15/05/15 INSIDE THE ISSUE: Quotation of the week “And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.” 1 Corinthians: 13 SSAT Awards On Tuesday evening I attended, along with Chair of Governors Mrs Debra Toomey, the SSAT Awards ceremony where Holy Family was presented with two awards recognising that our students' achievements were in the top 20 per cent of all schools for progress AND the top 20 per cent for attainment in non-selective schools. These are great achievements and I was very proud to receive them on behalf of the whole school community at Holy Family. The awards recognise a huge amount of hard work and commitment from our staff, students, parents and governors. We should all be proud of the achievements of the school. -2– Congratulations -2– The A-Level and GCSE Art and Photography Exhibition 2015 -3- Catholic Citizenship Awards -4- A-Level and GCSE Drama Performances -5- Student Opportunities -5— Chaplain’s Corner Come & Say Hello Click the logo to visit our website. Or visit: Holy Family Catholic School Walthamstow. Click the logo to visit our Facebook page.You may need to sign up if you’re not a member. Or search: Holy Family Catholic School & College/facebook Receiving our two awards at Holland Park School on Tuesday 12 th May. Headteacher Commendations This week I had the privilege of attending the Yr 12 Btec Drama Showcase. It was a really excellent evening with very high quality performances from the students. None of this could happen without the support of our excellent drama department. Drama is a very important element of our curriculum and we very much value what it brings to the school as we do the other aspects of our arts curriculum. Headteacher commendations this week then to Yr 12 Btec drama students, Mikege Augustus, Rakheim Simpson, Ashley Matos Da Costa, Amal Dixon and Simeon Evanson Sports Day Next Friday is Sports Day. Information has been given out regarding the arrangements. Please note that students will be dismissed at the end of the day from the Pool and Track and that, while we aim to finish for the normal time of 3.10pm, this may vary by a few minutes because of the nature of the event. Parents’ Surgery Parents’ surgery is every Tuesday from 4pm to 5pm on the Walthamstow site. If ever I am unavailable then a member of my senior team substitutes for me. Please continue to remember us in your prayers. Dr Andy Stone Headteacher Click the logo to visit our Twitter page. You may need to sign up if you’re not a member. Or search: HFCSWaltham/twitter Congratulations to Michaela May Aurelio who has been offered a place to read medicine at St George's Hospital. Michaela is an excellent student who works extremely hard and deserves her hard earned place. We all wish her good luck and are sure she will be an excellent doctor. Michaela has thanked the school for the excellent teaching and help with the gruelling interview process. Mrs Warwick 2 Last Friday, 6 students from 9E travelled to Brentwood for the Catholic Citizenship Award Ceremony. Simya Duarte, Daniel Dyke, Tariq Mahoney, Rory Drake, Shannon Halfpenny and Maya Bernard - Borrell were the Year 9 winners of the First Give presentation, where they had to research a charity and present their findings of what the charity does in order to win £1000 for the charity, hence the Citizenship Award. In Brentwood we visited the beautiful cathedral alongside over 60 other schools from the diocese. We were privileged to participate in a service with a sermon from Bishop Alan and music from the students at the Ursuline school. After listening to the inspirational stories of all the nominated students, Holy Family students were called up to the Bishop to collect a trophy which is now displayed in the Wiseman office. Churchill Estate Agents support Our Summer fair ! Churchill Estate agent are willing to give £10 to the school for each board they put up advertising our summer fair and their agency. They will give up to £500. If you are willing to have an estate agent board outside your home for a few weeks in June please contact Mr Norman at school. The deadline for this is Wednesday 20th May. So please rush to avoid disappointment. 3 Drama Practical Examinations It has been a busy term for the Drama Department. Within the last few weeks we have had practical exams for Year 12 AS Drama and Theatre Studies and Year 11 Drama GCSE students. AS Drama and Theatre Studies There were 11 AS Drama and Theatre Studies candidates undertaking their Unit 2 practical exam, where an external examiner is invited to come and mark the students. For Unit 2: Theatre Text in Performance, students must perform either a 2 minute monologue or a 5 minute duologue and a group play between 15-30 minutes long, which is directed by their teacher. Monologues, duologues and plays must be selected from published plays. There were nine monologues and one duologue performed and three group pieces. The monologues and duologue were chosen by the students themselves from a range of different plays which covered contrasting themes and issues; such as: class division, murder, racism, genocide and many more. The group pieces were from three different plays. Matilda Liar by Debbie Issit – is a dark comedy for adults about Matilda, a compulsive liar who tells so many lies that even she cannot keep up. Matilda lies because she loves her family and wants to protect them