Fr. John Madigan - Holy Rosary Catholic Church

Fr. John Madigan
Dear Friends,
I am happy to greet all of you at Holy Rosary Parish in the name of the Lord Jesus.
As Archbishop, I have the important responsibility of providing you with on-going pastoral
care and sacramental ministry in your parish community. And so, at this time I am pleased to announce, that after
consultation with the Priest Personnel Board, I have appointed Fr. Mathew Oakland as your new pastor. Presently, Fr
Oakland is the priest administrator at St. Thomas Aquinas Parish in Camas and Our Lady Star of the Sea Mission in
Fr. Oakland is a wonderful and caring priest who will serve you and your parish with love and dedication. Be assured
that he will receive all of the support and assistance from the Archdiocese necessary to ensure quality pastoral care
for your parish community.
Times of transition are challenging, as we prepare to say good bye to a familiar presence and welcome a new pastoral
leader. However, if embraced in an open and positive way, this can be a time of blessing for the entire parish. I am
confident that will be the case as you welcome Fr Oakland to your parish.
With every best wish and prayer, I am
Sincerely in Christ.
Most Rev. J. Peter Sartain.
Archbishop of Seattle
As I print this announcement from Archbishop Sartain, along with the photo of your
newly appointed pastor who begins his ministry here on July 1, it happens to be the
week of Pentecost when the Church celebrated its beginnings. Pentecost began as a
small group of very timid and fearful people who were set on fire by the outpouring
of the Holy Spirit. Those small beginnings grew into a worldwide church becoming,
over time, the largest religious denomination throughout the world. Ours is a church
that has done wonderful things for the world, from education to medicine, from
leading huge gatherings to counselling and assisting the lives of individuals; to the
most awful things from the Crusades to the Inquisition, to the sexual abuse of
children by some of its priests. We have scaled the heights and plumbed the depths
through the centuries.
(Continued on page 2)
Submit bulletin articles by 5pm Tuesday to
Building a Bridge Through Transition
Please continue to pray for Fr. John as he prepares to
depart from Holy Rosary, that he will always experience
the enduring love and presence of Jesus in his life. Pray
also for Fr. Matthew Oakland, that he will be guided by
the Holy Spirit as he prepares to assume his
responsibilities as Pastor of our parish.
Fr. Oakland would like to meet with small groups of 6-8
parishioners in the home of a parishioner. If you are
interested in hosting a small group to meet with Fr.
Oakland or would like more information, please contact
Virginia Radel at
Fr. John’s Farewell Party
Sunday June 28th from 12:00-3:30 pm
Lanigan Gym
To attend Fr. John’s Party, please RSVP by June 20th to or 206-257-5017 so we
can plan for the food.
A dessert pot-luck of Bars and/or Cookies (NO CAKES OR
PIES PLEASE) is planned along with the catered lunch.
Desserts may be delivered to the Gym on Saturday June
27th between 1-4 pm.
To volunteer to help with Fr. John’s party, please
contact Virginia Radel at or 206658-3680. Help is needed to decorate and set up on
Saturday June 27th, to serve and help in the kitchen at
the time of the party and to clean up afterwards.
Farewell Gift: Contributions towards Fr. John’s farewell
gift continue to be accepted through June 15th.
Contributions can be made on-line, by placing the
contribution marked “Gift for Fr. John” in the collection
basket at Mass or by mailing it to the parish office. Fr.
John’s gift will augment his upcoming travels
THE MESSAGE…..Fr. John (Continued from page 1)
At the present time in history we are experiencing a
great diminishment in church attendance throughout the
world as religious fervor has cooled, for a variety of
reasons, with large numbers of people claiming to be
“spiritual but not religious.”
Priest administrator is the title given until one is six years
ordained and has a priest mentor overseeing him, but
who has all the responsibilities of a pastor.
This is a new Pentecost moment in Holy Rosary and in
the church throughout the world. The numbers of
people attending every Sunday are much smaller than
they used to be and the number of priests available to
serve is way smaller than it used to be. Many parishes
worldwide are without priests; all of this calls for serious
prayers from all of us.
If you believe the priesthood in the church should
continue as it has been—you need to pray for many
men to enter in.
If you believe there should be a different solution to
this obvious problem—you need to pray for this to
If you are a parishioner of Holy Rosary—you could
begin your welcome of Fr. Oakland now by praying
for him every day.
If you are a member of the Archdiocese—please
pray for the parishes that will experience their priest
being reassigned, but no replacement announced—
as is the case with Fr Oakland’s parish at this time.
Pray for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit:
“Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your people and
kindle in us again the fire of your love;
Send forth your spirit and we will be recreated and you
will renew the face of the earth”.
Fr John
visit us online at
This Sunday, we celebrate Pentecost, which is the Greek
word for “fiftieth,” and in early Christianity referred to
the entire fifty days of Easter. The roots of Pentecost can
be found in the Jewish festival of Weeks, the 50-day
celebration following Passover (Exodus 23.16). It was a
harvest festival in which the first fruits of the harvest
were offered to God in gratitude. It eventually became
associated with the giving of the Torah on Mount Sinai.
