THE SITTINGBOURNE TEAM MINISTRY The Churches of St Mary, St Michael, Holy Trinity & Bobbing welcome you! APRIL 2015 Team Rector: Rev. Mike Resch Team Vicar: Rev. James Pettit Team Curates: Rev. Sue Samson, Rev. Alice Pettit, Rev. Liz Resch Assistant Clergy: Rev. Evelyn Williams, Rev. Philip Buss Team Office: St Michael’s Church House, High St, Sittingbourne ME10 4PG Tel: 01795 439230 Email: (St Mary & St Michael) Website: (St Mary & St Michael) Email: (Holy Trinity & Bobbing) Website: (Holy Trinity & Bobbing) ST MARY’S, PARK ROAD, SITTINGBOURNE 8.30am on each 1st Sunday: Traditional Communion. 4.00pm every Sunday: 1st Sunday: Saints Alive, informal family service. 2nd & 4th Sundays Holy Communion with children’s groups. 3rd Sunday Messy Church. Baptisms offered 1st Sunday. ST MICHAEL’S, HIGH STREET, SITTINGBOURNE 10.00am every Sunday: Holy Communion with common worship, liturgy and organ. Baptisms offered 2nd & 4th Sundays. 6.30pm on each 2nd Sunday: Choral Evensong Service. 10.30am every Wednesday: Morning Prayer on 1st Wednesday of each month. Holy Communion on all other Wednesdays. HOLY TRINITY, DOVER STREET, SITTINGBOURNE 9.00am every Sunday: Holy Communion with common worship, liturgy and organ. 10.30am every Sunday: Informal, contemporary service with worship band and children’s activity groups. Holy Communion 2nd & 4th Sundays, Baptisms offered 1st & 3rd Sundays. 7.00pm every Sunday: Informal, contemporary service with worship band, deep teaching and an intimate time with God. 9.30am every Thursday: Holy Communion Service ST BARTHOLOMEW’S, SHEPPEY WAY, BOBBING 11.00am Sundays: Informal family service with worship group. Holy Communion 3rd Sunday, Baptisms offered 2nd & 4th Sundays 6.00pm on each 5th Sunday: Quiet, reflective service with Holy Communion. Bobbing Church is also open from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Saturday GROUPS AND EVENTS Children’s Easter Activities This Good Friday we are running activities at Church House alongside the “At the Cross” Service at St Michael’s. Parents can drop their children with us whilst they take part in the service or join in with our Easter themed activities. This drop-in will be from 12.30-2.30pm. On Monday 13th April, 12-2pm we will be having our annual egg rolling competition and picnic at The Playstool, Borden. There will be prizes for the best decorated egg and the furthest roll. Bring a packed lunch and wrap up warm as it can be cold. For more details see Kerrie Christie. For information at Holy Trinity: On Easter Sunday we will all be worshipping together and on 12th April there will be no Children’s groups to allow the team to have a well earned rest! Ladies Breakfast Come along at 8.30am on Saturday 4th April at St Michael’s Church House and share breakfast, chat and fellowship. Bobbingrd Friday 23 May - King’s Men Curry Knight – this is our annual foray Easter Sunrise Service:Celebrate the resurrection! 6.15am. Sunrise into everything spicy, in wethe arechurchyard. meeting at a Followed new venue, service starts outside by Bengal Holy Spice, at 7pm whichand is an earlyrolls startinbut on Street Other Pastors to Communion bacon theallows church.those All welcome! enjoy thewill evening they out. will Martin is currently negotiating services be as before normal, thego 11am include communion. a price less than £15 for set meal. Details to follow Ladies Fellowship On Tuesday 2pm-3.30pm Ladies Fellowship meet at St Michael’s Church House: April 7th, Easter readings & poems; April 21st, AGM teatime special. Christian Fellowship and Friendship The Kent North Christian Friendship Fellowship Group for Single Christians will be meeting on Saturday 11th April and Saturday 25th April. Please contact Christine Kelly, De Buddle, Jane Bourne or Andrew Lee for details. King’s Men Join us for a curry evening on Friday 24th April. To book your place or for more details, contact Sean Sheffield in person at Holy Trinity on a Sunday or on 07800 548308 Mothers Union This group meets on Thursday 23rd April 7.30pm-9pm. Meetings are in St Michael’s Church House and on the 4th Thursday of each month. Railway Enthusiasts Monday 27th April, 7.30pm, Holy Trinity Church. Short talks on subjects researched by members. Contact Trevor on 521805 or Barry on 478635. All welcome. NOTICES Mike’s Sabbatical For those of you that are not already aware, Mike will be taking a 3 month sabbatical from 8th April until 7th July. If you would like to find out a little bit more and have not seen the letter he has written explaining it please email the office and I will send you a copy. Please understand that this means he will not be at any services or events, responding to emails or Facebook messages or dealing with any church