PARISH NEWSLETTER The Holy Trinity, Penn & St Margaret’s, Tylers Green, Forty Green & Knotty Green H T S M APRIL 2015 Special Easter Services …… Holy Week From the Vicarage … Desmond Tutu’s book ‘Made for Goodness’ is the extraordinary story of Desmond Tutu’s hope in what appeared to be a hopeless situation. He lived through the Apartheid years of South Africa and chaired the Revd M Truth and Reconciliation Commission where he sat ike Biss et through six months of the most appalling stories of man’s inhumanity to man. Yet still he maintains that we were made for goodness. He starts his book by taking us back to the book of Genesis where after each of the first five days of creation where God said ‘let there be’ he stands back to admire his work with the words ‘and it was good’. But on the 6th day he creates mankind and the end of that he stands back and says ‘and it was very good’. Bishop Tutu comments that the normal state for man is to be good. When we do wrong, hate, are cruel, we diminish ourselves and our humanity. When we are good we are living out our God given goodness and divine image. As we forget this, we continue to live our lives as though we are ordinary when God created us to be extraordinary – in fact ‘in his image’. In the Anglican liturgy of confession each week we say that ‘his image within us is marred’ and pray that the damage we do to ourselves through the sin that diminishes us will be healed and the image will be restored. (Monday 2nd April) Monday to Wednesday – Night Prayer at 9pm in Holy Trinity Church Maundy Thursday – Holy Communion at 8pm in St Margaret’s Good Friday Meditation in Holy Trinity at 12 noon Easter Eve – Vigil Service 8pm in St Margaret’s Easter Day From anyone other than Desmond Tutu this belief in the goodness of man would sound glib. He goes on to talk about the sacrificial love that takes Jesus Christ to the cross, the sacrifice of God that has the power to undo the de-humanising effects of our own selfishness, cruelty and hatred. All this Christ took upon himself on the cross. We cannot imagine the agony of spirit that the only truly kind and loving person to have ever walked the earth suffers on the cross as he catches a glimpse of all the horror, cruelty and sin of mankind as it is all laid upon him in that moment that he cries out. Easter is the turning point of history. Allow it to be the turning point of your life. Blessings Revd Mike Bisset 6am – Sunrise Service at Holy Trinity 8am – Holy Communion (BCP) at Holy Trinity 9.30am – Family Communion at St Margaret’s 11am – Parish Communion at Holy Trinity visit our website at for up to date information on service times, phone numbers, rotas, photographs and much, much more. You can also listen to recent sermons or download the text. Dates for your Diary Great Annual Easter Egg Hunt Plant Sale at Watercroft Saturday 13 June, 2 – 4pm How to get tickets: In advance from 1 May, price £4 and 50p for children ages 5 – 18 from The Church Office, after Church on Sunday at both Holy Trinity and St Margaret’s, Joe Gleeson Butchers and JJ’s Delicatessen. Online, price £5 and 50p for children from the internet, details of the website will be given nearer the time on the Holy Trinity and St Margaret’s website and in the weekly newssheet. On the door, price £5 and 50p for children. If you are able to offer help with Plants, Cakes for the Cake Stall, Tombola items, Bottles for the Bottle Tombola please contact Veronica Millward 01494 814009 or Jean Ricketts 01494 814402. If you are able to help with refreshments please contact Ali Bisset on 01494 816700 Come and join us on the Easter Egg Hunt on Easter Sunday (5 April) after morning service in the Holy Trinity Church grounds. Great fun for all the children and the adults too! Easter Monday Walk and Lunch How about planning to join us for the Easter Monday walk and lunch on 6 April. If you don’t feel like the walk then you are welcome to just come for the lunch - usually in a pub. We meet at The Sanctuary at St Margaret’s at 10.30am. The walk is about 3 miles long. Families, children, singles, dogs - all are welcome, but you need to book your place for lunch at The Hit or Miss in Penn Street, or sign up on the sheet in The Sanctuary, St Margaret’s by 29 March. For more information phone Gail on 813254 or email Curry Evening in aid of Sharon International Ministries Friday, 9 May, 7.30pm St Margaret’s Parish Rooms. Tickers are £10. For more information please contact Tom Holyer (01494-676373) and/or visit SIM’s website An Invitation t at s e u G r o t s o H to be a o Groups of six will get together for dinner - you choose, well before the