bulletin May 3 2015

Mass Schedule May 2- May 9
Rosary 45 minutes before Mass, Sat. evening – Thursday.
Adoration every Friday morning from 8:30-9:30 AM
Rosary and novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help on Saturday, 8:30 AM
Confessions 45 minutes – 15 minutes prior to Saturday and Sunday Masses.
May 3rd Fifth Sunday of Easter
If you wish to spend time before the Blessed Sacrament at any time,
contact the secretary or priest to open the Church for you.
May 02 Sat 9 AM 1st Holy Communion Olivia Hamm (Irene & Elmer Deprey)
5 PM Repose Shannon Nickisch (Marilynn Fergesun)
May 03 Sun 9:30 AM Holy Cross: for the intentions of the parishioners
Riondel: 2 PM Most Holy Redeemer: Repose Dr. Savory (Emelda Remy)
May 04 Mon No Mass
May 05 Tues 7 PM Repose Fiorello Castellarin (Evalina Castellarin)
May 06 Wed 9 AM Mass of thanksgiving (a parishioner)
May 07 Thur 9 AM Repose Nathan Inglehart (Sonny & Barb Weinberger)
2 PM Sp Int Catharine Robertson (Jemma Jacino & Margaret Rauch)
Swan Valley 3 PM Bishop’s Intentions
May 08 Fri 9:30 AM Sp Int Cathy Salviulo (Jemma Jacino)
May 09 Sat 9 AM In honour of Blessed Margarret Costello (Irene & Elmer Deprey)
5 PM Repose Shannon Nickisch (Nickisch family)
 Holy Cross Church 
128 16 Ave N. Creston B.C.
Mailing Address: Box 299, Creston B.C. V0B 1G0
If you would like a Mass intention please call or come in to the parish office.
Deadline for bulletin submissions is 10 AM, Thursday
Please support our local Catholic businesses
Reverend Fr. Tom Kakkaniyil
Office Ph. 250 428-2300
Hall Ph. 250 428-4811
Fax 250 428 -4110
Parish Office hours: 9:30-12:30 Tues.-Fri.
Office email: holycross06@shaw.ca
Parish Website
Parish Contact List
Parish Secretary – Shirley Nicholas 250 428- 2300
Parish Council- Chairperson Mary Vigna 250 428-2272
Knights of Columbus – Grand Knight Morley Barnes 250 428-0775
Catholic Women’s League – President Jan Kulicki 250 402-6264
Creston Valley Right to Life Society- President Candace Barnes 250 428-0775
Choir director/organist – Monte Anderson 250 428-5152
Finance Committee Chairperson- Barb Weinberger 250 402-6663
Riondel Mission
Most Holy Redeemer Mass Time 2 PM
1514 Eastman Ave. Riondel B.C. V0B 2B0
Contact for Riondel:
Christa Nagel 250 227-9355
The Diocese of Nelson
Catholic Pastoral Centre
3665 Benvoulin Rd
Kelowna B.C. V1W 4M7
DIOCESAN WEBSITE www.nelsondiocese.org
Ph. 250 448-2725
Fax 1 250 869-8697
May is the Month of Our Lady
Catholic Women’s League
~ The celebration of the feast day of Our Lady of Good Counsel has been moved to May 13.
There will be morning Mass followed by presentation of pins and a social and lunch in the hall. Please
sign up on the sheet in the vestibule.
Parish Notes
~ Once again, we are putting out a call for volunteers to be lectors, especially for
Saturday Masses. If you would like to serve the parish in this capacity, please let either
Guy Roy or Father Tom know. We are having to double up several people in a month, so
please consider helping. Training will be provided.
From the Bishop’s Office
~ Our Bishop John Corriveau has requested us to help the Nepal Earth Quake victims through a
donation envelope marked “Nepal”. Monies donated through Development and Peace will qualify for
matching grants from the Government of Canada provided it is received before May 25 th. These
monies with the matching grants will be distributed through Caritas Nepal, Caritas India and Catholic
Relief Services.
Envelopes have been placed in the pews and a second collection will be taken on Sunday,
May 10th.
~ Archbishop Raymond Roussin, S.M., Archbishop-emeritus of Vancouver, died in Winnipeg, MB
on 24 April 2015 at the age of 75.
Archbishop Roussin served the Church in Western Canada for many years. He was appointed Bishop
of Gravlbourg, SK on 14 June 1995. He became Bishop of Victoria, BC on 28 June 1998 and
Archbishop of Vancouver on 17 February 2004. Due to poor health, he resigned the office of
Archbishop on 2 January 2009 and moved to Winnipeg. His funeral will be celebrated at the St.
