Request for Quotes - Apartments Rehab

Request for Quotes - Apartments Rehab
The Hoh Indian Tribe wishes to engage a General Contractor to rehabilitate four residential
apartments located on the Hoh Indian Reservation.
Summary of Work
The apartments have been in use for many years and the Hoh Tribe desires to have them
returned to good living condition. All require some work; one requires extensive rehabilitation.
The apartments are located on a cul-de-sac on the south side of Lower Hoh Road as shown
below, 2.2 miles off Highway 101. Lower Hoh Road is at MP 167.59 of Highway 101, about a
half hour south of Forks.
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General Description of Work
The work generally consists of the rehabilitation of apartment 2213-1, a new metal roof on
apartment building 2213, underground roof drainage piping for apartment building 2213,
smaller items of work on the remaining three apartments, and miscellaneous work, all as
described below.
The intention of this work is to return the apartments to good living conditions. To this end the
quality of the contractor's work shall conform to regular practices of the trades or better for
work on existing residential units, unless otherwise specified. Where the type and quality of a
particular item of work can be determined from the existing item, or from the same item in
another apartment unit, the work shall be the same or better than that existing item.
The following lists are intended to describe finished items of work, complete and operable in all
respects, except for portions which may be clearly described as not included. To this end the
Contractor shall determine if any unlisted work is necessary for each item and shall determine
the labor, materials, tools, equipment, supervision, etc. necessary for the unlisted work and
shall include the full cost of thereof in his quote, and shall complete all such work the same as
if it were fully described. In the case of uncertainty, the Contractor may list specific items of
work which are not included in his quote.
Apartment Building 2213
New metal roof. Remove and dispose of existing asphaltic roofing material down to the
roof sheathing. Replace with new metal roofing of the same type, gauge, and color as
on building 2215. Flash and/or caulk or use jacks for all roof penetrations. Protect or
replace existing gutters and downspouts. Remove (2) unused satellite dishes. Verify the
(1) active dish with the resident of apartment 2213-2. Reset active dish after installing
new roof.
Underground roof drainage piping. Bury new 3" or 4" diameter HDPE flex pipe or rigid
PVC pipe from downspouts of the building at 1/4 in to 1 ft (2%) slope or steeper to
daylight. Route pipe from southern corners and northeast corner to behind (east of) the
building. Route pipe from northwest corner to roadside ditch. Provide a minimum of one
foot of cover over pipe. Provide appropriate connections at downspouts. Locate and
avoid sewer pipes. Pull grass and sod away from building foundation at north and south
ends of building.
Install building number. Install building number (2213) on north end of the building
(facing Lower Hoh Road) offset to the west side (towards the cul-de-sac). Digits size
and color to be easily read from the Road.
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Apartment 2213-1:
(This unit had previously been numbered 1)
1. Remove and dispose of all interior drywall, including in the exterior storage area
located near the front door.
2. Replace attic access hatch. Match existing type and quality.
3. Install new drywall, including ceilings.
4. Replace all door and window trim.
5. Replace all baseboard trim.
6. Replace all window sills. Match existing style and quality.
7. Paint interior of house and associated storage area with one coat of Kilz sealing
paint and one coat of semi-gloss latex interior paint. Paint or otherwise finish all
door, window, and other trim. Coordinate colors with Housing Director.
8. Remove and dispose of all flooring. Install new vinyl flooring. Coordinate pattern
and colors with Housing Director. Quality per existing.
9. Replace tiling assembly under wood stove.
10. Replace all interior light fixtures. Match existing type and quality.
11. Replace front and back entrance lights. Match type with existing on apartment
12. Repair doorbell system, to include a new button at front door.
13. Install new GFI outlets, kitchen and bathrooms.
14. New wall mounted heaters of same wattage as existing baseboard heaters.
Heaters to be Cadet, Pic-a-watt or equivalent quality. Replace existing
thermostats if necessary.
15. New range hood. Connect to existing ductwork.
16. New kitchen cabinets, counter tops, and overhead cabinets. Match existing
configuration, type, and location. Include new sink and faucet assembly.
17. New bathroom vanity and medicine cabinet. Include new sink and faucet
assembly. Match existing type and quality.
