s n io t c e n n o C s s o r C Holy Upcoming Events: 5:30 PM Soup Suppers 6:30 PM Bible Classes 7:15 PM Lent Worship (SS) God’s Plan of Salvation March 4 “You Betray Me With a Kiss?” March 11 “I Find No Crime in Him” March 18 “You...Take this Cross for Him” March 25 “Here is Your Mother...Here is Your Son” Inside this issue: Holy Cross Youth 2 Holy Cross U Schedule 2 Stewardship 3 Greece 3 Ladies Book Discussion 3 Giving Tree 3 Mom’s Group 3 Young at Heart 3 Maundy Thursday Service 4 Text Notification 4 Holy Cross Crafters 4 Stephen Ministry 4 School Mission & Ministry 5-6 Creation Ministries Speaker 6 School Registration 6 God With Us 6 Marriage Renewal 7 Sweetheart Dinner 7 Holy Cross Connections March 2015 Marching to War I’m not quite sure why but as March approaches this year, all that comes to my mind is the hymn, “Onward Christian Soldiers, Marching as to War.” Perhaps it’s because everyone seems to be fighting some kind of battle these days. From the horrendous international hostilities we keep hearing about, to partisan politics, to individuals battling cancer and the flu, there are struggles going on everywhere. God reminds us in Ephesians chapter 6, “Our Struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” How true that is. Every evil we face in this world has its origin in humanity’s fall into sin. From the cancers we fight in our bodies, to the cancer ISIS is spreading across the Middle East, it all stems from the fact that we are sinners living in a sinful world. All Satan has to do is continue to stir the pot and — where Christ Jesus is not present — death and destruction spread. What does this have to do with March and the season of Lent, you might ask? If the war is spiritual in nature, so must be the solution. That is why God sent us a Savior rather than an army. We needed to be rescued from our sins rather than destroyed because of them. We needed to know that God loves us in spite of our sins; He does not hate us as the result of them. So Christ demonstrated His love for us in that while were yet God’s enemies, Jesus died on a cross to reconcile us back to God, our Father. By grace we have been saved through faith in Jesus. Now Jesus tells us: “By this all people will know that you are my disciples, that you love one another.” There it is -- the weapon with which we can overcome life’s struggles and win the war – Christian Love! So this March, let’s not hunker down in our spiritual bunkers and pretend everything is just fine out there. Let’s march right out into the fray and take the offensive. Let’s unleash the Love of Christ on the world around us and let people know the truth; God’s love conquers multitudes of sins. Pastor Kip Page 2 Holy Cross Connections Holy Cross Youth Goings On ... A great big THANK YOU to our amazing Holy Cross family for supporting our youth at the Sweetheart Dinner last month! We hosted the most guests ever-115 and are now $7,056 closer to attending the National Gathering in New Orleans next July! Praise the Lord! Also a great big thank you to Roger Stewart for the delicious dinner which was donated by him and his generous suppliers, all of our dedicated parents, wonderful youth and tech crew for working so hard and doing such an awesome job on the event! Last but certainly not least, our BRAVE, HILARIOUS couples who participated in the Newlywed Game! Our grand prize winners were Bryan & Becky Comune, with runners up Patti & Rick Sailer, Pam & Marty Rohrer, and Jen & Mark Gearig! Enjoy your time at The Bistro! Please keep the following Ohio District Junior Youth Gathering participants in your prayers for a fun, faith-filled weekend in Columbus with several hundred other LCMS Ohio District youth on March 13-15! Krista & Kate Haubert, Sheridan Burns, Gracie Howard, Kenzie Ludwig, Elizabeth Sailer, Curtis Eberle, Grant Holdren, Brady Evans, Mike Ludwig and Lorin Zuppe. HOLY CROSS YOUTH LAST NITE OF ELEVATION WORSHIP Our next youth night will be Sunday, March 22 from 6-8 p.m. with rescheduled SOLD OUT! Please plan on this very important night and bring friends! God’s blessings on your month! Lorin We are up! Our new youth group