactive decay chains and, initially using the amount of helium gas in a mineral containing radioactive elements, Rutherford used these decay curves to date the age of minerals and the Earth. Later, when it was realised that the final decay product in the chain that had started with uranium was stable lead, he used the uranium/lead ratios to date minerals. Rutherford left McGill for Manchester University in 1907 but not before being nominated for a Nobel Prize, which was awarded in 1908 — in chemistry. As Rutherford told his mates it was the quickest transformation (physicist to chemist) that he had met. The citation was “for his investigations into the disintegration of the elements, and the chemistry of radioactive substances”. Rutherford was on track to the 1937 eulogy awarded to him by the New York Times. “It is given to but few men to achieve immortality, still less to achieve Olympian rank, during their own lifetime. Lord Rutherford achieved both. In a generation that witnessed one of the greatest revolutions in the entire history of science he was universally acknowledged as the leading explorer of the vast infinitely complex universe within the atom, a universe that he was first to penetrate.” Rutherford archival material now available online The University of Canterbury Library has digitised its collection of archival material relating to Ernest, Lord Rutherford. Archivist Jeff Palmer said the Rutherford Collection, which was now available on the Library’s website, contained digital representations of nearly all the original material held by the Macmillan Brown Library by and about Rutherford. Rutherford (1871-1937) is one of UC’s most accomplished alumni, winning the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1908 for his investigations into the disintegration of elements and the chemistry of radioactive substances. He attended Canterbury College from 1890-1894, obtaining three degrees: BA, MA with double first class honours in mathematics and physics, and a BSc. He was later granted a DSc and Canterbury College’s first honorary DSc. “Users can read letters, notes and minutes written by Rutherford, view the famous, or infamous, depending on one’s 14 Canterbury Magazine perspective, Rutherford lampshades, and peruse the library’s extensive collection of Rutherford certificates, scrolls and medals,” Palmer said. “The digitisation of this collection marks 100 years since Rutherford was awarded the Nobel Prize and is the first time this material has been made available to the public in such a comprehensive and accessible fashion.” Included in the archives is a handwritten letter from Rutherford to the Canterbury College Board of Governors. Written in January 1909, Rutherford thanks the College for its kind congratulations on the Nobel Prize. “I have a happy remembrance of my old College days and of my first researches in the basement of one of the lecture rooms. I learnt more of research methods in those first investigations under somewhat difficult conditions than in any work I have done since,” Rutherford wrote. “If there is any credit to be apportioned for winning a Nobel Prize, I think that Canterbury College may take a fair share; for it was there that I was well trained in mathematics and physics by Professor Cook and Professor Bickerton. Both were excellent teachers and Professor Bickerton’s genuine enthusiasm for science gave a stimulus to me to start investigations of my own.” The Rutherford Collection can be accessed via the “Featured Collections” section of the “Art, Archives, Photos” page on the University of Canterbury Library’s website, Ernest, Lord Rutherford’s 1908 Nobel Medal. Centennial celebrations The achievements of Ernest, Lord Rutherford, are to be celebrated by his alma mater 100 years to the day on which he received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. To mark the occasion, fellow Nobel Laureate Professor Bob Grubbs from the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) will present the Rutherford Lecture on 10 December 2008. Grubbs was a Visiting Erskine Fellow at the University of Canterbury in 2005 when he received word that he had been jointly awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. Grubbs received the award with France-based Dr Yves Chauvin and US-based Professor Richard Schrock for the development of the metathesis method in organic systems. The lecture will be held in the Great Hall in the Arts Centre of Christchurch, just a stone’s throw from where a young Rutherford first conducted his science experiments as an undergraduate in the late 19th century. Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Science) Professor Ian Shaw says it is important that the University remembers one of its most famous alumni. “Ernest Rutherford is arguably the greatest and so we decided to focus on his achievements in the centenary year of his Nobel Prize. “The Rutherford Lecture will become an annual College of Science-funded event. Bob Grubbs is a good friend of the Chemistry Department and I can think of no better person to inaugurate our Rutherford Lectures.” Centennial celebrations kicked off on 10 November with the University marking the day Rutherford received word of his Nobel Prize success. To celebrate the occasion By Jeanette Colman Rutherford’s great-granddaughter Professor Mary Fowler was guest of honour at a special luncheon at College House and in the evening gave a public lecture for the Royal Society of New Zealand. Fowler is Professor of Geophysics in the Earth Sciences Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. She is from a scientific family: her father Peter Fowler was Royal Society Research Professor of Physics at the University of Bristol, and his father was Ralph Fowler, the Plummer Professor of Theoretical Physics at Cambridge, who was married to Eileen, Ernest Rutherford’s only child. Fowler, who is in the country as the 2008 Royal Society of New Zealand Distinguished Speaker, will be presenting lectures in eight cities, looking at the contribution Rutherford’s work makes to the 21st century. A new generation of New Zealand school children have also been given the opportunity to learn more about one of the nation’s most successful scientists. UC’s College of Science Outreach Programme and the Royal Society of New Zealand have run the Rutherford Science Competition during 2008 in which primary and secondary school students have been invited to design posters and/or write essays based on the life and work of Rutherford. There will also be a Rutherford theme to this year’s Scholars in Science competition. Now in its third year, the competition sees hundreds of Year 13 students converge on campus, all vying for the ultimate prize of a full scholarship to study science at UC. “I think there is no doubt that in 2008 we will remember one of our most famous alumni,” says Shaw. Sponsorship agreement reinforces Rutherford’s connection with UC Rutherford’s Den, a world-class multimedia visitor experience celebrating the life and work of great New Zealand scientist Ernest, Lord Rutherford, is to benefit from a significant sponsorship partnership with the University of Canterbury. Rutherford is one of the University’s most illustrious graduates. His original student laboratory at Canterbury College — now the Arts Centre of Christchurch — is the den’s central exhibition space. “We are absolutely delighted to welcome the University as naming rights sponsor for Rutherford’s Den, particularly in this the centenary year of Rutherford receiving the Nobel Prize,” said Jenny May, Chair of the Rutherford’s Den Trust Board. “The University’s three-year sponsorship will make a major contribution to ensuring the den continues to educate and tell the story of Rutherford’s days at Canterbury College and how he went on to become one of the greatest scientists of the 20th century.” Rutherford’s Den trustee, Associate Professor Peter Cottrell (Physics and Astronomy), said the sponsorship of Rutherford’s Den by UC provided opportunities across the whole campus to make connections with UC’s most famous graduate. “The den is the place where Rutherford began his university career, first as an undergraduate student in a range of subjects and then his initial steps as a scientist.” The sponsorship agreement would allow the University to use the den to showcase its current staff and students in a “significant historical setting”. One of the key objectives of the den was to inspire the Rutherfords of the future through its school education programme. “Primary, intermediate and secondary school students and their families will see the UC connection. This is a symbiotic and natural relationship, where students visiting the den as part of its Ministry of Educationfunded programme will add value to their visit by linking with the College of Science’s Outreach programme.” Cottrell said every New Zealander should know that Rutherford was a UC graduate. The 19th century arts lecture theatre has been preserved as part of Rutherford’s Den in the Arts Centre of Christchurch. Summer 2008 15 Ensuring the lights stay on By Stacey Doornenbal Most of us take the supply of electricity for granted. As long as we can switch on the television or the heat-pump we do not even notice its presence or think about the quality of the power we are receiving. New Zealand’s economy would also be affected. Equipment malfunction or damage can have a major impact on a company’s operation and could have a huge impact on the manufacturing, telecommunications and primary sector industries. But that could change. As the use of energy saving technologies in New Zealand grows, and as integration of renewable energy into existing electrical networks increases, there is the potential for these trends to have a severe impact on future power quality — in other words, affect the performance of the electrical infrastructure. But the hope is that the country’s electricity consumers will not experience any of these side-effects as the Canterbury research team plans to nip any potential problems in the bud. Working in collaboration with New Zealand’s largest electricity industry collective, the New Zealand Electricity Engineers’ Association (EEA), the ultimate aim of the EPECentre-led project is to develop a set of power quality guidelines based on the group’s research. While the exact impact these trends may one day have on the quality of supply has yet to be determined, a team of researchers at the University of Canterbury is hoping to shed some light on the possible issues involved and, in the process, provide some guidance to New Zealand’s electricity industry. Led by Associate Professor Neville Watson, a team from the University’s Electric Power Engineering Centre (EPECentre) will spend the next three years on a project investigating the possible side effects on electrical networks caused by these two developments, both of which are the result of New Zealand’s increasing demand for power. One issue the team will look at, says Watson, involves the integration of renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar power, through distributed generation. These small scale energy sources are additions to the network and can cause problems that affect power quality due to the conversion process they use. These problems will be exacerbated the more such energy sources are used to supply the nation’s power demand. “Ideally the voltage waveform should be sinusoidal and any deviation from it is a power quality issue,” says Watson. “Most of these renewable energy sources have converter interfaces which result in a non-sinusoidal current waveform. When this nonsinusoidal current flows through the electrical network, the voltage waveform becomes distorted and is a power quality issue.” The other area of investigation is the impact an increased use of energy saving technologies, such as energy efficient (compact fluorescent) light bulbs and heat-pumps, may have on power quality. Again, it is the way these electrical devices interact with the electrical network that may result in poor power quality — and this could have serious repercussions for end users. “Potential problems of poor power quality are numerous and diverse in nature. Light flicker, mal-operation of electronic equipment, overheating of motors, the reduced life of equipment and, ultimately, destruction of equipment are some of the consequences of poor power quality,” says Watson. 16 Canterbury Magazine To do this the group will perform tests on a wide range of electrical devices — heat-pumps and CFL light bulbs, TV plasma screens, DVD players, microwave ovens — that are coming onto the market. The information will be used to carry out computer modelling to predict the behaviour of these devices on the electrical networks. The performance of the network will also be analysed and mitigation measures developed to combat any issues that may arise. Backing for the project has come from the EEA, which is providing $60,000 a year in funding plus time and equipment. It has also agreed to publish and distribute the guidelines among all electrical network companies in New Zealand. Financial support has also come from the Foundation for Research, Science and Technology, which awarded the project $1,050,000 ($350,000 a year for three years) in its main 2008 investment round in July. Project Manager and Manager of the EPECentre, Joseph Lawrence, says the guidelines will help the electricity industry plan for a robust and resilient electricity supply. “These guidelines will give the industry an idea of how to better manage its networks and manage risks,” he says. “Companies will be able to make better decisions on what investments they need to make to strengthen their networks and they will be able to base their decisions on research-supported facts.” Currently, there are no power quality guidelines for the electricity distribution industry so Lawrence says the work the EPECentre power quality group is planning to carry out “will make a real difference”. “This is a good opportunity to put public funding to good use on something that will be used by the whole electricity industry. This project is not only going to have a real impact on the industry, it’s going to benefit the whole country,” he says. “But hopefully, if all goes well, no-one will really know anything’s changed.” Kindergarten: compatible with current Kiwi culture? By Maria De Cort The experience of attending kindy as a pre-schooler was once as much a part of Kiwi culture as supporting teams wearing the Silver Fern or enjoying fish and chips on the beach. But is the New Zealand kindergarten still a distinctive part of our national culture or is it just another early childhood service? That is the question shaping a large national study being conducted by the University of Canterbury’s Associate Professor Judith Duncan (School of Mäori, Social and Cultural Studies in Education). Duncan, who started her career as a kindergarten teacher, began this research while based at the Children’s Issues Centre at the University of Otago. During late 2006 and the beginning of 2007 she interviewed general managers, senior teachers, teachers and parents from New Zealand’s 32 kindergarten associations. Twelve of them, representing a mix of North and South Island, urban and rural kindergartens, were selected for case studies. New Zealand kindergartens have a long history of providing early childhood education in New Zealand, with the first free and independent kindergarten opening its doors in 1889 in Dunedin. Generally, kindergartens cater for children from two to five years old, through sessional educational programmes (or, more recently, school-day length). They employ trained and registered teachers and are located in most New Zealand city suburbs. However, Duncan says kindergartens are changing in reaction to the increases in both parents working, single parent families, family mobility, and falling demographics. With more choices now available in the early childhood education market, kindergartens are no longer the leading providers of education for three and four-year-olds in New Zealand. In the course of earlier research on the effects of these changes on kindergartens Duncan says she was privy to many internal discussions. “What concerned me when I was listening to those discussions was the debate about responding to the crisis of the moment. While there was some good and responsible long-term planning going on about trying to maintain the viability and to make sure that communities still had the options of their kindergartens, people weren’t asking, ‘Do we want kindergartens anymore?’ “Is kindergarten, as a mode of delivery of early childhood education, something New Zealanders wish to hold onto in the traditional form that many of us have Children at play at the Ilam Kindergarten in Christchurch. experienced over the last 100-plus years? Or is it just another option amongst the whole plethora of early childhood services that just happens to have the name ‘kindergarten’ attached to it?” That is the key question Duncan has been putting to her interviewees, along with asking them about the strengths of kindergarten, about the differences or distinctive nature of kindergartens in comparison to other early childhood services, and their views on the position of kindergartens in contemporary New Zealand culture. Analysis of her interviews has begun and preliminary summaries written. Duncan’s first paper reported back on the parents’ data. The reasons why parents chose a kindergarten and the things they liked included the socialisation opportunities, the focus on their child’s individuality and education, and the way kindergarten prepared their child for the transition to school. Parents also identified the community-based and communityinvolvement aspects of kindergarten as a distinctive aspect of the service they enjoyed, and, for parents who were “kindy kids” themselves, tradition was a strong factor in the equation. In the teacher responses, Duncan says there was a marked difference between the views of the “kindergarten specialist”, who had trained in the day when a two-year diploma in kindergarten teaching was the required qualification, and those of the more recently-trained “generic early childhood teachers”. “Those teachers who had worked in other early childhood sectors before coming to kindergarten had a very different vision for the future of kindergarten from the teachers who had been trained specifically in kindergarten philosophy and pedagogy. They were much more relaxed in terms of session times and, having worked in programmes that had more staff, fewer children and longer hours, they could see advantages in moving to those models.” When asked if it is inevitable that kindergarten will lose its distinctiveness, Duncan says she believes it already has. “The pragmatical side of me says, ‘Okay, that probably has been inevitable’, but I’m just exceedingly sad that the debate about the purpose of kindergarten for children and families has often not been at the forefront of the reason for that change. I just wanted to have this debate with people and capture it lest we forget.” She believes her research has come too late to help turn the tide, but hopes her research outputs will be a record of kindergartens — “the way they are perceived and understood at a particular historical moment”. Duncan has also begun talking to people she is calling her “mature memories” set — people over the age of 50 who have some memory of kindergarten, be it they were kindy kids themselves or sent their children there. If you are interested in sharing your kindergarten memories for Duncan’s research, or want to learn more about her wider research project, email: Summer 2008 17 Challenging the status quo Rae Julian’s unswerving pursuit of fairness has seen her at the forefront of the fray on numerous issues affecting generations of New Zealanders. Chanel Hughes talked to the former human rights commissioner about her life of protest. Secondary teacher, social sciences researcher, human rights commissioner with special responsibility for women’s rights, education and children’s rights, international aid worker and life-long activist — Rae Julian has dedicated her life and career to improving the lot of others. Surrounded by the accumulations of years of travel, in her Wadestown, Wellington villa, the 67-year-old shows no signs of retiring quietly. Though she resigned last February from a seven-year term as executive director (NZ) of the Council for International Development (CID) — the umbrella body for 92 non-governmental organisations — Julian recently joined the board of Save the Children New Zealand and was appointed to PACDAC, the Pacific Development and 18 Canterbury Magazine Conservation Trust. She is also still working with “Strengthening Civil Society” in Tonga, and UNIFEM, the women’s development fund under the United Nations. And she is still marching on the frontlines against everything from the Iraqi war to the so-called “terror” raids and totalitarian oppression in Burma. kilometre each day to meet the adult paid by the government to collect them. An indignant eight-year-old Julian organised a sit-in. But ten minutes later the other children shuffled off, fearing parental retribution, and then her own sisters deserted, complaining that she was always getting them into trouble. Julian attributes her feisty independence to being the middle of three sisters and her tenacity for detecting unfairness. “I learnt a valuable lesson: always make sure of your support. It did put me off for a while — I didn’t do it again until I was 18 or 19.” “The middle child always has to forge their own way,” she says. “I was always saying, ‘It’s not fair, it’s not fair’.” While studying at the University of Canterbury and the former Christchurch Teachers’ College towards a “very traditional BA” and Diploma of Teaching, Julian’s extra-curricular activities were anything but traditional. Julian clearly remembers her first but illfated demonstration, in a country school shelter-shed. A change in neighbourly relations meant she, her sisters and other children would have to walk an extra Apartheid drove the budding young activist to the streets, along with two friends similarly clad in Ku Klux Klan outfits, and banners declaring, “It couldn’t happen here, could it?”. It was Julian’s first realisation of the link between the personal and global, which informed many of her ensuing activities. “My grandmother was Mäori, but I’d never really thought about it because my mother was pale-skinned. With apartheid it didn’t matter how much or how little ‘coloured’ blood you had, you were simply ‘coloured’ and apartheid applied to you. I thought, hang on a second, that’s me.” Active protesting on Vietnam, feminism, and abortion rights followed. During the height of the Springbok Tour controversy, there were weekly demonstrations — at one she teamed up with Trevor Mallard to create a diversionary fracas at an All Blacks rugby game to confuse the police. “Unfortunately we didn’t draw the police off enough, so it didn’t quite work, and Trevor got hit.” Her experience as a young mother channelled her energies towards women’s rights. After teaching for several years in London (UK), Hamilton Girls’ High School and Te Awamutu College, Julian stopped to look after daughter Katie — and became uncomfortably aware of a change in her social status. “When I went to dinner parties it was now expected that I would go into a corner and talk to the other mothers, because what could I possibly have to talk about? “One day I hadn’t done all of my tasks by lunchtime when my husband came home, and I felt a real sense of panic. It was then I thought I had to get out of this situation, that this wasn’t right.” The realisation spurred involvement in women’s issues, research and writing, with the Society for Research on Women and the very intense liberal newspaper, The Week, for which Julian wrote the back page. Resulting contact with Geoffrey Palmer, a significant mentor, led to a job with the Parliamentary Labour Research Unit as an education researcher, where she also worked closely with Education Minister Russell Marshall and Ann Hercus on women’s affairs. For the last three of her 10 years with the unit she was the director, and won a Distinguished Visitor’s grant to pursue her research interests for a month in the USA. She made it a condition of her travel that the USA pay for her to return via Russia. “I had a very interesting time, got to look at two super powers — and decided I didn’t like them.” Photo supplied by New Zealand Herald. In 1987, Palmer offered her the first fulltime position of Human Rights Commissioner, with special responsibility for women’s rights, education and children’s rights. Amongst the achievements she is most proud of during this time is the Equal Opportunities Act, the establishment of the Children’s Commission and the abolition of corporal punishment. She fell out badly with the National Government when it repealed the Equal Opportunities Act in 1990, so her role ended when her term expired in 1992. But she’s perfectly sanguine about falling out with government — in fact, it’s a point of pride. “I’ve never worked for government; I’ve always been on the other side.” Following in her mother’s crusading footsteps, daughter Katie married a Burmese freedom fighter and has lived on the Thai border for 13 years. Son Nick is more conventional, but his two children, aged four and two, have already participated in their first demonstration, at which grandmother was a speaker. Following her departure from the Human Rights Commission, Julian was approached by Volunteer Service Abroad (VSA) to join a UN team in Cambodia and set off on a life-changing experience to bring votereducation to a population who had not participated in democratic elections since the 1950s. After six weeks of language training in Phnom Penh, she was given a truck and a radio, and drove in a convoy of three to a small southern village. The journey took 17 hours, along a torturous road filled with craters — “we thought we were never going to get there”. “The Japanese would patch the road up every now and then, and the same trip could take just five hours.” Only a few New Zealanders were among the 22,000-strong team, which included mostly military personnel and police, and only four were appointed to explain democracy to a people largely illiterate and afraid in the wake of the Khmer Rouge’s reign of terror. “We had to act it out and emphasise that no-one would know who they were voting for. So we role-played it with Millie, who was a large Fijian woman, pretending to be the polling booth — no-one could see anyone standing behind her. We had a 113 per cent voter turn-out — skewed upwards because of refugees living on the border who came in to vote.” Aged 51 at the time, Julian says everything about the experience was a challenge, but after eight months back in New Zealand, she grabbed an opportunity to return to Cambodia to work for three years as field representative for VSA, with volunteers working at village level in teams that Rae Julian included a teacher, public health nurse and community development representative. Soon after she worked for the Canada Fund, supporting mainly village-based projects in the Pacific, which saw her travelling between the islands for nine weeks out of every twelve. With her experience it was perhaps inevitable Julian would take up the role of executive director of the CID, where she could be involved in advocacy for international development work, lobbying the government, and working on specific projects, including gender issues — “in developing countries women are most likely to be disadvantaged”. Upon her retirement from CID, Julian was pleased with the achievements of her tenure. “The past seven years have been an exciting and challenging time for the organisation,” she said at the time. “We have doubled our membership to 92 organisations, reflecting the breadth of support for international development within the country, and the new members cover a wide diversity of organisations. “We’ve also increased our other activities, services to members including training, and policy and advocacy.” Her only disappointment is that the New Zealand government has not yet committed to the United Nations target of allocating 0.7 per cent of Gross National Income to overseas aid by 2015. “We appreciated the increase to 0.3 per cent last year and the commitment to 0.35 percent by 2010, but there is still a long way to go.” Summer 2008 19 Female footy fanatics By Maria De Cort Found in increasing numbers in the grandstands barracking for their team, female rugby fans are now also having their voices heard in a new study. University of Canterbury sociologist Dr Camilla Obel is involved in research focusing on female supporters of rugby union, which is part of a larger study of women spectators of all football codes across Australia and New Zealand. It is a collaborative project with fellow social scientists Dr Kim Toffoletti and Dr Peter Mewett from Deakin University in Melbourne, Australia. Obel says the new project, titled “Women Love Footy Too! The Voices of Female Rugby Union Supporters”, is in its “infancy” and came about as a result of Toffoletti visiting UC earlier this year on sabbatical. “Kim presented some of the research she has done with Peter on female fans — they had started looking at Australian rules and then at rugby league. I saw a hole and thought, ‘we should do this type of study on female fans of rugby union’. It seemed too good an opportunity to pass up.” Obel says the study merges two key areas of her research to date — gender and football codes. While she has recently been involved in editing a book on women in sport in New Zealand, Obel says an area she has done scant research on is fan involvement. “There is virtually no research done with women fans in sport and very little in relation to football codes. Our aim will be to put something together in book form from our research,” says Obel. The three researchers put out a call for participants mid-year and conducted their first rounds of group interviews with staunch rugby followers in July and September. Topics up for discussion include how participants became rugby fans, the nature and extent of their support, the importance of the game in their life, the ways they feel women fans differ from their male counterparts, and their thoughts on allegations concerning player misconduct. About 30 participants in New Zealand and 50 across the Tasman have been interviewed so far. All bar one of those interviewed on campus in July fitted the profile of Crusaders and All Blacks supporter, but the ages ranged from 19 to over 70 and the women approached their football fandom from various backgrounds. 20 Canterbury Magazine When it comes to rugby, Kate Frew of Canterbury Educational Printing Services shows her true colours. “The participants included both New Zealand and overseas-born rugby supporters who drew on different motivations for their fandom — for some a family history or partners had encouraged their involvement, for others who had played at an earlier age it was the desire to stay involved, while for immigrants, becoming a rugby supporter was a way to connect with New Zealanders and successfully assimilate,” says Obel. “For all, however, being a rugby supporter is central to their identity. The enjoyment and commitment to attending or watching games live was such that they constantly faced questions and complaints from family and friends. Most had resolved this by simply declaring that they were ‘off-limits’ when the Crusaders kicked off.” Following a UC Chronicle article in August and subsequent media coverage in Sunday News and on the news website, Obel has had daily emails from fans all over the world wanting to share their stories and learn of other women rugby devotees. “This seems to have struck a chord with female fans and we’re working out how best to incorporate these stories alongside those that arise from the group interviews. We may look at doing online surveys and tapping into social networking sites to reach more young fans.” By exploring how women support the game, researchers hope their findings will offer new insights into gender relations in society, and rugby union in particular. They believe their research might assist in increasing the profile and visibility of female football fans and create a more equitable environment for women’s participation in sport as fans. If you are “footy fanatic” and would like to be a part of this study, the researchers are keen to hear from you. Please email Nano thread binds fans to All Blacks By John MacDonald “We’re used to imprinting onto silicon chip type substrates and so Gary and I did a whole lot of work to get it working on fibres. There were a lot of failures and head scratching. Then I thought we’d try something new, so we did and got it to work.” He says it is believed to be the first time nanotechnology has been used in a marketing and promotional exercise in this way. “It’s very exciting for us. We’re largely technology-driven but to have an application that pulls us in a different direction is fantastic.” The Marketing Manager of adidas New Zealand John Beckett says the This is not a Jersey campaign reflects the iconic status of the All Blacks uniform. Professor Richard Blaikie sweats the small stuff. The really, really, really small stuff. Director of the MacDiarmid Institute of Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology at the University of Canterbury, his day’s work can only be seen through powerful microscopes. But the results can be found in all sorts of places. The All Blacks’ forward pack is the latest area where Blaikie’s expertise is being put to work. Well known for its applications in highefficiency laser diodes, integrated circuits and novel types of sensors, nanotechnology has a broad range of applications. Recently Blaikie and research engineer Gary Turner adapted a state-of-the-art nanolithography process to promote the All Blacks and get fans closer than ever to the national team. The names of as many as 100,000 fans are being printed onto a single thread to be sewn into the Silver Fern on a special edition jersey for team captain Richie McCaw. Already the process has been used to write the names of past and present All Blacks onto a single thread. McCaw visited the lab to learn about the technology and see a jersey with the “nanothread” stitched into the Silver Fern. “I never thought it was possible but it’s a cool concept. It’s very special to see everyone’s name lined up there.” He says having the names of fans stitched into the jersey provides the team with a further reminder of the public support the team enjoys. Blaikie equates it to a “very, very, very sharp pencil” which can write 100 names per millimetre. He says the scale of the work was not particularly challenging. It was the use of a thread that presented the greatest challenges. “The adiThread initiative aims to help New Zealand fans feel closer to the team and to provide the opportunity to be more intimately represented by the country’s most famous team jersey. “When you put your name on the jersey, you are literally a part of it — the fabric of a nation.” The fibre imprinting technology used to develop the adiThread has been commercialised by UC’s technology transfer company, Canterprise Limited. Canterprise CEO Raiyo Nariman says “adiThread demonstrates how state-of-theart technology coming out of the University can be incorporated into innovative applications in fields outside technologybased products”. The MacDiarmid Institute is a collaborative venture encompassing the knowledge and expertise of leading researchers and research facilities. The University of Canterbury, Victoria University of Wellington, Industrial Research Ltd, Massey University, the University of Otago and the Institute for Geological and Nuclear Sciences are the partner organisations. Victoria University, through the School of Chemical and Physical Sciences, is the host. Staff from Auckland University and AgResearch also contribute. Named after 2000 Nobel Chemistry Prizewinner, the late Alan MacDiarmid, the institute is one of seven national Centres of Research Excellence established in 2002/03. It was formed in recognition of its importance as an area of great scientific and economic potential for New Zealand. It is governed by a board with input from an international advisory board of leading international researchers. Pictured above left: Richie McCaw holds the thread of All Black history in his hands, watched by UC research engineer Gary Turner. Background image: Thanks to nanolithography, the names of former All Blacks have been written onto a single thread. Summer 2008 21 Breaking through the legal glass ceiling By Jeanette Colman Back in 1952, Sandra Day O’Connor struggled to find a job as a lawyer in the USA. At 22 she had graduated third in her class at Stanford Law School but was repeatedly turned down by firms who steadfastly refused to hire women lawyers. Nearly three decades later, O’Connor became the first woman to sit on the bench of the US Supreme Court. 