April Newsletter 2015 - Holy Ghost Lutheran Church

The Spirit
Holy Ghost Lutheran Church
April 2015
Being and Making Disciples!
Easter Grace
As we prepare to celebrate the Good News of Easter - our Lord’s victory over sin, death, and the Devil - I was
inspired to share a very powerful verse of Scripture along with some reflections of one of my favorite writers, Max
Lucado (from his book, Grip of Grace, p. 136-137).
The verse comes from 2 Corinthians 12:9, “My grace is sufficient for you, my power is made perfect in weakness.” Paul is writing those words out of the midst of his own struggles in the flesh, pointing us to the power of
God’s grace. I think also of Jesus’ journey as He made His way to the cross, willingly suffering for our sins, and
the sins of the world, so that we might experience the fullness of His grace - forgiveness, life, and salvation. God
told Paul, “No! I won’t remove the thorn in your flesh.” Jesus was tempted to take another route, but knew that
God’s will must be done, for there was no other way to save humanity than the cross and His death.
We often question why we have to struggle with temptation, face opposition, or deal with illness, and even face
death. God’s answer, whatever it may be, is always couched in His amazing grace - My grace is sufficient - nothing else is needed.
Max shares these thoughts, first about Paul, and then about us.
“Had God removed temptation, Paul may never have embraced God’s grace. Only
the hungry value a feast, and Paul was starving. The self-given title on his office door
read, ‘Paul, Chief of Sinners.’ 'o pen ever articulated grace like Paul’s. That may be
because no person ever appreciated grace like Paul.
You wonder why God doesn’t remove temptation from your life? If He did, you might
lean on your strength instead of His grace. A few stumbles might be what you need to
convince you: His grace is sufficient for your sin.
You wonder why God doesn’t remove the enemies in your life? Perhaps because He
wants you to love like He loves. Anyone can love a friend, but only a few can love an
enemy. So what if you aren’t everyone’s hero? His grace is sufficient for your selfimage.
You wonder why God doesn’t heal you? He has healed you. If you are in Christ, you have a perfected soul and
a perfected body. His plan is to give you the soul now and the body when you get home. He may choose to heal
parts of your body before heaven. But if He doesn’t, don’t you still have reason for gratitude? If he never gave
you more than eternal life, could you ask for more than that? His grace is sufficient for gratitude.”
God’s grace is sufficient because, in His weakest moment, when Christ’s body was broken, and His blood was
poured out for us on the cross; Jesus achieved the greatest victory of all - the Resurrection to New Life! His grace
continues to mold and shape and transform us so that we become a new creation in Him. May we celebrate with
exceeding joy, the Good News of His sufficient Grace!
A Blessed Easter!
Pastor David
The Spirit
April 2015
Holy Week Schedule
Breakfast Devotions: Holy Week will be shared among three of the Lutheran
Churches in Fredericksburg at 7am on Monday (Holy Ghost), Tuesday (Zion), and
Wednesday (Bethany), March 30, 31, and April 1 with food, fellowship, and faith.
Maundy Thursday Services will be held on April 2 at 11am and 6:30pm with Holy
Communion being celebrated. Good Friday Services are offered on April 3 at 11am
and 7:00pm as we remember Christ’s suffering and death. The “Passion of Christ”
drive thru is on Friday from 5:00pm to 6:45pm.
+ Saturday, 6:00pm (same message as 8:00am and 10:30am)!
+ Easter Sunrise, 7:00am! (Fellowship Hall parking lot)
+ Sunday School at 9:15am features the Easter Play, Butterfly
Release, and the good news that “Christ is Risen!”
+ Festive Easter Worships are at 8:00am and 10:30am!
+ Note: The Church office will be closed on Easter Monday.
Fresh Flowers adorn the Resurrection Cross which is stationed outside
Church on Easter morning. All are invited to bring flowers and place them
in honor of our risen Lord!
Sabbatical Update: The pastoral sabbatical plan for Pastor Bobby continues to
unfold. A support and feedback team has
been created to offer input and prayer. The
group includes Carlton Eckert, Kim Jung,
Grace Watson, and David Bullion.
