May God`s many blessings Be yours forever more And may you

May 2015 Edition
Holy Cross Catholic Church Monthly Newsletter
May God’s many blessings
Be yours forever more
And may you know you’re valued
And loved by the Lord
Especially on this day
That we have set aside
To show our appreciation
To the mothers in our lives.
Holy Cross Catholic Church
1420 East 16th St.
West Fargo, ND 58078-3411
(701) 282-7217
West Fargo, ND 58078
We ask you to remember
the following in prayer...
New Members
Andrea & Paul Danda, Alina & Isabella
Annie & Amos Condley, Shayla & Zoey
Marissa & Ross Branstner, Kaileigh & Alex
Lila & Harold Hoffman
Nanda & Tom Gross
Ed Biniek
Danaval Dupree
We'll meet on Thursday, May 14th following the 12:15
mass. We'll enjoy a potluck lunch, so we ask that you
bring a dish or treat to share. We welcome anyone who
is interested in playing cards or games, or come join us
just to socialize! (This will be our last event of the
season, until we meet again in September. Watch for
notices in the bulletin and Cross Talk!) Please call Carol
Holub at 298-0854 or Clare Elless at 282-4356 if you
have any questions.
Danielle & Mike Hager, Rylie
JoAnn & Robert Mehring
Alyson & Brandon May
Susie & Paul Fracassi, Gino
Loren Lothspeich
Korinne Sofia, daughter of Erin & Joshua Arbogast
Jack Richard, son of Elizabeth & Samuel Christianson
Evanie Ray, daughter of Janine & Jeremy Weidner
Dominic Ernesto, son of Janet & Jose Mendoza
William Matthew, son of Alicia & Matthew Hauff
Alexis Dakota, daughter of Karyssa & Randolph
Gibbs, II
Claire Margaret, daughter of Lenae Selch & Adam
Cheryl Ihry & Duane Klatt
Thanks to all who attended the Divine
Mercy service last Sunday and
participated in the Novena and
recitation of the Chaplet of The Divine
Mercy prior to the April 12th service.
Special thanks to Fr. Meyer & Fr.
Jasinski & for music and song provided by Karissa Flieth.
Thanks to Heather, Bianca and staff who helped with the
arrangements of the service in any way and for all who
attended. It was a wonderful turnout. This is an annual event
and takes place the Sunday following Easter. Next year, it will
take place on April 3. We hope you make the Chaplet of the
Divine Mercy a daily meditation in your prayer life. Thanks so
much and God's blessings.
Bill & Geri Harbeke
Does your family go through a lot of milk??
We are looking for empty gallon milk jugs
for this summer’s VBS. Please bring them
into the church office.
Fully initiated into the Catholic Faith
Brian Kingsley
Katie Ehlis
Mark Your Calendars!
Kandace Siebert
Joshua Layfield
Anthony Lindseth
Amanda Palos
Denise Rodriguez
Reminder! Sunday evening Mass changes to
7:00 pm on May 31st!
Family Night at the Redhawks!
Wednesday, July 29th
Game starts at 7:02 pm
More info in the June/July Crosstalk!
Thank You
Faith Formation & Youth Ministry
Teachers & Coordinators
I would like to send a sincere Thank You out to all of the catechists, parents, students, and anyone else
that had a hand in the Faith Formation program this year. I appreciated all the help! Thank you again!!