18. New shower curtain and rod.
19. New towel racks (2) in bathroom.
20. New bathroom fan.
21. Replace all closet doors and tracks. Match existing style and quality.
22. Replace all closet shelving and rods. Match existing style and quality.
23. Replace all electrical outlet and light switch covers.
24. Repair/replace non functional electrical outlet outside of front door.
25. Repair/replace non functional electrical outlet near living room window.
26. New, pre-hung front door and frame. Match style and quality of existing doors on
building 2215.
27. Remove front and back screen doors.
28. Install Door knobs (with locks) and deadbolt locks, front and back doors with
hardware (KwikSet SmartKey) supplied by Tribe.
29. New blinds on all windows.
30. New window screens on all windows
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31. Earthquake strap for water heater
32. Install new smoke alarm in hallway near kitchen. Install new smoke alarms in all
rooms which are separated from living room/kitchen by doors, not including
closets. Install new batteries in all smoke alarms.
33. Install carbon monoxide alarm in hallway.
34. Caulk all around outside of duplex between bottom of siding and flashing at
foundation wall.
35. Install apartment number (#1) near front door where it will be illuminated by the
porch light and visible from the cul-de-sac.
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Apartment 2213-2
(This unit had previously been numbered 2)
1. Install new GFI outlets, kitchen and bathrooms
2. Earthquake strap for water heater
3. Caulk all around outside of duplex between bottom of siding and flashing at
foundation wall.
4. Replace any missing or damaged smoke alarms in hallway near kitchen and in
any rooms which are separated from living room/kitchen by doors, not including
closets. Install new batteries in all smoke alarms.
5. Repair front door so it opens, closes and locks easily
6. Replace bathroom fan timer switch.
7. Repair closet door so it opens and closes smoothly.
8. Replace front and back entrance lights. Match type with existing on front of
apartments 2215-1 or 2215-2
9. New window screens on all windows
10. Install apartment number (#2) near front door where it will be illuminated by the
porch light and visible from the cul-de-sac.
Apartment Building 2215
Sewer Pump Station Electric Service Boxes. This assembly is mounted on a post to the
northwest of apartment 2215-1. Repair or replace the electric service box (facing road)
as necessary to allow the electric shutoff to be locked (locking lug is broken off handle).
Repair or replace sewer control box (facing away from road) so access panel can be
Install building number. Install building number (2215) on north end of the building
(facing Lower Hoh Road) offset to the east side (towards the cul-de-sac). Digits size
and color to be easily read from the Road.
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Apartment 2215-1
(This unit had previously been numbered 3)
Replace GFI outlets, kitchen and bathrooms.
New blinds for both kitchen windows.
Earthquake straps for water heater
Caulk all around outside of duplex between bottom of siding and flashing at
foundation wall.
5. Replace light fixture at back door. Match existing at front door.
6. Replace any missing or damaged smoke alarms in hallway near kitchen and in
any rooms which are separated from living room/kitchen by doors, not including
closets. Install new batteries in all smoke alarms.
7. Repair or replace dryer vent.
8. Replace weatherstripping on bottom of back door.
9. Install Door knobs (with locks) and deadbolt locks, front and back doors with
hardware (KwikSet SmartKey) supplied by Tribe.
10. Re-anchor baseboard heater in bathroom.
11. Patch and paint hole at base of wall behind toilet in bathroom.
12. Replace baseboard trim in bathroom.
13. Install and caulk trim or metal strip (L-metal) where bathroom tub meets floor.
14. Replace stopper assembly in bathroom sink.
15. New shower curtain and rod.
16. Patch and paint drywall in entrance closet.
17. Replace wood trim around tile assembly under wood stove.
18. New window screens on all windows
19. Install apartment number (#1) near front door where it will be illuminated by the
porch light and visible from the cul-de-sac.
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Apartment 2215-2
(This unit had previously been numbered 4)
1. Replace GFI outlets, kitchen and bathrooms
2. Replace bathroom fan timer switch
3. Caulk all around outside of duplex between bottom of siding and flashing at
foundation wall.
4. Install new batteries in all smoke alarms.
5. Reset laundry room and associated storage room doors so they operate easily
and lock securely.
6. Replace front and back entrance lights. Match type with existing on apartment
7. Replace or repair bedroom door knob which does not function.
8. Install new threshold/moulding on bottom of bedroom closet door.
9. New window screens on all windows
10. Install apartment number (#2) near front door where it will be illuminated by the
porch light and visible from the cul-de-sac.
Provide a single quote for performing all of the work described.
