Holy Trinity Catholic Church May 17, 2015 20523 Huebner Road San Antonio, Texas 78258 Website: www.holytrinitysat.org People who believe and belong — The Kingdom of God is where you are Parish Office - 210-497-4200 FAX: 210-497 - 4285 Monday-Thursday: 8:30 AM – 8:00PM Friday 8:30 AM—5:00 PM Saturday 9:00AM - 12:00PM Pastoral Staff Pastor - Msgr. Michael H. Yarbrough Parochial Vicar - Fr. Oscar Tello-Curiel Deacon Michael Cleary, 857-0930 Deacon Chris Laskowski, 497-4486 Deacon Guy LoTurco, 497-2363 Deacon Jerry Micek, 497-4410 Deacon David Seguin, 365-4902 Deacon Dickie Yzaguirre, 545-2604 Parish Staff Parish Administrator: Oscar Perez Finance Coordinator: Cecilia Greene Bookkeeper: Lizzette Kranz Director of Music & Liturgy: Lucy Tavira Sacristan: Doug Stolo Coordinator of RCIA & Adult Ed: Desma Delgado Parish Secretary: Gloria Barretto Receptionist: Ana Rosa Lane Facilities Manager: Terri Collins (210-497-0700) Facilities Manager Asst. : George Weynand Maintenance Coordinator: Joaquin Martinez Faith Formation Office - 497-4145 Monday—Friday: 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM Faith Formation Staff Coordinator of Religious Ed: Kristin Casas Asst. Coord. of Religious Ed: Eric Mejia Admin. Asst. Rosa Becnel Admin. Asst. Martha Sandoval LIFETEEN - High School Ministry Youth Minister: Debra Gray The EDGE - Middle School Ministry Assistant Youth Minister: Renee Kuntz Assistant Youth Minister: Jonathan Rodriguez Inquiry into the Catholic Faith: Through the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). Call Desma Delgado 497-4200. WELCOME We extend a warm welcome to anyone new to our parish family & all visitors who celebrate with us throughout the year. If you would like to join this parish, please pick up a registration form which can be found near both bulletin boards in the foyer. Complete & return the registration form at your convenience. Eucharistic Celebrations Saturday: 5:00 PM Sunday: 8:00AM, 9:30AM, 11:15AM, 1:00 PM (Spanish) & 5:30 PM Weekday - refer to page 2 for changes: Mon., Wed., Fri., Mass is at 8:30 AM & 12:05PM Tue. & Thu., Mass is at 6:30 AM Adoration Hours: 9:00AM - Noon ~ Mondays and Wednesdays 9:00AM - Midnight ~ Fridays 9:00AM First Fridays to 9:00AM First Saturdays (24 hour adoration) SACRAMENTS Penance: Saturday, 3:00-4:30 PM in church building or call the office for an appointment. Baptism: Pre-baptism instruction is required. Classes for 2014: Last Monday of the month Jan. Nov., unless it’s a Holiday. Call the parish office to sign up. Marriage: There is a 6 month preparation period for Sacramental marriages. Please call the parish office for details. BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENTS, ARTICLES AND REQUESTS DEADLINE: 10 days prior to date published via email please: gloria@holytrinitysat.org PULPIT ANNOUNCEMENTS by 10:00 AM by Wednesday Prior to weekend needed: gloria@holytrinitysat.org PARISH REPORTER Sylvia Theall - sylviatheall@att.net. Help us keep our records current. Please notify the Parish Office if you are moving or if your personal status has changed. Sympathy Monday May 18 Celebrant – Msgr. Douglas Fater 8:30AM - Richard Barrett, †, Helen Swete, Sp. Int. & Margie Loebig, † Celebrant – Fr. Oscar 12:05PM - Adrian Santos, Sp. Int., Claudia Villarreal, Sp. Int., & Carmen Vazquez, Sp. Int. We offer condolences and sympathy to our parishioners who have experienced a death in their family. Delia M. Lanctot, mother of Vernon H. Lanctot Tuesday May 19 Celebrant – Msgr. Mike 6:30AM - Robert Yarbrough, †, Andrea Bravo, †, & Margie Loebig, †, Wednesday May 20 Celebrant – Msgr. Mike 8:30AM - Virginette Hosch, †, Margie Loebig, † & Monserrate Otero, Sp. Int. Celebrant – Msgr. Mike O’Gorman 12:05PM - Helen Swete, Sp. Int., Padre Esteban, Sp. Int., & Carmen Vazquez, Sp. Int. Thursday May 21 Celebrant – Msgr. Mike O’Gorman 6:30AM - Helen Swete, Sp. Int., Rufus Hill, †, & Margie Loebig , † ., Friday May 22 Celebrant – Msgr. Mike 8:30AM - Concepcion Galindo, Sp. Int., Monserrate Otero, Sp. Int & Padre Esteban, Sp. Int. Celebrant – Msgr. Mike O’Gorman 12:05PM - William Wallace, †, Eric Cruz, Sp. Int. & Carmen Vazquez, Sp. Int. Saturday May 23 Celebrating – Msgr. Mike 5:00PM – Ben Paoletta, †, Bud Whitesell, † & Bill Stevens, † Sunday May 24 Celebrant - Msgr. Mike O’Gorman 8:00AM - Phyllis Ford, Sp. Int. & Cesar Tulio Clarele , † Celebrant – Msgr. Mike 9:30AM - Rufus Hill, † & Thomas Hernandez, † Celebrant - Msgr. Mike 11:15AM - Padre Esteban, Sp. Int. & Salvador Robles, † Celebrant - Visiting Priest 1:00PM Monserrate Otero, Sp. Int. & Carmen Vazquez, Sp. Int. Celebrant - Msgr. Mike 5:30PM Fred Anzaldua, † & Randy & Laura Palma, Sp. Int. **Celebrant subject to change MAY 23RD & 24TH Saturday 5:00 PM Lectors: Cheryl Howell & Bruce Soderberg Altar Servers: Cera Rios, Gregory Millare & Rafael Fernandez Sunday 8:00 AM Lectors: Bill Zabicki & Janie Munoz Altar Servers: Robert Lozano & Cloe Frey Sunday 9:30 AM Lectors: Jim O’Farrell & Rita McSorley Altar Servers: Paulina Montalvo, Jacob Lackey & Samuel Lackey Sunday 11:15 AM Lectors: Tony Salsedo & John Shea Altar Servers: Evan Dooley, Christopher Youngblood & Gabriela Alvarado Domingo 1:00 PM - Misa en Espanol Lectores: Martha Rodriguez & Carlos Guevara Monaguillo: Galilea Gonzalez, Jennifier Centeno y Daniela Chavez Sunday 5:30 PM - Lifeteen Mass Lectors: Bridget Lamm & Eileen Brinkman Altar Servers: Diego Cruz & Omar Cruz PRAYER TO ST. MICHAEL Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle; be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray: and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen. Parish Prayer List: For Inclusion on the Ill and Homebound prayer list in the Bulletin contact: Gloria Barretto - 497-4200 ext. 307 gloria@holytrinitysat.org For the Parish Email Prayer Chain contact: ZZ Mylar at ZZMylar@hotmail.com Lanie Arriaga Julia Alvarez Richard Alvarez Patricia Baghetti Jovita Barretto Douglas Boubel Monica Caban Louis Castro, Jr. Cary Collins Tom Copeland Jim Copeland Roland Cruz Loretta Ctvrtlik Lillie Davis Benny DeLeon Mike De Leon John E. Clifford Dr. Teresita Earley Elda Maria Estrada Alfredo Galindo Patricia C. Galindo Mary Giniewski Cathy Goin Jacob Goldsmith Amanda Gonzales John Gonzales Olga Gonzales Marcie Gonzalez Richard Gould Dan Grundhoefer Mary Hanbuth Dolores Hartmann Greg Heck Enrique Herrera Cynthia Hetsko Chris Hisel Diana Jimenez Jeff Johnson Kayce Jordan Julie Kane Ruth Kahl Jane Kiernan Connie Kuykendall Michael LaChance Anthony Lecocke Donald Van Leeuwen Kevin Lewis Marty Lindley Deacon Guy LoTurco Carol Macias Guadalupe Maria Craig Martin Robert Martinez Robert Mason Patricia Matteson Maddie McClain Linda Jean Miller Alex Mireles Edward Moczgemba Hailey Rae, Montano-Teague Steven Montelongo Angelica Morales Eduardo Morantes Betty Moreno Christopher Moreno Josie Moreno Carol Noel Gina Oertling Kathleen Olvera Nehemia Misael Olvera Paul Paniszczyn Sebastian Pena CJ Quichocho Eleanor Quintanilla Mary Rangel Felipe Reyes Tony Resendez Pam Rodgers Sylvia Rodriguez Karen Ruiz Melinda Saenz Ivanna Salas Jose Antonio Salas Elizabeth Samuels Kaitlin Kay Schoenbeck John Smith Peter Suess Helen Swete Sylvia Theall Bella Rodriguez Torres Gilbert Trevino Roberto Trevino Michelle Klein Tubbs Gloria Villareal Theresa Villareal Tomas Villegas Darnell Waun Dustin Wintrow Russell Woda Msgr. Mike Yarbrough Tynzli Ann Zunker Our parishioners serving overseas: Pray for their safe return. Frank Czerniakowski, Kevin Semrlrath, & Eric Hohman (Afghanistan) THIS WEEK’S EVENTS at HOLY TRINITY TACO SUNDAY/BLOOD DRIVE Young Adults Mtg./FFC Sunday 10:30AM May 17 11:00AM Spanish Choir Practice/FFC After 5:30PM Mass LIFETEEN– FFC Monday 9:00AM-12:00PM Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament/Chapel May 18 9:15AM Divine Mercy Cenacle/BH 9:30PM-11:30PM ENDOW Women’s Studies/FFC 7:00PM MEN’S ACTS Reunion/FFC 