April 26, 2015 - Holy Eucharist

26 April 2015
26 квітень 2015 р.
At the Divine Liturgy just prior to the Epiclesis, the
Priest raises up the Gifts and exclaims “We offer to You,
Yours of Your own, in behalf of all and for all!”. What he is
doing is making an offering of a sacrifice on behalf of us
all … but also acknowledging that the Sacrifice is really
already God’s, because we offer to God the sacrifice that
was/is made by Jesus Christ, the Son of God. There is no
more beautiful and awesome gift that we can offer to God,
but God’s gift to us! Which gift in particular? The gift of
Salvation given to each and every one of us by Christ’s
death on the cross because of His unfathomable love for
each and every one of us. You, especially. So the
Eucharistic gifts can be offered to God only because “of
All” the things the Lord did for us and we offer them,
above all, in thanksgiving “for All” the things that He has
done for us. Its all about God and His love toward us.
Next Sunday, some of our children will be receiving
Holy Communion after having experienced, for the first
time, the tremendous loving mercy of God in the Sacrament of Penance (that Mystery that we like to
call “Confession”). These children will be setting out on a new Sacramental life with Christ Jesus. Let us
all plan to be there to rejoice with them, to be there for them and to renew our own Eucharistic,
Sacramental relationship with our Lord. This is one of the greatest “Parish events” that we want to be
present for. Other events may be of social significance, but next Sunday we have an event that
underscores what we are really all about…. the Grace of God and the salvation of souls….!
Divine Liturgy — Божественна Літургія
Sunday - Неділя*
9:00 AM Ukrainian/Українська
11:00 AM English/Англійська
Weekdays - Будні (see back page)
Confessions - Сповідь
Baptisms - Хрещення
Prior to every Divine Liturgy
Contact the pastor
Weddings - Вінчання
Contact the pastor 9-12 months in advance
* occasionally subject to change—see back page
Holy Eucharist Ukrainian Catholic Parish
Українська Католицька Парафія Пресв. Євхаристії
505 Watt St. - ‘at the corner of Watt & Munroe’
Parish Office: 460 Munroe Ave. Winnipeg, MB R2K 1H4
Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM
Tel: 204.667.8866 Email: heparish@gmail.com
Fax: 204.668.2024 Web: www.HolyEucharist.info
Parish Auditorium: 505 Watt St. Tel: 204.654.4786
Parish Centre: 460 Munroe Ave. Tel: 204.661.5240
Hall Rentals: 204.880.1334
Perogy Hotline: 204.667.6304
National Week for Life & Family—May 10 - 17, 2015
National week for Life & Family is fast approaching, please let us come together to
celebrate LIFE! Here are a few ideas that you, as a family, can do together as well as a
Church family!
Ideas for Families
Families should be encouraged to participate in activities during the Week, and to
reflect on how the time they spend together will help to foster their Christian faith and
values. Check out the calendar of activities for the National Week on your diocese’s
Families can commit to doing something to enhance their family and spiritual life.
Here are some examples: Planning to have 3 meals per week as a family and saying
grace at mealtime or praying as a family at the end of the day. Perhaps it is simply
creating or continuing little rituals that are unique to the lives of families, such as Friday night movies, pizza
nights or volunteering at a local charity. Families may also have practices that celebrate the sacred: Baptismal
Days or the Saint of the day. Any of these can serve as anchors in a turbulent world. Parishes could have a
commitment book for families to indicate what they are committing to do, to enhance how their family is a
school of love.
Ideas for Parishes
Reflect on how to become more family-friendly. Host a brainstorm on the topic, perhaps over a potluck. Sponsor
a family game night or a movie night that brings families together.
Have a prayer rotation so that every family gets prayed for by the rest of the Parish.
Have a special time for praying the Rosary with special intentions for families incorporated in the prayer.
Provide an opportunity for each family to share how they practice their devotions: during bedtime prayer,
through Advent or Lent traditions, etc.
A group of families from each parish could plan to attend the March for Life which will take place on Thursday,
May 14 at 11:30. Please note that it will be preceded by a prayer service at St. Mary’s Cathedral at 10:30 am,
which will be presided by Archbishop Richard Gagnon.
Please, if you have an idea on how to celebrate National Life & Family week, don’t be shy. Call John Petryshyn,
Parish Chair at 204-669-6479.
Blessed Virgin Mary Parish, 965 Boyd Avenue, will be
celebrating their Third Annual Memorial Divine Liturgy and
Panakhyda Service for deceased clergy and parishioners
on Saturday, May 2, 2015 at 10 am.