evening, whether you want to be a host or a guest, but until the evening you do not know who is coming (if you are a host) or who will be cooking for you (if you are a guest). Guests meet at 7.30pm in Holy Trinity Church car park where you find out who your host is and where you are going. You are equally welcome to join in this annual event whether you attend church or not. Come alone or as a couple. To become involved or for further information contact Annette Bruce 817487 or Ali Bisset 816700. oming t c s ’ o h w s s ‘Gue Dinner’ A Spring Classical Concert with the Aldren Brothers and Friends Saturday 2 May, 7.30pm, St Margaret’s Church Tickets £15, £7.50 students and OAPs from Hege Aldren. Tel 01494 811918. See page 8 for more information. y 25 on Saturda April Camping weekend 26-28 June 2015 More dates for your diary: Open Gardens – 5 July Pet Service 19 July Holy Trinity 21 July Cream teas and Songs of Praise on the Common 27-31 July Lighthouse Week 2nd August New Wine This year we plan to go back to Swiss International site at Henley. We expect heavy demand for the available tent and caravan pitches. Final arrangements are still being made but Friday 26 June to Sunday 28 June is the probable weekend, so make a note and watch for further announcements or contact Jules Dent (817570) or and Emma Byrne (812611). Recent Events Family Service At our Family Service in March our prayers were represented by bubbles. The children (and David Carter and Paul Newcombe!) blew bubbles as we prayed for our neighbours, those in war zones and children who were homeless and hungry. . Wycombe Homeless Connection receives The Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service On the 8th of March 2015, Sir Henry Aubrey-Fletcher, Lord Lieutenant of Buckinghamshire, as The Queen's representative, presented WHC with a commemorative crystal and a certificate signed by Her Majesty. He said: “This award is a fitting recognition of the work of the charity, which is even more crucial with the growth in homelessness.” The bubbles seem so frail and fleeting, almost unreal. Our prayers may often feel like that but just as we remember the bubbles from the service, so the Lord remembers our prayers however insubstantial and fleeting they may be. The Lord’s prayer needed larger bubbles, so Revd Mike produced his rather larger bubble pot which produced rather larger bubbles. The award was received by Wendy Langford, representing the charity’s 300 active volunteers. Many have served WHC since its inception in 2008. The award was given for: “Helping individuals to escape from homelessness and rebuild their lives, by offering resettlement advice and support and by running the Wycombe Winter Night Shelter”. Mother’s day service at Holy Trinity and St Margaret’s 2015 Pancake Party Report What do you get if you add 36 eggs, 8 bags of flour and 18 pints of milk? Answer … a lot of pancakes! Shrove Tuesday saw our annual Pancake Party in the Sanctuary at St Margaret’s in preparation for Lent. Revd Mike, Jo Oliver and Corrine Summers were The service was followed by the Mothers' Union annual cake sale which raised £112.10. flipping pancakes for over an hour. Holy Trinity, 11.00 am service At the commencement of the service two ladies namely, Juliet Gorton and Patricia Hoare were enrolled into Holy Trinity, Penn Mothers' Union. Both ladies had mothers who were members of Mothers' Union in the past and Patricia was enrolled with her mother's MU Badge. Rev'd Mike and Doreen Wood carried out the enrollment. The usual communion service took place with hymns we all knew and a wonderful sermon given by Mary Lee. These funds are to support our projects. The three main projects being - providing a Picture/Story Bible for every child baptised in Holy Trinity plus a Baptism Anniversary Card. We also support the MU charity "Away From it All" which provides holidays for families and carers who are unable to afford this type of respite. St Margaret’s 9.30 am service Bunches of daffodil’s were distributed to Mum’s by the children at the end of the morning service. As you can see in the pictures there were smiles as a result. One year we will remember to count. RECENT EVENTS OBITUARY OF – DICK BARNARD WHAT’S ON? MONDAYS Dick was a faithful supporter, and much loved member of Holy Trinity Church from 1967, when he and his wife, Lorna and their three children came to live in Knotty Green, part of Penn parish in the Revd Oscar Muspratt’s time as vicar. They worshipped here together until Dick died in January. He struggled bravely through his long illness, and his memorial service was held here on January 6, attended by many friends