7:00PM 7:30PM Choir Practice/Church AA Meeting/BH Tuesday 9:15AM Apostleship of the Cross/BH May 19 9:30AM-3:30PM 10:00AM Forever Young Mount Schoenstatt Field Trip Bridges Beyond Grief/BH 1:00PM - 1:30PM Rosary/Chapel Girl Scout Troop 566/FFC 6:30PM RCIA - Adults /Angel Room in the Church 7:00PM 7:00PM Boy Scout Troop 501/FFC 7:00PM 7:00PM ACTS Core Meeting/BH Lifeteen Core Meeting/FFC 7:00PM Divine Mercy Cenacle/BH Knights of Columbus/BH 7:00PM Wednesday 9:00AM-12:00PM Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament/Chapel May 20 10:00AM-12:00PM Curso de Teologia y Espiritualidad/BH Thursday May 21 11:30AM 6:45PM S.A. Catholic Business Professionals/BH ENDOW Women’s Study/BH 7:00PM RCIA - Adults/ 2014-2015 Celebration/FFC 7:00PM 9:00AM Cenaculo de la Misericordia/BH Women’s Regnum Christi/BH Time Line Dancers/BH 9:30AM 11:00AM-1:00PM Our Lady Rosary Ministry/Angel Room Church Men’s Regnum Christi/FFC 7:00PM 7:00PM 7:00PM Divorced & Separated Group/FFC Women’s ACTS Reunion/FFC 7:00PM-8:30PM 7:00PM 7:00PM Teen ACTS Mtg./FFC Stephen Ministry Mtg./FFC Spanish Youth Group/FFC Friday 9:00AM-12:00PM Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament/Chapel May 22 9:00AM 7:00PM Cenaculo de la Misericordia/BH Comunidad de Matrimonios/FFC 7:30PM 9:00AM 3:00PM 3:00PM 5:00PM CONFIRMATION MASS/Church O.V.A.S.E. Training/BH Spanish Kids Choir Music Practice/FFC Confessions Vigil Mass Saturday May 23 Readings for the Week of May 17, 2015 Sunday: Acts 1:1-11/Eph 4:1-13 or 4:1-7, 11-13 or Eph 1:17-23/Mk 16:15-20 Monday: Acts 19:1-8/Jn 16:29-33 Tuesday: Acts 20:17-27/Jn 17:1-11a Wednesday: Acts 20:28-38/Jn 17:11b-19 Thursday: Acts 22:30; 23:6-11/Jn 17:20-26 Friday: Acts 25:13b-21/Jn 21:15-19 Saturday: Morning: Acts 28:16-20, 30-31/Jn 21:20-25 Next Sunday: Vigil: Gn 11:1-9 or Ex 19:3-8a, 16-20b or Ez 37:1-14 or Jl 3:1-5/Rom 8:22-27/Jn 7:37-39 Ext. Vigil: Gn 11:1-9/Ex 19:3-8a, 16-20b/Ez 37:1-14/ Jl 3:1-5/Rom 8:22-27/Jn 7:37-39 Day: Acts 2:1-11/Gal 5:16-25 or 1 Cor 12:3b-7, 12-13/ Jn 15:26-27; 16:12-15 or Jn 20:19-23 Week of May 17th In celebration of the 25th Anniversary To The Diaconate Of Deacon Oscar Perez Parish Administrator Contact: Desma Delgado to reserve your date 497-4200 or desma@holytrinitysat.org Thank You to our florist ~ The Last Straw ~ Joe & Maria Ramirez, Parishioners If you would like the Flower or Mass intentions published in the bulletin please make your request at least two weeks prior. There is no guarantee on last minute requests. 2015 MASS INTENTIONS Consider having a Mass said for a birthday, graduation, anniversary, special event, or a memorial for someone special. Please come by the church office or fill out a Mass intention envelope found in the back of the church and return it in the Sunday collection basket. Eucharistic Adoration Invitation Is the Holy Spirit calling you to a deeper relationship with the Lord through Eucharistic Adoration? Currently, we were in need of adorers to cover a few particular hours. Our hours of greatest need are: Fridays from 10-11 a.m., 4-5p.m., 8-9 p.m., and 11p.m.-midnight. If you are interested in either becoming a committed weekly adorer for any of the above times Please call for more information : Robert & Belinda Galvan: 210-849-1430. rgalvan6ht@yahoo.com We have many different ministries here at Holy Trinity. We would like to feature a different Ministry each month. We will pray for the efforts and support of these ministries in the chapel during adoration hours. For May please pray for all involved in Our Lady's Rosary Ministry BAPTISM CLASS AT HOLY TRINITY Parents and Parents-to-be: If you are not registered, please do so prior to the class. The Baptism Class is offered to registered members of Holy Trinity. No Baptism Class in May, Next class June 29th at 7:00PM Please call the parish office at 497-4200 to sign up. MSGR. MIKE’S SCHEDULE PASTOR’S MESSAGE For the next four (4) weeks, we will be celebrating important feasts of our faith life called solemnities. That is the highest grade of feast day we have in our Roman calendar. The lowest is optional memorial, then obligatory memorial and then feast and finally solemnity. This weekend we are celebrating the Solemnity of the Ascension, Jesus’ return to the Father. A number of years ago the Texas bishops chose to move this solemnity from 40 days after Easter to the Seventh Sunday of Easter. So those of us who are older remember we use to have six (6) Holydays. We now down to only five (5): Christmas (December 25); Immaculate Conception (December 8); Mary Mother of God, (January 1); Assumption (August 15) and All Saints (November 1st). The first two are always holydays. The latter three are NOT if they fall on a Saturday or a Monday. But I digress. Today is the Solemnity of the Ascension. Next week is the Solemnity of Pentecost, the 50 days of celebrating Easter comes to a conclusion. We move back into Ordinary Time throughout the summer and fall seasons. Next comes our name sake, The Most Holy Trinity on May 30-31st. And our last is June 6-7 with the Solemnity of The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, formerly Corpus Christi. Each of these solemnities accents a different element of our Catholic faith. Earlier, we already mentioned what the Ascension is. Pentecost celebrates the sending of the Advocate or the Paraclete that Jesus promised. He told the apostles and disciples He would not leave us alone. Pentecost reminds us of the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles and upon the Church. The Most Holy Trinity observe the reality of the Godhead in which we believe. One God; Three Persons. We have come to identify them as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Each Person is fully God and each Person is unique. Our last solemnity in the sequence is The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ. Here we honor the reality that the Eucharist is the abiding presence – for us, the Real Presence – of Jesus in the sacrament of His Body and Blood. Using ordinary elements – bread and wine – through the praying of the Eucharistic Prayer at the liturgy, we believe the bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Christ. Through the eyes of faith, we experience this change. That is why we are called to say “Amen” after the invitations – The Body of Christ or The Blood of Christ – as an expression of our belief that the bread and wine are now the Real Presence of Christ. Saying “Amen” let’s the communicant and the minister of communion know that this act of faith has taken place. “Amen” – Yes, I believe this is the Body of Christ. Yes, I believe this is the Blood of Christ. Once these four solemnities have been proclaimed, we revert back to the Ordinary Time for Sundays. Msgr. Mike May 16 – Wedding Convalidation: Jonathan & Katie Taylor, 2PM, HT May 17 – Liturgy, 8AM & 1PM May 18 – Liturgy, 8:30AM Deanery Meeting, 10:30-12Noon, Holy Trinity May 19 – Liturgy, 6:30AM Jesus Caritas Meeting, Holy Spirit, 10AM-4PM May 20 – Liturgy, 8:30AM Thank you staff lunch for Jonathan Rodriguez RCIA Gathering May 22 – Liturgy, 8:30AM Confirmation: 7:30PM, AB Gustavo, HT May 23 – Penance 3-4:30PM, HT Liturgy, 5PM May 24 – Liturgy, 9:30AM & 11:15AM May 25 – Liturgy, 12:;05PM May 26 – Liturgy, 6:30AM May 27 – Liturgy, 12:05PM Finance Council, 12:30PM, Conference Room May 29 – Liturgy, 12:05PM May 30 – Wedding Convalidation: Carlos & Gabriela Juaristi, 7PM, HT May 31 – Liturgy, 8AM, 1PM [Blessing of Students] and 5:30PM PRAYER FOR VOCATIONS God of Love, You show your favor for us and grace us through baptism. Bless us with the courage to carry out the mission of Jesus. Grant us open and generous hearts to see the needs of others and to respond with compassion. May the Church be blest with women and men who are dedicated to You through marriage, the single life, the diaconate, priesthood, and the consecrated