22 Canterbury Magazine Now retired from the Supreme Court, O’Connor spent time at the University of Canterbury in July as the School of Law’s inaugural Hotung Fellow. Established in 2005 by global philanthropist Eric Hotung, who gifted one million Hong Kong dollars (NZ$185,000) to the University of Canterbury Foundation, the fellowship is designed to boost research and raise the profile of the school. Breaking the ultimate “glass ceiling” in the legal profession is a testament to the steely determination still evident in the now 78year-old O’Connor. A tall, striking woman who speaks with quiet, confident authority, she is clearly passionate about the law and public service. Yet her early years were spent in a world vastly different from the legal debates in Washington DC. O’Connor grew up on the remote 198,000-acre Lazy B cattle ranch in Arizona. By the age of eight, she was mending fences, driving a truck, firing her own .22 rifle and riding with the cowboys. The self-reliant “child of the frontier” grew into a woman who looked for workable, practical results. “From a very early age I had to take responsibility for doing a job. If something broke down or went wrong you had to fix it yourself. Our solutions had to work; they didn’t have to be beautiful, but they had to work in a practical manner. I suppose that concept has stayed with me.” While majoring in economics at Stanford University, O’Connor took a course in general business law. She was hooked. “The law professor was so inspiring. It was because of him that I went to law school.” Graduating from law school in 1952, O’Connor set out to find a job. But her impressive academic record failed to even get her interviews. When she finally did get an interview — thanks to an introduction from a friend — she was told: “Miss Day, you have a fine record, but this firm has never hired a woman lawyer and I don’t see a time when we will. Our clients just wouldn’t stand for it.” O’Connor politely declined his suggestion they might be able to find her a job as a legal secretary. Instead she turned to public service and accepted a job as the deputy county attorney for San Mateo, California. Like many other justices, O’Connor’s path to the Supreme Court encompassed both the practice of law and politics. In 1965, O’Connor went to work as an assistant attorney general. In 1969, she was appointed to the Arizona Senate and was subsequently re-elected to that position. In 1973, O’Connor became the first woman to serve as a majority leader. The following year, O’Connor was elected to a position of trial judge for Maricopa County and five years later was appointed to the Arizona Court of Appeals. O’Connor is a staunch backer of the Supreme Court. In 1981, a vacancy arose on the Supreme Court following the retirement of Justice Potter Stewart. O’Connor was invited to Washington DC by the Attorney General and met with the president’s close advisers. The following day she met with President Ronald Reagan for a “pleasant conversation” lasting 40 minutes. She left Washington thinking, “That was so interesting but thank goodness I don’t have to do that job”. “It is the most open branch of government that we have because every decision made by the Supreme Court requires full explanation in a written opinion that is available to the public.” A week later Reagan phoned wanting to announce her nomination to the Supreme Court the following day. The nomination caused great media scrutiny. O’Connor was a relative unknown, having spent most of her life in the West, and had never served in the federal judicial system. But following her appointment hearings, she was confirmed by the US Senate in a 99-0 vote and became the first woman to serve on the Supreme Court in its 191-year history. “Because I never dreamed that I would end up where I am, I had no preconceived ideas about the job upon arriving for work the first day,” O’Connor wrote in her 2004 book The Majesty of the Law: Reflections of a Supreme Court Justice. “I had not been admitted to practice before the Court. The first argument I ever witnessed in the Supreme Court was one that I considered as a member of the Court. “All I knew was that the job would be a tremendous undertaking. I had no specific ideas about the mechanics of being a justice, however, or what the decisionmaking process on the Court was really like. I hoped that I had the basic ability and could develop the skills not only to do the job but to do it well in order that not only women but most citizens would think that the President had made a good choice.” In her quarter of a century on the bench, O’Connor ruled on a number of influential cases involving controversial topics such as abortion, homosexuality, race and human rights. As a jurist, she made it clear that the court’s role in American society was to interpret the law, not to legislate. In 1989, she declined to overturn Roe v Wade, giving women the right to an abortion, but accepted there could be state regulation. In 2000, she was part of the majority vote that ruled that the state of Florida’s method for recounting ballots in the Bush v Gore election dispute was unconstitutional. “It is a fact that many of the pressing social issues of the day find expression in some way in legal issues and these legal issues end up coming to the courts, and sometimes all the way up to the Supreme Court.” The workings of the Supreme Court were touched on by O’Connor in one of three lectures she gave while based at UC. She took a full part in the day-to-day working of the law school, giving arranged presentations, sitting in on lectures and tutorials, and meeting with staff as well as undergraduate and postgraduate students. “It looks as if the University is functioning very well indeed with its law school. A law school is extremely important to any university. I have found in the United States that every fine university is careful to have an excellent law school because they maintain links with the larger world, which is extremely important for the university. I think Canterbury is fulfilling that role in a very impressive manner.” O’Connor announced her retirement from the Supreme Court in July 2005, in order to move back to Arizona to be near her husband, John O’Connor, who suffers from Alzheimer’s disease. When asked how history would judge her time on the Supreme Court, O’Connor is dismissive. “It is not up to the participant to say. “It was wonderful to be the first woman but I didn’t want to be the last. And I very nearly have been. When I retired it reduced the number of women on that court by 50 per cent and I’m rather concerned. I had hoped I might have been replaced by another woman. “It is not always comfortable to be the object of a lot of attention and as the first woman on the Supreme Court I was subjected to a great deal of media attention. “But the appointment of a woman in 1981 opened countless doors for women in the United States and I dare say in a few other places as well. I was very appreciative that President Reagan decided to make that move and it made a huge difference for women in the United States, certainly in the legal profession, but in other positions as well.” O’Connor said she would rather be judged by the value of her legal arguments than by her gender. “I think Justice (Ruth) Ginsburg and I both believe that at the end of the day a wise old woman and a wise old man make the same decision.” Summer 2008 23 Alumni give generously to annual fund The first direct mail annual fund appeal to alumni has exceeded expectations, achieving $17,083 from just 95 individual gifts. Executive Officer of the University of Canterbury Foundation, Ms Shelagh Murray, said she was “pleased with the response”. “The target for the 2008 University of Canterbury Foundation Fund was $15,000, so we are really delighted to have surpassed that figure with this first appeal.” The majority of the gifts were $50, demonstrating effectively how the accumulation of many smaller gifts can make a substantial difference. Supporters had complete freedom to choose where their gift would go — student scholarships, Library resources, a project of the UC Foundation’s choice, or any area in the University dear to their hearts. Murray said the majority of gifts had been given for student scholarships, followed by the general fund and then the Library. With only about half of their funding now coming from the government, New Zealand universities have become increasingly dependent upon private sponsorships and donations to support their operations. “It’s important that alumni realise their gift does not have to be large to be effective,” Murray said. “It’s the number of gifts that will really help us achieve great growth. “People should also be aware that recent law changes allow individuals to claim a one-third tax rebate on donations, up to a maximum claim equal to their annual taxable incomes. Fund commemorates astronomer In her tragically short lifetime astronomer Beatrice Hill Tinsley (1941-1981) achieved extraordinary things. Her PhD thesis, Evolution of galaxies and its significance for cosmology, on the evolution of the stars and gas in galaxies, is acknowledged as one of the great scientific papers of the last century. A new scholarship fund in Tinsley’s name, launched by her alma mater, will help the best and brightest of future school leavers make their own significant contributions to their communities. Launched at the University of Canterbury’s Alumni Reunion Weekend 2008 over 10-12 October, the Beatrice Hill Tinsley Scholarship Fund will help provide scholarships for high achieving school leavers from around the country intending to pursue physics and astronomy. After Ernest, Lord Rutherford, Tinsley is one of Canterbury’s most distinguished science graduates. She is credited with opening up a new branch of science with her work on the origins of galaxies and the Universe. When at the age of 40 she died of cancer, she had already become a professor of astronomy at Yale University in the United States. It was little more than 20 years earlier that she left New Plymouth Girls’ High School with a Junior University Scholarship and enrolled at the University of Canterbury, where she graduated MSc (first class honours) in 1962. She married fellow Canterbury physics graduate Brian Tinsley and departed with him for scientific work in the United States in 1963. Her life story is documented in the biography Bright Star, Beatrice Hill Tinsley, Astronomer (2006) by Christine Cole Catley, also a Canterbury graduate, who has lobbied strenuously for the establishment of a fund commemorating this eminent New Zealander. Cole Catley has made copies Beatrice Hill Tinsley at her graduation in 1962. of the biography available for purchase from the Alumni and Development Office, with all proceeds of sales going to the scholarship fund. Tinsley always credited the University of Canterbury for her scientific foundation. Her story is just one example of the many young New Zealanders who have seized the opportunities created through advanced learning. For more information on contributing to this fund, please contact Shelagh Murray, Executive Officer, UC Foundation, ph: +64 3 364 2550, email: ucfoundation@ or see www.canterbury. All donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by New Zealand law. “Also, the five per cent deduction limit on donations by companies and Mäori authorities has been removed.” Alumni can continue to help the 2008 fund grow by making contributions up until 30 December. “Every little gift makes a difference.” For further information, please contact Shelagh Murray, Executive Officer, University of Canterbury Foundation, ph: +64 3 364 2550, email: ucfoundation@ or see www.canterbury. 24 Canterbury Magazine New appointment in UK to foster UC relations Bretherton graduated from the University with a BA in philosophy and religious studies in 1975, going on to St John’s College, Auckland, where he gained an LTh and STh before being ordained an Anglican deacon in Christchurch Cathedral and becoming curate of Ashburton. From 1979 to 1980, he completed a production course at the Roman Catholic Radio and Television Centre in London and worked for the BBC before returning to New Zealand to be vicar of Te Kauwhata and then Cambridge, also producing and presenting for Radio New Zealand’s Faith and Works programme on National Radio for 12 years. There followed four years as marketing and fundraising officer with Presbyterian Support Services (Northern) based in Hamilton, and three further academic qualifications, including a master’s degree in Management Studies (with Distinction) from the University of Waikato. He also found time to squeeze in 11 years as a volunteer fire-fighter. Bretherton was director of development at Waikato University for five years before returning to the UK to take up the role of executive director of the University of Limerick Foundation in Ireland. “We New Zealanders are rightly proud rugby fans, but to be in Thomond Park in Limerick for a Munster match in the Heineken Cup is a whole different thing,” he says. “And to be in O’Shea’s for the evening afterwards is magic.” Photo courtesy of Tony Bretherton. Tony Bretherton has taken up a part-time role as senior consultant to assist with fundraising efforts through the UK-based University of Canterbury (NZ) Trust and the establishment of a UK Alumni Chapter for UC graduates and friends. He moved to Somerset, UK, in 2006, where he is currently Director of Development and CEO for Wells Cathedral School Foundation. A specialist music school, Wells celebrates 1,100 years of music and education in 2009. Tony Bretherton Of his new role for Canterbury, Bretherton says, “It’s a pleasure to be able to contribute to the future of the University that gave me a wonderful start to life. owe to the University that opened up the world to us — and we can all do something positive to support its future.” “We all need to remember how much we Malaysian Scholarship Fund continues to grow Y Bhg Datuk Oh Siew Nam, who gifted NZ$10,000, has been joined in his support of the fund by his three children, Andrew, Chris and Suzanne, who have each given NZ$2000. Executive Officer of the University of Canterbury Foundation, Ms Shelagh Murray, said it was wonderful to see such generosity from a family of graduates. “Datuk Oh and his family are an inspiring example of the loyalty and generosity many of our Malaysian alumni feel towards the University of Canterbury. “So many of the University’s international students come from Malaysia, so we are very pleased to be able to grow a scholarship fund specifically for Malaysian students.” Murray said there was still some progress to be made. The fund needs to reach NZ$100,000 before the first scholarship can be awarded. “The scholarships will be awarded from the interest on the fund, so we still have to raise a significant amount before we can make a disbursement. The advantage of this is that the fund will go on in perpetuity — contributors can rest assured that their gift will continue to benefit generations of students.” Datuk Oh graduated from the University with a BE(Hons) in electrical and electronic engineering in 1962. Keen for his own children to share his Kiwi experience, he sent all three to study at his alma mater, Andrew graduating LLB, 1992, Chris BSc, 1993, and Suzanne BCom, 1997. assistant controller of Telecom