June 7, 2015 Worship Centers: Holy Spirit Catholic Church, 201 44th St. South Holy Family Chapel, 2800 Central Ave. Parish Offices: 201 44th St. South Great Falls, MT 59405 Phone: (406)452-6491 Parish Office hours: Monday – Thursday 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., Friday 8:30 a.m. – Noon Fax: 452-6495 Email: hsparish@holyspiritgf.org Website: www.holyspiritgf.org School: 2820 Central Avenue Phone: 761-5775 Email: jwichman@holyspiritgf.org web: www.holyspiritgf.org WE, the people of Holy Spirit Catholic Parish of Great Falls, Montana, created by God, centered in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, are sharing our journey of faith, WE are committed to upholding our faith, strengthening our families, and being a joyful people of prayer. WE strive to be the Lord’s presence on earth by welcoming and ministering to all people with compassion and hope. Rev. March 1999 Baptism Preparation Sessions Sunday, June 7th at 5:00 p.m. - Sts. Peter & Paul Center Sunday, June 14th at 5:00 p.m. in the Church. “The disciples then went off, entered the city, and found it just as he had told them; and they prepared the Passover. While they were eating, he took bread, said the blessing, broke it, gave it to them, and said, “Take it; this is my Body.” Then he took a cup, gave thanks, and gave it to them, and they all drank from it. He said to them, “This is my blood of the covenant, which will be shed for many.” Pastoral Council Nominations Thanks so much to Mary Wingerter, Barbara Doughty, Larry Ginnaty and Teresa O’Connell who have completed their terms on the Council and served our parish well over the past years. We are now seeking nominations to replace them on the Council. If you or someone you know has the spiritual and leadership qualities to continue to guide our parish into the future, please fill out the nominating form below. Council members meet monthly September through June and serve on one of the several parish commissions and councils: Worship, Religious Education, Christian Service, Stewardship/Development, and Building. I would like to submit the name of _____________________________________________ for consideration as a member of the Pastoral Council. I have talked to this person who has agreed to be nominated. Signed: _____________________________________________________________________________ The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ - June 7, 2015 Holy Spirit Parish Weekend Mass Schedule Saturday – 4:30 p.m. Sunday – 8:30 & 11:00 a.m. Daily Mass Schedule Holy Spirit Day Chapel: Tuesdays 5:15 p.m. & Thursdays 8:30 a.m. Park Place (3200 15th Ave. S) Wednesdays 2:30 p.m. Holy Family Chapel (2800 Central Avenue) Fridays 8:30 am Reconciliation: Saturdays - 4 pm Holy Spirit or by appointment Mass Intentions: Tues., 6/9 - 5:15 p.m. - +Janet Bruskotter r/b T Dimke Wed., 6/10 - 2:30 p.m. - Park Place - +Dugan Family r/b B Conry Thur., 6/11 - 8:30 a.m. - +H & +C Coolidge r/b P Coolidge Fri., 6/12 - 8:30 a.m. Holy Family - +Lila Byrne r/b L Stanfield, S Burch Sat. 6/13 - 4:30 p.m. - Nick Liston (sp int) r/b R Liston Sun., 6/14 - 8:30 a.m. - +Ron Budeski r/b J & A Trunkle 11:00 a.m. - +Jack & +Lucille Burton, +Emil & +Mary Metzger \ r/b T & D Burton Readings for next week: Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time 1st Reading: Ezekiel 17:22-24 2nd Reading: 2 Corinthians 5:6-10 Gospel: Matthew Mark 4:26-34 Coffee & Rolls Schedule June 7th: Our Lady of the Snows Circle June 14th: Formation Program Bus Schedule: June 13th: Landon Stubbs, Therese Griffith June 14th: Terry and Pat Hilgendorf What’s Happening This Week… Everything is at Holy Spirit unless noted Sunday: Baptism Prep - 5:00 p.m. Sts. P&P Wednesday: Summer Youth Group Thursday: RCIA - 7:00 p.m. Sts. P&P Sunday: Baptism Prep - 5:00 p.m. Church On the website: Log on to www.holyspiritgf.org to find: Sign up for Vacation Bible Camp ~ participants and helpers! Adult volunteers needed, too! Please update your information with the parish. Have you dropped your land line? Have you changed your address? Do you have a new email address? Please call the parish office with any changes, 452-6491. The deadline for the bulletin is Wednesday