life. It is in Christ and through Christ that we offer ourselves to You now and forever. Amen. ORACION POR LAS VOCACIONES Dios de Amor, muestras tu favor hacia nosotros y nos das tu gracia en el Bautismo. Bendicenos con valor para llevar a cabo la mision de Jesus. Concedenos corazones abiertos y generosos para que viendo las necesidades de los demas respondamos con compassion. Que la Iglesia sea bendecida con mujeres y hombres que se dedican a Ti en el matrimonio, la vida celibe, el diaconado, el sacerdocio y la vida consagrada. Es en Cristo y por Cristo que nos ofrecemos a Ti ahora y siempre. Amen Let us gather with a special Archdiocesan Vigil Mass to celebrate The Solemnity of Pentecost ~ Saturday, May 23, 2015 ~ St Mark Catholic Church ~ 1602 Thousand Oaks Dr. 78232 This will mark the two year anniversary of our commitment to the Pastoral Vision of the Archdiocese: "Encountering Christ, United as Church, Sent by the Holy Spirit” The Holy Spirit continues to guide us as we become missionary disciples of Jesus Christ. In preparation for Pentecost, the Archbishop invites all to pray a Novena to the Holy Spirit from Friday, May 15 to Saturday, May 23. Please see the website www.archsa.org/pentecost for resources to help prepare. FACILITIES EXPANSION COMMITTEE May 6,2015 Present: Msgr. Mike Yarbrough, Deacon Oscar Perez, Jack Wilder, Rafael Sanchez, Tricia Heck, Jim Heck, Martha Rodriguez, John Ly, Carmen N. Otero, Gonzalo Bautista, Excused: Fr. Oscar Tello, Eric Zeitler, Opening Prayer: Msgr. Mike Survey Results: Martha handed out the results of the recent survey. We had 52 participants. It was considered not a good turnout considering the size of our parish. Since this was the first time the committee saw any of the results, our next meeting is given this task. Each committee member is to identify 3-5 areas or comments that they believe needs attention from the group. Msgr. Mike asked that these be sent before our next meeting to each person on the committee. Possible Land Acquisition: Msgr. Mike shared the most recent emails he had with the committee on the possible land acquisition at Stone Hue and Huebner Roads. According to Andrew Childers, who is the contact person Msgr. Mike has dealt with via emails, they still in discussions with the other buyer but it is not under contract. These will be shared with the Finance Council as well at our next meeting with them. Lorenia Aguirre, who was on our PPC for three years, is helping Msgr. Mike with some of the details. He is supposed to be meeting with her and others who are knowledge about land purchase. More details at the next meeting. Next Meeting: June 3, 2015, Conference Room, 7PM 2015 ARCHBISHOP’S APPEAL The 2015 Archbishop’s Appeal has begun anew. Msgr. Mike received the first accounting for Holy Trinity as well as for the entire Archdiocese. The goal for the entire Archdiocese is $4,499,734. The total number of Archdiocesan families is listed at 184,077. The total pledged for the Archdiocese is $4,405,688 of which $3,249,857 has been paid. The 2015 AA goal for Holy Trinity Catholic Church is $220,514. Holy Trinity parishioners pledged $171,840 of which $134,812 has been paid. The number of pledges is 499 with an average donation of $344. The percentage of the goal pledges is 77.23% and the percentage of the goal paid is 60.59%. We thank all of our parishioners who contributed to the 2015 Archbishop’s Appeal campaign for your generosity and support WEEKLY ATTENDANCE Starting with the weekend of September 6-7, the Archbishop has requested that we record the total number of Mass attendees for each weekend until November 2015. Here is the current listing since we began keeping these records. Each week we will have the previous weeks attendance. Monthly average September 4573 October 4330 November 4383 December 4411 Monthly average January February March April 4624 4667 5023 5583 Weekly May 2-3 4397 May 9-10 5293 HOLY TRINITY MINISTRIES & GROUPS Holy Trinity Mission Statement LITURGICAL MINISTRY Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors, Greeters & Altar Servers - Lucy Tavira, 244-3743 ! ! ACTS - Jennifer Bishop, 481-6760 Adult Faith Formation Desma Delgado, 497-4200 ext.315 Alcohol & Drug Dependence John Welsh, 687-9019 Altar Guild, Susan Kent, 748-0200 Alzheimer's Ministry Pat Waisley, 497-7254 Carol Short, 497-4639 Bridges Beyond Grief Emily Baril, 497-8166 Bunco, Ruth Jones, 724-3457 Christ Centered Marriage Ministry Cindy & Michael Gonzalez at (210) 497-0917 Christian Assistance Ministry Rita Farmer, 378-5426 Parish Prayer Chain E-mail: zzmylar@hotmail.com Pastoral Council Juan Martinez, 396-0574 Prayer Shawls Carol Short, 497-4639 Safe Environment John Kiernan, 836-8966 Scouts, Kevin Pfahning, 287-0699 Social Concerns Committee Rolland Cole, 316-8039 Spiritual Direction Mary Wilder, 213-9920 St. Timothy - Sister Parish Bob Lorenz, 316-5090 or work: 494-1375 Cancer Support Group James Ermis, 616-1129 Stephen Ministry Pam Hughes, 394-5723 Jerry Krimbill, 392-0602 Catholic Daughters of The Americas Lina Ramirez, 643-2805 Teams of Our Lady Ronnie & Mary Montemayor, 497-5789 Covenant of Love Tony & Lucy Miller, 842-8896 That Man Is You Joe Kuntz, 781-1637 Divine Mercy Cenacle English - Kerry Johnston, 287-8939 Ed Kowalsky, 497-1866 Spanish-listed under Spanish Ministries Theology of the Body Cary & Cheryl Collins at 210-314-7598 Divorced and Separated David - 473-1841 Mary, 473-9608 Dan, 497-1704 ENDOW Christina Orsborn, 422-2530 Emily Schuelke, 551-8836 Eucharistic Adoration Robert & Belinda Galvan, 849-1430 Forever Young Seniors Lina Ramirez, 481-3294 Habitat for Humanity Jack Wilder, 275-2587 Hospital Ministry Goldie LoTurco, 497-2363 Patricia Matteson, 408-6387 Knights of Columbus Bill Hodde, 473-7079 4th Degree Knights, Tom Trbovich, 497-3482 Meals on Wheels - Christian Senior Service Mike Clary, 497-7929 Mothering with Grace Brooke Hausman & Emily Schuelke motheringwithgrace1@gmail.com Nursing Home & Homebound Ministry David Porter, 494-5410 or 452-2350 Carol Rickhoff, 497-4400 or 884-2400 Our Lady’s Rosary Ministry Ana Flores, htrosaryministry@gmail.com Young Adult Community Eric Mejia, 497-4145 Spanish Ministries / Ministerios en Espanol Coordinador Luis F. Jimenez, 296-6815 Ministros de Eucarastia Martha Rodriguez, 912-7344 Lectores Alejandra Perales, 415-2284 Musica Rafael Moras, 431-2017 The mission statement is: We at Holy Trinity Catholic Church seek to live out the message and mission of Jesus Christ as a community of worship, shared faith, and service, where we believe and belong and share the gifts and talents received from God through the Holy Spirit. Nosotros, en la Iglesia Católica Holy Trinity buscamos vivir el mensaje y la misión de Jesucristo como una comunidad de adoración, fe compartida y servicio, donde creemos y pertenecemos y compartimos los dones y talentos recibidos de Dios a través del Espíritu Santo. Please provide any feedback you may have to the PPC chair, Juan Martinez at JMartinez@legacymutual.com. Are you looking to become involved in the Parish? Serve Our Lord Serve Your Parish Are you looking for a way to become involved? Do you feel a calling? Do you have a special talent you would like to share with the Parish? Have you been involved in a ministry at a previous parish? We are seeking interested individuals who would like to share their time and talent with the various ministries and groups we have here at Holy Trinity. Please contact anyone of our Ministry or group leaders for more information. Los Niños de Valor ! Alejandro Cantu Huerta, 347 6600 ! Ujieres Gerardo Barona, 262-2227 Cenaculo Divina Misericordia Nora Ramirez, 404-5226 (AM) Rosalba Huerta, 636-8524 (AM) Ernesto Brux, 843-730-3134 (PM) Adrian Guerrero, 702-8655 (PM) Estudio de Biblia En Espanol Estelita Stevens, 286-1481 Comunidad de Matrimonios Roberto & Elizabeth Chinea, 274-5290 Apostolado