The sabbatical timing is set for June, July
and August. More details will be forthcoming in the next newsletter. Your prayers
are invited.
Easter Sermon Series
The Easter sermon series for April and May
is titled, “The Fear of the Resurrection!”
Eight different stories involving
Bible persons from after Jesus’
death will be explored, unearthing their real fears which are
also many of our real fears!
How does one overcome fear?
By faith! May our fears be
calmed by faith in the resurrection of our ever living Savior!
“GRACE” by Max Lucado will
be read and studied on Sunday
mornings at 9:15am with a repeat class offered on Tuesday
evenings at 6pm. The class will begin
April 12 and continue through May 31.
Books will be available for $5.
Pastor Bobby is the leader of the class.
The Spirit
April 2015
Passion of Christ Drive Through
The Passion of Christ Drive Through depicts the last days of Jesus’ life as He suffered and died
on the cross for us. The event will be held on Good Friday, April 3 from 5-6:45 pm. The route
starts in front of the office, and loops around the Fellowship Hall. This has become a tremendous witness to the community in remembering Christ’s passion and death, pointing us to the
grand event of Easter as we celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord.
In order to make the event a successful outreach, we need everyone’s help. We will need people in the various
scenes, help setting up, tearing down, repairing and washing costumes. If you would like to help, or have questions, please contact Barbara or Kenneth Sagebiel at 992-9610. If you are unable to help, please make plans to
drive through on Good Friday, and invite others to do so as well.
Spring Freecycle
Saturday, April 11th - Fellowship Hall
Clean out your closets, storage rooms, garages and
donate your good "stuff" to someone who can use it.
Kindernest will host a golf tournament on Sat., April 18, at 9am.
If you have items to give, drop them
off between 12pm-3pm on Friday, or
8am–10am on Saturday. Otherwise,
come by at 10am to get what you
Get your team together and support our pre-school program!
The day includes breakfast, lunch,
and lots of raffle items!
Thanks for all your past support you are wonderfully generous! We can always use
volunteers on Saturday morning starting at 7am.
Please call Phyllis at 997-8939 for
more information. ($100/person)
Office Manager News
After faithfully serving as the Church Office
Manager for the past six years, Stacy Loth has
offered her notice of departure. This is due to
a recent change in residence (West of Harper)
and the upcoming building of a new home.
We thank Stacy for her outstanding accomplishments, team work, service and dedication
to the congregation and Christ. Her presence
and leadership have greatly impacted the
Church and she will be missed! Again, many
thanks to Stacy and praise be to God!
A new way of doing Ushers, Greeters, and Support Ministers is happening in 2015. Due to the
increasingly difficult task for those who work to
recruit volunteers to serve in various worship
roles, a new approach has been devised.
“Disciple Groups” have been
created by dividing the congregation into twelve groups, with
each group having coverage for
one month during the year.
Each Disciple Group has a
leader who will contact her/his team in advance to
discover which services that month they might be
able to provide service.
Orientation for each
group is given during the month prior to serving.
Church Office
Manager Position
If you have questions about the new system
please visit with Polly Zenner, Marjorie Otte, or
Glenna Hartman.
Thank you for your patience as the new pieces
fall into new places.
A Search Team has been
created to fill the church
office manager role. Interested persons can
receive a job description and application from
the church office.
The Spirit
April 2015
Saturday, 6:00pm - Informal Service; Sunday, 8:00am - Traditional Service; and Sunday, 10:30am - Varied Format.
The Easter Sermon Series for April and May is titled, “The Fear of the Resurrection!”
Eight different stories involving Bible persons from after Jesus’ death will be explored, unearthing their real fears
which are also many of our real fears! How does one overcome fear? By faith! May our fears be calmed by faith
in the resurrection of our ever living Savior!
Maundy Thursday, Apr. 2: “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be satisfied”
is the beatitude of the day. We all come hungry and only God can provide the feeding we need to fill the soul. Holy
Communion is served at both the 11am and 6:30pm service as the Altar is stripped at the evening worship.
