Readings for the Coming Week Monday of Holy Week Isaiah 42:1-7 Psalm 27:1, 2, 3, 13-14 John 12:1-11 Tuesday of Holy Week Isaiah 49:1-6 Psalm 71:1-2, 3-4a, 5ab-6ab, 15, 17 John 13:21-22, 36-38 Wednesday of Holy Week Isaiah 50:4-9a Psalm 69:8-10, 21-22, 31, 33-34 Matthew 26:14-25 Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord April 2— 2—April 5 Thursday Evening - Sunday Evening The Paschal Triduum Seeking Pastoral Council Candidates The term of office for half of the members of our current Parish Pastoral Council will expire in May of 2015. All those interested are asked to contact Deacon Gary McBride at 678-7813. Couples can be members but will have only one vote. Parishioners are also e n co u ra g ed to re comme n d someone they think would make a good candidate. The Parish Pastoral Council is advisory and consultative to the pastor and is to be directly responsible to him. The council meets every second Tuesday of the month at 7pm in the Parish Hall. Easter Flower Donation Consider making a donation for Easter flowers in honor or in memory of a loved one. Man can live about forty days without food, about three days without water, about nine minutes without air, but only for one second without hope. ~unknown MASSES AND COMMUNION SERVICE SCHEDULES Monday, March 30 8:00am:†Barbara Baumgartner (Cheryl & Mark Nilsson) Tuesday, 31 8:00am: Communion Service 6:00pm:†Olive Haughton (Betty & Steve Haughton) †Glen & Isabelle Tracy (Ed & Malee Leech) Wednesday, April 1 8:00am:†Nelle Travaille (Ladies Sodality) †Barry Johnson (Ed & Malee Leech) 6:00pm:†Bridget Harkins (Peg & Bill Bethke) 7:00pm: Living Stations of the Cross Thursday, April 2 7:00pm:†Marcilino Patlunag (Tom & Mayette Poore) Good Friday ~No Mass 3:00pm: Passion of the Lord 7:00pm: Living Stations of the Cross Eater Vigil 7:00pm:†Walter Pereko (Maureen Pereko) If you or a loved one is in the hospital and would like Father Dominic to visit please call the parish office and let us know. Father Dominic wants to provide you pastoral care but must be told that you need him. Holy Name of Jesus C[tholi] Chur]h 1200 Valparaiso Boulevard Niceville, Florida 32578 Truly great must be the value of human life if the Son of God has taken it up and made it the instrument of the salvation of all humanity! ~Pope John Paul II (850) 678-7813 Fax: (850) 678-5775 GENERAL PARISH INFORMATION BAPTISM: Infant Baptism Parents must attend a Baptismal Preparation Class prior to scheduling a baptism and it is encouraged that godparents also attend. Call the parish office to make arrangements. MARRIAGE: Call the parish office and request a copy of the “Marriage Preparation Guideline”. Make an appointment for an initial interview with a priest or deacon six months prior to the anticipated wedding date. Attendance at a pre-marriage preparation class or workshop is mandatory. RCIA: For those considering entry into the Catholic Church. Contact Deacon Gary McBride or email ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Family members should request a priest to anoint the sick, especially when it is known that the loved one is terminally ill. The purpose of this is to ready the sick to meet the glorified Lord. An anointing of this kind (near death) is preceded by a sacramental confession and followed by Viaticum, the reception of Holy Communion as spiritual food for the journey to the Lord. FUNERAL: When a loved one dies, it is a time of great stress and emotion. Making a phone call to the pastor is an important first step. He can offer not only spiritual support but also practical guidance about what steps need to be taken next. Please contact the parish office before making arrangements with the Funeral Home. VISITATION OF THE SICK: Ministers of the Holy Eucharist bring communion to the homebound and hospitalized after the 8:00 am Mass each Sunday. Call the parish office if you wish a priest, deacon or communion minister to visit the sick. GIFTING THE PARISH: Please consider making a planned gift to Holy Name of Jesus Church such as a bequest in your will, gift of life insurance, or a charitable trust. All gifts are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law. COMMEMORATIVE BRICKS: The Father Butler Parish Life Center commemorative bricks are available for purchase. We have two brick sizes: 4”x8”for $100.00 & 8”x8” for $250.00. For more information call the parish office at 678-7813. Holy Name of Jesus Prayer Line We have 45 ministers who will pray for your needs. Also, a Prayer Box is available in the back of the church where one can drop a written prayer request. Confidentiality is always respected. March 29, 2015 - Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord Mass Schedule Saturday Vigil ……………………... Sunday ………. .8:00 am, 11:00 am & Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat ….…………….. Tue, Wed, Thurs & First Fri ……….. 5:00 pm 5:00 pm 8:00 am 6:00 pm Communion Schedule Tues and Thurs ………………………. 8:00am 897-6519 678-5323 678-2816 835-2323 678-8438 678-6579 Mon—Thurs 8:30am—3:30pm. ╬ Adoration Schedule Tuesdays………………... 