4-5-15 - Holy Child Parish

Runnemede, NJ 08078
St. Teresa of the Infant Jesus Church
13 E. Evesham Road
Easter Sunday, April 5, 2015
St. Maria Goretti Church
321 Orchard Avenue
The parishioners of Holy Child Parish welcome you! All worshippers are invited to register by calling the Parish Office - 939-1681.
No matter what your present status is in the Catholic Church; no matter your family or marital status; no matter where you are in the practice of faith; no matter your personal history, age, or background; no matter what
your self-image may be; YOU are invited, welcomed and loved at Holy Child Parish.
Pastor Rev. Joseph F. Ganiel +
Parochial Vicar Rev. Antony Savari Muthu +
School Principal Sr. Patricia Scanlon, IHM
Parish Office - 13 E. Evesham Road,
Runnemede, NJ 08078
St Teresa Regional School
Religious Education Office
Deacon A. Kenneth Bandiera
Deacon Leonard P. Carlucci
Deacon George R. Liss
Director of Faith Formation Laurie Power
FAX 856-939-3878
Website - www.holychildparish.net
E-mail – holychildparish@comcast.net
STRS Advancement Director 856-939-1207
St Teresa Convent
Parish Events This Week
Mon, 4/6
Tue, 4/7
Thu, 4/9
Fri, 4/10
Sat, 4/11
NO Rel Ed
Progressive BINGO 10 am (SMH)
NO Rel Ed
Golden Slippers 7:30 (SH)
Choir Rehearsal 7 pm (STC)
Progressive BINGO 7 pm (SMH)
Pre-Cana 5-10 pm (SMH)
Pre-Cana 8am-5pm (SMH)
Confirmation Team meeting 10 am (STRS)
Midnight BINGO (SMH)
Parish Office CLOSED
Father Joe has graciously given the office staff off the
week after Easter. If you need a priest for an emergency,
call 939-1681. The phone is monitored at all times. Follow the directions to get a priest in an emergency.
If you have some normal office business please attend to
it early this week or call after April 13, when the staff
will return.
We are all grateful to our Pastor for this extra time to
spend with our families.
“Christ is risen!” was once a common greeting on
Easter morning. The expected reply, “Risen indeed!”
communicated the conviction of an eyewitness.
Have you been an eyewitness to the Resurrection?
Have you given your account so that others might
Parish Office Hours (normally)
Monday 9 am - 4 pm
Tuesday 9 am - 4 pm
Wednesday 9 am - 4 pm
Thursday 9 am - 4 pm
Friday 9 am - 11:30 am
Saturday 9 am - 1 pm
Ministry Schedule Weekend of 4/12
Altar Servers
4 pm - C LoCantore, M Lynn, E Ramos
5 pm – Mi Lafferty, K Bradley, N Munding
7 am – W & C Schmidt, D Edwards
9 am – E Colon, C Innes, R Kuni
10 am - Ma Lafferty, A McCafferty, J McClean
11 am – J Chew, N & G Falcone
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
4 pm - M Kemner, A Kanopka, M Querubin
5 pm – A Rutkowski, F Catando, W Szmidt
7 am – B Zuber, J Reilly
9 am – C McLaughlin, S Previtera, M Minter, B Mingle
10 am - M & C DeSorte, C Lewandowski
11 am – J Skowronski, N Pezzano
4 pm - D Rawls
5 pm – H Buchheim
7 am – V Mignona
9 am – AM Loggia
10 am - M Bohley
11 am - T Brennan
Grocery Certificate Sales
5 pm – T Brennan
7 am – J Collazzo
St Teresa Church Saturday – 11:00 am to Noon.
St Maria Goretti Church - Saturday - 3:15 to 3:45 pm
Or by appointment.
Sacrament of the Sick
Call the Parish Office to request a home or hospital visit.
Arrangements are made at least one year in advance.
One wedding may be scheduled on Saturday between 12:30–
2:00 pm.
St Teresa 2nd and 4th Sundays most months.
