Christ is risen! Truly He is risen! - Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church

April 2015 ^ Volume 39, Issue 3
Christ is risen! Truly He is risen!
The Resurrection of Jesus Christ
is the hallmark of our faith. Nothing
can surpass its radiant beauty or its
theological significance. In similar
manner, the icon of the Resurrection
represents the quintessential image of
salvation in the Church. It reflects the
eminent themes and glorious aspects
of Christ’s redemptive work affected
through His Resurrection.
The icon of the Resurrection brings
comfort and faith by reassuring us
that death no longer has dominance
over humanity, for it has been utterly
defeated and forever annihilated by
Christ. God proves once again that the
ultimate authority in the universe rests
in the One Who raised Himself from
out of the tomb and Who grants to all
of us the fruits of eternal life.
For humanity, death is the most
notorious thief. From the moment we
are born, this insidious fiend stalks
us seeking any chance, any moment,
to steal from us God’s precious gift of life. Because it prowls in
the darkness of night, impending fear befalls the one who looks
upon it without faith. The Christian, however, need not fear
death because he is acutely aware that death has been conquered
through Christ’s Resurrection.
“I AM the Resurrection and [I AM] the Life.” From Christ’s
statement found in the Gospel of St. John (11:25) both Resurrection and Life are gifts given to us by God. Yet, perfectly
understood, these gifts are seen as the personification of Jesus
Christ, the Giver of all good gifts.
The purpose of Christ’s entreaty into this world is to connect
His divine life with our earthly lives. The concept of linking humanity to God is acutely illustrated in the icon of the Resurrec-
Wait for the promise of the Father
tion through the interlocking of hands.
Extending His hands downward,
Christ is offering help to both Adam
and Eve. Through this simple gesture,
the theological meaning is that of the
divine and human relationship. Christ’s
concern and love for humanity are
richly symbolized in this compassionate act. So too, if we reach out to Christ
with faith as did the First-creations, His
powerful grasp will meet ours in a clasp
that is literally earth shattering. For we,
who were once dead and consigned to
the grave, shall rise in glory with Him
who is the Resurrected One.
Indeed, the Eastern Orthodox depiction of the Resurrection reassures the
onlooker that this act is not an isolated
one accomplished and meant for Christ
alone. Hence, Christ is not portrayed
as exiting the tomb by Himself but
rather, is surrounded by those who are
in desperate need of His help. In addition to Adam and Eve, great Biblical
figures such as St. John the Baptist, together with the prophets,
kings and other personalities of the Old Testament are depicted.
Everyone, without exception, is in need of Christ’s redemptive
powers. Only He saves.
The true beauty of this icon becomes a reality, for us, on
Easter night. As the faithful assemble to celebrate Christ’s
Resurrection, as we chant Xristos Anesti, as we receive the Paschal
light, and as we commune with His precious Body and Blood,
we perceive, that in this magnificent icon, our own faces and
our own lives are being etched into the scene. We have become
true participants in Christ’s Resurrection and accordingly bask
in His glory on Pascha day and every day that follows unto the
ages of ages. Amen. ^
Dates in the Life of Our Church
April – May 2015
1 8:30 PM 4:00 PM 2
Trinity Circle Trip
The Life-giving Spring
Art Show
8:15 AM 9:30 AM 1:00 PM Orthros
Divine Liturgy
7:30 PM GOYA State Meeting
4:00 PM 7:00 PM Greek School
Philoptochos Board Meeting
10:00 AM Bridegroom Service
8:15 AM 9:30 AM Orthros
Divine Liturgy
Presanctified Liturgy
Bridegroom Service
30 4:00 PM Greek School
4:00 PM 7:30 PM
Greek School
Choir Rehearsal
Presanctified Liturgy
7:30 PM Greek School
Choir Rehearsal
7:00 PM Spirit of Lent Concert
t. Theonas of Thessaloniki
8:45 AM
9:30 AM
Divine Liturgy
10:45 AM tying of palms
8:30 AM 9:30 AM 7:00 PM 6
Divine Liturgy
Bridegroom Service
Holy Monday
7:00 PM Holy Tuesday
9:00 AM 7:00 PM 8
7:00 PM Holy Wednesday
3:00 PM 7:00 PM Sacrament of Holy Unction