8:30 am to 9:30 am Fridays………………….. Adoration begins right after the 8:00am Mass and continues through the night, through Saturday, until 4:30pm on the 1st, 3rd & 5th Saturdays and 3:00pm on the 2nd & 4th Saturdays. Sacrament of Reconciliation Sandy Evans Jack & Kathie Garnett Gloria Hart Marlyss Hernandez Ed & Dee Lowrey Lisa Underwood Parish Office Hours: Saturdays, 3:30-4:30 pm or by appointment St. Vincent de Paul Office (850-678-7861) Mon—Thurs 9:00am—Noon Pastoral Staff Pastor : Parish Administrator: Deacons: Father Dominic Dat Tran Deacon Gary M. McBride Deacon James B. Cox Deacon Thomas J. Fraites Deacon Louis A. Marini Deacon John Shin Parish Staff Accounting: Office Manager: Administration: Music & Audio-Visual: Cord., Children's Ministry: Youth Minister: Maintenance: PLC Manager: Randy O’Connor Monica Peppler Carolyn Cox Lori Ubowski Lisa Sherwin Aaron Slayback Fran Huttle Monica Atkinson Holy Name of Jesus Parish Mission Statement We are a Roman Catholic community united by faith in God, nourished by Jesus in the Eucharist, and empowered by the Holy Spirit. We strive to live the Christian mission of peace, service, outreach, and fellowship through love, prayer, evangelization, and ministries so both the human and spiritual needs of our growing parish family and community are always met. March 29, 2015 Isaiah 50:4-7 Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord Psalm 22:8-9, 17-18, 19-20, 23-2 Philippians 2:6-11 Year B Mark 14:1-15:47 Fear no more, O daughter Zion; see, your king comes, seated upon an ass’s colt. ~John 12:15 Stewardship Weekend of March 21 & 22, 2015 The Office Will Be Closed Holy Thursday, April 2, 2015 Offertory……………………………….$11,952.34 Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever. ~1 Chronicles 16:34 Second Collection Make Holy Week Your Holiest Week Ever Holy Thursday is the anniversary of the Institution of the Sacred Priesthood. The spiritual formation and education of future priests for the Diocese of Pensacola-Tallahassee are of utmost importance. A collection will be taken on Holy Thursday, April 2nd, for this purpose. Let’s take the place of the apostles and spend time with Jesus. Can you spare an hour? Jesus is your friend, come talk to him one on one in Eucharistic Adoration. Christ Our Redeemer will join us for Adoration 24/7 during Holy Week. HNJ will take the hours beginning Palm Sunday, March 29, 7pm - March 31, 7pm, COR will take the hours beginning March 31, 7pm - Holy Thursday, April 2, 6pm. Sign up sheets are located on the Adoration Bulletin Board in the lobby or call the office to request a time, 678-7813. Chrism Mass Bishop Gregory Parkes will celebrate the Chrism Mass at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, in Pensacola, on Tuesday, March 31, 2015 at 10:00 am CDT. Everyone is cordially invited to attend this Mass. Blessed Are You Catholic Women’s Retreat We’re excited to announce our third annual Holy Name of Jesus Women's Retreat with Sara Hart! The day will be packed with prayer, stories, laughter, small-group interaction and music. We will have the opportunity to see what makes us unique and yet connected to one another, through reflection on the women of Scripture. There will be a time for us to share, listen and minister to one another. We hope you can join us on Saturday, April 25 in the Parish Life Center from 12:30pm - 8:30pm for: “Blessed Are You”, a Catholic Women’s Retreat with Sarah Hart. Early Registration is $30 and is now available online (, or you can fill out a form in the admin lobby. Registration Fee increases to $35 after April 15th. Women of all *ages and stages are welcome to attend this inspiring and uplifting day! (*must be 18 or older) On Good Friday, April 3rd, there will be a second collection for the maintenance and restoration of the Shrines in the Holy Land. Bearing in mind the hardships of so many inhabitants in the Holy Land, your generosity will help to maintain a Catholic presence. Holy Week Rehearsal Schedule Tuesday, March 31, 2015 Easter Vigil 6:45 pm Priest, Deacons, Altar Servers, Catechumens 7:30 pm Holy Thursday Priest, Deacons, Altar Servers 7:45-8:30 pm Good Friday Priest, Deacons, Altar Servers Mary’s Place Gift Shop Holy Name of Jesus will celebrate First Holy Communion on April 26. Please check our gift shop, Mary’s Place, for your gift giving needs. We are located in the admin lobby of the church building. Mary’s Place offers a nice selection of rosaries for both boys and girls, photo albums and frames, rosary boxes, crosses, pendants on chains, plus other items. Mary’s Place is open after the Saturday evening Mass and after all the Sunday Masses. Shop early for the best selection. Divine Mercy Sunday Prayer Service Please join us on Divine Mercy Sunday, April 12, at 2:00 pm as we pray the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy and the Holy Rosary. A reception will follow in the Parish Hall. Schola Cantorum School of Singing The Northwest Florida State College Schola Cantorum will present it’s Spring 2015 concert, “You Raise Me Up”, on Monday evening, April 13th at 7pm at Holy Name of Jesus. The concert will feature the beautiful and powerful “Mass in G” by Franz Schubert, “Ave Maria” by Franz Biebl, and the uplifting “You Raise Me Up.” If you enjoy beautiful music sung by a quality choral group, plan to attend the