YouTube channel is here! Check out and subscribe to "GodCha News" for monthly youth group announcements, videos of our doings and other fun antics! Wednesday Holy Cross U. Spring Quarter 2015 4/8-5/13/15 NEW TIME! Starting Spring quarter, Holy Cross U. will have a new end time! All classes will run 6:30-7:30 p.m. Families are welcome to then have fellowship time in our church café if they wish! Course catalogs coming to church mailboxes and both Welcome Centers by the end of the month to share with family and friends! Spring highlights: Bryan Comune leading S.H.A.P.E. in Adult room A-3, Audree Wakefield facilitating Sacred Secrets Bible study by Beth Moore in Adult room A-1, and Pastor Kip’s Bible study will continue in 2 Thessalonians (coinciding with Thursday morning class) in the South Sanctuary! Sign-up sheets can be found at both church welcome centers! It will be an exciting conclusion to our Holy Cross U year! More new and exciting things coming this Fall! We are always looking for fresh, different class ideas and teachers! If you want to be a part of this innovative, supportive, family friendly ministry team please contact Lorin Zuppe! Holy Cross Connections Page 3 Stewardship As of December 31, 2014, our building debt balance was down to $1,188,000. Your extra “Answering His Call” contributions this past year have already shortened the length of our loan by 5 years and saved us $269,000 in interest. That’s $269,000 over the course of the loan that can be used for ministry. That’s wonderful stewardship. Please keep it up! Well Done & Thank You, Pastor Kip Walk the Biblical cities where the Apostle Paul preached. Pastor Kip and Lora invite you to join them for an 11 Day Walk in the Footsteps of Paul, Including 7 Night Greek Isles Cruise. Travel dates are October 28- November 7 this fall, with an optional 3 day extension to Rome. Please contact Pastor Kip for more information (330-413-4865). We would love to have you come along on this once in a lifetime Bible adventure. Ladies Book Discussion Please note...The Ladies’ Book Discussion will be, “Following Jesus Through the Eye of the Needle” by Jennifer Chiaverini. Hostesses & leaders will be Laurie Fauber & Barbara Sautters. See you March 9th @ 7:00 PM at the Youth House! March 12th Mom’s Group will be held at... Audree Wakefield’s House 7485 Carmen Drive NW, N. Canton Come at 7:00 and stay as long as you need to! Young at Heart Giving Tree The Feb/March Angel Tree will be for medical supplies for the Haiti Mission Trip. The team is organizing to accomplish two goals: Proclaim Jesus Christ in Cap Haitien Conduct medical clinics at numerous satellite locations. We are seeking cash donations medications for the clinics. Mom’s Group to purchase Do you enjoy jazz music? Well, then, come join us at Leno’s Restaurant @ 4:45 PM to have dinner before the performance on Tuesday, March 24th. We’ll meet @ 6:16 PM at GlenOak High School to hear jazz ensembles from: GLENOAK, OAKWOOD, LAKE AND JACKSON. Guest performer is THERON BROWN who recently portrayed the jazz great Herbie Hancock in the movie paying tribute to the legendary trumpeter, Miles Davis. Bring a friend and support our young musicians. Holy Cross Connections Page 4 Maundy Thursday Service A Symbolic Christian Seder (Passover) Meal is being planned for our Maundy Thursday service on April 2.nd Your help is needed. Willing workers are needed before, during and after the service for assistance with table set-up, food preparation, seating, tear down and clean-up. If you are available and willing to help, please contact Rosemarie Millin by phone (330-966-9365) or by e - m a i l ( r o m i e 1 9 4 7 @ a t t . n e t ) TEXT NOTIFICATION Our new text-notification system was put to use Saturday, February 14th when Sunday’s activities were cancelled. Did you sign up to receive texts in the event of an emergency or cancellation? If you already filled out a form and did NOT receive a text, please let Katie know. Additionally, forms can be found in both Welcome Centers if you would prefer to fill out a paper, instead. You can contact Katie at 330-299-3307. HOLY CROSS CRAFTERS The Holy