Holy Name Cathedral THE CORNER OF STATE AND SUPERIOR Offices: 730 N. Wabash Ave. Chicago, IL 60611 312-787-8040 WWW.HOLYNAMECATHEDRAL.ORG June 7, 2015 The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ At the name of Jesus, every knee should bend of those in Heaven and on earth and under the earth. Philippians 2:10 Holy Name Cathedral The place where Chicago goes to celebrate the sacraments, proclaim the Gospel, and carry out Christ's message through prayer and deed HAVE A NICE WEEKEND Each of the four basilicas in Rome has a holy door. The doors are normally sealed shut from the inside so that they cannot be opened. They are opened during Jubilee years when pilgrims enter through those doors to gain the plenary indulgence connected with the Jubilee. Pope Francis recently announced a special Jubilee Year of Mercy beginning on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, Dec. 8, 2015, and lasting through the Feast of Christ the King, Nov. 20, 2016. In preparation for the Jubilee Year, Cathedrals have been asked to observe the custom of the Holy Door. Therefore, next Friday, June 12, the Feast of the Sacred Heart, Archbishop Cupich will offer the 12:10pm Mass at Holy Name followed by a ceremony that will seal the north door on State Street. It will be open again during the Holy Year especially to those admitting our need for mercy and God’s eternal offer celebrated during the Jubilee. Let’s participate and see where this spiritual exercise leads us. ___________________________ Next Saturday, June 13, Luis Cardinal Tagle, the Archbishop of Manila, will be our guest celebrant of the 5:15pm Vigil Mass. Cardinal Tagle is an internationally-respected bishop with a reputation for his intelligence, his respect for the poor, and his leadership in a city with 2.8 million Catholics. I often have pointed out that Filipinos are the largest ethnic group among the registered parishioners at Holy Name Cathedral. Therefore, I expect a very good attendance at that Mass. I have heard that the Cardinal planned his trip to the Chicago area to celebrate a wedding at another Church, but he wanted to offer Mass at the famous Holy Name Cathedral. That is a compliment. An informal reception for Cardinal Tagle in the courtyard will follow the Mass next Saturday evening. _____________________________ overlooks the fact that most priests work weekends. Still, it was early in my public ministry that I learned to claim a definite day off each week. For the last 25 years, I have designated Wednesday as my “holy day.” While my parents were alive, I retreated to their house every Wednesday. Since they have been gone and I do not have a place to hide, I still manage to keep my work calendar clear on Wednesday. Another “time out” available to priests at the Cathedral occasionally occurs on a most unusual day – Sunday. There are 8 priests living at the Cathedral; four of us work here full-time, four have other outside jobs or are retired. In addition, Msgr. Mike Boland, CEO of Catholic Charities, has been a part of the Cathedral priests’ roster since back in the days when he lived with us. There are 8 Masses at Holy Name Cathedral each weekend which count for the Sunday obligation. If we all are available, there are 9 priests. When that happens, one of us is free from presiding at Mass and preparing a homily. The free priest still must go to Mass like every other Catholic; but he is free to concelebrate, say a private Mass, or offer a hand to another parish not as endowed as we are. Such was my blessing last weekend. I did go to Mass; but I took the opportunity also to go on a “busman’s holiday.” I walked to Fourth Presbyterian Church on Michigan Avenue to check out the 9:30 worship service of our Christian neighbors and to hear their pastor, Shannon Kerschner, preach on Trinity Sunday. She was, as usual, excellent. Using the inquiry of Nicodemus in the third chapter of John’s gospel, she posed the question “How can this be?’ in response to the doctrine of the Three Persons in One God. She pronounced the classic parts of our belief in the Trinity, she noted that Jesus never expounded on that mystery in a definitive way in the Scriptures; she expressed