MAY 1, 2015 THE HOFFMAN HUM A WEEKLY NEWSLETTER MONDAY TUESDAY 4 Board of Education Meeting 7:00pm 11 WEDNESDAY 5 Parent Presentation: George Vaillant at GBS 7:00pm 12 THURSDAY 6 7 8 HO Teacher Appreciation Luncheon 13 14 5th 18 FRIDAY Grade Musical @ HO 7:00pm 15 5th Grade Musical @ HO 9:30am 20 21 22 Market Day 3:00-4:30pm at HO 19 HE/HO - PTA Meeting at President’s House 9:15am 25 26 27 28 29 9:00-2:00pm HO 5th Grade Picnic No School HOFFMAN SCHOOL 2000 HARRISON STREET ! GLENVIEW ! 847-998-5040 HO – PARCC Testing April 27 – May 8 HO - NWEA Testing May 20 - 29 Dear Hoffman Family, Among the many questions that parents direct my way, one of the most frequently asked is, “How do I teach my child the value of money?” My wife and I have three sons and money is nothing in comparison to the happiness they bring to both of us……really. Yet happiness does not negate the fact that the moment a child arrives----and, actually, months before the arrival-------your role as an adult changes in dramatic and profound ways. And so, too, does your family’s financial life. From birth until college graduation, children consume dollars like they’re chicken nuggets. For almost two decades, you, the parent, are now on the hook for tens of thousands of dollars in costs. You also have a new obligation to teach your children about money so that they grow into adults who are at home in the financial world and who have a healthy relationship with money. You, the parent, are the first and most crucial link in that learning process. I am in no way a financial expert. After all, that is why I am married to a wonderful woman who is also a CPA. However, we both wholeheartedly agree that it was our parents who taught us both about the value of the dollar. In a nutshell, the answer I try to provide to most inquisitive parents is, “Do everything you can to help them realize that money is appreciated when it is earned. Set up household chores and a consistent way to help them save their money. Spending, investing, and donating comes along soon but has much greater meaning when a child has truly earned their money.” In a recent article of the Wall Street Journal, author Jeff D. Opdyke, included his “15 Money Rules Kids Should Learn.” I smiled as I read each one. Some affirmed what my wife and I have worked so hard to do. Others provided a standard by which we could still work to improve. In any event, I thought you might find these interesting as you strive to help your child better understand the basics of personal finance. Teach Your Children Well 1. Spending money happens only after you earn it. 2. When kids start asking parents to drive to the toy store to buy some plastic whatnot, it’s time to consider an allowance. 3. The size of an allowance shouldn’t be so meager that your child is a pauper among peers, nor so generous that your child can easily afford all wants with little financial planning. 4. Good grades are expected and help around the house is simply the price of family life. 5. While 16 is generally the legal age of employment, encourage kids starting around age 13 to think of ways they can earn an income. 6. Guide and advise your kids about money, but don’t dictate. 7. Failure to balance the debit card bank account monthly means losing access to the debit card for a week or more; failure to repay an entire month’s credit-card balance means the loss of the card until the balance is fully paid off, plus one additional month. 8. Only 50% of the money put into a piggyback can be taken out to buy something. At least half must remain inside the pig. 9. Children should have the right to screw up financially so that they can learn from their mistakes. 10. When it comes to investing in stocks, kids should understand a company at such a basic level that they can draw a picture of the business model with a crayon. 11. You don’t need to be wealthy to begin teaching your children about the stock market. 12. If a child’s charitable interests lie outside your special interests, so be it. 13. Parents don’t have to save every last dime a child will need for college expenses. You only have to save up to your ability or desire to pay. 14. One of the greatest gifts you can give your child is your own financial self-sufficiency when you’re old. 15. At some point, you have to tell your kids that the Bank of Mom & Dad is officially closed. Sincerely, Mark Walther, Principal 5th Grade Parents!!! LOOKING FOR VOLUNTEERS!! Please volunteer to be one of the parents necessary to help run the 5th grade picnic on Friday, May 29th. This is a fun celebration for our 5th grade children as they “graduate” from Hoffman and move to Middle School! The 5th grade picnic starts with a parade of classes and a speech by Mr. Walther. Next, a few Hoffman “alums” currently in High School will speak to our children. Then, let the games begin! Lunch will be served in the Johns Park Field House after the games. This is a great opportunity for Moms and Dads to help out! Please email Marcy Pettersen@ if you can volunteer your time to this great event. Volunteer Opportunities: 8:30-11:30am Volunteers needed to run games and help take down games (we will give you all the necessary instructions). We will also need escorts to make sure that the kids are heading to the correct activity, as we are sticking to a precise schedule. 