Congratulations to our young people who celebrate their Confirmation on April 26 & 27! Richard Aievoli Olivia Atkins Sarah Azzarello Matthew Baker Eric Barnd Kristen Barnd Taylor Barnett Kelsey Barnick Eric Bennes Jared Bennett Lauren Berryhill Jack Bessey Claire Bowman Anna Buckstaff Hannah Byun Adam Cajandig Hannah Chlebek Emma Christoffer Jennifer Cochran Michael Constantino Erin Crowther Hannah Cunningham Kristen Dethloff Vincent Dinh Patrick Dohm Shannon Dorans Bethany Ekwonwa Brittany Ekwonwa Emma Ferguson Kristina Ferrari Megan Flynn Abigail Garske Fourth Sunday of Easter Jacob Gattuso Alexander Gaul Tyler Glinka Scott Grelck Charlotte Grimm Alexander Grosch Angelo Grossi Michael Hagan Peter Hammel Ethan Hanson Nicholas Heffernan Joshua Hill Nathan Hill Madison Hughes Tyler Husfield Kayleigh Jetel Javen Joerger Thomas Josten Mia Karlstedt Andrew Kash Mark Kating Matthew Kennedy Kathleen Kiolbassa Justin Klonder Eric Kozlowski Cameron Kukla Carter Kukla Emily Kurka Ashley Linderman Vincent Lobo Elizabeth Lopez Kylie Lovelace Luke Madden Jakub Malysa Harrison Mathias Mitchell McConnell Scott McCoppin John McDermott Matthew McDermott Kathleen McManus Julia Melone McKenna Miller Michael Mondy Thomas Morel Arianna Mormino Brody Muck Julia Nakos Maeson Norris Alexandria Oetinger Anna Osowski Madeline Ostoich Eric Ostrowski Michael Pardun Tyler Pardun Isabella Pastika James Petersen Angela Peterson Katherine Petrie Emily Pipitone Lauren Pittman Alyssa Plank Kristyn Plank Joseph Plizga Rebecca Ratajczyk Marissa Richards Alyssa Ricken Noah Robey Shannon Rooney Brian Rosenwinkel Jack Rosenwinkel John Roubik Alexander Roussos Skyler Russell Benjamin Sammons Kyle Scharm Kylie Schultz Daniel Sliwa Raymond Sluss Kaitlyn Solarz Maggie Specht Kelsie Stone Grace Strzalka Samantha Tabert Rebecca Uhrich Emily Vandy Madelyn Vogel Bria Wallen Emma Wood Alyssa Worthem Emily Zachman Stephen Zaremba April 26, 2015 About Us Holy Family Catholic Community 2515 Palatine Rd. Inverness, IL 60067 847-359-0042 (ph) 847-359-0639 (fax) Vision Statement Holy Family Catholic Community invites all to new life in Christ. Our response to God’s call is evident through full, conscious and active participation in our community. Mission Statement To engage all in the sacramental life through vibrant worship, life-long learning and passionate community. Core Values Animated by our faith in God to evangelize, we live the following core values: • Integrity • Excellence • Unity • Service • Justice 2 Welcome to Holy Family Sacramental / Formation Ministers Holy Family Catholic community invites all to new life in Christ. Are you new to Holy Family? Are you considering becoming a registered parishioner? We welcome you to become engaged in carrying out our mission. New members are registered on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of every month (excluding holidays) immediately following the 9:00 A.M. Mass. Welcome Ministers will be available at the Welcome Desk to walk you through the short registration process. If Sunday is not convenient for you, contact Susan Cabay at 847-274-4423. Saint Paul says, “We are the Body of Christ.” We look forward to experiencing that reality with you. Fr. Terry Keehan, Pastor Friar Johnpaul Cafiero Fr. Denis Carneiro Fr. George Kane Schedule Masses Weekdays: Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m. Monday & Wednesday 7:00 p.m. First Friday of the month 9:00 a.m. (with Anointing of the Sick) First Saturday of the month 9:00 a.m. Saturday 5:00 p.m. Sunday 7:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. (interpreted for the hearing impaired) 11:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m. Holy Days 7:00a.m., 9:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Eucharistic Adoration Everyday 6:00 a.m. to Midnight Reconciliation (Available upon request) Communal Reconciliation with individual absolution First Saturday of the month at 4:00 p.m. in chapel) Individual Reconciliation (in Reconciliation Room) Other Saturdays from 4:00 p.m.-4:45 p.m. Nursery Available Saturday 5:00 p.m. Sunday 9:00 and 11:00 a,m. Anointing of the Sick Please know that recent hospital privacy laws have significantly limited our knowledge of parishioners who are hospitalized. If you have a loved one who is ill, please contact our Pastoral Care office to request the Anointing of the Sick. The ideal time for anointing is when family is present and not necessarily in the final hours of life. Monthly Anointing of the Sick takes place on the First Friday of the month at 9:00 a.m. Mass. April 26, 2015 Fr. Richard Vaz, SVD Fr. Bill Zavaski Fr. Medard Laz, Pastor Emeritus Pastoral Council e-mail: Al Clementi Chairperson (Pastoral Care) Bernie Schaeffer Vice-Chair (At Large - Pastor) Fr. Terry Keehan Pastor (Staff) OPEN Recording Secretary Robin Schreiner Adult Faith Eileen Neal Archdiocesan Rep Brooke Held At Large (Council) Tony Mathias Family Faith Judy Petrie Holy Family Catholic Academy Ken Dirnberger Knights of Columbus Tracey Cantarutti Operations Andrew McGovern Outreach & Justice Heidi Rooney Staff Alan Bosslet Teen Faith (Adult Rep) Daniel Tokarz Teen Faith (Teen Rep) Aly Worthem Teen Faith (Teen Rep) Heidi Trocha Worship Council meets the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. All are invited to attend and listen to the items on the published agenda. If you or your group have an item for discussion, it needs to be submitted in writing to the council chair one week prior to the scheduled meeting. Finance Council The Finance Council of Holy Family meets quarterly and its current members are: Ken Aman Maureen DeRosa Rosemary Goff - Chair Robert Growney Edward Majerczak John McCarthy Jeffrey Rotter Jim Vande Logt Weekend Hospitality Donations Baked goods and bite-sized