Fun in the - Holston Baptist Association

Dear Pastors and Children’s Workers,
Greetings from your Holston Baptist Association Children’s Ministry Team!
“Fun in the Son 2015” Kids Camp is scheduled for Tuesday, July 21 thru Friday, July 24. It is
for those children who have completed the 3rd through the 6th grades. The theme of this year’s camp
is “An Army of The One.” Our guest speaker for the week will be Tim Thompson, the Children’s
Pastor at FBC Morristown.
This year, we are returning to the Carson Springs Conference Center just outside of Newport,
Tennessee. The cost is $140 per person and includes room and board, T-Shirt, a backpack and all
activities. Registration forms and all fees must be at the HBA Office no later than Wednesday, June
8th. Church groups should plan to arrive at Carson Springs between 1PM and 3PM on Tuesday
because church photos will be taken between 3PM and 4:15PM. A detailed schedule is available in
the registration packet.
A pre-camp meeting will be held Thursday, July 2nd at 7PM in the basement of the HBA
Building. All adults who are planning on going to camp are invited to attend but at least one
representative from each church planning to attend camp really should be at this meeting!
Just like last year, we will be the only group at Carson Springs. That gives us full access to all
the facilities and our schedule has been designed to take full advantage of that. Please note that
there is quite a bit free time. Your group leaders will be responsible for your church groups during
this free time. There is a playground, basketball court, game room, gym, and rec field available.
Board games, cards, etc. are good to bring in case of bad weather.
Carson Springs only has a capacity of about 300 campers and counselors so two key facts must
be kept in mind: 1) It is vitally important to get your registration in early. Options fill up fast so
late registrants may be limited in their choices; and 2) your child to leader ratio must be kept to
1 leader for every 5-7 children.
Here are some things to keep in mind when preparing your groups for Fun In The Son 2015:
1. There will be several opportunities for our campers to visit The Canteen where snacks and
souvenirs can be purchased. So, your children should bring no more than $20.
2. Church groups will be housed together in lodges with bunk beds. Campers will need to bring
their own linens or sleeping bags and their own towels.
3. All chaperones must be at least 16 years of age. Churches should provide proof of
background checks for all adults 18 and older. (If you need help with background checks,
contact the HBA at 929-1196.)
In an effort to keep costs down, each church is encouraged to visit the HBA website and
download the registration packet and make as many copies as you need. If you would rather
have a packet mailed to you, please contact Danielle at the HBA and make those
arrangements with her. Here is a brief listing of what the registration packet contains: (Those
items that need to be returned to HBA for registration are underlined.)
Fun in the Son 2015 Brochure (Part of this form is your camper’s registration form.)
This form is made-up of 2 separate pages. Before making copies, be sure to fill in the
cost for your campers, as well as the contact information on the back.
2015 Camp Schedule
Options Listing and Description
Assignment of Responsibility
A notarized copy of this form must be available for each registered camper.
Background Check Form
Carson Springs’ Participation and Release Form
Registration Form
, Registration Checklist
, and Instructions for Registration Form
Remember, the cost on the registration brochure has been left blank to allow churches
to set their own cost for the camp. For instance, some churches charge children less
than the $140, and supplement the cost from their children’s ministry budget. Other
churches add an additional cost to help cover the cost of chaperones, and related
expenses. Regardless of your church’s policy, each registration must be
accompanied by $140.
This form should be given to the individual at your church responsible for submitting
the registration to the HBA
The checklist and registration must be returned to the HBA, with a check, no
later than June 8th in order for your registration to be completed.
Adult Volunteer Sign-up Sheet
Costs for our camp are kept low due the volunteer efforts of the HBA Children’s Team
and adults who attend camp. To help with this, we are asking each adult coming to
camp to either lead or help with one or two activities. Please have each adult sign up
for their first, second, and third choices. In addition, please have each adult
include their e-mail address and phone number. Thank you for your willingness
to help and make this camp successful.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call the HBA office, or any member of the
children’s ministry team. We look forward to seeing you at Fun in the Son 2015!