and relations. He had served this church in many ways: including member of the PCC, sidesman, and starting a group of volunteers to care for the churchyard, until contractors took it over, with a fund for the purpose. He also attended to many small repairing jobs around the church, while Lorna did the flowers. He had a successful, long and interesting career in engineering and a happy family life. He and Lorna were both keen gardeners and had many interests. They were married for almost 68 years and enjoyed travelling in this country and abroad, visiting historic sites and watching wildlife. Dick is sadly missed. In Desmond Tutu’s book ‘Made for Goodness’ at the end of each chapter he invites us into stillness and to listen to God speak with the voice of the heart. This is the meditation at the end of the third chapter. The voice is that of God. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for my yoke is easy and my burden light. Match your pace to mine, imitate me. You are free to choose, you can choose to be like me. Wherever you are you can create beauty. Moment by moment you can create joy. Instant by instant you can offer kindness. Now and always you can make me seen. You can be as I created you to be. The visible likeness of the invisible. You will see as I see. And your heart will break For all the sadness in the world. For all the hunger and pain. You will cry every tear with me And share every joy with me. You will see every sparrow fall. You will see each dying blade of grass. You will hear every child’s cry and every father’s despairing sigh. Terrified screams and angry moans will be woven into the song of who you are and your heart will be broken again and again. And then you know a heart of flesh and not a heart of stone. You will be alive. From Made For Goodness by Desmond Tutu, published by Rider. Reproduced by permission of The Random House Group Ltd. Bell Ringing Practice at Holy Trinity 7.45-9.15pm. Ringers meet in the bell tower. Contact Alison Bayley, Bell Tower Captain (725686). Village Christian Book Club meets 2nd Monday in month, 7.30 for 8pm at The Vicarage. Call Ali Bisset (816700) TUESDAYS Coffee in the Sanctuary Please drop in any week between 10 and midday for coffee at St Margaret’s Sanctuary. Everyone welcome - very friendly! Morning Home Group weekly from 10-11.30am at 13 New Road. Call Edwina Sarkissian (812837). Bible Study Group every Tuesday morning at various local venues. Call Annik Heal (673188). Evening Home Groups *Every 1st and 3rd week, 8.00pm at Birnam Cottage, Church Road, Penn. Contact Tilly Perfect (812679) or Sue Wallace (812879). *Fortnightly, 8-10pm, led by Geraldine Howell. Call Norman Veacock (713797). *Alternate weeks at Nigel & Pauline Stowe’s home, Widmer End (call Nigel on 717496). *Alternate weeks at 8pm at Martin & Ella Dominguez’s home, 40 Hazlemere Road (816582). WEDNESDAYS St Margaret’s Toddler Group 10-11.30am, term-time at the Parish Rooms, St Margaret’s. Call Ali Bisset (816700). Evening Home Groups *1st/3rd weeks at David and Anthea Carter’s home, 4 Rushmoor Ave. Call 813015 - location may vary. * Every 1st and 3rd week at 8.00pm led by David Ellingham at the homes of various members. Call Pam or David on 816260 THURSDAYS Coffee follows the 10am service at Holy Trinity on the 1st Thursday. Evening Home Group *1st week of month at Roger & Christine Edwards home, 7 Woodlands Drive, Beaconsfield. Call 672021 FRIDAYS Mothers’ Union meets in the North Room of Penn Parish Hall at 10am, first Friday of month. Contact Doreen Wood on 672306. Herbert Druce's memories - A secret passage from the Old Vicarage to Penn Church I went to see Herbert Druce, a few weeks after his 100th birthday, with the thought of recording his long memories of Holy Trinity, Penn, which start in 1922 when he was a 7 year-old choir boy and there was no electricity or water in the church. It will take two or three articles to recount all his memories and I will start with the secret passage. When the Penn and Tylers Green Society started, in about 1980, to collect information about local houses of interest, the then owners of the Old Vicarage next door to the church said that when they first came to the house there was an underground passageway to the church from their cellar which they had blocked up. This account is confirmed by Herbert Druce, who was told about the underground passage before the last War, by Bert Randall who was Captain of the Tower. Herbert doesn't know the line of the tunnel, but assumes it had been revealed when Bert Randall was involved in putting a boiler house at the back of the tower. There was no west door in the