Cross crafters make greeting cards for our shut-ins. They will be led by Cindy Ickes on Tuesday, March 17 in Room M-7 @ 7:00 PM. Bring $2.00 scissors to defray the cost of materials. Small Seeds, Mighty Trees Paul wrote, "I planted the seed, Apollo watered it, but God made it grow.” (1 Corinthians 3: 6) Is it time to add more water to the seeds of faith that have been planted in you? Consider serving our congregation as a Stephen Minister. A new training class is starting in September. For more information, contact any of our Stephen Leaders: Diane Diehl (330- 491-1402), Judy Forsythe (330-494-7532), Rosemarie Millin (330-966-9365), Joe Wonsettler (330-834-0365); or Pastor Kip at 330-499-3307, ext. 108. God has plans for you to grow. Holy Cross Connections Page 5 School Mission and Ministry News Registration for the 2015-2016 school year is going very well. We still have a few openings. If you know of someone who is looking for a quality, Christian program please have them give me a call. Remember, we are a Five Star Center in Step Up to Quality. The feedback from our parent/teacher conferences was extremely positive. Parents were impressed with what their children have been learning, and have been thankful for the time we spend teaching their children about Jesus and His love. Please pray for us. The staff needs the strength that comes from God to carry out this important Kingdom work. February has been a month filled with love in the two & three year-old room. Love is what Holy Cross Preschool and Kindergarten is all about. The children showed their love by making and giving Valentines to their families and classmates. In Bible time, the children learned that Jesus had 12 special friends (disciples) who helped Him tell people about God's love. The children were excited to learn that Jesus also loved children! They learned that Jesus showed His love by helping people. The children know the heart shape means "Jesus loves Me!" They especially loved singing "Jesus’ Love is Bubbling Over” and "I love Jesus Does He know?" (Mrs. Anne Hankins & Ms. Kelli Picot) February was an exciting month in the 3 & 4 year old classroom! The children learned about how Jesus loves children! They continued to learn about the letters N, O, P & Q. The children began making their number books as they practiced printing numbers 1-4. They learned about Valentine’s Day and finger-painted pictures of what they love. The children had a great time at the Valentine parties celebrating God’s love for them! During Bible time they continued to learn about Jesus. They talked about keeping their bodies healthy for Jesus as they studied health & nutrition. They learned about Jesus feeding the 5,000 and how He stopped a storm. The children continue to grow in God’s love and learn about Jesus’ great love for them! (Mrs. Janet Eagon & Mrs. Patty Wallace) The four-year-old / Pre-Kindergarten class started February with the letter M. Through the Bible story of the Ten Lepers the children learned that Jesus loves them and they have much for which to be grateful. They learned about the importance of listening to God's word as they learned about Mary and Martha. Their Bible lessons continued as they learned about the miracle Jesus performed when He fed 5,000 people with only five small fish and two loaves of bread! The children then learned about the letter N. For the letter O, the children played in Oatmeal, made an Owl and put an Octopus in the Ocean. Continuing with their Bible lessons the children learned about how the love of Jesus changes our hearts through the story of Zacchaeus. (Mrs. Teri Hockman, Mrs. Tiffany Clay) The Pre-Kindergarten class started the month exploring the steps required for the Post Office to deliver mail, as they delivered their valentines to their classmates. The second full week of February was spent with a unit on Safety & Community Helpers. They made police & firefighter hats and used police and firefighter’s dress-up clothes for dramatic play. To help them stay safe, they are working on learning their phone numbers and will soon start to memorize their addresses. They also learned what to