de La Cruz Estela Andonie, 838-8768 Regnum Christi Men Hector Islas, 909-8083 Regnum Christi Women Cata Villarreal, 501-2873 Professional Counseling Services Available here at Holy Trinity For individuals, couples and families Please contact: Antonio Ramirez, PhD or Berenice Diaz at 210-497-4200 ext. 313 Servicios Profesionales de Terapia Disponible aquí en Holy Trinity Para personas, parejas y familias Por favor póngase en contacto con: Antonio Ramirez, PhD o Berenice Diaz 210-497-4200 ext. 313 THE DIVINE MERCY WEEKLY MESSAGE MENSAJE SEMANAL DE LA DIVINA MISERICORDIA Mayo 1 1937. Hoy sentí la cercania de mi Madre, la Madre Celestial. Antes de cada Santa Comunión, ruego fervorosamente a la Madre de Dios que me ayude a preparar mi alma para la llegada de Su Hijo y siento claramente su proteccion sobre mi. Le ruego mucho que se digne incendiar en mi el fuego del amor divino con el ardia su puro corazón en el momento de la Encarnación del Verbo de Dios May 1, 1937. Today I felt the nearness of my Mother, my heavenly Mother, although before every Holy Communion I earnestly ask the Mother of God to help me prepare my soul for the coming of Her Son, and I clearly feel Her protection over me. I entreat Her to be so gracious as to enkindle in me the fire of God's love, such as burned in Her own pure heart at the time of the Incarnation of the Word of God. Source: The Diary of St. Faustina, Divine Mercy in My Soul, paragraph 1114. For further information call Frank Salinas (210-415-9061) or Ed Kowalsky (210-452-3837) Divine Mercy Cenacles available in English on Monday - 9:15AM and Tuesday - 7:00PM and en Español - Wednesday - 7:00PM and Friday - 9:30AM ! An Invitation to Be a Part of our Stephen Ministry Our Stephen Ministers are here to help those in our parish who are caring a burden that seems overwhelming. They don’t just provide care for people experiencing a major crisis. They also provide care and support for people weighed down by the little things in life. We invite each of you to be part of that Stephen Ministry at Holy Trinity. We ask that you be ministers of referral, watching for people in need and suggesting a Stephen Minister's care. Let others in the parish know about the Stephen Ministry program and the valuable tool it can be for someone in crisis. If you are in need of a Stephen Minister yourself, reach out. God does not ask that we carry our load alone. He has given us one another to help. We ask too that you pray for all of our Stephen Ministers and Stephen Leaders, asking for God's blessings and the Spirit's wisdom and power in this ministry. The assurance of your prayers and appreciation will help us through times when we may feel tired, discouraged, or convinced that we are not accomplished anything. To learn more about what Stephen Ministry is and what it can do for you or someone you know, talk to one of our Stephen Leaders: Jerry Krimbill, 392-0602 or Pam Hughes, 394-5723 or email Pam at pjsmemories@gmail.com. Our Stephen Ministers are ready to care for you! With Gratitude and Thanksgiving Carol Short would like to thank all the parish for your prayers. The prayers, cards, and messages filled my heart with gratitude and made the surgery and recovery so much easier. I will be on restrictions until June 8, 2015, but all is going very well. Sincere gratitude for your love and prayers. Holy Trinity Our Lady's Rosary Ministry The Rosary Ministry will meet Tuesday June 2nd at 6:30PM in the Angel Room in the Church Holy Trinity has a Rosary devoted to Our Lady, and all are welcome to join: We speak and pray a universal language of love for Our Blessed Mother! Training is provided and rosary making supplies are provided for you to take home and make rosaries on your own time at your own pace. Workshops are held the First Tuesday of each month at 6:30 - 8:30 And We have a day workshop 3rd Thursday of each month at 11:00 - 1:00 If you would like more information please call Ana Flores 210-307-6083 or htrosaryministry@gmail.com Holy Trinity Altar Guild Needs More Handmaids of the Lord The Altar Guild needs more parishioners to ensure that the Holy Trinity masses and the Blessed Sacrament Chapel are “pleasing in His eyes”. Help is needed and the Altar Guild may be your ministry. The Altar Guild cleans and washes over 90 communion linens every week. We ensure the Blessed Sacrament Chapel, the main Altar, the offertory table, and the credence table is dressed with clean linens. Help washing the communion vessels and ensuring the Sanctuary candle is full during adoration times are other duties. We have also added the duties of decorating the Church and Altar for liturgical seasons and special Masses. “Do not be afraid” if you desire to become a member as the Lord’s handmaidens. Our Altar Guild coordinator will instruct and answer any questions you may have. Contact Susan Kent at 210-748-0200 or email her at drs01smk@sbcglobal.net. Holy Trinity Prayer Shawl Ministry We will meet on Tuesday, June 2, 2015 at 1:00 in the Family Room of the Banquet Hall. We welcome anyone who would like to renew their knitting or crocheting skills with our support and encouragement. Those who have thought they might like to learn are also welcome. This is a wonderful way to show God’s love and healing powers and meet some other wonderful people in this ministry. If you would like more information please call Carol Short at 210-497-4639. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED NURSING HOME & HOME BOUND MINISTRY Sunday, May 17 YOU HAVE THE POWER TO DONATE LIFE. BE AN ORGAN, EYE AND TISSUE DONOR. Every major religion around the country observes Donor Sabbath as a way of bringing attention to the critical need of lifesaving organs and tissue transplant and supports organ, eye, and tissue donation as one of the highest expressions of compassion and generosity. Organ, eye and tissue donation allows you the opportunity to give someone the hope of restored health, sight and mobility. Consider giving that hope to more than 115,000 people in need of lifesaving organ transplants and hundreds of thousand more in need of corneas and tissue. May our faith fill us with the compassion to Donate Life. www.donatelifetexas.org Join the national bone marrow registry. “Be The Match” The National Marrow Donor Program Information can be found online at www.marrow.org Greetings, Please come celebrate the Beatification of Oscar Romero, Archbishop of El Salvador (1917-1980) A special Mass will be celebrated on Wednesday, May 20, 2015 at 6:30PM Christ the King Parish 2610 Perez Street San Antonio, Texas, 78207 Dr. Antonio Ramirez will give a special reflection on his spirituality, his work for the poor and fight for justice and martyrdom. There will be an unveiling of a mural honoring Archbishop Romero painted by Juan Hernandez. If you have any questions about this celebration please call the Christ the King Church office at 210-433-6301. Eucharistic Ministers needed to assist a few hours per week in this vital ministry, taking Holy Communion to those who cannot come to Mass. Training and written instructions will be provided by someone currently in this Ministry. If you are a homebound Parishioner, or have moved to a Nursing Home, and would like Holy Communion bought to you on Tuesday mornings, we can add you to the schedule. Please contact: David Porter (H) 210-494-5410 (C) 210-452-2350 or davidporter0327@sbcglobal.net Carol Rickhoff (H) 210-497-4400 (C) 210-884-2400 or carolrickhoff@sbcglobal.net HOSPITAL MINISTRY Please join us in volunteering for HOSPITAL MINISTRY. We visit Catholic patients and provide them with prayers and Holy Communion. We are in NEED of Eucharistic Ministers that have completed Safe Environment Training (OVASE) in the last 3 years and have completed/will complete shortly the volunteer application at the hospital. We have volunteers at the hospitals every day of