frustration that we “observe” Trinity Sunday whereas we “celebrate” Pentecost Sunday; she noted that the language of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit provides a vocabulary where we can commonly meet to recollect our experiences of God in one way or another; but she also admitted that our words are inadequate. Quoting poet Emily Dickenson, Rev. Kerschner suggested that we “tell all the truth but tell it slant.” Perhaps the Trinity is better appreciated as faithfilled poetry rather than a logical explanation. This week, I think we can approach what the Catholic Church calls “The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ” (a.k.a, Corpus Christi Sunday) in the same way. It looks like bread and water and wine; it tastes like bread and water and wine; but it is not bread and water and wine. It is the Body and Blood of Christ – not a symbol of the Body and Blood of Christ, but the real Body and Blood of Christ physically present in the Eucharist. “How can this be?” Enter faith. Next Sunday, June 14, I will be the main celebrant and homilist at the 12:30pm Mass when we will welcome representatives of the Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary – the BVM Sisters – who served Holy Name Cathedral parish for 102 years, 1904-2006. During most of that time, they staffed the grade school and high school that were attached to the parish until midway through the 1990s. For the last 55 years that the BVMs were here, they lived in the building at the northeast corner of the Cathedral campus, the building that now houses I am glad I visited 4th Church last Sunday. The experience allowed me Casa Jesus, a formation house for young Latin American men to see both the Trinity and Sunday from a different perspective. I even considering a vocation to the Chicago priesthood; and Abramowicz Seminary, a similar program of enculturation and study for men from learned something, and I prayed. Poland. Next Sunday, join us in thanking the BVM Sisters. Following that 12:30pm Mass, Archbishop Cupich will dedicate and bless Holy Name Cathedral’s courtyard. The beautiful courtyard, a dream for better than ten years, opened last fall through the generosity of parishioners. It served as the place under a tent for receptions following the events of Archbishop Cupich’s installation. It features a shrine to the Blessed Mother which inspires individuals who pray there every day; and which has become a beautiful backdrop for wedding photos, 1st Communion pictures, baptism photos, and the Archbishop’s graceful announcement of the death of Cardinal George. With better weather arriving, I look for the pretty prayer garden between the Catholic Charities building and the school to get more use. Theology-on-Tap, Coffee-in-the-Courtyard, and the photos after the Golden Anniversary Mass are some of the other approaching summertime courtyard events. Come celebrate the blessing of the courtyard on Sunday, June 14, at 1:30pm. ____________________________ “Have a nice weekend, Father.” I always chuckle when someone offers that polite good-bye to me or any other priest. The well-wisher Tell all the truth but tell it slant, Success in circuit lies, Too bright for our infirm delight The truth's superb surprise; As lightning to the children eased With explanation kind, The truth must dazzle gradually Or every man be blind. (Emily Dickinson) - Msgr. Dan Mayall page 3 June 7, 2015: The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK ~ JUNE 8, 2015 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 6:00 Marjorie Leahy Mary O’Hara & Family Sheila Ann Cassidy Dorothy W. Holland Family Harry Green 7:00 Edward Jagoda Patrick Hockings Robert Smith James Mahneke Onofre Duqe 8:00 Mary C. Sheil Generoso Sutilo Special Intention Jean Hoffmaster Edward White Colleen & Scott Balthazard 12:10 Virginia Kaliveda Susan Heatter Michael, Anna & Charles Kohut Raymond Shlaustas Joseph Boden Special Intention 5:15 Joe Valdez Marianne Vukosovich Maria Para Starshak Family John Moriarity page 4 June 7, 2015: The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ THE 30th ANNUAL HUNGER WALK: GREATER CHICAGO FOOD DEPOSITORY The Human Concerns Commission invites you to join us on Saturday, June 20th at Soldier Field for the 30th Annual Hunger Walk. This event is a festive 5k walk that benefits pantries, soup kitchens and shelters and raises awareness for hunger-relief in our community. Please join the Holy Name Cathedral team by registering at www.chicagosfoodbank.org for the walk and help us raise funds and awareness for this great cause! If there are any questions, please send an email to Anthony Sassali at hcc_volunteers@hotmail.com for more details. 