TRINITY Services at Holy Trinity Sundays: 11 a.m. Sung Mass 6 p.m. Evensong (except 1st Sunday of the month when there is a joint Evensong with Benediction at St Laurence, Long Eaton) Tuesdays: 9:00 a.m. Matins 9.30 a.m. Said Mass Thursdays: 7.00 p.m. Said Mass Any variation to this normal pattern, or occasional masses, will be advised in the newsletter. The Newsletter of Holy Trinity Church Ilkeston 17th May 2015 For Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals please contact Fr Peter Bolton (contact details below) or ring Holy Trinity Parish Office on 07570 597873. The Church Hall The Church Hall is a facility that is available for the use of the local community. It is available on most days of the week, including Sunday afternoons. It is currently used by a wide range of local community groups such as the Brownies, the Royal British Legion and a craft group. It is also available for events such as concerts, exhibitions etc. We are keen to encourage greater use by the local community and if you would like information please contact Maureen West on 0115 932 0469. We operate a flexible policy as regards charging and this will be subject to individual agreement. Contacts at Holy Trinity Priest-in-Charge: Bishop Roger Jupp SSC Tel: 0115 973 5168, email The Vicarage, Regent St, Long Eaton, Nottingham NG10 1JX Assistant Priest: Fr Peter Bolton CMP Tel: 0115 930 5874, email: The Vicarage, 1 Cotmanhay Road, Ilkeston DE7 8HR Parish Office: Tel: 07570 597873 Email: Churchwardens: Mrs Nicky Bailey: Mob: 07809 680034 Email: Geoff Raby: Tel: 0115 932 9461, Mob: 07905 323116 Email: Parish Secretary: Mrs Maureen West: Tel: 0115 932 0469 Email: Parish Treasurer: Mrs Margaret Breedon: 0115 944 0020; Mob: 07879 550745 th 5 Ilkeston Holy Trinity Brownies Brown Owl – Bev, Mob: 07747 142501 (All enquiries to Bev) Snowy Owl – Becca, Mob: 07854 027398 Seventh Sunday of Easter The Spirit Of God’s Life The Holy Spirit is the soul of the Church, the principle of its life and unity. God is living in us because he lets us share his Spirit. Mass Acts 1: 15-17, 20-26 Responsorial Psalm: 102 The Lord has set his sway in heaven. 1 St John 4: 11-16 Gospel: John 17: 11-19 Hymns at Mass 121, 444, 635, 582 (Blue Hymn Book) Evensong & Benediction Isaiah 61 Luke 4: 14-21 Psalm 147: 1-12 Hymns at Evensong 128, 131, 132, 129 Benediction: 269 ( pt ii), 268 (pt ii) (Green Hymn Book) NOTICES - Please let Geoff Raby have any notices for inclusion in the newsletter: as soon as possible please and by 12 noon on Wednesday at the latest. Giving during April A total of £1963.25 was given during March and this is broken down as follows: envelopes/standing orders, £1573.20; plate, £290.05. Of this sum £1067 was gift aided. Evensong at Holy Trinity After much consideration it has been decided that we shall cease to have Evensong every Sunday at Holy Trinity. Evensong & Benediction will be retained on the third Sunday of the month and the normal Evensong & Benediction at St Laurence's on the first Sunday will continue. A number of factors have been taken into account in arriving at this decision, particularly the increasing pressure that Fr Peter is feeling in maintaining our busy liturgical programme. You will know that Fr Peter has a long term health condition and we wish to do whatever we can to help him. We have also taken into account the declining numbers of those who regularly attend. We know there has been a long and cherished tradition of Evensong at Holy Trinity and we thank those who have faithfully supported this over recent years: but remember that between our two parishes there will still be two evening services each month. This Sunday, being the third Sunday of the month, there is Evensong & Benediction, after which the new arrangements will begin. A message from Sue Rollison - Pantomime It's Pantomime Time again - oh yes it is............. This year's pantomime at Nottingham Theatre Royal will be Aladdin staring the ultimate panto dame Christopher Biggins along with Simon Webbe (last year's strictly and member of 'Blue'), and once again the very funny Ben Nickless. We have our usual block of seats reserved in the stalls at a cost of £23 each. All seats to be paid for by Sunday 30th August. To reserve seats please see Sue or John Rollisson or phone 0115 9321087 Today’s Readings: Acts 1:15-17, 20-26 We must choose one of these to be a witness to his resurrection with us. I John 4:11-16 Anyone who lives in love lives in God, and God lives in him. John 17:11-19 Jesus prays that the church may be one like the Father and the Son are one. Meditations: Jesus goes up to heaven without really leaving us. He stays with us as the Risen Lord, that is, He is not physically but spiritually present in and among us: present in the Holy Spirit He sends to us – the Spirit of the Father and the Son. The real presence of the Blessed Trinity in us is the presence of grace and love, of God’s grace and love. Saint Mark tells us beautifully that the Lord “acted in them,” that is, He led Jesus’ disciples in the mission of proclaiming the Good News of salvation. Matthew gives us these consoling words of Jesus before He goes up to heaven: “I will be with you until the end of time.” He continues to be with us really in the Eucharist, in common and fraternal prayer, in the neighbour, in those who evangelize for the Lord. Ascension is not a change of place for Jesus. We must avoid the danger of “boxing” Jesus in heaven, away from us. After all, heaven is for us living in God’s presence – a presence which begins here with grace and ends in heaven with glory. Please Remember in your prayers: Fr Alan Cole, Fr Peter Harvey and Fr Kevin Palmer CMP who are named on our Prayer Board. Of your charity, please pray for the souls of Delysia Turner; Joyce Blaney; Michael Edwards and Brian Collins whose anniversary of death occurs this week. This week the Sanctuary Lamp burns in memory of Joyce Alexander.
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