Malaysia for five years before he joined the FFM Group in 1968, later becoming managing director and executive chairman. He is also a Director of Kuok Brothers Sdn Bhd and a Board Member of Bank Negara Malaysia. For more information on contributing to the Malaysian Scholarship Fund, please contact Shelagh Murray, Executive Officer, UC Foundation, ph: +64 3 364 2550, email: or see In 2000 — the year after he received his Datukship for services to the Malaysian government — Datuk Oh presented the graduation address at the University’s 2000 Graduation and Degree Representation in Kuala Lumpur, delighting the audience with stories from his student days and emphasising how his experience of Kiwi self-reliance had contributed to his ensuing career. The Malaysian Scholarship Fund launched in August 2007 is growing rapidly thanks to the generous combined gift of the Oh family, which brings the current total to NZ$32,000. Datuk Oh is currently Executive Director and Chairman of PPB Group Berhad. He was the Summer 2008 25 Mobile learning By Stacey Doornenbal It has been a very eventful year for University of Canterbury alumnus Nathan Kerr — and he owes it all to cellphones. The College of Education graduate and Onehunga High School geography teacher has developed an innovative teaching tool that takes advantage of mobile phone and information communications technology, allowing him to deliver teaching material to students via their cellphones. “What happens is that students go on field trips and collect digital images using camcorders or their cellphones. I supervise what they need to take images of so it’s relevant to what they need to know for their end of year exams. When we get back to school the images are collected and stored on a shared drive and I get them to make movies of their field trip. The data is then compressed and transferred to their cellphones through Bluetooth or USB. Their mobiles essentially become notebooks that can take up to 100 little narrated movies on them,” he says. “It has made learning available any time, anywhere — and it’s free.” The mobile learning, or mLearning project, has attracted much attention nationally and internationally. As well as being contacted by educational institutions and businesses keen to use his mLearning tool for teaching and marketing purposes, he was one of six New Zealand teachers awarded a Microsoft Innovative Teacher Scholarship (MINTS) earlier this year by the Microsoft Partners in Learning (PiL) programme, a global initiative aimed at encouraging innovative approaches to teaching and increasing the use of technology in schools. The scholarship gave him a chance to spend six months away from the classroom in the technical department of Television New Zealand where he investigated how technology can be used to develop resources. In April, his inventiveness was again recognised when the PiL programme named him New Zealand Innovative Teacher of the Year, an award he received while attending the annual PiL Regional Innovative Teachers Conference in Hanoi, Vietnam, as a MINTS recipient. The national title has now taken him to the Microsoft Worldwide Innovative Teacher Forum in Hong Kong, where he is in contention for one of four world innovative teacher of the year titles to be announced in November. On top of all this, he became a first-time father. 26 Canterbury Magazine Innovative teacher Nathan Kerr has turned cellphones into a teaching tool. “It really has been a big year for me,” he says. But Kerr says a lot of credit for the mLearning tool needs to go to his students, who raised the idea in the first instance when they heard cellphones could store computer files. Since then they have played an active role in the project, providing feedback and passing on their extensive knowledge of cellphone and communications technology to Kerr, who admits he was largely in the dark on such matters before he took on the project. While he says the technology to create his mobile learning tool has been around for the better part of a decade, it was his students’ familiarity with such technology that made the project possible. “This project was completely studentdriven. I just mapped out the process for transferring the data and they would look at it and critique it — it was like being graded — and I’d go away and tinker with it a bit more and they’d have another look at it. We’ve now refined it to a point where the process is very simple,” he says. “But I really couldn’t have done any of this without them.” Kerr says the development of the mLearning tool has had a noticeable effect on his students. Not only have they developed an enthusiastic interest in the technological side of the project, they have also become keenly interested in the teaching material itself. “They’ve really been getting into the technology and the geography. They seem to be absolutely fascinated with the idea that they can carry around their lessons or projects in a little phone and view their movies any time they want,” he says. “And, because they can download anyone’s clip, they have been critiquing each other’s material without my prompting. I’ve come across a few lively debates and it’s really exciting to see them getting so involved in the topic.” Kerr plans to continue developing the mLearning tool and is currently looking at how micro data projectors and cellphones with in-built data projectors can be used as teaching devices. Colour breakthrough By Jane Lucas No longer a see-through dream, the new technology could be used to develop a new New Zealand industry supplying colour X-ray systems to the international research and medical imaging markets. Being able to produce colour X-rays gives doctors much more information to work on. The pictures will help in better cancer detection because it can provide images that show whether a tumour is vascular or fatty tissue — a tumour that has poor blood flow and is mostly fatty tissue tends not to be cancerous, says Dr Butler. And while the people in Christchurch are looking at building and refining the technology, in parallel there is an international Medipix collaboration working on the X-ray detector. The technology is available to build a desktop scanner and the pieces for a full-body scanner exist, but still need integrating and refining. “The colour pictures produced by the scanner we have developed will provide more information for doctors to make decisions that will save lives,” says Professor Phil Butler (Physics and Astronomy). “Not only here in New Zealand, but we expect it will save lives worldwide.” “It could be used to give much greater detail in bone density scans and to diagnose osteoporosis or assess someone’s risk of bone fractures. It could also be used to quickly diagnose internal injuries after a car crash, so doctors know whether they need to operate immediately or not. Colour X-rays are an old idea that has finally come of age explains Professor Butler. “Medical physicists have always known there is a lot of extra information that they couldn’t record.” The new colour scanner is based on Medipix technology that has come out of CERN (European Organisation for Nuclear Research), based on the border of France and Switzerland near Geneva — the same place the worldwide web was developed. While Professor Butler was visiting CERN he thought the silicon pixel technology used for the high energy physics experiments could be adapted for X-rays and consulted his son Dr Antony Butler, a doctor and radiologist at Christchurch Hospital. Shortly after Dr Butler was in Europe and saw the technology and said yes. “It will give us better information about strokes and heart disease too,” says Dr Butler. “The benefits are far-ranging. All X-rays are better in colour.” Canterbury scientists have come up with colour X-ray technology that will revolutionise the medical world. “We are lucky in that we have a lot of expertise concentrated in a small regional area like Christchurch that is not often seen elsewhere in the world,” says Professor Butler. The team involved in the new X-ray technology includes Professor Butler, Associate Professor Lou Reinisch, Dr Richard Watts and Dr Juergen Meyer (Physics and Astronomy), Professor Phil Bones (Electrical and Computer Engineering), Dr Nick Cook (Christchurch Hospital) and Dr Nigel Anderson (University of Otago Christchurch). The cardio endocrine group at Christchurch Hospital has been working with the scanner and everyone is impressed, says Dr Butler. So far, images of a mouse’s pulmonary tree (lung and vessels in the heart) have been captured and Dr Butler says they can now begin to apply the scanner to humans. “At the moment the technology is very complex and very new, and as we build the scanners and the technology, involved researchers will have to learn how the technology can help them and which diseases are best suited to look at.” Physicists for a long time have been working on technology to record more with X-rays. First discovered in 1895 as another form of iodising particles, X-rays were also looked at by UC alumnus Ernest, Lord Rutherford, who worked on alpha and gamma particles that are used in X-ray technology. “People have continued looking at better ways of detecting iodising particles for the last 115 years and there has been a steady improvement. Developing the Medipix technology to adapt it to a colour X-ray scanner is another step,” says Professor Butler. “We anticipate that true full-colour X-ray images will also be very dramatic and have a positive impact on healthcare in New Zealand and the world.” The Medipix is an electronic chip similar to the electronic imaging chip in a digital camera. The prototype X-ray scanner has already taken colour images of laboratory mice and excised tissue (surgical specimens). It is a portable, high-resolution spectral CT scanner which currently is being used as a research tool, studying disease and excised tissue of animal models of disease, but Dr Butler expects in the next year dozens of labs will be using this technology. “We plan to export the technology, first working on a desktop prototype that can be built in New Zealand. It is estimated that the technology could eventually generate revenues of more than $400 million per annum.” Professor Phil Butler (rear) and Dr Andrew Butler hope colour X-rays will help save more lives. Summer 2008 27 TAKING TIMBER TO NEW HEIGHTS By Naomi Arnold Research by University of Canterbury engineers is likely to transform the look and feel of the buildings of the future. They are investigating new methods of construction with timber, which up to now has been largely shunned as a material for taller buildings. Now it is set to become an environmentally-friendly building material that will be stronger and safer in earthquakes than traditional concrete and steel structures. A concrete column one metre tall is mounted outside the Department of Civil and Natural Resources Engineering. Chunks of cement are missing from its surface, revealing a framework of battered steel rods. It looks like a memorial to a demolished building or a monument to a natural disaster. In fact, it is a disturbing example of what could happen to a traditional building’s concrete supporting structure in a severe earthquake. Inside the civil engineering department’s structures lab, engineers are creating more. They are testing the strength of buildings in extremes of weather, fire and seismic activity, working on uses for a product that is destined to create exciting new opportunities in the building industry. Charred slabs of wood, concrete and steel are scattered around the floor. The superior benefits of wood are obvious as researchers test the timber in the laboratory. The thick slabs burn slowly, keeping the building standing for longer. A team surrounds a furnace, timing how long a block of wood takes to burn until charred through. Numerous stations are set up simulating the effect of earthquakes of varying degrees of severity on steel, concrete and timber joists and foundations. PhD student Michael Newcombe is testing the strength of concrete floors mounted on wooden joists. Professor of Timber Design Andy Buchanan walks over to a scale model of a building several stories high and shoves one of its wooden edges. The mock-up frame, no bigger than a doll’s house, bends under his hand and rocks easily back into shape. “This means that in an earthquake the building will return to its original position with no structural damage,” Buchanan says. “Of course there’ll be some damage to the contents of the building, but the clean-up will be a lot quicker.” Left: Professor Andy Buchanan 28 Canterbury Magazine Buchanan’s team is confident the model represents the future of the building industry. “We don’t have anything like this in the world yet, but we know enough to get it started.” Wood has moved from a commodity into an engineering material, and the team is now researching its potential for the traditionally cautious building industry, and finding ways to overcome the perceived barriers to building with wood. Multi-storey stick frame construction was popular for buildings of less than six storeys in the 1990s, but there were problems with inadequate weatherproofing, leading to decay in untreated timber. Buchanan’s team is overcoming this with strict new design and inspection procedures. Buchanan and University of Canterbury structural engineering colleague Dr Stefano Pampanin lead the team that has pioneered a technique of pre-stressing wood beams that means stronger, bigger and safer wooden buildings can be built than those that have come before. “It’s about developing timber buildings that are just as good as other materials. Wood can directly compete with steel and concrete in many situations,” says Buchanan. They use laminated veneer lumber, produced by Carter Holt Harvey and Nelson Pine Industries for the past several years. It looks like plywood, but comes in much larger and stronger panels. It can be fabricated into large post-tensioned timber beams and columns, where a steel rod is inserted through internal ducts and tightened. In a severe earthquake a building made of these beams will sway on its foundations, absorbing and dissipating the energy of the shock. The team is negotiating a major research contract with the Structural Timber Innovation Company Ltd (STIC), jointly funded by industry and government through the Foundation for Research, Science and Technology. STIC will undertake research to develop large-span timber buildings for a wide range of eventual uses — commercial, educational, industrial, recreational and residential buildings in Australasia and overseas. The buildings will eventually be up to 10 levels high, though Buchanan says they will start with fewer storeys. A combination of government and industry will fund the project for the first five years. Perhaps most pertinent to New Zealand is the buildings’ ability to withstand earthquakes. On the way out of the laboratory, Buchanan gestures back inside. “Some of those model buildings in there have been through 50 earthquakes and they show no signs of serious damage. Severe earthquakes — six, seven, eight on the Richter scale.” They have held up better than the shattered concrete beam displayed outside. As well as safety in earthquakes, extreme weather and fire, the new timber building materials will change the building industry in other ways too. Buildings made of wood will have less mass than concrete — a cubic metre of wood weighs only half a tonne compared with concrete at two tonnes — easing transport and foundation costs. As many of the materials will be pre-fabricated off-site, the buildings will also be easier and cheaper to construct. Building design will also be a lot more flexible, says Buchanan. “Finished buildings will have wide open spaces with partitions that, because they’re not load-bearing, will be able to be moved. So you can change the use of a building over its lifetime. You can take panels out, make it look different, and also change its outside appearance.” He says they will also offer excellent living and working conditions with excellent acoustics and efficient heating and cooling, as well as being more attractive. Florian Ludwig (front) and Asif Iqbal work on shear walls that are typical of multi-storey timber buildings. By using wood, buildings of the future are also set to be more eco-friendly. Sitting in his office, crowded with pieces of timber stacked against the walls, Buchanan calculates the carbon dioxide emissions from manufacturing the structural materials for a six-storey office building. Using mostly steel would produce 1684 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions, concrete 1431 tonnes, and timber 661 tonnes, he says. In addition to the benefits of a timber structure, using wood to replace materials such as aluminium window frames and concrete cladding would result in negative carbon emissions overall. The carbon locked up in the timber building materials can more than offset the CO2 emissions from manufacturing all the other materials in the building. A building made from wood will offset the emissions from the manufacture of the other materials by acting as a carbon sink, and their creation will contribute less CO2 into the atmosphere compared to traditional construction. To support New Zealand’s obligations under the Kyoto Protocol, after September this year the designers of all new governmentfunded buildings up to four floors high will have to consider using wood or wood-based products for their supporting structures. Worldwide