May 24, 2015 1 Solemnity of Pentecost HOLY REDEEMER CATHOLIC CHURCH 1227 East Bristol Road, Burton, Michigan, 48529 810.743.3050 Holy Redeemer, Burton 2 810.743.3050 Today is the Solemnity of Pentecost. Solemnities are the Highest ranking Holy Days in the Church, and only the Paschal Triduum would outrank a Solemnity. This is one of the Holiest Days in the Church. Solemnities include Christmas, Epiphany, Ascension, Pentecost and the Solemnities of the Lord. So this is a big deal! Pentecost is also the only major Solemnity that has not been commercialized. Christmas has Santa Claus, shopping and presents; Easter has the Easter bunny, candy and Easter eggs; All Saints or (All Hallows Eve) has Halloween, costumes and trick or treat, etc. Pentecost remains a Holy Day without any distractions. Pentecost is known as the birthday of the Church. Much of our understanding of Pentecost comes from the Biblical writer Luke. Luke wrote two books of the Bible: The Gospel of Luke and The Acts of the Apostles. The Gospel of Luke is the Story of the Life of Jesus. The Acts of the Apostles is the Story of how the Church was formed after Jesus Ascended to Heaven. Some have said that it should be called the Acts of the Holy Spirit instead of the Acts of the Apostles. We always read the Acts of the Apostles from Easter to Pentecost in the Catholic Church. I highly recommend that you all consider reading the Acts of the Apostles this week. Jesus, in the Gospel of Luke, told his disciples to tarry (wait) in Jerusalem until they were clothed with Power from on High. Wow, is that how you would describe your experience of the Holy Spirit? The Words we use to describe the Holy Spirit themselves are amazing. Spirit, Power, Fire, Mighty Rushing Wind, Breath of God, River of Living Water flowing out of our inmost being, Flood, Rain, Love, and Life. Our prayers include phrases like: Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful. And kindle in them the Fire of your Love. Refiner’s Fire, my hearts one desire, is to be holy. Over the Bread and Wine at the Eucharistic Prayer we say: Make holy, therefore, these gifts, we pray by sending down your Spirit upon them like the dewfall, so that they may become for us the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. Again, in the Eucharistic Prayer at Mass we say: Humbly we pray, that, partaking of the Body and Blood of Christ we may be gathered into one by the Holy Spirit. My prayer for each of you individually, for all of Holy Redeemer, for all of the Church Universal is that we may all experience the Holy Spirit as Power, Fire, Mighty Rushing Wind, Breath of God, River of Living Water flowing out of our inmost being, Flood, Rain, Love, and Life. And that we might know that it is the Holy Spirit who makes us Holy, the Sacraments Holy, and makes us One. Jesus says, “I came to cast fire upon the earth. How I wish that it was already ablaze!” Fr. Gary McInnis invites you to come and see the Documentary, “Monseñor: The Last Journey of Óscar Romero.” In El Salvador in the late Seventies, one man was the voice of the Poor, the Disenfranchised, and the Disappeared - all struggling under the corrupt Salvadoran government. Appointed Archbishop in early 1977, Monseñor Óscar Romero worked tirelessly and in constant personal peril until the day he was assassinated in March 1980. He is the first bishop to be killed at the altar since Thomas a Becket in 1170. Pope Francis declared him a martyr on Feb. 2015. He will be beatified in El Salvador May 23rd, 2015. Please Join Us: Holy Redeemer Family Life Center, Thursday, May 28st at 7pm. Feel Free to Invite a friend. There is no charge for this event. However, bringing can goods for the food pantry would be appreciated. (Please