26th Sunday in H R HOLY ROSARY PARISH 630 7th Ave. N. P O Box 206 Edmonds, WA 98020 Parish Phone: 425-778-3122 Parish E-mail: parishmail @holyrosaryedmonds.org Fax: 425-672-4909 Website: www.holyrosaryedmonds.org ***** School Phone: 425-778-3197 School E-mail: info@holyrosary edmonds.org Fax: 425-771-8144 Website: www.hrsedmonds.org *** Mass Schedule: Sunday: 7:30, 9 & 11 AM Monday-Friday: 8 AM Saturday: 8 AM Communion Service Saturday Vigil: 5 PM *** Confessions: Saturday: 3:30-4:30 PM *** The Catholic Cemetery serving Holy Rosary is Holyrood Cemetery. 206-363-8404 “The stone rejected by the builders has become the cornerstone.” April 26, 2015 Fourth Sunday of Easter Dear Parishioners: Let me begin by extending a warm welcome to all our visitors this weekend for First Communion. Last Friday, we had Grandparents’ Day for the school children. In receiving first communion, the children become more a part of the church community. I pray and hope that each of them will remain close to Christ and receive Him into their lives on a regular basis. This weekend is also celebrated as Good Shepherd Sunday throughout the Church because of the gospel reading where Jesus declares: “I am the good shepherd.” Today, we do not take much notice of a shepherd. In the ancient world and still in parts of the world today, shepherds are important people in the community. In Israel, a good shepherd would tend the flock. The flock provided meat for the community as well as milk and skins for clothes. If the shepherd did not pay attention to the flock, the community could lose all the animals. Pope Francis, when he became pope, said priests should be good shepherds and get the smell of sheep on their hands. Today, we, as a church, use this opportunity to pray that many will consider a vocation. Sad to say, our Archdiocese has no ordinations this year; yet we continue to lose priests, either through exhaustion, illness or premature death. We have about 176 parishes with fewer and fewer priests today. You can have others manage the parish, but you still need priests for the sacramental services. The Archdiocese of Seattle is cutting the number of masses in parishes, and asking priests to cover two parishes. A priest, to be effective, should always focus his energies on getting to know his people. It is hard if you are going between two or three churches. A priest ends up being a caretaker. This weekend also marks the beginning of the Annual Catholic Appeal. This year’s goal is $180,000. When the goal was first announced, I asked the Archdiocese for a reduction since we still have the debt on the Pastoral Center. The Archdiocese agreed to a $10,000 reduction. Your donation to the Annual Catholic Appeal supports Archbishop Sartain and the many ministries that he oversees, including education of seminarians. During the past year, the Archbishop donated his two publications on Advent and Lent without charge to the parish. He also presided over our 100th Anniversary celebration for the school and returned for the Rite of Election. I know that you have many requests for money. I would humbly ask that you give prayerful consideration for a donation to this year’s drive. If the majority of parishioners do something, we can meet our goal. Thank you for your continued support of the parish and the church throughout the Archdiocese of Seattle. Sincerely yours in Christ, Rev. Kenneth Haydock, Pastor CALENDAR Pg. 2 Sunday, April 26, 2015 St. Pedro de San José Betancur Acts of the Apostles 4:8-12; 1 John 3:1-2 ; John 10:11-18 • Coffee’nd hosted by First Grade families. • Religious Ed. in the School, 9-11:15AM. • Newcomers Roundtable in the Pastoral Center, Rm. 206, 10:10-11AM. • Youth Mass at 11AM. • High School Life Teen Night in the Pastoral Center Youth Room, 7-8:30PM. • High School Open Gym, 8:30-9:30PM. Monday, April 27, 2015 St. Louis Mary Grignion de Montfort Acts of the Apostles 11:1-18; John 10:1-10 • 8 AM Mass • Baptism Preparation Class (2nd session) in the Parish Office, 7-8:30PM. • Jr. High Youth meet in the Youth Room, 7PM. Jr. High Open Gym 8-8:30PM. Tuesday, April 28, 2015 St. Peter Chanel Acts of the Apostles 11:19-26; John 10:22-30 • 8 AM Mass Wednesday, April 29, 2015 St. Catherine of Siena Acts of the Apostles 12:24-13:5a; John 12:44-50 • 8 AM Mass • Little Blessings group meets in the Youth Room, 9:30-11AM. Pat