Boniface Cathedral on Saturday 2 May 2015. We remember him in prayer.
Coffee Schedule
May 3 - Parish Potluck
May 10 - No Coffee (Mother’s Day)
May 17 - No Coffee (K of C Western Breakfast)
May 24 - Catholic Women’s League
May 31 Parish Potluck, last coffee until the end of
Come Celebrate Father Wayne Pfliger's 40th Anniversary of Ordination to the Priesthood
At Our Lady of Lourdes Parish Center at 2547 Hebert Rd, Westbank on Friday, May 22nd. Social
hour from 5-6 pm followed dinner then tributes & entertainment. For 37 years he has served as
pastor in various parishes in our Diocese. Tickets are $20.00 each and are available at Loaves &
Fishes @ 591 Lawrence Ave in Kelowna Tel: 250-868-8933. Space is limited so call and order a
table for your group. For those travelling afar, the prepaid tickets will be available at the Parish
Center when you arrive. For those of you who cannot attend, the CWL and others will be offering a
Spiritual Bouquet to Fr. Wayne. If you wish to add your prayers to the Spiritual Bouquet (Rosary,
Mass, Chaplet of Divine Mercy, Adoration, Good deeds, etc.), please send an email to the following
email address no later than Tuesday, May 19th, including: Your Name, Your Parish, List of prayers
offered - christine.pineault@gmail.com
Upcoming meetings and events
~Life in the Spirit prayer meeting Wednesday May 6 is cancelled, and the next meeting will
be on May 13th , 7 PM, at 911 Ibbotson St.
~ May 23 Confirmation parish potluck supper with the Bishop after Saturday evening Mass.
~June 7th- parish picnic.
~June 27th Spaghetti Supper in the hall.
A note of Thanks from the family of Fr. Don Wilson
The love and devotion demonstrated towards our brother, Father Don, by the people of the Nelson
Diocese and beyond, has been overwhelming. Our family fully accepted that Don had devoted his
life and his priesthood to the people in the West. Your prayers, kind words, generosity and
supporting activities express your deep love for your priest and personal friend, Father Don. We
were so proud of him, and have been deeply moved by how he ministered and touched so many
people in so many ways.
The Wilson family thanks you for sharing in his celebration of life.
Pastor’s Note
Baptism, the Eucharist and the Sacrament of Confirmation together constitute the “Sacraments
of Christian Initiation”. We need to safeguard their unity. Sacrament of Confirmation is a necessity for
the completion of baptismal grace. By the Sacrament of Confirmation the baptized are more perfectly
bound to the Church and are enriched with a special strength of the Holy Spirit. Hence they are, as
true witnesses of Christ, more strictly obliged to spread and defend the faith by word and deed.
In the Western or Roman liturgy all these sacraments are given at three different occasions. But
in oriental liturgies all these sacraments are give together at one time.
This year we are blessed with one confirmation. Myles Robinson is prepared for the sacrament
of Confirmation by Patrick Doyle. A very special thank you to Pat for his strenuous work for the
Church. The candidate will have his final preparation on May 9th at 10 am in the Church. Myles R.
will be confirmed on May 23rd during the 5 pm Holy Eucharist. Bishop John Corriveau will be
officiating the ceremony. Let us remind us of our reception of this sacrament in the past and pray for
the candidate and the parish community.
Please remember to pray for the sick in our Parish:
Lucy Markowski, Bernice Ferris, Katherine Lemieux, Kay Heffner, Eva Maria Fuchs, Mark Doucette,
Marcel Doucette, Marg Kehler, Elizabeth Nagal, Evelyn Green, Nick Green, Marie Gale, Anna Karikas,
Sonny Weinberger, Marcel Laventure, Leonora Ludwar, Darlene Weibe, Leanne Wastrodowski,
Jeanne Marie Plante, Zbygnief Staszczak, Peter Allison, Karl Zimmerman, Mary Ann Staples,
Margaret Rauch, Dave Manning.
 Prayer for the sick 
Father of goodness and love, hear our prayers for the sick members of our community and for all
who are in need. Amid mental and physical suffering may they find consolation in Your healing
presence. Show Your mercy as You close wounds, cure illness, make broken bodies whole and free
downcast spirits. May these special people find lasting health and deliverance, and so join us in
thanking You for all Your gifts. We ask this through the Lord Jesus who healed those who believed.