Early Christians reinterpreted the Jewish festival as a
commemoration of the coming of the Holy Spirit, since
Acts records that the Holy Spirit came to the disciples
when the festival of Pentecost was fulfilled (see Acts 2.111).
Pastoral Planning
Holy Rosary Church is committed to pastoral planning in
the South Seattle Deanery. The Catholic Leadership
Institute will assist us as we establish a clear roadmap
for determining how our parishes, schools and ministries
will be present to parishioners in the years ahead.
Parishioners will be asked to participate in this call to
discipleship beginning in the fall as we move together
into a future full of hope.
American Composer from Seattle wins 1st
Prize in prestigious Sacrarium International
Sacred Music Composition Competition
On Sunday evening, May 10, 2015 in a wonderful
concert at the Church of St. Mary Magdalene in L’viv,
Ukraine, twelve finalists for the prestigious 2015
International Sacrarium Sacred Music Composition
Competition had their compositions performed and
recorded by the Galician Chamber Choir and the L’viv
Chamber Orchestra. Following the concert, American
composer Robert Ingalls from Seattle, Washington, was
awarded the competition’s first prize for his composition
"Ave Maria for mixed choir and strings". The prize was
worth 850 euros. Since the concert was on Mother’s Day
in both the Ukraine and the USA it was fitting that an Ave
Maria won the day. Congratulations Bob!
Be the next
Book Sale Coordinator for WestFest!
We heard our parishioners and brought back the
beloved Used Book Sale last year at WestFest. We need
someone to organize it and oversee the sale this year at
WestFest, September 18 & 19. You would need to collect
books through donation stations at the church over the
summer, manage the inventory, set up and assist
volunteer sales people at the event, then collect and
donate any unsold books/media to those in need. Last
year our books went to many of you, Holy Rosary School
families, three Sisters of Providence, and a parent from
Roxhill Elementary who was trying to build up their
school library. The West Seattle Food Bank was thrilled
to have their request for children's books and cookbooks
fulfilled as well. Help WestFest continue to do good for
the families in the community! Please contact Andrea
Geraghty at, if
Our brothers and sisters in Nepal
still need our help.
Catholic Relief Services received 8,000 tarpaulins two
weeks ago, and they have reached more than 2,000
families. They’re now exploring remote areas by
helicopter so they can bring supplies to communities
stranded by landslides. They are also distributing water
treatment kits, hygiene kits and blankets to 15,000
families. To help CRS, you can give online at
Prayer Requests
Everyone is welcome to add their prayer requests to
our church’s prayer book, located by the baptismal
font in the church. If you would like to include a
loved one in the weekend prayers at Mass, please be
sure to contact the Parish Office. And to request a
Mass to be celebrated, for both the living and those
who have died, please come to the Parish Office.
Mass requests for a specific date need to be made
one month in advance.
Submit bulletin articles by 5pm Tuesday to
Is God calling you to be a Deacon?
Archbishop Sartain has announced that the Archdiocese
of Seattle will begin to form new Deacons to serve the
Archdiocese. He encourages those who are curious
about whether they might be called to the diaconate to
begin a process of prayer and discernment about how
they might best serve the Church. Deacon candidates
should demonstrate a natural gift for serving the people
of God. They should also be disposed to humility. The
Church counts on the deacon to be a living icon of Christ
the Servant within the Church who readily takes
direction from Bishop and Pastor while at the same time
promoting and sustaining the apostolic activities of the
laity. To learn more about the diaconate, contact Patrick
Annual Catholic Appeal
Thank you to all who have responded to the 2015
Annual Catholic Appeal—and if you have not yet
responded, your gift is still needed! One person or
parish could not possibly accomplish all that needs to be
done for over 60 ministries and services of our church in
Western Washington, but by pooling our resources, we
can accomplish so much. Gifts of any amount are
welcome. Please fill out a pledge envelope today, or go
online to donate:
Medical Closet
We have medical equipment, including shower benches
and walkers. Call Megan (938-6335) if you are in need or
have a donation.
Our New Parish App
Coming Soon!
In the coming weeks Holy
Rosary will launch our own
app for iPhone and Android
smart phones. This will allow
us to better communicate
with you throughout the
week and keep you updated
with relevant parish news or
updates. The app is very
well designed and very
intuitive. It will be a great resource for parishioners
by providing daily Mass readings, Catholic news and
prayers, convenient prayer and Confession
reminders, our bulletins and more. We hope for our
new app to be a tool for fostering stronger parish life
at Holy Rosary and better engaging the New
Evangelization. You can download our app by going
to myparishapp.
Director of the
Peace and Spirituality Center
The Peace and Spirituality Center at St. Mary-on-theLake in Bellevue, WA, a ministry of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace, is seeking a new Director. The Director is
responsible for all operations of the Peace and Spirituality Center. S/he reports to a member of the CSJP Leadership Team, collaborates with the Administrator of St.
