SATURDAY APRIL 18, 2015 10:00 - 2:00 FUN RUN 9:30 AM CCHS TRACK SILENT FOOD AUCTION CAFETERIA TALENT SHOW 11 AM Life Center Jesus Colors Our Lives SPRINGFEST 2015 PRIZE EGGS A E SE D R TH YGROUN E D UN R PLA E DL TOD CRAFTS RIDE THE BULL MINI TRAIN FOOTBALL TOSS INFLATABLE OBSTACLE COURSE TEE-BALL SPRINGFEST T-SHIRT ORDER FORM (One t-shirt for Springfest and the Run) Student’s Name _____________________________Grade ____ Teacher ____________ Child -SS - $12.00 Adult-SS - $12.00 Child-LS-$16.00 Adult-LS - $16.00 #_____ S (6-8) #_____S #_____ S (6-8) #_____S #_____ M (10-12) #_____M #_____ M (10-12) #_____ M #_____ L (14-16) #_____L #_____ L (14-16) #_____ L #_____ XL # _____ XL #_____ XXL ($2 extra) # _____XXL($2 extra) Send forms with payment to the office by THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 2015. (WHITE T-SHIRTS) I will help at Springfest between the hours of: q10-12:00 or q12:00-2 pm Name __________________ Phone ________________ e-mail _____________________ I will provide ______________________________ for the sweets booth. I have enclosed a donation of $25 for a box of hamburgers. ISH FIN Jesus Colors Our Lives 5 ay 01 rd 2 00 tu 8, 2: Sa l 1 ri 0 p :0 A 10 Fo od for & F Fa th un mi e ly HOLY CROSS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SPRINGFEST 2015 My company would like to be a Springfest t-shirt sponsor! q $300 - Springfest sponsor (company logo will appear on back of t-shirt) Company Name ___________________________________ Attach company logo to form or e-mail info to ORDER TICKETS/BRACELETS EARLY! $10 Admission Bracelet: required for school-age children Talent Show Mini-Train Ride the Bull Tee-Ball Football Toss Obstacle Course Toddler Playground Crafts You will need tickets for: Hamburgers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3.00 Hot Dogs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.00 French Fries/Pickles . . . . . . . . . $1.00 Soft Drinks/Water. . . . . . . . . . . . $1.00 Sweets/Candy (2) . . . . . . . . . . . $1.00 Prize Eggs (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.00 Color Splash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.00 Tickets are worth $1.00 each, i.e. 3 tickets for one hamburger. NO REFUNDS. Send ticket order form along with a check. Tickets will be sent home with your child. SPRINGFEST BRACELET/TICKET ORDER Child’s Name ________________________ Grade ____ Teacher __________ No. of Bracelets: ______ @ $10.00 each TOTAL $ ENCLOSED = $ ___________ No. of Tickets: _____ @ $1.00 each HOLY CROSS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Students and Adults are welcome to run! FIN ISH Saturday, April 18, 2015 9:30 am SPRINGFEST 2015 (Springfest and Run T-shirts are the same) FUN RUN ON CC TRACK-$20.00 ENTRY FEE l9:00 a.m. sign in and late registration. lT-shirts/color kit for participants registered by April 2, 2015 lT-shirts/color kits not guaranteed for late registration. lRunners will be splashed with powdered color at four (4) points around the track. lEntrants can choose to exit the track through the COLOR BLAST after any lap (for smaller children). lColor powder used is 100% safe and non-toxic and is manufactured in the USA. lIf overly sensitive, wear glasses/goggles for your eyes; bandana/mask for your mouth. lFREE JEAN DAY for all HCES student participants (date to be announced)! HCES 1 MILE FUN RUN ENTRY FORM Name ________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Address:________________________________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip:___________________________________________________________________________________ Grade/Teacher:___ _____________________________________ CIRCLE T-SHIRT SIZE: YS YM YL TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED: $ ____________ AS AM AL AXL AXXL RELEASE: I, the undersigned, intending to be legally bound, hereby, for myself, my heirs, executors and administrators, waive and release any and all rights and claims for damages I may have against Holy Cross Elementary School, any race officials, associated sponsors, their representatives, successors and assigns for any injuries suffered by me in said event. I attest and verify that I will participate in this event as a foot race entrant and that I am physically fit and have sufficiently trained for the completion of this event. I hereby grant permission for any officials associated with this event to use any photographs, videotapes or audio recordings of this event, as they deem appropriate. Signature:________________________________________ Signature of Runner/Walker Signature: _______________________________________ Signature of Parent or Guardian if participant is under the age of 18 Entry form MUST be filled out completely & waiver signed. Make checks payable to Holy Cross PTO. No refund on any entry fee. HOLY CROSS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SPRINGFEST TALENT SHOW When: Saturday- April 18, 2015 Where: Yvonne Anne Adams Life Center Time: 11:00 am Auditions: You MUST audition on Monday, April 13, or Tuesday, April 14, 2015 from 3 to 4 pm in the Yvonne Anne Adams Life Center in order to perform on Saturday. Bring costumes for approval. Entry form with parent’s signature MUST be turned in at time of audition. Participants are responsible for music, CD/CD player, costume, and supplies. Connection to speaker system is available for Ipod, Iphone. Two minutes will be allowed for each act. Talent is open to grades PK3 – 6. Talent must be age appropriate, entertaining and tasteful. HOLY CROSS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SPRINGFEST TALENT SHOW PERMISSION SLIP ______Solo Act _______Group Act Student(s) Name/Grade:_______________________________________ Teacher: _____________ Student(s) Name/Grade:_______________________________________ Teacher: _____________ Student(s) Name/Grade:_______________________________________ Teacher: _____________ Student(s) Name/Grade:_______________________________________ Teacher: _____________ Describe talent/performance (song, dance, comedy, etc.): _________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Parent Signature: ________________________________________________________________ HOLY CROSS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Are you running in the Springfest Fun Run? Volunteer Challenge: Invite your family & friends to sponsor you! Student: ___________________________ Fundraising Goal: _________________ Name $ per lap Donation Amount Make checks payable to: “HOLY CROSS ELEMENTARY” and return to school office by April 17. Promote fitness in our kids! Support Holy Cross Elementary School!
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