HOLY TRINITY PRIMARY AND ELC 18-20 THEODORE STREET, CURTIN Holy Trinity Times Faith, Hope and Love Term 1, Week 9 2 Apr, 2015 ‘I have come so that they may have life and have it to the full’ John 10:10 Inside this Issue . Reminders . Merit Certificates . Happy Birthday 2 . Assistant Principal . Sport News . RE News 3 . Who is in our community at HT? 4 . Rosters . P&F News . Library News 5 . ELC News . Community News 6 From Pope Francis Whenever we encounter another person in love, we learn something new about God. Whenever our eyes are opened to acknowledge the other, we grow in the light of faith and knowledge of God. ... Every human being is the object of God’s infinite tenderness … Jesus offered his precious blood on the cross for that person. … Consequently, if I can help at least one person to have a better life, that already justifies the offering of my life. It is a wonderful thing to be God’s faithful people. (The Joy of the Gospel 272, 274) PRINCIPAL’S NEWS Dear Parents, Staff and Students, Inserts: 7 . Tuckshop Volunteer Form . ANZAC Day . Teach Your Kids to Shrug . Easter Egg Hunt . MacKillop College Info Upcoming Events Fri 3 Apr - Good Friday We have entered into this week made “holy” forever by the self surrendering love of Jesus - for us all. All week, we remember how he loved us. Whatever we do, no matter how busy or “distracted” we might be, we can let the power of this week be in the background of our daily reflections. He entered into our life - with its profound joys and its punishing evils - that we might never experience those struggles alone. So no matter what we experience this week, we can let it become a “holy” week, letting it all be touched by the graces of this week. From the humble, yet triumphant, entry into Jerusalem, to our standing together at the foot of his cross, this can be a week which helps us bring all of the elements of our lives, all our experiences of sin and death, into the font of his redeeming, liberating death resurrection. Thank you to all the parents who came last Saturday and helped clean and tidy the yard for the children. It was encouraging to see so many new faces and also the great effort they put into their tasks. Thank you Paul and Mark for organising all the jobs. Sun 5 Apr - Easter Day Mon 6 Apr - Easter Monday Tue 7 Apr - Easter Sunday Prayer Assembly, 2.30pm Wed 8 Apr - Athletics Carnival 13-24 Apr - School Holidays On Tuesday, 7 April we will have our final prayer celebration to complete the Easter story. At 2.30pm in the hall Year 5/6 will again lead us. Thank you to all classes and teachers who have prepared the liturgies. Next week we are holding our Athletics carnival. All classes have been preparing for this event with the primary classes doing many of the field events. All parents are invited to come and help on the day. Please contact Cameron if you have time to spare and help on the day. Kinder and Year 1 will go to the field at 10.30am all other classes will go before 9.30am. The carnival should finish at 2.30. Please make sure that your child has sunscreen, hat, water and food for the day. With every best wish for a happy and peace-filled Easter, Judy Spence judy.spence@cg.catholic.edu.au www.holytrinity.act.edu.au T: 62814811 F: 62814005 E: office.holytrinity@cg.catholic.edu.au Holy Trinity Times - Thursday, 2 Apr, 2015 - 2 Reminders The Tuckshop needs you! See the flyer at the end of the Newsletter outlining the benefits of working in the tuckshop. We need more volunteers to keep it operating. Please consider donating 3 hours of your time once a term to help. PUNCTUALITY – Every morning many children are arriving late and, at times,missing awards and announcements. Our morning assembly is our start to the day and all children need to be at school by 9.00am. As the season changes you will possibly make some adjustments to family routines, so consider getting up a little earlier to ensure everyone arrives settled and ready for learning. PRAYERS: • All the people of Vanuatu in your prayers as we celebrate during the Easter season • For all our sick loved ones who are having treatment for their illness. Your prayer will give them the strength to keep going. • Please pray for all our families who are suffering or in crisis. VACATION CARE - The ELC has a few places left in its holiday program for children in Kindergarten. If you would like to book your child in, please collect a booking form from the ELC. HEADLICE - There has been an outbreak of headlice in the school. Please check your children and treat as necessary. Catholic Education policy states that children must be treated and headlice cleared before returning to school. Merit