HOLY CHILD PARISH Runnemede, NJ 08078 “Two beautiful churches, one GREAT parish.” St. Teresa of the Infant Jesus Church 13 E. Evesham Road April 12, 2015 Pastor Rev. Joseph F. Ganiel + Parochial Vicar Rev. Ronan B. Murphy + Parochial Vicar Rev. Antony Savari Muthu + School Principal Sr. Patricia Scanlon, IHM Parish Office - 13 E. Evesham Road, Runnemede, NJ 08078 St Teresa Regional School Religious Education Office St. Maria Goretti Church 321 Orchard Avenue Deacon A. Kenneth Bandiera Deacon Leonard P. Carlucci Deacon George R. Liss Director of Faith Formation Laurie Power 856-939-1681 FAX 856-939-3878 856-939-0333 856-939-0592 Website - www.holychildparish.net E-mail – holychildparish@comcast.net STRS Advancement Director 856-939-1207 St Teresa Convent 856-939-5508 Welcome! The parishioners of Holy Child Parish welcome you! All worshippers are invited to register by calling the Parish Office - 939-1681. No matter what your present status is in the Catholic Church; no matter your family or marital status; no matter where you are in the practice of faith; no matter your personal history, age, or background; no matter what your self-image may be; YOU are invited, welcomed and loved at Holy Child Parish. Mission Statement We the Catholic community of Holy Child Parish, baptized into Christ Jesus and confirmed by the gifts of the Holy Spirit, commit ourselves to: +Worship God in spirit and in truth through the celebration of the Eucharist; +Come together as a vibrant and faith filled community focusing on the spiritual and temporal needs of all; +Proclaim in word and deed the Good News of Jesus Christ to all persons, inviting them to share our faith and mission; +Teach the saving message of Christ so that all believers may come to a deeper understanding, conversion and personal witness to Christ. HOLY CHILD PARISH, RUNNEMEDE, NJ Parish Events This Week Sun, 4/12 Mon, 4/13 Tue, 4/14 Wed, 4/15 Thu, 4/16 Fri, 4/17 Sat, 4/18 Sun, 4/19 Divine Mercy Sunday Rel Ed 4 & 7 pm (STRS) L1 Confirmation candidates 7:15 (SMH) Progressive BINGO 10 am (SMH) HC Senior Book Club 10:30 am (convent) Rel Ed 4 pm (STRS) Men’s Club 7:15 pm (SH) Altar & Rosary 7 pm (SMH) Senior Meeting 10 am (SMH) Choir Rehearsal 7 pm (STC) Progressive BINGO 7 pm (SMH) Prayer Quilt Ministry 11 am (SMH) L2 Confirmation Retreat (off premise) Super BINGO 2 pm (SMH) Treasures from our Tradition When we imagine the disciples cowering behind locked doors on the first Easter, it is a matter of the greatest urgency that the doors get opened. They are not locked in as if in prison; rather, they have chosen to marinate in fear. Both the lock and the key stand on their side of the door, in their control. Christ breaks through this significant barrier with a message of “Peace.” The risen Lord’s word propels them through the door and along the path leading to the consoling image of the community living in harmony in the first reading today. What do we pray for in our tradition? More than anything else, we pray for peace. Every Mass is an earnest prayer for peace with God, with self, with neighbor, and for peace in the world. Yet, curiously, the peace Christ offers is deeper than the mere absence of conflict. Our tradition treasures the memories of saints who were remarkably open to Christ’s gift of peace even in the maelstroms of history. St. Edith Stein and St. Maximillian Kolbe, martyrs of the Holocaust, are but two examples. At the eye of a fearful storm, they stand as witnesses to the power of Christ’s rising in our lives. Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Parish Office Hours Monday 9 am - 4 pm Tuesday 9 am - 4 pm Wednesday 9 am - 4 pm Thursday 9 am - 4 pm Friday 9 am - 11:30 am Saturday 9 am - 1 pm Ministry Schedule Weekend of 4/19 Altar Servers 4 pm - N Locantore, S Ndandji, N McHugh 5 pm – A Ebbert, N Popiolek, M Garcia 7 am – R Banskter, A & A Urbanek 9 am – T Laino, M Moore, R Kissam 10 am - J Menz, G Fermano, J Leonchuck 11 am – A & K Sayson, M & C Alvarez Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion 4 pm - J DeMarshall, D Angelucci, M Phillips 5 pm – F Lafferty, T Garbarino, S Howard 7 am – B Zuber, N Lecane 9 am – B & R Auge, E Schmidt, P Penza 10 am - C Maurer, D Golinski, M Hopkins 11 am – M & J Ritz Lectors 4 pm - J Rossi 5 pm – D Consilvio 7 am – M McWilliams 9 am – B Cornwell 10 am - C Maurer 11 am – V Mignona Grocery Certificate Sales 5 pm – S McGough 7 am – J Collazzo Sacraments Confession St Teresa Church Saturday – 11:00 am to Noon. St Maria Goretti Church - Saturday - 3:15 to 3:45 pm Or by appointment. Sacrament of the Sick Call the Parish Office to request a home or hospital visit. Marriage Arrangements are made at least one year in advance. One wedding may be scheduled on Saturday between 12:30– 2:00 pm. Baptism St Teresa 2nd and 4th Sundays most months. St Maria Goretti 3rd Sunday most months. Call the Parish Office to make arrangements. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults 9 am – F Dorando 11 am - B Hawn Adults interested in becoming Catholics and those Catholics who wish to complete their sacraments. To inquire, call the parish office. SECOND SUNDAY OF EASTER Holy Child Parish Mass Intentions SATURDAY Vigil Masses 4:00 pm Sabina “Dolly” Senatore req by Jane, Betty, Joe, John & Jan (SMG) 5:00 pm Helen Gervasi req by daughter, Helene (ST) SUNDAY Divine Mercy Sunday 7:00 am Deceased Zubrzycki Family Members req by family (ST) 9:00 am Thomas & Frances Moore req by family (ST) 10:00 am Ray Mannion req by Laurie Power; Alberta Smith; Dorothy Gentes; Sister Mary Deborah Abel, IHM; Rev James Rynne; Rev Joseph O’Connell; Rev John Byrnes; Rev Thomas Jarka (SMG) 11:00 am William H Lukens (17 years) req by wife Joan; Doris Wooten req by John & Nancy Jeannette; Bernadette Kernan req by Gerald Siefring; Sylvan Mitnick req by Martha Bradley; Clara Acchione req by Donna, Pat & family; Rev John Clark; Rev Paul Onufer; Rev Donald Velozo (ST) MONDAY St Martin I 7:00 am Janet Burgher req by Anne Marie Griffith (SMG) 8:30 am Hsiuchen Dai req by the McAneney Family (ST) TUESDAY 7:00 am Wilbur & Angela Cornwell req by Bill & Roseann Cornwell (SMG) 8:30 am For the People of the Parish (ST) WEDNESDAY 7:00 am Souls in Purgatory (SMG) 8:30 am Rosemary Troy req by the Bengel Family (ST) THURSDAY 7:00 am Brian Lott req by Bill Campbell, Jr (SMG) 8:30 am Jo Siciliano req by niece, Rosemarie (ST) FRIDAY 7:00 am Father Rocco Continillo (SMG) 8:30 am Margaret Russell req by Jim & Betty Reilly (ST) SATURDAY 8:30 am Martha Piatek req by Ed & Felicia Safko (ST) 4:00 pm Ralph Cacciutti req by Sonny & Floss Sparano (SMG) 5:00 pm Eleanor Murphy req by HC St Vincent de Paul Society (ST) SUNDAY Third Sunday of Easter 7:00 am Intentions of Joseph Kwiatkowski (ST) 9:00 am Carol McKernan req by Rev Christopher Mann (ST) 10:00 am Sarah McCausland req by daughter, Lynn; Maria Centola (5 years) req by Henni & family (SMG) 11:00 am Karl A Loose req by Robert & Mary Heinemann; All Souls in Purgatory; Jina McAvey-Carrero req by mother; William Pizzie req by HC Men’s Club; Peter Leuzzi, Jr req by Donna, Pat & family; Neil O’Boyle req by Donna, Pat & family (ST) SMG = St Maria Goretti Church 321 Orchard Avenue, ST = St Teresa