6 S E M 10,2015 HOLY INFANT CATHOLIC CHURCH 627 DENNISON DRIVE BALLWIN, MO 63021 636-227-7440 FAX: 636-227-4548 WWW.HOLYINFANTBALLWIN.ORG REV. EDWARD STANGER, PASTOR REV. DONALD ANSTOETTER, ASSOCIATE PASTOR REV. THOMAS VORDTRIEDE, ASSOCIATE PASTOR DEACON DANIEL HENKE DEACON DANIEL RAIDT PASTORAL STAFF Patricia Foley, Director of Religious Education Chuck Chauvin, Director of Music Ministry Tim Claudin, Director of Youth Ministry RELIGIOUS STAFF Sister Rosario Delaney, R.S.M. School Principal Sister Laurentia Cusack, R.S.M. Convent PARISH OFFICE Beata Gordon, Office Manager Monica Sabatino, Office Assistant Marge Steudeman, Office Assistant Kris Mispagel, Child Safety Coordinator Mary Thieret, Accountant Mary Winkelmann, Bulletin Editor Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Closed 12:00-1:00 p.m. HOLY INFANT SCHOOL 248 New Ballwin Road Phone: 636-227-0802 Fax: 636-227-9184 www.holyinfantschool.org schooloffice@holyinfantballwin.org HOLY INFANT PARISH SCHOOL OF RELIGION MASS SCHEDULE RECONCILIATION SUNDAY EUCHARIST Saturday: 4:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. Sunday: 7:00 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 10:15 a.m. 12 Noon Saturday: 3:30 p.m. until all are heard WEEKDAYS Monday-Friday: 6:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. Saturday: 8:00 a.m. Baptisms are held the 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month. A preparation class is required. 6TH SUNDAY OF EASTER BAPTISMS 248 New Ballwin Road Phone: 636-227-0802 Ext 3 PSRoffice@holyinfantballwin.org YOUTH HOUSE 237 Nancy Place 636-227-7440 x128 CONVENT 239 Nancy Place 636-391-1528 MAY 10, 2015 6 S E M L M S W O 10,2015 V L S ,M ,M Ruth Trousdale Kenton Wood Elizabeth DeRum Theresa Wood 17 7:00 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 10:15 a.m. 12:00 p.m. Shirley Roth Albert Bouckaert Linda Hoffey Madison Gresham A Thomas Byrne Matthew Knipshild Vincent Kaiser Annie Harter S 4:00 p.m. ,M Jack Hobart Amy Hohenberger Jenna Hazlip Annemarie Howell Brendon Harter Evan Jagar Trevin Zweifel Brandon Auberry 8:30 a.m. 10:15 a.m. 12:00 p.m. C ’ L ,M ,M Shannon Deters ,M 4:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. S ,M W Christine McGauley Christina Bushbacher Kim Rafferty Christina Bushbacher Bridget Gehm Carol Nacke Volunteer G B 16 Don and Betty Johnson Christopher and Sharon Arft C. Frederick and Diane Effer E S ,M 16 Team 4 4:00 p.m. S ,M 17 Team 2 7:00 a.m. M D A 8:30 a.m. Team 3 12 noon Team 4 N D B H R Bulletin notices are due on Fridays at 8:00 a.m., nine days before the weekend bulletin. Please submit to: bulletineditor@holyinfantballwin.org. Thank you. B S A P 5:30 p.m. Team 2 Team 4 T W K C W 17 B J G Alexa Marie Ham, daughter of David and Melissa Ham Reese Nicole Barnhill, daughter of James and Carisa Barnhill Maxwell Owen Franklin, son of Tim and Katie Franklin Thomas Theodore Johns, son of Jonathan and Ashley Johns Annabelle Marie Johnson, daughter of Kurtis and Abigail Johnson Addison Nicole Waller, daughter of Greg and Laura Waller Drake Thomas Waller, son of Greg and Laura Waller David and Darby Seymour Mike and Jean Dickson 7:00 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 10:15 a.m. 10:15 a.m. jxÄvÉÅx àÉ ZÉwËá YtÅ|Äç Anna Holt Grace Hughes Alex Imig Lily Johnston Ashton Auberry Bailey Beason 17 8:30 a.m. 10:15 a.m. 12:00 p.m. S R Jason Hoffmann 16 4:00 p.m. S P B G , M W , D H , D .J R , 17 7:00 a.m. S R Jared Lakamp Bella Gereau RC Gioia Will Grzesiowski Meagan Harre Trinity Flaton Nicola Ginther Zach Grellner Allesandra Hahn 5:30 p.m. Please call us at the parish office, (636) 227-7440, if we can be of help to you or if you would like to become a member of our parish. S ,M 16 Madison LaKamp 8:00 a.m. S We extend a very special welcome to our friends and visitors who have joined us as we continue to celebrate the Easter season. We pray that we may experience the depth of God’s love for us in our worship. May our hearts rejoice! 