10:45am -12:15pm Lunch set up, serve lunch and clean up. Thank you for your time! Marcy Pettersen and Monique Collins Dear Hoffman Parents, We are offering the SchoolKidz pre-packaged back to school supply kit program as a service to the students and parents of our school. We believe this is a wonderful program for purchasing your child’s exact school supplies and encourage you to take advantage of this offer. We are taking orders starting now until June 10th. School supply kits will only be available to order on line. Special Attention: All ordered kits will now be delivered to your child’s classroom before the first day of school! School supply kits will not be distributed on Walk-In day Please follow these steps when placing your online order: 1. Go to 2. Enter the account number 5874 in the search box 3. Choose the appropriate grade level kit for third, fourth or fifth grade (including TREE) 4. Enter your child’s first and last name 5. Add to cart, confirm your order and checkout. IMPORTANT NOTE: YOU DO NOT NEED TO SIGN IN OR CREATE AN ACCOUNT WHEN CHECKING OUT. YOU MAY CHECKOUT WITHOUT AN ACCOUNT BY ENTERING YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS ONLY. 6. Input billing name and address information 7. Enter secure payment information 8. Complete order Please place your order no later June 10th, 2015. No orders will be accepted after this date. If you have any questions, please contact Jean Kim at Thank You. Family Night Set for May 6 What is “Family Night?” A night where there is no assigned homework and no scheduled activities after 5 pm for District 34 students so families can spend time together relaxing and having fun. This weekday night is being set aside across the district for families to be together where there is no assigned homework and no scheduled school activities after 5:00 p.m. ________________________________________________________ HELPFUL HINTS ABOUT CLOTHING WORN BY OUR STUDENTS As the weather continues to be warmer, students will want to wear shorts and cooler clothes. The following guidelines have been shared with your child and serves as a standard so that Hoffman School continues to be a place where learning can occur with the least amount of distractions. We politely ask you to support these guidelines in your conversations at home: 1. Shorts – no cutoffs or torn or ripped clothing. When students are standing up with their arms down at their side, shorts should be longer than their fingertips. 2. Tank tops – really should not be worn. If they are worn, there should be a shirt worn under or over it. 3. No clothing which exposes your midriff. 4. No hats may be worn inside school. 5. Your clothing must not distract you or others from the learning process. Clothing with alcoholic, smoking, drugrelated, vulgar, or violent expressions/messages/pictures will not be tolerated. Students wearing clothes of this nature will contact their parent with Mr. Walther to bring an alternative article of clothing to school. 6. Given the age group of our children, wearing make-up in school is not appropriate. A child wearing make-up will be asked to wash his/her face. (This also includes temporary hair colorings). 7. No toys may be brought to school. 8. No flip-flops may be worn at school. Thank you for your continued adherence to these standards. t h g i N a i n i y a v a M H 30th . ly d u o r P TA er, P s i n a r a d m n f u f F Ho e l / y t g n i S k ls! n u a o i n He i S v d a l O d, where aR y k s n t n u e F s e e r yar h t P g r back n i o own o r d r t a t g their n ou a S in r b in t r to n parise Gues offma invited undra style f s) are ds of H o ia is als o kid soun Ravin erine nts (n o the : t h e t t r n a a a TA e C t h p W ls. ( king pa’s P nd lis n rand ld Sou food a an/He t the G nky O rinksa Hoffm u d F d s e ir : t-cha h play ’ band rock ” whic blanke , Rolfes s g e bluesin in , r h t e m e h h t t m a y ble o ent C d of rh the “S ensem n f l le o u b o r s e b clectic piece ll). a mem g, the eightis an e last fa n r ls a e eddin u is o R m , a S o r is r t f d ld t n O O fu of ranklin buil F s is d a n h d t Funky u n he ba ra the so at, Are out fo tle Fe laying usic. T it e p L m , m s l d o u ie n o ore! C For and s armon the Ba nes. and m nder, u amic h s t