Church 13 E Evesham Road Candle Remembrances Blessed Mother Candle - ST In honor and memory of William H Lukens Adoration Chapel Open Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 8:00 pm. Call the parish office (939-1681) to commit to an hour of weekly adoration. Adorers are especially needed Monday 5 pm Tuesday 11 am & 3 pm Wednesday 11 am & 3 pm Thursday 6 pm Friday 11 am You are welcome anytime. Weekly Devotions St Therese Novena, Mon, 7 pm ST Rosary prayed M - F at 8 am ST Sat Rosary & Divine Mercy Chaplet after 8:30 am Mass, ST Mass Celebrants Weekend of 4/19 4 pm - Fr Onyutha (SMG) 5 pm - Fr Joe Ganiel (ST) 7 am - Fr Joe Ganiel (ST) 9 am - Fr Killeen (ST) 10 am - Fr Joe Ganiel (SMG) 11 am - Fr Chris Mann (ST) Altar Gifts - ST The bread, wine and altar candles used for the Eucharistic Sacrifice were donated in memory of Emilie Murphy requested by Dave, Bernadette & David O’Neill April 12, 2015 Please join us on Saturday, May 2nd at the 4PM Mass Honoring the 25th Jubilee of Father Antony Savari Muthu On May 2nd we celebrate 25 years of Service to God with our Parochial Vicar, Father Antony. His Jubilee Mass will be celebrated at 4PM in St Maria Goretti Church. Directly after Mass we will have a light dinner in the parish hall. All are welcome to Mass, if you would like to join us for the reception, you must call the parish office by April 20th to have a ticket reserved. Please note: you must have a ticket to attend. HELP NEEDED: We are looking for people to help with the reception that will be following the Mass. If you would like to be a part of the committee and help in any way please contact Joanna Schmidt at 856-261-4864 for more details. Way to Go! Our Bishop writes: “Thank you for your enthusiastic participation in the second annual faithFull Food Drive. Parishes and schools throughout the diocese collected 121,339 pounds of food - 20% higher than our goal and 55% higher than last year’s total.” ... “The faithFull Food Drive was a positive response to the needs of our brothers and sisters thanks to the effective work of many individuals and groups. Parish ministries, from the Society of St Vincent de Paul to youth groups, to Knights of Columbus, collaborated to involve entire parish communities in the drive. Catholic schools participated creatively: for example, several high schools collected canned goods for admission to basketball games...” A really inspiring act of charity during the Lenten Season. This Sunday we welcome: Guiliana Renee Bishop John Joseph Ferraina Harper Reese Miller Maximus Anthony Ratner to the Church and to Holy Child Parish. Please remember them and their families in your prayers Romance is wonderful but alone , it can’t survive the cares and challenges that inevitably visit every married couple. To be what we are to love as we are created to love - certain virtues are necessary. (Love is Our Mission,55) Questions to consider: What virtues are necessary for us to love as we are created to love? How are you cultivating these virtues in your marriage? DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY Altar & Rosary Spring Basket Auction The Altar & Rosary Society is holding their Annual Spring Basket Auction on Sat, April 25 in St Maria Goretti Hall. Doors open at 6 pm for your perusal, the drawing begins at 8 pm. There will be chances on special high ticket items and a grand 50/50 drawing! Table snacks and cake and coffee This event sells out quickly, you do not want to miss the fun or the wonderful basket items. Tickets are available by calling Sue at 856-939-6413. Hoagie Sale The 8th grade in St Teresa