TRINITY TIMES - Holy Trinity Lutheran Church

MAY 2015
Volume 15, Issue 5
Bible Blast to the Past
Vacation Bible School
June 22 – 26
Mark your Calendar
Annual Meeting
June 14
following the
10 am service
Inside this issue:
Rummage Sale
Women’s Prayer
Spiritual Gifts
Annual Camping
Book Club
Kids Hope USA
Community Life
Church Music Sunday
Guest Preacher
Handbell Concert
Free Music Camp
Leisure Timers
Youth & Family
Sunday Faith
Young Justice
Men’s Ministry
Canoe Trip
Tiny Tots 10
Schedule Changes
Grad Quilts
All children, preschool through 5th grade, are welcome to join us for an
exciting trip through history to explore God’s INCREDIBLE, FAITHFUL,
Invite your friends, neighbors, grandchildren to join us. Register and pay online.
Go to and click on the Bible Blast to the Past logo to
Your Help is Needed!!!!!
Decorations: Your help is needed to
transform the fellowship hall for our
blast to the past. We will be working on
Wednesday evenings, 6:30-8:00 pm,
beginning May 20. We have 5 weeks to
get ready for our time travel. Many
hands are needed. No experience is
necessary – we will provide
Crew Leaders: As a crew leader, you
have the opportunity to become a
significant person in the lives of the
children. You will be responsible for
leading a group of 10-12 children to the
various stations and interacting with
them as they participate in the various
VBS Wish List
Prayer Chain 11
This issue of Trinity Times
is brought to you in color
by Jim and Debbie Grosh.
Contact Kathy in the
office if you are willing to
sponsor another month.
The cost of printing is
approximately $60.
Plastic Table Cloths (Dollar Store):
blue, purple, green.
Craft paper and stickers for card
Recycled CDs/DVDs.
Carpet tubes.
Assistant Crew Leaders: Assist the crew
leader by interacting with the children
as they participate in the various
Preschool Classroom Assistants: Assist
in the preschool classrooms –
interacting with the children and
showing them God’s love.
Station Assistants: Assist the station
leaders by helping the children with the
activity. We have four stations: Crafts,
Games, Bible Stories, Snack/Service.
Tech Assistant: We need someone to
run the video and music for the
opening and closing productions.
Large appliance boxes.
Costume items from the past.
Cheap furnace air filters.
Working Christmas lights.
Metallic spray paint.
Whatever else you think we need
to make our week at VBS totally
wibbly wobbly and timey wimey.
Page 2
Trinity Times
Mobilizing women to act boldly on their faith in Jesus Christ.
The Spring Rummage Sale will support the following Ministries and Activities:
LSSM Family Shelter Room Renovations
Vista Maria Care Kits for victims of Human Trafficking
Offering to the Churchwide Women’s Organzation
Support Holy Trinity’s Youth Group Activities
Projection System for Sanctuary
In addition to the above designations, the rummage sale supports the ongoing
activities of our WELCA unit - Share the Bounty, Honoring Women, scholarships and offerings for the
Triennial Gathering, scholarships for youth to attend camps and retreats, scholarships for adult retreats,
extras for the kitchen and gardens, altar guild and banners.
Mark your calendar!
Saturday, May 9
April 27-30, 9 am-4pm, 6-9pm—Drop off Rummage
Please call ahead to make sure that someone is here!
We need your help - sorting and pricing donations!
April 30, 6:30-8:30 pm—Congregation presale (free
admission for members) We need your help - come
and shop!
April 30, 7-8:30 pm—Public $2.00 admission. We
need your help - cashiers, ticket sellers and people
on the floor!
May 1, 9:30 am—3:00 pm—Public Sale. We need
your help - cashiers and people on the floor!
May 2, 9:30 am—noon—$3.00 Bag Sale - We need
your help - cashiers, people on the floor and clean-up
Details about the Women’s
Prayer Breakfast to be
announced soon!
