Friends of the Holmes Public Library Member Newsletter Spring/Summer 2015 Supporting the Holmes Public Library since 1987 Letter from the Friends’ President Contents Letter from President 1 Note from Director 1 Treasurer’s Report 2 Past Events 2 Upcoming Events 3 Volunteers Needed 4 Membership Info 4 Current Board 4 It's been a busy season for the Friends of the Library! With your membership support, we have been able to sponsor several programs for adults and children and even purchase items needed at the library such as the new Bruins display case. Without Friends like you, the Holmes Public Library wouldn't be the gem that it is! some of these volunteers are planning to step down. Without others to volunteer, the Friends of the Library will not be able to continue its work to support the library. The time commitment is about two hours a month, but the rewards that come from volunteering are much greater! If you can help or would like to We need to ask our Friends to step know more, please contact the up to help support the library in library or email the Friends at the next few months. In May, the Friends of the Holmes Public Don't forget that the annual Book Library will hold elections for board and Bake sale will be here soon! member positions. Currently, the Get your donations ready! We Friends is led by a small group of appreciate all of your support! community members who have volunteered their time and talents Thank you! for many years. Unfortunately, Jen Packard Note from the Library Director Upcoming Events Books in Bloom Volunteer Appreciation Annual Book & Bake Sale On behalf of all of the staff and myself I want to thank you, the Friends of the Library, for your generous donations of time and money, and all of the volunteer work and fundraising! Without the Friends, we could not have our amazing summer reading programs for children. (Miss Marie has already been planning the Heroes-themed program for this summer for months!) We would also not have extra copies of the books on middle and high school summer reading lists. Over the past several months, in addition to much else, the Friends have funded purchases of step stools for the rest rooms (bought at the suggestion of a young man who couldn’t reach the sink) and a frame for the signed hockey shirt given by the Boston Bruins after a storytime with Blades last August. Thank you! Laurie Cavanaugh Page 2 Treasurer’s Report & Other News Friends Newsletter Treasurer’s Report – March 25, 2015 1. Account Balances a. Checking Account Balance: $1,747.78 b. Savings Account Balance: $4180.74 TOTAL FUNDS ON ACCOUNT The Friends’ 5th Annual Silent Auction – organized each year by Joan Brides – brought in $803 last December. The best year ever! Thank you to all who donated items and placed bids! $5928.52 2. Income Received Since Last Meeting a. Memberships (2) $27.00 b. Ongoing Book Sale $95.00 c. Savings Account Interest TOTAL INCOME $0.10 $122.10 3. Expenses Paid Since Last Meeting “A library outranks any other one thing a community can do to benefit its people. It is a never failing spring in the desert.” – Andrew Carnegie a. Step stools for bathrooms $29.18 b. Bruins Jersey display case $119.95 c. Poland Springs H20 service $7.77 d. W.B. Mason coffee supplies $53.71 TOTAL EXPENSES $210.61 Short Story Contest and Words with “Friends” The Friends of the Librarychallenged the community with a Very Short Story Contest in March. Stories could be no longer than 400 words, but the trick was that words with the letter “A” weren’t allowed. wasn’t eligible to win… despite submitting an extremely original robot story! Words with “Friends” on Saturday, March 28, was a challenging round of Scrabble-like word puzzles, also Maybe it was a bit too challenging, organized by Mike Lynch. It was a lot because only five brave souls of fun, and we hope Mike will offer entered the contest, including it again in the future for those who couldn’t make it! contest organizer Mike Lynch, who Short Story Contest Winners 1st - Laurie Cavanaugh,Confidence Crisis 2nd - Michael Fruzzetti, Kudos to Dell 3rd - Janet M Poulos, Villano 4th-Joanne Harris, My Terrible TwentyFour-Hour Day Thank you to Mike and the contest judges, including Selectman Kim Roy! Friends Newsletter Upcoming Events Page 3 Books in Bloom Show & Volunteer Appreciation Make a floral or craft arrangement designed around the cover of a favorite book and display it at the library for Books in Bloom in May! Please register by April 28 and set up your display on Saturday, May 2, 1011:30 a.m. Then, come in May 2nd–8th to vote for your favorite display! Prize certificates will be awarded at the tea on Saturday, May 9th, following Spouting Off! a pottery demonstration at 11 a.m. Spouting Off! — a demonstration of