note the location has been changed from the Church to the Family Life Center) May 24, 2015 3 Summer Bible School will take place the week of June 22-25 in the school at Holy Redeemer. If you would like to help as a teen leader or adult leader this year please call: Marlo in the Religious Education office at 810 742-9460 or Paul at 810-240-7879. It is a lot of fun and the children have such a great time, so plan to help out this year. You will be glad you did. If you have a child/children who wish to attend, please call Marlo or Paul. Solemnity of Pentecost Festival Mass Schedules: On Friday of Festival weekend, we offer a time honored traditions and recognize Parochial School Students with a Catholic School Funday beginning with an All School Mass, followed by access to the Midway & rides. Because of this, there will be a time change for Friday Services: Confessions: 7:45a.m. Weekday Mass: 8:00a.m. All School Mass: 9:15a.m. All Saturday & Sunday Mass times will remain the same. - CCW UPDATE: ATTENTION ALL 2015 GRADUATES! Sunday, June 7, 2015 at the 5:00p.m. Mass We will be honoring all Graduates. Please try to be here! We are proud of all of you ! STEWARDSHIP FOR May 17, 2015 Sunday Weekly Tithing: Envelopes: Loose: Total: Church Festival: Remember the CCW is heading the book and bake sales at the church festival. All moneys collected go directly to the parish and all members of the parish are encouraged to help. Used books and CD's can be dropped off at the church office. (Please no text books or encyclopedias.) Bake Sale Donations: Baked goods can be dropped off at the FLC on the morning of May 30th. Please have the baked goods wrapped up, ready to sell, and labeled. (Please include if they contain any common allergens: nuts, peanuts, etc.) WE REMEMBER FR. PAUL SCHWERMER WHO DIED THIS PAST WEEK . $ 15,254.25 1,367.00 $ 16,621.25 Funeral Mass was at St. Robert’s Flushing, Wednesday, May 20,2015 GIVE THANKS, GIVE BLOOD (Dates are the day & time of the funeral service) BLOOD DRIVE at HOLY REDEEMER CHURCH FAMILY LIFE CENTER 1227 E BRISTOL ROAD BURTON ALTAR CARE TEAM SCHEDULE Team F Team A Team B May 29 June 6 June 13 TUESDAY, MAY 26 12:30P.M. - 6:15P.M. MEMORIAL CANDLES WEEK OF May 23, 2015 Danny McClung First Anniversary of Death by Wife, Theresa Week of April 24 Mother, Mary Novota Behil by Daughter, Mary Behil Holy Redeemer, Burton The Week Ahead in our Parish Sunday May 24 Solemnity of Pentecost 1:00p.m. Special Needs Mass- Church Monday May 25 Memorial Day 7:00p.m. K of C Officer Meeting - Convent Rm. 104 Tuesday May 26 10:30a.m. Divine Mercy - #1 12:30 - 6:15pm Blood Drive - Family Life Center 6:00p.m. Cursillo - Convent Rm. 104 6:15p.m. Prayer Shawl Ministry Convent Dining Room 6:30p.m. Finance Council - Rectory Dining Room Wednesday May 27 5:00p.m. St. Vincent de Paul - Convent Room 104 6:30p.m. Cenacle #4 - Rectory Conference Room Thursday May 28 Festival Opens at 5p.m. 6:30p.m. Choir Practice 7:00p.m. Documentary, Hosted by Fr. Gary McGinnis “The Last Journey of Óscar Romero.” - Family Life Center Friday May 29 Festival Opens 5:00p.m. 6:30p.m. Euchre Tournament - Family Life Center Saturday May 30 Festival Opens 12:00 Noon 7:30p.m. Trivia Night - Family Life Center Sunday May 31 Celebration of Most Holy Trinity Last Day of Festival / Opens at 12:00noon 7:00p.m. Grand Prize Drawing Readings for the Week of May 24 Sunday Solemnity of Pentecost Acts 2:1-11; Ps 104; 1 Cor 12:3b-7, 12-13 or Gal 5:16-25; Jn 20:19-23 or Jn 15:26-27, 16:12-15 Sir 17:20-24; Ps 50, Mk 10:17-27 Monday Saint Bede the Venerable, Priest Church Doctor; Saint Gregory VII, Pope; Saint Mary Magdalene de’ Pazzi, Virgin St. Bede is the only native of Great Britain to achieve the designation of Church Doctor. He was a