Keough/Intentions Virginia Tarp/RIP Loreto Limtiaco Alvarex/RIP Thursday, April 30, 2015 St. Pius V Lorrie Schlanser/RIP Acts of the Apostles 13:13-25; John 13:16-20 • 8 AM Mass • History of the Roman Empire class meets in Pastor’s Conference Room, 1-3PM. • Health Ministry: Financial Planning for Alzheimer’s Disease, Pastoral Center, 2-4PM. • Traditional Choir rehearsal in the church, 6:30-7:30PM. • Contemporary Choir rehearsal in the church, 7:30-9:15PM. Friday, May 1, 2015 St. Joseph the Worker Acts of the Apostles 13:26-33; John 14:1-6 • 8 AM Mass followed by Exposition. • Women’s Association meets in Pastoral Center, Rm. 206, 8:30AM. • 9 AM School Mass • Funeral for Adeline Eggerling in the church, 12 Noon. • Exposition ends at 3:30PM. Kerry McDonnell/Intentions Saturday, May 2, 2015 St. Athanasius Acts of the Apostles 13:44-52; John 14:7-14 • 8 AM Communion Service • Celebration of Marriage at 5PM mass; Reception follows in the Pastoral Center. Sunday, May 3, 2015 Sts. Philip and James Acts of the Apostles 9:26-31; 1 John 3:18-24 ; John 15:1-8. • Coffee’nd hosted by Second Grade families. • Mission Carnival in the School Hall, 10-11AM. • Baptisms at 11 AM mass. • Youth Choir practice in the Youth Room, 10-11AM. • High School Life Teen Night in the Pastoral Center Youth Room, 7-8:30PM. • High School Open Gym, 8:30-9:30PM. FAITH FORMATION Pg. 3 This Week’s Stewardship Note Today is the Fourth Sunday of Easter! Alleluia! Alleluia! “So there will be one flock, one shepherd.” Jesus, John 10: 16c Holy Rosary Stewardship Prayer Dear Lord God, You alone are the source of every good gift and the mystery of each human life. We thank you for your creation And for your tender, faithful love. Fill our minds with the Gospel of your son Jesus and fill our hearts with his compassion. Send your Spirit to grant us wisdom, that our gratitude may bind us together into a community of faith and a caring people. Give us the courage to express our gratitude first as we discern how to be good stewards of the gifts entrusted to us that we may do the work for your Kingdom. In your son’s name we pray, Amen! Jesus has cured the man born blind and has just told a group of Pharisees that they are the blind ones, when he declares that he is the Good Shepherd, and the Good Shepherd of not only the Jews but of all the world! This is what we celebrate at our Annual Multicultural Mass and Lunch, which will be May 31st this year. Save the date! We will be celebrating the cultures of Asia. If your cultural heritage comes from Korea, China, Vietnam, the Philippines, India or other Asian cultures, and you would like to help organize the event, please email or call me. Newcomers are invited to our Newcomers Roundtable this weekend! You will get to meet and ask questions of ministers from a variety of ministries. We will meet in Room 206 on the upper level of the Pastoral Center at 10:10 after 9AM mass this Sunday. The Annual Catholic Appeal has begun! Our goal this year is $180,000. This appeal supports the Church in Western Washington by supporting the benefits of all church employees, the administration of Catholic schools, the recruitment , retirement and health care of diocesan priests, CYO camps and athletics and much, much more! Any gifts received over our goal will come back to the parish. Father dedicated the 2014 rebate to replacing the bleachers in the gym. Because we are still $20,000 short, this year’s rebate will also go to that project. Those bleachers are now 34 years old. New ones will have places for wheel chairs and will have handrails. They will also have motors to extend and retract the bleachers. Please support the Appeal and let’s get new bleachers! I am looking for help with stewardship efforts, in particular, photographers, writers, and those adept at social media marketing. John Russell, Pastoral Associate for Stewardship and Information Technology johnr@holyrosaryedmonds.org (425) 977-4545 ADULT FAITH FORMATION: The Pray Always Group meets again Tuesday, May 5th at 9AM and again at 6:30PM. We’ll pray, have a chance to tell our stories, and learn a little. Our teaching will be on the effects of prayer to move us from observer to disciple and from disciple to witness. The Bible study, Psalms: The School of Prayer will continue with session #3 on May 7th. As in the past there will be two sessions on Thursdays at 