Certificates Certificates are awarded to the following students: K GREEN - Adler C, Joseph M K RED - Gracie F, Gabriella J 1 GREEN - Maeve L, Zac C 1 RED - Leo W, William Mc, Rose J, Finn A 2 GREEN - Jarvis C, Oliver K, Teah S 2 RED - Chars D, Michael P, Jack B 3/4 GREEN - Leo P, Ruby S, Olivia J 3/4 RED - James T, Kativannia T 3/4 WHITE - Emily H, Olivia C, Georgia F 3/4 BLUE - Callum S, Joshua T 5/6 GREEN - Asha P, Mia P 5/6 RED - Natalie S, Olivia K Happy Birthday Students who are celebrating this week: Theresa N, Abraham A, Madison G, Arabella A, Nyambugi N, Naomi O, Emily H, Aiden K Holy Trinity Times - Thursday, 2 Apr, 2015 - 3 Trinity ToUcan A School Wide Positive Behaviour Program Assistant Principal School Wide Focus: Being open minded and being positive on the playground Last week there was a letter from Mrs Spence relating to bullying and how to be aware of when it is occurring and how to address it. While always willing to deal with instances of anti-social behaviour, it is also important for students to take on some responsibility for building and using resilience in life. Attached this week is an article from Parenting Ideas that talks about the power of the ‘shrug’. Now, any parent can speak about the amazing force field that the shrug presents, but it can also be used for ‘good’ on the playground when managing challenging situations. SKOOLBAG - Another reminder that there is an iOS and Android app called Skoolbag that is able to be downloaded to phones and personal devices. This app is used to send out alerts, update information relating to the school and provide calendar events. This is the most immediate way that the school is able to communicate to parents. Go to iTunes or Google Play and search ‘Holy Trinity Skoolbag’ and then download the correct app (select the Holy Trinity School logo). Have a great Easter, Cameron Tarrant Assistant Principal Sport SOUTH WESTON SWIMMING - Congratulations to all the swimmers who represented Holy Trinity at the South Weston Region Swimming Carnival on Monday. They all swam tremendously well with many recording PBs. Thank you especially to the parents who made sure all swimmers got to their events and for supporting them throughout the day. I look forward to announcing those swimmers who have qualified for the ACT Carnival on 7 May. ANNUAL ATHLETICS CARNIVAL - Next Wednesday, 8 April, we will hold our annual athletics carnival at Curtin Oval. This will be a wonderful day for all the students. Thank you to all the parents who have offered to help on the day. A note has come home today with further details and the names of officials. SOUTH WESTON NETBALL - Congratulations to Harriet S, Georgia K and Sami B who were successful in gaining selection in the South Weston Regional team to complete at the ACT Carnival on 28 May. Good luck girls. RE News EASTER - Easter is the greatest feast in the Christian calendar. On this Sunday, Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. For Catholics, Easter Sunday comes at the end of 40 days of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving known as Lent. As Easter is of central importance to the Christian faith, the Catholic Church requests that all Catholics who have made their First Communion receive the Holy Eucharist sometime during the Easter season, which lasts through to Pentecost, 50 days after Easter. This reception of the Eucharist is a visible sign of our faith and our participation in living out this faith. The masses for the Parish of the Transfiguration across this weekend are as follows: Day Thursday Mass The Mass of the Lord’s Supper Time 6pm Church Holy Trinity Friday Good Friday, Stations of the Cross Saturday Sunday Easter Vigil Easter Sunday 10am 3pm 6pm 8.30am 9.30am 5.30pm Garran Holy Trinity Holy Trinity Garran Curtin Curtin Blessings for this Easter season, Bernadette Scott Holy Trinity Times - Thursday, 2 Apr 2015 - 4 Who is in our community at Holy Trinity? This week we introduce Mrs Jodie Swan: Yr 2 Green My first teaching job was in Wyong on the central coast. After 3 years I moved back to Canberra and worked for another 6 years. I married in 2000, had four children (Chloe (13), Nicholas (11), Oliver (11) and Ruby (9) and was a stay at home mum until my youngest started kinder at Holy Trinity. My husband Simon and I sometimes feel as though we work a second job as taxi drivers for our four children! Having been born and bred in Canberra, I love running into people I have met over the years, whether it be teachers I taught with at other schools in Canberra or mums I went to school with (St’s. Peter & Paul’s and St. Clare’s College). It is lovely to meet and sometimes teach their