Page 3
Volume 15, Issue 5
Spiritual Gifts
“Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of services, but the same Lord;
and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who activates all of them in everyone.” (1
Corinthians 12: 4-6)
What are spiritual gifts? Spiritual gifts are given to believers who are part
of a faith community. They come from GOD! Imagine! The sole purpose of
spiritual gifts is to grow the Body of Christ.
Spiritual gifts versus talents? There are
Spiritual gifts are
similarities between spiritual gifts and talents:
different from
both are given by God; both grow in
other God-given
effectiveness with use; both are to be shared
gifts and talents.
with others. In the New Testament the Greek
word “charismata,” meaning grace-gift, is used
when specifically speaking about spiritual gifts versus some other kind of
gift. There are at least 20 spiritual gifts (charismata) listed in the bible.
Spiritual gifts are to you to be a blessing to others.
Spiritual gifts are unique
endowments from the
Holy Spirit, generously
shared with Christians in
community for building
up the Body of Christ in
practical ways.
Kenneth C. Haugk
“Discovering God’s Vision for
Your Life; You and Your
Spiritual Gifts”
“To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good. All these are activated by one and the
same Spirit, who allots to each one individually just as the Spirit chooses.” (1 Corinthians 12: 7, 11)
How do we use our spiritual gifts? Spiritual gifts are what make us each unique –
and also what unify us as a faith community. No one person possesses all of the
spiritual gifts. Therefore, we must work together and depend on one another. No
one is left out on the sidelines, and no one is more important than any other.
Scripture teaches that every Christian is blessed with at least one spiritual gift.
And we can thank God, that none of us is asked to do it all.
Imagine what our
congregation could
accomplish if all
members used
their spiritual gifts.
Most church communities follow the 80/20 rule where 20% of the people do 80% of the work while 80% of
the people sit back and watch the other 20% work. A gifts-based church understands that we are not here
to be served, but to serve with cheerful and grateful hearts.
Explore Your Spiritual Gifts
Sunday, May 17
between services
in the fellowship hall.
Join us to discuss the
specific spiritual gifts,
build relationships, and do some
visioning for Holy Trinity ministries.
Don’t miss your chance to discover
your Spiritual Gifts!
The on-line version is available on the HT
website until May 10.
If you have taken the survey, but have not
received your results, let us know.
Paper Copies are available in the church
Trinity Times
Page 4
Did you think Spring was ever going
to get here?
Remember summer camp and those simple days of wholesome
outdoor fun, new best friends and roaring campfires? It’s time to
think about the 3rd Annual HTLC Family Camping weekend!
This year we will be going to Camp Dearborn
( the weekend of August 21-23. Camp Dearborn is in Milford approximately 30
minutes away from the church.
Camp Dearborn offers a wide range of amenities for outdoor activity; a half-mile swimming beach, acres of
shaded picnic sites, fishing, paddle boat rentals, Mystic Creek Golf Course with mini golf and opportunities
for a choice of camping style!
Not into overnight camping? Camp Dearborn is close enough for a day trip and offers passes for the day
that include the use of all of the facilities.
Don’t have a camper or a tent? Camp Dearborn has Tents/Cabins available for rent.
Please sign-up on the kiosk (by 5/23/15) indicating your site preference and the number attending. We will
make arrangements with the campground and plan activities for the weekend.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Craig & Annette Moeller at (734) 591-0718.
Book Club Meeting on May 6 at 6:30 pm
The current
book we are
reading is The
Age of
Miracles by
Karen Thompson Walker. It is a beautiful novel
of catastrophe and survival, growth and
change. On a seemingly ordinary Saturday in a
California suburb, Julia and her family awake
to discover, along with the rest of the world,
that the rotation of the earth has suddenly
begun to slow down. The days and nights grow
longer and longer, gravity is affected, the
environment is thrown into disarray. As a
teenager, Julia is also coping with the normal
disasters of everyday life. A genuinely moving
tale that mixes the real and surreal, the
ordinary and the extraordinary, with
impressive fluency and flair.