from the truth and Matilda just can’t stop. Matilda takes a magic pill and finds herself compelled to tell the truth at all times and to everyone! Secrets are exposed, myths explode . . . havoc! Chaos! If the lies were bad then the truth is worse — Matilda must be stopped!! This play was performed with minimalist props and set on stage and the actors themselves worked hard to use lots of physical techniques to create the vibrant, often abstract environment around them. Cast: Anielle Marimootoo, Joshua Ong and Ashley Fontaine. The Birthday Party by Harold Pinter – is another dark sometimes comedic play that focuses around the character of Stanley Webber who is visited in his boarding house by strangers, Goldberg and McCann. Goldberg and McCann seem to hold some prior information about Stanley’s past and an innocent-seeming birthday party held for Stanley turns into a nightmare. The play was a largely naturalistic piece that saw the use of realistic props and costume as well as choreographed fight scene that seemed to enthral and shock the audience. Cast: Joseph Boachie, Shanen Nursimloo, Tamuka Walker and Erica Bonsu Shakers by John Godber – Shakers is set in and around a cocktail bar and follows the lives of the 'Shakers', the four young waitresses reveal the lives of its staff and customers and offer an insight into their hopes, dreams and disappointments. The four actresses have the challenge of playing the waitresses themselves and also all of the customers that frequent the bar: the posh yuppies, the vain fashion conscious lads and the giggly girls out for a night on the town; therefore the students worked very hard to demonstrate clear and exaggerated characterisation at all times to show the difference between the constantly changing characters. Cast: Esther Onafowokan, Savannah Modeste-Rowe, Nneka Otigbah and Vanessa Owusu All performances were thoroughly enjoyed by the packed audience with lots of praise from family, members, teachers and students alike; Mrs Ramadan said: “They were all really emotive performances, I saw the students in a completely different light and their onstage presence was utterly professional at all times”. Drama GCSE This year 64 student took part in the Unit 3 exam. The students began devising their plays as early as January and worked incredibly hard to come up with imaginative and believable characters, enthralling plot lines and moments of planned dramatic impact for their audience and most importantly their examiner. There were 14 plays this year which focused on a range of issues and themes; some of which were: the Syrian conflict, the rise of ISIS, Kidnapping, Euthanasia and the story of Joan of Arc. The students performed in three nights of showcases, to an invited audience of family members, friends and teachers: on Monday 27th, Tuesday 28th and Wednesday 29th April; all were received enthusiastically and with thunderous applause! The actual exam took place on Thursday the 7 th May, whereby the examiner from the Edexcel Exam Board watched all 14 plays and marked all of the 64 students over 9.5 hours! It was a long day for the students and the staff involved, but the pupils did amazingly well under the pressure with all groups performing within focus and professionalism. The Drama Department were extremely proud of all candidates and we eagerly await their results in August. 4 EQUITIES OPERATIONS APPRENTICE SCHEME Student Opportunities Careermap is a great way to find local apprenticeships in your area using their simple to use website. http://careermap.co.uk/ Start Date: 13 July 2015 Closing Date: 31 May 2015. They have apprenticeships in several different sectors such as Business and Finance, Customer Service, Hair & Beauty and Manufacturing. To apply, please submit your application via the following link: www.mandg.co.uk/apprenticeships 2X M&G RETAIL CHANGE & OPERATIONS APPRENTICE SCHEME FRONT OFFICE DEALING ASSISTANT APPRENTICESHIP Location: Based in London and Chelmsford. Start Date: 13th July 2015 Closing Date: 31 May 2015. Please apply online at www.mandg.co.uk/ apprenticeships. Looking for: School Leaver Start Date: 20 July 2015 Closing Date: 14 June 2015. To apply, please submit your application via the following link: www.mandg.co.uk/apprenticeships Chaplain’s Corner The Hail Mary God said, “I will send my Son to help all people and show them how to live. I choose Mary to be the mother of Jesus, my Son.” God sent his angel Gabriel to Mary and the angel said: “Hail Mary, full of grace.” The angel Gabriel told Mary she was to be the mother of Jesus. The angel said, “The Lord is with you.” After the angel left her, Mary went to visit her cousin Elizabeth. Elizabeth said, “And blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus.” We pr ay to Mar y because she is close to God and to her Son, J esus and so we say, Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners. Like a good mother, Mary always hears us when we call to her. She hears us now, at this very moment; and when we come to the last moment of our life, and so we pray, Now and at the hour of our death. Amen. There are many people who we can pray for and the rosary is a simple way to dedicate ourselves to the task of praying for a world that needs all the prayers it can get! Be assured of my prayers Michael Georgiou – Lay School Chaplain 5
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