treats are needed each weekend for hospitality after masses. Please bring donations marked “Hospitality” to the kitchen. Contact Sue at 847-907-3443 with questions. Fr. Terry Keehan In chapter 10 verse 10 of John’s Gospel we hear that Jesus has come to give life; not simply life, but abundant life. As you may have noticed, Jesus is often about abundance. He fed countless with 5 loaves and 2 fish and in the end there were abundance – leftovers that filled 12 baskets. He not only provided new wine at Cana, he ushered in 155 gallons of really good, vintage, tasty wine. Abundance in taste, amount and ultimately spirit is what happens when Jesus Christ gives life. The abundant life that he promises us in verse 10 sets the tone for our Gospel passage this week that begins with verse 11 and has Jesus telling us, “ I am the good shepherd. A good shepherd lays down his life for his sheep.” The comparison of this good shepherd is that he is not like a hired hand who works for pay, and he doesn’t run away when a wolf appears who may harm the sheep. Jesus Christ laid down his life for each of us and he stays with us in the presence of wolves that may attack, threaten or harm us. He laid down his life during the drama of Holy Week and he promises to stay with us in the hope of Easter rising and Easter life. The rhythm of life rolls on and it follows many risings and fallings, many comings and goings. We have an example of that right here on our staff as we say goodbye to one staff member and hello to another. Owen Walsh has been a valuable member of our Teen and Family Faith staff. He has ministered in ways that touch young families in Baptism and Baptismal prep, and with our teens on mission trips, several retreats including Kairos, and much more. Owen has been a role model for our teens and even helped out with many of our AV needs out of the goodness of his heart. We all wish Owen well as moves on to join the Religious Education and Teen program at St. Norbert’s parish in Northbrook. The other part of the rhythm of life is welcoming Bernie Schaeffer to our staff. Bernie has recently retired from a long career at Motorola and he brings a vast amount of skill and dedication to Holy Family. He and Heidi Rooney will share a job that continues to grow in importance in advancing our mission. Heidi will focus on Marketing and Bernie will focus on Development and Fundraising. Although no welcome is really needed because Bernie and his family have been active parishioners for over 20 years, we welcome him to our staff. Another bright spot of new life is our Young Family Prayer initiative. We will gather families with children under the age of 4 to our chapel at 10:15 this Sunday. Young Family Prayer is a 20 minute Word and Com- munion service that will be led by young parents, and the hope is that families with young children who are not ready for the nursery or Children’s Liturgy of the Word will begin to experience prayer with their family in a sacred space that engages them. A snack and craft will follow in Common Ground and we will host the next Young Family Prayer Service on Sunday, May 31 at 10:15. Our hope is that this will grow into a ministry and it will be offered once a month, and possibly every week. Look for details and spread the word. Yet one more source of new life is the results of our 2015 Gala. This year’s event was the most attended in 13 years as we welcomed 540 parishioners and friends. Our Gala Co-Chairs Connie and Rick Anesi and Jack and Raeann Shedd provided collaborative and dedicated leadership. The presence of our new Archbishop Blase Cupich was a highlight as he really caught the vibrant and welcoming spirit of Holy Family. The event raised $277,000 for Holy Family Catholic Community, far and away the most successful financially. As important as the dollars are, I am most proud of the fact that the Gala has become a real fun way to advance the mission of our ENTIRE community. $112,000 of the proceeds will meet the budgeted needs for the Academy and $35,000 will meet the budgeted needs for Teen, Family and Adult Faith --all 4 of which are the major portions of the life-long learning part of our Holy Family mission. The remaining $130,000 will be shared in an adjudication process for ministries, activities and events that request and express a need for financial resources. The process of reviewing and prioritizing those needs will be clarified in the near future. We will be open to requests from any ministry or group in the parish, not simply those focusing on life-long learning. Our Worship office is beginning a new initiative for anyone interested in writing the Prayers of the Faithful, sometimes called the Petitions or Intentions or Prayers of the People for weekend Masses. If you are a good writer and have an interest in leading our community and crafting these special prayers along with a small group of others, please contact Brian in the Worship office at 847-907-3472. Our Peace Prayer of St. Francis continues in the request that we not so much seek to be loved as to love. Our second reading this weekend from the first Letter of John focuses on love as it begins, “Beloved: See what love God has bestowed on us in letting us be called children of God.” And so we are all children of God, and may we not only recognize the children in all of us, but congratulate the many children in our parish who will make their First Communion in the coming weeks. 