VOLUME 20 ISSUE 3 April. 2015 April Newsletter The April newsletter is in honor of the birthdays of our daughter Penny Nacci and granddaughter Taylor Bechtel by Frank and Carole Nacci. “Serving and Ministering to the Community Since 1873” Rev. John A. Hart, Pastor Phone: 610-282-3336, Email: pstrhart@gmail.com “Trinity Tidings” is a monthly publication printed on the premises of Holy Trinity Memorial Lutheran Church (Hospital Code: 244) Robin McCloud, Office Secretary, Email: robin.holytrinity@verizon.net HOLY TRINITY MEMORIAL LUTHERAN CHURCH 604 Fourth Street Catasauqua, Pa 18032 Phone:610-264-2641 Fax:610-264-2661 Website: www.holytrinitymemoriallutheran.com Email: holytrinity604@verizon.net DEADLINE FOR MAY NEWSLETTER IS TUESDAY, APRIL 21ST. IF HOSPITALIZED, BE SURE TO SIGN A RELEASE CARD AND USE OUR HOSPITAL CODE #244. WE ARE A HANDICAPPED ACCESSIBLE FACILITY. FROM THE PASTOR’S DESK…….. State of the Faith Road Trip This past February at our congregation meeting, a member stood up and called for our congregation to start a road trip. You don’t remember that happening? I do, but maybe not in those exact words. I think it was a call for the congregation to figure out where we want to be in five years. Now, before we begin this road trip we need to consider where we have been, where we are going, what we will see along the way, how we will get there, and how long the trip will be. I believe, from working with and listening to many members over the years, our ultimate goal is to be as faithful a congregation to the gospel message that we can be by sharing and living that gospel message in our lives and worship. Now since we are talking about a journey, I believe that we have been on one together for the last 12 years and we are simply moving in a new direction. Now to decide our new route on our Faith Road Trip let us look where we have been so far. We have fixed our property, carrying out around two hundred and fifty thousand dollars of repairs and improvements on our church and buildings. This was important to do because the condition of the church property is often seen as a reflection on the depth of faith in those attending. If we are going to do the Calling of Church, we must have a well cared for facility. However, we have not just stopped with property improvements alone. If that were the case, I would say our ministry trip was fated for failure. No, we have given thousands upon thousands of dollars, probably close to the amount we have spent on repairs, for ministries inside and outside the congregation. For example, the Morning Glories, the women’s group, have given over sixteen thousand dollars to needy causes. They have probably given double that in material goods to those in need, such as, LCS Refugee program, Habitat for Humanity, Cops N Kids, Wounded Warriors, Catty Food Bank, 6th Street Shelter, Operation Christmas children, Mrs. Nothstein’s Helping Hands, Appalachia’s Health Wagon, and many, many more. Our Social ministry team has also carried out various ministries through ingatherings and many other collections. Our food table in the narthex has collected thousands of pounds of goods for the Catasauqua food bank. On this Faith Road Trip, you have supported the “Pastor’s Discretionary fund”, which has helped members of our congregation and many in the community. We do not advertise our giving from that fund because it is done quietly. As a congregation, we also help meet needs and emergencies for both local and international causes. One that I will mention specifically and that is close to my heart is Neumann Orphanage in Ethiopia. Let us not forget the youth group. The youth group has also raised over twenty-nine thousand dollars for the 30-hour famine, collected for Souper Bowl Sunday and the Catasauqua Fund Bank. Our Faith Road Trip is not about money, but it will be a topic of where we are going and how we can continue our ministries. We have already implemented many long-term goals through the SALT team, which has carried out many positive programs to increase our stewardship. In addition to the financial commitments we have made, and our many social ministry programs we have also offered many chances to increase our understanding of the Bible and our faith through Sunday morning and weeknight bible studies, Lenten movies, various speakers and more. What can you say about Sunday school? Its leadership and teachers are dedicated and the students are a great group. They have fun learning about their faith. We have tried to make worship as spirit filled and faith nourishing as possible, without being simply glitz and glam or merely entertaining. God does not need to be worshipped, but God knows that we need to worship to maintain a healthy faith. We need to praise, at least once a week, in order to affirm what is critical in our lives – God and we have tried to make that ultimate in our goals for worship. On our Faith Road Trip we have always tried fulfill our role in the creation—joining in with God using our free will to respect and care for the image of God in others, making a better world than we have inherited, to appreciate what we have been given, and to enjoy it. I ask anyone who would like to be part of the upcoming planning team, which