teapots from around the world by master potter Rick Hamelin — is funded by the Halifax Cultural Council, a local agency funded by the Massachusetts Cultural Council, a state agency. Books in Bloom is sponsored by the Friends of the Library. “Spouting Off” Teapots from Around the World Saturday, May 9, 11:00 a.m. Followed by the Volunteer Appreciation Tea. All welcome! Friends’ Annual Book & Bake Sale — May 30, 10–1 The Friends’ Annual Book & Bake Sale on Sat., May 30, 10-1, is a major fundraiser for the group! Please bring your donations of gently used books, DVDs, and CDs to the library starting May 1. Donations of baked goods may be brought to the library on Friday, May 29, or the morning of the sale. Please bring donations during open hours only (Mon & Wed 12-8; Tues, Thurs, & Fri, 10-5; and Sat, 10-2.) This year, the Friends are trying something new…keeping the sale up during the following week through Friday, June 5, for anyone who can’t make it the day of the sale. Volunteers are needed to help set up on the evening of Wed., May 27, and at 9 a.m. on the morning of the sale, as well as to help out during the sale. Volunteers are also needed for clean-up on Sat., June 6, 10-12. If you would like to be added to the Friends volunteer list, please email or call the library at 781-293-2271. TixKeeper — Reserve Museum Passes Online Through support from the Friends and from the Halifax Cultural Council, the Holmes Public Library has several passes/coupons that provide discounted or free admission to area museums. April vacation week fills up fast, but please remember there is a limit of one pass per family per day! TixKeeper is funded with federal funds administered by the state Board of Library Commissioners. Now, with the library’s new TixKeeper page, you may reserve a pass online with your library card number instead of waiting for the library to be open and remembering to call. Try it out at! To keep up with all library and town events by email, subscribe to the Holmes Public Library monthly enewsletter at BookLetters_Signup.html This year, the Book & Bake Sale will be held on May 30 (the last Saturday of May) instead of the usual first Saturday in June. Please come on the day of the sale for the best selection, but the sale will be left up during library hours through June 5! Museum Passes Boston Children's Museum Harvard Museum of Natural History Heritage Museums & Gardens** JFK Library & Museum Massachusetts Parks Museum of Fine Arts** Museum of Science New England Aquarium Plimoth Plantation & Mayflower II* Roger Williams Park Zoo USS Constitution Museum *funded by the Halifax Cultural Council **funded by the Friends How Can You Help? Friends of the Holmes Public Library 470 Plymouth St. Halifax, MA 02338 Phone (781) 293-2271 E-mail The Friends of the Holmes Public Library need volunteers to join the Friends board (see p. 1). Volunteer bakers are needed for the Book & Bake sale (see p. 3) and for the Volunteer Appreciation Tea (see p. 3), and for help during both events. extras that aren’t included in the library’s regular budget. The Friends are a very friendly group of library supporters who meet monthly (10x/year) and organize fundraisers to pay for Purchase a Friends insulated tumbler w/straw or backpack (great for summer car trips!) Support the Book & Bake Sale Encourage a friend to join/renew Attend the Apr. 22 or May meeting and share your ideas! Membership Information National Library Week is April 12-18, so this is a great month to join or renew! Wondering if your membership is current? Please ask at the library or check with Corresponding Secretary Maureen Rogers at 781-294-0569 or Senior – $2 per year Individual - $5 per year Family - $10 per year Patron - $25/year Business - $50/year Sponsor - $100/year Lifetime - $250 Read to Grow! We’re on the Web! Mission Statement and Current Officers The mission of the Friends of the Holmes Public Library, Inc. is to support the Holmes Public Library by sponsoring library activities and programs; donating materials and books; and stimulating volunteer services and gifts to the library. 100% of all funds raised are spent directly on materials and programs that benefit the library, its patrons, and the community. The Friends of the Holmes Public Library are a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, so gifts to the Friends and membership dues are taxdeductible. Please make checks out to “Friends of the Holmes Public Library, Inc.” Thank you! Current Board Chair – Jen Packard Treasurer – Monica Mueller Recording Secretary – Jeanne Kling Corresponding Secretary – Maureen Rogers Directors/Members at Large Joan Brides, Mary Howlett, Joyce Jacobson Trustee Liaison – Ava Grimason
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