Lost & Found Are you missing something? Check out the Lost & Found table in the Gathering Place. Block Party News SUNDAY June 14, 2015 HOLY CROSS LUTHERAN CHURCH ELCA You Make A Difference! Through your generosity, Holy Cross has helped the ELCA reach towards its goal of $15 million for work in combatting Malaria. "Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." – 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Today, we celebrate another fundraising milestone for the ELCA Malaria Campaign. The campaign has raised over $14 million on the way towards our $15 million goal. We are almost there! While it's great to meet milestones, we know that the hope of ending deaths from malaria is what truly inspires people to give and act. Thanks to you: ●Over 2 million people have been reached with malaria education ●More than 50,000 mosquito nets have been distributed ●Over 32,000 expectant mothers have received preventative treatment during their pregnancies 160,000 people have been tested for malaria, and the 40,000 who tested positive received medication for treatment. The Lutheran malaria programs are transforming communities and saving lives in 13 different countries in Africa. Thank you for working for health and wholeness for all of God's children. Thank you for naming suffering as contrary to God's will and working to correct injustice. Thank you for joining us and our companions as we work together to make malaria history! By Allison Beebe, ELCA Malaria Campaign staff Planning for the 5th Annual Holy Cross Block Party is well underway! It will be held Saturday, September 12, from noon until 6:00 pm. Outdoor worship will follow from 6pm to 7:00 pm. On the prior evening, Friday, September 11, we will have a walk and outdoor movie, as we did last year. We are adding many new features, including a travelling magician, a gaga ball pit, and a children’s talent show. Back by popular demand will be the II Edition Polka Band and Ian Gould, Irish singer, as well as the rock climbing wall, inflatables, games and more! Please mark your calendars to attend this great congregational event for all ages! With so much fun packed into one day, we need lots of hands to make it all possible. Please consider signing up to volunteer for a shift in any one (or more) of the areas we need help in. Volunteer sign-up sheets are now available in the Atrium. Quilters The Quilters have one more sewing day before they break for the summer. They will meet at 9:00 am on June 17. The group will start their fall session on September 2, 2015. More members are needed and welcome. Think about joining. We do not create intricate patterns, just sew basic quilts to keep people warm or for them to use in some other way that helps their lives. Preschool Update Preschool registration for the 2015-2016 school year is open, and spots are still available. Our classes are capped at 10 students. We offer 2 day, 3 day and 5 day (for 3 year olds only) class options. Please contact the Preschool of- fice at 502-4104 for more information if you are interested in enrolling a child. What is a Caring Companion? Someone who recognizes that there are homebound folks in need of a visit. Someone who is willing to extend themselves to another. Someone who appreciates one on one contact and interaction. Someone who has the ability to communicate God’s love through by a friendly visit. Someone who understands that one hour per month can make a difference. Please contact the church office if you are interested in this ministry. Host Families Are Needed For Camp Counselors We’re looking for two families to host the day camp counselors from Crossway's Camping Ministries from August 9-13. If you like young adults and have a spare bedroom then we need your HELP! Camp is just two months away and we still have not found housing for them. You do not have to have a child attending camp to volunteer. You can entertain them as little or as much as you like. They have their own transportation. Please contact Sue at suec@holycrosslutheran.org or 251-2740. PRAYER CONNECTION Join the Prayer Chain or submit a request by emailing prayerchain@holycrosslutheran.org CHRISTIAN SYMPATHY ●To Colleen Bisgard and her family in the passing of her Mother. MEMORIAL ●Was received from Pat Hansen in memory of Pr. John Worth. HOPE CHEST FOR JUNE ●St. Johns NOISY OFFERING FOR JUNE ●El Salvador FOOD PANTRY ITEM OF THE WEEK ●Pork & Beans SERVING ON JUNE 20 & 21 Ushers: 5:00 pm David & Janet Blank team 7:45 am Randall Kressin team 9:00 am Bill Marohl team 10:30 am Oliver Olsen team Lectors: 5:00 pm Lowell Carl 7:45 am Scott Stenstrup 9:00 am John Ganoung 10:30 am Eleonore Kamoske Worship Assistant: David Falk Altar Guild: Jeff & Kathy Kroenke, Kristin Boehler, Connie Blahnik Greeters: 5:00 pm Paul & Anne Lindemann 7:45 am Don & Sandy Earnest, Marilyn Heyde, Sandy & Bob Schlag 9:00 am Vern & Shirley Blankenburg, Bob & Coleen Reshel 10:30 am George & Donita Bruder, Darlene Kullmann TODAY-Sunday 14 Scrip Sale, Mt. Meru Coffee & Chocolate Sale Worship 7:45, 9:00 & 10:30 am PB+J 11:30 am Monday 15 Northwest Trading Post 1:00 & 6:00 pm Tuesday 16 Tweens Event 6:00 pm Property Team 6:30 pm Wednesday 17 Outdoor Worship 6:00 pm Stewardship 6:00 pm Friday 19 Church Office Closes At Noon Saturday 20 Healing Prayer in Worship, Scrip Sale Worship 5:00 pm Sunday 21 Healing Prayers in Worship, Scrip Sale Worship 7:45, 9:00 & 10:30 am Youth Gathering Meeting 11:30 am Welcome Center: 4:40 pm Mary Ann Holt, Sylvia Greytak 8:30 am Carol Miller 10:00 am Eleonore Kamoske HOLY CROSS LUTHERAN CHURCH ELCA W156 N8131 Pilgrim Road Menomonee Falls, WI 53051 Phone: 262-251-2740 E-mail: holycross1@holycrosslutheran.org Web Site: www.holycrosslutheran.org Worship Schedule: Saturday-5:00 pm, Sunday-7:45, 9:00 am & 10:30 am JOIN US FOR Children ●Join us for VBS at Holy Cross where kids overcome obstacles with God's awesome power. We will anchor kids in rocksolid Bible truths that will guide them through life's challenges. They will meet new friends, do amazing experiments, play crazy games and enjoy lip-smacking snacks all while they are learning about God’s love. Join us on June 22-26 from 9:00 am to noon. Contact Ellie at cedellie@yahoo.com or 251-2740 for details. ●Summer Music Camp...this fun filled musical is for children ages 1st grade thru completion of 8th grade. Camp will be held on August 3-6 from 9:00 am-3:00 pm. The performances will be held during the worship services on August 8 at 5:00 pm and August 9 at 9:00 & 10:30 am. Sign-up in the Gathering Place. ●We're so excited...we have Crossway's Day Camp this summer here at Holy Cross. Camp is a unique blend of ministry with crafts, music, skits, Bible exploration, games, activities, making friends and having fun. The relationships that are built at camp benefit children all year long. We still have openings and would love to have your kids join us. Camp runs August 10-14 from 9:00-3:00 Monday-Thursday and 9:00-12:00 on Friday. It is available for children who have just completed 1st-6th grade. You can contact Sue Christiaansen at suec@holycrosslutheran.org or 262-251-2740. Join the fun and let your fun side shine! Youth Stewardship Message We should travel light and live simply. Our enemy is not possessions, but excess. ●Monday evenings until August 31 is Ultimate Frisbee time! Join us at 5:30 pm at the Holy Cross baseball diamond.
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