3 Worship The Worship Community... creates a vibrant prayer and worship experience so that all may participate in a fully conscious and active way in the Liturgy. PLEASE NOTE… Mass Schedule Changes NO 4:00PM Mass on Sunday, April 26 Due to Confirmation at 1:30PM No 7:00PM Mass on Monday, April 27 Due to Confirmation at 6:30PM We invite you to attend the Confirmation Liturgy! Mark your calendar! Sr. JoAnn Persch, RSM will be with us to offer reflections during the 9:00 am and 11:00 am Masses on Sunday, May 17, 2015 on “The Human Face of Immigration.” Sr. JoAnn will also be available to answer questions after Mass in the narthex. Please join us! If You Borrowed a Pyx From Holy Family ... please return it to the front office as our loaner supply is running low. Thank you! 4 April 26, 2015 Worship Your Questions Answered (Part I of II) You asked, we answer! The last couple of weekends, we have had some questions come to the Worship office regarding the liturgical environment and music. We have heard many positive things and, at the same time, we have heard some “constructive criticism.” This weekly column, Worship Notes, is all about engaging the Holy Family Community in dialogue. We may not always agree, but let us find common ground and remember that common ground is holy ground. The names of those who submitted the questions have been omitted. We appreciate the questions and the feedback. 1. Why was the face of Jesus covered in purple gauze during Lent? It contradicts the welcoming hand of the Cross of New Life. Some of you might recall, back in the day, covering the statues inside the church was a common practice during the Lenten season. As Catholics, we are blessed to experience the rich liturgical seasons. As you know, Lent is a time for fasting. Covering the Cross of New life in purple can be symbolic for a fasting of our eyes. We cover it up to draw attention to the Cross of New Life in a different way, we begin to look and appreciate the Cross of New Life, especially when we removed the purple covering for Holy Week. Lent is a time in which the Church commemorates the suffering of Christ through His time in the desert and ultimately His passion and death. We have seen various churches throughout our ministry experience cover the cross as a symbolic gesture that causes us to journey in the "desert" in communion with Christ. Remember, He removed himself from His followers and spent a great amount of time in isolation. If we are able to recreate that isolation feeling through symbolic design within the church, it brings greater significance to the risen Christ we come to celebrate at Easter. The late liturgist, Peter Mazar, author of two books about decorating the church and preparing liturgical and seasonal decorations for classrooms wrote in his book To Crown the Year: Decorating the Church through the Seasons, “The veiling of the statues in Lent is a strong image of exile. Ever since we were thrown out of paradise, death deprives us of the company of our ancestors, the saints. A veil keeps us from seeing heaven, a sight that sacred images in the church’s house anticipate for us. In Isaiah’s words, on the day that death is destroyed, gone also will be the veil that veils all people. We will see God and each other face to face.” 2. Why are we singing “Another Hallelujah” during Easter? The verses are not even appropriate. “Hallelujah" is a song written by Canadian singer-songwriter Leonard Cohen, originally released on his album Various Positions (1984). Achieving little initial success, the song found greater popular acclaim through a cover by John Cale, which inspired a cover by Jeff Buckley. “Another Hallelujah” made its way in the Christian world, new verses added to reflect Christian beliefs. However, this past weekend and this weekend, the verses were written by us and directly tied to reflect the Gospel of the day. The following was the verse used last weekend for the Third Sunday of Easter. It happened that while He was with them, He took the bread and said a blessing, He broke it and He gave it to them. With that their eyes were open wide, They recognized Him as the Christ, "Were not our hearts burning within us." Questions? Comments? Don’t hesitate to email us through the Holy Family website, call and/or stop by the Worship office. -Ann, Brian, Gene, Jill 5 Operations Ro Geisler Parish Manager 847-907-3424 RGeisler The Operations Community... oversees the parish business and infrastructure activities to ensure they operate efficiently. Do you like decorating? Maybe you're an Interior Designer by trade? Then the newly formed Art and Environment Committee wants you! Thanks to all of you who came forward and assisted with decorating our worship space for Triduum and Easter services. Your help is greatly appreciated by the staff and the many who worshiped with us over four days and will join us throughout the Easter season. We are still working to grow this ministry so if you have a background in designing large spaces, your talent and skills will be graciously welcomed! Ready to join? Additional questions? Contact Jill Piccolino, and Ro Geisler,, (847) 907-3457. 6 April 26, 2015 Adult Faith Marsha Adamczyk Director 847-907-3458 MAdamczyk The Adult Faith Community... supports the mission of lifelong learning by providing educational, spiritual, and formational activities for the parish and the community. Jewish-Catholic Dialogue and Fun! (Back by popular demand!) Rabbi Taron Tachman and Fr. Terry Keehan Wednesday, April 29, 2015 7:00-9:00 pm This program is FULL, but we do have a waiting list! Please add your name to our waiting list if you are interested in attending this very popular program. No walk-ins for this event, please. Contact Mary Whiteside at 847-907-3450 or Retrouvaille Need a lifeline for your marriage? Retrouvaille is a ministry dedicated to helping troubled marriages heal. If you are in need of support, visit for more information about the Retrouvaille weekend experience or contact Nancy at 847-907-3411. 