Dianne Woody - Greeneville First 423.329.3555
Craig & Tammy Ponder - New Salem 423.257.5466
Terri Graham - Calvary Erwin 423.612.8537
Adam Sells - Blountville First 423.340.0206
Holston Baptist Association 207 University Parkway Johnson City, TN 37604
Phone: 423.929.1196
Total Cost is __________. Payment is due to
______________________ by _____________.
Name: _________________________________
Date of Birth: _________ Male/Female______
Last Grade Completed: ___________________
Address: _______________________________
Phone Number: _________________________
Activity Options
For both days, please indicate 1 for first choice, 2 for
second and 3 for third choice for each day. We will
make every attempt to ensure each camper gets their
first choice. A description of the options can be viewed
online at
___ Archery
___ Creek Stomping
___ Climbing Wall
(6th grade only)
___ Gun Safety
___ Hiking
___ Marshmallow shooters
___ Messy Games
___ Operation Care Package
___ Paint Ball Target
___ PT / Obstacle Course
___ Science Lab
___ Throw a Party
___ Art/Tie Dye
___ Basic Drawing 101
___ Beautiful You
___ Drama
___ Duct Tape Crafts
___ Kitchen Creations
__ Operation Care Package
___ Sewing Crafts
___ Sports & Rec
___ Throw a Party
___ Whittling
(6th grade only)
___ Woodworking
Permission to swim in deep end of the pool?
T-Shirt Size
(Please circle one of the following)
Youth XS
Youth S
Youth M
Youth L
Adult S
Adult M
Adult L
Adult XL
Adult 2XL Adult 3XL
Adult 4XL
Adult 5XL
Contact Information
Your Church Leader
Holston Baptist Association
In Cooperation With
Carson Springs
Baptist Conference Center
Your Association Children’s Team
Dianne Woody - Greeneville First
Terri Graham - Calvary Erwin
Craig & Tammy Ponder - New Salem
Adam Sells - Blountville First
Your Association Office
Holston Baptist Association
207 University Parkway
Johnson City, TN 37604
Phone: 423.929.1196
Camp Carson
Tuesday, 7-21-15
Friday, 7-24-15
Fun in the SON
Things To Bring to Camp
“An Army Of The One”
A soldier does not take
part in things that don’t
have anything to do with
the army. Instead,
he tries to please his
commanding officer.
2 Timothy 2:4 (NIRV)
Bedding and Towels
Swimming Towel
Personal hygiene items: soap,
deodorant, toothbrush, toothpaste,
shampoo, comb/brush, etc.
No flip flops or opened toed shoes are
allowed. This is because of all the hills
and gravel and walking we do.
Each child needs to bring a pair of tennis
shoes. (A second pair of “old shoes”: is
not a bad idea for water games!)
Bathing suit or Swimming Trunks - Girls
need a modest one piece or T-shirt
Change of clothes for 3 days plus extra,
just in case (shorts, t-shirts, socks,
underwear, shoes). Shorts can be worn
to worship, so long pants are not needed,
unless you just want to wear them. Hats
and caps are OK, just not during worship.
No short shorts, tube tops, or spaghetti
strap tops.
Old change of clothes and shoes for
water games and recreation.
Plastic trash bag for wet and dirty clothes.
Notarized Assignment of Responsibility
form (MUST be notarized). Copies of
insurance cards (front and back). These
items are REQUIRED of all campers.
Any items your selected option may need
Carson Springs’ participant and release
Things NOT to bring to camp
Electronic devices (Cell phones, iPods,
handheld video games, etc.)
No flip flops or opened toed shoes.
The cost of this year’s camp is ________
This amount provides for lodging, meals,
camp t-shirt, backpack, materials, craft
items, activities and all recreation
*A Breakdown and description of the options
can be viewed online at
Each camper will have the opportunity to
participate in one option of their choice on
both Wednesday and Thursday. Each child
is asked to consider the list of options listed
on the back of this form and choose their
top 3 favorites. Every attempt will be made
to place campers in their 1st choice option.
Options cannot be changed once a camper
has arrived at camp. For more information
on options, contact the Association office,
or a member of the children’s team.