9:00am - 12:30pm CAREER FULFILLMENT COMMUNITY Join us this coming Thursday Are you seeking a new occupation or career, or would you like to help someone who is? Then please join us this coming Thursday, June 11. Holy Name Cathedral's Career Fulfillment Community will hold its regular second Thursday of the month meeting beginning at 6:30pm in our Parish Center. Our presenters always provide very useful advice for job seekers and career changers, and our meetings are enjoyable, interactive and informative. We help create and modify essential job search tools for attendees, and we always attempt to link people with potential career opportunities. The Career Fulfillment Community is intended as a forum, not only for those seeking employment, but as a sustaining, faith-based network where anyone seeking to mentor, coach or share their job/career/vocational knowledge can help those seeking assistance. Employers are welcome--and encouraged---to attend and recruit. Please join us on Thursday, we always welcome new members. Bring a friend or two---along with your enthusiasm and ideas. Questions? Just e-mail Barton DeLacy at pbdelacy@gmail.com. We look forward to seeing you! page 5 June 7, 2015: The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ Parish Baptisms Holy Name Cathedral joyfully welcomes our newest members who were baptized in May 2015. We congratulate their parents and families, and will continue to keep them in our prayers. May 3 Sienna Rose Julianna Constantino Alison Phuong Harris May 9 Sean Patrick O’Malley Shea Mary O’Malley May 24 Maksim Alexander Lopantina Beltran Izabella Aliyanna Cosby Emi Mari Hartlauf Olive Marie Rivera Cathedral Choral Ensembles Sunday, 9:30 and 11:00 am Masses: Schola Cantorum Cathedralis. Listed below is the scheduled liturgical music for THE MOST HOLY BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST (CORPUS CHRISTI) June 6 and 7, 2015 Hymn WORSHIP 489 God with Hidden Majesty ADORO TE DEVOTE Glory to God Sunday 12:30 p.m. All other Masses Congregational Mass May 31 Austin Joseph Lee Baylan Declan Reese Hans Leo Hassler John Lee Responsorial Psalm 116 WORSHIP Sequence Lauda Sion Salvatorem 868 TRANSLATION: Praise, O Sion, praise thy Saviour, Shepherd, Prince, with glad behavior, Praise in hymn and canticle: Sing His glory without measure, For the merit of your Treasure Never shall your praises fill. Hail, angelic Bread of Heaven, Now the pilgrim’s hoping-leaven, Yea, the Bread to children given That to dogs must not be thrown: In the figures contemplated, ‘Twas with Isaac immolated, By the Lamb ‘twas antedated, In the Manna it was known. O Good Shepherd, still confessing Love, in spite of our transgressing, Here Thy blessed Food possessing, Make us share Thine every blessing In the land of life and love: Thou, whose power hath all completed And Thy Flesh as Food hath meted, Make us, at Thy table seated, By Thy Saints, as friends be greeted, In Thy paradise above. Preparation of the Gifts May 30 Mia Olivia Fittanto John Albert Morrisey Eloise Dunham Smith Missa Secunda Sea of Tiberius H. Ricardo Ramirez Who has appeared? The Christ who rose from death? Cast our nets into the seas. He is revealed, the Christ who rose from death. Let us cast our nets into the sea, food for sustenance. Who is this One revealed to us this way? Is it Jesus? Break the fast with food of life. Come partake of this food, share of this food. Come with us then, to tell the news to all: Jesus is Love. Food of life for sustenance, love, community, we are, ubi caritas et amor Deus ibi est. Christ Jesus you are love and hope revealed. Where love, there is, Jesus’ name. Amen. Lamb of God from Missa Secunda (Sunday 12:30) Hans