will set the course for the next leg of our Faith Road Trip to contact me. Remember we all get to ride shotgun with God! Yours in Christ, Pastor John Church Council Members Term Ending Dec. 2015 Term Ending Dec. 2016 Terms Ending December 2018 Barb Fister: 610-266-1160 Dale Greenzweig: 610-419-3843 Arden Strickland: 610-351-0341 Cheryl Kneiss: 610-262-0467 RuthAnn Reinsmith: 610-264-4346 Rick Martson: 484-661-5183 Sherry Creyer: 610-262-1811 Carol Cunningham: Joe Schwindenhammer: 610-573-1957 Carole Nacci: 610-264-8785 Mark Fried: 610-262-2645 Open Youth Rep.: OFFICERS President: Barbara Fister Secretary: (Rotating) Vice President: Arden Strickland Treasurer: John Marakovits $ FINANCIAL UP-DATE $ At the end of February, we were (-$5,308.16) behind budget. At the end of February of 2014 (last year), we were (-$4,572.00) behind budget -$736.16 less. However, regular budgeted income received thus far in 2015 is $175.84 more than last year. In addition, Sunday, February the 22nd was lost to bad weather as both services were cancelled. In February a total of $437.00 was received in our “Lent” envelopes which included a separate envelope for Ash Wednesday. Other special gifts received during February were for the following: $ 85.00 Initial (offering envelopes) $ 10.00 Benevolence $808.00 Thrivent Funds Deposit $ 65.00 Letter Set for Portable sign $630.00 “Sweets for your Sweetie” - Valentine’s Day Weekend event—$315.00 for “Mrs. Nothstein’s Helping Hands” and $315.00 for the Numan Orphanage. $240.00 Pasto’s Discretionary Fund $ 45.00 Building Fund $249.59 Heating Fund—$199.59 was interest from the LeeAnn Webb memorial C.D. $108.00 “Morning Glories” Thank you to all contributors. As you can see, there are many “special” causes to contribute to here at Holy Trinity. With another very difficult winter season now behind us, please be extra generous to the church this Lenten and Easter season. As always, thank you for your on-going support of Holy Trinity and it’s ministry. Thank you, John Marakovits, Treasurer HOLY TRINITY NEWS Holy Trinity welcomes Diane Jones as our newest member! Have you remembered Holy Trinity in your will? About the 3rd week of April, you should be receiving your offering envelopes in the mail for May and June. If you do not receive them, please contact Robin in the church Office (610) 264-2641. “Simply Giving” At any time, you can give donations to the “Pastor’s Discretionary Fund”. This fund is used to give temporary financial assistance to people of our congregation and community when a sudden need arises. You may send contributions to the church or place them in the offering plate on Sunday mornings. Please mark your checks or envelopes “Pastor’s Discretionary Fund”. “Simply Giving” allows you to share first fruits through planned giving. Activate your stewardship into an ongoing automatic withdrawal of your tithes and offerings. Holy Trinity benefits by having a steady income no matter what the season or weather. To learn more, call the church 610“Joyful Giving Circle” 264-2641. “As each has received a gift, employ it for one another, as good stewards of God’s varied Help further the ministry of Holy Trinity… grace.” I Peter 4:10 – RSV Holy Trinity is a member of the Blood Bank Program. If you give blood, you may designate it as Holy Trinity. Also, if you ever need Don’t wait for a special occasion to make a blood, tell them you’re a contribution in honor or in memory of someone. Fill out the enclosed form or print church member. it off our website, place it in the offering or mail it with your check in any amount. We will print your dedication in our next newsletter. Thank you to all of the Sunday Church School parents and students for their food contributions and help during refreshment Sunday on March 8. Also, thank you to Steph and Vicki Chimics for leading the SCS students in a St. Patrick's Day/Easter craft activity on March 15. Looking ahead: April 5 (Easter Sunday) no SCS April 12 Easter program presentation during 10:30 worship service May 24 (Pentecost) Affirmation of Baptism - reception follows 10:30 worship service May 31 SCS closing program at 9:15 in Alice Storch room (and make your own Sundae!) June 13 Christian Education Annual Yard Sale June 14 (tentative)-- Paul Frantz Memorial Scholarship presentation And, of course, planning for our summer has begun, so please keep your eyes open for further details!! PAUL FRANTZ SCHOLARSHIP Applications are now available from Rick Minnich. Due date is Sunday, April 12th. Scholarship is open to all graduating High Seniors continuing their education in the fall. Call Rick with any questions at 610-261-2901. ARE YOU PROUD OF YOUR CHILD’S ACCOMPLISHENT? Let us know. We are happy to publish it in our newsletter. Call 610-264-2641. If someone in your household is graduating from High School, College/ University, or Trade School (including advanced degrees), please call the church office with the info. We would love to include it in the June edition of the “Trinity Tidings.” Call Robin in the office and let her BYOB - Bring Your Own Bible. STARTING ON THURSDAY, April 9th. It's more than just a clever name for Thursday Night Bible study - it's a diverse group of people gathering to learn more about