o r n y e B W d h & with ss R ill Wit Stevie , any timele nes, B tions, d o a t t n S ddition p a a g k m c n tact in I o Te ll r . o , es n con ouls s, R a s lu r c b e ld t g o l, e y n u k ce. o , so the M m/fun advan rm a s o o c f funk f in . r o k e e t o t p h o ts and rdina .faceb fun nig Paren to coo get up O : www m o t o o H f / c e . in E k il li pm. a .H more would -10:30 s@gm t 6pm 8 e o a lf h n m o w r e o t r ts ail ca et is f ors op paren ouls s 0. Do via em 3 S e y ld in a r O rd, y ay, M Cathe ackya . Funk b m ’s Saturd p g 5 7-7:4 cClun . gan M is from ne 6th e t u M e J s , d y chool. a an Music man s Scott Saturd f f s o t is n H e e t t r a ble a an pa Rain d availa Hoffm g in k r a St. P rrison a H 4 202 Who: When: Where: Sign-Up: Limited to 130 guests. $30/person. To sign up please go to Please email Megan McClung at with questions. The Glenview District 34 Visual Art Show Join us for a special reception May 18, 2015 at The Glen Town Center 2651 Navy Blvd. 6:00 P.M. - 8:00 P.M. The show is available for viewing through May 27, 2015. Entry is accessible through The BookMarket during regular business hours. Please note that most sculptures will only be on display for the night of the reception! May 18 – 22, 2015 Henking & Hoffman Schools will be participating in Screen Free Week from May 18-‐22, 2015. During Screen Free Week, children and adults are encouraged to cultivate healthier lives and communities by: Turning OFF: • • • • • TV iPad computer video game consoles/devices handheld devices Turning ON: and • • • • • We have another fun week of activities lined up, so stay tuned for more details on events and promotional discounts! Physical activity Interactions with family and friends Being in the community Enjoying nature Exercising your brain Hoffman’s Book Fair Update! To everyone who came to our Book Fair to purchase books and to all who volunteered to help make it a great experience, a BIG thank you! Also, our book fair could not have been the success it was without the support and help of our Hoffman Staff. Special thanks to Mr. Walther, Mrs. Smeltekop, Nina Malis, Linda Heck, Danny Barrera, Aurora Lobont, and Dorina Schiopu. Also, thank you to Mr. Hoeft, Ms. Pagone, and Mr. Russell for the use of the gym during our 2-day adventure under the sea. Because of you, we had another super year. Your efforts resulted in more books for our classroom libraries and our LRC. Books enrich children’s lives – and we all reap the benefits. Thank you for your support of Hoffman’s Spring Book Fair! See you next year! Your 2015 Hoffman Spring Book Fair Co-chairs Kim Cardis & Leslie Houk Online Ordering. Offered again this year, our Online Book Fair will be available through May 7. You’ll have the opportunity to buy the same great books you saw at the Book Fair, plus purchase from an expanded book selection for all ages. All orders ship to the school for free. Follow the link for more information: Announcement #9 2015 Thank You Hoffman’s Book Fair Update #2 All For Books Update Thank you to all the students that participated in the All for Books Coin Collection Program and Raffle. Between the two fund raisers, you helped to raise over $500 for the All for Books Program. The money that we collected was used to buy books for Classroom Libraries and Hoffman’s LRC. Also, Scholastic matched our funds and will donate books to Kids in Distressed Situations, Inc., and Kids in Need Foundation. Thank you for your support. You should be very proud of yourselves. Book Fair Raffle Back again this year and it was another success! We raised over $90 to contribute to the All for Books Program. Raffle winners include: Basket #1 – Evan M. Basket #2 – Anjali N. Basket #3 – Michael W. Poster #1 – Daniel C. Poster #2 – Emma J. Poster #3 – Jack L. Poster #4 – Ali S. Congratulations to the winners and a special thank you to all participants for making this fund raiser a big success. Lunch with Mr. Walther Thank you for participating in our contest. This year, in keeping with our Under the Sea theme, we counted goldfish. The student whose guess was closest to this number (without going over) was Jake K. with a guess of 234 (there were 236 goldfish in the glass jar). Jake and two friends will join Mr. Walther for lunch. Congratulations! Announcement #10 2015 Update #2 May 2015 Dear Hoffman Family, We are sending this letter to remind you that the District’s online registration opportunity for the 2015-2016 school year should be completed by May 15. For parents without access to the internet, there are several computers here at school where registration can be completed. Please contact the school office for times when the computers are available. Please read carefully all of the important information below to help insure your child is properly