9AM and 6:30PM. The Psalms has been the school of prayer for countless saints, religious communities, and individual Christians. Let it help shape your prayer life as well. We welcomed one Marriage Mentor couple at the Ministry Fair but could use more. If you’re in a happy marriage and were to volunteer, your help would be appreciated. The mentoring workbooks and video are excellent and easy to use. Plus, I’ll see that you have a good orientation to the process so you can feel confident when you work with a couple. If you feel called in your heart to this ministry to model Christian marriage to an engaged couple, contact me at 425-977-4549 or at rayb@holyrosaryedmonds.org. ~Deacon Ray FAITH FORMATION MARRIAGE & FAMILY LIFE Daily Prayer This Week The Sacrament of Matrimony is a very special sign of the activity of Jesus in our midst. We know that our sacramental couples make a unique contribution to the well-being of our parish. Each of us has a stake in fostering the love and growth of our couples. So, we ask that everyone: married couples, children, teens, divorced, widowed, those who have never married, pray for all married couples that they remain strong in their vows and commitment to each other, to our Lord Jesus and to our faith community. This is can be a powerful week for entering into how available Jesus is for us. He promises to be with us, to make us one with him, even to make his home in us. He promises to keep us safe and to bring us to our true home to be with him forever. The opportunity we have this week is to accept this offer of deepening our relationship with our Lord. We accept it if we let his availability to us, seep more and more deeply into our consciousness each day. We do this by beginning each day focusing our first thoughts of the day in a simple recognition that we are not alone: “Thank you for this day, Lord. I know you want to stay close to me, to guide me and support me today. I need some real strength and courage to face some of the challenges of this day. Help me to keep connecting with you throughout this day, to remember your presence and love.” This 20 second prayer will open our day to a Lord who invites us surrender our troubles to him. At various times of the day - especially when we approach a particularly challenging responsibility, or an occasion or situation in which we habitually lose our peace or give in to temptation - we can be renewed by another 20 second prayer. Each time we turn to the Lord, our “moment of connection” can become more specific, more intimate, and more confident. If we find ourselves sidetracked and distracted all day, or for several days, it is easy to get right back on track by pausing, while doing almost anything, and asking our Lord to remind us of his constant presence. We will quickly return to a sense that Jesus knows us, understands us, and wants to be with us in whatever troubles our hearts. And, each night, when we give thanks to our Lord for his fidelity to us throughout the day, we will be given the grace to know, again, that we are never alone. ...from the “Weekly Guide for Daily Prayer”, www.creighton.edu/collaborativeMinistry/online.htm Edmonds Mobile Clinic is at the Edmonds Methodist Church parking lot every Tuesday for adult patients (non-emergency), who don’t have medical insurance. Call 425-298-3774 for an appointment or questions. (A $10 donation is requested but not required.) Easter is here and Spring has arrived. The trees are blooming, the grass and air are fresh. New life is all around. If you want to bring new life to your marriage, then apply to the next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend. Experience the joy of a Weekend either at LaQuinta Inn and Suites in Tacoma, WA, on May 1–3, 2015 or at Sheraton Bellevue Hotel, Bellevue, WA, May 29– 31, 2015. Experience the growth in your marriage like the new life growing all around you. For more information call our application couples (Tacoma 253-582-0239 or Bellevue 206-772-2344). To apply on line or for more information, visit www.wwme.org. Rachel’s Corner Hope and Healing After Abortion “If we open the shutters in the morning, the light will pour in. We do not need to beseech it to pour in. It will pour in if we let it. It is so with the peace of God. It will rule in our hearts if only we will let it in.” -Amy Carmichael, Edges of His Ways