the week, a volunteer normally is there one day a week. We are accepting applicants for any day for North Central Baptist Hospital. Fulfilling both the spiritual and corporal works of mercy fit hand in hand with loving God and your neighbor. Please contact Goldie LoTurco at 210-497-2363. SPANISH SPEAKING VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Ministerio del Hospital Se Necesitan Voluntarios Por favor acompáñenos a ser voluntarios al ministerio de visitar pacientes Catolicos al hospital. Les llevamos la Sagrada Comunion y oraciones. Necesitamos a feligreses que ya son Ministros Extraordinarios de la Comunión y que terminaron en los ultimos 3 anos la clase 'Safe Environment Training (OVASE)', ademas tienen que completar la aplicacion para hacerse voluntarios del hospital. Tenemos voluntarios en los hospitales todos los dias de la semana, cada persona normalmente es voluntaria un dia por semana. Estamos aceptando voluntarios para North Central Baptist Hospital. Cumpliendo con obras de misericordia espirituales y corporales es como amamos a Dios y a nuestro projimo. Por favor llame para mas informacion a Patricia Matteson al 210-408-6387. ALZHEIMER MINISTRY The Alzheimer Ministry at The Haven, 511 Knights Cross, San Antonio, meet every Thursday morning at 10:00AM for 1-2 hours. Carol will usually bring one of her service dogs for the residents to enjoy. Besides visiting with the residents, volunteers join in on the singing, exercise and other activities. The current Ministry Volunteers are seeking more volunteers. Please consider joining this Ministry by contacting: Pat Waisley 497-7254; patkw46@yahoo.com or Carol Short 497-4639; short1950@sbcglobal.net Divorced and Separated Group Safe Environment Training - O.V.A.S.E. for everyone who works/volunteers with youth or vulnerable individuals. SPECIAL NOTICE - The Archdiocese has made a change in the requirement for Safe Environment (OVASE) training. If you completed a regular Safe Environment training class in the past, you may repeat that training if you wish but, based on the new policy, you only have to complete a brief refresher session and a criminal background check when it is time to renew your certification. If you need to be certified and have never completed a Safe Environment (OVASE) training session, you will be required to complete a regular training session and a criminal background check. Both trainings are good for a 3-year period. In order to accommodate both groups with the needed trainings, the following schedule has been developed for the rest of 2015. Unless otherwise announced, all trainings will be conducted in the Family Room in the parish Banquet Hall. Directions will be posted in the hallway. "The Catholics Divorce Survival Guide" We had nine in attendance on Thursday, May 7, for our weekly session of the Catholics Divorce Survival Guide (CDSG) Program for Divorced & Separated. We meet every Thursday at 6:30 p.m. in the St. Teresa conference room on the second floor of the Faith Formation Center building. If you are interested in the program but were unable to attend in the past, please plan to join us at the next meeting. This is a peer group ministry - the program is presented by ministers who have personally experienced Divorce & Separation. Our goal is to help you find Hope and Healing. TO REGISTER OR FOR MORE INFORMATION: David - 473-1841 dchavarriasr63@gmail.com or Mary - 473-9608 - marydchavez10@yahoo.com or Dan 497-1704 - danwojtx@aol.com May 23 - Saturday - (Refresher Training) - 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. May 30 - Saturday - (Regular Training) - 10 a.m. to Noon Knights of Columbus Room in the parish Banquet Hall PLEASE PLEASE call ahead to reserve a space so we can know the seating and handouts requirements John (836-8966) Catholic Daughters of the Americas Court Our Lady of the Holy Trinity # 2661 Our next meeting will be May 28, 2015 6:30PM Communion Service 7:00PM Court Meeting RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) is an evangelization ministry that welcomes and prepares adults to receive the sacraments of initiation (Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation) at the Easter Vigil. Participants starting now will begin a year-long faith enrichment process and will receive the sacraments of initiation next year at the Easter Vigil, March 27, 2016. We meet Tuesdays at 7:00PM In the Angel Room of the Church Bldg. Catholics who have received all their sacraments but are interested in learning more about their faith are also invited to attend. It is not necessary to pre-register for the informational meetings. For information please call Desma Delgado at 497-4200 RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS FOR CHILDREN Please note: Teenagers who need to receive the Sacraments of Initiation may join the adult group if they wish. RCIA for children and teens will begin in the fall: Dates for Fall sessions to be announced at a later date. Those starting in the fall will receive their sacraments in 2017 at the Easter Vigil. Reflection ~ Why Me? "Why me?," was the question I posed to my brother when I broke the news to him about my impending divorce. I was not a perfect spouse, but I was completely committed to my marriage--for life. I really tried so hard to be a loving and faithful spouse. So, why did my marriage end up in the trash heap? Where did I go wrong? What could I have done differently? Where the heck was God in all of this mess? I wrestled mightily with those, and many other questions, as my divorce moved toward its fateful conclusion. I kept replaying my marriage over and over in my mind searching for answers, trying to identify that one domino that caused the rest to fall. I kept going in circles, getting nowhere. I brought my struggle to my counselor, and she helped me understand the concept of free will. She explained that God gives each of us free will as a gift. It is what makes us fully human. Without it, we are simply puppets on God's string, never fully accountable for our actions. God loves us so much that He sets us free to make our own choices. He lovingly hopes that we use this free will to choose to love Him in return. Sometimes we do, and too often we don't. Our spouses have free will as well, and sometimes they use it in ways that are very hurtful to us and our marriage. Try as we might, we can't control them. So, while we each play a part in the success or failure of our marriage, we can't control how our spouse chooses to use their free will. They very well could have been the one to push the first domino down, and there was nothing we could have done to stop it. Free will can be used for great good, or for great harm--even the destruction of a marriage. Remember that. Divorce hurts God's heart more than it does ours. Yet, He will usually not step in and violate our free will, even if it means saving the marriage. All we can ever do is use our free will to love God and others as well, and pray that other people do the same. One day we will all be held accountable for how wisely we used our free will. Choose well! His master said to him, 'Well done, my good and faithful servant. Since you were faithful in small matters, I will give you great responsibilities. Come, share your master's joy.' - Matthew 25:21 ! Copyright 2014, (c) Vince Frese For more resources visit DivorcedCatholic.org and vincefrese.com. ! ! Mothering With Grace COMUNIDAD HISPANA NUEVA EVANGELIZACION Formacion Permanente para Adultos" Join our Moms group Our next meeting is June 5, 2015 "La Espiritualidad y la Sexualidad" We are a group of moms working towards a closer relationship with God. Moms who strive to ignite a passion for God in our children and families. Moms who know we can't do it alone, support each other and need each other. Moms who band together for spiritual growth, social activities, and