registered to attend Hoffman School for the 2015-2016 school year. Fees – The fees this year are as follows: $199.00 book fees which include books, assignment notebook, science/technology materials, and the 1:1 Resource fee; instrumental music fee (if applicable) is $55; bus fee (if applicable) is $405 (before July 1)/$455 (after July 1). Parents have the option to pay the fees online ($4 fee per transaction) or send in a check/drop off a check at the school. Completed fee sheet should be included with your check. Please remember, one fee sheet and one check per student. Residency verification will not be part of the spring registration process. The following procedures are in place; all families new to the school district, all families who have a student entering early childhood, kindergarten, 3rd grade and 6th grade, and all families with an address change during the previous year will be required to prove residency. There may be others who need to prove on a case by case basis as well. Proof of residency documentation will be gathered over the summer at the District Office, 1401 Greenwood Road. Residency clerks will be on staff at that time to help if you have any questions. Only families needing to prove residency will receive the June mailing with more information. I will be at school during the summer preparing for the opening of school. Bus service will begin the first day of school. Hot lunches will also be available the first day of school. A student lunch will cost $2.70 and milk is available for 60 cents a carton for students who bring their lunch to school. Students have their own accounts via the computer and will continue to use their ID cards to purchase lunch. Deposits can be made to your child’s account during the summer. Your check should be submitted to the District Office. We offer free and reduced lunch programs at Hoffman. If you feel you may qualify, please call the school office and we will send you the appropriate form. If your child needs any medication administered by the health coordinator during the school day (prescription or over the counter medication such as Tylenol, cough drops, allergy medications, etc.), a medication form must be completed and signed by a parent/guardian and the doctor every school year. All prescription medication must be in a pharmacy vial or original over the counter packaging and labeled appropriately. Medication forms can be found on the district website/parent tab/frequently used forms. NO MEDICATIONS of any kind will be accepted into the Health Office until both the parent/guardian and doctor complete the required medication form. If your child is not returning to Hoffman or will not attend Springman or Attea Middle Schools this fall, please notify the school office. Please put Thursday, August 13 on your calendar. On this day, all parents are kindly asked to bring their child(ren) to Hoffman School to receive his/her class list and bus route sheet. We will be distributing these items from 9:30-11:30 am and 5:00-6:30 pm. Checks for lunch deposits will be accepted. Lunch ID cards and bus passes will be distributed the first day of school. You may want to consider a short walk through the school after you’ve picked up these materials to locate your child’s classroom. Your prompt attention to our online registration will be greatly appreciated. We kindly request that all online registration information and payment of fees are completed May 15, 2015. The information you provide us is vital to our staff and is kept on file for the safety and welfare of your child. If you have any questions, please call me at your convenience at 998-5040 or 998-5042. We look forward to a pleasant and rewarding year for your child(ren). Have an enjoyable and safe summer! Sincerely, Mark Walther Principal Hoffman Elementary Art Vol 8 May 1, 2015 SMART NEWS We put the ART in SMART Third Grade Throughout the year the students have been learning about the elements of art. They are ending the year learning about texture. They created implied texture when making their seahorse paintings but now they are making actual texture using clay. Colorsaurus Thanks to a generous donation from the PTA, the art students have fun “Colorsaurus” color wheels to help them learn about color theory and color families including: warm and cool, primary, secondary, and intermediate, tints and shades, and the making of secondary and intermediate colors. Fourth Grade Utilizing a variety of line and color the students are making self portrait hands. They are using images and patterns to communicate ideas much like the Ndebele tribe of South Africa did. Fifth Grade The students completed the finishing touches on their scenery and props. Using different art medium, they combined their talents to make colorful imagery to