Holy Name Cathedral THE CORNER OF STATE AND SUPERIOR Offices: 730 N. Wabash Ave. Chicago, IL 60611 312-787-8040 WWW.HOLYNAMECATHEDRAL.ORG May 10, 2015 6th Sunday of Easter At the name of Jesus, every knee should bend of those in Heaven and on earth and under the earth. Philippians 2:10 Holy Name Cathedral The place where Chicago goes to celebrate the sacraments, proclaim the Gospel, and carry out Christ's message through prayer and deed HAPPY MOTHERS DAY What are those five red circles suspended from the ceiling above the sanctuary in the front of the Cathedral? They are galeros, ceremonial hats that used to be awarded to a bishop when he was named a Cardinal. After each Cardinal’s death, the custom observed was to hang each galero either above the Cardinal’s grave or in his Cathedral to remind us all of our own mortality and to ask us to pray for those former shepherds of our local Church, all who were considered the clergy of Rome. Galeros were more common ceremonial wear in the Middle Ages; but the red one became associated with the Cardinals beginning in 1245 at the First Council of Lyon. As for those at Holy Name Cathedral, each represents one of five previous Cardinal-Archbishops of Chicago. Left to right, they are the hats of Albert Meyer (1958-1965); Joseph Bernardin (1982-1996); George Mundelein (1916-1939); John Cody (1965-1982); and Samuel Stritch (1940-1958). None was a Cardinal immediately upon arriving in Chicago. Cardinal Bernardin was the quickest elevated to that rank, just five months after his installation at Holy Name. The other eight American Cathedrals that also feature galeros, some with their deceased Cardinals buried there (not true of Chicago), are the Basilica of the Assumption, co-cathedral of Baltimore; St. Louis Cathedral Basilica of Saint Louis; Mary Our Queen Cathedral in Baltimore, Our Lady of the Angels Cathedral in Los Angeles; St. Matthew the Apostle Cathedral in Washington, D.C.; Holy Cross Cathedral, Boston; St. Patrick's Cathedral, New York City; and Most Blessed Sacrament Cathedral in Detroit. The custom of Rome awarding galeros was discontinued in the 1960s. Still, at least in Chicago, the grateful clergy had a galero custom-made for Cardinal Bernardin in order to include him with the others. Congratulations to the fourteen men who, next Saturday at 10:00am, will be ordained priests by Archbishop Blase Cupich at Holy Name Cathedral. The two-hour Mass will only be open to those with tickets distributed by Mundelein Seminary. You are welcome, however, to drop by about 12:15pm to receive a “first blessing” from the newly ordained. In any case, please pray for Father Pawel Adamus, Father Matthew Alexander, Father Adam Blatt, Father Jose Martin Careaga, Father Nicholas Cavallari, Father Michael Grzesik, Father Matthew Heinrich, Father Nick Kostyk, Father Julio Lam, Father Jaroslaw Maciejewski, Father Michael Olson, Father Lukas Ouda, Father Robert Regan, and Father Piotr Samborski – the new priests of Chicago. ________________________________________ Note – because of the ordination, there will be no 12:10 Mass next Saturday, May 16. _____________________________________ I understand that the Holy Name Human Concerns Commission with the help of so many volunteers collected dozens of bags of food and over $9,000 for Lunch-n-More, a Catholic Charities program; the Mission of Our Lady of the Angels Mission’s food pantry; the Little Brothers – Friends of the Elderly food bank. That was a genuine outpouring of charity. ______________________________________ How about Cardinal Francis George, the Archbishop of Chicago who died on April 17? It seems the seminarians at St. Mary of the Lake Seminary presented Cardinal George with a galero about ten years ago. He never wore it; but it was his. Therefore, it will be raised to the ceiling of Chicago’s Cathedral. As I write this sentence on the first Sunday of May, we plan to raise Cardinal