26th Sunday in H R HOLY ROSARY PARISH 630 7th Ave. N. P O Box 206 Edmonds, WA 98020 Parish Phone: 425-778-3122 Parish E-mail: parishmail @holyrosaryedmonds.org Fax: 425-672-4909 Website: www.holyrosaryedmonds.org ***** School Phone: 425-778-3197 School E-mail: info@holyrosary edmonds.org Fax: 425-771-8144 Website: www.hrsedmonds.org *** Mass Schedule: Sunday: 7:30, 9 & 11 AM Monday-Friday: 8 AM Saturday: 8 AM Communion Service Saturday Vigil: 5 PM “Lord, send out your Spirit, and renew the face of the earth.” May 17, 2015 The Ascension of the Lord Dear Parishioners: The Church in Washington State, with the permission of Rome, celebrates the feast of the Ascension on Sunday to give more people the opportunity to reflect on the importance of the feast. In some places in the United States, people still celebrate the feast of the Ascension on a Thursday and as a holyday. The Ascension is about the completion of Jesus’ mission given to him by God the Father and his return to the Father in triumph. As he prepared to leave, he commanded the apostles to continue the work that he began. So the feast gives us an opportunity to reflect on the fundamental mission of the church. First, and foremost, our primary mission is to be a worshipping community celebrating the different sacraments, primarily baptism, eucharist, and reconciliation. The other sacraments, such as confirmation, anointing of the sick, and marriage, are important also . The sacraments allow us the opportunity to experience God directly in our lives. The sacraments are not for a few, but are intended for all of God’s people. Without the sacraments, it would be hard for us to complete our journey of faith. We have spiritual needs just as we have physical needs. The second aspect of mission that Christ gave to his disciples was to share the Good News with people in search of faith. Faith formation is intended for everyone from the very young to the most senior member of our community. As a parish, we cannot pour all our resources into just one program. Among the young, you have the children at Catholic schools and those who are enrolled in religious education. You have teenagers, who need to appropriate their faith as their own. And adults must constantly renew their understanding of their faith. What we learned as children does not suffice for us as adults. The third dimension of mission is outreach to the sick, the poor, the elderly and the lonely. One of the primary aspects of Jesus’ ministry was to cure the sick. All of us need to be attentive to the sick among us. I always go back to the scene of judgment in Matthew’s gospel. Those who make it to heaven are those who fed the hungry, visited the sick, and comforted the bereaved. A fourth dimension of ministry that I would include is support for marriage and family life and for social justice. If a person does not have a healthy family life, you likely will not see them in church. Such a person will also face many challenges. Tied to the third dimension of mission is an understanding of the church’s teaching on social justice. Part of social justice is speaking out in defense of human life from the unborn to the most vulnerable person in the community. As we celebrate this special feast, think of the ways that you can be involved in the mission of the church. Sincerely yours in Christ, *** Confessions: Saturday: 3:30-4:30 PM *** The Catholic Cemetery serving Holy Rosary is Holyrood Cemetery. 206-363-8404 Rev. Kenneth Haydock, Pastor CONGRATULATIONS HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS The parish is honoring graduating high school seniors this Sunday. As a community, you can be very proud of our graduating seniors. They are completing another step in their education. Please pray for their future success in whatever endeavors that they undertake. CALENDAR Pg. 2 Sunday, May 17, 2015 The Ascension of the Lord Acts of the Apostles 1:1-11; Ephesians 1:17-23; Mark 16:15-20 • Coffee’nd hosted by the Lectors (7:30 and 9AM masses). • Blood Pressure Clinic in the Reconciliation Room, after all masses. • Next Step Pregnancy Services bottle drive ends—please return your baby bottles today. • Youth Choir practice in the Youth Room, 10-11AM. • High School Baccalaureate Mass, 11AM. Reception follows in the Pastoral Center. • High School Life Teen Night in the Pastoral Center Youth Room, 7-8:30PM. • High School Open Gym, 8:30-9:30PM. Monday, May 18, 2015 St. John I Acts of the Apostles 19:1-8; John 16:29-33 • 8 AM Mass • Jr. High Youth meet in the Pastoral Center, 7PM. • Jr. High Open Gym 8-8:30PM. Carmine Chiodo/RIP Tuesday, May 19, 2015 St. Theophilus of Corte Acts