If you are planning to attend this service for your deceased
loved ones who were parishioners of Blessed Virgin Mary
Parish, please contact Fr. Volodymyr Bashutskyy by
Sunday, April 26, 2015 at 204-582-7535 or email
BVMChurch@gmail.com and let us know how many family
members will be attending. Refreshments will be served
following the service.
Our deepest condolences, prayers and
blessings go out to the Hawkins-Bowman
family, on the passing of +Amy HawkinsBowman. Funeral services will be held here
at Holy Eucharist Wednesday, April 29, 2015
at 10:00 AM. Amy will be greatly missed by her Parish Family.
Vichnaya Pamyat'
The Sister Servants of Mary Immaculate
12th Annual Pilgrimage to the Bishop Velychkovsky
(SSMI) invite you to attend the
Martyr's Shrine.
arrival of the Holy Relic and Icon of
by the Holy Eucharist UCBC, will be held this year
Blessed Sr. Josaphata Hordashevska Co- Hosted
May 13th at 7:00 pm. St. Joseph Church,
Foundress of their order.
250 Jefferson St. As those who have attended in past
years will attest, the visit is an excellent opportunity for
This miraculous Icon will be at our
religious enlightenment, enrichment and quiet prayer.
Church on May 17, 2015 at 9:00am and 11:00am
Divine Liturgies. A full schedule will be posted on the Please plan to attend!
bulletin boards at Church and Parish Centre.
Ukrainian Catholic Women’s League of
Canada Rosa Branch
Annual Tea—Sunday, May 3, 2015 at 1:00 pm
Guest speaker - Vicky Adams. Prizes, baking and
much, much more!!
I.H.M.S a Ukrainian Catholic based school. Grades nursery - gr 8 is now accepting applications. Please call
204-582-5698 to book your tour now!
VIGIL LAMPS April 26 - May 2, 2015
Important PARISH Contacts
May the Lord watch
over the Bowman
Saviour May God look down and
protect the persecuted 5.
people in Ukraine.
9:00 AM
11:00 AM
Open Collection
Vigil Lights
Easter Dinner
Van Donation
Good Friday
Palm Sunday
10 Initial Offering
10:00 AM
Father Michael 204-654-4157
Father Edward 204-250-5210
$1505.00 Parish Council Chairperson:
John Petryshyn 204-669-6479
$82.60 Catechism—Coordinator
11 Vestments
12 Hall Donation
Total this week
This week is our last week of
Catechism, we can never
plan too far ahead.
Currently, we are looking for
more teachers to help assist
our fabulous team, if you
have an interest, or your
child will be starting this fall,
please call Joan Buchel at 204.334.7207.
May you all have a restful, peaceful
Semeon Hrushovetz summer!
Ron Aftanas
Miraculous Icon
Will be in the home of
Anna Senyk.
Spencer Katerynuk 204-338-4167
H.E. Youth - President:
Damon Fawcett 204-797-0917
U. C. Brotherhood -President:
Ron Aftanas 204-661-0025
U.C. Women’s League - President:
Lydia Firman 204-668-1920
Knights of Columbus - Grand Knight:
Ernie Shume 204-237-9394
Bernice Hrehirchuk 204-669-2068
Sunday Rosary - Coordinator:
Dave Hrehirchuk 204-669-2068
Matthew Bakan 204-663-9621
Maintenance request forms are in the
Church, Parish Centre and Parish
Auditorium. Please fill out the form
and leave it in the drop box. The P.M.
committee will get on it...!
Coffee House
April 26 - H.E.Y. Last One
Next week we will be celebrating 1st
of the season!!
Solemn Holy Communion with Crimson
May 3—First Solemn Holy
McCorry & Steven Paziuk, there will be one
Divine Liturgy at 10:00 am followed by a
coffee house for everyone. Please all plan We are in need of
on attending!
greeters, ushers and
Once again we would like to thank the Holy
Eucharist UCWLC, bookstore (Liz
Evelyn Tymchuk @204-667 Turchyn),Joan Lewandosky, all our parents
-6791. Please call if you would like to and students, our great teaching team and
have the ICON in your home!
Father Michael and Father Ed for another
successful Catechism year!
A wide range of spiritual and
inspirational reading… Many
beautiful gift ideas for Birthdays,
Weddings, First Holy Communion,
Baptisms… cards, Icons, Rosaries,
Chotky & Crosses.
For More Information Contact Liz
at 204.334.2081
Living Faith Booklets are now
available at the bookstore!