at Noon. Requests may be emailed to hsparish@holyspiritgf.org Fellowship Dinners: There are still months available, in the calendar, for those who would like to host one of the monthly Saturday Fellowship dinners. If interested, please email me, Sharon Mohler at srmohler@bresnan.net or call me at 7711131. Fr. Dick Schlosser Fr. Dave Wilkins Dcn. Mark Zenner Dcn. Bill Medved Dcn. Pete Woelkers Mark Meyer Mary Dupuis Larry Guilbault Aubrey Rearden Cindy Eultgen Karyn Jenkins Chuck Osterman PARISH STAFF Pastor Associate Pastor Deacon Deacon Deacon Parish Administrator Worship RCIA/Adult Formation DRE/Youth Minister Christian Service/Elementary Formation Administrative Assistant Maintenance Liturgical Ministers for June 13,14 4:30 PM 8:30 AM 11:00 AM Sub requested ~ see Web Terminal Bread Baker B. McNamee K. Seilstad Holy Wash S. O'Dell S. Pedro Team Nickol N. Luth B. Rasmussen Greeter J. Edgar Stubbs Family Berger Family R. & F. Olszewski Nicholson Family Usher B. Pinski T. Tomich P. Bahnmiller Michael Nickol C. Christiaens S. Pahut Cross M. Friman R. Longin Stella Nicholson Altar Servers Jade Dougherty Jasmine Dougherty B. Held B. Polk J. Byrne J. Van Spyk T. Martin NOT FILLED D. Hayes H. Schaffer Sacristan CLW Reader G. Caniparoli T. Gilligan T. Cowhick Marie Stimac C. Ingman J. Witham Gifts S. Dunston A. Gray R. Olmstead Gardner Family T. Hilgendorf P. Hilgendorf NOT FILLED Euch Ministers E. Becker S. Gray A. Klundt S. Mayernik F. Bollich Rita Kuka Rich Kuka B. Polacek K. Stubbs B. Thelen K. Walters K. Weinheimer M. Zenner M. Davis Kathey Hodges K. Prinzing K. Walters L. Durocher J. Durocher S. Harrington Marley Held A. Longin O. Longin C. Longin N. Polk M. Zenner P. Hilgendorf T. O'Connell S. O'Connell Tanner Rigor P. Byrne V. Donisthorpe S. Donisthorpe N. Donisthorpe D. Hudson S Nicholson D. Nicholson T. Nicholson M. Zenner Recycling Schedule: First Week: Newspaper - Tarnowski / Cardboard - Blair First Monday: Newspaper - Greg Kushnak Second Week: Newspaper - Weinheimer/ Cardboard - Sanders Third Week: Newspaper - Stubbs / Cardboard - Shipley Fourth Week: Newspaper– Kimmel / Cardboard - Schumacher Fifth Week: Newspaper - Schwanke/Cardboard - Strauss Adult Formation Larry Guilbault 452-6491 ext. 205 lgilbo@holyspiritgf.org RCIA: The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is the way our parish prepares people to become Catholic. We meet every Thursday from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in the Sts. Peter and Paul Center. Adult Formation: Watch this space for the announcement on who will be coordinating Formation activities. I’m sure that you will be as helpful to them as you have been with me. Are you planning a Wedding? A booklet with Holy Spirit Parish’s wedding guidelines is available in the magazine rack between the double entrance doors of the Church. Youth Ministry Aubrey Rearden 452-6491 ext. 207 aubrey@holyspiritgf.org Cell Phone: 868-6713 Youth group will be on break from May 24th until the summer Youth Ministry schedule begins on Wednesday June 17th. Bible & Brew: High School Bible Study Wed. mornings @ Schulte’s Coffee House, 6:45-7:30am thru June 10th. Beginning on Wednesday June 17th we will meet from 7:30-8:15am thru August 12th. Elementary Faith Formation Cindy Eultgen 452-6491 ext. 208 Pre-K thru 6th gr. cindy@holyspiritgf.org Wednesdays, 6:30 - 7:30 pm Vacation Bible Camp Conquering Challenges with God June 22-26, M-F, 8:30 am-11:30 am, K-6th Grade, Fliers at the entrance of church. Volunteers Needed - Many positions for teens - adult: Station Leaders, Crew Leaders, Registration & Decorators — contact Cindy www.holyspiritgf.org Set-up and training the week of June 15-20 We offer our prayers to the people of Nepal and those affected by the 7.8 earthquake. Contact www.crs.org to find how you can help. Sacramental Preparation Cindy Eultgen 452-6491 ext. 208 cindy@holyspiritgf.org Sts. Peter & Paul Center Parents & 2nd - 6th Grade Children Pictures were sent via email...contact us for more information. Holy Spirit School Jim Wichman - Principal / jwichman@holyspiritgf.org Helen Boysun, & Judy Flint—Administrative Assistants. 