tower at that time. Herbert himself had been in the Old Vicarage cellar. He was locked in there as a joke when a boy and remembered it was always flooded. He didn't know anything about an entrance at the time and doesn't remember seeing one there. The present Old Vicarage we see today was built in 1825, but stands on the same ground as its many predecessors so the passageway could have been built at any time. Of course, it could have been simply to give a warm, dry passage to the church rather than to allow a Catholic priest secret entry to the church, but we do have to remember that the Reformation was a dangerous time for churchmen. We should also have in mind that the manorial Penn family remained Catholic in sympathy for nearly a century after the Reformation. On 30 August 1539, Thomas Cromwell was sent a letter reporting that Thomas Grove and William Culverhouse had accused the Vicar of Penn of ‘the utterance by him of certain opprobrious words’. The Vicar’s own confession was enclosed and he had been committed to gaol in Aylesbury. Both the Vicar’s accusers were from wellestablished Penn families and may well have been the two churchwardens. It was an extraordinary event and allows us just a glimpse of the conflict and turmoil that the process of reformation had stirred up in a country parish. One wonders how the confession had been encouraged. Finally, I was intrigued by a comment from a map dowser, who without any prior briefing, reported that he had found a 3 ft wide passageway entering the Vestry, which is indeed where you would expect it to go to. Miles Green March 2015 New Charity Support by St. Margaret's St Margaret's reviews its chosen charities annually. In December 2014 it was decided alter the mix of charities we support. Open Doors was recommended as it has been serving persecuted Christians for the past 60 years. Open Doors originated in 1956 when a young Dutchman known as Brother Andrew started smuggling bibles across the Iron Curtain to the persecuted church. Now, some 60 years later, Open Doors is an International ministry serving millions of persecuted Christians in over 50 countries, - including some of the most dangerous places in the world. It supplies Bibles, leadership training, literacy courses, livelihood support and advocacy services, and not only seeks to mobilise the church in the UK and Ireland to serve persecuted Christians, but also to learn from them what it means to be a disciple of Jesus. With the emergence of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria and Boko Harem in Nigeria, the persecution of Christians has increased dramatically. In January this year at Westminster, over 70 MP’s attended a crucial discussion with Open Doors and were shocked to hear of the scale and severity of persecution against Christians. They heard a moving speech by a Nigerian Pastor about Boko Harem atrocities in Northern Nigeria. The MP’s were presented with evidence that the rise of Islamic extremism in places like Nigeria, Kenya, Iraq and Syria has dramatic implications for the future of the global Christian community. In early February, at the launch of the Religious Liberty Commission (of which Open Doors is a member), the Archbishop of Canterbury highlighted the persecution of Christians, the attacks against the Jews in Europe and the firebombing of Mosques. He said that “ the quiet, creeping removals of freedom that create a climate of fear and animosity is why we must speak out, and that silence is not an option. “ The Religious Liberty Commission ( RLC) is calling on the British Government to intervene to prevent religious cleansing and is pressing the Department of International Development to make religious freedom a strategic priority. With its 60 years of experience in this field, Open Doors added its weight to the recommendation of the RLC that the Government appoint a UK special envoy for freedom of religion or belief, as a visible indication of the UK’s commitment to promoting and protecting this important right. WHO’S WHO? From the Registers Vicar St Margaret’s Revd Mike Bisset 816700 Baptisms Associate Priest Revd Derrick Carr Jan 18 - Harrison James Brooman 442212 Licensed Lay Minister Mary Lee Feb 19 - Helen Carter & Michael Ullman Church Wardens Paul Ricketts Oliver Heal PCC Secretary Gail Wellings Parish Administrator Gail Wellings Treasurer John Scurrell Electoral Roll Officer Sheila Knox Churchyard Guild Jane White Parish Archivist Miles Green Parish Hall Bookings Gail Wellings Flower Coordinator Anna Taylor Baptism Coordinator Mary Lee Bell Tower Captain Alison Bayley Pastoral Care Coordinator Shirley Walsh Wedding Coordinators