Join us on Wednesday, May 6 at 6:30 pm for a
discussion of the book. This will be our last
meeting until fall. Stay tuned for what we will
read during the summer on our own and discuss
in September. Contact Janet Malcomsom for
more information.
Volume 15, Issue 5
Page 5
A Five Year
Journey of Love
It’s hard to believe how quickly five years have passed. Holy Trinity
began a journey in the summer of 2010 that has positively impacted
the lives of many children. This journey has been full of smiles,
struggles, and love. Support from Holy Trinity members has been
wonderful as many have joined us along the path—mentors, prayer
partners and contributors to the various activities. Our relationship
with the students and staff at Randolph has grown throughout the
years and goes beyond just the Kids Hope program.
As our fifth year of working with students is drawing to a close, we are
already starting to plan for next year and would welcome new
volunteers to join us on the path. Please prayerfully consider
becoming a mentor, substitute mentor or prayer partner. The time
commitment is minimal and the rewards are abundant. Complete
training is provided—free of charge!
Please contact Debbie LaFontaine or Carol Koponen for more
We have a stepping stone for you.
Trinity Times
Page 6
Please join us on May 6
at 6:00 pm for our final
First Wednesday Potluck
until September. The
theme for the meal will
BANNERS. Community
Life will provide the hamburgers, buns and topping.
Guests are asked to bring side dishes, salads,
desserts and beverages. If you plan to attend,
please be sure to sign-up on the poster in the
Welcome Center so we can plan accordingly. Our
service project for the evening will be to work on
the banners for the Fellowship Hall.
Summer 2015
Church Music Sunday
will be celebrated on
May 10 at the 11:00 am
service. Throughout
the year many
volunteers give their time and talents to lead
our worship. Come “make a joyful noise” with
our choir, bells and brass as we acknowledge
the importance of music in our worship and
honor those who use the gift of music to
glorify our risen Savior, Jesus Christ.
To God alone be the
Ann Buland
Tanzanian Bishop to Preach on
Memorial Day Weekend
Patio Parties will be on the calendar again this
summer. These are outdoor potluck gatherings.
The hosts for the evening provide the main dish and
guests are invited to bring a dish to pass and your
beverage of choice. Suggested dates are: June 24,
July 22, August 19
Please contact Margaret Ash if you are interested in
hosting a party this summer.
Margaret Ash
Community Life needs more team
members - Let Margaret know if
you can help.
Bishop Nicolaus M. Nsanganzelu, of the Mbulu
Diocese of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in
Tanzania will be our guest preacher on
Memorial Day weekend. He has previously
served as Assistant to the Bishop in Mbulu
Diocese and as district pastor. He is alumni of
Free Lutheran Theological Seminary in
Minnesota, where he was awarded a Bachelor
of Theology Degree. He also has a Theology
Certificate from Tumaini University Makumira.
The Mbulu Diocese is our companion synod in
Tanzania. We provide regular support to the
Daudi Congregation in this diocese.
Volume 15, Issue 5
Page 7
Ringing in the Spring
Holy Trinity will host the Detroit Handbell Ensemble for its spring concert on
Sunday, May 31 at 4:00 pm. The professional ensemble is directed by Dr. Michael
Burkhardt and its members include handbell directors from churches around the
metro area, including our own Ann Buland.
This concert features arrangements of spirituals, hymn tunes and several advanced
pieces that challenge the skills of the ringers. Many feature special handbell
techniques, such as malleting, thumb-damping, martellato (tapping the bells on the table)
and the singing bell, in which the rim of the bell is rubbed with a rubber dowel to create an
ethereal humming sound. Many of the ringers play multiple bells as well as hand chimes
covering five octaves.
DHE is recording its first CD, which will be ready this summer, and advance orders will be taken at the
concert. The group is also accepting donations toward the purchase of its bells. A free-will offering will be
received, and a reception will follow the program. Mark your calendars and bring a friend to enjoy what
promises to be an exciting afternoon of beautiful music!