Parish Office 204-667-8866
Altar Servers - Coordinator:
$2396.00 Bingo/Nevada—President:
Matthew Bakan
Joan Lewandosky
Leonard Rybak
11:00 AM
Morris Mazur
10:00 AM
Joan Buchel 204-334-7207
Epistle Readers / Ushers - Call:
epistle readers. The
summer season is fast
approaching and
many of our faithful
will be on holidays, so
we ask all those interested to
please call Father Michael at
Please remember in your PRAYERS and VISIT:
Ollie Kostiuk, Michael Kostiuk, Fr. Eugene Rudachek, Mary Schurko, Tena Lisowick, Alice
Lapka, Steve Romas, Mary Ann Prociuk, Stan & Ollie Evanyshyn, Susan Chomiak, Ally
Bethania: Metro Babiak, Riverview: Bill Tataryn, Sharon Williamson
Holy Family: Ollie Smerek, Nell Lupyrypa, Mary Horbal, Irene Omeniuk
Maples Care Home: Julia Parabochy
Donwood: Kay Laschuk
Call Elaine Bowman of the Pastoral Visits Team at
204.668.9630 to find out more.
Call our priests anytime for a Pastoral or Sacramental visit .
Weekly Liturgical Service
30 April, Thursday
7:00 pm - Parish Pastoral Council Meeting, Parish
Centre—Multi-purpose Room.
7:00 pm— “Step into Spring”, St. Anne’s will be
hosting a fashion show. Tickets are $24 each and
can be purchased at the St. Anne Parish office.
2 May, Saturday
St Alphonsus School Fundraiser — “A Night in
Venice” For more info and tickets please call the
school at 204.667.6271.
3 May, Sunday
10:00 am—Divine Liturgy/First Solemn Holy
Communion, Class of 2015!
4 May, Monday
7:00 pm - Knights of Columbus monthly meeting,
Parish Centre - Multipurpose room.
6 May, Wednesday
7:00 pm - UCWLC, UCBC, & H.E.Y. monthly
meetings, Parish Centre.
7:30 pm - O. Koshetz Choir will be performing
“Rejoice in Easter” concert at Westminister United
Church, 745 Westminister. Tickets $20 each and can
be purchased by emailing
O.KoshetzChoirWpg@shaw.ca or calling Scott at
Порядок Богослужінь
10-17 May, National WEEK for Life and Family
11 May, Monday
6:45 - Celebration of the Gospel of Life, St.
Boniface Cathedral, with Metropolitan Lawrence.
8:30 pm - Late night with the Bishops
12 May, Tuesday
7:00 pm - Movie viewing “Irreplaceable”, Micah
House, 1039 Main St.
14 May, Thursday
10:30 am - March for Life, starting at St. Mary’s
Cathedral. All will then gather at 11:30 at the
Legislative Building.
16 May, Saturday 8:00 am-5:00 pm—Conference
Challenge, Canad Inn 1824 Pembina Hwy.
$25.00 per person!
13 May, Wednesday
7:00 pm - 12th Annual Pilgrimage to the Blessed
Bishop Velechkovsky Martyr’s Shrine. St. Joseph’s
Parish, 250 Jefferson Ave. Hosted by the Holy
Eucharist UCBC.
14 May, Thursday
Friends of St. Joseph will be hosting a Bud & Spud at
TYC, Canad Inn Polo Park .Tickets $20 each. Please
call 204.697.8031 ext 236 for more details.
11:30 pm—Life’s Vision—March for life. Will meet
at the Manitoba Legislature steps.
17 May, Sunday
9:00 am and 11:00 am - Blessed Josaphata Icon
and Relics. Visitation to Holy Eucharist Church
24 May, Sunday
Rose Sunday, TAG DAY!! After both Divine
Liturgies. K of C will be tagging on this day. All
proceeds will be donated to “Pro Life” (Life’s Vision”).
24 May, Sunday
2:00 pm - Alpha Omega presents “Laughs with
LUBA”, an afternoon with Canadian Air Farce’s
Luba Goy. Manitoba Theater for Young People.
Tickets $30 each and are available at Kalyna, Co-op &
28 May, Thursday
7:00 pm - Parish Pastoral Council Meeting, Parish
Centre - Multi-purpose Room.
31 May, Sunday
1:30 pm—Walk for Mary registration begins, walk
begins at 2:00 pm. For more info call Joan @ 204669-3666 or 204-294-2276
30 & 31 May, Saturday & Sunday
“Doors Open”- Family Zabava!
John & Maryann Prociuk, By UCBC
10:30 am Divine Liturgy +Elsie Tymchak (1year)
9:00 am Divine Liturgy
Parents - +Alex & +Magda, Husband
+Harry, By Tena Lisowick