Michael & Alison Bayley Funerals Jan 21 - Gabrielle Stables Holy Trinity Baptisms March 1 - Arabella Anna Hancock Funerals Feb 2 - Dick Barnard Feb 28 - Rosemary Gobert 678107 814402 673188 813254 813254 813181 677165 673980 815589 813254 815262 678107 725686 813594 725686 The Village Show Independent Financial Adviser St Margaret’s, Tylers Green Licensed Lay Minister David Carter Churchwardens Roy Bentham Kathryn Grudgings PCC Secretary Gail Wellings Parish Administrator Gail Wellings Treasurer Sue Wallace Electoral Roll Officer Jean Stables Organist and choirmaster Alan Yeates Parish Rooms Bookings Mary Coker Parish Rooms Treasurer John Daniell TYGRE Club Jules Dent Flower Coordinator Corrine Summers Baptism Coordinator David Carter Pastoral Care Coordinator Anthea Carter Toddler Group Ali Bisset Wedding Coordinator Corrine Summers 813015 630735 814220 813254 813254 812879 816044 445286 812162 812117 817570 814347 813015 813015 816700 814347 Next Newsletter — June 2015 Copy deadline 2 May All articles to Saturday 27th June Tylers Green Village Hall (Monday-Friday 9.00am-2.00pm) Parish Office, Holy Trinity Church Hall, Church Road, Penn, HP10 8NY. Tel 01494 813254 email: website: Holy Trinity, Penn Weddings Parish Office for St Margaret’s and Holy Trinity Editor/Publisher Editorial assistant and Advertising St Margaret’s Distribution Holy Trinity Distribution Painting & Decorating Interior & Exterior Nicole Johnson Pat Seddon Roger and Christine Edwards Pat Seddon Mary Lee Zoe Clark 815278 813268 672021 813268 678107 671961 Hall Hire KEN ORPIN FORTY GREEN COMMUNITY HALL House & Garden Maintenance Enquiries: Joan Cyster Independent Financial Services (UK) Ltd 01494 865253 01494 677583 Proprietor: Gary Arnold Keyedge Mobile Locksmith All aspects of Tree Maintenance and Removal Phillip Crouch Resident of Penn For all your financial needs 01494 474727 BEACON FUNERAL SERVICES Ltd 27 Rose Avenue, Hazlemere 01494 818181 (24 Hrs) Quality Service at Competitive Prices Howard Davies 01494 677705 or 07831 497144 PENN TREE SERVICES Tom Hunnings, Cert ARB, C&G Tree Surgeon 01494 815444 Painting & Decorating D.A. DECOR General Maintenance Tel: 01494 815509 Mob: 07891 844040 Local interior design 01494 811912 professional, convenient, in-home, huge range of samples, full-fitting service, many satisfied local customers Ella Dominguez Simon Robertson 24hr EMERGENCY SERVICE Robertsons Estate Agents PLUMBING AND HEATING SERVICE 2 Regius Court, Church Road, Penn HP10 8RL office: 01494 812623 mobile: 07932 006555 PENN PRIVATE HIRE Airports & Stations, Theatres & Restaurants, Courier Service, Local & Long Distance Account Facilities Available Licensed by Wycombe DC (Tokens Accepted) Tel/Fax : 01494 814888 Mobile: 07968 100776 STRIDE’S 24h Emergency Plumbing & Heating Service 24-7 Call out Inside & out servicing Burst, leaking or frozen pipes Boiler & heating systems breakdowns Gas boiler service contracts Domestic, residential, industrial & commercial 01494 440219 07887800530 [ Dave Beck, Institute of Plumbing 01494 813540 Landscaping, Garden Maintenance etc. PENN LANDSCAPES 01494 813225 PERFECT PCs Repairs, Upgrades, New Systems, Virus Removal, Websites Martin Wallington 07867 668633 or 01494 715614 Competitive Rates & Friendly Advice Financial Management Pensions, Investment, Mortgages Penn Barn 01494 817151 CLOCKS & ANTIQUES Garden tidy ups . Garden Ponds . Tree Surgery . Fencing Hedge/Tree Cutting Fast friendly service by local company with 15 years+ experience CALL MIKE ON: 01494 817441 or 07734 297 136 Repairs . Sales . Home Visits Free Estimates . Clocks Purchase call 01494 673055 or visit our shop 86 London End, Beaconsfield Old Town Handyman Service Stephen Goldsmith FUNERAL DIRECTORS for all your roofing needs H.C. GRIMSTEAD Free Estimates and Friendly Advice Tilbury House, Shepherds Lane, Beaconsfield Contact Ian on 01494 814476 or 07968 730793 Tel: 01494 672668 Fax: 01494 677900 Peter Kenyon DIP FD Full Bathroom Installation 26 years experience PC PROBLEMS? NO PROBLEM! FOR YOUR GARDENING AND LANDSCAPING NEEDS IAN KENNY ROOFING SERVICES 32 Gregories Road Beaconsfield 01494 685000 Mobile 07973 439781 WORBOYS Call Gavin on 07792 516659 891 London Road Loudwater 01494 472572 Home 01494 440219 MIKE’S garden services Please call Patrick Dunster on 07723 605722 ARNOLD FUNERAL SERVICE Roofing ~ Building Plumbing ~ Decorating Professional reliable service Excellent pass rate Pass Plus registered Intensive courses available with many years of experience Tiling . Slating . Flat Roofs . General Maintenance AZTEC SERVICES Mark Page Tim Kemp No job too big or small Inside & out work undertaken