St Maria Goretti 3rd Sunday most months.
Call the Parish Office to make arrangements.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
9 am – S Previtera
11 am - J Ferrara
Adults interested in becoming Catholics and those Catholics
who wish to complete their sacraments. To inquire, call the
parish office.
Holy Child Parish Mass Intentions
SATURDAY Easter Vigil
8:00 pm
People of Holy Child Parish (ST)
Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord
7:00 am
People of Holy Child Parish (ST)
8:00 am
People of Holy Child Parish (SMG)
9:00 am
People of Holy Child Parish (ST)
10:00 am
People of Holy Child Parish (SMG)
11:00 am
People of Holy Child Parish (ST)
8:30 am
Stephen Spencer req by Mom (ST)
8:30 am
Theresa Siciliano req by niece, Rosemarie (ST)
8:30 am
Charles J Frame req by wife & children (ST)
8:30 am
Marie Yeager req by the Spiers Family (ST)
8:30 am
Bridget Kernan req by Betty Egan (ST)
8:30 am
Monsignor Thomas Sharkey (ST)
4:00 pm
Sabina “Dolly” Senatore req by Jane, Betty, Joe, John & Jan (SMG)
5:00 pm
Helen Gervasi req by daughter, Helene (ST)
Second Sunday of Easter; Sunday of Divine Mercy
7:00 am
Deceased members of the Zubrzycki Family (ST)
9:00 am
Thomas & Frances Moore req by family (ST)
10:00 am
Ray Mannion req by Laurie Power (SMG)
11:00 am
William H Lukens (17 years) req by wife Joan;
Doris Wooten req by John & Nancy Jeannette ;
Bernadette Kernan req by Gerald Siefring ;
Sylvan Mitnick req by Martha Bradley (ST)
SMG = St Maria Goretti Church 321 Orchard Avenue, Runnemede
ST = St Teresa Church 13 E Evesham Road, Runnemede
Weekly Remembrances
Sanctuary Candle - ST
In gratitude & memory of Richard B Lukens
Blessed Mother Candle - ST
In memory of Antoinette C Albright
St Teresa Candle - ST
In memory of Clara Acchione
St Maria Goretti Candle - SMG
In memory of Alice Breitenstine
Adoration Chapel
Open Monday through Friday
from 9:00 am to 8:00 pm. Call
the parish office (939-1681) to
commit to an hour of weekly
Adorers are especially needed
Monday 5 pm
Tuesday 11 am & 3 pm
Wednesday 11 am & 3 pm
Thursday 6 pm
Friday 11 am
You are welcome anytime.
Weekly Devotions
St Therese Novena, Mon, 7 pm
Rosary prayed M - F at 8 am ST
Sat Rosary & Divine Mercy
Chaplet after 8:30 am Mass, ST
APRIL 5, 2015
Congratulations to the following students who received
their First Holy Communion at the Holy Thursday Mass
on April 2:
Kaylee Alexander
Daniel Murphy
Sean Murphy
James Wharton III
Angelina Wilson
Bailey Yust
Due to early bulletin deadlines, these totals are as of Mar
23. Our goal is $136,440. The most recent total is
$66,234. which is 49% of our goal. Only 359 of our
2,755 registered families have donated or pledged so far.
Please pray about your contribution and make it soon.
We welcome and celebrate with those who received Sacraments at the Easter Vigil:
Dino Amendola
Jeanne Danese
Patricia Durkin
Helen Pierce
Brian Spencer
Marriage is a
uniquely intimate form of
friendship that
calls a man
and a woman
to love each
other in the
God’s covenant. Married
love is fruitful and offered without
reservation. This love is in the image
of Jesus’ faithfulness to the Church.
(Love is Our Mission, Intro to Part IV)
Questions to consider:
What is unique about Catholic marriage?
How can your marriage image
Christ’s love for the Church?
The special Divine Mercy celebration can not happen at Holy Child this year. Father Joe asked me to
let people know what parishes near here are celebrating it.