the word - and the Word - of God. Our small group includes a scientific mind, a former Daisy leader, a grammar surgeon, a guy with a smart-phone answer for every question, an R.C. (reformed Catholic), a guy whose hip Bible that belies his chronological age, a snarky Jesus freak, and a pastor who does his homework before each study! There's room for so many more personalities - let us get to know yours while you're getting better acquainted with the Bible. Join us from 7-8 o'clock for Thursday night BS with Pastor John - Bible Study, that is! Come see what you've been missing!! DID YOU KNOW? The Christian Education Team collects Redner's receipts. Proceeds support camperships for Holy Trinity or other kids and youth who want to attend a week of camp at Bear Creek. Please place receipts in the basket on the Food Table. Thank you! Remember or Honor Loved Ones Altar Flowers TO THE GLORY OF GOD: April 5 EASTER—Individual Lily Plants ALTAR— In loving memory of David Svitana by Sandy and Erich Svitana. April 12 In loving memory of LeeAnn Webb by her parents. April 19 In honor of our daughter, Penny, to celebrate her birthday by Frank and Carole Nacci. April 26 In honor of our granddaughter, Taylor, to celebrate her birthday by Frank and Carole Nacci. Bulletins TO THE GLORY OF GOD AND: April 5 Open April 12 Open April 19 Open April 26 Open “Trinity Tidings” All dedications are taken for 2015. Thank you. Please Note: To reserve a flower date, fill in the Flower Chart in the narthex and call Suzanne Webb 610-2644880 with your dedication. If you do not call Suzanne, the dedication will read “To the glory of God by (your name)”. To dedicate a Sunday bulletin, call the church secretary (610-264-2641). Bulletins are $10, altar flowers are $35. Please pick up your flowers or have someone pick them up for you. Landscaping Alert: Looking for Trinity members who like the great outdoors and enjoy watching flowers grow! Last year, we had 14 members who weeded and checked our flower beds and property throughout the spring, summer and fall. That meant that every 7 weeks, each team of 2 took a turn. Several members who helped last year can’t help this year. The schedule this year will begin the week of April 13 and continue through the week of October 26. Please consider helping as a team or as a family! Many hands make light work….see Janis Charvala for more information. YOUTH NEWS They're back, and you have responded to them with your usual generosity!! Those ever-popular youth with their 30-Hour Famine books were like the 11th plague, swarming like locusts in March, looking for sponsors! Here's a tidbit to inspire you to pledge once, twice....maybe as often as asked: Since we started doing the Famine, you have helped HT Youth raise over $29,000 for World Vision's development and relief programs in the US and internationally!!!!!!! If you're new to the Famine, don't hesitate to ask the kids about it. And if they're a little shy about asking members that they don't know, why not introduce yourself and offer your pledge? They'll be fasting for 30 hours from noon on Good Friday until 6pm on Saturday (April 3-4). Thank you in advance for your enthusiastic support! NO CAMO REQUIRED FOR THIS HUNT! While the youth are fasting, they'll be preparing a neighborhood Easter egg hunt on April 4th at HT. We'll be decorating hard-cooked eggs and filling plastic eggs on Friday, and hiding the eggs and hosting the free event on Saturday at noon, rain or shine. So mark your calendars if you have children or grandchildren age 6 or under, and invite neighbors or friends that you would like to invite to Holy Trinity - what a fun way to introduce them to our church home! An adult must accompany their children. Please RSVP to Diane (610-739-6006) or the church office (601-2642641) if you are planning to attend to help us know how many eggs the Easter bunny needs to hide! Thank you to the adults who have kept the youth in mind and donated a wonderful supply of plastic eggs for our egg hunt! Still needed: small egg-sized treasures and individually-wrapped candy to fill those eggs - deadline to drop those items in the basket in the narthex is Sunday, March 29th. While you have your calendars out...Pencil in Saturday, May16th for our Junior Victorian Tea. Tentative time: 1-2:30pm. We'll be serving kid-friendly sweets and beverages, offering a junior-sized basket raffle, and hosting what could become an annual tradition like the Victorian Tea in April. Cost will be adult $3, children $2. You must bring a child to attend!!! Think about inviting friends/family/coworkers and their children to this fun event. 