children. This year, I have the privilege of working with the wonderful Mrs Hansen and children in 2 Green. On my days off, you would most likely find me riding my bike along the Canberra centenary trails or the surrounding hills of Canberra with my friend, Amanda (Sally Hibbert’s mum). I am one of ten children so I wouldn’t say I am a picky eater but if I had to select two things I would rather not eat they would be baked beans and strawberry milk. I love catching up with my six brothers and three sisters and my children always enjoy the funny pranks we still play on one another. My favourite movie of all time is “Life is Beautiful” and the most recent book I have read and really enjoyed was “The Book Thief”. My favourite sport is cycling, but my favourite hobby is surfing on the South Coast with my family. I am a goofy foot, still trying to hang ten. I wish I could surf like Stephanie Gilmore! Mrs Susan Curbishley: Music teacher My name is Susan Curbishley. I am married to David and have four children aged from 15-20 years. I have been teaching in primary schools for over 20 years and on moving to Canberra 16 years ago I was given the opportunity to teach as a music specialist. I was overjoyed! Music education is my passion !!! I am a life long learner and attend and run PD for teachers in and around Canberra each term and interstate and am encouraged by research that continues to shows the importance and benefits of music education for all children everywhere, particularly in the early years of schooling. I believe that music is for everyone and it is my aim to make every child I teach, a lover of music for their whole life, and to give them as many opportunities as I can to make music together. Mrs Antonija Rover: Italian teacher In 1988, I came to Australia with my parents, two brothers and sister. After arriving in Canberra, I went to a school to learn English and there I had the biggest challenge ever - trying vegemite for the first time. No, I still can’t eat it. I attended secondary school and university in Canberra. I married in Italy, and spent a whole year living there before returning to Canberra and finishing my university degree. I have 3 children (Giuseppe, Isabella and Veronika). I love languages and as a result always wanted to be a languages teacher. I have worked in many schools across Canberra teaching Italian and have been teaching at Holy Trinity since 2004. Teaching Italian is my passion; it has its challenges; but I wouldn’t change it for anything else. Holy Trinity Times - Thursday, 2 Apr, 2015 - 5 Tuckshop Roster Week 10 MON 6 APR EASTER MONDAY THU 9 APR Lisa Bauer Catherine Ahearn FRI 10 APR Susie Johnston Claire Hollis Vacuuming Roster TERM 1, WEEK 10 - 8 APR Team Leader: Joseph Barbatano, Joe Pratezina, Marco Galeotti, Cushla Morris, Joann Ellison P & F News FROM THE P&F PRESIDENT - Many thanks to the two dozen or so parents and school staff who attended the working bee last Saturday. It was a fantastic effort and we achieved more than we had planned. A special thanks to the ELC parents who put in a huge effort to tidy up the grounds and oil the timberwork. I've never seen so many leaf-blowers in the one place, apart from Bunnings. My personal thanks to Mark Bauer, who repainted the car park pedestrian crossing, and Greg Bayada, for his "higher duties". Please don't worry about having missed the working bee, due to kids' sport, ballet, gymnastics or sleeping in - there will be another in September! *** If you thought volunteering for the working bee was fun, why not volunteer for the tuckshop! We need at least six more volunteers to ensure the tuckshop doesn't have to routinely close over the term. Training will be available in Term 2. If you have free time between 9.15am to 12pm on a Monday, Thursday or Friday, please fill out a form at the school office (or sent out with this newsletter). It is a great way to help the school, meet friends and learn new skills. HOLY TRINITY MUSIC PROGRAM - Due to other commitments, Tania and I are no longer able to be the coordinators of the HT music program. We are looking for someone to take on this role. The coordinator role is administrative in nature and does not require much time. This role could be done by one person or shared between two and does not require a musical background. Please contact either Jo Stilwell on 6161 4944 or Tania Hayes on 6281 1489 if you are interested in this role or would like more information. Library News At the moment it’s all about ANZAC Day in the library. The kids are really enjoying talking about the ANZAC’s and Gallipoli. The concept of 100 years ago is a little hard to grasp and I keep getting questions like ‘Are you sure they are all gone?’ Across the grades we have: made poppies, cracked codes, written postcards, made ANZAC biscuits, written book trailers, looked at QR readers, and are working on presentations in the higher grades. The YouTube clip and accompanying book ‘And the band played Waltzing Matilda’ really got the bigger grades attention. The junior school loved ‘Anzac Ted’ – the bear that lives in the current time but went to war 100 years ago. Thanks to the families who sent in their ANZAC day memories and posters. Happy Easter Kate Mertz Holy Trinity Times - Thursday, 2 Apr, 2015 - 6 ELC Week 9 - Exploring and investigating in the ELC Gaining an understanding of patterns and pattern making. Easter Activities EYLF outcome 2.1 - ‘Children develop a sense of belong to groups and communities…’ Sharing our Easter traditions and celebrations. Exploring the properties of moon-sand (flour and oil mixture). EYLF outcome 4.2 – Children develop a range of skills – problem solving inquiry, experimentation etc…. Encouraging attitudes of cooperation and thinking skills. Graphing eye colour and counting how many of each. EYLF Outcome 5.4: Children begin to understand how symbols and pattern systems work. Developing numeracy skills. • Working bee - Thank you so much to all the families who helped us. We managed to complete all our jobs. It is lovely to see families working together for the good of the school community. • Holy Week assembly - It was lovely to see our pre-schoolers join the school in the first Holy Week liturgy. It is such a skill to be able to sing in front of a crowd, remember words and actions and not be distracted by family and friends. • Vacation care program for Term 1 - All bookings for the holiday program should be in now. The program will be emailed to families next week. • ELC Parent night - Thank you to those who attended, we had a great night. We had the opportunity to be creative and heard about why the ELC has particular processes in place, like why we place a big emphasis on teaching the children about the environment and sustainability. • Excursion - We have planned an excursion for early next term, please ensure you collect a permission note from your child’s file. • Fee statements will be sent out early next week for the end of term and any Holiday booking. Please ensure that you accounts are paid in full. • We wish everyone a special time over Easter as we celebrate our risen Lord - Jesus’ power and authority over death. Iva and Staff Community News FOUND - Red rimmed reading glasses on basketball courts. Please see Front Office if they are yours. www.holytrinity.act.edu.au T: 62814811 F: 62814005 E: office.holytrinity@cg.catholic.edu.au 7 8 On Thursday 23rd April RSL Life Care Fred Ward Gardens Aged Care Facility 38 Theodore St will be conducting an ANZAC commemoration service to mark 100 years since Gallipoli. The service will commence with a defence force troop march from South Curtin Primary to the northern driveway entry of the Facility. We would like to welcome families and friends from our local Curtin community to participate by lining this small area of Theodore Street to watch the March commencing at 10.15am. We are very pleased that children from both Holy Trinity and South Curtin schools have been invited to participate in the service by laying a rose to remember each battle during the war. Hope you will join us to commemorate this important event For further information please contact the facility during business hours on 62853185. 9 10 Thursday, 2nd April at pick up time. All welcome to take part! Bring – small bag of Easter eggs and a basket for your child. Meet Peta Kay at assembly in the morning or in the kitchen garden at 2.45pm to put our eggs together. “Bunnies” will hide the eggs down in the local playground and then the kids will be set loose – let the fun begin! Please note that parents will need to supervise and encourage kids be like Jesus when it comes to sharing eggs. ST MARY MACKILLOP COLLEGE Year 7, 2016 Information and Open Evening, Monday 4 May 2015, 6.30pm Wanniassa Campus “Try MacKillop Day”, [for Year 6 students], Thursday 7 May 2015, 9.00am to 2.30pm Wanniassa Campus [registration via www.mackillop.act.edu.au ] Careers Expo and Year 11 2016 Information Evening, Wednesday 13 May Careers Expo from 4.30pm Presentations from 6.00pm Isabella Campus Contact the Enrolment Officer on 6209 0100, email enrolments@mackillop.act.edu.au or visit our website www.mackillop.act.edu.au for more information. Wanniassa Campus – Mackinnon Street, Wanniassa Isabella Campus – Ellerston Avenue, Isabella Plains
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