focus on sustainable buildings, renewable materials and reduced carbon dioxide emissions means wood has become an attractive building resource, and STIC is making sustainability one of its strong points. Summer 2008 29 Rita Angus in Christchurch By John Coley Who in the late 1920s would have imagined that the shy young woman attending to her studies with quiet intensity at the Canterbury College School of Fine Arts would become a cultural heroine whose portraits and landscapes would impress themselves into the national consciousness? Yet it seemed perfectly reasonable in 2006 that the iconic work Cass by Rita Angus should be voted New Zealand’s most popular painting in a poll taken by the television arts programme Kalaidoscope. Her 1936 oil of the rail shelter in Arthur’s Pass surrounded by towering mountain slopes has hung in both the McDougall and new Christchurch art galleries for many years, attracting the scrutiny and admiration of visitors away from bigger and more boisterous works nearby. Character is perhaps the key ingredient in the mix of traits that make an outstanding artist. Other elements must, of course, be present — exceptional visual sensibility, painterly skills, an original and creative mind. But it is character — self knowledge, knowing what one wants to achieve, and having the intellectual courage to be one’s own most demanding critic along with a drive to continue through every variety of distraction life deals — that makes a major artist. Angus had character in abundance with all the other qualities at the ready when she entered the Canterbury College School of Art in 1927, shortly after her 19th birthday. Daughter of a successful builder, she was in 30 Canterbury Magazine possession of a sound secondary education received at Palmerston North Girls’ High School where she had been a bossy but respected prefect. She also arrived with a solid technical foundation provided by her art tutor George Eliot. From 1885 to 1905 Eliot had headed the Canterbury College School of Art before becoming art master at the Palmerston North Technical High School. It had been Eliot who had written to the School of Fine Arts recommending his pupil for a place in the 1927 class, initiating a 12 year, formative relationship with Christchurch. The story of the artist’s rise is told in Jill Trevelyan’s superb biography, Rita Angus: An Artist’s Life, published by Te Papa to accompany the major Angus retrospective celebrating the centenary of her birth. A wonderfully detailed account, meticulously researched, written with wit, clarity and insight, it illuminates a life that for all its subject’s shyness and nun-like dedication, was lived with a spiky individuality and zeal. During the three decades from 1914-44 New Zealand was stripped of an appallingly high number of its young manhood, beginning with World War I, and the influenza epidemic in 1918 dealing another blow. After these miseries, a devastating Great Depression struck, soon followed by a Second World War. With so much potential creativity wasted, so much psychic pain from the loss of loved ones and security, it is little wonder that the general tone of New Zealand’s visual art was subdued. But there was also a spring growth in the visual arts as an emergent generation began to question imported models and ventured fresh ways of interpreting their land, its life and people. Among them were young women artists — Ngaio Marsh, Evelyn Polson, Rata Lovell-Smith, Margaret Anderson, Doris Lusk, Olivia SpencerBower, Christabel Aitken and Cora Wilding. Surrounded in Christchurch by such exemplars, Rita Angus dedicated herself to developing her “pure painting”. In 1929, a number of Canterbury artists including Marsh, Anderson, Aitken, Wilding and Polson, formed The Group, to exhibit in the Canterbury Society of Arts premises. Thereafter the annual shows presented the work of the most adventurous and original painters. In 1933, Angus exhibited with The Group, along with Alfred and James Cook, and showing regularly thereafter. She married Alf Cook, seemingly to allow travel with him on painting expeditions without arousing scandal. After a few years they divorced. Later the “Rita Cook” with which she had signed work changed back to “Rita Angus”. In 1937, 29-year-old Angus moved into 97a Cambridge Terrace near the Bridge of Remembrance, adjoining a flat occupied by Leo Bensemann and his lifelong friend Lawrence Baigent, later Canterbury University Librarian. The painter Sydney Thompson owned the building, living and working in the studio during his visits from France. Over two years Bensemann and Angus made many portraits of each other Leo Bensemann (1938), Rita Angus, oil on canvas, Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa. Reproduced courtesy of the Rita Angus Estate. and of Baigent, both artists refining closely related styles featuring crisp, accurate delineation reminiscent of Renaissance portraits. Works from this period, including Bensemann’s gripping image of Angus as, what Dr Peter Simpson called, “a Gothic dominatrix”, her portrait of Bensemann as a saturnine charmer and her miraculously executed watercolour study of Baigent, were included in an exhibition presented in the Canterbury Museum, titled Rita Angus and Leo Bensemann — the Cambridge Terrace years. The 1938 portrait of the two daughters of Dr Frank and Margaret Birkinshaw, English residents temporarily in Christchurch, illustrates the originality of Angus’ painting and its distance from British academism. It is an intensely observed double portrait of two vivacious little girls, its composition worked out with clockwork precision, immaculately painted with clean, sharp colour. It is an animated image without a trace of class pretension or flattering visual rhetoric. Mrs Birkinshaw loathed it. As the little girl Fay, grown to maturity as the novelist Fay Weldon, said, “It broke every rule in the Slade’s (art school) book”. Angus moved to Wellington in 1941, continuing to exhibit annually with The Group. It was at The Group show opening in 1960 that I had my only meeting with her. My first showing with The Group, I was made welcome by the old hands. Angus, down from Wellington, wished to meet new artists and I was sought out and ushered up to her. I recall her distinctive, sharp rather bird-like features, now familiar through her numerous self-portraits, and that she wore an elegantly cut dove grey dress that chimed harmoniously with her short cut silvery hair. Top: Cass (1936), Rita Angus, oil on canvas on board, Christchurch Art Gallery Te Puna o Waiwhetu, purchased 1955. Reproduced courtesy of the Rita Angus Estate. Above: Fay and Jane Birkinshaw (1938), Rita Angus, oil on canvas, Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa. Reproduced courtesy of the Rita Angus Estate. Jill Trevelyan’s new biography Rita Angus: An Artist’s Life (2008). The particular memory of that night was the gaiety typical of crowded Group openings but made special by the presence of not only Angus but some of the leading champions of contemporary painting. The 1960 catalogue lists Rita Angus’ nine Island Bay works, two Colin McCahon French Bay pictures and exhibits from Juliet Peter, Russell Clark, Bill Sutton, Quentin Macfarlane, Rudolph Gopas, Toss Woollaston and others. Paintings by Woollaston and Gopas were the most expensive at 60gns. Those of Angus ranged from 5 to 25gns. McCahon’s were not for sale. As the crowd departed I witnessed an elated band of old friends among the exhibitors — Angus, Rodney Kennedy, Charles Brasch, Bensemann, Lusk, Spencer-Bower and Sutton — joking with each other as they discussed the evening’s highlights. Previous page: Detail of Passionflower (1943), Rita Angus, watercolour, Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa. Reproduced courtesy of the Rita Angus Estate. Twenty-five years ago the National Art Gallery organised the first comprehensive exhibition of Angus’ work, the first time the full scope and quality of her output had been seen. In 1983, at the McDougall gallery the show attracted record attendances. Her memorable images, their distinctive style, the strong connection they made with New Zealanders elevated her high in the pantheon of the country’s finest painters. One of her fellow pupils in Palmerston North had written a poem about the rather stern but admired prefect who could make marvellous drawings, the last two lines reading: Her sketches would entrance you — they are famous for their beauty Her paintings you’d remember all your days. How amazingly true that young schoolgirl’s prediction turned out to be. Summer 2008 31 climate change theory undermined by a LANDSLIDE 32 Canterbury Magazine Illustration: Tim Ingle By John MacDonald Scaling steep-sided ridges about a hundred metres high and crawling over fallen logs through prickly scrub and clawing vines paid off handsomely for graduate student Daniel Tovar and his research supervisors. Associate Professor Tim Davies and Professor Jamie Shulmeister (Geological Sciences) smile as they reflect on their student’s “Vietcong-style” approach to field work on the Waiho Loop, on the South Island’s West Coast. “This is a very steep-sided ridge,” says Davies, momentarily losing his smile. “It’s got a lot of great big rocks on the top. It’s got a lot of great big trees in it, many of which have fallen down, probably shaken down by Alpine Fault earthquakes. He’d be sweating and the whole thing would be distinctly unpleasant. in the area, in particular one known as the Waiho Loop. A moraine is a ridge that marks the end of an earlier glacier advance. Scientists have long believed the Waiho Loop was created during a brief cold snap about 13,000 years ago that also affected Europe and North America, and inspired the Hollywood blockbuster movie The Day After Tomorrow. While the Loop moraine had been widely used as evidence for direct interhemispheric linkage in climate change, Shulmeister says its sediments had never been studied. “When Dan had a look he discovered that it was mainly made up of a rock type known as greywacke which is different to the rocks that make up all the other moraines in front of the Franz Josef glacier. In their own words Tovar’s hot, sweaty field work enabled the trio to pour cold water on evidence that climate change is happening simultaneously around the world. “This rock type occurs about 13 kilometres up the valley from the Loop. All the other moraines are predominantly composed of schist which outcrops near Franz Josef township. The greywacke was also rather more angular than the rocks in the other moraines, suggesting it had not been transported in water or at the base of a glacier.” But for all its significance, the outcome could have been very different had they not suffered the kind of setback which had them back on campus looking at each other wondering what to do next. Shulmeister says getting a large deposit of angular greywacke rock to the moraine without diluting it with schist could only have happened if it had been carried on top of the glacier. The story begins with Tovar asking Davies and Shulmeister for ideas for his honours project. “The easiest way to do this is to have a large landslide well up the glacier in the greywacke zone dump a huge volume of rock on top of the glacier.” “A young, fit, energetic, enthusiastic and just slightly mad Mexican is just the sort of person you need for this sort of field work,” he says, the smile returning. “Both Jamie and I had been interested in the Franz Josef area for quite a long time. My area is hazard management so I was keen to push down in that direction,” says Davies, who had previously studied the aftermath of a 1995 event which deposited half a million cubic metres of sediment on the Waiho riverbed in one night. “We thought it would be interesting to see if there was any sedimentary evidence of previous events farther down the river. So that was the basis of Dan’s first project and he did a lot of reading on it, went down to Franz, poked around for a couple of days and came back very depressed saying ‘nothing like that down there’. At that stage we put our heads together again.” They suggested Tovar return to Franz Josef to investigate a series of moraines As far as Davies was concerned, the idea the moraine could be the outcome of something other than a climatic event made sense, as he had always thought it “looked a bit odd”. “I’d always sort of wondered if it might in fact be a landslide deposit because we know that landslides that fall into glaciers do strange things; that they cause glaciers to advance and that can cause a terminal moraine to develop. This was the first chance we’d had to actually have a student there digging around in some detail. He came back with his story so we got very excited by that.” But Shulmeister says his excitement was tempered by the fact that his student had made the kind of discovery none of them had anticipated when they started throwing around ideas for research projects. “I have to say my first reaction was that I wasn’t sure I believed that Dan had correctly identified that there was a difference. So we sent him back out to quantify, to bring samples back and demonstrate there really was a difference. He came back and the data really seemed to show that, so I actually went into the field with Dan and within a matter of a few minutes I realised that Dan really did know what he was doing and had stumbled onto something quite important.” Shulmeister describes standing on the moraine with rock in his hands as a “eureka moment”. He had answered a question that, until that moment, he had not even thought to ask: that if the Waiho Loop represented a regional cooling event that had caused all the glaciers to re-advance, why was it there were no other moraines like it in any of the other valleys in the area? “Once you saw it, it was obvious what it meant. It was also obvious to me that the whole climatic story was going to be in quite a lot of trouble. And that was huge because the Waiho Loop is a very famous moraine. It’s been studied for over 30 years. There have been numerous papers in top flight international journals like Science and Nature because it’s seen as the New Zealand equivalent of this big event that happened in the northern hemisphere. Once you’ve identified that it’s a landslide then all of those relationships come crashing down.” As a result of their findings, which have been published in the prestigious international science journal, Nature Geoscience, Shulmeister and Davies have considered the cause of the landslide. They have identified the South Island’s Alpine Fault, which runs through the Franz Josef township, as a likely cause. “Our next move is to see if we can come up with more general means for separating landslide generated moraines from climatic ones — and we think we can,” says Shulmeister. “If we can do this then we may be able to use these glacial moraines as a tool to examine past earthquakes and this may ultimately contribute to hazard management in high mountain areas.” Summer 2008 33 Celebrity cook Richard Till is on a crusade to help New Zealand get over its culinary cultural cringe and put classic Kiwi tucker back on the nation’s menu. Maria De Cort reports. Richard Till, whose day job is Technical Director and Designer in UC’s Theatre and Film Studies department, has become a household name with two successful series of his cooking show Kiwi Kitchen screening on TV One and the associated DVD and book selling like the proverbial hot cakes. Canterbury University, so the family regularly opened its doors to visiting international musicians and the young Richard enjoyed watching his mother prepare fancy meals for the guests. Some of his earliest food memories are of the delicious aromas that wafted up the stairs to his bedroom. In Kiwi Kitchen Till takes viewers tiki-touring around the country to meet local characters who cook the food we remember so fondly, from “boil-ups” to bacon and egg pie, to pikelets and the iconic pavlova. He explores the origin of the dishes and explains why they have become part of our cultural identity and even rustles up his own modern takes on the classics in his home kitchen in suburban Christchurch at the end of each episode. Early in his career, while working as a set builder and painter for several years in both Christchurch and Wellington, he made his entry into the restaurant industry, working nights, first as a waiter, then as “the cook”. Till says what he is proudest of about the show is its celebration of the ordinary. “I think people like the fact it is not all ‘chefly’ and it’s not trying to recreate restaurant food at home, which has sort of become a bit of an obsession. It talks to people because it’s our own stories as New Zealanders, and they’re all pretty ordinary stories, they’re not geed up at all.” He hopes that, as well as being entertained by the quirky, irreverent celebration of Kiwi cuisine, he has given viewers “confidence in liking what they like rather than feeling they should be liking something more ‘evolved’ in a culinary sense”. Till, who grew up in Christchurch and Dunedin, first developed an interest in food as a young boy watching his mother managing the family kitchen and “filling the tins”. His father is renowned concert pianist Maurice Till, former dean of music and fine arts at 34 Canterbury Magazine Till is completely self-taught — his early training consisting of reading Julia Childs’ cookbooks and American Gourmet restaurant reviews. In 1988, he opened Espresso 124, the first restaurant on