16 4:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. S Colton Armengol Bernice Blanner Chris Bosche Jack Burkett Ron Colletti Sophie Costantino Don Giovanoni Sharon Girth Rosemary Girth Geoff Halliday M C H R S Myong Haynes Ben Holthaus Selena Levitt Barb Lindsay David Londe Marsha Londe Charlie Lunsford Karen McGinnis Kevin Miller Angelina Nocifora Cheryl Price Kim Ploudre Marianne Roberts Barbara Seymour David Schilli Francey Schilli Elizabeth Schmitt Dr. Robert Snyders Sam Taylor Shane Denzer Wood 6 S E M S ,M M I M A T S A W O A T Dear Parishioners, 10 S S E A 10:25-36, 34-35, 44-48; P 98:1-4; 1 J 4:7-10 J 4:11-16; J 15:9-17 J 17:11 -19 7:00 a.m. Intentions of Melinda Clement 8:30 a.m. Jim Weikart 10:15 a.m. Joan Dwyer 12:00 p.m. Alpha Dwyer ,M 1 11 16:11-15; P 149:1 -6 , 9 ; J 15:26 — 16:4 6:00 a.m. Richard Kaemmerer 8:00 a.m. Liz Yettke ,M 12 .N S ,S .P 16:22-34; P 138:1-3, 7 -8; J 16:5-11 6:00 a.m. Purgatorial Society 8:00 a.m. Maurice Lopez ,M 13 L F 17:15, 22 — 18:1; P 148:1-2, 11-14; J 16:12-15 6:00 a.m. Intentions of Marge Steudeman 8:00 a.m. Edward Sommer ,M 14 S .M A A 1:15-27, 20-26; P 113:1-8; J 15:9-17 6:00 a.m. Linda Yettke 8:00 a.m. Richard Lodes F ,M 15 S .I A 18:9-18; P 47:2-7; J 16:20-23 6:00 a.m. Margaret Kohler 8:00 a.m. Rich McCain S A S T A E ,M 16 18:23-28; P 47:2-3, 8-10; J 16:23 -28 8:00 a.m. Rita Sommer 4:00 p.m. Ron Flynn 5:30 p.m. Tom Reed ,M 10,2015 17 A L 1:1-11; P 47:2-3, 6-9; E 1:17- 23 4:1-13 [1-7, 11-13]; M 16:15-20 7:00 a.m. Edward Johnson 8:30 a.m. Intentions of Kitty Duggan 10:15 a.m. Marti Mueller 12:00 p.m. Living and Deceased Members of Holy Infant Adoration of Our Lord “And we believed and come to know that You are the Holy One of God.” Happy Mother’s Day! We remember with love and appreciation our mothers, grandmothers and those special women who have shown us a mother’s love. May God bless all the mothers in our parish family in a special way on this day and throughout the year. We also remember our mothers who have gone to their eternal home—may they enjoy perfect happiness and peace. On another note, each year we are given an opportunity to participate in the largest effort in support of Catholic ministries and services in the entire country – the Annual Catholic Appeal (ACA) here in St. Louis. This year’s theme, “Lord, make me an instrument,” calls upon us to do everything we can to become an instrument in the Lord’s hands in the way St. Francis of Assisi first prayed. Every parish, institution, and agency in the Archdiocese depends upon our willingness in that regard so that those whom we serve – not because they are Catholic, but because we are – may have an opportunity to be inspired to believe in God’s goodness because of our words, our works, and our lives of service. The Annual Catholic Appeal provides needed funding for hundreds of ministries which are not connected to parish life. The ACA assists and supports families, like many of our own parishioners, with Catholic Family Tuition Assistance and provides educational grants to schools each year. Please prayerfully consider a commitment to this year’s Appeal, especially if you have never participated in the past. Once again this weekend, all those who have not yet filled out your pledge card are invited to our Upper Cafeteria after Mass to make your pledge. Thanks, in advance, for all that you do to support the Annual Catholic Appeal. Many of you are aware that our parish has