service projects in an effort to make a difference in this world, one tiny face at a time. Las estadisticas son sorprendentes, por lo tanto es importante estar educados y bien informados sobre este tema tan importante. Recuerden la fecha, 21 de Mayo, de 7:00 - 8:30 pm Los esperamos. We meet first and third Fridays of the month (except holidays) 9:30AM-11:30AM Childcare will be provided Please contact Brooke Hausmann or Emily Schuelke at motheringwithgrace1@gmail.com if you are interested or would like more information. Para mayor informacion llamar al Dr. Antonio, 4974200 ext.313. FOREVER YOUNG SENIORS BUS TOUR Tour of Mount Schoenstatt, Helotes, Texas Wednesday, May 20, 2015 9:30 a.m. & Return Time: 3:30 p.m. Dutch Treat Lunch: El Chaparral Restaurant, Helotes, Please contact Lina ASAP as space is only available for the first 40 people who respond. Lina Ramirez at 210-481-3294 We hope you can join us for a delightful day. El dia 21 de Mayo de 7:00-8:30 pm en el Salon B de Los Caballeros de Colon, en el salon de Banquetes Tendremos una presentacion por el Dr. Antonio Ramirez sobre la Espiritualidad y la Sexualidad. La presentacion tendra tres puntos escenciales: 1. "Que es una Espiritualidad sana de la Sexualidad? 2. Cuales son los efectos de la pornografia? 3. Que medios de prevencion y tratamiento existen para la addiccion a la pornografia. REUNION PARA MONAGUILLOS El viernes 29 de mayo a las 7:00pm se llevará a cabo una reunión para monaguillos en el Angel Room (dentro de la Iglesia). Todos los monaguillos están invitados a esta reunión de crecimiento. Es importante continuar con el aprendizaje que Jesús nos dejó para formarnos como parte de la Iglesia. ! ! Los papas que gusten ir están cordialmente invitados. Los invitamos a que lleven cualquier cosa de comida o botanas para compartir con los demás ya que solo se proporcionaran aguas. Favor de confirmar si van a llevar algo.! Favor de confirmar su asistencia en los próximos días. Silvia Jimenez - 2966725! CHRIST CENTERED MARRIAGE MINISTRY (CCMM) Christ Centered Marriage Ministry Retreat will be held October 23-25, 2015 at Mo Ranch in Hunt, TX. Do you remember the 4 questions asked of you when preparing for your Catholic Wedding? ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ Have you come here freely and without reservation to give yourselves to each other in marriage? Will you honor each other as man and wife for the rest of your lives? Will you accept children lovingly from God, and bring them up according to the law of Christ and his Church? Do I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health and to love and honor you all the days of my life. Are you living out these 4 promises in your Christ Centered Marriage? Watch this space in coming weeks to find out more about each of them. More details to be announced. If you have any question about our next retreat please contact, our Facilitators Cindy & Michael Gonzalez at (210) 497-0917 The Young Adult Community Y.A.C. is a ministry made up of Catholic Young Adults in their 20s and 30s from Holy Trinity, St. Mark, & St. Padre Pio. The Young Adult Community seeks to deepen our relationship with Christ and His Church by providing opportunities for fellowship, spiritual development, and service. Ministry Contact Information Coordinator: Eric Mejia Phone: 210-497-4145 ext. 334 Email: yacsatx@gmail.com Website: www.holytrinitysat.org/yac Facebook: www.facebook.com/groups/yacsa Our next Meeting is May 17th (Following the 9:30 a.m. Mass) from 10:30 a.m.-Noon in the Faith Formation Building (St. Thomas Room) Join us for lunch afterwards! CANCER SUPPORT GROUP Please come, we're here to listen. Your first time? You will not be alone. People who believe and belong The Kingdom of God is where you are. Having trouble saying the word cancer? We have all been there. Looking for support? This is it. What can go wrong? Nothing. Prayers? Endless - just for you. Patient? Caregiver? Family or friend? Meet caring supporters - here to help Witness courage faith, understanding Experience what support really means And, be glad that you came No reservation needed - just come FREE PARKING Next meeting Thursday, May 28 , 2015 7:00 - 8:30 p.m., Faith Formation Center 2nd Floor Conference Room. Please, tell us your reasons for not coming: Jim or Jan Ermis, 497-8613 or 616-1129. HIGH SCHOOL & MIDDLE SCHOOL SUMMER ACTIVITIES Middle School Theology of the Body Monday June 22-Aug. 10 7:00-8:30pm In the Tyler Peltier Gathering Area of Faith Formation Building This class on Theology of the Body for teens chastity programs use Saint John Paul II’s vision for love and life to answer the tough questions kids are asking about God, sex, and the meaning of life. Class will include snacks and weekly ice breakers for youth to grow in community. This class is available to those entering grades 7-9 in the fall. Cost is $25, registration required in advance Please see our youth website at http://www.holytrinitysatyouth.org/ ALTARATION The Mystery of the Mass Revealed Come build community with other High School youth, learn more about our MASS and the bible readings that are proclaimed at Mass each week. Bring your bibles or a bible application on your phone or I-pad. Class will include Snacks and time for fellowship with other teens. Open to all who want to attend And are incoming 9th grade to outgoing 12th grade. JOIN US FOR: Steubenville South This is a dynamic conference for Catholic Youth. The music and speakers are the best in the country. Amazing opportunity to celebrate the sacraments in a powerful Way. Time for growth with others from our parish to gain relationships that sustain youth during the school year and to experience the Holy Spirit in a special and unique way. Dates: June 26-28 For: Incoming 9th grade to outgoing 12th grade Where: Alexandria, LA. Theme: Limitless John 10:10 How: Bus ride with your fellow youth & chaperones Cost: (includes transportation, meals, t-shirts) Registration forms are at: holytrinityyouthsat.org, in the faith formation office Or email asstym@holytrinitysat.org (Limited to 45 youth) Attention all youth and families Join us this Summer for Noon Mass on Wednesday’s. This is a great way to enrich your life and grow closer to God. Cost is $25, registration in advance please. Please see our youth website at http:// www.holytrinitysatyouth.org/ San Antonio Neighbors High School Youth Mission Trip June 14-19, Cost is $300 At Holy Rosary Catholic Church Youth from around the city will serve our neighbors who are in need, the poor of San Antonio. They will paint houses, work in yards...it’s hard work but meaningful and transforms hearts. It also answers the call of Pope Francis… to reach out to those most in need. Friday is spent at Schlitterbahn Water Park celebrating the weeks accomplishments and cooling off. Forms available in the Faith Formation Office. MIDDLE SCHOOL MISSION TRIP JUST 5 DAYS JUNE 29-JULY3 AUSTIN, TEXAS JUST5DAYS is a five –day experience of service, handson learning activates, prayer and liturgy, and community building designed for groups of middle school youth and their adult leaders from Catholic parishes and schools. CHAPERONE NEEDED! Contact Renee at asstym@holytrinitysat.org April & May Dates-At-A-Glance Assistant Youth Minister (Bilingual preferred) Holy Trinity Catholic Church is seeking a qualified candidate for the position of Assistant Youth Minister. The Assistant Youth Minister is co-responsible for the EDGE Middle School Catholic Youth Ministry by gathering data on the needs, interests, attitudes and beliefs of middle school youth (youth); maintaining effective means for publicizing and promoting programs/ experiences among the youth in the Parish; and facilitating development of healthy relationships between adults (the Core) and youth. The Assistant Youth Minister will also be responsible to minister the Spanish speaking