50th Wedding Anniversary Mass All couples celebrating their 50th anniversary in 2015 are invited to register for the 50th Anniversary Mass at Holy Name Cathedral which will be celebrated on August 30, 2015 at 2:45 pm. Please call 312-534-8351 to register. Pre-registration is required. 7 Adult Faith Bible Study Groups Gather with other adults to explore Scripture in a prayerful community of faith. These groups have an open chair invitation to newcomers. No need to be a Scripture scholar to attend! All are welcome to come and see how your own story can be clarified and made more powerful by understanding Scripture. Evening Bible Study – Led by Tom Toussaint 847-818-8390, Tuesdays, 7:15-9:00 p.m. Meets in an Arlington Heights home. Join us as we read, study, and reflect on the Bible. We are a diverse group of men and women who enjoy discovering not only why Scripture says what it says, but also who helped write it and how it shapes our experience of Catholicism today. Women’s Bible Study – Led by Sharon Lobo 847-991-0916, Tuesdays, 9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Meets at Holy Family. Set aside time to join with women who gather to study God’s Word to better recognize God in our lives. If you wish to join us on the journey, we have an extra chair for you. Stop by to experience our life giving women’s fellowship. Wednesday Evening Bible Study – Led by Phil DeVet 847-781-8743, Wednesdays, 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Meets in the Hoffman Estates/Schaumburg area. All are welcome to join this group to study the Word in a comfortable setting. No matter where you are in your faith journey, this is for you. Thursday Evening Bible Study – Led by Jan Wood and Janet Mellenthin Thursdays, 7:00-9:00 pm. Meets at Holy Family. All are welcome to join this group, newcomers to Bible Study and Scripture scholars alike. Contact one of the leaders for specific dates as this group doesn’t necessarily meet every single week. Jan Wood – 847-705-7919 or Janet Mellenthin – 847845-8048 Summer Bible Study - Coming soon! Plans are underway for a new summer Bible study. Stay tuned for details! For information, contact Mimi Ferlita at 847-907-3412 or 8 April 26, 2015 Adult Faith Annulment Support Thinking about an annulment? Want more information on the process? Already decided to begin but need some help and support? We’ve been through the process ourselves, have completed Archdiocesan training and have helped other petitioners through the process. We’ll provide you with an application, tell you what to expect, and sign all the necessary documents. Question: What is an annulment? Answer: According to the Archdiocese of Chicago, an annulment is a statement by the Church that the marriage in question was not a binding (sacramental) union and that a relationship fell short of at least one of the elements seen as essential for a valid marriage according to the teachings of the Church. Contact Jan Romanowski at 847-504-6924 or or Rosemary Spinner at 847-991-7833 or Spiritual Direction & Companioning Would a relationship with a Spiritual Director/Companion make a difference in your life? The answer is yes, only if you desire to deepen your understanding in your unique relationship with the Lord. The trained spiritual director has the skills to not get in the way of your unique spiritual growth and yet be a gentle guide toward clarity in your “Call.” Your witness is privately held as sacred! If you long to…. • Identify and trust your own experiences of God • Integrate spirituality into everyday life • Discern and make difficult decisions • Share your hopes, struggles and losses • Participate as an individual or as part of a small group • Move toward or away from tradition To inquire or schedule an appointment with a Spiritual Director, contact Mimi at 847-907-3412 or CHANGE IN SCHEDULE! S.M.A.R.T. Ministry (For singles over 40) Mark your calendar for our next S.M.A.R.T. Social and Planning Meeting with Fr. Terry Keehan on Friday, May 1, 2015 beginning at 6:30 pm (NEW TIME) – We will meet at Gianni’s in Palatine (NEW LOCATION). RSVP required. For more information, contact 9 Family & Teen Faith The Family & Teen Faith Community... offers faith formation and catechesis to preschool through elementary school aged children and high school teens and their families. 10 April 26, 2015 Family & Teen Faith 11 Family & Teen Faith 12 April 26, 2015 Holy Family Adademy 13 Outreach & Justice Catholic Social Teaching – United States Catholic Conference of Bishops Sue Geegan Director 847-907-3443 SGeegan The Outreach & Justice Community... offers assistance programs, as well as ministries promoting peace and justice, respect for life and community outreach. Over the next 12 months, all seven themes will be highlighted. The Church's social teaching is a rich treasure of wisdom about building a just society and living lives of holiness amidst the challenges of modern society. Modern Catholic social teaching has been articulated through a tradition of papal, conciliar and episcopal documents. The depth and richness of this tradition can be understood best through a direct reading of these documents. In these brief reflections, we highlight several of the key themes that are at the heart of our Catholic social tradition. Care for God’s Creation We show our respect for the Creator by our stewardship of creation. Care for the earth is not just an Earth Day slogan, it is a requirement of our faith. We are called to protect people and the planet, living our faith in relationship with all of God’s creation. This environmental challenge has fundamental moral and ethical dimensions that cannot be ignored. The environment is God’s gift to everyone, and in our use of it we have a responsibility towards the poor, towards future generations and towards humanity as a whole. . . Our duties towards the environment are linked to our duties towards the human person, considered in himself and in relation to others. It would be wrong to uphold one set of duties while trampling on the other. Charity in Truth (Caritas in Veritate. . . ), #48, 51 For more information visit – MAY IS MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS MONTH Special recognition at the Sunday, May 3, 9am Mass Please join us on Sunday, May 3 at the 9am mass for a special recognition supporting individuals who have mental illness as well as for those who support and care for them. We ask you to invite family and friends to join us. Mental Health organizations will be present after mass to provide resources and to answer questions. Please contact Sue at 847.907.3443 with questions. 