Stephen ministers who are available to the people of our parish. The easiest way to think about them is as spiritual companions to individuals and families who are recovering from loss or crisis in their lives. They are not counselors or social workers, but men and women who have been trained to assist those who are trying to make sense of their lives after having suffered a death, a crisis, a miscarriage, a divorce, a loss of a job or a home. A Stephen minister might share their journey for a few days or weeks or even months. Their purpose is not to be intrusive in any way but to offer solace and companionship to those who are feeling a bit lost in their journey of life and faith. We are blessed to have a team of trained Stephen ministers who join the company of Stephen ministers in some 16,000 congregations throughout the world. Don't hesitate to ask me about receiving this ministry or talking to one of the members of the team; we will be happy to make the connection for you. Where is your faith? Do you believe and know that this is the Holy One of God, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ? Show your faith and visit Him. I think Stephen Ministry is a completely appropriate way for more members of our church to minister the Gospel to others, especially those who are in particular need in the moment. If you would like more information about Stephen Ministry, please call us at the rectory (636-227-7440). Visit Christ in Eucharistic Adoration. God’s blessings to you and your family, For information contact: Ricardo and Teresita La’O (636) 391-1997 6 S H S E M I ,M P C S - 10 T ,M “This is my commandment: love one another as I love you. No greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” —John 15:12-13 11 Do you love Jesus? Do you consider Him your friend? Jesus says that if we love Him we should be willing to offer whatever we have to Him, not because we want praise and glory, but simply because we love Him. Financial Accountants, Team 1 Quilters, 9:30 a.m., Lower Cafeteria Book Club, 7:30 p.m., Church PSR, 4:30 and 6:30 p.m. ,M 12 Weekly Year-to-Date Offertory Received $ 14,139 $ 746,234 Offertory Received - Electronic $ 7,256 $ 559,653 Special Donations $ 100 $ 15,337 Holy Day Collections $ 43,945 End of Year Contributions $ 18,370 Tuition Earned: $ 34,048 $ 1,464,064 Total Income: $ 55,543 $ 2,847,603 Budget Required: $ 65,639 $ 2,822,477 Over/(Under) Budget $ (10,097) $ 25,126 Building Repair Fund $ 745 $ 54,235 Endowment Fund $ 40 $ 2,417 Tuition Assistance Fund $ 145 $ 9,476 Special Collections: $ 80,424 Priests' Retirement $ 485 Holy Land Good Friday $ 120 Other $ 20 Number of Families Enrolled in Faith Direct - 513 - Bible Study, Men and Women, 9:30 a.m., Holy Infant Room May Crowning, 10:45 a.m., Church Adult Faith Committee, 4:30 p.m., Adult Ed Room Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions, Evening Prayer and Rosary, 7:15 p.m., Chapel - Knights of Columbus General Meeting, 7:45 p.m., Holy Infant Room W ,M 13 - Marian Consecration, 33 Days to Morning Glory, 6:00 p.m., Church - Joyful Hope Prayer Group, 6:30 p.m., Adult Ed Room - Stewardship Team Meeting, 7:00 p.m., Holy Infant Room - 7th Grade Confirmation Parent Meeting, 7:00 p.m., Upper Cafeteria - Rosary for Intentions of World Peace, 7:00 p.m., Chapel T ,M 14 - Junior Kindergarten Reception, 9:30 a.m., Upper Cafeteria - Men’s Club Meeting, 7:00 p.m., Lower Cafeteria F ,M 15 - Legion of Mary, 9:30 a.m., Holy Infant Room S ,M 16 - Rummage Rampage Selling Raffle Tickets after all Masses, Church Lobby - Knights of Columbus Adult Bingo, 7:00 p.m., Upper Cafeteria S ,M Through April 26, 2015 (Week 43) - Annual Catholic Appeal Sign Ups after all Masses, Upper