Hokianga Health Hauora Hokianga Private Bag, Kaikohe Ph: (09) 4057 709 COMMUNITY NEWSLETTER No. 228 Fax: (09) 4057 329 APRIL 2015 This newsletter is published monthly to keep you informed of what is happening at Hokianga Health. If you have any comments, contributions or questions, please contact Chrissie Williams at the hospital on (09) 4057-320, or the Trustees for your clinic area. RURAL HOSPITAL MEDICINE AWARD COPTHORNE HOKIANGA HALF MARATHON 2015 - Rawene to Opononi - Saturday 11 April 2015. It is not too late for a late registration – and it is a great way to exercise and socialise! Registration forms are available at all our clinics or online at www.lionsclubs.org.nz/hokianga. . FLU VACCINATIONS Flu vax supplies have been delayed and will not be here until the end of April. We will let you know when they arrive and you can book your shot at that stage. Dr Kati Blattner was recently awarded the Peter Snow award for excellence in Rural Innovation, recognising her contribution to the advancement of diagnostic capabilities in Rawene Hospital and analytical research as well as her roles as a lead organizer for the Postgraduate Diploma in Rural and Provincial Hospital Medicine, primary instigator of the DRMNZ/Cook Islands and enthusiastic teacher of rural trainee doctors at all levels. Kati is pictured here with the Trust Chair Hiku Cherrington and Deputy Chair Frank Herbert after the presentation. ARTHRITIS NZ is running a GOUT AWARENESS campaign - here are 10 things you may not know 1 Gout is second most common form of arthritis in NZ 2 Gout is caused by too much uric acid in the blood. It’s normal and healthy to have some uric acid in your body and most people get rid of it through their urine. 3 High levels of uric acid can turn into very sharp crystals making joints very painful, often the big toe. 4 About 80 %of the time high uric acid is caused by genes, weight or kidney problems. About 20 % is caused by food and drink – eg meat, seafood, beer, fizzy drinks. 5 Gout is 3 times more common in men than women. 6 Many Māori & Pacific men are genetically more likely to get gout – an estimated 14% of Pacific men have it. 7 If you think you may have gout, go and see your GP or visit the Arthritis New Zealand website. 8 Gout can be easily managed effective medicines 9 Taking medication every day can help control gout, as can losing weight, eating healthy food and staying away from alcohol and fizzy drinks. 10 10. Former All Black and Hurricane Neemia Tialata prop has gout – and controls it with daily medication and diet. BEFORE SCHOOL CHECKS The community nursing team have been frustrated and disappointed with attendance at Before School Checks, particularly at Broadwood, Rawene and Taheke . In total of 42 children booked in, only TEN checks were able to be done. We have 56 checks still to be done by June. We have managed to book an additional clinic on 13 & 14 April in Kohukohu, Mangamuka, Rawene and Taheke. This involves a tremendous number of hours spent phoning and organising. Each clinic involves two or three RNs and a KMT. This is a valuable check for your child’s wellbeing and their ability to learn at school – but it is a tremendous waste of resources if you don’t turn up! We will contribute to your transport costs. DENTAL SERVICE The dental service will be at Taheke and Opononi in April, and the dental bus Neemo will be at the kura in Whirinaki The community dentists are with us two days a fortnight - please make an appointment if you are eligible for treatment. o contact our service phone 4057 656, or mobile bus Neemo on 4095 851. Where does my koha go? Hokianga Health strives to provide a quality service for our people despite very limited funding. When you give a donation for your care it will be used to contribute to the general running of the service. Money