Leo Hassler Communion Chant - Those who eat of my Body and also drink of my blood will live in me, and I will live in them, says the Lord God. Alleluia! Sunday 12:30 O sacrum convivium! Olivier Messiaen O sacrum convivium, in quo Christus sumitur; recolitur memoria passionis ejus; mens impletur gratia; et futurae gloriae nobis pignus datur. Alleluia. TRANSLATION: O sacred banquet, wherein Christ is received; the memorial of his passion is renewed; the soul is filled with grace; and a pledge of future glory is given to us. Alleluia. All other Masses – Hymn The Hand of the Lord WORSHIP 733 Randolph Currie At That First Eucharist UNDE ET MEMORES CHORAL MUSIC Olivier Messiaen’s setting of the text - O sacrum convivium! Is a meditation on the eternity of God’s plan through the sacrifice of the Body and Blood of Christ in the Holy Eucharist celebration. Olivier Messiaen (December 10, 1908 – April 27, 1992) was a French composer, organist and ornithologist, widely regarded as a major composer of the 20th century. His music is rhythmically complex (he was interested in rhythms from ancient Greek and from Hindu sources), and is harmonically and melodically based on his innovation of modes of limited transposition, a series of distinctive scales. Many of his compositions depict what he termed "the marvelous aspects of the faith", and drew on his deeply held Roman Catholicism. The Cathedral Filipino Singers and the Schola Cantorum Cathedralis will be singing on Saturday, 5:15pm, June 13, 2015 during the visit by Cardinal Luis Antonio Gokim Tangle, D.D., S. Th. D., Archbishop of Manila.. The choral ensemble is directed by Vicente Velarde, Jr. and Dr. H. Ricardo Ramirez. Singers interested in auditioning for the choirs can contact the music office: music@holynamecathedral.org 312.573.4415. Auditions for Cathedral Singers, Women’s Schola and Cathedral Filipino Singers will be held in August and September. June 7, 2015: The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ page 6 Not a Catholic? Thinking about becoming a Catholic? Never been baptized? Or, never received First Communion and/or Confirmation? Consider the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the process offered for adults to become full members of the Roman Catholic Church. Those inquiring about the faith learn more about God, Jesus and the Church, and sharing their developing faith. This is a time of instruction, prayer, scripture sharing, and reaching out to the needy. RCIA begins on Sunday, September 20, 2015. Catechumens (those never baptized) and candidates (those baptized in another Christian faith, but not baptized Catholic; or those baptized Catholic, but never received First Communion or Confirmation) meet weekly. At the Easter Vigil, on March 26, 2015, those who are ready will receive the sacraments and be joyfully welcomed into full membership in the Catholic Church. Please contact Father Don Cambe at 312-787-8040 or (e-mail dcambe@holynamecathedral.org ) for more information and/or register for the RCIA program. RCIA Sponsors Needed! The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the process offered for adults to become full members of the Catholic Church. RCIA meets nearly every Sunday morning from 9:30-11:30am beginning on September 20, 2015. RCIA participants receive the sacraments and become full members of the Church at the Easter Vigil on March 26, 2015. Parish Sponsors Needed: RCIA participants are often in need of a parishioner to volunteer to be their sponsor. Sponsors often say that it is a rewarding experience and that they learn so much about their own faith. Sponsors are not expected to know everything about the Catholic faith, but rather to journey with the participant; share their faith, and be supportive of their candidate or catechumen as they go through the RCIA process. Sponsors are hospitable and welcoming representatives of the parish. They are good listeners and respectful of their candidate or catechumen. A team of RCIA volunteers is available to assist sponsors, should the need arise, and brief training is provided. Please contact Father Don Cambe at the rectory, 312-787-8040 or (e-mail dcambe@holynamecathedral.org ) for