Sacrament of Holy Unction
Holy Thursday
9:00 AM Divine Liturgy of the Mystical Supper
7:00 PM The Holy Passion of our Lord
Twelve Gospels and the Crucifixion
Holy Friday
9 :00 AM – 3:00 PM 9:30 AM
10:00 AM – 3:00 PM 3:00 PM 7:00 PM Church open for Veneration of the Cross
Royal Hours
Holy Friday Retreat
Apokathelosis – Service of the Unnailing;
Descent from the Cross and Burial
The Lamentation Service at the Epitaphios
Holy Saturday
9:30 AM 11:00 PM Vesperal Divine Liturgy
Resurrectional Vigil and Divine Liturgy of Pascha
11:00 AM Agape Service
4:00 PM Greek School
Parish Council
7:30 PM 4:00 PM 7:30 PM 8:45 AM 9:30 AM 4:00 PM 7:30 PM Greek School
Choir Rehearsal
Divine Liturgy
Greek School
Choir Rehearsal
2:00 PM 8:15 AM 9:30 AM Joy/Hope Bowling Party
Divine Liturgy
4:00 PM Greek School
8:45 AM 9:30 AM Orthros
Divine Liturgy
4:00 PM 6:00 PM Greek School
Philoptochos Fashion Show
3:30 PM Baptism
8:15 AM 9:30 AM Orthros
Divine Liturgy
4:00 PM Greek School
Parish Council
Mother’s Day
7:30 PM Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church ^ Westfield, New Jersey
Parish Council
In January I stated that it would take the
collective leadership of the Parish Council to
achieve the priorities of the Parish. With that
in mind, I want to share the Parish Council’s
collective leadership model that supports the administrative needs of Stewardship, Ministries and
Fellowship to serve parishioners’ needs to grow and
experience our Orthodox faith.
I considered that our chief goal is to grow the
parish and the church. To accomplish this we
bind our collective leadership into a common focus to increase the outcomes of the committees,
exceed the needs of the ministries and develop
our future leaders. Our leadership model is
further defined across the following three parts:
ƒƒ First, as Council members we practice
servant leadership. Servant leadership
begins for all of us as a need to “serve first”.
The model constantly held up before us
by the Church is that of Christ. He is the
model par excellence of servant leadership.
“Whoever desires to be first among you, let him become
Committee your servant – just as the Son of Man did not come to
be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom
for many.” – Matthew 20:27. The servant
leader values strong relationships through
communication and community. This type
of leadership emphasizes attentiveness to
the parishioners’ concern and nurtures
their need.
ƒƒ Second, our role as Committee Chairs is to
support the necessary changes and produce
movement within the committees and the
supported ministries. We accomplish this
activity by establishing direction, align and
communicate with parishioners, motivate
and inspire our committee members into
action to satisfy the unmet needs among
ƒƒ Third, our role in support of the ministries
is to help develop the management approach
to create order and consistency. Consistency
is a key to establishing positive experiences.
We accomplish this through activities that
provide for the ministries, assist in organizing their events and generate creative solutions to meet the ministry’s vision.
50th Anniversary
Ways and Means
Greek School Education
Religious Education and Church Music
Youth and Young Adult Ministry
Fellowship and Cultural
Golf Outing Chair Jim Fountas
Agapios Kyritsis
Ted Bozonelis
AJ Karanikolas
Leon Carayannopoulos
Tony Bosco
Jo-Ann Jayson
Jo-Ann Jayson
Peter Tarhanidis
Jim Fountas
Last month I asked for each of us as Council
members to re-dedicate ourselves to our committee
work to support the needs of our parish. Over the
next few months Council members will convene
their committees to achieve that goal.
As a result of the Parish Council’s leadership
and in consensus with Father Peter’s blessings the
parish has expanded four select committees and
These highlights include new committees for
Holy Trinity’s 50th Gala Anniversary and The
Holy Trinity Endowment Fund and Planned Giving. Religious Education is expanded to include
Church Music to represent Choir and Chanters.
The Youth GOA is expanded to create a Young
Adult Ministry.
Today I ask that any interested Parishioner join
a Ministry or Committee to experience the fellowship within our Parish.