Youth Music Camp Scholarships
Hearts Hands and Voices Camp is scheduled for
August 10-13, 2015 at Holy Cross on 6 Mile in
Livonia. The camp is a unique opportunity for
young people of all Christian faiths and music
backgrounds to come together in a safe and
welcoming environment to grow spiritually and
musically. The camp provides children with
lifelong tools for creating, appreciating and sharing
music, participating in worship, and leading
productive lives in society through hands-on
The day runs from 9 am-3 pm with snack and
lunch provided. The campers return on Thursday
evening for a closing program to share a portion of
what they’ve experienced. Tuition is $80 until June
15 and then increases to $90. We close
registration on July 31 or when we hit 65 campers,
whichever comes first. Contact Dale Love if you
would like to register your child.
Leisure Timers
Celebrate a
Western Theme
for May Meeting
to the
(HTLC Library), on Thursday, May 7 at 12:00
Noon. Lunch will be served from the chuck wagon
with food to tantalize your taste buds. Western
attire will add to the fun. Name tags will be worn
representing your favorite cowboys or cowgirls
from your youth.
Seniors, retirees, anyone with time, are welcome to
join the Leisure Timers! This will be our last event
for the season. Happy trails to all until we meet
again in the fall (October 1).
Check the kiosk for the sign-up sheet, or if you have
questions, call Yvonne Harris at (248) 615-0568.
Yvonne Harris
Trinity Times
Page 8
Sunday Morning Line-up
Dale’s Dabbles
Led by Pastor Buland, the
Adult discussion group
meets in the Prayer Parlor
at 9:45 am and continues
through May 10th.
Young Justice – Kayla Mount-Campbell is leading a
video series/discussion group on Sundays at 10:00
am in Room 11. Come join in on discussing topics
that relate to your everyday lives.
Young Justice will be helping to take down the
Rummage Sale on Saturday, May 2, at Noon. RSVP
to Dale so that we will have enough food for a light
Middle School Bible
Sunday mornings at 9:45 am.
Young Justice will meet on May 17, 6:30 – 8:00 pm.
Confirmation Sunday – May 17 – 11:00 am – We
congratulate Erin Boyle-Levy, Max Hirvela and Sam
Vertin on their affirmation of faith!
Sunday School “Voices of Praise” will sing on May
17 at the 11:00 am service.
VBS News – Registration is now available on-line at
the HTLC website. Paper registrations are available
in the church office. VBS will be Monday-Friday,
June 22-26, 9:00 am – Noon. Spaces are limited – so
register early!
High School Youth
gather at 10 am in Room 11 to view videos from
VBS Decorating
6:30-8:00 pm,
beginning May 20.
followed by discussion facilitated by
Kayla Mount-Campbell. Check out the videos and
discussion topics posted on our facebook page.
Animate:Practices will pick up again in
the fall. Watch for more information
about using technology for Bible study
and devotions in the future.
Volume 15, Issue 5
Page 9
You’re invited
Join the families of Troop 782 for the
High School Youth Group
meets Sunday, April 26 @ 6:30 pm
Mark these dates on your calendar for
upcoming Youth Group Activities:
Sunday Morning Video/Discussion continues
through May 17 at 10 am (in Room 11).
Plan to be here for our regular scheduled
meeting time on Sunday, April 26, 6:308:00. We will be joined by other volunteers to
help set up for the Rummage Sale. YOU ARE
Saturday, May 2 - (11:30 am) Rummage Sale
May 17 - regular meeting time, activity to be
July 15-19 – Rise Up Together: ELCA National
Youth Gathering.
Men’s Bible Study @ Richard’s
During May, the Men’s Bible Study will meet at
Richard’s Family Restaurant on Plymouth Road
the 1st (5/7) and 4th (5/28) Thursday evenings,
beginning at 6:30 pm. The first meeting was
moved up due to schedule conflicts.