Good Friday, Apr. 3: “Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake, for theirs is the Kingdom of
Heaven” is the Good Friday beatitude. Christ took on the persecution of the cross so that we might inherit the Kingdom of God, but it was only through this bitter suffering, bleeding and dying that our salvation was made possible.
Service times are 11am and 7pm.
Sat. & Sun., Apr. 4 & 5: “Christ is Risen! He is Risen Indeed!” This is the chant of the day as the
sunrise service opens up the day at 7am in the Western parking lot of the Fellowship Hall. Festive
services then follow at 8am and 10:30am! A butterfly release, children’s Easter re-enactment, banners,
special music, the gospel story, Holy Communion-- all point to death being defeated! Don’t miss the
story of stories-- He Is Risen!
Sat. & Sun., Apr. 11 & 12: “Fear of Faith” is the first subject addressed in the new sermon series! Thomas is the
fear-laden, doubt-struggler and faith is the weapon to battle it. We all have our doubts - some greater than others,
but no doubt - we must give them over to God in faith! Communion is served to remind us of God’s assurance!
Sat. & Sun., Apr. 18 & 19: “Fear of Getting Involved” is the focus for this week as the post-Easter sermon series
takes us to Pilate. What keeps us from getting involved and making a difference for God?
Sat. & Sun., Apr. 25 & 26: “Fear of Changing the Status Quo” is the theme of the weekend as the Jewish leaders
and Roman guards are the Easter Bible story people that are reflected on. Change can be a fear producing idea that
many people will prefer to avoid even when faced with painful situations such as abuse and alcoholism. Christ was
raised from the dead to change our places of bondage and us!
The Answer is Easter
After the April 2013 suicide of his 27-year-old son, Matthew, pastor and author Rick Warren was often asked
how he was able to keep going. His frequent reply? “The answer is Easter.”
In the Easter sermons Warren preached the following year, he emphasized that Jesus’ resurrection is the answer
to discouragement, defeat and devastating trials.
“The death, burial and resurrection of Jesus happened over three days,” Warren explained. “Friday was the day
of suffering and pain and agony. Saturday was the day of doubt and confusion and misery. But Easter, that Sunday,
was the day of hope and joy and victory.”
“You will face these three days over and over and over in your lifetime. And when you
do, you’ll find yourself asking, as I did, three fundamental questions. Number one, what
do I do in my days of pain? Two, how do I get through my days of doubt and confusion?
Three, how do I get to the days of joy and victory? The answer is Easter.”
The Spirit
April 2015
Adult Class
Kindernest Director to Retire
After ten and a half years of serving as the Kindernest Preschool Director, Phyllis Smith will retire on April 30th. Mrs. Smith has provided the
school tremendous stability, gifts of leadership,
staff supervision second-to-none, childhood
growth opportunities, and personal passion.
Kindernest has experienced lots of change and
internal growth under her direction. She led the
school to achieve public accolades and community recognition for excellence in early
childhood education. Mrs.
Smith will truly be missed as
we bid her farewell and Godspeed in a retirement that is
well deserved!
“Acts of Worship” is written by David Cook based on
studies in Daniel, the Gospels, Ephesians, Hebrews,
and James. Alton Klier leads the class.
(Sundays, 9:15am - FH)
Book of Acts Study focuses on the amazing story of
how the early church grew and flourished amid all the
struggles and persecution it faced. There is a lot we
can learn about our faith today as we study the history
of the early church. Pastor David leads the class.
(Sundays, 9:15am - FH)
“Grace” by Max Lucado is the new book study which
will be read and studied on Sunday mornings at 9:15am
with a repeat class on Tuesday evenings at 6pm.
Pastor Bobby is the leader of the class.
Faith Studies Class is delving into a study on the
“Book of Romans.” Dick Traugott is the contact.