761-5775 www.holyspiritgf.org School’s out for the summer! Have wonderful, safe, fun summer vacation. We continue to take registrations for 2015-16 throughout the summer. If you are interested in seeing what your parish school can offer your family, please call and set up a tour. We would love to show you around! Holy Spirit Catholic School summer hours are as follows: OPEN June 8 – July 1 10:30 am – 1:30 pm Mon - Fri CLOSED July 2 - 7 All day Thu – Tue OPEN July 8 – August 21 10:30 am – 1:30 pm Mon - Fri OPEN August 24 . . . Normal Hours All Week First day of school for the 2015-16 school year is August 26th. Please continue saving box tops and Campbell's’ soup labels throughout the summer. We so appreciate you helping with these programs for our school! Christian Service Cindy Eultgen 452-6491 ext. 208 cindy@holyspiritgf.org Do you feel inclined to spend a few minutes with the homebound? Are you being called to share the presence of Christ with others? We are in need of extra ministers! There are several volunteer ministers who take communion to the homebound weekly. With a rotation of your time and interest (4 months a year or every other month) this can be a ministry for you! Contact Cindy at the office. Fair Trade Coffee, Tea, & Chocolate Sales today after all Masses. Volunteers 4:30 pm Mass Therese Griffith 8:30 am Mass JoAnn Ciolkosz 11 am Mass Rich & Gaile Wilson (contacts for volunteering) Volunteers Needed: Are you looking for something meaningful & simple to give to others? This takes less than 1 hour a month and brings a prayerful Christian Spirit to our parishioners. Birthday Cards are sent each month to our parishioners 85 years and older. The cards need to be stamped, addressed, and signed with love. Supplies provided. You can sign up for one month or more. Contact Cindy. St. Vincent de Paul is accepting Diapers through Father’s Day. Put them in the wooden food bin at the entrance of church. This is a collaboration of the Great Falls Interfaith Association. The diapers will be distributed through Opportunities Incorporated & St. Vincent de Paul. Ministers who use purse/pouches to carry the pyx, this is a reminder to return them to the sacristy if you are no longer using them. Thank you. Stewardship Family Promise: We are getting excited to paint the interior of the Monsignor House this month. Young Neighbors in Action is a Catholic Work Camp for youth that is housed at Central Catholic for one week every year. The young people come to Great Falls to work with our poor. Don & Elaine Miller are the site managers for the Camp and they have assigned a team to paint the interior of our Monsignor House. We have a donor for the paint and we have a team prepared to come in to tape and spackle before Young Neighbors comes to paint. Your generosity to the Monsignor House blesses everyone who enters through its doors. And the doors for Monsignor House will be open on Thurs, June 11 from 11:30-1:30 to bring in donations, take a tour or have coffee with Kathie. If you have questions, would like for Kathie to talk with your group or committee, or want to volunteer or donate in some way, please stop by the house or call & leave a message @ 781-5033. What is the impact of your gift in support of the 2015 Care & Share Annual Catholic Appeal? Topping the list is helping to ensure a sacramental presence in all of our parishes in this diocese. There is nothing more fundamental to our faith and our Catholic family. Your gifts help bring priests to our diocese, support the formation of Deacons, and train Lay Leaders of Prayer. Thank you for your generous support of Care & Share – your stewardship is truly Proclaiming Christ in our diocese! Worship Mary Dupuis 452-6491 ex. 206 mdupuis@holyspiritgf.org Choir Practice: Music practice is in hiatus for the summer, but all musicians are still invited to share their talents in leading the music. Meet 1/2 hour before Mass. Liturgical Tidbits: Liturgy Planning: Good liturgy requires a lot of attention. Many people put a lot of work into enhancing the liturgical experience: the people who read, the folks who work on the environment, the musicians who practice. For all of this to come together, there needs to be a team, ideally in conjunction with the presider, who meet to decide