Regional School is raising funds for their graduation year activities. They will be selling hoagies after Masses on April 19th. Cost is $5 and there is no need to order ahead of time. Just come prepared to purchase them next week. Mmmmm Many of us see these logos on the items we purchase. YOU can help the children in our school by cutting them off whatever you purchase that has one. You can deposit them in the collection bin in the vestibule of each church or simply drop them in the collection basket each week. A volunteer parent from the school will collect and submit them for cash. Every ten of them is worth $1.00 to the school. Please help support STRS and the children. What are they? Grocery Certificates are used to purchase groceries at Acme or Shop Rite. They are available in denominations of: $10 $50 $100. How does it work? Instead of paying cash or check when you check-out at either market, you pay by using Grocery Certificates. Grocery Certificates are for sale after each weekend Mass and on Saturday mornings from 10 - 11 am in the Parish Office. Or, call the Parish Office at 856-939-1681 to make an appointed time if the scheduled times do not work for you. You can purchase the cards with cash or check. The GREAT NEWS is 5% of every Certificate purchase is returned to our Parish. That can really add up. If 100 families purchase $100 in Certificates for 52 weeks, our parish’s 5% is $26,000.00!!!!! How can I help? -Support the program by buying Grocery Certificates to do your food shopping. We all food shop, so why not? Sure, it may take a minute to buy them after Mass, but the return to your parish is huge. -Support the program by volunteering to sell the Grocery Certificates after Mass. Call 856-939-1681 to volunteer. HOLY CHILD PARISH, RUNNEMEDE, NJ Compassionate Outreach Please Pray for Our Sick Joseph Ambrico+ Tom Ambrosino+ Linda Arthur+ Deacon Ken Bandiera+ Renee Bernardo+ Eileen Bertolino+ Bill Betoni+ Grace Brokenshire+ Jane Brown+ Lincoln Cantania+ Joseph Cardinali+ Jim Carey+ Samuel Centrone+ Michael Corrigan+ Teresa Crudo+ Stephen Czekalski+ Ron Dahlquist+ Carmella D’Aversa+ Mickalene DeVito+ Tommy Dillon+ Nick DiMatteo+ Mary DiRito+ Pina DiSalvatore+ Dolores & Eileen Doman++ Concetta Donahue+ Paula DeSantis Duray+ Mary DiRito+ Larry DiMaio+ Jim Eckert+ Stan & Rita Eveanowsky++ Daniel & Virginia Feltwell++ Ken Fennimore+ Betty Ford+ Kimberly Forsythe+ Sara Freck+ Peg Fullerton+ Raymond Geigelman+ Terry Gentner+ James Giardino+ Michael Gilligan+ Maddie & George Gligor++ Frank Gohr+ Dennis Golinski+ Natalie Gorsegner+ Angelo Grisolia+ Katie & Marie House++ Charles Jarvis+ John Jeannette+ Heyden Kane+ Edward Kehoe+ Pat Kent+ Joseph Kwiatkowski+ Jim Link+ Jane Laden+ Fran Lafferty+ Leo Lampman+ Michael LaSanta+ William Little+ Josephine Liuzzi+ Rochelle Magliocco+ Marie Magnarella+ Joe Mahaffy+ Richard Maitha+ Michael Mansfield+ Barbara Marks+ Frank Martino+ Edith Massanova+ George Matteo+ Debbie Mele+ Joann Meyers+ Cindy Morelli+ Jon Nagle+ Zachary Nickels+ Nick Nicholson+ William O’Donnell+ Henni Orsatti+ Cathy & Charles Pagano++ Betty & Mike Paladino++Casandra Panek+ Kathy Parry+ Maryann Pezzano+ Scott Pezzano+ Christopher Pronio+ Carla Rausch+ Donald Reilly+ Thelma Repass+ Sam Richards+ Robert Ritz+ Janet & Larry Roberts++ Rita Robinson+ Randy & Vicki Romer++ Angelo Rosato+ Louis Rucci+ Eileen Bertolino Russell+ Edmund Safko+ Joseph Scalio, Jr+ Ronald Scandle+ Donald Schmid+ Mark Scott+ Bill Shute+ Fran Silenzio+ Kenny Spadafora+ Gina Stone++ Constance Szmidt+ SallyAnn Thomas+ Maggie Tomasetti+ Dorothy Troyano+ Gerri Ann Tuttle+ Phil Valvardi+ Mary Lou Venella+ Marguerite Wisniewski+ Please Pray for Our Beloved Deceased Marriage Encounter especially Dino Fiorentino & Emilie Murphy A Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend is like springtime. It is a weekend of fresh air, the rebirth of romance and new beginnings. If you would like to make your good marriage even more special than it already is - consider a weekend. It will impact your life in a very positive way. Call now! Prayer Lines Please call with prayer intention requests: Grace 939-2173 afternoon; Roe 784-5853 & Joan 939-4679 anytime To have your name added to the bulletin prayer list, call the parish office at 939-1681. The upcoming weekends are April 17-19 and May 29-31 (not Memorial Day weekend). For information call 609-742-4035 or email applications@wwme-southjersey.org. St Vincent de Paul Society Visit their website at wwme-southjersey.org. Call 856-632-1765 and leave your name and an unblocked number where you can be reached, and let us know what you need. You will have a return call within 24 hours. Help is available to anyone in the Runnemede/ Glendora area, regardless of religion. Theology on Tap Paul VI High School... ...is offering a 7th grade practice HSPT on Sat, 4/18. This full-length practice test is a help in preparing students for the High School Placement Test taken in the fall of 8th grade. Reservations are required and space is limited. PVI High School Coffee, Tea and Tours will be held Sat, 4/18 too. For more information on either event www.pvihs.org/Admissions/Admissions-Events visit This is a discussion group for men and women in their 20s and 30s, married and single. It’s a great chance to hear a dynamic speaker on an interesting subject and to engage in meaningful conversation in a relaxed, casual atmosphere. No cost to attend. Participants are welcome to purchase food and beverages. For more information about this diocese wide group email gregory.coogan@camdendiocese.org or call 856-583-6122 or join “Theology on Tap-South Jersey” on Facebook or follow “Theology on Tap SJ” on Twitter. This month they will meet Tues, April 14 from 7 - 9 pm at Dubliners Irish Pub in Galloway. Sister Lisa Marie Valentini, MSC will speak about 20 & 30 somethings on Mission in the Dominican Republic IINFORMATION SHEET CHURCH NAME: Holy Child Parish 13 E Evesham Road Runnemede, NJ 08078 PHONE: 856-939-1681 CONTACT PERSON: Rosemary Auge SOFTWARE: Microsoft Office Word 2003 Adobe Acrobat 8 Standard Vista PRINTER: HP Officejet 6500 E709n Series BULLETIN NUMBER: 906200 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT: Cover + 6 1/2 text pages + this page =8 DATE OF PUBLICATION: TRANSMISSION TIME: 4-12-15 As of the 9/22 issue, advertisements will go on this page. One FULL page of ads. Little Flower’s Pre-K 3 and Pre-K 4 With St. Teresa Regional School offers Pre-K 4 Dino-Days One of our most fun days was when we acted like Paleontologists and dug through cookies to search for chocolate chips! We learned that Paleontologists dig through dirt and sand to uncover dinosaur bones. It was fun to use tools such as a fork, knife and brush to uncover the chocolate chips in our cookies. PRE-K 3 and 4 half and full day, Kindergarten full day, and Grades 1 to 8. Before-care beginning at 6:30 am and After-care until 6:00 pm Tuition assistance available Please call (856) 939-1207 for information. Visit us online at www.stteresaschool.org 4/13 4/15 4/16 4/18 4/19 School Re-opens Open House 8 - 10 AM State of the School Address 7 PM School Yard Sale Super Bingo
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