visually support the performers. Be a part of the audience on May 14th at 7:00pm or May 15th at 9:00am. Look Up, Look down, Art is all around 1 Hoffman Elementary Art Vol 8 Thanks Mrs. Woods!! As part of our “Art Out Loud” series, Mrs. Davis’s class was visited by Camryn Woods’ mom. She is a professional illustrator and she shared her talents with the class. She started out drawing comics books as a child and has worked on movies, advertising, websites and she is currently doing work for Metra. Students were amazed as she drew a likeness of Camryn right before their eyes. May 1, 2015 The Dear Edwina Show Working as a team is a very important skill. Not only is a team member expected to contribute ideas, but individuals must also listen to the ideas of others, share and display responsibility, and respectfully encourage and support everyone on the team. When these qualities are successfully combined great results are achieved. This can be seen in scenery and prop designs that the fifth grade artists created, painted and cut out. Combining the elements of art (shape, line, color, space, value, texture and form) the students created an inviting environment for “The Dear Edwina Show”. Look for more pictures on our art website. Go to the musical drop down under 5th grade. Kahoot The students have enjoyed taking tests! You read that right. Thanks to “Kahoot” an online quizzing system, the students actively participate and look forward to taking quizzes and tests in art. Check out Kahoot and participate in a public quiz to see what all of the excitement is about. Website Don’t forget to log onto our Art Website to see student work, assessments, how to draw packets, and other art room information. Look Up, Look down, Art is all around 2 Food Service Newsletter May | 2015 Hoffman + Specials Henking Food Service Staff + Contact us at: (847) 486-7711 Visit us at: foods to look out for in May Beets Cauliflower Garlic Leeks Mushrooms Onions Macaroni & Cheese with Mini Buns May 8 Chicken and Cheese Quesadillas May 15 Mini Hamburgers on Mini Buns May 22 Macaroni & Cheese and Mini Corn Dogs Attea School 2500 Chestnut Ave Glenview, IL 60026 + In- season May 1 May 29 Spicy Chicken Patty on a Bun All meals are served with milk, fruit and vegetable options. Super Foods Knowing how to make the most out of your diet can be difficult. These “Super Foods” are packed with nutrients, help support your immune system, and keep you full. Many of them can be found in your fridge! Sweet Potatoes- Filled with a ton of Vitamin A, potassium and fiber this vegetable promotes good vision. Eggs- Eggs provide high-quality protein in your diet to help build muscle and prevent muscle loss. Berries- Berries are full of dietary fiber, phytonutrients and vitamin C. Blueberries have a good source of manganese that helps the body process cholesterol, carbohydrates and protein. This institution is an equal opportunity provider. Kiwis- This little green fruit contains almost 2.5 times the recommended daily allowance of vitamin C! Support your immune system with this green power house. Beans- When you need some fiber look no further than a can of beans! Packed with fiber and protein beans keep you fuller longer. Yogurt- Yogurt contains probiotics that help maintain the balance of bacteria in your digestive tract and support your immune system. ! ! ! May 4 - May 8 Please join the PTA and parent volunteers as we celebrate National Teacher Appreciation Week May 4-May 8. We are planning a very special week to honor our incredible teachers and staff at Henking. There will be special events everyday, including a catered luncheon on Wednesday, May 6. There are many ways you can help and we need your participation to make this week a success! Please log on to our Volunteer Website at to find out how you can be part of this special week. Questions about Henking TA Week? Contact Nicole Carlson ( Questions about Henking TA Luncheon? Contact Theresa Rasmussen ( Dear Parents, On Monday, May 18th, award-winning children’s author Dan Gutman will be visiting Hoffman School. Dan is the author of the New York Times bestselling Genius Files series, as well as the internationally bestselling My Weird School series and the Baseball Card Adventure series, among many others. He will be happy to autograph and personalize his titles for students. Books are available on a pre-order basis and can only be guaranteed if your order is received by Monday, May 11th. Prices reflect a 10% discount, plus tax Quantity Title Cost Featuring black-and-white photographs and stats throughout, plus back matter separating fact from fiction, Willie & Me is the perfect mix of history and action for every young baseball fan. With wisdom from all the players he has helped before--plus the surprise return of some familiar