Brenda Mears, DRE
Carissa Bertsch
Carissa Bosch
Karie Currie
Julie Grunewald
Crystal Ridl
Melissa Schlader
Stephannie Stiel
First Grade
Michelle Angus
Gerri Dyrdahl
Angela Hagen
Sara Hoffner
Kim LaHaise
Shelly Sperle
Cathryn Stangeland
Darcy Wiersma
Second Grade
Nancy Aal
Nicole Burkhartsmeier
Beth Erickson
Nickie Giffey
Michelle Killoran
Nick Killoran
Cabrini Leno
Kristina Metcalfe
Angie Saxlund
Staci Schmitz
Robin Smith-Masog
Third Grade
Tracy Boehm
Jessica Gustin
Christy Jelinek
Ann Mueller
Jennifer Norton
Jeanine Peyerl
Belle Schaefers
Julie Smith
Mike Srnsky
Sheri Srnsky
Shannon Stumpf
Fourth Grade
Candida Braun
Melissa Heitkamp
Arin Johnson
Bruce Johnson
Randon Lovering
Jen Pfau
Darla Skaurud
Fifth Grade
Joy Beeter
Karissa Flieth
Sue Klabunde
Sheila Paulus
Denise Rodriguez
Elizabeth Scott
Kayla Zeltinger
Sixth Grade
Amanda Diemert
Deacon Jim Eggl
Nancy Johnson
Lisa Motl
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
Geralyn Green
Jessica Green
Becky Klava
Isabel Klava
Seventh - Twelfth Grade
Father Meyer
Father Jasinski
Gwen Allred
Lenae Ambrose
Corina Biwer
Willie Gartner
Michael Harris
Victor Heitkamp
Pam Henricks
Margaret Keller
Sandra Keller
Susan Olson
Belle Schaefers
Tanya Wigestrand
Falon Angeles
Julie Belch
Kimberly Birrenkott
Maria Clute
Stuart Clute
Stephanie Crandall
Melissa Friesen
Nancy Hammer
Carla Janssen
Naomi Mitzel
Sherry Mulligan
Darcy Olson
Annie Romero
Men’s Bible Study
Larry Geffre
Keith Wilson
Women of the Word
Gerri Dyrdahl
Elly Holland
Christy Jelinek
Brenda Schmitz
Thank you to all those that
Baptism Class
Deacon James Eggl
Darryl Lutovsky
Chris Eisenbeisz
Emily Eisenbeisz
Many blessings to our Catechists, students and families for a fun and safe summer!
See you in the fall!
Music Notes
As the school year comes to a close, the church choirs will be
taking a break for the summer months too!
The community of Holy Cross sends a big “THANK YOU for all
your talent and dedication” to all those who are involved with
the music ministry at the Church. It has been another great
year of making music and praising God in song! All the choirs will start up again
in the fall. We look forward to seeing current members back again and new
members are encouraged to join in the fall. Watch the August Newsletter for
registration information on each of the choirs.
Adult Choir
Bianca Wiederrich (Director)
Susan Bailey
Don Bartsch
Val Durbin
Kim Eisenbeis
Larry Fischer
Mike Flynn
Diane Gratton
Victor Heitkamp
Sue Helten
Steve Hill
Margaret Keller
Abigail Kramer
Jillene Krause
Kim LaHaise
Greg Lardy
Andrea Lewis
Mary Lisburg
Kathy Melaas
Laurie Nicholson
Shannon O’Leary (flute)
John Olson
Chris Roob
Janet Sanders
Brenda Schmitz
Vern Schroeder
Theresa Ulrich (accompanist)
Rosalie Anglin
Karissa Flieth
Jim Hanzel
Emily Jones
Janet Lenertz
Heide Salwei
Jackie Tellers
Janelle Thorson
Jill Van Winkle
Thursday at Sunset Band
Jim Hanzel
Margaret Keller
Cory Loveless
Andy Schaaf
Pat Thiel
Ryan Thiel
Amy Weigel
Bianca Wiederrich
Handbell Choir
Bianca Wiederrich (Director)
Kathy Bishoff
Natalie Cowley
Kim Durbin
Sue Fraase
Carrie Gianokis
Jennifer Halda
Amy Kensok
Ben Kensok
Sheila Leier
Marcia Lindquist
Kathy Melaas
Karen Mullenberg
Brenda Schmitz
Sandy Schob
Barb Sinner
Darla Skaurud
Jackie Tellers (Accompanist)
Susan Bailey
Tracy Boehm
Karissa Flieth
Larry Geffre
Sue Helten
Nancy Johnson
Margaret Keller
Kim LaHaise
John Olson
Vickie Pergande
Alicia Schroeder
Amy Wiegel
Contemporary Choir
Nancy Johnson (Director)
Carol Holub
Sheila Johnson
Sandy Schob
Jackie Tellers (Accompanist)
We honor our graduating Seniors so that they may be sent out into the world in hopes that
they will share their faith with all who they encounter.
Come and celebrate with us! Holy Cross will recognize all of our 2015
graduating high school seniors during the 9:00 am Mass on Sunday, May
17th. Following Mass, the Knights of Columbus will host a breakfast for our
graduates in the Cross Way Center.
All are welcome for Mass and breakfast!
ATTENTION PARENTS OF 2015 HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES: Please call the church office by
Wednesday, May 13th to let us know if your graduate will be attending the Baccalaureate
Also, we will be displaying a picture board of our graduates during the month of May.
Please bring a wallet size graduate picture of your child to the church office, along with the
form below, if you’d like to include them on the board.
Name: ____________________________________________________________________________
High School: ________________________________________________________________________
______ Yes, I will attend Baccalaureate liturgy on May 17th
______ No, I will not be able to attend
______ Attached is my senior pic
Want to get to know other men and
their families at Holy Cross Church?