14 Catholic Charities Collection on Mother’s Day Daria had no income, and lived with her children in a condemned building. Catholic Charities brought the family to one of our shelters. We helped her find work and permanent housing. She and her children were among the 991 individuals we sheltered last year. Please give to Catholic Charities on Mother’s Day to help homeless families get back on their feet. Learn more at “How marvelous it would be if, at the end of the day, each of us could say: today I have performed an act of charity towards others!” - Pope Francis April 26, 2015 Outreach & Justice Thank You! HOLY FAMILY’S SPRING CLOTHING DRIVE For St. Vincent dePaul MAY 2 and 3 Holy Family will hold its annual Spring Clothing Drive for St Vincent DePaul on Saturday, May 2 and Sunday, May 3. We are suggesting that you bring your donations of spring and summer clothing to the truck located in the parking lot before or after mass (except the Sunday 4pm mass). There will be volunteers there to take your donations and put them directly on the truck. Tax receipts will be available. PLEASE DO NOT BRING ANY DONATIONS TO THE CHURCH PRIOR TO SATURDAY, MAY 2. WE HAVE NO STORAGE SPACE AVAILABLE. Please contact Mary-Frances at if you would like to help or have questions. PADS Thank You to Volunteers Thank you to all our PADS volunteers who gave over 2,700 volunteer hours in addition to food donations that provided approximately 3,000 meals this past PADS season, beginning in October and ending this weekend. The 1,000 guests served were grateful for the safe, warm and dry facility we provided with loving care. PADS guests continue to walk along Palatine Rd and other busy streets throughout the summer. Please drive carefully and keep our homeless neighbors in your prayers. Catholic Charities New Hope Apartments A Transitional Housing Program for Homeless Families March Update Family #23 Our family is currently working on their goals, getting ready to exit the program at the end of April. The mom and her mother are still saving up to get grandma a car and they are very close to their goal. They have been looking locally and have seen some good deals, but still a little out of their price range. It is good to see them working toward a specific goal and they are determined to achieve it. Things are stable; mom is studying hard for the GED exam and will take it in May. She reports that she will keep us posted on her progress. Things are going really well at work and she sees herself moving up again soon if she continues to reach her monthly quotas. She is hopeful that she will get her first bonus check next month! Overall, she says she feels confident that she will continue to improve her financial status when she exits. Family #25 Our mom continues to do well with her goals and she is climbing her way to self-sufficiency. She is so excited to have money in her savings account. She has also gone into business with her sister. She reports that her sister is making a lot of extra income with World Venture, a traveling service that offers four and five star hotel accommodations. She is excited about this new venture and the potential to increase her savings. Last month we reported that she wished to move back to the Western Suburbs after she exits the program. Since then she has changed her mind because she feels it will be better staying in her current area so that she can be close to her job. She is looking for housing in Hanover Park, Schaumburg, Bartlett, and Hoffman Estates. She has also looked into the schools that her children will potentially attend. She continues to be motivated to save and secure housing for her family. New Hope and these families extend special greetings to the Peace and Justice Cluster Parishes for their continued support. 15 Pastoral Care Matthew Thibeau 847-907-3417 MThibeau The Pastoral Care Community... provides, through our ministries, compassionate pastoral care with support and guidance for those who suffer in mind, body and spirit. Diane Reczek Margaret Albers Nancy Busch Krista Motley Wally Bush Jacinta McCoy Cynthia Buccelli Christine Nardulli Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord and let perpetua light shine upon them. May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace. Amen. Gina Nardulli Jean Nechi Barbara Serbus Paul Pignatelli The HOME MINISTRY team would like to keep people in our community aware of the services we offer. We are available for the occasional wellness check, need for transportation, visit or help with a meal. Our members are all volunteers and we are always interested in those who might join in this ministry or members of our community who may be aware of a need we might be able to fill. If you would like to be involved in this ministry or know of a need call us at 847-772-2646. Thanks to all those who have volunteered to serve. Prayer List Requests Remembering our sick in prayer is important to the Holy Family parish community. With the person’s or relative’s permission, his or her name will be read aloud during the intercessory prayers that weekend. We will then place the name of a sick person who has recently become ill on the screens at the weekend Masses for the following two weeks. Should the person become more seriously ill at a future time, let us know and we will then follow the same procedure. ALL the sick of our parish community and our relatives and friends who are ill can we added to our Book of Prayer in the narthex and then prayed for each and every day at Masses and by the prayer groups in our parish. 