George’s galero at the 5:15pm Mass next Sunday, May 17, one month after his death. That Mass will be offered for the intention of the late Cardinal. I suspect we will attract a crowd. It will be just the sixth time in the last 75 years that Holy Name will host this rare ceremony. Therefore, if you are a 5:15pm Sunday Mass regular, I strongly suggest you get here early. Last Sunday, I got to celebrate the second Holy Communion of Holy _________________________________ Name parishioners Kristiano D’Cunha, Annalisa Manzano, Tiffany “Is this Thursday a Holy Day of Mass obligation?” In Chicago – no; in Rehkemper, Jack Simkus, Janey Jelinek, and ndEleanor Hickman. All attend the Frances Xavier Warde School in 2 grade at the Old St. fact, throughout the Chicago “Province” (all of Illinois) - no. They will come to Catholic School at Holy Name Ascension does remain a Holy Day throughout the United States. The Patrick’s campus. th grade. They made their 1st Communion Saturday, May 2, starting in 4 day on which it is celebrated, however, varies. The 40th day after at a Mass celebrated by me and Father Tom Hurley at Old St. Pat’s in Easter always is a Thursday, and the Ascension traditionally has been the West Loop where they go to school now. I stood tall. I was proud. celebrated on that day. However, because attendance at Thursday These kids, receiving the Eucharist so excited for the 1st and 2nd time, Masses had been falling for years, in 1999 American bishops petitioned the Vatican to allow the celebration to be transferred to the made it easier for me to pray. _______________________________ following Sunday. The Vatican agreed. Today, only the provinces of Boston, Hartford, New York, Newark, Philadelphia, and Omaha continue to celebrate Ascension on Thursday. The faithful in those provinces are required to attend Mass on Ascension Thursday. In the rest of the United States, the celebration of the Ascension has been transferred to the following Sunday, next Sunday. That does not mean, however, that the Ascension is no longer a Holy Day of Obligation. Every Sunday is a Holy Day of Obligation. “Can I go to Mass on Thursday anyway?” Absolutely. However, in Chicago, the Mass read will be that of May 14, the Mass in memory of St. Matthias, the 13th Apostle, the one selected by the original Apostles with a big assist from the Holy Spirit to replace Judas. ____________________________ Are you someone’s mother? Are you a grandmother? Especially, are you an expectant mother (I am thinking of special friends getting ready)? Happy Mothers Day! Your children are your story. Thank you! Today, you get prayers! - Msgr. Dan Mayall page 3 May 10, 2015: 6th Sunday of Easter MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK ~ MAY 11, 2015 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 6:00 Cora Green Dorothy W. Holland Family Mae Crawford Donald & Myrtle Martin John & Rose Jakala 7:00 Mr. & Mrs. George Kelly Thomas B. Scheckel, Sr. William Pangburn Livia Ladethih Jack McElroy 8:00 Mary O’Hara & Family Edward White Special Intention Antonio Puerto Natalie Berumen Sr. Mildred Zember 12:10 Mary Ann Weissensel Michael Leone Marie & Richard Galvin Mary Ann Bibat & Family Laura Cusno No 12:10PM Mass - Priesthood Ordination 5:15 Maxwell Cronk Michael, Anna, & Charles Kohut Deceased members of Furlong Family Maria & Stefan Laskowski Robert Charles Murphy May 10, 2015: 6th Sunday of Easter Festival of Filipino Faith 2015 Saturday, May 30 10am—2pm Cathedra Courtyard You are invited to join in prayer to honor three Filipino images of Our Blessed Mother as well as the two Filipino Saints, both martyrs. Our Lady of Antipolo, Our Lady of Manaoag, Our Lady of Penafrancia, San Lorenzo Ruiz and San Pedro Calungsod shape the heart and soul of the Filipino People. The rosary will be prayed, a special blessing with the relic of San Lorenzo Ruiz (our gratitude to the Shrine of Our Lady of Pompeii), the