Each camper is expected to be obedient
and to follow the Holston Baptist
Association Children’s Summer Camp
Rules. These will be reviewed at the
beginning of camp.
Fun in the Sun Options
We will be offering one option on Wednesday and Thursday.
Each camper is asked to pick his/her top 3 choices for each day and
every effort will be made to get each camper into their #1 choice.
No promises can be made but early registration will help!
Wednesday Options Choices: (Pick 3)
Creek Stomping
Climbing Wall (6th grade only)
Gun Safety
Messy Games
Marshmallow Shooters
Operation Care Package
Paint Ball Target
PT / Obstacle Course
Science Lab
Survival Skills
Thursday Options Choices: (Pick 3)
Art/Tie Dye
Basic Drawing 101
Beautiful You
Duct Tape Crafts
Kitchen Creations
Operation Care Package
Sewing Crafts
Sports and Rec
Throw a Party
Whittling (6th grade only)
Fun in the Son 2015
Option Descriptions
Wednesday’s Option Choices: (Pick 3)
Archery - Basic techniques for archery will be taught as well as hands on experience.
Creek Stomping - What better fun than to see what all you find in the creek at Carson
Climbing Wall (6th graders only) - Scale a 50’ wall while tied off with safety ropes.
Hiking - Participants will hike the beautiful mountain trails and enjoy God’s great
Gun Safety - Basics of hunter safety will be taught. Participants will get to shoot BB
Marshmallow Shooter – Campers will be assembling a marshmallow shooting gun
from pieces of PVC pipe.
Messy Games – Like the name says, this kid’s camp favorite is sure to get you messy.
Prepare to be slimed and covered with all sorts of surprises.
Operation Care Package - In this missions-based option, brighten the lives of those
who are defending our nation by packing boxes and writing letters. All supplies and
materials will be provided.
Paint Ball Target - Target shooting enables participants to shoot paintballs at a target.
Participants will be expected to listen and follow basic instructions.
PT / Obstacle Course – Take 8 or 10 physical obstacles and mix in some mud and
water… what could be more fun than that?
Science Lab - Come check out the fun side of science. Learn some science experiments
that will wow your friends.
Survival Skills – Having fun while learning basic survival skills. Whether at home, at
play, hiking or biking being safe and knowing the way…will take you all the way! Hope to
see you there!
Thursday Options Choices: (Pick 3)
Art/Tie Dye - Create a tie-dye project to take back home with you.
Basic Drawing 101 - Campers will learn some simple and basic sketching and drawing
Beautiful You - Learn how to be more beautiful on the outside AND inside. Fashion,
makeup, beauty secrets, health care for our body and much for will be taught.
Drama - Learn a skit to perform during a worship time. Have fun checking out your
acting skills!
Duct Tape Crafts - Just as the name suggests, campers will use the most universal
product known to man to produce various craft items.
Operation Care Package – In this missions-based option, brighten the lives of those
who are defending our nation by packing boxes and writing letters. All supplies and
materials will be provided.
Kitchen Creations - What’s cooking? Come see if being in the kitchen is your thing.
Throw A Party - Have fun planning and decorating for a party with a theme prepared
for you. Boys and Girls will choose games to play, prepare and enjoy snacks, and learn
the art of being a good host and hostess.
Sewing Crafts - Campers will learn basic sewing techniques as they create an all
purpose bag perfect for carrying home all your kids’ camp souvenirs.
Sports & Recreation - Another Fun-in-The-Son favorite, this is a time to blow off a
little steam with some fun organized games.
Whittling (6th graders only) - Campers will be taught basic whittling techniques while
produce a handmade object to take home.
Woodworking - Refine you woodworking skills as we build a flying line glider that you
can take home.