skilled linguist and translator, and his work made the Latin and Greek writings of the early Church Fathers understandable. Gregory VII summoned the Lateran council , which condemned simony and confirmed celibacy for the Church's clergy. Gregory decreed only the Pope could appoint or depose bishops or move them from see to see, an act which was later to cause the Investiture Controversy. Mary Magdalene de' Pazzi she is called the "ecstatic saint." she was one of the strongest upholders of the value of suffering for the love of God and the salvation of our fellow-creatures, that ever lived. Her death was fully in accordance with her life in this respect, for she died after an illness of nearly three years' duration and of indescribable painfulness, borne with heroic joy to the end. Tuesday Saint Philip Neri, Priest Sir 35:1-12; Ps 50; Mk 10:28-31 Philip often went into the catacombs of St. Sebastiano to pray. During one of these times of prayer he felt a globe of light enter his mouth and sink into his heart. This experience gave him so much energy to serve God that he went out to work at the hospital of the incurables and starting speaking to others about God. Wednesday Saint Augustine of Canterbury, Bishop Sir 36:1, 4-5a, 10-17; Ps 79; Mk 10:32-45 Patron of brewers because of his conversion from a former life of loose living, which included parties, entertainment, and worldly ambitions. His complete turnaround and conversion has been an inspiration to many who struggle with a particular vice or habit they long to break. Thursday Friday Saturday Sir 42:15-25; Ps 33; Mk 10:46-52 Sir 44:1, 9-13; Ps 149; Mk 11:11-26 Sir 51:12cd-20; Ps 19; Mk 11:27-33 Mt 28:16-20 4 810.743.3050 Mass Intentions for the Week of May 23 Saturday 5:00p.m. Sunday 9:00a.m. 11:00a.m. 1:00p.m. 5:00p.m. Monday 8:30a.m. Tuesday 8:30a.m. Wednesday 6:30p.m. Thursday 8:30a.m. Friday 8:00a.m. 9:15a.m. Saturday 5:00p.m Sunday 9:00p.m. 11:00p.m. 5:00p.m. May 23 Agnes Morgan by Tom & Rita Birchmeier May 24 Solemnity of PENTECOST Carlo Lubiato by Jim George & Jack Etue Joseph Karr by Preville/Salem Families Special Needs Mass Intentions of the Parish May 25 MEMORIAL DAY Peter & Julia Lengyel by Dave Lengyel May 26 Joseph Backa by Gerald & Dorothy Snyder May 27 Matthew Kudwa by Kudwa Family May 28 Rex Family by Kudwa Family May 29 Alonzo Diogracias by C.O. Noveloso 1st Anniversary of Death, for Danny McClung, by wife, Theresa (all parochial school Mass) May 30 Anniversary of Death, Dr. Willliam Henige by Wife, Rita May 31 FEAST OF HOLY TRINITY Dante & Catherine Ragnone by Children Intentions of the Parish 2015 Graduates Mass Liturgical Ministers: May 30 & May 31 5:00p.m. Liturgy for Saturday, May 30 Celebrant: Fr. Steve Anderson Mass Captain: Judy Perkins Lectors #1: Nancy Bell, #2: Delores DiGiacomo Eucharistic Ministers: Kathy Bede, Rene Bede, Elaine Campbell, Vita Guijardo, Patricia Trethewey, Carol Williams, Deacon Ken Altar Servers: Joseph Amberg, Michael Amberg, Monica Amberg 9:00a.m. Liturgy for Sunday, May 31 Celebrant: Fr. Steve Anderson Mass Captain: Connie Ranville Lectors: #1: Carrie Bennett, #2: Norbert Dlugokinski Eucharistic Ministers: Ella Baldridge, Debra Mott, Gene Myers, Timothy Schneider, Michael Sherman, James Vaughan, Deacon Ken Altar Servers: Francis Kudwa, Clara Schaeffer, Fran Taylor 11:00a.m. Liturgy for Sunday, May 31 Celebrant: Fr. Steve Anderson There will be an Interpreter at this Mass Mass Captain: Margaret McKay Lectors: #1:Nathaniel Vanderklok, #2: Ed Witucki Eucharistic Ministers: Brandi Hall, James Kruger, Dianne Lowden, Madeline Martin, Jennifer Mikonczyk, Stephen Tesler, Deacon Ken Altar Servers: John LeBlanc, Joseph LeBlanc, Matthew LeBlanc 5:00p.m. Liturgy for Sunday May 31 Celebrant: Fr. Steve