(Sundays, 9:15am - Office Conf. Room)
A Couples Class focusing on applications of Biblical
principles for interacting with others sprinkled with fun
and fellowship will continue through May. Leading the
class are Jerry & Rhonda Gross and John & Grace
Watson. (Sundays, 9:15am - Kammlah Room)
March 16, 2015
1. Began with prayer by President, Archie Jacoby,
asking God to lead the church and council in ministry!
Men’s Breakfast Devotion: On the 2 Wednesday of
every month at 6:30am, a group meets for food, fellowship, and a devotion at Jalisco’s Restaurant. The next
meeting is April 8.
2. A Small Group Ministry plan to intentionally begin
small groups in the church was discussed.
Ladies Lunch Study titled “The Faith Dare: 30 Days to
Live Your Life to the Fullest” by Debbie Alsdorf meets
every other Wednesday from Noon to 1ish in the FH.
The next meeting is April 8. Facilitated by Mary Eckert
(998-4337) and Kim Gibbs (456-7299).
3. The Sausage Dinner with proceeds going to the
food pantry and children campers was celebrated and
planned again for next year!
** - A new study (TBD) will begin Wed., April 22.
5. A Search Team has been created to receive applications, interview, and hire a new Office Manager,
replacing Stacy Loth, who announced her departure.
4. Holy Week and Easter plans were shared.
Men’s Community Bible Study meets every Thursday
at 7:00am in the Fellowship Hall. Leading the class is
Pastor Bill Counts. Mike Birdlebough is the contact.
6. Discussed Pastor Bobby’s upcoming sabbatical in
June, July and August.
Women’s Bible Study titled “Daniel: Lives of Integrity,
Words of Prophecy” by Beth Moore meets every other
Monday from 6:00pm to 8:00pm in the Office Conf.
Room. The next meeting is April 13. Contact Karen
Nevins at 992-9424 or Sandy Birdlebough at 998-4504
with any questions.
Grief Support Group meets every Thursday at 9:30am
in room #115 of Bethany Lutheran Church. Grief is a
natural response to loss and many times we need assistance to work through it. The sessions are moderated by Rev. John Watson, retired pastor. Call Polly
Zenner at 997-5701 for more information.
7. Closed in prayer uplifting the joys and concerns of
many in our congregation and community.
AA: Alcoholics Anonymous: A support group meets
at Holy Ghost Lutheran Church on Thursdays at 8pm
in the Kammlah Room of the Education Bldg. Please
make use of the support resources available to yourself, your family, and/or your friends.
The Spirit
April 2015
Church Website
The Spirit
April 2015
Ministry Schedule
Excel Spreadsheet
The Spirit
April 2015
Altar Guild:
Pastoral Acts:
April: Lisa Kaman, Sherry Keyser,
Vicki Ristau, Sammie Knopp
03/01/15 Ramsay Pearl Hahn,
daughter of Adam & Katy Hahn
Lent/Easter: Debbie Klaehn, Lois Mavsar,
Gay Mueller, Virginia Clark
May: Rhonda Usener, Debbie Phelps,
Dianne Staudt, Dianne Eckert
Clinton Herber
Pamela Beckmann
Women of Faith Study Leaders:
Evening Guild
Lydia Circle
Katherine Luther
Hailey Binford
Laverne Cuddy
Polly Zenner
ursing Home Communion: (Bethany)
Wednesday, Apr. 1
Wednesday, Apr. 1
Thursday, Apr. 2
Thursday, Apr. 2
Thursday, Apr. 2
Wednesday, Apr. 8
Wednesday, Apr. 8
Thursday, Apr. 9
Thursday, Apr. 9
Knopp Assisted
Knopp #2
Heritage Place
Paige House
Knopp Retirement
Knopp #1
Holy Ghost Financial Report:
Gen. Fund Balance, Feb. 1, 2015: $44,416.69
Feb. Receipts: $60,242.20
Feb. Expenses: $64,729.08
Gen. Fund Balance, Feb. 28, 2015: $39,929.81
Special Offerings during February:
World Hunger - $15.00; Love Gift - $1,049.00
Financial Barometer:
Building/Debt Retirement Fund:
Balance, Feb. 1, 2015: $34,512.78
Income/Feb.: $11,550.01
Disbursements/Feb.: $11,449.61
Balance, Feb. 28, 2015: $34,613.18
Fellowship Hall Loan:
Balance: February 28, 2015: $396,329.49
Thank you for your faithful gifts and presence!