Maintenance work Domestic, residential, industrial & commercial £30.00 per hour Your local driving school in Beaconsfield All aspects of property maintenance Painter and Decorator 30 years experience Tel: 01494 819143 Mob: 07773 985611 Internal Painting Room Decoration / Woodwork/ Plastering External Painting Building Extensions & Renovations Carpentry Built In Cupboards / Wood Flooring / Doors PLUMBING & HEATING Bathrooms & Kitchens N J Barrett Tel/Fax 01494 813464 (24 hours) Mobile 07971 570124 01494 865906 or 07876 236535 References Available e-mail: Advertisements: While the Parish Newsletter endeavours to serve the community, we cannot take responsibility for the services supplied, or claims made, by our advertisers. It is always advisable to obtain an estimate before agreeing to have work undertaken. Holy Trinity Penn & St Margaret’s Tylers Green Schedule of Services April-May Date Time Holy Trinity 1 April Maundy 3 April Good Friday 12pm Time St Margaret’s 8pm Holy Communion 8pm Vigil A Spring Concert with the Aldren Brothers and Friends Meditation 4 April Easter Eve 5 April Easter Day 6am 8am 11am Sunrise Holy Communion Parish Communion 9.30am Family Communion 12 April 8pm 11am Holy Communion Parish Communion 9.30am Family Communion 19 April 8am 10am Holy Communion Family Communion 9.30am Family Communion 26 April 8am 11am Holy Communion Family Service 9.30am Family Communion 3 May 8am 10am 5pm Holy Communion Family Service Evening Service 8am 9.30am Holy Communion Family Service 10 May 8am 11am Holy Communion Parish Communion 9.30am Family Communion 14 May Ascension 10am Holy Communion 17 May 8am 11am Holy Communion Parish Communion 9.30am Family Communion 24 May Pentecost 8am 11am Holy Communion Parish Communion 9.30am 5pm Family Communion Taize 31 May Trinity 8am 10.30am Holy Communion Joint Service 1030am Service at Holy Trinity Local musicians Alexander (tenor), Thomas (violin) and Benjamin Aldren (clarinet), who are currently studying at the Royal Academy of Music in London, invite you to an evening of classical music. They will be joined by colleagues from the Royal Academy to perform a varied programme by Debussy, Grieg, Vaughan Williams and others. Saturday May 2nd at 7.30pm St Margaret’s Church, Tylers Green Tickets £15, £7.50 students and OAPs available from Hege Aldren. 01494 811918 Proceeds to Chiltern Music Academy and St Margaret’s Church Morning Coffee in The Sanctuary Please drop in any Tuesday between 10am and mid day for coffee at St Margaret’s Sanctuary. Everyone welcome - very friendly! Village Christian Book Club In March we shared our feelings on two of Desmond Tutu’s books. The first was In God’s Wow! What a fantastic start to the year for our reading group. Hands (The Archbishop of Canterbury’s Lent Book 2015). One of the group suggested this might be In January we shared a huge range of books received from Secret Santa. a good book for a new Christian. February found us having second helpings of Bakewell tart and imagining The second book Made for Goodness championed what life would be like 1400 years ago in Yorkshire. forgiveness sighting many examples from South Africa. It promoted the fact that we, as humans, Hilda of Whitby: A spirituality for now by Ray Simpson has been my are made in the Image of God and therefore favourite book this year. After visiting the Abbey last summer on holiday this book brought it to life. It details how this amazing and inspirational are inherently good. Finally we must share our choices for April woman trusted God and let him infuse every part of her community. and May’s fellowship. War of the Worlds by The church wasn’t separate to everyday life as it sadly often is for us in st Adrian Plass and The Cactus Stabbers by Jeff the 21 Century. She strove for unity of the Celtic and Roman Christians and never lost sight of the love of God. Some of our group found the Lucas. history a bit hard going but if you enjoy this or are planning a trip to the area I would highly recommend this book. Growing our faith though reading Christian We have also been savouring the pearls of wisdom from John Pritchard’s books is our aim, please come and join us. How to Explain Your Faith. (This is the book on which our Church Contact Philippa ( or sermons have been based this year). We’ve chosen to read it over 815716) several months and it has stimulated some though provoking discussion. An added bonus was meeting the author a St Margaret’s last year. Your Parish Newsletter is printed by: Turville Printing Services, Unit 2, Verney Ave, High Wycombe, Bucks, HP12 3ND, 01494 520322
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