related queries. The rest of the team will still be working as normal. Foodbank Thank you to the team who are working extremely hard on this project and to anyone who has recently volunteered to get involved. There is still a need for more helpers so if you have been thinking about getting involved but have not yet done so please do. Please don’t forget that to run we rely on regular donations from you. The following list are items that are particularly needed at the moment. Toiletries Milk, sugar, long life fruit juice, pasta sauces, tinned veg, tinned fish, instant mash, instant coffee, tinned puddings, tinned fruit and jam. COMING UP Family Time Parenting Course Family life can be a roller coaster ride with both joys and difficulties and it can make such a difference for us to come together to be there for each other. Come and join us as we explore 6 different aspects of family life and how we can make the most of our ‘Family Time’ The course will run 7.30pm-9.30pm at Holy Trinity Church. Tuesday 5th May Session 1: A vision for the family Tuesday 12th May Session 2: Communicating Love Tuesday 19th May Session 3: Who is influencing my children? Tuesday 2nd June Session 4: Family Values Tuesday 9th June Session 5: Guiding, shaping, boundaries Tuesday 16th June Session 6: Modelling love and respect Summer Ball The popular annual Summer Ball is being held at Hempsted House on 5th June. Tickets are now available, see the back of this newsletter for details. WEEKLY EVENTS Fit for God’s Purpose Ladies, we hold a weekly support group meeting for people with weight, health or general issues of self esteem. We meet on a Monday in Holy Trinity at 6pm for one hour. If you have any questions, please contact Naomi Gooch. Cuppa & Chat Come and enjoy a cuppa, a piece of cake and some warm and friendly company with us every Tuesday 1.30pm-3.30pm at Holy Trinity. Contact Rev Evelyn Williams for more details on 01795 470372. Lunch Club All are welcome to come to lunch on a Wednesday from 12-2pm at Holy Trinity. Light lunches are served for just £3. Please note that there will be no lunch club on 15th April. We would really appreciate any offers of help, please see Pauline if you are interested. Love, Laughter, Lunch THANK YOU Holy Trinity is open on Thursday mornings with coffee and cake after the 9.30am communion service and light lunches served from Thank you to everyone across the team who have dedicated time 12pm-2pm. and energy in serving in our churches throughout 2014 in many different ways. Your support is invaluable and greatly appreciated. Evening at St If you feelPrayer that God is Michael’s calling you to serve in some capacity this Join Thursday in talents this sacred space as we thanksplease for the year,usorevery you have hidden that you would likegive to share, day, pray the Psalms, listen for God’s word in scripture and pray let us know. together for the church, the world and this parish. Weekly Prayer Meeting at Holy Trinity Our weekly prayer meeting happens every Thursday at Holy Trinity THANK YOU from 7-7.30pm. Please join us to pray for our world, church and children amongst other things. Toddler Groups! You’ll find both our groups really warm and friendly - come and join us at either one, or both!! Busy Bees Mondays (term-time)10am-11.30am at St Mary’s Church! Wednesdays (term-time)1.15pm-2.45pm! Wigglers - Thursdays (term-time) from 10am at Holy Trinity Hall! Redeem Youth! If you’re between age 13 and 18 and wonder “Can you be a teenager AND a Christian??”, come along and join us to find out! We meet every Friday at Holy Trinity during term-time 7-8.30pm to grow in friendship with each other and with Jesus! Contact Georgina Carpenter on 07595 386363 for more details. Josiah’s Children’s Club! We meet at St Mary’s every Wednesday during term-time from 3.30-5.15pm for fun, games and to learn more about Jesus. Toast bar from 3.30-4pm and a tuck shop. For children aged 5-11, please contact Rev Liz Resch on 01795 473393 for more details. We will be back after Easter on 22nd April. Please remember that all events are open to anyone and their friends and families regardless of which church you attend. If you’d like an event, group or notice featured in the April edition, please pass the details to the church office by Sunday 19th April. The office will be closed from 1st April until 13th April. We have hired the Heritage Suite at Hempstead House. 5th June 2015 A night of luxury, a three course meal, music, dance, chat and a chance to wear your very best clothes. The evening starts at 7.30pm until 11.30pm Invite your friends for a fantastic experience. Summer Ball 2015 Tickets - £25.50 from Anne Sidney - 07776 201734
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