Holy Family National School Website Content Policy School Mission Statement Holy Family National School seeks to provide a happy environment for its pupils by promoting a good relationship between teachers, pupils and parents, creating an environment which is conducive to the development of self-esteem and individual talents of each child and which will enable them to attain the highest level of intellectual, spiritual, physical, moral and cultural achievement within the ability of each child. Preamble Content contained on the Holy Family School website is, for the purposes of copyright, the property of Holy Family N.S., its pupils, staff and community. Work appearing on the site will not be copied, republished, posted to other sites, or redistributed in any way without prior agreement with school management. Objectives This policy aims to: - ensure the safety and security of students and staff working in Holy Family provide clear guidelines for content hosted on www.holyfamilyschool.ie outline procedure in relation to content management identify those with administrative access to the website 1. Website Content a) Personal Information No personal information will be included in website content. This applies to all members of the school community. Contact details for Holy Family office and Parents’ Association will be present; contact can be made with individual members of the school community through these channels where necessary. Children’s full names (first and surname) will not appear on the site. b) Photographs Photographs of children will be published as per the Consent Form, signed by parents at the beginning of the school year. The wishes of individual parents in relation to photographs will be respected at all times. Where parents have consented and subsequently object to a photograph being displayed, the website administrators will remove the photograph on request. The following procedure will be followed when publishing photographs of children: - - Pictures should focus on groups of children, rather than photos of an individual. Names should not be used to label pictures. If names are used in accompanying text the names need to be kept separate from images, and only first names are to be used. When taking digital images teachers will ensure that students are appropriately dressed and are not participating in activities that might bring the individuals or the school into disrepute Images of school staff may be included in photographs of school events or class outings where a member of staff has consented to the publication of an image. c) Student Work Images and samples of students’ work will be published on the school’s website in accordance with the procedure outlined in this section. As in 1(b) the wishes of parents will be respected and images and samples of pupils’ work will removed upon request. - Images of work may include a child’s first name i.e. in cases where a name is written on the actual work prior to the image being taken. Students' names will not be added to images during the process of editing and publishing the website. Names may appear in bodies of text accompanying images. The school may, on occasion, seek express permission from parents add text labels pictures of work e.g. in cases where work has won awards in competition. On these occasions first names only will be used. d) Video Images Video images of children will not normally be published on the school site. In a case where the school principal deems it appropriate to host a video which includes pupils, parents of children/class/classes will be informed and given the opportunity to non-consent. Videos excluding footage of pupils may, on occasion, be published on the school website. e) Links Links to other websites will appear on the Holy Family site. Links will pertain to curriculum subjects, school administration or will form part communication from school management with the school community. While links will be checked by the site administrators on a regular basis, Holy Family is not responsible for the content or policies of linked websites. 2. Content Maintenance a) Access for Administration and Maintenance The website will be maintained by the Principal, the secretary, an ICT worker (ie. from Tús) postholders and members of staff expressing an interest in involvement. In the event of The Parents’ Association using the school site to maintain a PA page they will do so in liaison with the members of staff listed above. The school secretary will have access to the site for the purposes of uploading news and information for the school community. The Principal will have access to the site and may request information be added or removed by others with access to the site. b) Content Management All content will be monitored by those involved in maintaining the sight as listed in 2(a) to ensure it upholds the standards, spirit and mission of Holy Family. Student work displayed will be updated on a termly basis where appropriate or when deemed necessary by website administrators. The majority of content (excluding banners, headers, school policies…etc) will be removed or archived after the period of 1 year (or earlier in light of a request from individual pupils, parents, teachers or school management). The index page (home page) will be edited on a regular (weekly) basis by the website team ensuring latest news is available on the site. Role of Board of Management The BoM will support the development of the school website through the implementation of the Content Policy. Review This policy will be reviewed in September 2018. Approved by the Board of Management: Signed_______________________________ Date_____________________________
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