God is inviting you to open the shutters of your heart so He can pour His peace and light into your life. Come on a Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat™ Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat™ May 29-31, 2015 Call Valerie: 1-800-822-HOPE (4673) You are loved with an everlasting Love! Project Rachel is a program of Catholic Community Services. RICE BOWLS: If you have not turned in your RICE BOWL, please bring it to the office or give it to one of the ushers at mass. You will receive credit for your donation if you have your name on the box. Pg. 4 FAITH IN ACTION Pg. 5 PRAYER SUPPORT...Please remember in your prayers the following who are ill: Doreen Crow, Cindy French, Raymond Jerrel, Theresa Kaufman, Victoria Cardenas, Keene Landry, Nancy Gilbertson, Richard Horan, The Owen Family, Riley Bench, Thomas Dye, Kim Menzer, Matt Buley, Roberta Buchter, Sarah Zech, Rochelle Pautzke, Wyatt Chin, Marty Spadafora, Frank and Valerie Rocco, Simone Fortin, Bridget English, Kevin Fraley, Beverly Mackey, Kristi Petosa, Josie Smith, Dieter Zajaczkowski, Edith Pederson, Edna Lemeshko, Elaine McNamara, Joseph Zampardo, Christle Brukner, Dora Romero, David Hollcraft, Angie Zamberlin, Leonard Soldo, Carol Parrott, Bob Ervin, Christy Heymann, Rick West, Ronald Haskins, Dick Crooks, Tom Grabicki, Claire Henderson, Bill Rees, Rita Ritchie, Ethel Moons, John Hertel, John McAlerney, Christine Vezetinski, Connie Emry, John Kelly, Darnel Bowers, Gil Martelino, Ron Hammill, Chris Floeting, Pat Marick, Diane Carney, Michael Serwold, Brida Lang, Dolores Murphy, Tom Etkin, Lucille Gerety and Toni Geveshausen. Please keep them in your prayers and also, those who have passed away, especially Adeline Eggerling, Dennis Meehan and Mary-Josephine Hulka. In order to keep this list current we ask that you check in at least every couple of months. If we don’t hear from you, and have no current information, you may be dropped. We are always happy to reinstate you if the need is still present. Call Eileen Niven at 425-778-3122. If you wish to add someone to the list, please email or call Eileen at the Parish Office. Prayers of the Faithful If you add a name to the Prayers of the Faithful list spoken on the weekend, please fill in their name, etc. in the “blue weekend add on” binder in the sacristy. We need the information for follow-up. Thank you! Youth and Young Adult Ministry Our Youth and Young Adult Website is updated! Please refer to it for information regarding many ministry opportunities for 7th and 8th graders, high school students and young adults. Life Nights for High School Teens...on Sundays, 7-8:30PM. We meet each Sunday night except for certain holiday weekends. A full calendar is published online on our parish website. Open Gym time has changed to 8:30-9:30PM to make time for our Life Nights (7-8:30PM, with exceptions as noted on the website). High school teens are also encouraged to be members of our “Peer Team” a peer leader for our high school group or a “Core Team” member for our 7th and 8th grade group. This kind of leadership involvement is a real plus for college and job applications. World Youth Day is on!!! We’re going to Krakow, Poland in July 2016 for an amazing experience!!! A link to the Archdiocesan website including itinerary and cost is on our website. Contact me ASAP if you are interested and for more information. Thank-you and God Bless, Angus angusm@holyrosaryedmonds.org 425-778-3122 x225 GOSPEL OF JOHN: POSTPONED—One of the activities that I enjoy most is teaching. I had an opportunity to make several presentations in the RCIA program as well as offer an adult confirmation program. However, my schedule is such now that I cannot complete the presentation of John’s Gospel and Letters. My plan is to take up the Gospel of John in the fall. Stay tuned for more details. ~Father Haydock BLEACHERS: We need to replace the bleachers in the gym, which are 35 years old. They no longer meet code. If a person had an accident on them, we would have problems with our insurance. So far we have saved $40,000 toward a $60,000 bill to replace them. If you would like to make a contribution toward the replacement of them, you may drop it off at the Parish Office. Please mark the envelope “Bleacher replacement”. OUTREACH St. Vincent de Paul Food Bank: The need goes on. The SVDP food bank wish