16 In a Special Way We Pray For... April 26, 2015 William Bloom Linda Pavlak Jane Hill To Be Joyful Again, a non-denominational support group for widows, widowers, or anyone who has lost a significant other, meets the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month at 7:00pm at Holy Family Parish, 2515 Palatine Road, Inverness. All are welcome. Contact Elaine at 847-705-9886 for more information. Pastoral Care "Rising from Divorce" 1st & 3rd TUESDAY of each month from 7 - 9PM in Breakout Room #5 By popular request, we are moving our meeting days to Tuesday nights. Please help us spread the word! Consider joining us to provide insight to peers and direction for what you would like from RFD ministry! We are a support group for those affected by relationship challenges, separation or divorce. All are invited, including those directly in the relationship and family/friends providing support. Please join us to share in a safe Christian environment. Retreat/workshop For widowed men/women Holy Family Parish is pleased to offer a preventive health event. Life Line Screening, a leading provider of community-based preventive health screenings, will host their affordable, non-invasive and painless health screenings on June 22, 2015. Five screenings will be offered that scan for potential health problems related to: blocked arteries which is a leading cause of stroke; abdominal aortic aneurysms which can lead to a ruptured aorta; hardening of the arteries in the legs which is a strong predictor of heart disease; atrial fibrillation or irregular heart beat which is closely tied to stroke risk; and a bone density screening, for men and women, used to assess the risk of osteoporosis. Register for a Wellness Package which includes 4 vascular tests and osteoporosis screening from $149 ($139 with our member discount). All five screenings take 60-90 minutes to complete. In order to register for this event and to receive a $10 discount off any package priced above $129, please call 1-888-653-6441 or visit Beyond grieving there is new life! Feeling “stuck”? Need something to get you “over the hump”? Have you reached a “turning point” after your loss? Come join us for a weekend expecially designed to help you reflect on and recognize a new direction for your life while still treasuring memories of your loved one. Upcoming program: July 25 & 26 at Holy Family For more information contact us at Joyful Agian! Widowed Ministry 708-354-7211 E-mail: Website: Early registration is encouraged. Disability Ministry Presents: Free Time for Parents We provide a fun, structured environment for children with disabilities and their siblings, giving parents a morning of free time. We meet on the first Saturday of each month, from 9:00am to 12:00pm in Multitorium West. Registration is required one week in advance! Registration and Volunteer Information: Anne Bosslet 847-358-6318 Donna Rogers 847-310-0778 17 Sacramental Moments Wedding Banns Sacramental Moments... are times in our lives when we experience God’s loving presnece in a special way. We highlight some of those moments here. Sarah Lakowske & Thomas Hafner - II Melissa Anzalone & Bill Rasmussen - I Cara Maricia Hanna Child of Anthony & Katelyn Elizabeth Aspen Currens Child of Jeremy & Anne Rocco Joseph Vanni Child of Robert & Melanie To schedule a Baptism, contact Christine at 847-359-0042. 18 Molly Joanne Hess Child of David & Sara April 26, 2015 Living Faith Living Faith This is a prayer, reflection and resource page designed to help you reflect on the reading of the week and next weekend’s readings. Weekly Readings Mass Intentions + Monday, April 27 Acts 11: 1-18 John 10: 1-10 Tuesday, April 28 Acts 11: 19-26 John 10: 22-30 Wednesday, April 29 Acts 12: 24 - 13: 5a John 12: 44-50 Thursday, April 30 Acts 13: 13-25 John 13: 16-20 Friday, May 1 Acts 13: 26-33 John 14: 1-6 Saturday, May 2 Acts 13: 44-52 John 14: 7-14 Sunday, May 3 Acts 9: 26-31 1 John 3: 18-24 John 15: 1-8 Monday, April 27 9:00AM Tim Francis Sullivan (Steve Kendzior, Jay Gillum) 9:00AM Rose Niedermeyer (Agnes Loboda) 7:00PM Carlvincer Abadesco (Mel Dianis) Tuesday, April 28 9:00AM John Campana (Family) 9:00AM Agnes Loboda (Family) Wednesday, April 29 9:00AM The People of Holy Family Parish 7:00PM The People of Holy Family Parish Thursday, April 30 9:00AM Vance Nwankwo (Family) 9:00AM Barbara Jane Lee (Husband) Friday, May 1 9:00AM Manuel P.A. Claudio (Family) Saturday, May 2 Preparing for Next Week: 5:00PM Mariclare McCarthy (Steve & Cathy Guranovich) 5:00PM C. Robert Myers (Marianne Myers) 5:00PM Matt Tunzi (Vince & Maryann Tunzi) Sunday, May 3 7:30AM Bridget Pizate (Mom & Dad) 9:00AM Mary Kate Barrio (Barrio & Mahoney Families) 9:00AM Dana Wandell (Przekop Family) 9:00AM Loretta Acres (Dodie Carney) 11:00AM Rocky Rotolo (James & Joyce Mallon) 11:00AM Edward Slagis (Rita Hernandez) 11:00AM Greg Grant (Elaine Biggs) Mass intentions are available by contacting the Parish Office Watch our weekly SCC reflections at Click on Reflections on Sunday Readings 5-3-15 and listen to Tom Toussaint reflect on the readings. Reflection Questions for May 3, 2015: 1. Saul’s conversion was a dramatic transformation. Have you had any experiences with someone who made a transformation that seemed miraculous at the time? 2. How might the Church be different today if Paul had not been converted? 