Below is a listing of the key committees and the
leaders who are the committee Chairs that work in
conjunction with the ministry leaders. If you have
any question, comments or feedback please contact
the Chair leader or me directly. ^
Co – Chair
Agapios Kyritsis
Ted Bozonelis
Peter Arbes
Mike Savva
George Youlios
Leon Carayannopoulos
Penny Mavridis Sales
AJ Karanikolas
Tony Bosco
AJ Karanikolas
All Aboard The Ark of Salvation! Holy Trinity Religious
Education will be holding the second Vacation Church School
on July 27 - July 31 for children in grades 1-7. Children will
learn about the Orthodox Church, its scripture, the saints,
the many feast days, worship, music and prayers, in a fun,
interactive way that will enhance their spiritual lives! Registration is free and lunch will be served. Please sign up in
the Bouras Center beginning May 17. For more information
call the church office. ^
Come Sail with us!
The Promise ^ April 2015 ^ Volume 39, Issue 3
Cutting of the
Above, left, Philoptochos Presidents, Ellen Athenson speaking, middle, on Philoptochos Stewardship. Are
you a member? Anne Michals, Metropolis of New Jersey Philoptochos President. Fr. Peter, above right,
The Vasilopita Celebration was truly
an exceptional day in the life of Holy
Trinity, Westfield, NJ.
Helen Constantinides Bruno and
Janet Zervakos O’Sullivan, co-chairs,
delivered a superbly coordinated jubilee
that warmed the hearts of all. Their detailed planning, using their exemplary
talents, generous hearts, and “hriso
heria,” included many lovely and loving
signature touches of perfection, making the
festivities so memorable and joyous.
In fact, they ensured that everyone
received a chocolate coin as a favor.
Together with Reservations Co-chairs,
Julie Exarhakos and Debra Vlahakis,
and the support of the entire Board,
the Westfield chapter hosted a packed
Bouras Center in breaking the New
Year’s bread with the Holy Trinity
Family. The Light of Christ radiated
in true fellowship with ultimate grace.
Ellen Manos-Athenson, Philoptochos
Stewardship Chair, thoughtfully spoke
in an uplifting manner about the focus
and direction of Philoptochos, which
can only continue with support from all
women. She invited the Board members
of Chapter #1036 to come forward and
offer their Stewardship for 2015, setting
an example to encourage others in the
New Year.
An icon of St. Basil the Great was
presented to Agapios Kyritsis, past
Maria Logus, National Philoptochos President is
blessed with having received the Vasilopita coin.
Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church ^ Westfield, New Jersey
president of Holy Trinity Parish Council, and newly appointed Secretary of
St. Basil Academy Board for his continued love and dedication to SBA and
Philoptochos over many years. Apostolos Apostolou, his brother-in-law and
partner at Marco Polo Restaurant, was
bestowed the icon of St. Euphrosinos,
the Cook, for his continued service and
love to the Vasilopita celebration.
We were honored to have in attendance Maria Logus, National Philoptochos President, Anastasia Michals,
NJ Metropolis President, and the stars,
the children of St. Basil Academy, from
Divine Liturgy and throughout the
Father Peter Delvizis led the faithful
in a brief blessing of the Vasilopita. In
accepting the third piece cut in honor
of the Poor, Maria Logus was rewarded
with the commemorative St. Basil Coin.
AXIA! More good things to come for
our exceptional and worthy president!
Anastasia Michals graciously presented a $100 donation from the Me-
Book Store
April marks the end of dreary winter ice, snow, and
early darkness and the beginning of the brightness of
spring with more day light and the blossoming of flowers and trees!
Celebrate Spring At The Book Store!
tropolis Philoptochos to the chapter to be given to assist a
member of the chapter who may have financial difficulty in
contributing to the St. Nicholas National Shrine Initiative.
Each table cut their individual Vasilopita while dessert was
served. Anastasia Michals was blessed with the coin at the
head table. AXIA! More good things to come for Philoptochos in 2015!
Breaking the New Year’s Bread together as one Holy
Trinity Family, beginning our 49th year in Westfield, the
Ladies Philoptochos Society extended their deep appreciation to all parishioners, who due to their individual generosity throughout the year, have enabled us to fulfill our true
Christ-centered mission, helping those in need. ^
May the Lord continue to bless us all with good health, happiness, and prosperity.
