DoveTales/ eTales June 15, 2015 Wheatfield, NY 14304 Holy Ghost Lutheran School 731-3030 / 731 - 9449 ww June Last week of school!! 16 - SkyZone - Open Jump fundraiser 18 - K-8 half day; 11:30a dismissal 19 - K-8 last day - Awards, Chapel, Picnic -begins at 9a 21 - Graduation and Closing of School Year 10:30a Chapel this week - Friday after the Awards Ceremony - join us! Leader - Pastor Sallach - Offering- Holy Ghost’s VBS Outdoor Basketball Court Project- check out our progress on the North side of the building Through PTL funding and other third sources, HG installed a blacktop play space. Our PTL picnic on Friday will utilize this news space! Future Fundraisers to help with this project: ● June 16 - SkyZone - Open Jump - 3-7p - o ur school gets a discount and share of profits! see the flier that is coming home today! Middle School Final Exam schedule- be sure to review any study guides you have received! Monday, June 15th Science Final; Tuesday, June 16th Social Studies Final; Wednesday, June 17th Math Final Graduation and Closing of School Year Worship - this Sunday, 10:30a at HG church Join us as we celebrate the close of the school year and graduate our Kindergarten and 8th grade students. All students in gr. 1-7 will participate by singing “Love One Another” as the anthem during the service. Last Day of School! Please plan to join us this Friday for the our closing activities: Beginning at 9:00a , all K-8 students will gather at church for an Awards Ceremony and Chapel service. Immediately following this service, teachers will lead their students back to the classrooms for one last time and then to the PTL picnic, which will take place on the new blacktop area next to the gym. Families are asked to sign out their students from the teachers and are invited to stay and enjoy the picnic. Students not staying for the picnic should have a ride arranged for no later than 11:30a. Report Cards + 4th quarter report cards will be sent home with students on the last day of school. Also included with the report cards will be a 2015-2016 school year calendar and a supply list for next school year. Please note HG’s school calendar coincides closely with Niagara Wheatfield’s, but does include some differences including: days off for a fall teacher’s conference, days off for elections, and school being held in February after President’s Day. Please use this calendar for planning family vacations to minimize student absences. Thanks to the HG family ! -Our heartfelt appreciation and gratitude to all who contributed to the Cake Auction by baking, bidding and donating. Your overwhelming generous gift will go to help pay medical bills for Steve. Thank you for your support and prayers. Blessings, Steve, Judy & Brynn Dixon Mid-summer e- mailing HG will be sharing information regarding the 2015-2016 school year via email (and snail-mail if needed) in the first half of July. This will include Orientation information and tuition statements. School Musical - It’s All Because of Jesus! T hanks to all the parents and students for their commitment of time and talents that made this play so much fun and such a success! Through the various ways of raising funds, HG received more than $1,000 towards the Basketball Project! Sports Camps - turn in forms ASAP ! HG and St. John Lutheran School are teaming up to host Sports Camps over the summer. Students in grade 3-8 are welcome to participate - forms will be sent home in the next two weeks and camps will include Soccer, Basketball, Volleyball, and Flag Football. End of the year plans - HG will no longer host class parties at the end of the school year as part of the school day - rather, interested families desiring to host a party, may do so in the afternoon on Thursday, June 18th- as HG will only have a half day of school on this date (11:30a). While parties of this nature will no longer be conducted as a school activity - party arrangements can be distributed through the school as long as all students of the class are included - a group of parents are gathering for an informal BYO picnic lunch at Oppenheim Park on this day - all are invited to join in the fun at 11:30a! VBS is Coming to Holy Ghost - We will be kicking off our VBS on Sunday July 5th at 5pm! T his will be similar to our Advent/Lenten family services on Wednesday nights. The rest of the week, Monday -Thursday will be at 9am-noon. Thanks to all of you who have pre-registered! If you haven’t there is still time. Forms available in the church or the school office. Camp Sonshine RegistrationsWe will still accept registration forms for Camp Sonshine if you have not yet registered your child. Extra forms are available in the office if needed. Please call the office if you have any questions. Camp Sonshine is open to all Holy Ghost students who are enrolling in our 2015-2016 school year. Anyone entering our P reK 4 through grade 8 is welcome. We are using school year age cut-offs to determine eligibility. This summer latchkey program will operate from June 22nd through August 21st . Hot lunch menu Monday- Hamburgers/Fries/Fruit Tuesday-Nacho Bar/Fruit Wednesday- Pizza/ Salad or Carrot Stix/Ice Cream Thursday-No Hot Lunch Friday- No Hot Lunch PTL It is so hard to believe that we are at the end of another year. Thank you so much to all of our volunteers throughout the year who have helped our PTL and school in so