3. What does it mean to “bear fruit”? What role do we, the faithful, play in ensuring that the Church continues to bear fruit? 4. What needs to be pruned in you so that you might bear fruit? What needs to be pruned in the Church of Christ so that we might bear more fruit? What needs to be pruned in our Holy Family faith community so that we might bear more fruit? 19 Of Special Note Meals for Fr. Terry Calling all cooks! Do you love to spend time in the kitchen? Do you have a favorite family recipe you would like to make for Fr. Terry? If so, this is the ministry for you! This ministry provides healthy, home-cooked dinners for Fr. Terry on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays. Through the generosity of so many parishioners, Fr. Terry has been able to enjoy countless delicious, home-cooked meals. If you are interested in making a meal, please go to (last name: Keehan, password: homemade) or call Pam Kulpins at 847-925-9501. We thank you in advance for your generosity. Holy Family Books & Gifts is owned by Holy Family Parish and solely managed and operated by volunteers. 20 April 26, 2015 Paluch Partners - a simple way for you to partner Hair Cuts • Updos Open 7 Days 34 S. Northwest Hwy. Palatine (NW Hwy & Palatine Rd.) 847-991-1776 with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. Anthony, Dan and Ross Morizzo Easily access your parish’s latest bulletin and all the sponsors who advertise. Their contribution allows parish bulletin communication to be free of charge for your parish. Support them by taking advantage of the services they provide. Proud Parishioners Since 1989 As a family owned and operated business, we take great pride in the service we offer • Traditional Funeral Services to the families in our community. • Traditional Cremation Services We are more than caretakers, we are • Memorial Services your neighbors and friend. We are privileged to be a part of this community and • Pre-Arrangement & Pre-Planning your family. We provide unparalleled • 24/7 Availability guidance, unmatched care and • At Need & Pre-Arrangement unwavering support for the families we serve. 2550 Hassell Road • Hoffman Estates • 847-752-6444 Nova Fire Protection Inc. Fire Sprinkler Installation, Repairs, Testing & Inspections for Commercial & Residential 847-885-1605 • Free Estimates • Bonded & Insured Parishioner SUNDAY BRUNCH • 9:30AM TO 3:00 PM 154 W. NORTHWEST HIGHWAY 847-991-7006 VISIT US AFTER CHURCH • 10% DISCOUNT W/AD PRIVATE ROOMS WITH BUFFETS FOR YOUR SPECIAL OCCASIONS OPEN FOR LUNCH, DINNER, CATERING, DELIVERY & CARRYOUT Miller Wealth Law Group LLC (847) 466-1045 Office in Schaumburg Estate Planning: Wills & trusts. Help when a parent, spouse or loved one passes away. Business Planning: Succession & owner exit strategies. Executive & key-employee benefits. Tax Planning & Preparation: Reducing taxes to protect family wealth & create charitable trusts. Jeff Miller, Attorney Pam Miller, CPA Parishioners since 1995 Jeff is an adjunct estate planning professor at Tents • Tables • Chairs • Linens • Moonwalk • Games DePaul law school and admitted to practice 500 S. Hicks Road, Palatine 847-394-8213 before the United States Tax Court. AUTO • HOME • LIFE BUSINESS LONG TERM CARE CHUCK BRAZELTON Agent & Parishioner 2549 W. Golf Road Hoffman Estates 847-882-4800 Kevin Sullivan M.D. Parishioner Deborah L. Kleskan O.D. Brent Ostoich O.D. Parishioner Laser Vision Correction • Contact Lenses • General Eye Care 1415 Palatine Rd. Hoffman Estates 847-776-8900 CORCORAN HEATING AIR CONDITIONING INC. Sales • Service • Installation Commercial & Residential HOFFMAN ESTATES 397-5888 TOM 009247 Holy Family Church (C) Kathy L. French, D.D.S. FAGD Parishioner Parishioner Plumbing Contractor Wants Your Work No Job too Big or Small 5% of all sales will be donated Serving Families in Our Community Since 1985 to the building fund 847-358-5377 Teacher, Presenter and Member of Numerous PL13556 Dental Associations and Institutes 630-773-6966 500 Park Blvd., Ste. 180C Itasca www.HAMILTONLAKESDENTISTRY.COM Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 Owned and operated by the Bob Smith Family Since 1912 • Complete funeral arrangements • Cremation services • Funeral preplanning • Out-of-town arrangements • Monuments MARY ANN ROSANOVA-KAPER, MD MARK A. ROSANOVA, MD DIPLOMATES, AMERICAN BOARD OF OPHTHALMOLOGY Parishioner M.J. Miller & Co. Surgery & Disease of the Eyes 330 E. Main St., Ste. 1W, Barrington Fine Jewelry & Gifts We Buy Estates, Old Gold & Giftware 847-381-7900 123 W. Main St. Barrington 381-4300 PALATINE SHELL SERVICE All Repairs Guaranteed 7 East Palatine Rd., Palatine 847-358-4299 KOLZE FLOORING Dentistry For: New Patients Welcome! HIGH QUALITY & SERVICE HARDWOOD FLOORING New Installation Dustless Sanding Refinishing • Children • Adolescents • Special Needs Russell S. Pollina D.D.S., P.C. Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics * 601 W. Central Rd. Ste. #4 18 E. Dundee Rd. Bldg. 5 Mt. Prospect Suite 100 - Barrington 847-392-2457 847-382-1720 Free Estimates • Insured No Job Too Small! 