Cafeteria - Boy Scout Coffee Sale in Church Vestibule/Outside M S 17 - Rummage Rampage Selling Raffle Tickets after all Masses, Church Lobby - Men’s CRHP Teams 7 and 8, 7:30 p.m., Holy Infant Room T C Weekly $ 642 ,AđĎěĊ! Ten Commandments S .V P P Quarter to Date $ 4,001 S 19, 2015 People helped: 9 Receipts: $ 2,894 Expenses: $ 1,247 Families helped with: Shelter: 3 Medical: 1 To help, please make your check payable to “St. Vincent de Paul Society”, put in an envelope marked “SVDP” and drop it in the collection. For help, please call us at (314) 289-6101 voice mail box 2265. Leave us a message. www.archstl.org/dynamic. S .W ,M A The Ten Commandments, also called the Decalogue, sum up the Law given by God to the people of Israel, which Christians are also obliged to follow. “Imagine all of the misery that could be avoided,” writes Matthew Kelly, “if we just lived by the life-giving wisdom found in the Ten Commandments.” Not only should we follow the Ten Commandments, but we should be Alive in Christ! Which commandment did Christ identify as the most important, and which commandant flows from it? S Each quarter, three percent of our offertory collections will be tithed to the poor and needy. 4/1/15 - 6/30/15 D 10,2015 T 168:00 . .—3:00 . .S S A $15 Bar-B-Que available from 10:00 a.m.—2:30 p.m. For more information or reservations please call Tim at (314) 882-5332 or Paul at (314) 865-1020 Monday through Friday during business hours. 6 S E M L A very happy and blessed Mother’s Day to all our moms and grandmothers. Thank you for the love you have given us. May the Lord bless you abundantly with His love. HAVING A VISION FOR YOUR WORLD Thursday, May 21 7:00 p.m. Event Speaker: Fr. Don Anstoetter B Private Event Room at Llywelyns Pub in Wildwood B B P C M U A 9-10U C O A ’ B In Galatians 6, Paul tells us to “carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” At Holy Infant our Stephen Ministers have been trained and organized to do just that. They provide one-to-one care, prayer, and support to those who are going through a difficult time. Nothing beats the smell of fresh-brewed coffee in the morning. If you love coffee, plan to stop by after Mass. The Boy Scouts of Troop 627 and More Than Coffee are selling coffee, tea and hot chocolate for charity. Your support is greatly appreciated. A Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. DO YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKES TO LEAD? MEN OF HOLY INFANT A Last Sunday we heard the familiar passage from John’s Gospel in which Jesus uses the metaphor of the vine and the branches. In that passage we were told that if we remained in Christ we would bear much fruit. Today’s Gospel tells us just what that fruit is: love. Today’s second reading and Gospel together create a great hymn to love. The chorus of this hymn is simple—God loves us so much that Jesus was sent into the world so that we would have life. The Lord Jesus, who last week told us to remain in him, this week tells us to remain in his love. In a world marked by division and terrorism, the Lord’s final words in today’s Gospel are a great challenge: “This I command you: love one another.” STEPPING UP E O 10,2015 If you would like more information about Stephen Ministry, please call Patricia, 636 227-0802, opt. 3. —L C S U W . Perhaps one of the most familiar and fondly embraced prayer is the Peace Prayer of St. Francis. Those who pray this prayer ask not to be consoled, understood or loved. Instead they ask to be the one who will console, understand and love. In so doing, we become instruments of God’s peace. This year, I invite everyone to participate in the Annual Catholic Appeal. Please consider a sacrificial gift and offer your faithful prayers and spiritual sacrifices as we reach out through the parishes to those searching for joy, hope and truth. Most Reverend Robert J. Carlson Archbishop of St. Louis 6 S E M 10,2015 R R J C 26,27 ! 