of the Apostles 20:17-27; John 17:1-11a • 8 AM Mass • Pray Always group meets in the Pastoral Center, Rm. 204, 9-10:30AM. • Pray Always group meets in the Pastoral Center, Rm. 204, 6:30-8PM. • St. Vincent de Paul Society meets in the Pastoral Center, Rm. 206, 7-8:30PM. Wednesday, May 20, 2015 St. Bernardine of Siena Acts of the Apostles 20:28-38; John 17:11b-19 • 8 AM Mass • Little Blessings group meets in the Youth Room, 9:30-11AM. • Traditional Choir rehearsal in the church, 6:30-7:30PM. Josefina Domingo Morales/RIP Thursday, May 21, 2015 St. Cristóbal Magallanes and Companions Acts of the Apostles 22:30, 23:6-11; John 17:20-26 • 8 AM Mass • Bible Study meets in the Pastoral Center, Rm. 204, 9-10:30AM. (Session #4) • History of the Roman Empire class meets in Pastor’s Conference Room, 1-3PM. • Bible Study meets in the Pastoral Center, Rm. 204, 6:30-8PM. (Session #4) • Spring Concert, performances at 1PM and 7PM in the School Gym. Friday, May 22, 2015 St. Rita of Cascia Acts of the Apostles 25:13b-21; John 21:15-19 • 8 AM Mass Jim Garrison/RIP Thomas Ryan/RIP Art Lowell/RIP Saturday, May 23, 2015 St. Gregory VII Acts of the Apostles 28:16-20, 30-31; John 21:20-25 • 8 AM Communion Service Sunday, May 24, 2015 St. Mary Magdalene de’ Pazzi Genesis 11:1-9; Romans 8:22-27; John 7:37-39 • No Coffee’nd today. Pentecost Sunday FAITH FORMATION Pg. 3 This Week’s Stewardship Note Today is the Solemnity of the Ascension! Alleluia! Alleluia! “Why are you standing there looking at the sky?” Acts 1: 11 In Acts, Jesus has just been taken up when “two men dressed in white garments” appear and tell them to get on with their mission. We’re still working on it. One of the ways we are still working on fulfilling the mission is Adoration. I asked Mike Montgomery, the Adoration coordinator, for a few words on the value of Adoration: Of what value is Adoration?! Those who visit say it best: “… a time when I completely pull away from my normal activities and go over problems, solutions, etc…. I have been amazed with some of the insights I have gained.…” (LL) “I have found these hours invaluable, … I always leave refreshed and uplifted.” (HO) “…I’ve gained peace, inspiration, ideas, answers, comfort, healing, joy, meaning, and hope.” (JL.) “My ‘special, quiet, best hour’.” (DS) Come, drop in and visit… go home refreshed in spirit! If you’re interested in spending time in Adoration, call Mike at 206-795-9837 or email him at DSASTRPLNG@comcast.net. Also, if you signed up for Adoration at the ministry fair two weeks ago, that file is lost; please contact Mike to renew your interest. On May 31st we celebrate that great revelation. Save the date for the 4th Annual Multicultural Mass and Lunch. This year we will be celebrating the cultures of Asia. Today we continue our recruitment of cooks! If you are Asian and have a favorite family recipe, please sign up! If you are not but love to cook Asian cuisine, please sign up, too! If you missed the table in the vestibule, please email Carole Nowak at carnor@frontier.com. If you have a family cultural memento that you would like presented with the Gifts at mass, please email John Russell at johnr@holyrosaryedmonds.org. The Annual Catholic Appeal has begun! Our goal this year is $180,000. So far we have had gifts and pledges totaling $68,428. This appeal supports the Church in Western Washington by supporting the benefits of all church employees, the administration of Catholic schools, the recruitment, retirement and health care of diocesan priests, CYO camps and athletics and much, much more! Any gifts received over our goal will come back to the parish. Father dedicated the 2014 rebate to replacing the bleachers in the gym, and I mentioned last week that we were $20,000 short. Since then Father received a $10,000 gift that he dedicated to the bleachers, so we are now only $10,000 short. This year’s rebate will first go to new bleachers and anything over that will go to repairing the lower parking lot. Those bleachers are now 34 years old. New ones will have places for wheel chairs and will have handrails. They will also have motors to extend and retract the benches. Please support the Appeal and let’s get new bleachers! John Russell, Pastoral Associate for Stewardship and Information Technology johnr@holyrosaryedmonds.org (425) 977-4545 ADULT FAITH FORMATION: The Pray Always Group meets again Tuesday May 19th at 9AM and again at 6:30PM. We’ll pray, have a chance to tell our stories, and learn a little. Prayer as friendship with Christ shows us not only our potential but our deep need for healing. Physical healing may be helped by a trip to the doctor, but we