concert. Come on out and enjoy. You will not regret it! VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY" Wednesday, April 1 & Friday, April 3 7:00 pm in the church Saint Vincent de Paul would like to thank you for all the support you have given to our program. In 2014, we experienced another year of great need to assist families struggling to improve their lives. Thanks to you, we were able to help many of these families. Because of your generosity, we were able to help these families by providing food, shelter, utilities and many other types of aid that were badly needed. Every year during Lent, the CYM and seniors in the youth band put on the reenactment of the Stations of the Cross, an actual portrayal of Jesus’ journey from Pilate’s court to Calvary and to the tomb. This powerful and very somber presentation is spiritually moving and has been a long time tradition here at Holy Name. Whether you are new to the parish or someone who has belonged to our parish family for many years we invite you to come and be a part of the greatest love of all. There are no words that adequately express the gratitude and admiration that we at St. Vincent de Paul have for all of you who have shown such wonderful compassion for those less fortunate than we are. Your donations enabled us to continue our work in our community. Our local St. Vincent de Paul office , pantry and outreach are staffed by volunteers from Holy Name of Jesus and Christ Our Redeemer parishes. Our administrative costs are less than 1% annually. *Because of the somberness of the event we ask that you not bring very young children who might get disruptive during the presentation. In 2014 we were able to satisfy 1,800 requests for assistance and provide financial aid in the amount of $73,041.49. This included $39,190.25 for utilities, $19,360.25 for lodging and rent, $8,826.14 for food to supplement the food donations that you provided and $4,379.40 for miscellaneous aid. We distributed over 50,000 pounds of food to our needy families. We provided Christmas and Thanksgiving dinner baskets for over 120 families as well as Easter meals for 35 families. Living Stations of the Cross God mounts his throne amid shouts of joy; the Lord, amid trumpet blasts. Sing praise to God, sing praise; sing praise to our king, sing praise. ~Psalm 47:6-7 We sincerely thank you for your support. May our Lord Jesus Christ bless you abundantly for your generosity and may the Holy Spirit always light your path. KNIGHTS’ KNOTES SCHOLARSHIPS: Seniors at NHS, RBCS, and NWFSCHS, 15 April is the cutoff date for submitting your application for one of the four $1500 scholarships awarded annually by council 7667. The application package contains complete details and is available through your High School Guidance Counselor, in the admin office of HNJ and through Aaron Slayback, HNJ youth minister SPAGHETTI DINNER DATE CHANGE: Saturday April 4th falls on Holy Saturday, therefor we have moved the spaghetti dinner to the following Saturday, April 11th. Please mark your calendars and join us on April 11th for our monthly spaghetti dinner. DCCW of the Pensacola-Tallahassee 40th Annual Convention The Diocese of Catholic Women will hold their 40th Annual convention on Saturday, April 25, 2015 at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in Pensacola. The theme is “Our Family - Our Future”. Dr. Tom Neal, Academic Dean at Notre Dame Seminary in New Orleans, will be the keynote speaker. Also featured will be Sister Margaret Kuntz, ASCJ, Diocesan Office of Faith Formation & Sheila Hopkins, NCCW President-elect. All women of the diocese are invited. For more information, please contact Cynthia Lacour at 492-9911. For reservations, contact Kay Hale at Sacred Heart 850-438-3131 ext. 13 or THE CHURCH FULLY ALIVE Bishop Parkes and the Diocese of PensacolaTallahassee have recently called us to a new vision - THE CHURCH FULLY ALIVE! In order for the Church to be FULLY alive one of the important ministries we have is being able to reach out to those Catholic members who are inactive in the practice of the Faith. In an effort to go forward with this ministry, St. Peter’s Parish in Mary Esther is again offering the Awakening Faith program beginning Sunday, April 12. If we all would reach out to just ONE inactive Catholic in our family, our work place or our neighborhood just think of the impact it would have on our Church. Please tell someone you know that there is a place for them - that they are welcome - that they are missed! They can call St. Peter parish office (850)581-2556 or call Wanda Corbitt (615)545-8654 or email her at for information on this ministry. Parish Web Site: Parishioners are encouraged to visit our web site on a regular basis to be informed of current parish happenings. Even when away on vacation keep abreast of on-going events by clicking the “Bulletin”. You can also email Father Dominic, the deacons or any of the parish staff directly from our site. Ministry schedules are posted and easily accessible from the tool bar located at the top of the page. This site is updated constantly as we continually upload items of interests to all.
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