Helen R. Jung
Helen Schlueter
Andrew & Victoria Loeffler
Harvey & Vernell Ellebracht
Stanley & Kathy Keese
Woodrow & Ethelyn Durst
John & Lois Mavsar
Buford & JoAnn Durst
(If we missed your 90+ birthday or 50+ anniversary,
please call the church office, 997-2288.)
Simply Giving is an electronic way of sharing your
tithes and offerings with the church. It is sponsored by THRIVENT Financial Services and is
free to you, the giver. If you’d like to set up an
account whereby your weekly or monthly gifts are
automatically transferred from your bank account
to Holy Ghost Lutheran Church, please visit with
Florence Eckert, 997-2288.
The Spirit
April 2015
LUTHERA WORLD RELIEF HEALTH CARE KITS – We had a great response to the LWR health care kits. The
final count of kits given will be known after the April collection day. Thanks to everyone who participated!
WORLD DAY OF PRAYER was held March 6, 2015, at Fbg. United Methodist Church. The Women of The Bahamas
served as authors of the service and it was based on when Jesus said, “Do you understand what I have done for you?”
LUTHERA WORLD RELIEF QUILTERS are in need of regular thread, not quilters thread. Also, if you have any
used flat or fitted sheets, pillowcases, light blankets or mattress pads, we use them as fillers in the quilts. We have a need
for fabric material as well. If you have any of these items, they can be dropped off at the church office or on Monday and
Tuesday afternoons at the Old Sunday School building. Also, we will be needing ½ pint jelly jars for the Fall Festival.
SPRIG GATHERIG – The NALC South Texas Mission District Gathering will be held April 18, 2015 at First English Lutheran Church in Victoria, TX. Deadline for registration is Wednesday, April 8, 2015. The cost is $20.00 per person. A physical offering of ladies, men's or children's undergarments of any size and/or socks of any size will be taken.
These items will be donated to Victoria Christian Assistance Ministry. If you wish to attend, please contact Carol Feuge
at 997-3071 or Polly Zenner at 997-5701.
Apr. 6
-- LWR Collection Day (Easter Monday) - 8:00am to 11:00am
Apr. 6
-- Bloodmobile - 10:30am to 7:00pm - American Legion Hall
Apr. 9
-- Lydia Circle Meeting - 9:30am - Fellowship Hall
Apr. 9
-- Katherine Luther Circle Meeting - 1:00pm - Fellowship Hall
Apr. 11&12 -- Fair Trade Products Sale - Katherine Luther Circle
Apr. 12 -- Graduation Dinner for Seniors - Fellowship Hall
Apr. 13 -- Evening Guild Meeting - 6:00pm - Fellowship Hall
Apr. 18 -- NALC South TX Mission District Spring Gathering, Victoria, TX
Take Care of Your Health
April is Alcohol Awareness Month. Drinking too much alcohol increases people’s risk of health-related
injuries, violence, drowning, liver disease, and some types of cancer. We can all do our part to prevent alcohol misuse or abuse. We can use this month to raise awareness about alcohol abuse and
take action to prevent it, both at home and in the community.
Here are just a few ideas:
1.) Encourage friends or family members to make small changes, like keeping track of their drinking and setting drinking limits; 2.) Share tips with parents to help them talk with their kids about the risks of alcohol use; 3.) Ask doctors
and nurses to talk to their patients about the benefits of drinking less or quitting; and 4.) Limit your drinking to no more
than 1 drink a day for women or 2 drinks a day for men.
If you are drinking too much, you can improve your health by cutting back or quitting. Here are some strategies to
help you cut back or stop drinking:
Keep track of how much you drink.
Choose a day each week when you will not drink.
Don’t drink when you are upset.