also need God to heal the dark side of the self that the catechism speaks of. In prayer we consent to God, repeatedly. God is then free to begin to heal all the hurts and unconscious junk we humans carry around with us. Interested? Show up. The Bible Study - Psalms, The School of Prayer - will continue with session #4, chapter 3 on May 21st. As in the past there will be two sessions on Thursdays at 9AM and 6:30PM. The Psalms are poetry, rich in images and rhythm that provide us a vocabulary for praying to God. They’re ideal for those who say that they don’t know where to begin with prayer because the Psalms give us the words and images we need for all the steps along the journey of faith. If you’re interested in either group and have questions I invite you to contact me at 425-977-4549 or at rayb@holyrosaryedmonds.org. ~Deacon Ray FAITH FORMATION Daily Prayer This Week This week, let's be a Church between Ascension and Pentecost - sensing Jesus has gone before us and longing for the gifts of the Holy Spirit. The invitation for us is to pray to the Father this week, as Jesus did. We pray through the desires churning around in our hearts. Getting in touch with those desires will bring us closer to preparing for celebrating Pentecost. Naming what we long for, will place us with Jesus, praying to the Father for help. Of course, it can be tender and quite personal, speaking to our Father with a Jesus-given intimacy. And, what makes it concrete, real, and a prayer from the heart of each of us, is that we are letting all of this interact with the real things in our everyday life. It may come easily, spontaneously, as I'm getting dressed or in any of the “background times” of my day. But, it may be difficult for me to know how to address the Father. Perhaps my father-memories aren't warm and tender. All we have to do is relax and try it. We will meet a Father who loves us and longs for us to be relaxed and speak heart-to-heart. It can start with a dialogue with myself, e.g., where I ask myself questions and then answer myself. What am I feeling? What fears can I name? What anxieties, worries come to me as I try to get in touch with what's going on right now? Who comes to my mind? Who is struggling? With whom am I in conflict? Am I frustrated? Tired? Feeling taken for granted? Where am I 'cutting corners,' or cheating or lying to myself or others? What's missing? What am I hungry for? What am I dreaming about? What is giving me joy? The desires that flow from my answers to these questions shape our daily prayer this week. We find that we have plenty to talk with the Father about and ask for. Perhaps we can pray: Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and enkindle within them the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit and we shall be re-created and join you in renewing the face of the earth. ...from the “Weekly Guide for Daily Prayer”, www.creighton.edu/collaborativeMinistry/online.htm Blood Pressure Clinic is this weekend, May 16th17th, after all masses, in the Reconciliation Room. Take this opportunity to do something to take care of yourself. MARRIAGE & FAMILY LIFE Marriage is a journey, it is not a destination! It is a daily journey of each husband and wife towards one another in love. Join us May 30th and 31st for a Living in Love marriage retreat at St. Pius X Parish in Mountlake Terrace. As Fr. Haydock said recently at the Marriage Celebration Mass, “a happy marriage takes work.” A Living in Love marriage retreat will give you tools to help make your journey together easier and joy filled. For answers to your questions and to register for the retreat please call Bruce and Judy White at 425-771-9003 or Dan and Carolina Keenan at 425-743-3376. Easter is here and Spring has arrived. The trees are blooming, the grass and air are fresh. New life is all around. If you want to bring new life to your marriage, then apply to the next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend. Experience the joy of a Weekend at Sheraton Bellevue Hotel, Bellevue, WA, May 29–31, 2015. Experience the growth in your marriage like the new life growing all around you. For more information call our application couple at 206-772-2344. To apply on line or for more information, visit www.wwme.org. Rachel’s Corner Hope and Healing After Abortion "This retreat is very necessary. It was a personal encounter with God. I feel totally different from when I arrived at this place. This retreat strengthened my faith and I was healed completely of the heavy burden that I carried here." - Testimony from Retreatant If you are hurting from the effects of abortion, or know someone who is, encourage them to seek healing at the next Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat™. Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat™ May 29-31, 2015 Call Valerie: 1-800-822-HOPE (4673) You are loved with an everlasting Love! Project Rachel is a program of Catholic Community Services. SCRIP is available to buy after 5PM, 9AM and 11AM masses. This is an easy way to support your school while doing your regular shopping. Thank you for participating! Pg. 4 FAITH IN ACTION Pg. 5 PRAYER SUPPORT...Please remember in your prayers the following who are ill: Doreen Crow, Cindy French, Raymond Jerrel, Theresa Kaufman, Victoria Cardenas, Keene Landry, Nancy Gilbertson, Richard Horan, The Owen Family, Riley Bench, Thomas Dye, Kim Menzer, Matt Buley, Roberta Buchter, Sarah Zech, Rochelle Pautzke, Wyatt Chin, Marty Spadafora, Frank and Valerie Rocco, Simone Fortin, Bridget English, Kevin Fraley, Beverly Mackey, Kristi Petosa, Josie Smith, Dieter Zajaczkowski, Edith Pederson, Edna Lemeshko, Elaine McNamara, Joseph Zampardo, Christle Brukner, Dora Romero, David Hollcraft, Angie Zamberlin, Leonard Soldo, Carol Parrott, Bob Ervin, Christy Heymann, Rick West, Ronald Haskins, Tom Grabicki, Claire Henderson, Bill Rees, Rita Ritchie, Ethel Moons, John Hertel, John McAlerney, Christine Vezetinski, Connie Emry, John Kelly, Darnel Bowers, Gil Martelino, Ron Hammill, Chris Floeting, Pat Marick, Diane Carney, Michael Serwold, Dolores Murphy, Toni Geveshausen, Patricia Collins, Patricia Sigler, Judy Roberts, Chet Karella, Stephen McCormack, Fr. Pete Titland, Barbara Fanger and George Marshall. Please keep them in your prayers and also, those who have passed away, especially Karen Penrose and Helen Kees (mother of Beth Hudson). In order to keep this list current we ask that you check in at least every couple of months. If we don’t hear from you, and have no current information, you may be dropped. We are always happy to reinstate you if the need is still present. Call Eileen Niven at 425-778-3122. If you wish to add someone to the list, please email or call Eileen at the Parish Office. PRAYERS OF THE FAITHFUL: As announced last weekend, we are modifying our Prayers of the Faithful policy again. New additions to the list will be left on the “out loud” list for three weeks (as in the past). Moving forward, only parishoners’ names will continue to be on the “out loud” list after the three weeks. We understand that many are still seriously ill and we will continue to be praying for them in the “Book of the Sick” which is placed on the altar for all the masses. Unfortunately, when we get so many requests, we can’t continue to announce them all each week. We are striving to find an equitable solution to the situation. We appreciate your patience and understanding! Youth and Young Adult Ministry Our Youth and Young Adult Website is updated! Please refer to it for information regarding many ministry opportunities for 7th and 8th graders, high school students and young adults. Life Nights for High School Teens...on Sundays, 7-8:30PM. We meet each Sunday night except for certain holiday weekends. A full calendar is published online on our parish website. Open Gym is 8:30-9:30PM Sunday evenings to make time for our Life Nights (7-8:30PM, with exceptions as noted on the website). High school teens are also encouraged to be members of our “Peer Team” a peer leader for our high school group or a “Core Team” member for our 7th and 8th grade group. This kind of leadership involvement is a real plus for college and job applications. World Youth Day is on!!! We’re going to Krakow, Poland in July 2016 for an amazing experience!!! A link to the Archdiocesan website including itinerary and cost is on our website. Contact me ASAP if you are interested and for more information. Thank-you and God Bless, Angus angusm@holyrosaryedmonds.org 425-778-3122 x225 Parish Finance Council: I am looking for members, both men and women, for the Parish Finance Council. The parish needs to raise about $4 million a year to make the budget, the debt service, and the mandated appeals such as the Annual Catholic Appeal. The Council advises on the budget, prepares an annual report, and reviews capital purchases. A background in accounting, financial planning or human resources is helpful to serve on the Council. If you are interested, please contact Fr. Haydock. OUTREACH St. Vincent de Paul Food Bank: SVDP food bank wish list this week includes Macaroni 'n Cheese, tuna, mayonnaise (16 oz.), peanut butter, jam, individual juice drinks, cold cereal. Thanks for your support every week! Our NEW LIFE GROUP (widows, singles and