28 Start your spring cleaning and box up those items for the rummage sale to help your church and school. Donation drop off dates: Monday, June 22 Tuesday, June 23 Wednesday, June 24 Raffle ckets can be purchased a er most weekend Masses at the rate of $1 per cket, 6 ckets for $5, 15 ckets for $10 and 35 ckets for $20. Included in this year’s raffle is a baseball autographed by Stan Musial, one of the last signed before his death. The baseball and other sports collec bles are compliments of Mark Schlemeier from Baseball Plus located in St. Peters. His address is baseballplus@CenturyTel.net. Total prizes are: four Cardinal box seat baseball ckets— value of $300+; $200 cash; $200 scratch off ckets; dining gi cards. jxÄvÉÅx àÉ [ÉÄç \ÇytÇà N P Ben and Alison Benner Leah Borrowman Ben and Erin Hankins Nikki Kinney-Sivils Susan Kolb John and Jill Kullman Phil and Marylyn Luther Joe Nesnadny Eileen Peters Andy Stevens Mary Werner Mark and Megan Westman “All the ends of the earth have seen the salvation by our God!” J D 11-7:00 p.m. 11-7:00 p.m. 9:00 to 12 Noon R R A box has been placed in the church lobby for jewelry donations for the Holy Infant Rummage Sale in June. If you have costume jewelry you no longer wear, please consider donating those items to the Rummage Rampage. The proceeds of the sale will go to a specified need at Holy Infant Church. Thank you for your generosity. H I LIFETEEN@H Y I M LTontwitter No Life Night Tonight! Take the opportunity to spend time thanking God for your mother. We are blessed by our earthly mothers and our spiritual mother Mary. 4:12(Weekly Prayer Group) Continue to go deeper in prayer as the school year comes to a close. We will have a time to look at scripture, sing praise and worship….and catch up with friends. Join us at the Youth House at 6:00 p.m. CORE MEMBERS NEEDED We are looking for adult volunteers to help us continue to provide a thriving Life Teen program! Please contact the parish office for details. Make a difference in someone else’s life. EDGE(Middle School Youth Ministry) Next EDGE Night—Wednesday, May 27 from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. at the Youth House. Café EDGE: Thursday morning at 7:00 a.m. Café EDGE will end with the school year. Make sure and join us! EDGE is currently looking for parents or adults who would like to serve as a Core Member. Contact Tim with questions. Visit: holyinfantballwin.org/youth-ministry. 6 S R E M H I P PSRO S M R 10,2015 R 29.A M 29 . You can register on Monday from 4-8 p.m. or call for an appointment. Registering on time will allow you a choice of class times. Usually our 4:30 p.m. session fills up quickly. After the 29th of May 2015 we will be unable to guarantee you a time preference. The following are the fees for registration, tuition, books: Holy Infant registered parishioners: 1 child: $250; 2 children: $370; 3 or more children: $460. Non-registered parishioners: 1 child: $340; 2 children $550; 3 or more children: $730. A $100.00 family non-refundable down payment is due at the time of registration. Please see the registration form for payment options. Registration forms including a financial agreement and payments must be completed by May 29, 2015 to avoid a $50.00 late fee per family. A $25 change fee will be charged to change sessions after initial registration. We want all children to be able to avail themselves of a religious education and will work with parents who may be struggling financially to accomplish