100% of the proceeds will go toward our $35/month sponsorship of Nohla, our South African sister that we sponsor through World Vision. Coming June 23-28th: Creation Festival in Mount Union, PA. Tuesday, June 23 will be travel and set up camp; Sunday, June 28 will be pack up and travel home. Creation Festival is "a tribute to our Creator", and gives individuals, families, and youth an opportunity to hear Christian musicians/bands and Christian speakers; camp in a safe environment; enjoy a fair-like environment with food, t-shirt and poster vendors; learn about a variety of ministries; and serve as volunteers to help run the festival for a reduced admission fee (age 14 and up). I attended in 2014 with the Helds and another family, and am returning with the same group this June - I would love to see at least 2 HT youth attend! SOCIAL MINISTRY NEWS Don't be THAT family!!! Including a toothbrush in a basket of candy is like eating diet soda with pizza! It's fun to indulge in the secular part of Easter celebrations, but why not fill those baskets with goodies that give twice? Items from the Fair Trade table or from the catalogs on the table benefit small farmers and artisans in developing countries...and yes, there's even chocolate on the table that is not only delicious but is also fairly traded! This Easter, let's think outside the basket!! Keep these ongoing opportunities for ministry in mind - and thank you for your support of the many social ministry opportunities offered at Holy Trinity: nonperishable items for the Food Table - delivered to the Catasauqua Food Bank "meant-to-but-forgot" donations on the Food Table for the Catty Food Bank Bean Soup Mix next to the Fair Trade Table - $5 donation goes to the Pastor's Discretionary Fund Fair Trade Table purchases of chocolate and hand-crafted items - benefit small farmers and crafters in third-world countries catalogs on the Fair Trade Table with gifts and donation ideas - God's love, gift-wrapped donations to Numan orphanage, which struggles to meet the needs of the children who live there, and where Metsehet turns when she needs additional help. Think about using some of these ideas when you make plans for Mother's Day, just a month away! Beautiful cards are available on the Fair Trade Table and at Ten Thousand Villages at the Lehigh Valley Mall outdoor shops. SCRIP NEWS EASTER BASKET ALERT: Scrip gift cards benefit our Christian Education program. There won't be another order placed before Easter, but here are the cards that are available for immediate purchase: Dunkin Starbucks Chipotle Boston Market Subway Taco Bell Burger King Arby's Dick's Sporting Goods LL Bean Cabela's Lowe's Kohl's Old Navy American Eagle Giant Weis CVS Amazon.com iTunes Barnes & Noble Staples PetSmart Bed Bath & Beyond Q'doba Applebee's Carrabba's Bonefish Grille Longhorn Steakhouse Olive Garden Panera Red Lobster Cracker Barrel Outback TGIFriday's Cards will be available from Joe or Diane after the early and late services on Easter morning, for last minute Easter bunnies! Did you know that Kohl's cards can be used to pay your Kohl's charge? That's right! Use your Kohl's charge card to get those amazing savings, then pay your bill by purchasing Kohl's cards from Scrip. It's a superpower that store-purchased Kohl's cards don't have. You can purchase Kohl's cards from our inventory, or place an order for them the second Sunday every month. You don't have to plan ahead for Kohl's shopping because you can purchase Scrip cards after the fact in the amount you need to pay your bill! And with a a 4% Scrip rebate, you could raise $20 a year for our Christian Education program by purchasing $500 in Kohl's cards over the next year. And seriously, if you shop at Kohl's, who hasn't spent at least $500 in a year?!!! Please see our Scrip coordinator, Joe Schwindenhammer, after worship any Sunday to pick up cards in between orders. Reminder: the deadline for regular orders is the second Sunday each month, but we will take your order any time and hold it until the next order is placed. We pay $7.75 shipping for each order, so please try to plan your purchases by the deadline each month. Several people can attest, however, that Joe can be persuaded to submit an interim order when needed. We also take IOU's for orders and for stock purchases! Deadline for our April order is Sunday, April 12th. DON'T MISS OUT: Start asking for your cards back when you spend them...Put your name on each $0 balance card and drop it in the Scrip box in the narthex. When we reach a net profit of $3000, we will draw a name - the winner will receive a $10 gift card of their choice. Enter as many times as you like to increase your chances of winning! The more cards you buy, the sooner we'll get to that $3000 profit goal - and the more cards you'll have in the box when we draw the lucky winner!!! Since Holy Trinity started participating in the Scrip program on 4/1/14, we have a total gross profit since we started of $2430.91!!!!! Start dropping those used Scrip cards in the box this Sunday!! MAUNDY THURSDAY—APRIL 2nd 6:00p.m. Soup Supper—7:30p.m. Worship (You may sign-up in the Alice Storch Room to help provide soup, bread, or desert, or to help clean up.) GOOD FRIDAY—APRIL 3rd 7:30p.m. The re-enactment of the ancient rite of “Tenebrae” (Latin meaning “shadows”). Dating from the 8th century, it commemorates the suffering and death of Christ. Extinguishing of candles symbolizes the fading loyalty of the disciples and friends of Jesus. THE RESURRECTION OF OUR LORD—EASTER DAY—APRIL 5th (NO Sunday School Classes/ No Pastor’s Bible Study) 6:00a.m. Easter Vigil/Dawn Candlelight service with Communion 10:30a.m. Easter Holy Communion/Choir Friday, April 24th, 2015 ~ Basket Raffle (6 to 8p.m.) Saturday, April 25th, 2015 ~ Annual Victorian Tea
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