Divine Mercy
St Rose of Lima Haddon Heights
1 pm - Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
1 pm - Confessions & Rosary
3 pm - Benediction & Divine Mercy Chaplet
immediately after the Chaplet - Holy Mass
St Margaret Church Woodbury Hts
2 pm - Confessions
3 pm - Divine Mercy Chaplet
4 pm - Holy Mass
--Visit: Theinfantjesusparish.org for more info
Divine Mercy
St. Cecelia Church
4801 Camden Avenue
Pennsauken 08110
1:45 pm - Procession
2:30 pm - Adoration
2:45 pm - Divine Mercy Chaplet
3:15 Holy Mass
“The soul that will go to confession and receive Holy Communion shall obtain complete forgiveness of sins and
punishment.” (Diary 699)
Father Ronan Murphy thanks everyone who came to say good bye and give him blessings in
his continuing work with the Marian Movement. His new address is:
Fr Ronan Murphy
341 Highland Blvd
Brooklyn, NY 11207
email: ronan11@verizon.net
What are they?
Grocery Certificates are used to purchase groceries at Acme or Shop Rite.
They are available in denominations of:
How does it work?
Instead of paying cash or check when you check-out at either market, you pay by using Grocery Certificates.
Grocery Certificates are for sale after each weekend Mass and on Saturday mornings from 10 - 11 am in the Parish Office. Or, call the Parish Office at 856-939-1681 to make an appointed time if the scheduled times do not work for you.
You can purchase the cards with cash or check.
The GREAT NEWS is 5% of every Certificate purchase is returned to our Parish. That can really add up. If
100 families purchase $100 in Certificates for 52 weeks, our parish’s 5% is $26,000.00!!!!!
How can I help?
-Support the program by buying Grocery Certificates to do your food shopping. We all food shop, so why not? Sure, it
may take a minute to buy them after Mass, but the return to your parish is huge.
-Support the program by volunteering to sell the Grocery Certificates after Mass. Call 856-939-1681 to volunteer.
Compassionate Outreach
Please Pray for Our Sick
Joseph Ambrico+ Tom Ambrosino+ Linda Arthur+ Deacon Ken Bandiera+ Renee Bernardo+ Eileen Bertolino+ Bill
Betoni+ Grace Brokenshire+ Jane Brown+ Lincoln Cantania+ Joseph Cardinali+ Jim Carey+ Samuel Centrone+ Michael Corrigan+ Teresa Crudo+ Stephen Czekalski+ Ron Dahlquist+ Carmella D’Aversa+ Mickalene DeVito+ Tommy
Dillon+ Nick DiMatteo+ Mary DiRito+ Pina DiSalvatore+ Dolores & Eileen Doman++ Concetta Donahue+ Paula DeSantis Duray+ Mary DiRito+ Larry DiMaio+ Jim Eckert+ Stan & Rita Eveanowsky++ Daniel & Virginia Feltwell++
Ken Fennimore+ Betty Ford+ Kimberly Forsythe+ Sara Freck+ Peg Fullerton+ Raymond Geigelman+ Terry Gentner+
James Giardino+ Michael Gilligan+ Maddie & George Gligor++ Frank Gohr+ Dennis Golinski+ Natalie Gorsegner+
Angelo Grisolia+ Katie & Marie House++ Charles Jarvis+ John Jeannette+ Heyden Kane+ Edward Kehoe+ Pat Kent+
Joseph Kwiatkowski+ Jim Link+ Jane Laden+ Fran Lafferty+ Leo Lampman+ Michael LaSanta+ William Little+ Josephine Liuzzi+ Rochelle Magliocco+ Marie Magnarella+ Joe Mahaffy+ Richard Maitha+ Michael Mansfield+ Barbara
Marks+ Frank Martino+ Edith Massanova+ George Matteo+ Joann Meyers+ Cindy Morelli+ Emily Murphy+ Jon
Nagle+ Zachary Nickels+ Nick Nicholson+ William O’Donnell+ Henni Orsatti+ Cathy & Charles Pagano++ Betty &
Mike Paladino++Casandra Panek+ Kathy Parry+ Maryann Pezzano+ Scott Pezzano+ Christopher Pronio+ Carla
Rausch+ Donald Reilly+ Thelma Repass+ Sam Richards+ Robert Ritz+ Janet & Larry Roberts++ Rita Robinson+
Randy & Vicki Romer++ Angelo Rosato+ Louis Rucci+ Eileen Bertolino Russell+ Edmund Safko+ Joseph Scalio, Jr+
Ronald Scandle+ Donald Schmid+ Mark Scott+ Bill Shute+ Fran Silenzio+ Kenny Spadafora+ Gina Stone++ Constance
Szmidt+ SallyAnn Thomas+ Maggie Tomasetti+ Dorothy Troyano+ Gerri Ann Tuttle+ Phil Valvardi+ Mary Lou
Venella+ Marguerite Wisniewski+
The 2015 Lawn Festival
will be held the week of June
22 - 27. Plan to join your parish family and the community
as we celebrate. It is always a
well attended, good family
event. The food is good and
the guests are amiable. People
catch up with classmates and neighbors they seldom see.