raised for a particular aspect will be used for that purpose. AFTER HOURS IS FOR A & E VISITS ONLY Please note that our after hours service is not for minor ailments that could be seen during the week. If you turn up after hours or on weekends with something that could wait please expect that you may be triaged and then given an appointment for the next clinic day. Website www.hokiangahealth.org.nz Like us on Facebook Hauora Hokianga` Pouaka Poutapeta, Kaikohe Waea: (09) 4057 709 Waea Whakaahua: (09) 4057 329 PANUI–A-IWI RUA RAU ME TE RUA TEKAU MA WARU Aperira 2015 E tūhia ana tēnei pānui kia noho mohio ai te iwi whānui ki ngā whakahaerenga o Hauora Hokianga. Mehemea he whakaaro ōu, he pātai rānei, he awhina rānei, me whakapā mai ki a Kirihi W iremu i te Hohipere o Rāwene; nama waea (09) 4057 320; me whakapā atu rānei ki te tarahiti o tōu rohe kainga noho. HOKIANGA HIKOI - OMA ROA O TE COPTHORNE 2015 Half Marathon - Rawene ki Opononi Rahoroi 11th Apereira 2015. Kitea kanohi ana i te tini o te tangata e hikoi haere ana, e oma haere ana i nga rori o te kainga e whakareri mai ana mo tenei kaupapa. Taaria te waa, ka puta te karanga kia rehitatia mai ki te kaupapa, hoi ano raa, kia kaha raa, kia uu ki te mahi whakangungu i te tinana, kia ora ake ai. FLU VACCINATIONS Enei rongoa kei te haere mai tonu. A te marama o Apereira ka puta mai ano I riro I to tatou rata Dr Kati Blattner te Peter Snow award for excellence in Rural Innovation. I roto tona mohiotanga i puta i ia tona koha kia whakaeke atu nga rapu mate kaharawa mo to tatou hohipere me tona rangahau whakapakari enei take. Ano i tona kaha ki te ako, ki te hapai te Postgraduate Diploma in Rural and Provincial Hospital Medicine, primary instigator of the DRMNZ/Cook Islands me tona ngakaunui kia akonga nga tauira rata taiwhenua ahua te rereka. I tenei pikitea e tu mai ana Kati me te tumuaki tarahiti a Hiku Cherrington me te kairiwhi a Frank Herbert To raua harihari ki tenei ARTHRITIS NZ Kei te hikoi nga matauranga o ARTHRITIS NZ mo te mamae koute. He whakaaro ko e tahi tirohanga mo te tangata Te mamae Koute e rite ki te mamae arthritis. Na te mea e rere eke ana te toto o te tangata ka eke atu te kawa, ka hono te pakeke I roto o hononga, na ka tino paa te mamae I MUA O TE KURA ATA TITIRO E awangawanga ana nga naahi I te mea horekau nga tamariki e tae atu ki enei titironga. Te iti o nga tamariki ko tirohia, engari the nui o nga tamariki horekau ke ano kia tirohia. Enei tirohanga me oti a Hune. No reira ko whiwhi ra ano mo enei tirohanga – 13 & 14 April kei Kohukohu, Mangamuka, Rawene and Taheke. Kei a matou te koha mo to waka. HAUORA NIHO Kei Taheke me Opononi tenei kaupapa e mahi ana i te waa nei, e tirohia ana nga niho a nga tamariki katoa. Kei te hohipere te pahi niho a Neemo e tuu ana, e mahi ana mo tetahi marama te roa. Ka hoki mai ano nga rata niho ki te mahi a te Pepuere, ka mutu, ko nga tino karanga awhina whakaora niho, waea atu te nama 0800 MYTEETH, ka haere ranei ki teetahi rata niho kee atu. Mea nei nga nama waea mo nga mahi hauora niho o Hauora Hokianga - 4057 656 - Neemo 4095 851. Mena e pupuhi ana o hononga, ka whero te ahua, e mamae ana koe, me korero ki to rata. Mohio ana te rata heaha te rongoa pai kia kore te mamae e tino whakaroa. Muri atu tena, ma te rata e whakaaro rongoa tika mo nga wa e heke mai ana. KIA PUTA TE WHAKAARO MO NGA HAORA RATONGA OHORERE (i muri atu haora) Enei haora mo ratonga ohorere anake, no reira mena e mauiui ana koe horekau he ohooho, me haeremai ki nga haora o te ra. E HAERE ANA TOKU KOHA KI HEA? E hari ana Hauora Hokianga mo to koha, Enei moni e haere ana ki te awhi i nga mahi nui o te hohipere. Engari mena to koha mo te tahi atu kaupapa o te hohipere na ka whiwhi to koha ki reira. Kia ora ki a koutou mo to koha www.hokiangahealth.org.nz
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