Consider joining the Knights of
Columbus! It’s a great way to meet
other Catholic gentlemen and their
families. Please call Mike at 5407181 or e-mail for more
The Knights of Columbus Council #9642 meets the
2nd Monday of every month at Holy Cross Church
starting at 7:00 pm
May KC of the Month: Richard Elless
May KC Family of the Month: Jonathan & Nancy
Aal, Victoria & Brennan
Check out our website: for
activities and more information!
“Like” us on Facebook! Knights of Columbus
Council #9642
Save the Date!
Knights of Columbus Golf Tournament
Friday, August 7th
Carrington, ND
Contact Brian Heger at 281-1905 for
more details!
Congratulations to Holy Cross Council #9642
for bringing the following awards home from
the State Convention!
Shamrock Awards: Highest Per Capita
State Deputy Award of Excellence Grand Knight Mike Kovarik
Faith, Family, Freedom Membership
Award - Grand Knight Mike Kovarik
Father Cassedy Award - Grand Knight
Mike Kovarik
State Deputy Award of Excellence for
Outstanding District Deputy - District
Deputy 18 Brian Heger
Monday, May 11th - 7:00 pm
Council Meeting (Upper Room)
Sunday, May 17th - After all morning Masses
Baccalaureate Breakfast (CWC)
Thursday, May 21st - 7:00 pm
1st Degree Exemplification - Holy Spirit
Ministers of Liturgical Leadership
May Alter Linens: Benita Peterson
May Baptismal Font: Cabrini Leno
May Interior Plants: Darcy Olson
May 2-3, 2015: 5th Sunday of Easter
Altar Servers
4:30 PM
7:30 AM
9:00 AM
11:00 AM
6:00 PM
Brian Fettes
Volunteer Needed
Pam & Shane Henricks
Volunteer Needed
Volunteer Needed
Brian Fettes
Volunteer Needed
Makayla Janssen
Catherine Ambrose
Alfred Beamon
Jacob Angus
Mitchell Janssen
Brianna Mohs
Lukas Klabunde
Nate Angus
Alexis Janssen
Paige Peyerl
Caleb Klabunde
Megan Grove
Nathan Peyerl
Terry Angus
Rosemarie Woodbury
Brian Sperle
Lenae Ambrose
Paul Klabunde
Michelle Angus
Chuck Woodbury
Shelly Sperle
Michelle Beyer
Susan Klabunde
Ryan Wigestrand
Patrick Beyer
Jackie Gapp
Tanya Wigestrand
Preston Gapp
Paul Dukart
Dave Janssen
Mike Mohs
Jean Schreiner
Chris Gapp
Shirley Dukart
Tom Ableidinger
Zach Mohs
Paul Klabunde
Joe Peyerl
Terry Angus
Chuck Woodbury
Janet Grove
Jeanine Peyerl
Carolyn Carriere
Jim Hanzel
Rosemarie Woodbury
Mike Kiernan
Dar Stebner
Susan Klabunde
Abigail Kramer
Joan Baltezore
Danelle Klaman
Curt Vanek
Mary Ann Donnay
Matthew Klaman
Rosella Vanek
Volunteer Needed
Darryl Lutovsky
Volunteer Needed
Volunteer Needed
Volunteer Needed
Volunteer Needed
Linda Borkenhagen
Dustin Metzger
Dorothy Lindemann
Curt Vanek
Susan Klabude
Mary Ann Donnay
Joan Baltezore
Janelle Balvik
Tony Ambrose
April Olson
Ministers of Liturgical Leadership
May 9-10, 2015: 6th Sunday of Easter
Altar Servers
4:30 PM
7:30 AM
9:00 AM
11:00 AM
6:00 PM
Brian Fettes
Volunteer Needed
Sue Eggl
Volunteer Needed
Leilyn Honeyman
Brian Fettes
Ryan Orth
Isaac Klava
Noah Geffre
Holdyn Honeyman
Tedi Dimmer
Isabel Klava
Matt Scott
Grace Hardmeyer
Victoria Aal
Seth Benson
Nick Benson
Michael Flynn
Jim Koenig
Carter Steffes
Denise Geffre
Scott Olson
Rose Marie Franek
Kim Koenig
Chase Steffes
Larry Geffre
Rodger Sims
Rod Steffes
Jennifer Norton
Roberta Krenz
Robert Norton
Harvey Heise
Dan Sinner
John Klava
John Ries
Volunteer Needed
Rosemary Heise
Volunteer Needed
Jeff Ensrud
Gus Ries
Volunteer Needed
Steve Scott
Mary Sinner
Roberta Krenz
Justin Gehrke
Jamie Steffes
Larry Geffre
Richard Haugen
Toot Gregor
Kim Koenig
Susan Nilson
Carole Steidl
Leilyn Honeyman