that. Patricia Foley, Director of Religious Education and PSR Director: (636) 227-0802 option 3 or pfloey@holyinfantballwin.org. Mary Willett, Administrative Assistant, psroffice@holyinfantballwin.org $$H I C B $$ Saturday, May 16 Bingo begins at 7:00 p.m. in the Upper Cafeteria Doors Open at 6:00 p.m. Minimum $50 payout per game! $20 per person Admission includes: 15 Games of Bingo (9 cards per game) and drinks (Beer, Soda, Wine and Water) PULL TABS FOR SALE Sandwiches and snacks are available for purchase. ADULTS ONLY PLEASE Sponsored by the Holy Infant Knights of Columbus For Information Call: Ray Brune (636) 256-6511 6 S E M 10,2015 H I S R 2015 Registration for kindergarten through high school opened May 1, 2015. To register, please visit www.athletics.holyinfantballwin.org R I : Opened May 1, 2015 Closes June 30, 2015 A non-refundable late fee of $25.00 will be assessed beginning June 1. F : 1 player: $115 2 players: $210 3 or more players: $285 The annual soccer showcase for grades Pre-K through 2nd grade will be held in mid-August. The Holy Infant Athletic Association is looking for volunteers for all sports. Please contact Curt Meyer if you are interested and would like more information. Contact Curt at: Holyinfantsoccer@gmail.com. P -KS P Pre-K soccer is for all children between the ages of 3-5 years old. Your child must be 3 years old by August 1, 2015. The Pre-K program includes: • • • • • • • T-shirt that each player gets to keep Participation in Annual Soccer Showcase prior to Labor Day 8-10 games on Saturday mornings at Selvidge Middle School Games begin the first weekend after Labor Day Games are 4 v 4 and promote good sportsmanship and fun Practices per the coach’s preference Fee is $70 per player V R To register please visit: athleƟcs.holyinfantballwin.org We are looking for coaches and assistant coaches. Contact Gary Imig at gary.imig@gmail.com Volleyball registration is open to girls grades 3-12 and boys grades 3-12. The fees for the 2015 season are as follows: 1 player: $130 2 players: $220 3 players: $300 If you have any questions, please contact Jennifer O’Brien at: jenni.j@charter.net. 6 S E M 10,2015 DoYouHATEHousework? Doyouenjoyplayingwithyourkids? DoyoulikeHolyInfant? Then leave the dishes and emails and join us from June 1 through 5 each morning for Vacation Bible School. Come along as we climb Mt. Everest, share our faith, live out the Word and PLAY!! Many adult volunteer positions still need to be illed. Email carriewolf@charter.net or register online at: www.groupvsbpro.com/vbs/ez/HolyInfantVBS L C VBSS U ! There are sill spots left! But in order to have time to get T-Shirts and supplies, please register your kids for EVEREST now. We will extend the online registration through May 15. www.groupvsbpro.com/vbs/ez/HolyInfantVBS Scholarships available. Questions: carriewolf@charter.net May MeeƟng Thursday, May 14th Lower Café 7:30 p.m. Please join the Men of Holy Infant for a washers tournament and barbeque We will also be elec ng new officers and board members If you are interested in joining the board, please contact Mike Dickson at miked@wholesaletele.com 6 S E M 10,2015 Congratulations! CongratulaƟons to our First Communion students. May your faith increase and your love for the Lord grow as you conƟnue to receive Our Lord in His Precious Body and Blood. James Adolphson Sara Akins Madilynn Applegate Mia Applegate Molly Arft Jack Auer Eloise Aumiller Isabel Aymerich Lauren Bacon Elizabeth Bauerle Ethan Beyrouty Keira Biggs Jozsef Biro Michael Brucker Benjamin Buckallew Kate Burns Patrick Castillo Sophia Chalmers Ian Chilton Georgia Clancy Jack Connelly Luke Dahlgren Grant Davidson Hilary Delaloye Samuel Dippel Emma DiSalvo