do if they see or smell smoke and how and when to dial 911. The next unit was on nutrition. The class learned the food groups, and that God gave us wonderful things to eat. God wants us to eat healthy. With our healthy bodies we are able to tell others about Jesus, as they learned Peter and Lydia did long ago. A special thank you to the parents who helped at the Valentines parties, and those who graciously gave items to use for the two-day event. (Ms. Leslie Martin & Mrs. Cristina Davis) Holy Cross Connections Page 6 School Mission and Ministry Con’t... February began with lots of excitement in the Kindergarten room as the children prepared for the 100 th day of being together with friends. . .what a celebration! If you take 100 steps from the kindergarten room you will end up in front of Pastor Ralph’s office. The kindergarten class counted them. A week and a half later it was time to celebrate Valentine’s Day! How blessed we are to have God’s friendship and love. The Kindergarten children now have a reading vocabulary of several hundred words and are becoming little spellers and writers. They enjoyed learning about telling time and counting money. “We love because HE first loved us! 1 John 4:19 (Mrs. Angie Linsky) Marjorie James, Administrator Holy Cross Lutheran Church Sunday March 29, 2015 10:00am - Design, Deluge & Dilemma Dr Jonathan Sarfati - CMI Scientist & author Remember to invite your family & friends! Creation resources available Preschool/Kindergarten Registration for the 2015-2016 School Year Save the date! We are proud to host another GOD WITH US benefit Registration for Preschool/Kindergarten for the concert on Sunday, 2015-16 school year for current students and church April 26 at 6:30pm. member families began early to mid-February. If you know anyone who might be interested in Preschool or Kindergarten for next year, please tell them that there is still time to take that first step by calling Marjorie James @ 330-494-6478. I would be happy to answer any questions they might have. Thank you, Marjorie It will feature a 100+ voice choir, 30 piece orchestra, soloists and narrated by our own Pastor Kip Smith. Many Holy Cross singers and musicians are involved in this grand project with all donations going to feed the children of Cap Haitien, Haiti. This is a wonderful event to invite non-churched or churched family members and friends. Singers and musicians: for information on how to participate, contact Lee Zacharias 440-476-8842 or rleezacharias@yahoo.com. Holy Cross Connections Page 7 Awww...... Sweetheart Dinner 2015 Working hard in the kitchen....salad anyone? May we show you to your table? Non-Profit U.S. Postage PAID Canton, OH Permit No. 123 Holy Cross Lutheran 7707 North Market Avenue North Canton, OH 44721 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Sunday Mornings At Holy Cross Richard “Kip” Smith, Senior Pastor Ralph Hough, Associate Pastor 8:00 AM Liturgy of Praise Traditional Worship 8:45 AM Majestic Praise Ted Voss, Pastor Emeritus Mr. R. Lee Zacharias Worship Ministries Coordinator Blended Worship Mr. Marcus Cunningham is a Christ-centered, friendly, mission-minded, Bible-based community of believers who strive to carry out ministry with integrity and excellence. DVDs of Sunday worship services are on the counter in the north and south hallways. Audio is on the website. 8:45 AM Adult Bible Class Audio/Visual Tech Coordinator 10:00 AM Sunday School, Youth Bible Class, and Adult Bible Hour Mrs. Lorin Zuppe Director of Youth Ministries & Children’s Ministry 11:00 AM Expressions of Praise Contemporary Worship April Newsletter Deadline Sunday, March 15 Mrs. Patti Sailer Assistant Director of Children’s Ministry Mrs. Vicki Zacharias, Office Manager Mrs. Katie Stiver, Soul Accounting Secretary Mrs. Rose Ann Crowder, Visitation Coordinator Mrs. Diane Diehl, Stephen Ministry Office Phone 330-499-3307 Office FAX 330-499-2319 Mr. Richard Reed, Property Manager Preschool 330-494-6478 www.HolyCrossNorthCanton.com Mrs. Marjorie James e-mail info@holycrossnorthcanton.com Holy Cross School Administrator
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