list this week is for more cooking oil, Hamburger Helper, Swiss Miss, tea, pudding cups, and deodorant (men's & women's). Thank you for your faithful support & donations every week! MISSION CARNIVAL NEEDS: Our annual Mission Carnival is on May 3rd. We need new or gently used stuffed animals and small prizes. If you can contribute, please bring items to the Pastoral Center labeled “Mission Carnival.” Thank you! The Women’s Association will meet this Friday, May 1st, following the 8AM Mass. We will be signing up to attend the Senior Center breakfast in June. The meeting will take place in Room 206. All ladies of the parish are welcome. Religious Ed. Service Project: The Religious Ed. students put together personal care kits for underprivileged families (many homeless) who come to the St. Francis House in Seattle. We are in need of toothbrushes, small toothpastes, small deodorants, small soaps, shampoos and lotions (unused only, please). Thank you! FAMILY LIFE Pg. 6 A Psychologist is available to treat concerns such as depression, anxiety, grief and loss, and family problems. This service is offered for adults and children of the community. If you need assistance, please call Dr. Jeff Baird at 425-977-4534 to leave a message (your call is confidential and will be returned within 24 hrs.) Vacation Bible School 2015 June 29th-July 2nd 9AM-Noon Mark your calendars for this Summer’s VBS program. Watch for more info soon! Join us for an authentic Italian Dinner, Premium Wine Tasting and Silent Auction (Adults Only, Reservations Required). This is an Italian dinner you don’t want to miss! Premium Italian Wine Tastings expertly matched to each course, especially prepared by Chef Bruno Girardi. Hosted by the Knights of Columbus, Saturday, May 16th, 2015, 6PM in the Pastoral Center. This event sells out every year, so please get your tickets early! Tickets are on sale after the weekend masses, or you may contact Steve Terry at 206-849-7673 or spterry11@comcast.net to reserve your place! Altar Linens – We are in need of someone to do the washing of the altar linens for the month of July. Guidelines for cleaning specifics will be provided. We could also use a couple of substitutes for this ministry, usually a week at a time. The schedule is usually for one month of the year. Please let Colleen Lemeshko know @ 425-778-1322. LAST RITES vs. VIATICUM: We still receive requests for last rites. People often wait until a person is about to die before they call the parish. With a priest’s schedule today, it is hard to guarantee a priest will be available. The church has changed its understanding of the sacrament. Instead of waiting until a person is about die, the church encourages people to celebrate the sacrament while they are still alert and can participate in it. The church has replaced “last rites” with viaticum, or last communion. Any Eucharistic minister can offer viaticum to a dying person. However, sometimes at the end, people cannot swallow, so it would not be good to offer communion to them. Please call the parish if someone is sick so we can schedule an anointing. Parish Finance Council: I am looking for members, both men and women, for the Parish Finance Council. The parish needs to raise about $4 million a year to make the budget, the debt service, and the mandated appeals such as the Annual Catholic Appeal. The Council advises on the budget, prepares an annual report, and reviews capital purchases. A background in accounting, financial planning or human resources is helpful to serve on the Council. If you are interested, please contact Fr. Haydock. SCHOOL NEWS School News April 25 and 26, 2015 • • • • • Our second graders are making their first communion at the 5PM Mass on Saturday, April 25th. Free dress for April Birthdays is on Monday, April 27th. The speech tournament preliminaries are on Tuesday, April 28th. The speech tournament finals are on Thursday, April 30th. First Friday Mass is on May 1st at 9AM. Around the Archdiocese Fundraising Dance for World Youth Day Trip: Saturday, May 2nd, 8-11PM at the St. Pius X Gym. Admission: $10 with high school student ID. Sponsored by St. Pius X Youth Ministry. Call 425-775-7545 for additional information. HOW TO REACH US PARISH STAFF: PHONE: 425-778-3122 REV. KENNETH HAYDOCK - PASTOR khaydock@holyrosaryedmonds.org no ext. DEACON RAY BIERSBACH ext.263 