Andrew Facenda Jack Ferguson Colin Flanagan Allison Frame Jack Garrett Reagan Gehm Kaydin Godwin Kaitlyn Gomez Nina Gratzer Noah Griffard Vincent Hagar Katelynn Halter Shelby Hanson Taylor Hartman Cole Heffington Rachel Hesemann Riley Hilligoss Alex Jordan Hirang Lily Holt Madylyn Huff Hanna Hulett Sophia Hurst Lydia Jager Gavin Jansen Sean Johann Lars Johnson Audrey Keller Brendan Kelly Julianna Komp Grace Kozlowski Elle Kuelker Joselyn Kulka John Paul Lagos Marin Lally Alexandra Lappin Brendan Larson August Lawler Mandy Lawson Megan Lawson Robert Lemanski Carter Lewandowski Ava Lollar Amanda Madigan John Mattern Olivia Mattern Colin Middendorf Burke Miller Caleb Mitchell Josephine Mitchell Samantha Moore Jacob Moretti William Nelms Benjamin Nelson Alexander Pesek Andrew Rebholz Hailey Rhode Brandon Rolando Patrick Scheller Eleanor Schroeder Mallory Sell Sophia Soltow Cecelia Springer Cole Stinnett Gary Strozewski Samuel Stryjewski Addison Sturm Evan Teslow Cameron Thorson Dylan Trost Isaiah Valdeabella Julia Villhard Griffith Watson-Hirsch Samuel Wigington Benjamin Winker Robert Wittman Anthony Zenser son DawROOFING, INC. Specialists In Quality Reroofing & Repairs Member RCGA and NRCA Fully Insured For Your Protection Financing Available Since 1978 FREE ESTIMATES We accept: M/C VISA DISCOVER AMEX David Brown Agency Jennifer O’Brien, Agent 636-458-8778 Auto • Home • Life • Business Parishioners 636-227-9274 Since 2002 • Custom Decks/Patios • Basement Finish/Remodeling 636-751-2030 314-837-4671 • 636-949-6821 IL: 618-207-4175 David C. 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TessonRoofing.com • (314) 932-1042 Financial Advisor Advertising here helps your parish & your business. mike.n.wyatt@edwardjones.com 636-946-6143 Member SIPC www.edwardjones.com email: bradyd@jspaluch.com www.jspaluch.com Call Dan Brady 800.945.6629 Parishioner ✂ NOW HIRING CAREGIVERS Do You Feel a Calling to Help Seniors in Need? If you are a wonderful and caring person who wants to help the elderly in your community CALL US! Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers Complimentary First visit! In the Clarkson-Clayton Center 355 Ozark Trail Drive, Suite 3 Ellisville, MO 63011 Call Anne Abbenhaus 636-552-9363 636-391-9170 www.seniortlc.com www.cherreortho.com Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! Please support the advertisers in your bulletin, and thank them for their continued support. They make your bulletin possible. The Sponsors Who Appear On This Bulletin. It Is Through Their Support That This Bulletin Is Made Possible. Business Owners Interested In Advertising Please Call J.S. Paluch at 1-800-945-6629 Matt Dazey VP/Loan Officer, Parishioner 314-512-8913 Purchasing a home? Refinancing a home? Debt Consolidation? 24 years mortgage experience mdazey@midlandsb.com Mississippi Valley Roofing, Inc. www.mississippivalleyroofing.com Since 1965 314-838-4451 Henry Darabcsek, parishioner 292950 Holy Infant Church (B) www.jspaluch.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-945-6629 Jesus A to Z Tim Hallahan, Parishioner of St. Alban Roe Summer Camps Now Available! 636-227-5900 www.KennedyCatholic.net We guarantee to eliminate crawling insects from your home. 636-391-7277 Lynn & Allen Cronin, Parishioners Michael O’Neill McGrath, OSFS 636.458.6400 A colorful Catholic ABC book for kids and families! Includes LOU FUSZ FORD, INC. a glossary of questions to help Tom Biehle, Parishioner adults pass on their Catholic faith. 