more information and/or to apply to be an RCIA parish sponsor. June 7, 2015: The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ page 7 “Can you spare some change so I can get something to eat?” We want to help but we are: Uneasy when approached by someone in need, Worried about pulling out a wallet or opening a purse Concerned that our money might be used for drugs or alcohol Those who ask for money on the street have many needs: a job, a place to live, counseling, - and a way out of a bad situation. Professionals are the best people to help with all these needs. What we can do is help make sure no one goes hungry. We can at least buy this person a cup of coffee or a sandwich. Chicago Shares vouchers are a convenient, safe and constructive means to provide meals and other necessities for hungry people. Here’s how they work: 1. 2. 3. 4. Purchase $5 books of $1 Chicago Shares vouchers, Give vouchers to needy people who ask for money on the street, Recipients redeem vouchers for food and other basic necessities at participating merchants, and Chicago Shares reimburses merchants for all vouchers redeemed. Chicago Shares vouchers will be on sale at Holy Name Cathedral ton Sunday, June 21, 2015 in the Cathedral Vestibule, inside the State Street entrance from 9AM until 12:15PM. Chicago Shares is not an answer to poverty or homelessness - but it is a start. Big Shoulders Fund - 15th Annual Golf Classic The Big Shoulders Fund invites you to support inner-city Catholic education through the 15th Annual Big Shoulders Fund Golf Classic on Monday, August 3, 2015 at Olympia Fields Country Club. The 100% of proceeds from the event provide scholarships to ensure deserving inner-city students have access to a Catholic education. The Big Shoulders Fund raises and channels support for children through scholarships, special education programs, instructional equipment, much needed school facility improvements, faculty support, and operating grants at 89 inner-city Catholic schools. Raffle tickets, sponsorships and foursomes are available now for the Golf Classic, starting at $100. Join us to help provide the opportunity of a quality, Catholic education to thousands of children in Chicago. To register visit www.bigshouldersfund.org or call 312-751-8337. A bus going to the dinner on June 15, will leave from the front of the Cathedral on State Street at 4:30PM and return right after the dinner. When making your reservation mark BUS on the card. If you have any questions, call Fr. Bill Moriarity at 312-787-8040. page 8 June 7, 2015: The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ Dining Out Cathedral Filipino Network The following restaurants have donated meals to the Thursday and Friday Suppers served each week by Holy Name Cathedral parish to the local hungry. As you may be dining out during the upcoming holidays, please consider supporting them for their generous support of our ministry. Be sure to mention that you are from Holy Name Cathedral and appreciate their donations. Several dates for your calendar: Hackney’s 733 S. Dearborn 312-461-1116 The Chicago Chop House 60 W. Ontario 312-787-7100 Italian Village 71 W. Monroe 312-332-7005 Frankie’s Scaloppine 900 N. Michigan, 5th Fl. 312-266-2500 P.F. Chang’s China China Bistro 530 N. Wabash 312-828-9977 Flaco’s Tacos 46 E. Chicago Ave. 312-266-8226 Tiparo’s 1540 N. Clark St. 312-712-9900 More Cupcakes 1 E. Delaware Place 312-951-0001 Joe’s Seafood & Steak 60 E. Grand Ave. 312-379-5637 Have you heard about our July pilgrimage to the Catholic shrines of the East Coast? For more details, contact Divina at 312-943-6323 or Zeny at 773-878-3660. Join us for our next meeting on Sunday, June 14th at 2:00pm in the rectory. page 9 June 7, 2015: The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ ACT II…for everyone 40 and over ACT II is committed to the needs and interests of Holy Name parishioners age 40 and over. Our goal is to encourage participation and a sense of belonging within the Holy Name community by providing opportunities for SOCIAL gathering, EDUCATIONAL pursuits, SPIRITUAL development and community SERVICE. EVENING BOOK GROUP – DATE CHANGE NEXT MEETING…NEW MEMBERS WELCOME WHEN: JUNE 11 – THURSDAY, 7 PM (NOT Friday, 6/17) BOOK: NOT THAT KIND OF GIRL by Lena Dunham WHERE: 1000 NO LAKESHORE DRIVE - Unit 1809 – (Lobby Entrance on Bellevue) To tell coordinator SONIA REARDON you’ll be there, please Contact her at 224-659-0246. AFTERNOON SKETCHING SUMMER SITES THE SKETCH GROUP meets on the SECOND AND FOURTH MONDAY OF THE MONTH AT 1 PM. SCHEDULED VENUES (subject to change due to weather.) JUNE 8: THE RIVER WALK JUNE 22: THE PARK BEHIND MCA JULY 13: BELMONT HARBOR JULY 27: ART INSTITUTE SCULPTURE PARK (north side of main entrance to the museum) AUG. 10: CALDWELL LILY POND PARK AUG. 24: ROOSEVELT AND MICHIGAN PARK SEPT. 14: MAGGIE DALEY PARK SEPT. 28: LINCOLN PARK ZOO ALL SKILL LEVELS ARE WELCOME TO JOIN THE GROUP. Contact BARBARA WEEKS for more information: 847-687-4260 or bweeks@remarquepaperworks.com CSO REHEARSAL All tickets for the June 17th performance have been reserved & there is a waiting list. Unable to use your reservation? JOANN BRIDGE: 312-867-4921 or joannb1030@gmail.com SOCIAL DINING WHEN: 6 PM FRIDAY, JUNE 26TH WHERE: DEVON SEAFOOD GRILL, 36 East Chicago Ave. (Bernadine Room on the lower level) Cash Bar…followed by 7 p.m. Dinner $35 for Starters, Entrée, Side, Dessert, Coffee & Tip SEE BLOCK AD FOR RESERVATION INSTRUCTIONS. BECOME A MEMBER OF ACT II There is no membership fee to join and no restrictions other than being 40 or older and wanting to participate. Simply send your name and e-mail address to haneyhomes@yahoo.com and you will receive our weekly preview e-mail which usually contains more information than can be included in this column. ALSO, go to the Holy Name website, holynamecathedral.org & click on ACT II under “Organizations” to see descriptions of our ongoing ACTIVITY GROUPS along with Coordinator’s information. EXPANDING OUR HORIZONS TOGETHER The Holy Name Young Adult Group enlightens, enlivens, and enriches the lives of Catholics in their 20s and 30s through spiritual programs, social events, and service opportunities. Stump the Priest Night with Monsigor Mayall Thursday, June 11th at 7 p.m. Join the Holy Name Cathedral Young Adults on Thursday, June 11th as we host a “Stump the Priest” event with our pastor, Monsignor Dan Mayall. We will gather at 7:00PM for food, drink and fellowship at a local restaurant (location is currently TBD and will be finalized soon). Starting at 7:30PM, Monsignor Mayall will be taking questions for approximately an hour from the group on topics including the Catholic Church, Church teaching, the priesthood and Holy Name Cathedral itself. Everyone will also be welcome to stay after and continue to socialize after the “Stump the Priest” part of the night ends. This is a great chance to socialize with fellow young adults, get to know Monsignor Mayall better and learn more about Holy Name Cathedral and the Catholic faith. Check the Facebook event for updates. Young Adult Beach Party Potluck Sunday, June 14th at 6:30 p.m. It's that time of the year... Join us after the 5:15 pm mass at Holy Name Cathedral and we will walk as a group over to Oak Street Beach for food, fun, games, and fellowship. Pack a bag, bring some friends, head over to church, and meet us at the Beach. Bring Food, Drinks, Snacks, Games, Blankets, Towels, Chairs, and more to share! The HNC Young Adult group will bring cups, plates, napkins, and plastic ware so don't worry about those things. See you all at the Beach! Check the Facebook event for updates. Big Shoulder’s Give Back Day Saturday, June 27th from 8:20 a.m.- 12:00 p.m. Spend three hours cleaning, painting, organizing and more. Your time and energy will help make a positive difference to the school. This is a great opportunity to meet fellow Big Shoulders Fund supporters and learn more about what is happening with the Auxiliary Board and how you can make a difference. This time we will be at Immaculate Conception School (8739 S. Exchange Avenue, Chicago, IL 60617). Breakfast will be provided. Wear clothes that can get dirty. RSVP: Colleen Sprague (312-544-8691 / csprague@bigshouldersfund.org) by Wednesday, June 17, and include Holy Name in your e-mail. You are also welcome to RSVP on this event page or email youngadults@holynamecathedral.org