many ways. Thank you to those who have served on the PTL board - for all the time and effort they put into planning all the great events we have here at Holy Ghost. We are blessed to have such a wonderful school family! Our final event is our End of the Year Picnic held this Friday after the Awards Ceremony and Chapel Service. Please see our Shutterfly Site to sign up to volunteer to help or to send in a food donation. Our hot dogs, rolls and condiments are being provided by Thrivent Financial and Les Fuerch. Looking forward to seeing everyone there! Save the date - We will be holding our PTL Summer Picnic at Oppenheim Park on Thursday, August 20th at the pavilion closest to the splash pad. Please watch the school's summer mailing as well as email notification from our Shutterfly Share Site for more details. Have a wonderful summer! Preschool 4’s – This is our last week of fun! We will continue learning about our 5 senses and our Bible story is all about Moses. Mrs. Crawford Kindergarten The last week of school is finally here! We have many exciting things going on this week, to start, our field trip to the zoo. This week is all about assessments and preparing for Kindergarten graduation. If it is possible, please make sure your child is here everyday this week. I need every day to finish everything we need to do before the last day on Friday and graduation. Graduation is this Sunday at the 10:30am worship service. Your children will be wearing a cap and gown and receiving diplomas. We also have something fun planned for graduation, but it’s a surprise! Theme - Zoo Animals / Graduation ELA - We are starting final assessments for the end of the quarter. Math - We are working on our Step Up to 1st Grade Lessons. Religion -We are going back and talking about some of our favorite bible stories. Memory Verse: no memory this week If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me anytime at Mrs. Meissner This week’s Kindergarten Schedule: Monday- Zoo Field Trip Tuesday- Gym Class WednesdayThursday- Half Day of School: 11:30am dismissal time Friday- Closing Chapel / School Picnic beginning at 11:30am Grades 1 You all did a wonderful job singing God’s praises at our Spring Musical on Friday night. It is hard to believe but this is the last week of school. ELA - 4th quarter final assessments will be done this week. Math - We will finish our Topic on telling time and move into geometry. There is no homework this week. Theme - Summer Religion - This week we will be listening to a variety of Bible stories. There will not be a memory verse this week. Science - Parts of a flower and growing Social Studies - Meeting people. The first Americans. Yours in Christ, Mrs. Stenzel Grade 2 Great job singing on Friday at the Spring Musical! Get ready for a great last week of school! Religion- This week, we continue in the Old Testament, learning about how God’s people returned home. We will also talk about our favorite Bible stories from this year. Memory verses are recited on Wednesdays and Fridays- be sure to practice at home. ELA- This week, we will have a review unit to work on in class . There will be no spelling homework and no final test. We will have a spelling bee and complete fun spelling activities in class this week. Please remember to read each night with your child and fill out their reading logs. Great job on your stories for the ELA show! We will be reading for fun this week. Social- Fantastic job on your stores! They were creative and fun to look at! We have our open book test on Unit 6 on Tuesday, June 16. Please be sure that your child has their Social book in class each day. Math- We will continue in Topic 15, Measuring Length, learning about inches, centimeters, feet and yards. Please continue to review math facts with your child. Science- We will finish up learning about matter this week. Tasting Tuesday finished last week with the tasting of some old fashioned candies, ask your child which ones and what their favorite was! We will be working on Father’s Day gifts and cleaning up our room this week. The students will need their backpacks every day! Yours in Christ, Mrs. Carrier Mon.Tues. -Gym Wed. – Thurs. -Dismissal at 11:30am Fri. - Awards ceremony; Closing Chapel; PTL End of Year Picnic Grade 3 ELA - Reading - This week we will be working on Daily 5 and in guided reading groups. Writing- Students will be working on making a book, Diary of a 3rd Grader. Math- Students will continue with Step-Up to fourth grade lessons in math. Social Studies- We will be working on Chapter 7 which focuses on the rights of citizens. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at . Mrs. Gilgore Grades 3/4 Religion- We are reviewing the last chapter and will be studying the parable of the sower. Science- We will continue the chapter on space. Penmanship- Grade 3 will be learning the capital cursive letters G,S,L, and P. Grade 4 will be applying cursive writing in other content areas. Grade 4 ELA -. We are completing a spelling unit, but there will be no homework or spelling test. In reading, I will be doing benchmark assessments, and we will be doing some paired passages reading comprehension activities. Math - We will continue step-up to fifth grade math lessons. There is no new IXL homework. Those students who have not completed given assignments should continue working at it. I encourage all students to use IXL during the summer to review math skills. Social Studies -We will be learning about Ellis Island and the impact of immigration on New York. Mrs. Woodley Grade 5 Fifth Grade students have completed the DARE Program curriculum, instructed by Deputy Pat Williams and will take part in the graduation ceremony this Thursday @ 10:00 am in the church sanctuary. Parents, family members, and friends are invited to attend and share in this momentous occasion. I also wish to take this time to thank you parents and children for a blessed school year. “The Lord bless you and keep you, may the Lord make His face shine on you and be gracious to you, the Lord turn His face towards you and give you peace.” Numbers 6: 24-26 Blessings, Mrs. Gildersleeve Math 5: We will be reviewing for our final exam on Wednesday, June 17th. Middle School Math 6 : We will be reviewing for our final exam on Wednesday, June 17th. Math 7 : We will be reviewing for our final exam on Wednesday, June 17th. Math 8 : - exam on Wednesday - God’s blessings on your summer! Algebra : We will review for our Regents Exam on Wednesday, June 17th. Earth Science : We will review for our final exam on Monday June 15th. Physical Science : We will review for our final exam on Monday June 15th. Middle School ELA and SS: There are no more spelling and vocabulary quizzes this school year. 6-8th Grade Social Studies final test is Tuesday. Study! Specific assignments and lesson plans have been shared with students via Google docs. If you ever have a question regarding an assignment or want an update as to how your child is doing. Don’t hesitate to contact me at . or by cell: 478-2018 Mr. Meissner SPANISH Señora Mercedes Spanish 7 and 8 News Caramba! This is our final week of classes for this school year. We will finish our final exam tomorrow and I hope to have them graded by the end of the week. I have truly enjoyed getting to know each student and parents as well. I thank each of you for your support throughout this past year. I wish all of my eighth graders the very best of luck in high school and offer them a couple words of wisdom: It is better to stand alone and respect yourself than to follow the crowd and not know who you are. Life is to be fortified by many friendships. To love and to be loved is the greatest happiness of existence. In your future, always remember it is inspiration that begins dreams, self confidence that makes them a reality, and hope that keeps us going when they seem impossible. I hope you all have a truly wonderful, safe summer. Take time to enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things! The grace of our lord be with you always. Mrs. Rasch a.k.a Señora Mercedes ART ART CLUB For those who missed June 2nd art club (Arm Knitting) please be advised that I will meet with you during June 15, 16 or 17 - after school Art Club time runs from 3:00-4:30 Bring a snack and your (2) skeins of BULKY yarn Skeins should be 3.5 ounces each We will meet in the school gym IF YOU WISH TO MEET WITH ME ON ONE OF THESE DAYS - PLEASE LET ME KNOW WHAT DAY YOU WILL BE ATTENDING!!! Oh, and don’t forget to attend the Art Show this Friday, June 12th… Mrs. Crawford Music SKIP Choir (Singing Kids in Praise) Thank you for all your hard work and efforts this year in making music to the Lord. We will be celebrating the end of the year with a party this Wednesday, after school until 4:15. I hope to see all of you there. We will not be having a rehearsal this week. “Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord.” Ephesians 5:19 In His Praise, Mrs. Woodley Instrumental Music Lessons -s Contact me for more information. For best results please have your child practice 30 minutes every day. PIANO: - Parents, please sign up for the Remind service to receive important updates regarding piano lessons. Text @mrsforsey to (716)995-4381 . Piano Recital - Sunday, June 7 at 6:30pm, Holy Ghost Lutheran Church Sports All sports season schedules are posted online at: - enter the school site and find the Sports Calendar link in the left side bar You can purchase old Soccer/Volleyball/Flag Football jerseys for $2. It will go towards getting new Soccer/Volleyball jerseys for next season. Don’t forget to get your child signed up for the sports camps this summer. There are volleyball, soccer, basketball and flag football camps all this summer. Check with the front office for sign-up sheets and more information on dates and times. Please contact Mr. Meissner with any problems or concerns. mrmeiss@gmail.com478-2018. HG Extras We are collecting canned goods and non-perishables to donate to local food pantries. This an ongoing project, so please feel free to drop off items in front of Mrs. Gildersleeve’s room or the office. Thanks for your generosity. Campbell’s Labels/Box Tops for Education: We are still collecting Box Tops and Campbell’s labels. Please continue to send them in. You can also go online to for additional bonus points for our school. Thanks for your support! Coke Rewards- Something new families can do to help our school is register Coke Rewards points on the Coke website in the name of Holy Ghost. Just buy qualifying products, visit the website, and follow the directions to credit our school - go to Tops- Sign up on-line and use your Bonus Card to earn money for our school.
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