Avoid places where people drink a lot.
Make a list of reasons not to drink.
Borrowed from the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, Inc.
If you are concerned about someone else’s drinking, offer to help. There are many Alcoholic Anonymous groups that
meet weekly in Fredericksburg, including one at Holy Ghost Lutheran Church on Thursday evenings at 8pm.
The Health Care Team wishes you a Healthy April!
The Spirit
April 2015
Food Pantry Special Requests
The Church family celebrates
with thirteen new members!
Michael Schoonover
641 Kerr Rd.
Fbg., TX 78624
Lee & Darline Cunningham
1125 S. Adams #102
Fbg., TX 78624
Nick & Shayna Thompson
Daughter - Aubrey
1380 Knopp School Rd.
Fbg., TX 78624
Kendra Jung
Sons - Tyler, Colton, Trapper,
and Christopher Cramer
618 S. Columbus
Fbg., TX 78624
Carmen Woerner
Daughter - Cadence
661 Sandy Lane
Fbg., TX 78624
The most needed items for the FBG
Food Pantry include: Peanut Butter,
Flour, Sugar, Canned Meat, Soups,
Canned Fruit, and Canned Vegetables.
You may bring your
donations to church
and place inside the
door, or take them
directly to the Food
Thank you for caring and sharing
in the name of Jesus!
Praise God for these souls who join in “Being and Making Disciples!”
This food delivery program continues to feed others with not only a great meal
prepared by the C-Team, but with love, joy, friendliness and the faith of those who
take the meals. HGLC has been involved now for eleven months and many hungry
hearts have been fed on both sides of the delivery! Contact Yvonne Holleman at
830-928-3662 to get information about becoming involved.
“You rule the oceans. You subdue their storm-tossed waves.”
Psalm 89:9 NLT
Getting started:
1. “Let it Go” at our next Freecycle Community Outreach on April 11.
See details elsewhere in newsletter and future bulletins.
2. Love your cycling neighbor. a) When encountering cyclists, reduce speed, don’t tailgate, give
bicyclists space. b) Cut them some slack. Riders come in different skill levels and can be unpredictable.
c) Be considerate. Do not blast horn when in close proximity to cyclists. Watch before opening vehicle
doors. d) Unfortunately, cyclists are sometimes oblivious of their motorist neighbors. Instead of getting
annoyed, remain calm and pray for them.
3. Avoid disposables whenever possible. Instead of paper towels, use sponges or rags.
Since anything is possible with God, pray for our Freecycle: a) that just the right amount of items
needed will be donated and b) that the needy in our community will participate.
Submitted by John W. Watson,
Earth Stewards Ministry Chair, and
Exec. Dir. of Fredericksburg SHINES
FBGSHIES.ORG: Recycling from A-Z and many more ideas for conserving energy, resources, and God’s earth!
The Spirit
April 2015
The Spirit is the official news publication of Holy Ghost Lutheran
Church, Fbg., Texas, which is wholly responsible for its content.
The Ministers, The Congregation
Bobby Vitek, Pastor
David Priem, Pastor
Clint Pluenneke, Pastor of Youth & Family Ministries
Daniel Hofmann, Minister of Children & Young Families
Stacy Loth, Office Manager
Shirley Preece, Office Assistant
Kay Melcer, Office Assistant
Florence Eckert, Finance Secretary
Alan Williams, Visitation Minister
John Watson, Visitation Minister
Marti Jennings, Ministry Facilitator
Deanne Moellering, Music Ministry Coord.
Carol Brinkmann, Fellowship Hall Supervisor
Arnold Schlueter, Pastor Emeritus
Paul & Marie Senff, Missionaries Emeritus
Church Office Hours
Monday through Thursday: 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Friday: 8:30 a.m. - Noon
Telephone: 997-2288 / Fax: 997-7869
Email: holyghost@austin.twcbc.com
Website: www.holyghostfbg.org
Bobby Vitek - pastorbv@austin.twcbc.com
David Priem - pastordp@austin.twcbc.com
Clint Pluenneke - clintp@austin.twcbc.com
Daniel Hofmann - danielh@austin.twcbc.com
Kindernest Montessori Preschool
Phyllis Smith, Director
113 E. San Antonio Street
Fredericksburg, Texas 78624
Telephone: 997-8939
Barnabas Team
Bread of Life
Building Comm.