Mike Thorsteinson
Barb Sinner
Jeff Pegg
Elizabeth Pemel Scott
Volunteer Needed
Maria Pegg
Sarah Ries
Volunteer Needed
Mark Petermann
Volunteer Needed
Volunteer Needed
Volunteer Needed
Volunteer Needed
Mike Thorsteinson
Arlene Schneider
Julie Benson
Sarah Ries
Leilyn Honeyman
Clare Elless
Barb Sinner
Jason Benson
Elizabeth Pemel Scott
Joe Bailey
May 16-17, 2015: 7th Sunday of Easter
Altar Servers
4:30 PM
7:30 AM
9:00 AM
11:00 AM
6:00 PM
Brian Fettes
Volunteer Needed
Pam & Shane Henricks
Volunteer Needed
Volunteer Needed
Brian Fettes
Volunteer Needed
Grant Warkenthien
Alex Lupear
Alfred Beamon
Kaitlyn Johnson
Wyatt Warkenthien
Logan Heger
Lukas Klabunde
Adam Clute
Jacob Dosch
Caleb Klalbunde
Troy Mullenberg
Barb Murray
Janet Tumaini
Dan Lupear
Paul Klabunde
Keith Murray
Julie Warkenthien
Joy Lupear
Susan Klabunde
Linda Olson
Brenda Aswege
Mike Lupear
Volunteer Needed
Daniel Lupear
Paul Coppin
Nick Gludt
Shawn Warkenthien
Kevin Bucholz
Jean Schreiner
Volunteer Needed
Volunteer Needed
Jim Prochniak
Haley Bucholz
Paul Klalbunde
Matt Prochniak
Brian Heger
Stuart Clute
Laine Richard
Brenda Sagert
Joy Lupear
Carolyn Carriere
Al Hoffart
Alana Fink
Jane Speich
Jessica Gustin
Susan Klabunde
Betty Hoffart
Mary Kay Willits
Dan Van Winkle
Mike Harris
Sarah Jelinek
Jeff Volk
Kari Bucholz
Volunteer Needed
Mary Dosch
Stacy Schwab
Volunteer Needed
Volunteer Needed
Volunteer Needed
Maria Clute
Alana Fink
Mary Dosch
Kari Bucholz
April Olson
Shannon O'Leary
Mary Kay Willits
Paul Dosch
Stacy Schwab
Susan Klabunde
Ministers of Liturgical Leadership
May 23-24, 2015: Pentecost Sunday
Altar Servers
4:30 PM
7:30 AM
9:00 AM
11:00 AM
6:00 PM
Brian Fettes
Volunteer Needed
Sue Eggl
Volunteer Needed
Leilyn Honeyman
Brian Fettes
Ryan Orth
Kali Copin
Ryleigh Skaurud
Holdyn Honeyman
Jordan Miranda
Brooklyn Faller
Brittany Srnsky
Grace Hardmeyer
Summer Miranda
Tatum Faller
Brooke Srnsky
Diane Kelly
Renee Ringdahl
Brian Carroll
James Preston
Scott Olson
Larry Kelly
Keith Ringdahl
Joanna Carroll
Patti Preston
Rodger Sims
Tom Gentzkow
Makenzie Preston
Vickie Gentzkow
Brady Preston
Mike Steidl
Leonard Mathern
Steve Fischer
Mike Srnsky
Volunteer Needed
Dianne Schock
Volunteer Needed
Kathleen Fischer
Sheri Srnsky
Volunteer Needed
Andrew Fischer
Zach Fischer
Gayle Cummings
Ken Zetocha
Keith Wilson
Darla Skaurud
Richard Haugen
Nancy Elliott
Linda Schroeder
Jody Bucholz
Stephanie Landstrom
Leilyn Honeyman
Jim LaHaise
Helen Franck
Willie Gartner
Dar Stebner
Volunteer Needed
Georgeann Gellner
Larry Fischer
Volunteer Needed
Stephen Hill
Volunteer Needed
Volunteer Needed
Volunteer Needed
Volunteer Needed
Helen Franck
Stephen Hill
Tadd Skaurud
Joe Bailey
Dustin Metzger
Tiba Apoline
Larry Fischer
Leilyn Honeyman
Clare Elless
May 30-31, 2015: The Most Holy Trinity
Altar Servers
4:30 PM
7:30 AM
9:00 AM
11:00 AM
7:00 PM
Brian Fettes
Volunteer Needed
Pam & Shane Henricks
Volunteer Needed
Volunteer Needed
Brian Fettes
Volunteer Needed
Simon Habonimana
Logan Staska
Alfred Beamon
Jacob Angus
Ben Kensok
Matt Stiel
Lukas Klabunde
Nathaniel Angus
Quinton Vonesh
Caleb Klabunde
Carol Holub
Dean Haaland
Danny Kackman
Stephannie Stiel
Paul Klabunde
Becky Klein
Kathy Haaland
Joyal Kackman
Thomas Stiel
Susan Klabunde
Tracey Reichling
Wayne Reichling
Dean Kasowski
Paul Dukart
Bill Kensok
Chad Belch
Jean Schreiner
Mike Wiersma
Shirley Dukart
Marv Johnk
Greg Nathan
Paul Klabunde
Hunter Staska
LeRoy Holub
Justin Gehrke
Mike Kovarik