Anderson Mass Captain: Vickie Sturgess Lectors: #1: Gary Rice, #2: Ellen Robbins Eucharistic Ministers: Christina Belanger, Steve Clark, Bruce Simms, Deborah Simms, Betsy Todd, Ken Todd, Deacon Ken Altar Servers: Noah Margrif, Emilie Poirier, Jaden Yoden May 24, 2015 5 MUSIC FOR PENTECOST May 23 &, 24 Saturday, 5p.m., Sunday, 9a.m., 11a.m. Prelude: Sacred Silence Opening Song: Come Holy Ghost Creator Blest #611 Psalm: Lord Send Out Your Spirit #146- Psalm #104 Sequence: Veni Sancte Spiritus (Come, Holy Spirit) Offertory: Holy Spirit Communion: Let It Rain Communion: Here I Am Lord #802 Closing: City of God #799 Closing: Send Us Your Spirit # 612 Sunday, May 24, 5p.m. Mass Solemnity of Pentecost Our Festival will be here this week starting Thursday evening at 5:00p.m. One of our time honored traditions with the festival is to have a Catholic School Funday Friday, May 29, beginning with an All School Mass, followed by access to the Midway & rides. Because of this there will be a time change for Friday morning Church Services: Confessions: 7:45a.m. Weekday Mass: 8:00a.m. All School Mass: 9:15a.m. We appreciate all of your donations that have been dropped off. We are still in need of items for the Tootsie Roll Booth, and items for Kids Games such as stuffed animals, crayons, coloring books, stickers, tattoos and bouncy balls. Please bring these to the Church Office. Mega Passes are on sale outside Prelude: Sacred Silence Opening Song: We Believe Psalm: Send Us Your Spirit # 612 Offertory: Holy Spirit Communion: Let It Rain Communion: Overwhelmed Closing: Burning in My Soul OUTREACH WILL BE CLOSED THIS WEEK, STARTING FRIDAY, MAY 22 BECAUSE OF THE ACCESSIBILITY TO THE BUILDING AND THE PARKING LOT. PLEASE CALL 810.743.8530 FOR URGENT MATTERS. LEAVE A MESSAGE AND YOUR CALL WILL BE RETURNED. GOD BLESS YOU! Holy Family Catholic School in Grand Blanc is accepting resumes for two full-time 5th/6th grade teachers and a full-time kindergarten teacher. Candidates should be practicing Catholics and possess a valid Michigan Teaching certificate. A cover letter, references, resume, and copy of a Michigan teaching certificate should be emailed to<>. Deadline is Friday, June 5, 2015. St. Mary, N. Franklin Ave., Flint, looking for an organist/ pianist to provide music accompaniment Saturday Evening & Sunday Morning. One weekly rehearsal is required from September through June for Choir Practice. Call Joe Darnell at 810.577.6154 for details and interview. the church office after all the masses. Price per pass is $40. This will allow unlimited midway rides Thursday-Sunday for one low price. Bracelets must be purchase by 5:00 p.m., Friday, 5/29/2015 Daily ride bracelets also available during the festival: $18 Thursday & $20 Friday $22 Saturday & Sunday These are available from the booth on the Fair Ground. (there are no advance sales) The Midway opens at 5:00p.m. on Thursday & Friday; At Noon on Saturday & Sunday Volunteers Needed: The volunteer sign up board is located outside the parish office. Everyone is encouraged to sign up and participate. This is our churches biggest fundraiser of the year and we would appreciate everyone’s help to make this our most successful festival yet. Raffle Tickets Did you know that the tickets sales are the single most revenue creating item for our Festival? Please Help Us Sell Them!! REMINDER: If using the Mass Collection basket to return your tickets and/or money, the deadline is the 11a.m. Mass on Sunday, May 31. You may also turn them in to the Raffle Booth in the Midway. Prizes (cash) for the Raffle include: 1st Prize $5,000 2nd Prize $1,000 3rd Prize $500 4th - 10th Prizes $100 License R30379 Any & All help is greatly appreciated. Holy Redeemer, Burton 6 810.743.3050 