Ke tou hronou mazi!
What time could be more appropriate to visit the Book
Store and treat yourself and your family to learn more
about the Light of Christ that He offers to children of all
ages! (John 1:9-13) This is not accomplished in a moment,
or even in a year, but it is a continuous lifelong journey.
(Matthew 7:7-8) Persistence will be rewarded. (Luke
11:8) Even so, how can we possibly succeed? (Mark 10:27)
In addition to prayerful participation in the Divine
Liturgy and Holy Sacraments, prayer and fasting, active
study helps.
Come to the Book Store for help in this lifelong
journey! There are Icons, Crosses, and religious CDs to
inspire prayers; Bibles for young and old; and books on
various aspects of the Greek Orthodox religion, culture
and cooking.
If you don’t see what you want, we can order it for you!
Please support the Book Store: all profits are donated to
the Church.
Help Spread The Word Of God!
Book Store Stewardship gives you the opportunity to
browse our offerings and meet new friends, and most rewarding of all, to help spread the Word of God. There is
an old saying: “It is better to give than to receive.” Why?
Because you can receive more than you give. “Give, and
it will be given to you: good measure, pressed down,
shaken together, and running over will be put into your
bosom. For with the same measure that you use, it will
be measured back to you.” See 2 Corinthians 9:6-9 for
Saint Paul’s landmark writing on bountiful stewardship,
and thus the bountiful rewards God will give: 1 Corinthians 2:9: “But as it is written: Eye has not seen, nor ear
heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the
things which God has prepared for those
who love Him.” ^
Pictures from the Vasilopita Lunchon
The Promise ^ April 2015 ^ Volume 39, Issue 3
In Selma, A Day of
Honor and Tribute to the
Legacy of Struggle and
Sacrifice, Equality and
SELMA, Ala. – Thousands of people
attended the commemoration of the 50th
Anniversary of the 1965 National Voting Rights Act and “Bloody Sunday,” that
concluded today, March 8, 2015, with a
long service at the historic Brown Chapel
African Methodist Episcopal Church and a
final march through the town of Selma and
across the Edmund Pettus Bridge.
“In great struggles, hope is sustained by
faith in God and the assurance that He will
fulfill His promises… On this anniversary
we commemorate the heroic faith and hope
of those who struggled, of those who upheld
human dignity through powerful yet peaceful protests and demonstrations against
racism, prejudice, fear and hatred,” said
His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios of
America, delivering remarks on God, Struggle,
and Unity, during the early morning Martin
and Coretta King Unity Breakfast, at the Wallace
Community College of Selma. The event
was attended by many religious and civic
rights leaders including the Mayor of Selma
George P. Evans, Martin Luther King
III, Lucy Baines Johnson, the daughter of
President Johnson; the Governor Duval
Patrick of Massachusetts, US Secretary of
HUD Julián Castro, US Secretary of Labor
Thomas E. Perez and the Director of the
White House Office of Management and
Budget Shaun L. S. Donovan.
The service at the Brown Chapel
AME Church, that followed included
scripture readings, choral responses,
tributes and remarks by government
officials, religious leaders and Civil
Rights Movement leaders. Among
those present were the Attorney
General of the United States Eric H.
Holder, Jr. and the former US Ambassador to the United Nations Andrew Young. Ambassador Young,
who was a good friend of Martin
Luther King Jr. and his principal
lieutenant, was also a good friend
of Archbishop Iakovos. In his remarks, he
warmly presented Archbishop Demetrios
as the Primate of the Greek Orthodox
Archdiocese of America and successor to
Archbishop Iakovos, paying tribute to his
memory and contributions to the Civil
Coming Soon! Be on the lookout!
This year Holy Trinity will award
to the winner of the parish raffle a new
R ig hts
Movement a nd the Ma rch on
Selma. Archbishop Demetrios continues
the longstanding legacy of the Orthodox
Church to fight against racism and to defend human rights. ^ (Photos: D. Panagos)
Mercedes Benz C300 4MATIC
Raffle tickets will go on sale shortly after Pascha.
More details to follow….
Only a 1,000 tickets will be sold
so your chances of winning are greater.
Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church ^ Westfield, New Jersey
Philoptochos Report
Holy Trinity's Ongoing Efforts
In this Paschal season, we celebrate
the Lord’s Resurrection, as He is the
Truth, the Way, and the Light. Jesus
Christ literally rose above it all by keeping the heavenly perspective. He leads
us to rise above controversies, jealousies,
petty personal attacks, and ego slights,
real or imagined, directing us to accomplish good in this world. The saintly
invocation, Agios (o Theos), means that
He was “in the world, yet not of it,”
again, rising above it all.
Despite all the torture and Passion
that He endured, Christ maintained
confidence in His perspective, the
power inherent in taking an aerial view.
He rose above it all. When He had
completed the Divine Plan and said: “It
is finished,” we were given the ability
to track Christ’s energy on Earth; witnessing that everything bloomed, was
healed, or came to life in His presence.
Over 2000 years later, we still glorify
these acts. With His Resurrection, we
clearly see that He came to bring life to
our souls and bring it abundantly.
As we glorify His Resurrection, we
must continue to glorify His life by
Join Us for a Holy Friday Retreat
Friday, April 10th, 10am—3pm emulating His acts of compassion.
Please join us in Stewardship, activities,
and donations to perpetuate the mission of Philoptochos, helping those in
need. Upcoming events include: Annual
Art Show – April 18-19 in the Bouras
Center; Annual Fashion Show, The Joy
of Spring – May 6 at Brooklake Country
Club, Florham Park NJ; and Elections
and General Meeting – May 20 in the
Bouras Center.
We wish you and your families a
blessed Paschal season, radiant in the
Light of the Risen Christ.
Christos Anesti! Alithos Anesti! ^
Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church
250 Gallows Hill Road
Westfield, New Jersey 07090
is pleased to host
The Eastern Federation of
Greek Orthodox Church Musicians
District of New Jersey’s
25th Anniversary
The Spirit of Lent
Special Holy Friday Retreat for children: Grades 1-6
Learn the theology, symbols, and hymns of Holy Friday, Easter and
Holy Week.
Followed by the Taking Down from the Cross Service (Apokathelosis)
3pm-4pm Parents are encouraged to attend the Apokathelosis service
A Lenten lunch and midday snack will be included
Register during fellowship hour or contact Lauren Karanikolas
( Kathy Maglaras, (,
or Alexandra Maglaras (
A Choral Offering of
Ancient and Modern Works in
English and Greek
Kathryn Athanasoulas, Director
E. Hope Demitry, Organist
Friday, April 3, 2015
8:00 p.m.
Donation $10.00
Children under 12 free
A portion of the proceeds will be donated to the
St. Nicholas National Shrine at Ground Zero
Registration is free
Refreshments following program
MAY 28-31
Don’t miss this year’s Holy Trinity GreekFest
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! We are looking for another wonderfully successful year.
The Promise ^ April 2015 ^ Volume 39, Issue 3
Athletics: Basketball
Sr. Basketball – 1st Place
The senior boys basketball team had a tremendous season this year. The boys started off
the season with a close game loss to Holmdel. After that first loss, they went undefeated
and went on a five game winning streak while demonstrating good sportsmanship heading into the playoffs as the number one seed. In our first playoff game, we earned a victory
against Trenton, finishing with a 7 point lead which advanced us to the finals. In the finals
against Asbury Park, the whole team displayed great teamwork and were very motivated to
achieve the victory. They were determined not to let the game slip away and kept battling
throughout the game. The game came down to the last second when the scored was all tied
up. With one of the most exciting games Westfield basketball has ever been a part of, the
coaches devised a great play and it worked to perfection with a buzzer beating layup to end
the season in the highest note possible. The final score of the game was 50-48, Westfield. It
was an ultimate ending to a truly amazing season. We would like to thank all of the coaches
and parents who supported us during our successful season.