youth group; coordinates program and teaches weekly EDGE night lessons; designs retreats and lock-ins; schedules middle school activities; recruits and trains Youth Leaders; and serves as an advisor and support to peer/adult leaders. Must be familiar with Life Teen also. A Degree is preferred but a minimum of 3 years in youth ministry experience will be considered; good communication and interpersonal skills; ability to maintain confidentiality; and models a Catholic lifestyle. Interested candidates should send a cover letter and resume to: Deacon Oscar Perez oscar@holytrinitysat.org Deadline is Friday, May 22, 2015 AMDG Movement presents "iReflect" A one-day youth+adult retreat which will include Holy Hour, special talks, Vigil Mass and a Hip-Hop Concert with various TX artists and one special guest artist from New York. The retreat will be held from 2pm-10p m on Saturday, June 20, 2015 at St. Ann Church and Gym. The event is open to youth in grades 6-12 along with their parent(s)/guardian(s). Early registration is open until May 22 Cost for Youth+Adult $30, Youth only is $20. Late registration is from May 23-June12 Cost for Youth+Adult $35, Youth only $25. Please call 210-307-5482 for registration and/or questions. Seating is limited, so register now! May 1 – VBS Registration Opens Vacation Bible School will open registration on May 1, 2015. VBS is offered to children who have completed Kindergarten to completed 5th Grade (entering 6th). VBS Fee (per child) May 16th - May 31st: $40.00 After June 1st: $45.00 *Registration will not be complete unless payment is turned into the Faith Formation Office within 3 days of registering. Vacation Bible School Dates: June 15th-19th Register online at www.holytrinitysat.org Archdiocese Level 1 Courses The Archdiocese of San Antonio is now offering Level 1 Catechist Formation courses online. If you are interested in registering for these classes please contact Kristin or Eric in the Faith Formation Office: (210) 497-4145. QUESTION OF THE WEEK Each week we offer a question for further reflection by our parishioners. The encouragement is for everyone to ponder that question or to dialogue in your family prayer time, over the particular question. Begin with prayer and then have someone pose the question. Listen with respect to those who respond and close with another short prayer, perhaps the Lord’s Prayer. This week’s question is: Relate a time when someone has gone away From you. How did you feel? What do you do? How did you deal with it? Relate cuando alguien se fué de su lado. Como se sintió? Que haces? Como lo resolviste? we invite You to be a part of Life Teen every Sunday! We meet Sunday nights following the Lifeteen mass. Dinner is served in the Tyler Peltier Gathering Area of the Faith Formation Building with a night of meeting new friends and growing in the Catholic Faith. ~ SHARING ~ GIVING ~ HELPING ~ HOLY TRINITY CATHOLIC CHURCH ~ TIME ~ TALENT ~ TREASURE ~ Catholic Relief Services is accepting donations for Nepal I am sure you are aware of the tragic earthquake in Nepal. Miracles are happening and lives are still being saved, but those moments of grace are surrounded by sadness. Literally thousands have died and for those have been spared the bare necessities of life, food, shelter, clothing, medical care, etc. are scarce in this ravaged land. When these terrible disasters occur, the need to help is awakened in the hearts of our people as they seek a way to reach out with compassion and mercy. Catholic Relief Services is accepting donations and has already begun to mobilize its outreach to Nepal. CRS and their partner Caritas Nepal plan to support 10,000 families with emergency shelter, blankets, water treatment kits and hygiene kits. Because this region is known for earthquakes, CRS had prepositioned emergency aid in nearby Bihar, India. Temporary shelter kits, water purification kits and hygiene kits for 2,000 families are being transported to Nepal for immediate distribution. If you wish to donate directly to the CRS website: www.crs.org and click on “Donate Now”. You will be able to donate directly online. ~ SHARING ~ GIVING ~ HELPING ~ HOLY TRINITY CATHOLIC CHURCH ~ TIME ~ TALENT ~ TREASURE ~ COMMUNITY NEWS & EVENTS UNIVERSITY OF THE INCARNATE WORD PASTORAL INSTITUTE SUMMER AND FALL 2015 Ministry and Education Workshop Two Day Conference: Answering Pope Francis’ Call: Becoming a Church of Mercy June 26-27, 2015 Two Day Conference: Answering Pope Francis’ Call: Becoming a Church of Mercy will be presented at University of the Incarnate Word, June 26-27. Dr. Marti Jewell, associate professor of theology in the School of Ministry at the University of Dallas, will address Pope Francis’ call t evangelization and compassion as a Church of Mercy in today’s world. Full conference , $50; one day $30/ Group discount: $40 each for three of more. Eligible Catechists and Catholic school teachers may apply this Conference to Archdiocesan certification credit. The brochure is available at www.uiw.edu/pastoral, or contact the Pastoral Institute office at 210-829-3871 or eryan@uiwtx.edu. Pastoral Music Workshop - Fall 2015 September 25-26, 2015 The 2015 UIW Pastoral Music Workshop will take place September 25-26 at UIW. Liturgical music composers and authors Jaime Cortez and Curtis Stephen will introduce and teach bilingual/bi/cultural music suited for Catholic worship in today’s parishes. Further information available at www.uiw.edu/pastoral, or contact the Pastoral Institute office at 210-829-3871 or eryan@uiwtx.edu. SONTERRA ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY DR. BRYAN ROACH D.D.S. “Wisdom Teeth, Implants and Cosmetic Facial Procedures” 210-494-2005 1202 E. Sonterra Blvd., Ste. 801 • San Antonio New Patients Welcome! Parishioner REAL ESTATE is my PASSION, SERVICE is my OBSESSION. VICTOR YONG, Realtor®, GRI (210) 273-5075 victoryong@sbcglobal.net How may I help you...? To Buy or Sell YOUR HOUSE? Permiteme Ayudarte a Comprar o Vender TU CASA Free Market Analysis - Asesoria gratuita 16719 HUEBNER RD., B4, SAN ANTONIO, TX 78248 PARISHIONER Senior L S Living with S Style Residential Commercial Rentals Lots ASSISTED LIVING & MEMORY CARE COMMUNICATE ATTITUDE RELIABILITY RESPECT EXCELLENCE Betsy Dippo Agent 19190 Stone Oak Parkway #112 San Antonio, TX 78258 21802 ENCINO COMMONS Off: (210) 496-FARM Fax: (210) 491-0371 Toll Free: (888) 316-3276 210-483-9999 State Farm Insurance Companies Home Offices: Bloomington, Illinois www.franklinpark.org MARCOS MEDICAL CARE Gluten free Pasta • Private Dining Room • Wireless WiFi Available YOLANDA MARCOS, MD, FACP Board Certified • Internal Medicine 510 Med. Court Ste. 210 210-494-4290 • www.marcosmedical.com Saturday Hours Available • Parishioner ROD ODRIGO MARENCO INSURANCE AGENT Happy Hour 3-7 Mon-Sat Cell: 469-471-5172 Service: 281-812-9775 “I shop your rate so you don’t have to” Daily Lunch Specials Under $10 • Dinner Specials • To go orders available Open 7 Days a week | 210-495-3663 “Te cotizo entre las mejores aseguradoras y te ofrezco la mejor opcion” HOME • AUTO • FLOOD • COMMERCIAL • LIFE www.SernaInsurance.com 13457 Blanco Rd. • San Antonio, TX 78216 19239 Stone Oak Pkwy • San Antonio TX | www.milanoitaliangrill.com Cowboy Cleaners !"#$%&#'()*&+,-!" .-#/-%!!,0%&1%22$%!! 3%$"%-&456&.-%0%$"'",0% 3'-%&789&#.",:'2&;%'2";< 19211 Huebner Rd 497-8691 DR. PATRICIA GOMEZ DINGER - Parishioner Board Certified Adult and Pediatric Allergy & Immunology For Fine Dry Cleaning & Laundry Pick-Up & Delivery Service Parishioner 5959 Northwest Parkway San Antonio, TX 78249 The 3 Pillars of Lifelong Health !"#$%&&'(')*#+",-$'('.