rayb@holyrosaryedmonds.org JOHN RUSSELL —PASTORAL ASSOCIATE FOR STEWARDSHIP & TECHNOLOGY. johnr@holyrosaryedmonds.org chriss@holyrosaryedmonds.org ext. 257 EILEEN NIVEN - OUTREACH eileenn@holyrosaryedmonds.org ext. 223 DR. JEFF BAIRD - CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGIST no e-mail-you may leave a confidential voice mail ext. 226 PARISH NURSES nurses@holyrosaryedmonds.org MARY HUPF - RELIGIOUS EDUCATION maryh@holyrosaryedmonds.org ANGUS MCDONELL—YOUTH MINISTER angusm@holyrosaryedmonds.org Days of Contemplative Prayer - for Women and Men, led by Kathleen Pruitt, CSJP and Kwan Wong, Oblate OSB Cam. Saturday, May 9, 2015 from 9AM - 12:00 noon If you are coming for the first time to Contemplative Prayer, please arrive at 8:3AM for an introduction. susano@holyrosaryedmonds.org Peace Days for Women, "The Road to Emmaus” led by Sister Carmel Little, CSJP, Wednesday, May 20, 2015 from 9:30AM - 2PM. Bring a sack lunch, coffee and tea provided. garym@holyrosaryedmonds.org Summer Retreat —“Living with the Mystery of Passover”, presented by Fr. James Eblen, July 1017, 2015. at St. Mary-on-the-Lake Peace and Spirituality Center, 1663 Killarney Way, Bellevue, WA. $300.00, includes lunch, dinner and coffee breaks. For information/registration contact Linda Hanson, 425-467-5499 or email lhanson@csjp-olp.org. ext. 258 CHRIS STRATTON - EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT SUSAN OLMOS - MUSIC DIRECTOR Both sessions at St. Mary-on-the-Lake Chapel, 1663 Killarney Way, Bellevue, WA 98004 Sponsored by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace. Free-will offering. To register or for more information contact Diane Figaro at 425-635-3603 or e-mail peace@csjp-olp.org We encourage you to carpool. Pg. 7 BETH HUDSON - BOOKKEEPER bethh@holyrosaryedmonds.org ext. 249 ext. 225 ext. 281 ext. 227 COLLEEN LEMESHKO - PARISH SECRETARY colleenl@holyrosaryedmonds.org ext. 222 GARY MCCONAGHY - FACILITIES MANAGER ext.245 PARISH OFFICE HOURS MONDAY-FRIDAY 8:30 AM TO 4:30 PM. THE ANSWERING SERVICE WILL RELAY MESSAGES WHEN THE OFFICE IS CLOSED. SCHOOL STAFF: PHONE: 425-778-3197 SUE VENABLE - PRINCIPAL susanv@holyrosaryedmonds.org ext. 230 MICHELLE CIMAROLI - SCHOOL SECRETARY michellec@holyrosaryedmonds.org SCHOOL OFFICE HOURS 7:30AM TO 4PM MONDAY-FRIDAY ext. 231 Pg. 8 SACRAMENTAL INFORMATION INFANT BAPTISM - Parents attend two sessions to prepare to celebrate this sacrament. We encourage parents to attend before the birth or adoption of their child. Baptisms are normally celebrated at a weekend liturgy on the first weekend of the month. Next preparation sessions are on Monday evening, April 27th, 2015, (second session) 7-8:30PM in the Parish Office. The next baptisms are on May 3rd at 11AM, June 6th at 5PM, July 5th at 11AM, August 1st at 5PM and September 6th at 11AM. Please call the Parish Office to register. MARRIAGE - Couples wishing to celebrate the Sacrament of Marriage should contact the parish at least 6 months prior to the desired date. Preparation for celebrating and living the sacrament is required. ANOINTING OF THE SICK - is celebrated any time there is a serious illness or health crisis. Contact the parish office to make arrangements. The sacrament is also celebrated periodically at a Sunday liturgy and on weekdays. FUNERALS - Please contact the parish after a death, and before making arrangements with a funeral home. CONFIRMATION - The Sacrament of Confirmation is celebrated yearly for those who are high school juniors or seniors. Attendance at preparation sessions is required. Adults who have not been confirmed may also celebrate the sacrament. Contact the Parish Office for information about preparation. FIRST RECONCILIATION/FIRST EUCHARIST - Children are prepared for these sacraments after completing a year of remote preparation in either the school or religious education program. Parents attend preparation sessions for each sacrament. ADULT INITIATION - Adults who wish to join the Catholic Faith participate in sessions of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (R.C.I.A.) Contact the parish for further information. WE CAN SERVE YOU BETTER IF YOU ARE A REGISTERED MEMBER OF HOLY ROSARY PARISH. CALL US FOR A REGISTRATION FORM OR CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE FOR AN ON LINE FORM. PLEASE
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