faces--Stosh uses his power to travel in time using baseball cards one last time in a fabulous finale to the adventure of a lifetime. $15.55 Willie and Me Personalized to: Hardcover, ages 10 and up. Honus and Me Personalized to: The first book in the Baseball Card Adventure series! When young Joe Stoshack finds the most valuable baseball card in the world, a Honus Wagner T-206, in a pile of garbage, he thinks he's struck it rich. It turns out the card is worth more than money. It's his ticket to a time-travel adventure to a historic world series game, with one of the greatest baseball players who ever lived. $5.80 Paperback, ages 10 and up. Genius Files: License to Thrill Personalized to: Personalized to: Before they reach the finish line, the twins will be abducted by aliens, trapped with a venomous snake, pushed through a deadly turbine, and thrown into a volcano. Craziest of all, their parents might finally believe them! Will the twins make it back home to California in one piece, or will they fall off the top of the Golden Gate Bridge? It's all coming to an end with the fifth book in the Genius Files series. Genius Files #1: Mission Unstoppable The most exciting road trip in history begins! In this action-packed, New York Times bestselling adventure, twelve-year-old twins Coke and Pepsi McDonald embark on a family vacation you'll have to read to believe. As Coke and Pepsi dodge nefarious villains from the Pez museum in California all the way to the Infinity Room in Wisconsin, blackand-white photographs and maps put young readers right into the action. $16.50 Hardcover, ages 9-12. $6.80 Paperback, ages 9-12. Total The Homework Machine The unlikely foursome made up of a geek, a class clown, a teacher's pet, and a slacker -Brenton, Sam, Judy and Kelsey, respectively, -- are bound together by one very big secret: the homework machine. Because the machine, code named Belch, is doing their homework for them, they start spending a lot of time together, attracting a lot of attention. And attention is exactly what you don't want when you are keeping a secret. Personalized to: $6.80 Paperback, ages 10 and up. Million Dollar Shot “When Eddie Ball wins a poetry contest sponsored by a local candy company, he gets a chance to earn a million dollars by sinking a free throw at an NBA finals game. Gutman succeeds in generating plenty of excitement for the big moment, but he isn't afraid to slow the pace to focus on Eddie's relationships with his widowed mother; with his best friend, Annie, an African American girl who lives in his trailer park; and with Annie's dad, who blew his chance to make it to the NBA and is determined to see Eddie succeed.”-- Booklist Personalized to: $5.80 Paperback, ages 10 and up. Miss Daisy is Crazy “Principal Klutz agrees to ‘rent out’ the school for a night (and wear a gorilla suit) if the children read a million pages. Can they do it? The humorous, simply written story, first in the My Weird School series, gets its zest largely from A. J.'s lively, first-person commentary on school life and legend. Reluctant students will have no trouble relating to A. J., and breezy Miss Daisy illustrates how respecting kids and balancing learning with fun can produce positive results.” --Booklist Personalized to: $4.85 Paperback, ages 7-9 Back to School, Weird Kids Rule! Summer is almost over --time to head back to school! But when a tropical storm ends A.J.'s vacation earlier than expected, he and his family have to stay at Andrea's house. Ugh, disgusting! When everyone in the house starts getting cabin fever, and even back-to-school shopping won't calm the kids down, Andrea and A.J. are sent to Camp Ockatollyquay. The catch? It's a camp to get kids ready for school! But not to worry--Andrea and A.J. rally the Ella Mentry School gang to end their summer on a note they'll never forget. Personalized to: Thank You! ORDERS DUE May 11th ! Cash or ! Check (payable to “The Book Stall”) enclosed $5.80 Paperback, ages 7-9 Total: Child’s Name: ________________________________ Classroom Teacher: _______________________ Grade:_______________ D ISTRICT 3 4 PARENT SUPPORT GROUP MAY 13, 2015 9:30 A.M. – 11:00 A.M. YOUTH SERVICES OF GLENVIEW BUILDING 3080 WEST LAKE STREET GLENVIEW, ILLINOIS FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: KAREN HITZEMAN – KJHITZEMAN@AMERITECH.NET The District 34 Parent Support Group is open to all. The group is designed for open discussions related to any issues you may be experiencing with your children and family. Frequently discussed issues include, anxiety, homework management, testing, depression, ADHD, bullying and social challenges. This is a confidential group moderated by Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Kathryn Lamermayer.
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