%$#/0'1%/0#2'3-*$&%0"$4 3'22 210.495.3131 We offer: • Fun Office Atmosphere • Paid Training and Development Programs • Excellent Benefits • Flexible, Full time and Part time schedules Find out more @ www.atentojobs.com DONALD W. BUCKNER, D.D.S., P.A. ERIC D. KUHL, D.D.S., P.A. FAMILY DENTISTRY Office Hours By Appointment 15321 San Pedro, #104 496-1711 567'-8'$%9':0"%$#&'/$;'5'<+%%'&%&&"-$&'<-+'+%<%++/0&= HJ Horticulture COMMERCIAL, HOA’S & RESIDENTIAL INSTALLATIONS 210-499-ITCH (4824) Planting a Seed for a Greener Tomorrow www.mysaallergist.com Lane Bishop, Parishioner LANDSCAPING & IRRIGATION 2 Locations: 540 Madison Oak Dr. Ste 210 210-264-4130 clanebishop@sbcglobal.net 5000 Schertz Pkwy Bld. 400 Ste 400 MCCI Medical Group Legacy Place Senior Focused Primary Care On Site Lab EKG’s Minor Procedures Bi-Lingual Staff Free Activity Center Seniors 55+ Yoga, Zumba Lunch & Learns Educational Series Birthday Parties New Medicare Patients Welcome! Contact Theresa Haley to place an ad today! THaley@4LPi.com or (800) 950-9952 x 2606 F OR A D I NFO C ALL T HERESA H ALEY AT 1-800-950-9952 Legacy Place 18414 U.S. Hwy. 281 N, Ste. 104 San Antonio, TX 78259 (210) 495-0222 • WWW .4LPi. COM D 4C 05-0443 H OLY T RINITY , S AN A NTONIO , TX 05-05-2015 09:02:12 ZAVALA LANDSCAPE & GARDEN DESIGN ezavala5@satx.rr.com 210.568.0459 210.844.0459 Tree and Lawn Maintenance Landscape Designs Retainer Walls and Walkways Flower Beds , Sprinkler Repair & Installation , Mulch & Soil ~ SE HABLA ESPAÑOL ~ Senior Living with Style INDEPENDENT LIVING ASSISTED LIVING San Antonio Recovery Center Exceptional Treatment for Substance Abuse PERFECTION ROOFING CO. All Types of Roofing & Repair Residential Treatment Programs • Intensive Outpatient Care COMMUNICATE ATTITUDE RELIABILITY RESPECT EXCELLENCE Residential • Commercial 5806 Culebra ~ San Antonio, TX 78228 210-432-3700 • www.rusober.com Ad Good for $25 Disc. Free Estimates Raul Ruelas, Owner/Parishioner • Karen G. Ruelas LPC, Parishioner 210-822-3434 Colon & Rectal Surgery and Colonoscopy Don Winters 695-1497 210-404-1444 www.franklinpark.org Sisters Care at the Village Non-Medical In-Home services Ministry Looking for: Strong, Dependable, Individuals to be a part of a Premier team. Caregivers, Male Caregivers, PRN Caregivers, Housekeepers. Assisting Older Adults with: Light Housekeeping • Transportation • Bathing • Meal Preparations Contact us or Visit for Immediate Application and Consideration Must: Clear background check / 1 yr. Exp. In field / Reliable transportation / Proof of auto insurance 4707 Broadway • San Antonio, TX 78209 • Ph: 210-733-9800 Lic.# 011872 • Open daily with continuous service • Private Rooms for all celebrations! • Room equipped with screen/projector 20079 Stone Oak Pkwy at Hardy Oak 210-494-0561 !"#$%&'&!()*+&!",,+ • Daily lunch specials • Happy Hour / Patio • Gluten Free Menu www.aldacos-stoneoak.com -(.(/0%&12".$(,$3)3 Holy Trinity Parishioners !!!"#$%&'()*#+,--# $,8#98:;87;<#=>#2/5?"4@0?A# CC)%%DEF*&7-);8)GF;'# DOMINION LOCATION NOW OPEN CENTER FOR MINIMALLY INVASIVE CARDIAC SURGERY CARMELO OTERO, M.D. Cardiac - Peripheral Vascular and Thoracic Surgery 210-615-6626 225 E. 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COM C 4C 05-0443 H OLY T RINITY , S AN A NTONIO , TX 05-05-2015 09:02:12 Daisy Ramirez-Estrada, MD Board Certified Family Medicine (210) 497-2338 • Med1st.com Accepting New Patients * Parishioner Great Service since 1934 Se Habla Español www.gpacsa.com We Provide 24/7 Emergency Service 26112 Overlook Pkwy, Suite 1100 • San Antonio, TX 78260 • Commercial & Residential • Plumbing Repairs • Sewer Camera & Video G Lic # M-18234 210-699-0818 GILLETTE Air Conditioning & Heating Family Owned & Serving South Texas for Over 50 Years Commercial • Residential • Industrial • Boilers !"#$%&' Forget to Change Your Filters” We Service All Central Systems 735-9235 TACLA #762C Hank Bussey, PT, DPT, MS, OCS Gabriel Molina, PT, MPT, MBA, CMT Stephanie Bussey, PT, MPT Stephen W. Dinger, DO (Parishioner) Tel: 210.495.7246 (PAIN) Fax: 210.495.7245 ELISA’S PET SITTING www.backpainsa.com ~ Parishioner ~ (210) 481-2207 Locations: Schertz • Stone Oak • Dominion Call us today to make and appointment! “Serving all of your pain management needs” Long D ai ly Wa lk s When you’re away your pets will play Dry In One Hour! Liliana Meeker, DDS Root Canal Specialist 210-494-8022 Parishioner - Se Habla Español 335 E. Sonterra Blvd., Suite 100 San Antonio, TX 78258 www.meekerendo.com Custom Granite Countertops Also Marble, Quartz Solid Surface, Laminate Cultured Marble 13310 Western Oak Off Hausman Rd. & 1604 Parishioner owned & operated Environmentally Safe • Free Estimates Mention this ad and save 10%! 210-695-3505 (210) 659-8986 Tony & Brenda Franckowiak Parishioners & Music Ministers www.heavensbest.com FREDERICK R. ZLOTUCHA Roger Schmidt Attorney at Law (210) 788-1532 roger.schmidt@kofc.org (210) 227-9877 Protecting Catholic families since 1882 222 Main Plaza East • San Antonio, TX 78205 Trial, Probate, Family Law, Personal Injury, Real Estate, Bus Lit., Med. Mal., Contract, Oil & Gas - General Practice Life Insurance • Long-Term Care Annuities • Disability Admitted To Texas State Bar 1978 Free Initial Consultation Dilma Ruiz Friel, MD Diplomate American Board General Surgery 18518 Hardy Oak Blvd., Suite 310 • San Antonio, TX 78260 (210) 545-7270 • dilmaruizfriel@yahoo.com Contact Theresa Haley to place an ad today! THaley@4LPi.com or (800) 950-9952 x 2606 PURIUM HEALTH PRODUCTS I Got 90-Day Results In Just 10 Days!! Detox your body • Reset your Metabolism Break your addictions to food • Power your Performance Sustain Energy • Increase Testosterone • Reduce Fatigue & Soreness!!! 60 Day Money Back Guaranteed!!! Visit www.puriumcorp.com & use promo code: FITSANANTONIO for $50 OFF Contact information: Jesse & Pearl (210) 749-0978 or email: garzajp01@gmail.com F OR A D I NFO C ALL T HERESA H ALEY AT 1-800-950-9952 • WWW .4LPi. COM B 4C 05-0443 H OLY T RINITY , S AN A NTONIO , TX 05-05-2015 09:02:12 MONIQUE BORDELON PROUSE “AV” RATED, HIGHEST POSSIBLE PEER RATING BUSINESS AND CONTRACT DISPUTES, PERSONAL INJURY FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION www.TeamBordelon.com MoniqueBordelon@remax.net (210) 483-5000 1846 N. Loop 1604 W. Suite 205 San Antonio, TX 78248 www.sacatholicprofessionals.com Honesty, Professionalism and Experience!! Your Goals Are My Job Description, Please call me for a Free Consultation! Happy to be here, Proud to Serve. 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Find out more at: ;'$2%(<)=+#'>)%/)-+?$@A)6+1"'#A)+/>).@+(?$3 HWY 281 & ISOM (210) 627-9000 VISIT: www.ronsalazarlaw.com Preferred, REALTORS Let’s Visit 210-807-7599 San Antonio Catholic Business Professionals Ron Salazar - Parishioner Parishioner*Realtor WWW.SANPEDROFACIAL.COM • 210-491-0015 www.ccwmgmt.com San Pedro Facial Surgery • 14500 San Pedro #102, 78232 E%=?1?$3)789('##)F1"#)GG!H Power Wheel Chairs & 4 Wheel Mobility Scooters LUBE 722(8)65&."9:&.#;"$&<(#,:=2#$(&>694$#62(9& 062,4%065&.(%02#$(%&.(%02#0% Proudly Serving Texas Since 2004 (210) 251-4838 IJKLM)JNNOPLQR)ST.' (210) 445-3054 Cell Spring Checklist Get an Oil Change Recharge the A/C System Restore Your Headlights Change the Cabin Air Filter TORRES REMODELING 381-7647 BRING YOUR CAR TO OUR PLACE visit us online @ www.twlube.com Room Additions • Crown Molding Tile • Sheet Rock Repairs Painting • Decks 24920 Blanco Rd. • S.A. 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Call us, or go online to find out more about the services we provide! Residential • Commercial • Industrial • Institutional Mech Lic #M-17583: TACL#A19546C CLARENCE R. FELLER JR., DDS, MAGD 15440 Tradesman • 210-493-7057 Serving San Antonio Since 1956 Parishioner since 1989 • most insurance accepted & filed • early morning & lunch hours • financing with carecredit® 17201 SAN PEDRO, SUITE 130, SAN ANTONIO, TX 78232 | 496-1919 • WWW.FELLERSMILES.COM F OR A D I NFO C ALL T HERESA H ALEY AT 1-800-950-9952 • WWW .4LPi. COM A 4C 05-0443 H OLY T RINITY , S AN A NTONIO , TX 05-05-2015 09:02:12
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