007199 9 x 12 Hardcover #2 Caprice Dr., Chesterfield, MO 63005 $16.99 each • Special Offer — 2 for $25.00! www.westwoodpaintinginc.com 636-532-9955 800-566-6150 HAPPY PRO HANDYMAN Plumbing • Electrical • Drywall • Painting Tile • Flooring • General Handyman Work Friendly, Fast and Guaranteed! ASK FOR PARISHIONER DISCOUNT 636-529-8200 www.happyprohandyman.com www.wlpmusic.com THOME PLUMBING COMPANY RESIDENTIAL • REPAIR REMODEL • INSTALLATION 636-394-6737 WHY IS IT TREE & LAWN CARE EXPERTS SINCE 1880 MASTERCARD • VISA • DISCOVER thomeplumbing.com DESIGN AIRE INC. HEATING & COOLING $20 OFF Tree Pruning/Removal (314) 961-5440 www.davey.com Personal Counseling and Psychiatry Individual, Child, Family, and Marriage Counseling 498 Woods Mill Road, Manchester, MO 63011 636-391-9966 / www.cfsstl.org LISA CLEMENTE 110A HOLLOWAY RD BALLWIN (636) 227-2229 DR. GARY W. DELANCEY 2% of Purchases of Air Conditioners & Furnaces will be donated to your Parish OPTOMETRIST 113 Old State Rd. Ellisville, MO 63021 314-739-1600 (636) 256-7800 parishioner A man wakes up after sleeping under an ADVERTISED blanket on an ADVERTISED mattress and pulls off ADVERTISED pajamas bathes in an ADVERTISED shower shaves with an ADVERTISED razor brushes his teeth with ADVERTISED toothpaste washes with ADVERTISED soap puts on ADVERTISED clothes drinks a cup of ADVERTISED coffee drives to work in an ADVERTISED car and then . . . . refuses to ADVERTISE believing it doesn’t pay. Later if business is poor he ADVERTISES it for sale. WHY IS IT? ©2003 Allstate Insurance Company. allstate.com DanCo Home Maintenance & Improvement Committed to Caring Interior Painting • Drywall Repair • Basement Finishing General Home Repair Free Estimates • Ballwin, MO. 636-227-5511 346-9674 • parishioner KATY COMPUTER SYSTEMS In, Fixed, Out...since 1988 BALLWIN NURSERY Voted West County’s #1 Nursery & Landscape Co. 112 Old Ballwin Rd. 636-394-7776 The CareGivers of Missouri offer a wide range of home care services to help seniors enjoy an independent and dignified lifestyle while in the comfort of their own home. Eureka, MO. 636-938-3000 14738 Manchester Rd. Ask for Holy Infant Discount! www.schrader.com ASK FOR PARISHIONER DISCOUNT Dr. Pete Spalitto, D.D.S. 636-238-1060 Your Neighborhood Family Dentist SGM Parishioner 314.821.2712 westcountydental.com www.katy.com 347 Clarkson @ Clayton Serving the St. Louis Area (844) 662-2731 www.thecaregiversofmo.com 13268 Manchester Rd - (Across From Trader Joe’s) PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........ PRUNING TRIMMING REMOVAL Certified Arborist on Staff Fully Insured 314-725-6159 MENTION THIS AD FOR A DISCOUNT 24/7 HELP ........ $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months FUNERAL HOME 2906 GRAVOIS 772-3000 10151 GRAVOIS 842-4458 5255 LEMAY FERRY 894-4500 INSURANCE AGENCY KEVIN R. KELLY KAREN KELLY DAWSON ● Auto ● Home ● Health Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. 314.849.2888 For further information, please call the Parish Office. 292950 Holy Infant Church (A) Now Hiring! BENÉ-KELLY ● Life ● Business ● And More Representing: WWW.BENE-KELLY.COM “Our Third Century of Orthodontic Excellence” Assisting Elder Clients to Remain Independent at Home Robert Waxler, DMD, MS Jeffrey Cavanaugh, DDS* CHILDREN, ADOLESCENTS, ADULTS 3 locations: Manchester, Clayton & Wildwood 636-391-0499 *Member of the Parish Denise Huber & Eileen Hedrick, Co-Founders – FIELDER – (314) 965-4350 www.marthashands.com ELECTRICAL SERVICES, INC. LICENSED • BONDED • INSURED RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL Service Upgrades • New Homes • Remodeling • Room Additions • Basements • Kitchens Bathrooms • Code Violations • Knob & Tube Upgrades • Stand By Generator Systems $20OFF Any Electrical Work of $100 or more 314-966-3388 www.jspaluch.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-945-6629
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