and we will see you at the front steps of Holy Name on the day of the event. We are ALWAYS looking for drivers who can help transport our volunteers to and from the school! Please let us know in advance if your vehicle can accommodate additional passengers. Thank you very much! DON’T MISS OUT: Join the Young Adult Facebook group and sign up for our weekly newsle er on the Cathedral website to learn about all of the events, ac vi es, and volunteer opportuni es we sponsor each month. facebook.com/groups/holynameyoungadults page 10 June 7, 2015: The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ Receiving Gifts is a Blessing. We celebrate today the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ — Corpus Christi. As Catholics we have celebrated this since the 13th Century. On Holy Thursday we celebrate the Last Supper, but the Church, feeling that the proximity of Easter might lessen that, instituted this Solemnity to occur right after the Solemnity of the Holy Trinity, which we commemorated last Sunday. We often speak of Holy Days of Obligation. This is one of the ten Holy Days of Obligation in the Latin Rite Church, but here in the United States it is celebrated on Sunday. Sunday, of course, is always a Holy Day of Obligation for us. As stewards of the Church it is vital that we understand our Catholic traditions and practices and are able to explain them. Wedding Banns III. Scott Drzewiecki & Elvia Araujo III. Kenneth Case & Anna Rae Govert III. Wyatt Gray & Jessica Rydz II. Cedrick Malapitan & Feliz Sulana II. Joseph Duffy & Regina Marchese I. Carl Renaghan & Tracy Cleveland I. Raymond Lee & Maren Lyngson The emphasis on this Feast Day is Holy Communion, the Eucharist. At Communion we receive the True Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. We are a gifted people, and this is an incredible gift to us. On this day especially we are called to focus on this gift. In Communion we receive gifts that affect us both physically and spiritually. From a spiritual perspective we are united with Christ. Communion should increase our love of God and of our neighbor. This is lived out in the action of stewardship. www.thecatholicsteward.com Commemorative Pavers Installed! The most recent orders of pavers have been installed and you can find an updated list of pavers on the HNC website on the Give page. We also have a map so you can find your paver easily. Join us for the dedication of the courtyard on Sunday, June 14 beginning with 12:30 Mass and then procession and blessing immediately following with Archbishop Cupich. All are welcome! Parish Sacrificial Giving Summary Regular Sunday Offertory Year to Date (July 1, 2014 – May 31 2015) Annual Goal - $1,924,000 (year end June 30) Amount collected to date $1,745,006 Surplus (Shortfall) to budget ($29,144) Prior Year Stewardship to date $1,765,892 Weekly Offerings (budget of $37,000) Current Year collection $35,150 Prior Year collection $38,199 Our collection continues to trend short of budget. Please consider increasing your weekly giving to the Cathedral if you are able. Make a gift online in support of our general operating fund now at www.holynamecathedral.org and click on Give. You can also set up automatic giving on the same page or by calling Maureen at (312) 573-4425. THANK YOU to those who regularly and generously give of their treasure as well as those who give of their time and talent to support the work our parish does in the Holy Name of Jesus. Thursday and Friday Suppers What? A free, warm meal. When? Every Thursday and Every Friday evening at 4:45 pm. Where? Catholic Charities, LaSalle and Superior. For whom? 130 local hungry dine-in guests, plus 80 Bag lunches to go = 210 people fed each night By whom? Volunteers like you. Sponsored by? Our parish Human Concerns Commission Funded by? Donors like you. Cost? Free for the guests; almost $1,000 for the parish. How? Cash donations in all amounts welcomed. Checks addressed to Holy Name Cathedral; Envelopes addressed to Thursday-Friday Suppers (730 N. Wabash Ave., Chicago, 60611) Rectory 730 N. Wabash Chicago, IL 60611 (312) 787-8040 Fax: (312) 787-9113 Mon~Fri 8:30-8:30 Sat & Sun 8:30-7:00 HOLY NAME