what was to become Christchurch’s “The Strip”, now home to some of the city’s most popular bars and restaurants. He later opened a second restaurant, The Worcester Street Dining Room. Since 2002, Till has performed comedy cooking shows at a number of festivals around the country, including the inaugural University of Canterbury arts festival, Platform, in 2006. In adopting his alter ego, Dick, Till’s sell-out shows Just Dick It, Dick Does Dinner and Dick’s Entertaining Guide offered a gentle poke at celebrity chefs and food fads and let amateur cooks in on some culinary secrets to help them shine in the kitchen. Earlier this year Till had six months’ leave from his University position during which he opened a three-week-only restaurant called Anderson Dining in a former foundry in the Christchurch suburb of Woolston. Till describes the venture as an “interesting experiment” and says it was a way he could enjoy the fun of Richard Till rustles up his modern take on New Zealand classics from the comfort of his home kitchen. returning to his restaurant roots while avoiding the “life sentence” that he knew the role of a restaurateur could quickly feel like with its long hours and hard slog. Following the canapés, the first course was a seafood hangi cooked on the steps of the hall in a contraption fashioned on a marae down south. “New Zealanders tend to be rather enthusiastic about the next new thing rather than having an ongoing relationship with something over the years. I just wanted to seize that whole thing by the scruff of the neck and turn it around.” “When the plates all came back with finger marks and tongue marks on that course I knew we were away laughing,” says Till. However, the main reason for taking leave was a mass community dinner he masterminded that was staged as part of the New Zealand International Arts Festival in Wellington earlier this year. The invite list for the NZ Post Writers and Readers Week Gala Dinner included ambassadors, parliamentarians, captains of industry and other “A-listers”, with the guest of honour being none other than Ruth Reichl, former New York Times restaurant reviewer and current editor-in-chief of Gourmet magazine. So what do you put on the menu when you are feeding a Big Apple epicurean? Well, when you are Till you start with cheese rolls and devils-on-horseback (prunes in bacon) and end the evening with trifle, steamed pud’ and custard courtesy of the Poverty Bay Women’s Institute, followed by Girl Guide biscuits and a brew. The dinner was held in a school hall and Till enlisted an army of volunteers from community groups to turn his vision into reality. All the tables in the room were set with a different domestic table setting bought off Trade Me. All guests received a little cookbook in the style of the community cookbooks of yesteryear that most nanas from Kaitaia to Bluff will have at least one well-thumbed copy of in their kitchens. “It was a bit of a surprise to the guests what style of dinner it was and it was hugely successful, because it was cooked with all that close attention, love for the food, pride and enthusiasm, by amateurs rather than that sort of ‘off-hand just-another-day-at-theoffice disregard’. That’s not a critical thing, it’s just a matter that those cooks out the back of those big catering kitchens don’t have any investment in who it is dining today.” The hangi was followed by a salad of tomatoes, grown by home gardeners all over the country as, “let’s not beat around the bush, there is something really better about backyard-grown tomatoes than commercial ones”; and while professional chefs helped out on Till’s play on colonial goose (hogget stuffed with duck) a mothers’ group took care of the veggies for the main course. “Each table had to elect someone to carve and they got a carving knife and an apron and the whole shooting match and so we served that like a Sunday roast sort of scenario.” Till says he is “really chuffed” with how the evening panned out. “Ruth loved it. She seemed to be overawed by the whole thing. She told her husband and son not to come because it was going to be ‘another of those boring chef’s dinners’, so she claimed to be very embarrassed because it was so much better.” Till says it was a triumph for unpretentious food. “There’s this whole dogma of flash dinners and this belief that there’s one way of doing it. But there’s just not. There’s a whole lot of ways that are far more engaging and meaningful.” So what else is on this busy foodie’s plate? In addition to his weekly “Sounds Delicious” spot on National Radio’s Nine till Noon show and column in the Sunday Star-Times, he is working on a cookbook inspired by his eldest son going flatting, doing the odd product demonstration and judging gig, and regularly popping up on our TV screens giving commentary on food issues. He says there are ideas being touted to take the Kiwi Kitchen concept abroad looking at domestic culinary traditions beyond our shores, and in his tonguein-cheek way he also jokes that “Alison Holst is retiring so I suppose there’s a sniff of an opportunity there”. Summer 2008 35 Turning techies into teachers By Jane Lucas The days when “manual training” teachers instructed classes on how to make wooden key ring holders or jars of lemon honey have evolved into a totally new type of “technology” education. “It is so much more involved now,” says Wendy Fox-Turnbull, Deputy Head of the School of Sciences and Physical Education. “Technology is now an academic subject and it leads into a variety of career paths such as engineering, fashion design, food technology, as well as the traditional building or metalwork apprenticeships.” To meet the needs of teacher trainees wanting to teach the “new technologies”, the College of Education is offering two new courses in 2009 within the Graduate Diploma that will incorporate food and textile craft, ICT (information and communication technology) and workshop craft technology. The first course, EDTE310, is compulsory if the student intends to teach technology as a minor or major subject in a school. The second course, EDTE 311, is required if the teacher trainee intends to teach the subject as a major to a senior level. Teacher trainees who do not have a degree but have experience in a technology field, such as being a chef or a boat builder, can teach technology as a minor subject. “Technology as a subject is so different to that of the 3636 Canterbury Canterbury Magazine Magazine traditional manual skills-based training,” says Fox-Turnbull. “We teach the philosophical understanding of technology education, the generic technology knowledge, the curriculum and strategies, rather than a set of prescribed skills.” One exciting part of the course, she says, is that the students will have the opportunity to critique how the technology curriculum relates to current practice within their specialist field. “This will be to show the school students the real world application of their technology,” says lecturer Paul Snape (Sciences and Physical Education). “We want them to behave like little mini technologists.” Over the years the number of teaching students taking technology courses has dwindled, says Fox- Turnbull. Previously students came to the College of Education with industry experience or an advanced trade certificate but in recent years the Teacher Education Council changed the entry requirements and now requires all teachers have a degree. This means a woodwork teacher now has to have a degree rather than a trade certificate in building. “It sounds silly, but technology is now an academic subject; although it is practical, it requires specific knowledge,” says FoxTurnbull. “We want students who have degrees in architecture, food technology, fashion design, landscape design — all those sorts of degrees.” Fox-Turnbull says that the one fundamental difference between the old manual courses and technology courses today is that the old manual woodwork class was designed to build one set of skills. “Technology education still hugely values those skills, but the children learn the skills when they need them for a specific project. Technology education is a needs-based learning. For example, I go running and I get my shoes wet so I need someone to design a fabric that doesn’t get wet. There are a lot of skills there that need to be taught. “In the old manual training everyone used to do the same thing — it was an instructional model — but that is not what technology is all about,” adds Snape. “It’s now more about student ownership of the design — the way they intervene in the design process to come up with a solution to the brief that has been set. There is a problem to be solved or an opportunity to be met.” The changes in technology have meant a whole new skill-set and mind-set for teachers. They now have to be more cooperative, says Snape. “It’s more difficult as a teacher will have a classroom of students all doing different things in order to find a solution to the set task. It’s scary when you set a brief and you have no idea where the groups of school students may take it. There are issues that challenge teachers and hence the need for change in the technology courses offered by the College.” Confident the new courses are the way forward to develop budding entrepreneurs the College’s new challenge is to attract student teachers to take these new technology courses. “It’s a challenge that needs to take place,” says Fox-Turnbull. Tricks of the trade By Naomi Arnold If a bomb was dropped tomorrow, you could probably spend the rest of your life in a shopping mall, says University of Canterbury senior marketing lecturer Dr Paul Ballantine. Malls today are designed to create an experience and fulfil a shopper’s every desire, he says. “Shopping malls started off being just shops. You went there, got what you needed and left. Then they brought in the food courts to create this complete experience — go shopping, get hungry, sit down, have a drink, go back, do more shopping. Now any good shopping mall is going to have a movie theatre there too. The longer you’re there the more likely you are to spend.” An expert on retail atmospherics, Ballantine has spent 10 years researching how and why retailers create different environments to tempt shoppers into spending unconsciously. The approach is twofold: stores create an atmosphere to entice customers inside, and then encourages them to spend as much time there as possible. Ballantine says though there are many different tricks used depending on the retailer type, some methods can be applied by all retailers. Supermarkets position items to break up the habitual nature of grocery shopping. “The end caps, the display dumps, the pallet of beer in the middle of the floor. It looks disorganised to make it look a bit special. You think ‘What’s that obstacle? It’s beer. Do I need beer? Yes I do, I’ll pick it up and put it in the trolley.’ It’s positioned in a way to cause inconvenience, so you notice it.” “There are a massive number of tricks,” he says. “Music is a classic one. Lighting says a lot. Supermarkets, for example, display wine differently than they do other goods. Dim lights stereotypically denote classiness so the wine section in the supermarket will have its lights dimmed, or use wooden panelling, so it will look a lot classier than other things there. If you walk into a store and see bright lights and loud music and you’re in your twenties, it looks exciting, it gets your attention and you go in. If you’re a woman in your fifties, you know automatically that you don’t belong there.” Staff also play a part in helping customers decide if they belong in a store or not, says Ballantine. Senior marketing lecturer Dr Paul Ballantine admits that even he is vulnerable to retail tricks. “As terrible as it sounds, what do the staff look like? You judge whether you should be there based on the staff. If you went to a gym would you expect someone in retirement age to be there? You want the staff closer to who you are as a person. For example, when McDonald’s wanted to cater to the elderly during the day they put a lot of people closer to retirement age there.” Scent is another powerful tool. “It’s similar to having to sell a house — real estate agents will tell you to brew a pot of coffee to create the feeling of home. In the supermarket context, the trigger is hunger, which makes you buy more or buy whatever you can currently smell. The brutal reality of most things sold there is that 100 years from now you could probably still eat them, but having fresh smells is about creating that feeling that the food is fresh and inviting.” However, he says smell can also repel, depending on who the store wants to attract. “One that drives me nuts is (cosmetics store) Lush, but for certain people it works and for others it doesn’t.” Despite having a PhD in retail behaviour, Ballantine admits even he is vulnerable to being wooed by retailers. “I’m supposed to be one of the most educated people out there in terms of having an appreciation for the retailers’ tricks or absolutely moronic buying behaviour — but I do silly things as well. It’s easy to rationalise spending.” Even knowledge won’t make you immune to the siren song of retailers — but Ballantine suggests being an active shopper and consciously trying to understand what behaviour retailers are trying to draw from you. “Will it change what you’ll buy? Probably not, but you can appreciate what they’re trying to do. It’s fun knowing it, because you can go in and reinterpret the experience. You can see some of the method to the madness.” Summer Summer 2008 2008 37 37 hope for an Island kingdom When most people go away for an island holiday they return with a suntan, holiday snaps and duty free. But when a group of University of Canterbury alumni came back from a trip to Tonga, they returned home with a desire to make a difference in the island kingdom they had fallen in love with. Stacey Doornenbal reports. The holiday, enjoyed in 2004, led to the establishment of a nonprofit organisation called the EcoCARE Pacific Trust. Its aim, says the organisation’s Science Project Manager and a trustee, Russell Taylor, is to help tackle health, education and environmental issues in the Pacific. “However, the idea of the trust isn’t to try and solve all these issues on its own. What the trust does is facilitate and initiate collaborative projects by accessing available funds and bringing people with expertise and knowledge together with those who need their help,” says Taylor. A Canterbury MSc(Hons) graduate and marine ecology research assistant in the University’s School of Biological Sciences, Taylor says during the sailing holiday the group of friends became aware of issues having a negative impact on the environment and lives of the Tongan people, which they attributed to inadequate access to information and expertise. “Tonga has a small population of 100,000 people yet it spends $100 million a year on fossil fuels for power generation and transportation while having sustainable energy sources available to them in the form of solar, wind and tidal energy. It has an amazing fishery but is unable to manage it or utilise technology because its people don’t have access to adequate information,” says Taylor. “It is a third world country that should really be a first world country contributing to the global economy instead of being supported through aid programmes. It’s a ridiculous situation that can be fixed by giving them access to information and expertise. That way the people of Tonga can make it on their own — and it doesn’t have to cost millions of dollars to do.” Taylor says the “information breakdown” was initially highlighted by a particular incident during the 2004 sailing holiday. Having taken a lot of medical gear on the trip, the group decided to donate what was unused to the hospital in Nuku’alofa. 