statues you bring will also be addressed, and light refreshments will be served. Sponsored by the Cathedral Filipino Network Cathedral Filipino Network Several dates for your calendar: Saturday, May 30th, you are invited to our first Festival of Filipino Faith from 10am until 2:00pm in the courtyard and cafeteria. Have you heard about our July pilgrimage to the Catholic shrines of the East Coast? For more details, contact Divina at 312-943-6323 or Zeny at 773-8783660. Join us for our next meeting on Sunday, June 14th at 2:00pm in the rectory. There will not be a meeting in May, Mother’s Day. A special planning meeting for the Festival of Filipino Faith will take place on Sunday, May 24th, at 2pm in the rectory. All members and volunteers are welcome. page 4 page 5 May 10, 2015: 6th Sunday of Easter Catholic Charities Collection on Mother’s Day Catholic Charities thanks for giving to help those who are hungry, homeless, or hurting. Contributions can also be made online at www.catholiccharities.net/donate or mailed to 721 N. LaSalle St., Chicago, IL 60654 “The measure of greatness of a society is found in the way it treats those most in need, those who have nothing apart from poverty.” - Pope Francis “Can you spare some change so I can get something to eat?” We want to help but we are: Uneasy when approached by someone in need, Worried about pulling out a wallet or opening a purse Concerned that our money might be used for drugs or alcohol Those who ask for money on the street have many needs: a job, a place to live, counseling, - and a way out of a bad situation. Professionals are the best people to help with all these needs. What we can do is help make sure no one goes hungry. We can at least buy this person a cup of coffee or a sandwich. Chicago Shares vouchers are a convenient, safe and constructive means to provide meals and other necessities for hungry people. Here’s how they work: 1. 2. 3. 4. Purchase $5 books of $1 Chicago Shares vouchers, Give vouchers to needy people who ask for money on the street, Recipients redeem vouchers for food and other basic necessities at participating merchants, and Chicago Shares reimburses merchants for all vouchers redeemed. Chicago Shares vouchers will be on sale at Holy Name Cathedral this Sunday, May 17, 2015 in the Cathedral Vestibule, inside the State Street entrance from 9AM until 12:15PM. Chicago Shares is not an answer to poverty or homelessness - but it is a start. Easter Liturgical Music The Easter Season is a joyous part of the church year that is reflected in the seasonal liturgical music. With the Easter Season, the church rejoices in the Paschal mystery of Christ’s victory over death. It is fitting that in this Easter, the Chicago church also rejoices in the victory over death of its Shepherd emeritus, Francis Cardinal George, O.M.I. Liturgical Music for the Sixth Sunday of Easter Choral Ensemble Music Sunday, May 10, 2015, 9:30 & 11:00 am Masses Glory to God Missa Brevis Jonathan Dove Preparation of the Gifts Saturday, May 9, 2015, 5:15 pm Mass Ave Maria Franz Schubert Sunday, May 10, 2015, 9:30 & 11:00 am Masses Ave Maria David Conte Lamb of God Saturday, May 9, 2015, 5:15 pm Mass Kordero ng Dyos Missa Immaculada Concepcion Alejandro D. Consolacion II Sunday, May 10, 2015, 9:30 & 11:00 am Masses Agnus Dei from Missa Secunda Hans Leo Hassler Communion Antiphon I have chosen you from the world, so that you might go and bring forth good fruit, and also so that your fruit should last. Saturday, May 9, 2015, 5:15 pm Mass There is no Greater Love Michael Joncas Sunday, May 10, 2015, 9:30 & 11:00 am Masses Anthem Ubi Caritas Imant Ramnish UBI caritas et amor, Deus ibi est. Congregavit nos in unum Christi amor. Exultemus, et in ipso iucundemur. Timeamus, et amemus Deum vivum. Et ex corde diligamus nos sincero. WHERE charity and love are, God is there. Christ's love has gathered us into one. Let us rejoice and be pleased