Newcomers and returning guys are welcome.
Even those guys who do not attend Holy Trinity
are welcome. Material will be provided to
discuss how to change the church and how to
witness your faith in 30 seconds or less. We
will also be deciding the summer schedule.
Come open minded; leave refreshed, renewed
and inspired!
Paul Stratton
On May 29-31, the Annual
Scout & Parent Canoe Trip to
the Manistee River will be held
at Smithville Landing, located
16 miles north of Lake City, MI
on M-66. You can bring your
own tents/trailer/campers or
borrow a tent from the Troop
and join the fun.
Cost is $54.00 per person -- which includes the
canoe rental on Saturday, and food from Saturday
breakfast through Sunday breakfast.
Pick up an informational sheet/permission slip on
the kiosk in the Welcome Center. Contact Bill
McCarley (734) 634-0125 or Ken Bourgon (734) 5911127 for more information.
NOAH Lunch Donations Needed
for June 7
The N.O.A.H. Project provides a
nutritional bag lunch on
Mondays and Thursdays each
week. Sign-up on the kiosk in the
Welcome Center to provide food
or helping hands.
Opportunities to Put Faith into
During the Congregational Meeting to be held on
June 14, open seats on the Church Council (Vice
President) and Elders will be available to be filled.
For more information, contact Paul Stratton
(Council) or Sue Francis (Elders).
Paul Stratton
Page 10
Trinity Times
Schedule changes to Note
The May Council meeting
has been rescheduled to
Tuesday, May 12 at 7:00 pm.
Kroger Rewards!
Kroger shoppers, it is time to renew your
commitment to Tiny Tots! APRIL is renewal month!
If your rewards card is already registered, it is just as
easy as logging into your account and choosing Tiny
Tots Preschool.
Don’t let this free money slip us by. We need you!
Even if you are only an occasional Kroger shopper -every little bit helps!
Fall help wanted!
We are looking for volunteer substitutes to fill in in
the event one of our teachers is sick. We try to fill in
for each other but sometimes we could use an extra
person. We would ask that you complete a
background check.
Going -- but not gone.
As some of you have undoubtedly heard, I’m
retiring. I look at it like the Michelin Man -- RE-Tire,
get it! I’m just putting on a new job. I’ll still be
teaching on Tuesday and Thursday. I’ll also be able
to do more gardening. So you just may see me
lurking in the bushes!
Thank you for the continued support of our
Martha Rotter
Grace Holy Trinity’s Altar
with flowers to commemorate a
birthday, anniversary, special date or
in memory of a loved one.
Sign-up on the kiosk in the Welcome
Center. The price will remain at
$40.00. If you have any questions,
contact Kathy Weinberg in the church
We begin Summer Worship
Schedule on Memorial Day
Weekend. Saturday Evening
at 5 pm Sunday Morning ONE
The church office will be closed
on Monday, May 25 in
observance of Memorial Day.
High School
Grad Quilt
on May 9
at 5 pm
Congratulations to Daniel DiTommaso and Andrew
Moyer who will graduate from high school this June.
As part of our “Faith Stepping Stone” program, they
will receive a special graduation quilt and blessing at
the 5:00 pm service on Saturday, May 9. Please keep
these young men in your prayers.
The graduation quilts are handmade by members of
the congregation to signify our continuing love and
prayers, the warmth of the Holy Trinity faith
community and the power of the Holy Spirit. Thank
you to Linda Schwelnus, Joan Newman and Debbie
LaFontaine for their help in making the quilts for our
2015 graduates.
Debbie LaFontaine
Volume 15, Issue 5
Page 11
Stay Connected
Church (734) 464-0211
In Worship: At each worship service we offer prayers of the people.
Included in this are the names of members and friends who have
particular prayer needs. Those for whom we pray are published in
the Announcement Page each week so that you may also offer
prayers during the week.