how best to focus on the feast or season. In order to do this appropriately, the participants must be catechized and formed in the meaning of the liturgy, its parts, and the liturgical year. Does your parish offer sessions you could attend to enhance your understanding and enable you to contribute to the planning? It certainly does ~ in fact, a number of them. If you are interested in the emphasis of the liturgical season by decorating, please consider joining the Environment committee, which will begin meeting this summer. Or you may be interested in attending the wild and raucous Worship Commission meetings; starting in September, the agenda will include learning more about why we do what we do at Holy Spirit at liturgy. Come join us! Communion Ministers to the Homebound : Thank you so much for your wonderful ministry to our folks who are not able to attend Mass. Your work in bringing the Eucharist to them in the form of communion and fellowship is our connection, and we appreciated it so much! If you are no longer using your pyx and pouch, you may return them to the sacristy or the office. If and when you ever need the use of a pyx and pouch, speak to the sacristan. Thank you again for your shared blessings. New efforts beginning this summer and fall: Usher recruiting and training Environment committee ~ to guide how the parish may more effectively mark the liturgical seasons “Being a disciple means being constantly ready to bring the love of Jesus to others, and this can happen unexpectedly and in any place: on the street, in a city square, during work, on a journey.” Pope Francis, Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium (The Joy of the Gospel), no. 127 Milestones Registered at Holy Sprit in May: Mark Joshu, David and Lisa Gagnon and their children Ashley and John; Peggy Rowe, Pat Regan, Dwayne and Laura Kangas and their daughter Hailey; Beau and Kristen Lorang and their sons Ethan and Evan; Joshua and Camryn Morales. Welcome to our community!!! Courtesy Announcements Join in the FUN! As requested by golfers interested in playing in Great Falls Central’s first annual Mustang Golf Tournament the event has been rescheduled to Saturday, July 18th at Hickory Swing golf course. The tournament will be a 18 hole best ball format with four players to a team. Other prizes will be given for closest to the pin, longest drive, and longest put. Registration is $100/player or $400 per team which includes lunch, green fees and a cart, and an awards dinner at the course. Hole sponsorships are available. Call Hugh at 216-3344 ext 304 or at 8686222. Great Falls Central Catholic High School continues accepting applications for the 2015-2016 school year. Join the Mustang team and discover the difference! Call at 216-3344 or stop by the school office to receive application information. St. Vinny's Diaper Drive: Mothers Day THRU Fathers Day. Diapers may be brought to the church and placed in the collection box at the front door. Large sizes are particularly needed. Monetary donations are gratefully accepted to purchase diapers - clearly mark an envelope for St. Vincent de Paul, and drop it in the collection. St. Thomas Catholic Sumer Camp in Monarch is a great place to enjoy fun and fellowship in a beautiful mountain setting, while encountering Christ through the leadership of faithfilled young adults. There is bus transportation available! Registration is open for boys and girls entering 5th to 12th grades at www.diocesegfb.org or call 761-6683. Check the bulletin board for dates available. Cum Christo 50th Anniversary Celebration, June 19-21 Billings Central Catholic High School - The speakers will be Tom Peterson, President and Founder of Catholics Come Home, and Bishop Michael Warfel. For more information and registration forms go to http://www.bigskycumchristo.org or call Carmen Thorsen at 761-1805. For carpooling, call Barb Schlecht at 750-0551 Elementary (Grade 4 or 5) & Middle School English Teachers Needed: Our Lady of Lourdes School is hiring 2 full-time positions for the 2015-16 school year. Call/e-mail Sarah Zook at 8682656, sszook@gmail.com, for details and application information.
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