Mail or deliver three hard copies to the attention of Cynthia Wallace at:
2269 Lower Hoh Rd, PO Box 2196, Forks, WA 98331.
Alternately, sent quotes in .pdf format via email to:
with cc. to: and
Quotes should be received no later than 12:00 noon on Monday, May 29, 2015.
Timing of the Work
It is anticipated that the successful contractor will be notified by one calendar week.
and will obtain approval to proceed by one more week.
The contractor will then diligently pursue the work and substantially complete it within 28
working days (calendar days less weekends, Tribal holidays, and approved shut downs such
as for weather, power outages, etc.).
The Tribe requests two working days notice when the Contractor anticipates working outside of
normal working hours (8:00 AM - 5:00 PM) or other than normal working days so it can
schedule Tribal personnel accordingly.
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Utility Locates
The Hoh Tribe operates water, sewer, and drainage utilities in the vicinity of this project. The
Hoh Tribe is not a member of the One Call Center. The contractor shall therefore notify the
Tribe (360-374-6090) of any Utility Locate request at the same time as the One Call Center is
Disposal of Debris
The contractor shall be responsible for disposing of all debris resulting from work under this
Job Site Safety and Security
The Contractor shall be responsible for the safety and security of his work zone(s). To protect
the public from harm and to protect his materials and equipment, he may erect security fencing
and/gates or otherwise restrict access to all or parts of the site for the duration of his work.
Whether the Contractor elects to restrict access or to use other methods, he remains fully
responsibility for the safety of the public and for the security of his materials and equipment
and work already performed at the site.
Units 2213-2 and 2215-2 are occupied. The contractor shall coordinate work on the interior of
these units with the residents. The contractor shall not restrict access to occupied units.
The project is entirely on lands within the Hoh Indian Reservation. There are no building
permits necessary for this project. The Contractor shall be responsible for any other permits
and/or fees that may be necessary for his work.
This is a federal prevailing wage project. Contractor shall submit Intent to Pay Prevailing Wage
and Affidavit of Wages Paid forms along with any other forms required by the federal HUD
prevailing wage regulations.
Sales Tax
This work will be performed on the Hoh Indian Reservation. Washington State sales tax does
NOT apply to work performed on the Reservation or materials delivered on the Reservation.
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A Washington State Sales Tax Exemption Certificate will be provided to the contractor at the
time the contract is executed.
Bonds, License, Insurance, and Absence of Disqualification
The contractor shall submit copies of his General Contractor's Bond, General Contractor's
License, and Insurance Certificate(s). The Insurance Certificate(s) shall name the Hoh Indian
Tribe as a named insured.
The contractor must not be disqualified by HUD under the Limited Denial of Participation, HUD
Funding Disqualifications and Voluntary Abstentions list.
Progress Payments
The contractor shall submit his invoice upon substantial completion of the work.
If the project completion is delayed more than 45 calendar days beyond the date when
approval to begin work is given, the Contractor may submit monthly invoices for progress
payments for work performed up through the last calendar day of each month.
Substantial Completion and Final Payment
Payment may be made at the option of the Tribe, and upon invoice by the Contractor, 30 days
after the date that the Tribe confirms in writing that the project is Substantially Complete.
Substantially Complete means the work is completed except for minor items remaining as
listed in a written Punch List. If payment is made based on Substantial Completion, the Tribe
will continue to retain an amount equal to 200% of the cost of completing the Punch List items
as estimated by the Tribe. Final payment will be made upon completion of the Punch List work
but in no case earlier than 30 days after the date of Substantial Completion.
No Waiver of Sovereign Immunity
Neither the request for quotes nor any resulting contract shall constitute a waiver of the Hoh
Tribe's sovereign immunity from suit and neither shall be construed to imply such a waiver.
Any contract resulting from the request for quotes will include the following language upholding
the Hoh Tribe's sovereign immunity:
"The Hoh Tribe is a sovereign nation and nothing in this contract shall be deemed to have
waived sovereign immunity. Any disputes arising out of this contract shall be heard in the Hoh
Tribal Court. Any claims of Hoh Tribal liability are limited to and shall not exceed the total
contract price, whether in contract, negligence, tort, or howsoever the Tribe's liability for loss or
damage in respect of any one occurrence or series of occurrences arising out of one event."
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Form for Quote
The request for quotes is not a formal call for bids but rather a request for quotes. The
Contractor is free to use whatever format he chooses for his quote and to include such
information as he wishes. The quote should reference this document using the title and date at
the bottom of this page.
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