Prayers for Those in Need of Healing Christine Ackerman Sherry Adams Cindy Anderson Marvin Anderson Fr. Ron Anderson Tyler Arwood Edna Azanza Nick Abbott Jerry Amrich Mark Anthony Mike Ames Joy Baker Frank Bajus Marilyn Bartkowiak Suzanne Berry Pat Blais Aline Bourque Jose & Amelia Brao Char Bratton Peggy Brown Carol Linda Carroll Steve Carroll Donald Chevalier Gerry Chisholm Chris Vi Clark Dee Cooke Pamela Cooper Crystal Corcoran Jacob Anthony Corsi Jeannine Crowder Jolene Dean Andrea Desmarias Ken Dillon Patrick Donoghue Jim Dryfuse Betty Dziczek Cecelia Eagan Ed Ecker Fred Fabris Catherine Fechik Chris & Ray Fejedelem Nancy Folaron Fila & Family Ruth Flint Patricia Foster Ed Giedrojc Madeline Graham Teresa Grant Lois Grizzle Ignacio Guerra, Sr. Robert Guiles Julia Haynes Margaret Head Maurice Hollis Stefanie Hopkins Christopher Humble Cherie Kelly-Hunter Beverly Johnson Pamela Johnson Tammy Joubran Chris July Shirley Kage Kayla Kamego Kotarski Boys Phyllis Kotowicz Barbara Klauss Peter Kurncs Constance Kutchey Katherine LaVanway Norah Leitz Dianne Lewis Madison Lewis Jill Lich Rosa Lopez Gregoria Luna Jr Jerry Lynch William Malinich Louise Mallette Micheal Marshall Sue Marshall Donna Marzonie Larry McCowan Shayla Merinsky Janet Metz Brenda Miller Irene Morgan Robert Neumann Shirley Neminski Melissa Newcomb Norman & Virginia Neustedt Ella Ocampo Leo Olivo Ed Osorio Jayden Osorio Katherine Pacyne Chris Palid Joseph Palid Brett Piggott Renee Pillen Brad Pilon Mark Pilon Art Pratt Mikey Raborne Veronica Raborne Douglas Racine Jean Rao Christine Rejniak Larry Rejniak Ruth Richards Sophia Rider John Rubel Craig Robbins Theresa Robbins Carolina Robinson Joan Roche Neal Roche Jr. John Rubel Wray Russ Mila Sabong Robert Scanlon Sr Deborah Scott Jessica Scott Jane Sessions Corazon Singson Eddie Skoczylas Pam Skoczylas Helen M. Smith Kelsey Smith Eric Snyder Brenda Taylor Doris Thompson Chris Thornton Courtney Thornton & Baby Shirley Thornton Donald Venturino Dale Walters Geraldine Walters Jean Wargo Sharon Weeden Angie Weston Sharon White Cohen Witten Margaret Wilson Barb Winfield Deanne Woody Mary Zuwala St. Mary’s Wildcats Last Dance Saturday, May 30, 2015 at 2500 N. Franklin Ave, Flint Happy Hour starts at 5p.m. Dinner served at 6p.m. Bon Appetit Catering Music: Pete (Fat Cat) Flanders Tickets: $40. per person Live and Silent Auction, 50/50 & more For tickets or information: 810.232.4012 Announcement! Blood Pressures will NOT be taken during the summer. The Program will begin again in the Fall. 75th Anniversary Trivia Did You Know? Holy Redeemer published the first parish newspaper, in the city of Flint, on November 18, 1951. This was the first time there had been a newspaper devoted to the entire parish, and not to just the school. Parish Directory Office: (810) 743-3050 Fax: (810) 743-4381 website: Eucharistic Liturgies Saturday, 5:00p.m. Sunday, 9:00a.m., 11:00a.m., 5:00p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 8:30a.m. Wednesday, 6:30p.m. Anointing of the Sick First Thursday Mass at 8:30a.m. Reconciliation Friday, 8:00a.m. Saturday, 4:00p.m. Fr. Steve Anderson, Pastor Deacon Kenneth Preiss, (810) 244-1691 Paul Schlegelmilch, (810) 240-7879 Pastoral Associate & Director Religious Education Ken Jubar, Business Manager, (810) 244-1683 Fran Rowland, Office Manager & Bulletin Editor (810) 244-1681, Emily Arthur (810) 244-1687 RCIA & Adult Faith Formation, Daniel Schmit, (810) 244-1685 Youth Minister & Director of Music Nancy Elledge, Bookkeeper, (810) 244-1684 Beth Clark, Assistant Bookkeeper (810) 244-1692 Patricia Weatherly, (810) 244-1695 Sharon Webster, Outreach, (810) 743-8530 Bill Beem (810) 275-2269 Family Life Center Rentals
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