CATHEDRAL School Frances Xavier Warde 751 N. State Street Chicago, IL 60654 (312) 466-0700 Mary Reiling, Head of School MASS SCHEDULE (CATHEDRAL) Saturday Evening Vigil Masses: 5:15 pm, 7:30 pm Sunday: 7:00, 8:15, 9:30, 11:00 am; 12:30, 5:15 pm Weekdays: 6:00, 7:00, 8:00 am 12:10, 5:15 pm Saturday: 8:00 am, 12:10 pm DEVOTIONS The Rosary: prayed each Monday (including the Divine Mercy Chaplet), Tuesday (for an end to abortion), and Wednesday (for priests and vocations) after the 5:15pm Mass Prayer Request Lines: 312-573-4493 “Daytime Prayer,” from The Liturgy of the Hours~11:50 am, Monday~Friday. In the Cathedral “Vespers,” from The Liturgy of the Hours~5:00 pm, Monday~Friday. In the Cathedral SACRAMENTAL CELEBRATIONS Baptism: Infant baptisms are generally celebrated twice monthly on designated Sundays at 2:00 pm. Parents are asked to participate in a one time pre-baptismal preparation class. Check the website (holynamecathedral.org) for dates and to preregister for the class and baptism. *Classes are limited to a total of 20 people, so reserve early. Baptism of children over age 6 is conducted through our Religious Education Program. Contact Thomas L. Aspell at (312)573-4478 to enroll your child. Adult baptism takes place through the RCIA process. Contact Kelly Heus at (312)573-4434 to learn more about RCIA. Marriage: Congratulations on your engagement! Due to the size of our parish, weddings are celebrated for registered parishioners only. A minimum of six months advanced planning and preparation is required. Please consult our website (holynamecathedral.org) for more info. Confessions Saturdays: 3:00 - 5:00pm, 6:15 - 7:15pm All Confessions are held in the Reconciliation room on the Lower Level of the Cathedral. Eucharistic Adoration: 1st & 3rd Fridays, Adoration after the 8am Mass. The Chaplet of Divine Mercy and the Rosary will be prayed at 3:00pm on behalf increased respect for human life. Benediction after the 5:15pm Mass in the Chapel. Tuesdays and Thursdays 8am-5pm at the Vincent DePaul Center 721 N. LaSalle Street. Display Area The tables at the doors of the cathedral have been designated for displaying parish information only. There is no space for other brochures, flyers, newspapers, prayer cards and devotional materials. Non-parish materials are removed daily. Your cooperation is appreciated. Electronic Giving Available Support Holy Name with your Credit Card or Bank Deposit. Call 312-573-4425 for info. Convent Oblate Sisters of Jesus the Priest 730 N. Wabash Chicago, IL 60611 (312) 787-8040 Sr. Guadalupe Lopez Seminary Casa JesúsBishop Abramowicz 750 N. Wabash, Chgo. 60611 Rev. Octavio Muñoz Capetillo (312) 640-1065 Rev. Jacek Wrona (312) 915-0598 Archbishop of Chicago: Most Rev. Blase J. Cupich Pastor: Rev. Msgr. Dan Mayall Associate Pastors Rev. John Boivin Rev. Don Cambe Rev. Bradley Zamora Mass Supply Help Rev. Msgr. Michael Boland Deacons Michael McCloskey Stan Strom Adam Droll Pastoral Ministry Staff Kelly Heus Carol Miller Michelle Peltier Thomas L. Aspell Administrative Staff Stan Strom Dawn Swanson Morgan Henington Maureen McInerney Amy Greene Resident Priests Rev. Kevin Birmingham Rev. Louis Cameli Rev. Ramil Fajardo Rev. Bill Moriarity Rev. William Woestman, OMI Resident Emeritus Rev. Eugene Durkin Pastoral Associate Pastoral Assistant Pastoral Assistant Director of Religious Education Chief of Staff Msgr’s Administrative Assistant Chief Development Officer Director of Stewardship & Development Stewardship Associate Godelieve Andino Janet Scheckel Andrew Skura Ryan Pietrzak Daytime Receptionist Daytime Receptionist Controller Engineer Music Department H. Ricardo Ramirez, D.M.A. David C. Jonies John Lee (312)573-4415 Director of Music Associate Director of Music Administrative Assistant New Parishioners: Welcome to the parish! Please register in person at the parish office or online. An elevator is located on the south west side of the Cathedral. Please ask an usher for directions and/or assistance. FOLLOW US ON: WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/HOLYNAMECHICAGO WWW.TWITTER.COM/HOLYNAMECHICAGO h ps://www.youtube.com/user/HolyNameCathedral735
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