Don’t miss it!
Please Pray for Our Beloved Deceased
especially Diane Gavin
St Vincent de Paul Society
Call 856-632-1765 and leave your name and an unblocked number where you can be reached, and let us
know what you need. You will have a return call within
24 hours. Help is available to anyone in the Runnemede,
Glendora area, regardless of religion.
Altar & Rosary Spring Basket Auction
The Altar & Rosary Society is holding their Annual Spring Basket Auction on Sat, April 25 in St Maria Goretti Hall.
Doors open at 6 pm for your perusal, the drawing begins at 8 pm. There will be chances on special high ticket items and
a grand 50/50 drawing!
Enjoy the table snacks and cake and coffee.
This event sells out quickly, you do not want to miss the fun or the wonderful basket items.
Tickets are available by calling Sue at 856-939-6413.
Holy Child Men’s Club Casino Trip
Join HC Men’s Club on this value packed, entertaining
casino trip to Resorts. Call 939-5046 or 939-5864
When: Sunday, April 12
Depart St Teresa parking lot at 10:45 am
Where: Resorts Casino, Atlantic City
Cost: $44.00
$10 in coin
$20 food voucher good anywhere in
Resorts Casino
Show, Singer - Peter Lemongello
April CAP Programs
CAP Phase I
Mon, 4/20, 6:30, St Joseph Pro School, Camden
Tue, 4/14, 6:30 pm, Resurrection School, Cherry Hill
To attend a class call 856-583-6165 or email
Diane.Diggons@camdendiocese.org. These classes are
near here, but there are more down the shore. You can
find other classes by going to the website
Holy Child Parish
13 E Evesham Road
Runnemede, NJ 08078
Rosemary Auge
Microsoft Office Word 2003
Adobe Acrobat 8 Standard
HP Officejet 6500 E709n Series
Cover + 6 1/2 text pages + this page =8
Please send 1300 bulletins this week only
As of the 9/22 issue, advertisements will go on this page.
One FULL page of ads.
Little Flower’s
Pre-K 3 and Pre-K 4
The Faculty, Staff, and Students of St. Teresa
School extend our prayerful best wishes for a
Blessed Easter feast for all our Holy Child
Parishioners. We ask our Risen Lord to bless
your families in every way. Thank you for all
you do for the children of this parish and
St. Teresa Regional
School offers
PRE-K 3 and 4
half and full day,
Kindergarten full day,
Grades 1 to 8.
Before-care beginning at 6:30 am and
After-care until 6:00 pm
Tuition assistance available
Please call (856) 939-1207 for information.
Visit us online at www.stteresaschool.org
4/2 - 4/10 School Closed Easter
4/15 Open House 8 - 10 AM
4/16 State of the School Address 7 PM
4/18 School Yard Sale
4/19 Super Bingo