Jr. Basketball – 2nd Place
The junior basketball team also had a great season. After a slow start, the juniors got
it going and willed themselves into the championship against Asbury Park. It was a hard
fought game by both teams and it came down to the last quarter with Asbury pulling away
at the end. The junior boys gave a great effort throughout the season and we are immensely
proud of their accomplishments this year. ^
Volleyball – 3rd Place
Our volleyball team this year consisted of girls from 7th-12th grade. With some of the
girls coming to the first practice having never played before, we had our work cut out for
us. As the season progressed we practiced twice a week, working on skills and learning to
play as a team. With some great wins and a couple of tough losses we went to the playoffs
and finished in 3rd place. We worked so hard all season and are proud of our season's outcome which of course would not be possible without our head coach, Ellen Conti, trainer,
Zenon Christodoulou, and parent assistant, Greg Panagos. We look forward to working
with everyone again next year! ^
Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church ^ Westfield, New Jersey
GOYA Athletics Awards 2015
GOYA Outreach
My Outreach theme this year focuses on “Random Acts of
Kindness.” The first project that the GOYA worked on was
Christmas Caroling, which was a great success. The second outreach project was to write Valentine`s Day cards for the children
in Children`s Specialized Hospital in Mountainside. Valentine`s
Day is a time to celebrate our love for those important to us and
delivering cards would be a perfect fit for our GOYA to connect
with the children. In February we wrote and decorated cards
for many of the children. We had fun making them. I hope and
continue to do this activity again for another holiday.
44th Annual Sights & Sounds
Wow is all I can say. Not only am extremely happy that the Westfield
GOYA has finally won Sights and Sounds after 6 long years, but I am
extremely proud of the effort and hard work of all our participants. I
am thankful for the endless amount of time the advisors and directors
have put into making our performances one-of-a-kind. We wouldn't
have been able to achieve our first place success without the hard work
from everyone. Also, being a senior and Sights and Sounds being my
favorite GOYA statewide event, this is a great way to go out with a bang!
Congratulations to all of our winners and participants, you should be
very proud of your accomplishments! Participation is key in this festival,
so let's double our efforts next year.
Your proud president, Alexandra
Holy Trinity YHT teamed up with GOYANs from Holmdel,
Ocean and Union Churches to prepare 300 brown bagged lunches
and toiletry kits for the needy. A pizza party social followed. Items
were delivered to St. John’s in Newark on Valentine’s day…a perfect way to help others less fortunate. Thank you to all GOYANs
who participated in this outreach event.
For additional information on the GOYA program at Holy
Trinity, please stop by the GOYA table during fellowship hour
or email ^
Westfield Places First in the 44th
Annual Sights & Sounds Festival
Congratulations to Westfield GOYANs for a job well done.
Your hard work paid off and we are all extremely proud of you!
Thank you to those people for making this year’s Sights & Sound a
success. GOYANs, Directors, Parents, Host Committee, Kitchen
Crew, Snack Bar and Door Monitor Volunteers, the entire Holy
Trinity Family. This was a team effort and all contributions were
very much appreciated.
Be proud of your achievements!
Holy Trinty Captures First In S & S
The Promise ^ April 2015 ^ Volume 39, Issue 3
H oly T rinity G reek O rthodox C hurch
Contact the Church Office if you would like to
advertise in the next issue of The Promise!
TEL: 973.538.2236 • CELL: 973.214.9222
Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church ^ Westfield, New Jersey
The Promise ^ April 2015 ^ Volume 39, Issue 3
Non Profit Org.
US postage
Rahway, NJ
Permit No. 654
Metropolis of
New Jersey
Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church
Office Staff
Contact Information
Mailing Address 250 Gallows Hill Rd.
Westfield, NJ 07090-1109
Phone 908-233-8533
Fax 908-233-0623
Web site
Presiding Priest Rev. Peter Delvizis
Psaltis Pascalis Kuvalakis
Choir Director Kathryn Athanasoulas
Organist Phyllis Verenes
Head Acolyte Andreas Vlahakis
Schedule of Services
Office Manager Diana R. Waltsak
Caretaker Ocione Nunes
Admin. Assistant E. Joy Daniledes
The Promise: Volume 39, Issue 3
8:15 AM
8:30 AM
Divine Liturgy
9:30 AM
9:30 AM
10 issues published annually.
No subscription fee.
Article deadline - 10th of the preceding month
Parish Council
Religious Education
Greek School
Youth (GOYA)
Greek School PTO
Trinity Circle
Peter Tarhanidis
Penny Pefanis
Chris Economides
Rita Fitanidis
Alexandra Maglaras
Iris Love
Joanne Paras &
Jenny Stellakis
Sandy Mouratoglou
Barbara Manos
Jenny Stellakis
Antoinette Genakos