2 0 1 5 C a mp S ch e d u l e
Tuesday, 07-21-15
5:45 - 6:15
6:15 – 7:30
7:30 – 9:00
9:00 - 10:00
Camp Photos (Chapel)
Basic Training 101 (Chapel)
Dinner (Group 1)
Free Time (Group 2)
Dinner (Group 2)
Free Time (Group 1)
Worship #1
Team Building
Canteen / Free Time
Church Group Time
Lights Out
Wednesday, 07-22-15
7:45 - 8:15
8:15 - 8:45
9:00 - 10:15
10:30 - 11:30
11:45 - 12:15
12:15 - 12:45
1:00 - 2:30
3:00 - 4:30
5:15 - 5:45
5:45 - 6:15
6:15 – 7:30
7:30 – 9:00
9:00 - 10:00
Breakfast (Group 1)
Mail Call/ Group Devotions/ Quiet
Time (Group 2)
Breakfast (Group 2)
Mail Call/ Group Devotions/ Quiet
Time (Group 1)
Worship #2
Small Group Bible Study #1
Lunch (Group 1)
Free Time (Group 2)
Lunch (Group 2)
Free Time (Group 1)
Meet in Chapel
Everyone returns to chapel
Everyone returns to chapel
Dinner (Group 1)
Free Time (Group 2)
Dinner (Group 2)
Free Time (Group 1)
Worship #3
Company Games
Canteen / Free Time
Church Group Time
Lights Out
Thursday, 07-23-15
Friday, 07-24-15
7:45 - 8:15
7:45 - 8:15
8:15 - 8:45
9:00 - 10:15
10:30 - 11:30
11:45 - 12:15
12:15 - 12:45
1:00 - 2:30
3:00 - 4:30
5:15 - 5:45
5:45 - 6:15
6:15 – 7:30
7:30 – 9:00
9:00 - 10:00
Breakfast (Group 2)
Mail Call/ Group Devotions/ Quiet
Time (Group 1)
Breakfast (Group 1)
Mail Call/ Group Devotions/ Quiet
Time (Group 2)
Worship #4
Small Group Bible Study #2
Lunch (Group 2)
Free Time (Group 1)
Lunch (Group 1)
Free Time (Group 2)
Meet in Chapel
Everyone returns to chapel
Everyone returns to chapel
Dinner (Group 2)
Free Time (Group 1)
Dinner (Group 1)
Free Time (Group 2)
Worship #5 /The Crossing 6th grade
Canteen / Free Time
Church Group Time
Lights Out
8:15 - 8:45
9:00 - 10:00
10:15 - 11:45
Breakfast (Group 1)
Mail Call/ Group Devotions/ Quiet
Time (Group 1)
Breakfast (Group 1)
Mail Call/ Group Devotions/ Quiet
Time (Group 2)
Small Group Bible Study #3
Worship #6
Pack Up and Load Bus/Vans
Lunch and Head for Home!
Travel Safe!
Camp dates for next year are
June 28 – July 1st
Make plans now to be with us!
Instructions for Registration Form 2015
Please read over the following instructions and use these abbreviations when filling out your Registration Form. Make as many
copies of the Registration Form as you need.
(Note 2: Please use this example as a guideline when filling out your registration forms.)
Camper’s Name
Ima Camper
Ima Adult
*Leave this
Male = M
T-shirt size:
Youth Small = YS
Adult Small = AS
Larger Adult Sizes
Age Group:
Choice #1
Choice #2
Choice #3
blank for
all your
Choice #1
Choice #2
Choice #3
adult and
Female = F
Youth Medium = YM
Adult Medium = AM
Youth Large = YL
Adult Large = AL
Adult XL = AXL
Children = Put a C and then a 3, 4, 5, or 6 to denote which grade they completed this year
Adult Leaders 18 and older = AD
Youth Counselors (at least 16 years old) = YC
Wednesday’s Options
Archery AR
Creek Stomping CS
Climbing Wall (6th grade only) CW
Gun Safety GS
Hiking HK
Marshmallow Shooters MS
Messy Games MG
Operation Care Package OC
Paint Ball Target PB
PT / Obstacle Course PT
Science Lab SL
Survival Skills SK
Thursday’s Options
Art/Tie Dye AT
Basic Drawing 101 BD
Beautiful You BY
Drama DR
Duct Tape Crafts DT
Kitchen Creations KC
Operation Care Package OC
Sewing Crafts SC
Sports and Rec SR
Throw a Party TP
Whittling (6th grade only) WH
Woodworking WW
Please turn in a copy of this form for
each adult and youth leader in your
Costs for our camp are kept low due to the volunteer efforts of both the HBA Children’s Team
and those adults who attend camp. So in keeping with this tradition, we are asking each adult
and youth counselor attending camp to either lead or help with one or two activities. Please
sign-up for your 1st, 2nd and 3rd choices of where you would be willing to serve each day. We will
do our best to accommodate you in your first choice. In addition, please provide your
e-mail address and phone number for easy contact.