in Him. Let us fear, and let us love the living God. And may we love each other with a sincere heart. UBI caritas et amor, Deus ibi est. Simul ergo cum in unum congregamur: Ne nos mente dividamur, caveamus. Cessent iurgia maligna, cessent lites. Et in medio nostri sit Christus Deus. WHERE charity and love are, God is there. As we are gathered into one body, Beware, lest we be divided in mind. Let evil impulses stop, let controversy cease, and may Christ our God be in our midst. UBI caritas et amor, Deus ibi est. Simul quoque cum beatis videamus, Glorianter vultum tuum, Christe Deus: Gaudium quod est immensum, atque probum, Saecula per infinita saeculorum. Amen. WHERE charity and love are, God is there. And may we with the saints also, See Thy face in glory, O Christ our God: The joy that is immense and good, Unto the ages through infinite ages. Amen. Cathedral CHOIRS – Saturday, May 9, 2015, 5:15 pm Mass, Cathedral Filipino Singers, Vicente Velarde, Jr., Director; Sunday, May 10, 2015, 9:30 & 11:00 Masses, Schola Cantorum Cathedralis. May 10, 2015: 6th Sunday of Easter CAREER FULFILLMENT COMMUNITY Corporate recruiter to speak on Thursday evening Put your best foot forward---even if you're not looking for a job!! This coming Thursday (May 14) at 6:30pm in our Parish Center, Ned Thomas of Pearson Street Advisors and a corporate real estate head hunter, will provide very valuable advice on presentation, the importance of Linked-In, and tips for getting noticed in the corporate world. We will also have coaches available for workshop breakout sessions as needed. Don't miss this excellent opportunity to increase your chances at career success and enhance your professional and social network! The Career Fulfillment Community is intended as a sustaining, faith-based network where anyone seeking to mentor, coach or share their job/career/vocational knowledge can help those seeking assistance. Please join us on Thursday; we always welcome new members. Bring a friend or two---along with your enthusiasm and ideas. Questions? Just e-mail Barton DeLacy at pbdelacy@gmail.com Golden Wedding Anniversary Mass The Archdiocesan Golden Wedding Anniversary Mass will be offered on Sunday, August 30, 2015 at 2:45pm, at Holy Name Cathedral. Couples married in 1965 interested in attending this celebration should contact Dawn Swanson at dswanson@holynamecathedral.org or 312-573-4401. Please make sure you are registered members of Holy Name Cathedral. Other couples can register at their own parish or by contacting the Family Ministries Office at 312-534-8351 or www.marriagefamilyministries.org page 6 page 7 May 10, 2015: 6th Sunday of Easter ACT II…for everyone 40 and over ACT II is committed to the needs and interests of Holy Name parishioners age 40 and over. Our goal is to encourage participation and a sense of belonging within the Holy Name community by providing opportunities for SOCIAL gathering, EDUCATIONAL pursuits, SPIRITUAL development and community SERVICE. WISHING ALL OUR MOTHERS A BLESSED DAY! THE MOVIE GROUP There will be NO SUNDAY FILM VIEWING AND GET-TOGETHER IN MAY due to Mother’s Day and Memorial Day. The next outing will be in June. Consult the bulletin column for the date & film choice. EVENING BOOK GROUP NEW MEMBERS WELCOME… MAY 15 - FRIDAY AT 7 PM: Not That Kind of Girl by Lena Dunham JUNE 19 - FRIDAY AT 7 PM: The Hundred Year House by Rebecca Madkai WHERE: 1000 NO LAKESHORE DRIVE - Unit 1809 – (Lobby entrance on Bellevue) To tell coordinator SONIA REARDON you’ll be there, please Contact her at 224-659-0246. THEATER GROUP IT’S NOT TOO LATE TO PARTICIPATE. 