38 Canterbury Magazine “While there we were introduced to a family of five, two of whom had just died from eating fish bought from the market. Unfortunately the fish had been caught using some kind of toxin and it had poisoned these two people as well. “Apart from the shock of hearing the news, the really significant part for us was that Tonga has a small population of relatively welleducated, religious and caring people, yet the guy who caught the fish obviously had no idea of the consequences of his actions.” Taylor said his initial thought was to start an outreach programme in Tonga, “but the more involved we became the more we felt that it was primarily to do with a breakdown in information and that breakdown was a significant problem throughout the South Pacific, not just in Tonga. We believed the formation of a trust that could offer access to information and expertise was a good idea.” The background and connections of the trustees has been an advantage in opening up information pathways. As well as Taylor, whose area of expertise is aquatic ecology, the trustees include fellow Canterbury graduates evaluator Dr Jane Davidson (BSc, 1988), lawyer Simon England (LLB, 1991; BA, 1990), geneticist/ molecular biologist Andrew Catanach (MSc(Hons), 1997) and linguist and freelance journalist Lisa Pringle (BA(Hons), 1998), general practitioners Dr Janine Bailey and Dr Timothy Phillips, as well as UC staff member Dr Malakai Koloamatangi (Political Science and Communication). Taylor says the trust also has an extensive list of experts and advisers who have indicated a willingness to share their knowledge and help with projects. Twenty-eight Canterbury staff members from disciplines such as forestry, engineering, biological sciences, chemistry and geography also support this initiative. While Tonga is the focus for the trust at present, Taylor says the plan is to expand its activities to other Pacific countries once it has developed a profile in the area — and it is making good progress with this. Since its inception in 2005 the trust has helped facilitate a number of projects in Tonga, including the collection, transportation and distribution of educational material — such as computers, books and stationery — to schools throughout the Tongan island chain (thanks to free freight from Air New Zealand); the establishment of a science competition for high school students; and the running of a series of community outreach programmes. In 2006 and 2007 the trust initiated a major survey of the habitats of invasive mosquito larvae in Tonga. Carried out on 54 sites by a research group from UC, led by Dr Jon Harding from the School of Biological Sciences and funded through the Pacific Invasives Initiative and the Critical Ecosystem Protection Fund, the aim of the project was to find ways of restricting the mosquito population to lessen the spread of potentially fatal diseases such as Dengue Fever, the Ross River virus, the Western Nile virus and Haemorragic Encephalitis, as well as animal diseases like Avian Malaria. Taylor says the effects of such diseases can be both socially and economically devastating for a small country such as Tonga, so it is important that information about how the diseases are spread and how they can be controlled is communicated widely. The results of the survey, which found man-made environments such as disused water tanks and old car tyres were preferred habitats for larvae of invasive species, were passed onto the Tongan Government and its Ministry of Health. “I also gave some presentations and gave out bilingual posters and pamphlets to schools and communities, describing the issues associated with invasive mosquitoes and some simple methods of mosquito control,” says Taylor. The mosquito project is ongoing and return trips to Tonga have shown a number of attempts at community level to limit man-made larvae habitats. Another major project supported by the trust was the installation of a water filtration system on the low-lying islands of Ha’apai. Taylor says rising sea levels and deforestation of mangroves means that during storms at high tide, salt water incursion forces raw effluent from septic tanks to contaminate groundwater, leading to problems with typhoid. For more information about the trust and its activities, check out the website at or email “The new filtration system we set up at the hospital in Pangai, made possible with funding from the Rotary Club of Christchurch, now offers the only safe water for the 3000-4000 people who live there.” Taylor says the trust is currently working on securing funding to install more water filtration systems in Tonga, wind power generators at Tongan high schools, and utilising island research facilities the Tongan Ministry of Education has offered the trust. The wind project will be carried out by the Auckland and Canterbury university branches of Engineers Without Borders with local assistance, and the island research funding will help support 10 projects proposed by any New Zealand tertiary institution that will be of benefit to Tonga and can involve Pacific tertiary students. “While the trust can offer access to both information and expertise, we’re not about deciding the best way forward,” says Taylor. “It’s all about giving Pacific communities access to the information and expertise they need so they can make it on their own.” Summer 2008 39 Books in Brief My Father’s Shadow: A portrait of Justice Peter Mahon Finding Our Own Voice: New Zealand English in the Making Sam Mahon Elizabeth Gordon Longacre Press, 2008, RRP39.99, paperback, ISBN 978-1-877460-17-3 Canterbury University Press, 2008, RRP$24.95, 108pp, paperback, ISBN 978-1877257-77-3 My Father’s Shadow is an account, by North Canterbury-based artist Sam Mahon, of the life of his father Justice Peter Mahon and the relationship he had with the man who is best remembered as the Royal Commissioner who carried out the inquiry into New Zealand’s worst air disaster, the crash of an Air New Zealand sightseeing flight on Mt Erebus in Antarctica in 1979. More a memoir than a biography, My Father’s Shadow looks at Justice Mahon as a soldier during World War II, a lawyer, judge, father, colleague and husband. The portrait drawn by his son is one of a complex, astute, moral and rational man, but a father the author hardly knew. Written with honesty and humour, My Father’s Shadow is a captivating account of a remarkable New Zealander who was also a University of Canterbury alumnus. Justice Mahon graduated from Canterbury with an LLB in 1948. Sam Mahon is a painter, sculptor and printmaker. This is his third book, the other titles being The Year of the Horse (2003) and The Water Thieves (2006). The Kiwi accent, our lingo and attitudes to our distinct variety of English are the subject of a new book by one of New Zealand’s leading linguists. Finding Our Own Voice: New Zealand English in the Making features the three Macmillan Brown lectures delivered by University of Canterbury Adjunct Associate Professor in Linguistics, Elizabeth Gordon, in 2005. The first chapter looks at the development and evolution of the New Zealand accent, from the earliest days to when people began to accuse children and others of speaking with a “colonial twang”. The next section illustrates how the words we use reflect life in New Zealand, and how the uniqueness of our vocabulary has been determined by Mäori input. The final chapter explores the prevailing attitudes to New Zealand English. Gordon is a sociolinguist with a special interest in New Zealand English, especially the New Zealand accent. She taught at the University of Canterbury for 35 years and was a co-leader of the UCbased project on the Origins of New Zealand English (ONZE). Now retired, she continues to carry out research into New Zealand English and writes a weekly column on language in the Christchurch Press. The Natural History of Canterbury Edited by Michael Winterbourn, George Knox, Colin Burrows and Islay Marsden Canterbury University Press, 2008, RRP$195, 924pp, hardback, ISBN 978-1-877257-57-5 Natural scientists throughout the country will need to make some space on their bookshelves for the expansive third edition of The Natural History of Canterbury. At 924 pages, the book provides a comprehensive, up-todate account of knowledge of Canterbury’s flora, fauna and environment. Written with a broad audience in mind, the book’s 27 chapters draw on the wide-ranging experience and expertise of more than 40 scientists and academics. The majority of the authors are Canterbury residents or have strong links with the region, and more than half of them have University of Canterbury connections. Topics covered include the geology, geomorphology and geography of the region, its climate and soils, and the history of Mäori colonisation and life. Vegetation, past and present, is dealt with in detail, as are fossil and present-day faunas, including birds, amphibians, reptiles and marine mammals. The ecology of terrestrial, marine and freshwater habitats is comprehensively examined, and timely and thought-provoking chapters deal with ecological restoration, conservation issues and environmental management. The Natural History of Canterbury was published with the support of the Canterbury Branch of the Royal Society of New Zealand and the Canterbury Community Trust. 40 Canterbury Magazine Living with Natives Edited by Ian Spellerberg and Michele Frey, photographs by John Maillard Canterbury University Press, 2008, RRP$39.95, 224pp, paperback, ISBN 978-1-877257-68-1 Living with Natives is a celebration of New Zealanders and their passion for native plants. Edited by Professor Ian Spellerberg of Lincoln University and Napierbased environmental and planning consultant Michele Frey, it is a collection of 44 moving and informative narratives by people of all ages and from all walks of life who talk about their love of, and experiences with, native plants. Sumptuously illustrated with images taken by Christchurch-based photographer John Maillard, each garden story records the author’s successes and failures with native flora, and also offers many helpful tips to the reader. Those telling their gardening tales include Untouched World founder Peri Drysdale, Green Party co-leader Jeanette Fitzsimons, Invercargill Mayor Tim Shadbolt, children from Kimbolton School in the Manawatu, Coromandel potter Barry Brickell, Canterbury botanist Hugh Wilson, Black Cap Mathew Sinclair, plus a host of conservationists and native plant enthusiasts from around the country. The book follows on from a previous publication Spellerberg edited with the late botanist David Given, called Going Native (Canterbury University Press, 2004). Native Wit Hamish Keith Random, 2008, RRP$45, paperback, ISBN 978-1-869418-43-4 Prominent New Zealand cultural commentator and University of Canterbury graduate Hamish Keith takes readers on a tour through a well-lived, rich and varied life in this witty, entertaining and revealing autobiography. Sharing stories from his many life experiences, both the good and the bad, Keith gives a personal view of New Zealand and its development over the past seven decades. A colleague of Colin McCahon, chairman of the Arts Council, husband of Oscar-winning costume designer Ngila Dickson, bon vivant and accomplished chef, and arch enemy of doddering bureaucrats, Keith delivers a colourful read with his dynamic personality, sharp wit and trenchant analysis. Keith graduated from Canterbury University in 1957 with a Diploma in Fine Art. He has written a number of books on art, social history and cooking, and has contributed reviews and comment to magazines and newspapers for many years. His arts documentary, The Big Picture, which traced the story of New Zealand’s art heritage, was screened by Television New Zealand in 2007. It was accompanied by a best-selling book of the same title. On Zealand’s hills, where tigers steal along A Stroll Through Brown Trout Country Les Hill and Graeme Marshall Canterbury University Press, 2008, RRP$39.99, 152pp, hardback, ISBN 978-1-877257-55-1 Readers will be taken on a photographic journey through some of the South Island’s most beautiful angling locations in A Stroll through Brown Trout Country. Published by Canterbury University Press, the book features stunning photographs by Hokitika-based photographer Les Hill, complemented by vivid descriptions of people, places and fish, written by South Canterbury-based fly-fishing guide Graeme Marshall. Taking in the amazingly varied landscapes and waterways of the South Island, the book is a celebration of the joint exploration of brown trout habitats by Hill and Marshall, who have been trout fishing companions for more than 30 years. This is the fifth angling book Hill and Marshall have produced together and follows Stalking Trout (1985), Catching Trout (1991), Images of Silver (1993), and Stalking and Catching Trout (2005). Hill is one of New Zealand’s leading trout fishing photographers. His images have appeared in fishing magazines worldwide, including Fish and Game New Zealand and Australian Flylife. A part-time teacher as well as a fly-fishing guide, Marshall also contributed to fly-fishing book Brown Trout Heaven (2000). Janet Holm Ngaio Marsh: Her Life in Crime Steele Roberts, 2008, RRP$44.99, 184pp, hardback, ISBN 978-1-87744825-6 Joanne Drayton On Zealand’s hills, where tigers steal along brings to life the stories of some of the many men and women who came to New Zealand in the 19th century to start a new life in a remote and untamed new world. Written by University of Canterbury alumna Janet Holm (MA(Hons), 1985), it gives readers an insight into the difficulties these early settlers endured and the daunting obstacles they faced with courage and determination as they struggled to build lives in the bush and the high country. Among the characters readers will encounter are surveyors William Mein Smith and James McKerrow; former New Zealand Premier Alfred Domett; gold-digger Frank Mathias; Commissioner of the West Coast Goldfields Professor George Sale; and soldier, shipwrecked sailor, navvy, gold-digger and sealer Donald Sutherland. On Zealand’s hills, where tigers steal along is Holm’s third book. Her previous works are Nothing But Grass and Wind: the Rutherfords of Canterbury (1992) and Caught Mapping: The life and times of New Zealand’s early surveyors (2005). She was awarded the Canterbury History Foundation’s A C Rhodes History Medal in 2005 for her contribution to the understanding and appreciation of history in Canterbury. HarperCollins, 2008, RRP$59.99, hardback, ISBN 978-1-869506-35-3 University of Canterbury alumna Dr Joanne Drayton (PhD, Art History, 2000) turns detective in her fourth book, Ngaio Marsh: Her Life in Crime, as she investigates the life and career of New Zealand’s queen of crime fiction Dame Ngaio Marsh. Internationally renowned for her detective tales, Marsh produced 32 novels during her writing career and was, along with Agatha Christie, Dorothy Sayers and Margery Allingham, dubbed one of the four “Queens of Crime” who dominated the genre in the 1930s and 1940s. Marsh, a Canterbury fine arts alumna, also established a reputation as a director of Shakespearean theatre and as a painter. In this biography, Drayton, who was awarded the Alexander Turnbull National Library Fellowship in 2007 to work on the book, investigates the woman behind the public persona by piecing together the evidence from Marsh’s writing and theatre productions. Drayton is the author of three previous books — Edith Collier: Her Life and Work, 1885-1964 (1999), Rhona Haszard: An Experimental Expatriate New Zealand Artist (2002) and Frances Hodgkins: A Private Viewing (2005). She is currently a senior lecturer in art and design history and theory in the School of Design at UNITEC in Auckland. Summer 2008 41 ALUMNI REUNION 10-12 October 2008 More than 400 alumni descended on their alma mater over 10-12 October to spend a weekend catching up with old classmates and to walk down memory lane. The inaugural Alumni Reunion Weekend — for graduates, former students and staff of the era up to and including 1968 — attracted 430 guests, including alumni and staff of the former Canterbury College and former Christchurch Teachers’ Training College. Twenty-eight events featured in the programme for the weekend, which included a number of campus-wide activities as well as those organised for alumni of specific colleges, departments and halls of residence. Tours of the campus, the Macmillan Brown Library, the James Logie Memorial Collection and the University’s former town site were also on offer. People came from far and wide to attend — from Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia and Samoa, as well as from around New Zealand — and ranged in age from their early 60s to 93. All disciplines were represented, and the largest single department event was the Biological Sciences Brunch and Tour, which attracted 108 botany and zoology alumni and staff. Professor Brian Butterfield, who led the committee organising the event, said he was absolutely delighted with the turnout. He said it gave him the opportunity to meet with many old friends he hadn’t seen for more than 40 years. “Passing the microphone around at the brunch encouraged many alumni to recall amusing stories from their student days and many would have liked to stay chatting all afternoon.” Nostalgia ran high throughout the weekend, with numerous stories and memories rekindled. It was also an opportunity for alumni to catch up on the latest in teaching, research and facilities in their subject areas, with many seminars and displays put on by staff and students. Alumni Relations Manager Chanel Hughes said the three-day reunion was the first to cover the entire campus for graduates of 40 years out. Previous reunions have targeted specific departments or colleges. “The intention is that such an event will now be held on a regular basis at the same time each year, when the campus is at its spring best. Next year we also look forward to celebrating a number of anniversaries during the festivities, such as the 100th anniversary of History and the 90th anniversary of former residential hall Rolleston House.” Among the main events held during the celebrations was a Gala Dinner at the Wigram Air Force Museum. Hosted by Chancellor Dr Robin Mann, the evening included guest speakers Edmund Bohan (MA(Hons), 1959), historian, author and former opera singer; and Dr John Wood (LittD honoris causa, 2006; MA(Hons), 1966), a former New Zealand ambassador to the United States, current University Council member and University of Canterbury Foundation trustee. Head of the School of History Professor Geoffrey Rice (PhD, 1974; MA(Hons), 1970; BA, 1968) was Master of Ceremonies. The UC Foundation also used the weekend event to launch the Beatrice Hill Tinsley Scholarship Fund which will provide scholarships for high-achieving school leavers from around the country wishing to study physics and astronomy. Beatrice Hill Tinsley, who graduated from UC in 1962 with an MSc (first class honours), was a leading astronomer who became a professor of astronomy at Yale University before her untimely death from cancer in 1980. Her former husband