847-815-5040 Ron Kolze * Orthodontic services provided by Pediatric Dentists Advertising here helps your parish & your business. $25 OFF on Service Call Parishioner Allied AC & Heating Corp., Palatine Not valid with any other offers. $100 OFF a New Furnace or Air Conditioner Allied AC & Heating Corp., Palatine • Not valid with any other offers. Call Bob Hahn 800.566.6170 DAILEY ELECTRIC CO., INC. FAST - FRIENDLY - AFFORDABLE - EMERGENCY SERVICE RESIDENTIAL-COMMERCIAL (847) 359-9789 Jim Dailey — 3701 Berdnick-Unit C 10% PARISHIONER DISCOUNT 847-359-4500 500 E. Northwest Hwy., Palatine CENTRAL PLUMBING COMPANY, INC. Since 1980 4 Generations of Plumbers Commercial & Residential Repairs & Remodeling - Water Heaters Disposals - Sump Pumps - Rodding 2.75% Credit Card Convenience Fee ASK FOR THE PARISH DISCOUNT! ADDITIONAL DISCOUNT FOR SENIOR CITIZENS 55 YEARS OR OLDER! RAYMOND LA VIGNE, DDS Dental Care for the Entire Family Evening & Saturday Hours PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE WE PUSH TALK 24/7 HELP 637 First Bank Dr., Palatine CARE 847-359-1292 A LOT (At Hicks & N.W. Hwy.) ........... ........... • Wood Finishing • Paper Removal & Hanging • Wood Staining • Drywall Repairs • Water Damage/Repairs • Deck Cleaning & Staining 847-303-1413 FULLY INSURED Tom Ryan ~ Kevin Ryan LIC. # 055-012918 Painting Interior/Exterior George Darby, Parishioner 847-253-9181 IL. LIC # PL16019 G. D. DECORATING JANINE VAINISI REALTOR®, ABR Keller Williams Success 847-609-9578 CARPET & FURNITURE CLEANING SPECIALISTS Parishioners Discount 10% Off With Ad (847) 426-1900 R. BONO & SONS $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months JNL CLIMATE CONTROL, INC. Heating & Air Conditioning 847-358-2251 John Beening Parishioner $35 Off Service Call (1 hr. min. not valid on clean & check special) Comprehensive & Cosmetic Dental Care Michael A. Lovda, D.D.S., Ltd. & Associates 1644 W. Algonquin Rd. • Hoffman Estates (847) 991-0790 Emergencies Seen Promptly 009247 Holy Family Church (B) 24 Hour Answering Service 1605 Colonial Parkway Inverness, IL 60067 847.907.9600 Securities and Advisory Services offered through LPL Financial, a Registered Investment Advisor. Member FINRA/SIPC For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 Law Offices Robert J. Ross of Robert J. Ross, Parishioner, - Wills & Trusts 30 Years Experience - Business Law (847) 358-5757 Office in Inverness “Chores By Chip” RAZORBACK STUMP REMOVAL HANDYMAN SERVICE Quality Workmanship ELECTRICAL • FAUCET REPAIR • CARPENTRY QUALITY WORKMANSHIP 847-344-9524 South Barrington resident 847-551-1767 FREE ESTIMATES OVER 45 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE FAMILY OWNED AND OPERATED Our 2nd Century of Service Family Owned & Operated by FACILITIES ALL ON ONE LEVEL — CREMATION SERVICES MICHAEL HARRY MINTON Parishioner Leadership in Family Law • Exceptional Trial Advocacy Family Matters...Matter to Us “Realize An Accomplishment” In The Dissolution Process Achieving Emotional & Economic Security • • • • National Trial Lawyers Top 100 - 2014 Legal Network Top Lawyer in Illinois - 2014 Chicago’s Top Rated Lawyers - 2014 AV Highest Peer Review Rating for Legal Ability & Ethical Standards - 25 Yrs. THE MINTON FIRM 1051 Perimeter Drive, Suite 400 • Schaumburg, IL 60173 847-874-7278 • Contact: Gina Eagler or Christopher Haering 847-645-9500 From every season, to every reason...Life Celebrations, cultural events, trainings, ceremonies, retreats, seminars, trade shows Enhancing your special occasion 4800 Hoffman Blvd, Hoffman Estates, IL Dr. Richard M. Mruz, MD PARISHIONER Member of American College of Pro-Life Obstetrician Gynecologist ALEXIAN BROTHERS MEDICAL CENTER 364-0040 810 Biesterfield Rd., Ste. 102, Elk Grove Village Inc. The Ahlgrim Family William Haberichter • Melissa Nelson • Matthew Haberichter • Directors 3615 Kirchoff Road • Rolling Meadows Funeral Home 847-253-0224 Door Closers • Safes • Sales & Service Commercial • Residential • Industrial Locksmith Services Since 1963 339 W. Northwest Hwy., Palatine, IL 60067 847-359-0557 EDWARD HENNING BONDED & INSURED ROBERT HENNING Il. Lic# 0192-000118 FRANK’S CHICAGO SHRIMP Est. 1982 3071 N. Barrington Rd. 847-765-1601 Douglas R. Ahlgrim Owner & Director JOHN C. VOJTA ATTORNEY AT LAW 119 N. Northwest Hwy. PALATINE, IL 60067 847-963-0099 10% OFF CONTESTED FAMILY LAW & CUSTODY LITIGATION WHEN YOU MENTION AD (Parishioner) Lake Zurich 415 S. Buesching Road 847-540-8871 Palatine 201 N. Northwest Hwy. 847-358-7411 A HOMECARE SERVICE LLC Providing Superior Home Care CNA • Companionship • Medication Reminder Personal Care • Meal Preparation • Housekeeping 847-800-7000 or 847-877-4949 Phoenix Computer Repair PROBATE RESEARCH Is your computer in need of service? Don’t buy another! We can restore your computer to “like new” condition MISSING/UNKNOWN HEIRS LOCATED The security and privacy experts Domestic & International Services for: Courts, Lawyers, Trust Officers, Administrators, Executors We come to you Laurie Harris, parishioner Call 708-601-9698 847-519-3600 JOHN HELMINSKI ROOFING, INC. Inc. JHR Roofing/Siding/Gutters 847-702-7524 Hail Damage • Insurance Claims Lic.-Ins. Leaf Defier Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. For further information, please call the Parish Office. TAE KWON DO 2 WEEKS TRIAL Little Tigers, ages 4-6 • Child 7-12 • Teen/Adult 13-up Family classes offer a great way to spend quality time together 1465 Palatine Rd, Hoffman Estates (next to Jewel/Osco) 847.776.0077 • $20.00 includes FREE UNIFORM To Give, To Love, To Serve. We specialize in pregnancy care, pediatric care, athletes, and families SHINGLES • WOOD SHAKES FLAT ROOFING • GUTTERS HAIL DAMAGE SPECIALISTS 847.277.2990 777 LAKE ZURICH RD, STE. 105 BARRINGTON, IL 60010 CALL US TODAY! 847.797.0404 IL License #104-009220 Inc. HOME IMPROVEMENT & REMODELING Kitchens • Bath • Additions • Basements Interior & Exterior Renovations Family Owned and Operated Since 1987 847-202-9496 CELL 847-417-1278 Parishioner - Veteran SENIOR DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE! NO JOB TOO SMALL Mike Halm 847-877-4849 Palatine Arlington Heights 847-496-4373 141 W. Northwest Hwy • Palatine 009247 Holy Family Church (A) Free Loaf of Joe Caputo French Bread with Any Purchase HF For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170
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