2015/16 LOOKINGGLASS WEDNESDAY EVENING SERIES: OCTOBER 28 at 7:30 PM - TREASURE ISLAND MARCH 28 at 7:30 PM - BLOOD WEDDING JUNE 22 7:30 PM - THADDEUS & SLOCUM: A VAUDEVILLE ADVENTURE Contact Coordinator CHARLENE CONARTY for details: 312-915-0423 or APJA10@att.net SOCIAL DINING WHEN: THURSDAY, MAY 21ST WHERE: SEASONS 52 – CHICAGO, 55 EAST GRAND MARGARETTE ALFARO reports that SOME PEOPLE AREN’T FOLLOWING THE RESERVATION INSTRUCTIONS when leaving their checks at the Rectory: The Block Ad specifies that all names are to be included, even if there is one check paying for several people. Please INCLUDE THE NAMES OF ALL PERSONS the check is reserving for. ALSO, PHONE NUMBERS HAVE BEEN MISSING on some checks! (Consult block ad elsewhere in bulletin for reservation details.) BECOME A MEMBER OF ACT II There is no membership fee to join and no restrictions other than being 40 or older and wanting to participate. Simply send your name and e-mail address to haneyhomes@yahoo.com and you will receive our weekly preview e-mail which usually contains more information than can be included in this column. ALSO, go to the Holy Name website, holynamecathedral.org & click on ACT II under “Organizations” to see descriptions of our ongoing ACTIVITY GROUPS along with Coordinator’s information. EXPANDING OUR HORIZONS TOGETHER The Holy Name Young Adult Group enlightens, enlivens, and enriches the lives of Catholics in their 20s and 30s through spiritual programs, social events, and service opportunities. Spring Fling Dance Friday, May 16 from 7:30-11:00 p.m. Spring is finally here! HNC Young Adults would like to invite you to our 1st Annual Spring Fling on Saturday, May 16th from 7:30PM to 11:00PM. This spring social event includes socializing, dancing, & food/drinks. Think prom in springtime for adults. The event will be held at Cityfront Place (400 N. McClurg Court). Tickets are $25 and include the entrance fee, food, beverages, a photo booth and videos. Attire is semi-formal (suit and tie for men, cocktail dresses for women). Tickets can be purchased at: https://hncya-springfling-2015.eventbrite.com/ We anticipate selling out, so please buy your tickets in advance online. Paid parking is available at the building, but there is also plenty of parking nearby. However, you are more than welcome to use the free HNC parking lot and then walk (about 15-20 min) or take a cab from there. For more information, please check out the Facebook event posted in our group. Theology on Tap Volunteer Recruiting Tuesday, May 12th at 6:30 p.m. Summer is almost here, which means it is time to start planning for the Young Adult Board's popular Theology on Tap summer speaker series. The Young Adult Board needs your help to make this year’s series a success, so please come out to this informal volunteer meeting to learn how you can get involved. This is a great opportunity to help with the logistics of a successful annual speaker series as well as to get more involved with the young adults at Holy Name Cathedral. The meeting will take place in Room 204 of the rectory and food will be provided. Please RSVP to the Facebook event to let us know you will be there so we can order the right amount of food. If you are unable to attend but are still interested in volunteering or have thoughts or potential leads on food and beverage donations that you'd like to share, please feel free to reach out to Board member Daniel McGirr at daniel.mcgirr@gmail.com. Food Packing with Catholic Charities Saturday, May 30th from 9:30am-1pm Join Holy Name Cathedral Young Adults and Catholic Charities Junior Board on May 30 from 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. to pack up food for a pantry that provides food for seniors citizens. Bring water and a snack if you might get hungry. A carpool will be available from 721 N LaSalle leaving at 9:30. If anyone prefers to meet us there, the location is 1965 W Pershing building B and start time is 10:00. If you do go to the 1965 W. Pershing, please have the contact information before you leave, as we will need to come let you in. Please RSVP to youngadults@holynamecathedral.org, Subject: Food packing DON’T MISS OUT: Join the Young Adult Facebook group and sign up for our weekly newsletter on