Brian Tinsley (PhD, 1964; MSc(Hons), 1961) was among the guests at the reunion. The reunion ended on the Sunday with an ecumenical service in the College House Chapel, presided over by University Chaplain Reverend Tom Innes, and a gourmet buffet barbecue lunch at the University Staff Club. For details of the next Alumni Reunion Weekend, bookmark the website www. and make sure your contact details are up to date with the UC Alumni Office, ph: 0800 UC ALUMNI (0800 822 586) or +64 3 364 2344, email: Clockwise from top left: Austin Forbes QC, Pro-Vice Chancellor (Law) Professor Scott Davidson and Justice Graham Panckhurst; Gala Dinner, Wigram Air Force Museum; Suse Benzie and Dr Elizabeth Edgar; Professor Ken Cunningham and Marjorie Cunningham; Dr Robert Blackmore and Valerie Blackmore; Jim Thornton and Dr Tom Seed; Group tour of the former Canterbury College site, now the Arts Centre of Christchurch. For the graduating classes of 1968 and preceding years 42 Canterbury Magazine Reconnect, reminisce, celebrate! Summer 2008 43 Event Diary Mark these dates on your calendar To receive regular event invitations and updates, please ensure your contact details are up-to-date at the UC Alumni Office: 10 December 2008 7 April 2009 Graduation, Rotorua Convention Centre Canterbury Challenge Quiz, UCSA Ballroom 1.30pm: Faculty of Education UC Alumni Office University of Canterbury Private Bag 4800 Christchurch NEW ZEALAND 14-18 December 2008 Join in the madness and mayhem of the Alumni Association’s annual graduation team quiz event to see which department, faculty or college has the superior general knowledge. Open to UC staff, students, alumni, friends and family. Ph: 0800 UC ALUMNI (0800 822 586) Or +64 3 364 2344 Fax: +64 3 364 2679 Email: Online Events Calendar You can also see campus event updates at This site enables users to search on a wide range of events, from concerts and seminars to reunions and exhibitions. There is also an “add to calendar” button which allows you to save an event into your Microsoft Outlook calendar. Contact: Adrian Carpinter, ph: +64 3 364 2987, ext 6966, email: adrian.carpinter@canterbury. Inorganic Chemistry Conference IC08, University of Canterbury The Royal Australian Chemical Institute and the New Zealand Institute of Chemistry invite you to participate in IC08, to be hosted by the University of Canterbury. The conference will cater for all fields of inorganic chemistry, from bioinorganic chemistry, through classic co-ordination and organometallic chemistry, to supramolecular and materials chemistry. Please visit the conference website for further information at Contact: Merrin McAuley, ph: +64 3 364 2162, email: 17 & 19 December 2008 Graduation, Christchurch Town Hall Three ceremonies over two days: 10am, 17 December: Faculty of Education and UC Opportunity (Adult Literacy and Teaching) 2pm, 17 December: Faculties of Humanities and Social Sciences and Science 10am, 19 December: Faculties of Commerce, Engineering and Forestry, Law and UC Opportunity (Business) Contact: Carolyn Stewart, ph: +64 3 364 2987, ext 8979, email: 19-21 January 2009 21st Australasian Tax Teachers Association Conference, University of Canterbury The 2009 conference is particularly special as it will be the 21st conference for ATTA, with the chosen theme: “Tax and Sustainability”, a particularly topical issue globally. The conference will include sessions on tax teaching and tax doctoral work, as well as policy, technical and empirical tax research. Please visit atta09 for information relating to the call for abstracts, draft programme, sponsors and registration. Contact: Merrin McAuley, ph: +64 3 364 2162, email: Update your address details online at 44 44 Canterbury CanterburyMagazine Magazine Contact: The UC Alumni Office (see sidebar) 7 & 9 April 2009 Graduation, Christchurch Town Hall Four ceremonies over two days: 10am, 7 April: Faculties of Science and Creative Arts 2pm, 7 April: Faculties of Humanities and Social Sciences, Education and UC Opportunity (Adult Literacy and Teaching) 10am, 9 April: Faculty of Engineering and Forestry 2pm, 9 April: Faculties of Commerce, Law and UC Opportunity (Business) Contact: Carolyn Stewart, ph: +64 3 364 2987, ext 8979, email: 28 May 2009 UC Alumni Association Annual General Meeting Time and venue to be confirmed. Contact: The UC Alumni Office (see sidebar) 16-18 October 2009 Alumni Reunion Weekend 2009 This occasion marks the second annual reunion celebration for alumni who graduated 40 years ago or more, along with alumni celebrating a special anniversary. Staff and former students are also warmly invited to participate. The 2009 event is for individuals who graduated in 1969 or earlier and all alumni connected with the following anniversary celebrations: History — 100th Anniversary Rolleston House — 90th Anniversary Journalism — 40th Anniversary Sports Science — 20th Anniversary Contact: The UC Alumni Office (see sidebar) or visit 16 & 18 December 2009 Graduation, Christchurch Town Hall Details of individual ceremonies to be confirmed. Contact: Carolyn Stewart, ph: +64 3 364 2987, ext 8979, email: UC Alumni Networks UC Alumni Association The University of Canterbury Alumni Association is 38,000 members strong, covering 96 countries around the globe, with ages ranging from 20 to 100. Membership is free and automatic to all University of Canterbury graduates, former students who have completed at least 12 points or equivalent, and current and former staff. It is also open to friends and supporters of the University. If you know someone who is not receiving Alumni Association communications and benefits to which they are entitled, please encourage them to contact the Alumni Office, ph: 0800 UC ALUMNI (0800 822 586) or +64 3 364 2344, email:, Need to update your alumni details? Keeping track of Canterbury alumni is a fulltime job, and sometimes we don’t get the right messages to the right people in time for them to hear about important reunions or events. You can help us by letting us know not only your address details but all of your Canterbury connections — subject majors, clubs, halls of residence, employment, etc. Simply complete the enclosed Alumni Update Form or the online form at www.canterbury., or phone the Alumni Office at: 0800 UC ALUMNI (0800 822 586) or +64 3 364 2344. Don’t miss out on a reunion that’s meant for you. Wellington UC Alumni Chapter Contact: Brian Lynch Ph: +64 4 970 3444 Email: International UC Alumni Chapters China Contact: Harry Tan and David Tan Beijing, China Email: or Germany Contact: Silke Deselaers Frankfurt, Germany Mobile: 0 171/5474747 Email: UCAM (University of Canterbury Alumni, Malaysia) Canterbury Historical Association Contact: Richard Tankersley, President PO Box 10565 50718 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Ph: +60 3 2141 0822 Email: Meets monthly for presentations on historical topics by UC staff, visiting lecturers, postgraduate students and local historians. Contact: Professor Geoffrey Rice Ph: +64 3 364 2283 Email: UCAM — Sibu Chapter JET Alumni Association (South Island) Contact: Tony Wong Siew Tung Sibu, Sarawak Ph: +60 16 8941 326 Email: Past participants of the JET (Japan Exchange and Teaching) Programme are encouraged to get involved in JETAA. Catch up with fellow alumni and participate in events and activities to promote Japan and the JET Programme. Also, people who are interested in Japan are invited to join us for Japan-related events. To join, please see the website at Contact: Leila Chacko Ph: 021 202 7717 Email: United Kingdom Contact: Tony Bretherton 3 Webber Road Shepton Mallet, BA4 4AL Ph: +44 1749 345 528 Mobile: +44 773 8993809 Email: Other Associations New Zealand Federation of Graduate Women Inc (NZFGW) The NZFGW is open to all women graduates of New Zealand universities, polytechnics, colleges of education and Wänanga, and currently has 15 branches nationwide, with links to the International Federation of Graduate Women. Contact the National Secretary for your nearest branch (PO Box 3057, Wellington, email:, or see NZ MBA Association Contact: Mike Blackburn, President PO Box 105 026 Private Box 105026 Auckland City Email: Christchurch Classical Association Meets regularly to hear lectures from invited speakers. Contact: Secretary, UC Classics Programme Ph: +64 3 364 2987, ext 8580 Email: New Zealand Geographical Society (Canterbury Branch) Meets monthly for seminars and discussion. Contact: Secretary, UC Geography Department Ph: +64 3 364 2900 Email: Luxemborg Contact: Martin Lohmeyer Email: Summer 2008 45 Obituaries Bray, Dorothy Anne (née Suckling), Associate Professor, PhD (Otago), BA, 1972 (Cant), b. 21 September 1944, d. 18 June 2008, was a prominent researcher in the field of intellectual disabilities, leading the Donald Beasley Institute for more than 20 years. Hit by German gunfire at Al Alamein in 1942 while carrying rations to soldiers trapped by mortar fire, Midgley lost an arm but met future wife Joan during his recuperation at Queen Mary Hospital and was awarded the Military Medal. Born in Christchurch, Bray’s life-long commitment to improving the lives of people with intellectual disabilities came from her experiences growing up: a younger brother Michael, with Down’s syndrome, was raised at home and attended school with his siblings well before mainstreaming became the norm. Returning to Christchurch, he resumed accounting studies at the University of Canterbury, graduating in 1948 to join Frank Rhodes in partnership at Rhodes and Midgley, later establishing Midgley and Co, before merging with KPMG Peat Marwick where he worked as a consultant. After studying at the Christchurch Teachers’ Training College and University of Canterbury, she became a teaching fellow at Canterbury in 1974 before being appointed as a lecturer in the Faculty of Education at the University of Otago in the late 1970s, where she completed her PhD. In 1984 Bray was appointed assistant director of the New Zealand Institute of Mental Retardation (now the Donald Beasley Institute), becoming director in 1986. Diagnosed with cancer in April 2005, she handed over the directorship to Dr Brigit Mirfin-Veitch in July 2007 to become the institute’s professorial research fellow. Mirfin-Veitch says of her colleague: “I don’t think it is possible to overestimate the extent to which Anne has influenced and impacted on disability policy, disability practice, or disability research in this country”. Bray forged strong research links between the Donald Beasley Institute and Otago University, and was appointed associate dean, health science, as well as associate research professor at the university. She contributed to a number of other organisations in her work, including the Otago Health Board and the National Ethics Committee. Her lifetime of service was recognised in 2006 when she became an Officer of the New Zealand Order of Merit, and a Fellow of the Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual Disability in 2007. Knox, George Alexander, Emeritus Professor, MSc, 1949, b. 16 December 1919, d. 4 August 2008, was a leading biology researcher who pioneered the establishment of Antarctic Studies at Canterbury and was renowned for his contribution to knowledge of the Antarctic and Southern Ocean. Born in Pleasant Point, Knox began studies at Canterbury College and the Christchurch Training College in 1936. He worked as 46 Canterbury Magazine Emeritus Professor George Knox receiving the New Zealand Antarctic 50th Anniversary Award in 2007. a primary and secondary teacher before graduating MSc. Appointed assistant lecturer in zoology in 1949, Knox remained at Canterbury until retirement in 1984, heading the department for almost 20 of those years. Appointed to the National Committee for Antarctic Research in 1959, Knox established Canterbury’s Antarctic marine biology programme in 1960, and in 1962 established the Kaikoura field station. The annex added to the field station in 1986 was named the George Knox Research Laboratory. Appointed a Fellow of the Royal Society of New Zealand in 1963, he led Antarctic research at an international level as the New Zealand delegate to the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) in 1974, where he served as secretary and then president. His Biology of the Southern Ocean remains a standard reference on Antarctic marine biology. Knox also contributed to other areas of ecology, one of his most prominent recent contributions being his co-editing of the 2008 edition of The Natural History of Canterbury. Knox became a Member of the Order of the British Empire in 1985 and an Officer of the New Zealand Order of Merit in 2001. His extraordinary contribution to Antarctic Science was further recognised in 2007 when he was awarded the New Zealand Antarctic 50th Anniversary Award. Midgley, John (Jack) Brayshaw, BCom, 1949, b. 15 April 1919, d. 13 June 2008, was an accountant and Christchurch community figure. Growing up during the Depression, Midgley left Christchurch Boys’ High School early to help support his family, then undertook night classes in accounting at Christchurch Technical College until interrupted by the onset of WWII whereupon he joined the army. Midgley was made a life member of the Christchurch Businessmen’s Club (whose 75th anniversary history he penned in 2006) and the New Zealand Society of Accountants. His community service, including work as a JP and bail bonds officer, was recognised with the Queen’s Service Medal. Poole, Alick Lindsay, DSc, 1999 (Cant), MSc (Vic), B(For)Sc, 1930 (Auck), b. 4 March 1908, d. 2 January 2008, was considered the elder statesman of New Zealand forestry and one of New Zealand’s best known botanists. Born in Gisborne, Poole completed undergraduate studies in Auckland and joined the Botany Division of the DSIR in 1937. He became scientific liaison officer for the DSIR at the New Zealand Embassy in London in 1941, moving to Germany after the war to work with the German Forest Service. Poole returned to New Zealand in 1947 to complete his MSc at Victoria University and became director of the DSIR’s Botany Division in 1949. Poole joined the Forest Service in 1951, later serving as its director-general from 1961-1971, allowing him to play a key role in the establishment of the University of Canterbury’s School of Forestry, the country’s only forestry school. Poole’s academic contributions to his field were also substantial: he distinguished mountain beech and black beech as two separate species, wrote a variety of books on New Zealand flora and authored close to 100 journal articles. Awarded a CBE in 1971, he also became chairman of the Soil Conservation and Rivers Control Council, a position he held until retirement in 1978. He was a Fellow of the Royal Society of New Zealand from 1962, later becoming a Fellow of the New Zealand Institute of Forestry (NZIF), and an Honorary Fellow of the British Institute of Chartered Foresters. Poole was awarded an honorary Doctor of Science in 1999 and in 2002 received the NZIF’s Kirk Medal. Alumni Benefits Keep in touch In many instances you will require an Alumni Association Membership Card to access these benefits. This card is free upon request to the UC Alumni Office. For information about all alumni benefits and services and to maintain your links with your alma mater, please ensure your contact details are up-to-date at the UC Alumni Office: Internet access Off-campus benefits Enjoy ongoing Internet access through UC’s Information and Communication Technology Services. 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Services on offer include weight-training, circuits, aerobics (step, pump, spin, etc), squash, team sports, recreational classes, climbing and much, much more. Phone +64 3 364 2433 or visit Sign up for CareerHub UC students, recent graduates and employers can take advantage of the Career Development and Employer Liaison Centre’s excellent website, CareerHub, which provides information on recruitment, vacancies, events, employer details, seminars, web links, news and articles. (51 Middleton Road, Riccarton, Christchurch) Receive 15% discount on standard rates. Ph: +64 3 980 9000 Email: 40 Thornycroft Street Bed & Breakfast (Fendalton, Christchurch) Receive 10% discount on standard rates. Ph: +64 3 351 8228, fax: +64 3 351 8820 Email: Melton Estate Vineyard (Weedons Ross Road, cnr of Johnson Road, West Melton) UC Alumni Office Level 5, Registry University of Canterbury Private Bag 4800 Christchurch, New Zealand Ph: 0800 UC ALUMNI (0800 822 586) or +64 3 364 2344 Fax: +64 3 364 2679 Email: Enjoy local wines and vineyard café dining at Melton Estate Vineyard. Melton Estate is just 20 minutes from Christchurch, located in West Melton. Receive 10% discount off standard prices at the vineyard café and for cellar door wine sales. Ph: +64 3 347 4968 Email: St Albans Pharmacy & Receive 10% discount on all purchases (excludes prescriptions & photos). Present your UC Alumni Association Membership Card to the staff members serving you or type “Canterbury Alumni” in the message section of your online order to receive your discount. 1073 Colombo St, Edgeware Village Christchurch 8001 Ph: +64 3 366 0404, fax: +64 3 379 3183 Email: For online pharmacy healthcare see Register at student/careers. Join the University Staff Club Enjoy the Staff Club’s excellent hospitality for $84 per year. Contact the Alumni Office for an application form (not open to current students). Update your address details online at Summer 2008 47 48 Canterbury Magazine
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