“C” Team
Cemetery Team
Cemetery Team
Earth Stewards
Feeding John
Fishers for Christ
Grief Group
Health Care Team
Holy Ghost Quilters
Holy Ghost Quilters
Investment Team
Kindernest Team
LWR Quilters
Landscape Team
NH Comm. Coord.
NH Devotions
“P” Team
Passion of Christ
Property Team
“R” Team
Resource Mgmt.
Service Project Team
Stewardship Team
Welcome Patrol
Worship Decorating
Marti Jennings
Charles Feller
Kory Keller
Virginia Clark
Carey Bonn
Laverne Boos
John Watson
Yvonne Holleman 928-3662
Debbie Klaehn
Polly Zenner
Amy Montgomery 997-5095
Helen Usener
Irene Crutcher
Rick Ristau
Tammy Staedtler
Roslee Lochte
Kathy Boos
Verdie Pezzaro 210-722-4754
Windy Duecker
Coy & Stacie Akin 456-9005
Ken/Barb Sagebiel 997-9519
Greg Henricksen
DeAnn Reyes
Dianne Staudt
Doyle Moellering 997-2723
Judy Vordenbaum 997-6180
Sandy Poole
Yvonne Fox
Altar Guild Coord.
Altar Guild Coord.
Communion Servers
Disciple Team Leader
Disciple Team Leader
Disciple Team Leader
Nursery Child Care
Nursery Child Care
Nursery Vol. Coord.
Organist/Pianist Coord.
Readers Coord.
Video Tech Coord.
Adela Wunderlich
Donna Rees
Corrine Jung
Glenna Hartman
Marjorie Otte
Polly Zenner
Penny Ersch
Shyla Smith
Penny Ersch
Bernice Basse
Lois Weidenfeller
Kim Wilson
Please keep us informed
There are many times when your phone call to the church office is the
only way we may discover that someone is in the hospital, ill, or in
need of a pastoral visit. Please let us know if you have special needs
outside the regular office hours.
Childcare is available on Sunday mornings from 7:45am-noon so that
parents might attend worship and/or Sunday School. Children ages 8
months through 4 years old are welcome. Penny Ersch and Shyla
Smith are the childcare providers. Penny Ersch also coordinates the
volunteers. Additional volunteers are always needed and welcome! 11
Bell Choir
Youth Choir
Sanctuary Choir
Deanne Moellering 990-8410
Deanne Moellering 990-8410
Larry Reavis
Church Council Pres.
Men in Mission
Sunday School Supt.
Women of Faith
Women of Faith
Youth Group
Archie Jacoby
Carlton Eckert
Kathy Boos
Carol Feuge
Polly Zenner
Jake Pluenneke
Non-Profit Org.
U.S. Postage Paid
Fredericksburg, TX 78624
Permit No. 99
7:00am – Sunrise Service at Fellowship Hall parking lot
8:00am – Worship/Communion
9:15am – Sunday School for all ages
9:15am – Spirit Rally, Easter Play, and Butterfly Release
10:30am – Worship/Communion
April 4 – Easter Saturday
6:00pm – Worship/Communion
April 3 – Good Friday
11:00am – Worship Service in Church
5:00 – 6:45pm – “Passion of Christ” Drive Thru
7:00pm – Worship Service in Church
April 2 – Maundy Thursday
11:00am and 6:30pm – Worship/Communion in Church
April 1 – 7:00am – Breakfast/devotion at Bethany
March 31 – 7:00am – Breakfast/devotion at Zion
March 30 – 7:00am – Breakfast/devotion at Holy Ghost
March 29 – Palm Sunday
8:00am – Worship/Communion
9:15am – Sunday School for all ages
10:30am – Worship/Communion with Palm Procession