Tom Oelrich
Carolyn Carriere
Carol Holub
Kim Koenig
Jeff Reznecheck
Jan Oelrich
Susan Klabunde
Mike Perius
Arlene Schneider
Shannon Roers Jones
Brenda Schmitz
Volunteer Needed
Joan Vareberg
Cheryl Hoggarth
Volunteer Needed
Lisa Roeske
Charlie Sayers
Volunteer Needed
Volunteer Needed
Volunteer Needed
Mary Kay Willits
Joan Vareberg
Cheryl Hoggarth
Susan Klabunde
Arlene Schneider
Lisa Roeske
Charlie Sayers
April Olson
Mike Perius
Mass Schedule
Saturdays at 4:30 pm
Rosary every Saturday at 4 pm & daily at 11:50 am
Sundays at
7:30 am, 9:00 am, 11:00 am & 6:00 pm
Monday - Friday at 12:15 pm
2nd & 4th Tuesdays 10:30 am Mass at Edgewood Vista
Wednesdays, 9:00 am Mass at the Co-op
Saturdays, 4:00 PM Mass at Sheyenne Crossings
**On weekdays when the offices are closed, daily Mass is at 10:00 am
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Monday-Thursday at 11:45 am
Saturdays at 3:30 pm
Are you or someone you care about unable to attend
Mass and receive Holy Communion?
There are several communion distributors
who will bring the Lord to you. The
need could be temporary or ongoing. Call
the church and let us know. We will contact
you and determine when is a good time for
us to visit with Communion.
Eucharistic Adoration is every Monday from 9am to 8pm. If
you are interested in becoming a scheduled adorer, one hour per
week, call the parish office for more information.
In Care of the sick Please call the parish office to notify us of
illness in the family. The local hospitals do not call us anymore.
Cross Talk Newsletter Editor
Heather Heger
To Submit News or Calendar Events
Cross Talk is published monthly by Holy Cross Catholic
Church in West Fargo, ND. If you would like to submit an item
for publication, please email Heather Heger or drop your news
item off at the church office.
New Members If you wish to become members of Holy Cross,
please contact the parish office (282-7217).
Simplicity Giving A funds transfer service to assist parishioners
to reach their financial stewardship goals. Contact the office
manager for more information.
It must be in house by the 20th of the prior month.
Holy Cross Staff
We are always looking for
more people interested in
volunteering for liturgical
ministries. The more
people we have, the less
time they need to serve.
If you are interested in
sharing your time during
the Mass, please call
Heather at 282-7217.
Rev. Jim Meyer, Pastor
Rev. Andrew Jasinski, Parochial Vicar
Deacon David Haney
Deacon James Eggl
Penne Soucy, Business Manager
Brenda Mears, Dir. of Religious Ed. & Youth Ministry
Margaret Keller, Administrative Assistant
Bianca Wiederrich, Lit. & Choir Director
Heather Heger, Communications/Ministries
Patrick Thiel, Youth Choir Director
E-mail address:
1420 16th Street East
West Fargo, ND, 58078-3411
Church : 701-282-7217;
Fax: 701-282-2753
Mission Statement
Holy Cross Catholic Church, founded in 1981, is a faith community rooted in the Gospel of Jesus Christ and
dedicated to Christian Unity.
As a people, we continue to strive for holiness, help individuals and families grow in faith and serve those in
Converted by word and sacrament, we celebrate beautiful liturgies that involve active participation of all
We extend our renewed experience of God’s loving presence to our everyday encounters and surroundings,
making them new.
We continue to support and encourage our interfaith relationship with Lutheran Church of the Cross.
Adopted May 24, 2001