the Cathedral website to learn about all of the events, activities, and volunteer opportunities we sponsor each month. facebook.com/groups/holynameyoungadults page 8 May 10, 2015: 6th Sunday of Easter Love one another. “This I command you: love one another.” Note that in this direct quote from today’s Gospel that the Lord does not offer this as a suggestion nor as an option. It is a command. He reinforces this several times in Holy Scripture as He offers it as one of the two most important commandments. If we make an effort to genuinely love one another, we will have gone a long way to living out discipleship and stewardship. Wedding Banns III. Michael Settle & Carlyn Kuzma II. Alex Nichols & Emily Williams II. Kuntal Shah & Jeanine Spielberger It is appropriate on this Sixth Sunday of Easter when we celebrate Mothers’ Day throughout the United States that our readings are filled with the message of love. The love of a mother is one of the great blessings anyone can receive. We should have no difficulty on this day letting our mothers — in fact, all those women who have provided support and forgiveness to us — know that we love them. II. Jaigene Kang & Jeanne Heil If loving one another is one of the hallmarks of stewardship as a way of life, showing that love to our mothers, and for mothers, showing and expressing their love to their children is paramount on this day. As Christ said in today’s Gospel, “No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s love for one’s friends.” Mothers do that constantly, sacrificing so much for their children. We are blessed; let the “mothers” in our lives know that they are a blessing. www.thecatholicsteward.com I. Adam Szudarski & Ashley Tacone Parish Sacrificial Giving Summary Regular Sunday Offertory Year to Date (July 1, 2014 – May 3, 2015) Annual Goal - $1,924,000 Amount collected to date Surplus (Shortfall) to budget Prior Year Stewardship to date $1,590,688 ($37,312) $1,629,904 Weekly Offerings (budget of $37,000) Current Year collection $34,040 Prior Year collection $48,598 ** Our collection continues to trend short of budget. Please consider increasing your weekly giving to the Cathedral so we can make goal this year. Thank you to everyone who is a part of our automatic contribution program. Learn more at www.holynamecathedral.org and click on Give. Cathedral Courtyard Update Now that Spring is upon us, the latest order of pavers has been sent to the engravers and will be installed in May. If you placed an order after August 1 of 2014, your paver will be included in this order and installed soon. Stay tuned for information on the Cathedral’s dedication of the courtyard which will be held on Sunday, June 14 after the 12:30 Mass. THANK YOU to those who regularly and generously give of their treasure as well as those who give of their time and talent to support the work our parish does in the Holy Name of Jesus. . I. Karthik Sundaram & Erin White I. Kevin McBee & Ashley Mendoza Thursday and Friday Suppers What? A free, warm meal. When? Every Thursday and Every Friday evening at 4:45 pm. Where? Catholic Charities, LaSalle and Superior. For whom? 130 local hungry dine-in guests, plus 80 Bag lunches to go = 210 people fed each night By whom? Volunteers like you. Sponsored by? Our parish Human Concerns Commission Funded by? Donors like you. Cost? Free for the guests; almost $1,000 for the parish. How? Cash donations in all amounts welcomed. Checks addressed to Holy Name Cathedral; Envelopes addressed to Thursday-Friday Suppers (730 N. Wabash Ave., Chicago, 60611) Rectory 730 N. Wabash Chicago, IL 60611 (312) 787-8040 Fax: (312) 787-9113 Mon~Fri 8:30-8:30 Sat & Sun 8:30-7:00 HOLY NAME CATHEDRAL School Frances Xavier Warde 751 N. State Street Chicago, IL 60610 (312) 466-0700 Mary Reiling, Head of School MASS SCHEDULE (CATHEDRAL) Saturday Evening Vigil Masses: 5:15 pm, 7:30 pm Sunday: 7:00, 8:15, 9:30, 11:00 am; 12:30, 5:15 