the formerly married) will meet on Saturday, May 30th after the 5 PM Mass. We will meet in the school hall at 6 PM. We will have tacos and play bingo. The parish will provide ground beef and chicken filling for the tacos. You bring the other fillings or a side dish. Hope you can come meet Roberta Tassani, who will be taking Eileen’s place. Hope to see you on the 30th! SERVING GOD AND COUNTRY: A MEMORIAL DAY SALUTE TO OUR HEROES This year we will be honoring the men and women who have served our country with a special tribute during our annual Memorial Day Mass. Memorial Day Mass: Monday, May 25th, 2015 – 10:30AM Calvary Cemetery • 5041-35th Ave. NE, Seattle Holyrood Cemetery • 205 NE 205th St., Shoreline St. Patrick Cemetery • S. 204th & Orillia Rd., Kent Gethsemane Cemetery • 37600 Pacific Hwy S. Federal Way All are invited. www.MyCatholicCemetery.org FAMILY LIFE Pg. 6 A Psychologist is available to treat concerns such as depression, anxiety, grief and loss, and family problems. This service is offered for adults and children of the community. If you need assistance, please call Dr. Jeff Baird at 425-977-4534 to leave a message (your call is confidential and will be returned within 24 hrs.) Vacation Bible School 2015 June 29th-July 2nd 9AM-Noon Mark your calendars for this Summer’s VBS program. The link for the Registration Form is on the parish website. Registration Forms are also available in the Parish Office. Church Nursery: The nursery is still in need of a second coordinator. Due to the lack of a second person the nursery will only be open on May 17, June 7 & 14. CYO REGISTRATION: Holy Rosary Fall Soccer registration is open. Please see the flyer and registration form on the school and parish websites. The Soccer registration deadline is August 1. The season begins in early September. Stay tuned for information regarding Fall 2015 Holy Rosary CYO Cross Country for grades K-8. The Women’s Association would like you to keep us in mind as you are cleaning out and/or downsizing this summer. We need items in good and workable condition for our “New Again” area at the Holiday Fair. Unfortunately, we cannot accept items at the Pastoral Center until September. However, if you cannot keep your items until then, please call Joan Gerdon at 425-742-0113 and arrangements can be made for a drop off. PLEASE DO NOT BRING ANY ITEMS TO THE PASTORAL CENTER WITHOUT CALLING JOAN FIRST. Do not call the office. Swedish Edmonds Hospital Visits: Please remember that we are no longer automatically given a list of all Catholic patients in the hospital. For a Eucharistic visit while in the hospital, patients need to either call the parish and notify us, or call the hospital Spiritual Care Dept. at ext. 4019. Eucharistic ministers from area parishes are scheduled for almost every day, but we need your permission to visit. Questions? Call Eileen, 425-778-3122. Watch the bulletin for further information regarding collection days and times. If you have any questions regarding what we can and cannot accept, please call Barbara Vadset, 425-778-5095, or Linda Zahnow, 425-771-7064. Edmonds Mobile Clinic is at the Edmonds Methodist Church parking lot every Tuesday for adult patients (non-emergency), who don’t have medical insurance. Call 425-298-3774 for an appointment or questions. (A $10 donation is requested but not required.) Pope Francis & The World Meeting of Families: There is still time to register and join the Archdiocesan pilgrimage to the World Meeting of Families, Sept. 22-27th. The trip is filling up fast, so act quickly if you want to see Pope Francis in Philadelphia. The week-long Congress also offers inspiring keynote speakers and dozens of timely workshops. For complete information on how to register for this exciting pilgrimage, visit www.seattlearchdiocese.org/wmf. SCHOOL NEWS School News HOW TO REACH US Pg. 7 May 16 and May 17, 2015 The 7th grade visited the State Capitol in Olympia on May 12th. PARISH STAFF: PHONE: 425-778-3122 khaydock@holyrosaryedmonds.org no ext. The 8th grade had their annual trip, this year to the San Juan Islands from May 12-15th. DEACON RAY BIERSBACH ext.263 Free dress for May birthdays is Monday, May 18th. REV. KENNETH HAYDOCK - PASTOR rayb@holyrosaryedmonds.org JOHN RUSSELL —PASTORAL ASSOCIATE FOR STEWARDSHIP & TECHNOLOGY. johnr@holyrosaryedmonds.org ext. 258 A general Parent Association Meeting is on Monday, May 18th at 7:00 pm in the School Hall. CHRIS STRATTON - EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT The Intermediate track meet for the northern deanery schools is on Tuesday, May 19th at Everett Memorial Stadium. Grades 4-8 from Holy Rosary