Thanks in advance for your
willingness to help make this camp successful!
Phone (Cell preferred)
Church Name
___ Archery
___ Art/Tie Dye
___ Creek Stomping
___ Basic Drawing 101
___ Climbing Wall
___ Beautiful You
___ Gun Safety
___ Drama
___ Hiking
___ Duct Tape Crafts
___ Marshmallow Shooter
___ Kitchen Creations
___ Messy Games
___ Operation Care Package
___ Operation Care Package
___ Sewing Crafts
___ Paint Ball Target
___ Sports & Rec
___ PT / Obstacle Course
___ Throw a Party
___ Science Lab
___ Whittling
___ Throw a Party
___ Woodworking
Youth /
“I would be willing to teach a small group Bible study.”
Age Preference (circle one)
Any age
“I would be willing to be a helper in a small group Bible study.”
2015 HBA Kids Camp
Registration Checklist
IMPORTANT! This form must be sent in to
along with your registration forms.
Church Name: _________________________________________________________________________
Church Phone: _________________________________________________________________________
Group Leader: _________________________________________________________________________
Daytime Phone: ________________________________________________________________________
Cell or Evening Phone: ________________________________________________________________
Group Leader e-mail address: _________________________________________________________
1. a. Adults Registered
b. Youth Counselors (16 and older) Registered
c. Children Registered
Total Number Registered
** Enclose one Check made payable to the Holston Baptist Association:
$140 x ________ (Total Number Registered) = $ __________
2. T-shirts
a. Youth Sizes: Small _____ Medium _____ Large _______
b. Adult Sizes:
Small _____ Medium _____ Large _______
XL _____
XXL _____ 3XL _____ 4XL _______ 5XL _______
Total Number of T-shirts Ordered
Don’t forget to enclose your Volunteer Sign-Up Sheet for each leader!
I do hereby give ___________________________ (children’s minister) authority to act
under this agreement win so far as ___________________(child) is concerned:
To obtain and authorize the services of a licensed physician or physicians should medical
or surgical treatment be necessary; to authorize said physician or physicians to perform
medical treatment, surgical procedure or operation as is considered necessary by him; to
authorize disposal of surgically removed parts or tissues by any hospital in accordance
with the accustomed practices; that no assurance or guarantee is needed as to the results
or outcome that may be reached.
This agreement includes, but is not limited to, the authority herein above set forth, it
being the intent of the undersigned that the said __________________________(cm)
have limited authority based on his sound discretion and good judgment and in which
event the undersigned agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the said
______________________(cm) and any other person acting under the authority of this
Further, the undersigned agrees to hold Carson Springs Baptist Conference Center,
Holston Baptist Association, _____________church, and ___________________(cm)
harmless for any injury sustained by _______________(child) during this trip.
Signed:_______________________________________ Date: ___________________
(parent or guardian)
Name of child: ________________________________Date of Birth: _____________
Address: ___________________________________ Home Phone: _______________
City/State/Zip: __________________________________________________________
Who to call in case of emergency: __________________________________________
Home Phone: ________________________________Work Phone: _______________
Medical History: ________________________________________________________
Drug allergies: __________________________________________________________
Father’s Name: ____________________________Employer: _____________________
Mother’s Name: ___________________________ Employer: _____________________
Primary Insurance Company: ______________________________________________
Group #: ____________________________ Contract # _________________________
Secondary Insurance Company: ____________________________________________
Group #: ____________________________ Contract # __________________________
State of Tennessee
Sworn to (or affirmed) and subscribed before me this
__________ day __________, __________
__________________________Notary Public – State of Tennessee
(Name of Notary Public)
Personally known_______ or Produced Identification______________