pm Weekdays: 6:00, 7:00, 8:00 am 12:10, 5:15 pm Saturday: 8:00 am, 12:10 pm DEVOTIONS The Rosary: prayed each Monday (including the Divine Mercy Chaplet), Tuesday (for an end to abortion), and Wednesday (for priests and vocations) after the 5:15pm Mass Prayer Request Lines: 312-573-4493 “Daytime Prayer,” from The Liturgy of the Hours~11:50 am, Monday~Friday. In the Cathedral “Vespers,” from The Liturgy of the Hours~5:00 pm, Monday~Friday. In the Cathedral SACRAMENTAL CELEBRATIONS Baptism: Infant baptisms are generally celebrated twice monthly on designated Sundays at 2:00 pm. Parents are asked to participate in a one time pre-baptismal preparation class. Check the website (holynamecathedral.org) for dates and to preregister for the class and baptism. *Classes are limited to a total of 20 people, so reserve early. Baptism of children over age 6 is conducted through our Religious Education Program. Contact Thomas L. Aspell at (312)573-4478 to enroll your child. Adult baptism takes place through the RCIA process. Contact Kelly Heus at (312)573-4434 to learn more about RCIA. Marriage: Congratulations on your engagement! Due to the size of our parish, weddings are celebrated for registered parishioners only. A minimum of six months advanced planning and preparation is required. Please consult our website (holynamecathedral.org) for more info. Confessions Saturdays: 3:00 - 5:00pm, 6:15 - 7:15pm All Confessions are held in the Reconciliation room on the Lower Level of the Cathedral. Eucharistic Adoration: 1st & 3rd Fridays, Adoration after the 8am Mass. The Chaplet of Divine Mercy and the Rosary will be prayed at 3:00pm on behalf increased respect for human life. Benediction after the 5:15pm Mass in the Chapel. Tuesdays and Thursdays 8am-5pm at the Vincent DePaul Center 721 N. LaSalle Street. Display Area The tables at the doors of the cathedral have been designated for displaying parish information only. There is no space for other brochures, flyers, newspapers, prayer cards and devotional materials. Non-parish materials are removed daily. Your cooperation is appreciated. Electronic Giving Available Support Holy Name with your Credit Card or Bank Deposit. Call 312-573-4425 for info. Convent Oblate Sisters of Jesus the Priest 730 N. Wabash Chicago, IL 60611 (312) 787-8040 Sr. Guadalupe Lopez Seminary Casa JesúsBishop Abramowicz 750 N. Wabash, Chgo. 60611 Rev. Octavio Muñoz Capetillo (312) 640-1065 Rev. Jacek Wrona (312) 915-0598 Archbishop of Chicago: Most Rev. Blase J. Cupich Pastor: Rev. Msgr. Dan Mayall Associate Pastors Rev. John Boivin Rev. Don Cambe Rev. Bradley Zamora Mass Supply Help Rev. Msgr. Michael Boland Deacons Michael McCloskey Stan Strom Adam Droll Pastoral Ministry Staff Kelly Heus Carol Miller Michelle Peltier Thomas L. Aspell Administrative Staff Stan Strom Dawn Swanson Morgan Henington Maureen McInerney Resident Priests Rev. Kevin Birmingham Rev. Louis Cameli Rev. Ramil Fajardo Rev. Bill Moriarity Rev. William Woestman, OMI Resident Emeritus Rev. Eugene Durkin Pastoral Associate Pastoral Assistant Pastoral Assistant Director of Religious Education Chief of Staff Msgr’s Administrative Assistant Chief Development Officer Director of Stewardship & Development Godelieve Andino Janet Scheckel Andrew Skura Ryan Pietrzak Daytime Receptionist Daytime Receptionist Controller Engineer Music Department H. Ricardo Ramirez, D.M.A. David C. Jonies John Lee (312)573-4415 Director of Music Associate Director of Music Administrative Assistant New Parishioners: Welcome to the parish! Please register in person at the parish office or online. An elevator is located on the south west side of the Cathedral. Please ask an usher for directions and/or assistance. FOLLOW US ON: WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/HOLYNAMECHICAGO WWW.TWITTER.COM/HOLYNAMECHICAGO h ps://www.youtube.com/user/HolyNameCathedral735
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