You may request that someone be added to this list by contacting
the church office or noting it on the back side of the communication
card. Prayer requests will remain on the list for 4 weeks unless
otherwise noted.
Prayer Chain: The prayer chain is designed to serve the short term,
emergency and confidential prayer needs of members, friends and
family. There is both a telephone and email component. You may
request prayers by contacting Valerie Musselman at or Sue Corney by phone.
Those for Whom We Pray
Margaret Alshouse
Lonny Aregores
Phil Bergin*
Candi Brekhus
Marlene Dodge*
Harry Flagg
Eleanor Frommert*
Joan Garver*
Lois Gerigk
Heather Gordon
Tracy Gorton-Farmer
Harold Hirvela
Denise Hostetter*
Lillian Jahr
Marcella Kephart
Ryan Kerry
Agnes Killingbeck
Pr. Katherine Kolodziejczyk
Brandon Laramie
Eric Laramie
Tim Leason
Don Liptow*
Glaydon Lucore
Mike Mobley
Heidi Mooney
Diane Norton
Bertha Oswald*
Wendy Peterson
Rebrandt family
Bonnie Robertson*
Ed Rysztak
Linda Seward
Lucian Sieja
Don Sokol*
Christine Thompson
Jerry Ungerleider
Kellen Weakley
Lisa Wittig
Tom Wrenbeck*
Family and Friends of
*indicates member
Pastor Linda Golden
x 203
Lynelle Brummel, Secretary x 200
Office hours T-Th 1-4 pm,
Fri 8:30 am - 2:30 pm
Kathy Weinberg, Adm. Asst. x 202
Office hours M-Th 8:30 am-3 pm
Ann Buland
x 206
Director of Music Ministries
Dale Love
x 205
Director of Youth and Family Ministry
Assistant Director of Music Ministries
Debbie LaFontaine
x 204
Carol Koponen
x 204
Kids Hope USA Co-Coordinators
Martha Rotter
x 212
Stacy Kraus
x 212
Tiny Tots Co-Directors
Tiny Tots Office
x 208
Pastor Golden and Dale Love
observe their Sabbath on Friday.
When to contact a Pastor:
There are a number of pastoral
situations that warrant contacting the
 Any hospital stay: illness, surgery, etc.
 Substance abuse involving you or a
loved one.
 Domestic problems of any sort,
marital or children.
 Birth of a child.
 Marriage (before you set the date!)
 Death—call when a person is dying
and at the actual time of death,
regardless of the hour!
 When you desire spiritual direction.
How to contact the Pastor:
Non-emergency situations:
 Email Pastor Golden or call to make
an appointment to see her.
Emergencies—try in this order:
 Call Pastor Golden at the office.
 Call the church office - they almost
always know where to find Pastor
Golden during office hours.
 Pastor Golden’s cell phone.
 Pastor Golden’s home phone.
39020 5 Mile Rd. Livonia, MI 48154
Return Service Requested
Beginning Memorial Day
Saturday Evening at 5 pm
Sunday Morning
Ministers: All Baptized People of Holy Trinity
Holy Trinity
Lutheran Church
Phone: 734-464-0211
Fax: 734-464-6095
A congregation of the
Evangelical Lutheran
Church in America
God’s Work. Our Hands.
The Reverend Linda M. Golden
Ann C. Buland, Director of Music Ministries
Dale D. Love, Director of Youth & Family Ministries
Assistant Director of Music Ministries
Kathy Weinberg, Administrative Assistant
Lynelle Brummel, Secretary
Carol Koponen, Kids Hope USA
Debbie LaFontaine, Kids Hope USA
Martha Rotter and Stacy Kraus, Tiny Tots Co-Directors
Don MacRae & Gene Slowik, Custodians
Worship Schedule
Contemporary Worship Sat. 5 pm
Traditional Worship Sun. 8:30 & 11 am
(Summer Schedule begins Memorial Day Weekend)
in partnership with Randolph
Elementary in Livonia, Michigan.
Holy Communion is celebrated
at all services.