Mary-on-the-Lake and Western Region staff, supervises
the Administrative Assistant of the Center, and oversees
its maintenance staff. S/he plans CSJP sponsored retreats and events. S/he is available as a resource consultant on spirituality. The Director is the primary representative of the Peace and Spirituality Center to the
community, retreat leaders, and guests. Qualifications
and requirements include: Roman Catholic; Master’s
degree in Spirituality or experience in a related field; and
experience as Director of a faith-based organization, non
-profit, or related business. Experience of the Peace and
Spirituality Center preferred. Full-Time, 40 hours per
week. Flexible hours. Exempt status. With benefits.
Complete job description available on request to Send resume and cover letter by
June 12, 2015 to
visit us online at
Sunday, May 24, 2015
No Coffee and Donuts this weekend.
Monday, May 25 MEMORIAL DAY
Up Next
7:45 AM
Daily Mass | Church
After Mass
Monday morning Coffee | Parish Center Reception Rm
May 25:
Tuesday, May 26
7:45 AM
Word & Communion | Church
10:30 AM
Funeral for Ray DeGabriel | Church
6:30 PM
Voices for Life | Parish Center Reception Room
7:30 PM
Traditional Choir Practice | Church
Wednesday, May 27
7:45 AM
Daily Mass | Church
8:30 AM
Adult Scripture Study | Parish Center Reception Room
11:00 AM
Funeral for John Todd | Church
6:00 PM
Women’s Spirituality Group | Rectory Basement
7:00 PM
Contemporary Choir Practice | Church
7:30 PM
Walking With Purpose | Parish Center Reception Room
Thursday, May 28
7:45 AM
Daily Mass | Church
7:00 PM
Al Anon | Parish Center Room 203
7:00 PM
RCIA | Parish Center Reception Room
Friday, May 29
7:45 AM
Daily Mass | Church
7:00 PM
Men’s AA | Parish Center Reception Room
Memorial Day (Parish Office Closed)
June 4:
June 9:
June 10:
June 12:
June 21:
June 28:
8th Grade Graduation
Kindergarten Graduation
School New Parent Orientation
Last day for Holy Rosary School
Father’s Day
Farewell Party for Fr. John
Donations to the Father James Mallahan Endowment
Fund were made in memory of Debbie Novito and
Katie Thorburn.
Donations were made in honor of the First
Communions of Riley Yip, David Schinkel, and
Camdon Crozier.
Praying for
Sick: Rufina Lujan, mother of Geri Montoya
Died: Mitch Caddy
Mary Dahleen, sister of Joe Dahleen
Saturday, May 30
7:00 AM
Men’s Group | Parish Center Reception Room
8:00 AM
Word & Communion | Church
11:00 AM
Charismatic Prayer Group | Chapel
3:30 PM
Confessions | Church
5:00 PM
8th Grade Baccalaureate Vigil Mass | Church
Mass Intentions for Next Week:
May 25:
Bill Hahn
May 27:
Richard Weiland, RIP
May 28:
Jimmy Picinich, Jr., RIP
May 29:
John Grabowski, RIP
May 30:
Holy Rosary Community (5pm Vigil)
May 31:
Martin Bajocich, RIP (8:30am Mass)
Janice Herr-Brandt, RIP (10:30am Mass)
Submit bulletin articles by 5pm Tuesday to
PARISH DIRECTORY….dial 206-937-1488 and enter an extension
Baptism: Contact Deyette Swegle at least two months in advance of your requested baptism date.
Marriage: Contact Sherry Smith six months in advance of your requested wedding date.
Funerals: Contact the Parish Office
Becoming Catholic: Contact JoAnn Tobin
PASTOR: Fr. John Madigan (, ext. 205
PASTORAL ASSOCIATE: Patrick Barredo (, ext. 204
ADMINISTRATION: Mary Simpson (, ext. 213
ADULT FAITH FORMATION: JoAnn Tobin (, ext. 203
CHILDREN’S MINISTRIES: Jennifer Wong (, ext. 214
CHILDREN’S MINISTRIES: (Baptism & Young Families): Deyette Swegle (, ext. 251
CHILDREN’S MINISTRIES: (1st Sacraments, Children & Youth): Sister Stella (, ext. 252
LITURGY & MUSIC COORDINATOR: Paul Dolejsi (, (935-8353)
MARRIAGE & TRIBUNAL ADVOCACY: Sherry Smith (, ext. 210
PARISH & SCHOOL BOOKKEEPER: Rufina Miller (, ext. 211
ADMIN ASSISTANT & PRIVATE EVENTS: Melissa Tuthill (, ext. 200
PLANT MANAGER: Scott Stoefen (, ext. 215
SCHOOL PRINCIPAL: George Hofbauer (, ext. 218
8:30 CHOIR DIRECTOR: Bob Ingalls (
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