participate in this track meet. The other schools in the track meet are St. Mary Magdalen, St. Thomas More, and Immaculate/Perpetual Help. EILEEN NIVEN - OUTREACH The Spring Concert is Thursday, May 21st with a 1PM performance and a 7PM performance. The theme for our Spring Concert this year is “Celebrating 50 Years.” In addition to our current students performing, we have some Holy Rosary School alumni performing. We welcome all alumni and parishioners to join us for this special concert in celebration of our school’s 50th Anniversary. nurses@holyrosaryedmonds.org Around the Archdiocese Peace Days for Women, “The Road to Emmaus” led by Sister Carmel Little, CSJP, Wednesday, May 20, 2015 from 9:30AM - 2PM. Bring a sack lunch, coffee and tea provided. At St. Mary-on-the-Lake Chapel, 1663 Killarney Way, Bellevue, WA 98004. Sponsored by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace. Freewill offering. To register or for more information contact Diane Figaro at 425-635-3603 or e-mail peace@csjp-olp.org. We encourage you to carpool. Widowed, Divorced, or Separated? If you are ready to deal with the grief of being widowed, divorced or separated, there is help. As a faith -based organization, Beginning Experience offers men and women the opportunity and skills to build deeper self-respect, to cope with the pain of loss, and to move into the future with renewed hope. Join us for a weekend away for a lifetime of change—available twice a year. This coming Puget Sound area weekend is Friday-Sunday, June 12-14, 2015, in Lacey. Please call for more information and a brochure: 253-223-2645 or 253-820-3066. chriss@holyrosaryedmonds.org ext. 257 eileenn@holyrosaryedmonds.org ext. 223 DR. JEFF BAIRD - CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGIST no e-mail-you may leave a confidential voice mail ext. 226 PARISH NURSES MARY HUPF - RELIGIOUS EDUCATION maryh@holyrosaryedmonds.org ANGUS MCDONELL—YOUTH MINISTER angusm@holyrosaryedmonds.org SUSAN OLMOS - MUSIC DIRECTOR susano@holyrosaryedmonds.org BETH HUDSON - BOOKKEEPER bethh@holyrosaryedmonds.org ext. 249 ext. 225 ext. 281 ext. 227 COLLEEN LEMESHKO - PARISH SECRETARY colleenl@holyrosaryedmonds.org ext. 222 GARY MCCONAGHY - FACILITIES MANAGER garym@holyrosaryedmonds.org ext.245 PARISH OFFICE HOURS MONDAY-FRIDAY 8:30 AM TO 4:30 PM. THE ANSWERING SERVICE WILL RELAY MESSAGES WHEN THE OFFICE IS CLOSED. SCHOOL STAFF: PHONE: 425-778-3197 SUE VENABLE - PRINCIPAL susanv@holyrosaryedmonds.org ext. 230 MICHELLE CIMAROLI - SCHOOL SECRETARY michellec@holyrosaryedmonds.org SCHOOL OFFICE HOURS 7:30AM TO 4PM MONDAY-FRIDAY ext. 231 Pg. 8 SACRAMENTAL INFORMATION INFANT BAPTISM - Parents attend two sessions to prepare to celebrate this sacrament. We encourage parents to attend before the birth or adoption of their child. Baptisms are normally celebrated at a weekend liturgy on the first weekend of the month. Next preparation sessions are on Monday evenings, July 20 and 27th, 2015, from 7-8:30PM in the Parish Office. The next baptisms are on June 6th at 5PM, July 5th at 11AM, August 1st at 5PM and September 6th at 11AM. Please call the Parish Office to register. MARRIAGE - Couples wishing to celebrate the Sacrament of Marriage should contact the parish at least 6 months prior to the desired date. Preparation for celebrating and living the sacrament is required. ANOINTING OF THE SICK - is celebrated any time there is a serious illness or health crisis. Contact the parish office to make arrangements. The sacrament is also celebrated periodically at a Sunday liturgy and on weekdays. FUNERALS - Please contact the parish after a death, and before making arrangements with a funeral home. CONFIRMATION - The Sacrament of Confirmation is celebrated yearly for those who are high school juniors or seniors. Attendance at preparation sessions is required. Adults who have not been confirmed may also celebrate the sacrament. Contact the Parish Office for information about preparation. FIRST RECONCILIATION/FIRST EUCHARIST - Children are prepared for these sacraments after completing a year of remote preparation in either the school or religious education program. Parents attend preparation sessions for each sacrament. ADULT INITIATION - Adults who wish to join the Catholic Faith participate in sessions of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (R.C.I.A.) Contact the parish for further information. WE CAN SERVE YOU BETTER IF YOU ARE A REGISTERED MEMBER OF HOLY ROSARY PARISH. CALL US FOR A REGISTRATION FORM OR CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE FOR AN ON LINE FORM. PLEASE
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