ALL MUSIC PUBLISHING & DISTRIBUTION PTY LTD SEPTEMBER 2011 ALL MUSIC PUBLISHING & DISTRIBUTION PTY LTD Features the latest titles published by All Music Publishing and Sasha Music Publishing as well as the best new releases from Australia and around the world. NEW FROM SASHA MUSIC PUBLISHING THE AMAZING GUITAR 3 AND 4 CHORD SONGBOOKS The Amazing Guitar 3-Chord Songbook A Boy NAMed SUe / JohNNy CASh I love RoCk ‘N’ Roll / JoAN JeTT & The BlACkheARTS A RAINy NIGhT IN Soho / The PoGUeS I SAw The lIGhT / hANk wIllIAMS JAMAICA FARewell / hARRy BelAFoNTe brown eyed GIrl / VAn MorrISon no woMAn no Cry / bob MArley JeAloUS heART / JeNNy loU CARSoN CAndle In The wInd / elTon John peGGy SUe / bUddy holly AM I eveR GoNNA See yoUR FACe AGAIN / The ANGelS BAd CASe oF lovING yoU / RoBeRT PAlMeR JoleNe / dolly PARToN CAn’T GeT enoUGh / SUperGrooVe pInk hoUSeS / John MellenCAMp kANSAS CITy / lITTle wIllIe lITTleFIeld don’T be CrUel / elVIS preSley SAVe TonIGhT / eAGle-eye Cherry drIFT AwAy / dobIe GrAy ShArp dreSSed MAn / zz Top lIGhTS ANd MUSIC / CUT CoPy FAIryTAle oF new york / The poGUeS & kIrSTy MACColl ShoUld I STAy or ShoUld I Go / The ClASh Mellow yellow / doNovAN FIeldS oF Gold / STInG leAvING oN A JeT PlANe / JohN deNveR BANG A GoNG (GeT IT oN) / T. Rex The popularity of the guitar is still as strong as ever. These 3 and 4-chord songbooks are perfect for the novice player who is looking for well-known songs to play or can be used as enjoyable, easy to play pieces for more experienced players or groups. BARBARA ANN / The BeACh BoyS Free rIde / edGAr wInTer GroUp SoMebody To loVe / JeFFerSon AIrplAne Cold, Cold heART / hANk wIllIAMS GeT ToGeTher / The yoUnGbloodS CoUNTRy MUSIC CoMING oUT oUR eARS / ToPP TwINS RIdING IN My CAR / woody GUThRIe GUAnTAnAMerA / peTe SeeGer STUCk In The MIddle wITh yoU / STeAlerS wheel CoveR oF The RollING SToNe / dR hook RoCk ThIS TowN / STRAy CATS hAlo / beyonCe elvIRA / The oAk RIdGe BoyS STUCk oN yoU / elvIS PReSley hAndS oF My heArT / The wArrATAhS SweeT hoMe ChICAGo / RoBeRT JohNSoN hAVe yoU eVer Seen The rAIn / CreedenCe CleArwATer reVIVAl FARewell AUNTy JACk / GRAhAMe BoNd, RoRy o’doNoGhUe TeeNAGe dReAM / kATy PeRRy GeNTle oN My MINd / JohN hARTFoRd GloRIA / TheM hANG oN SlooPy / The MCCoyS I’ll MAke yoU hAppy / The eASybeATS I’M A belIeVer / The MonkeeS TUMBlING dICe / The RollING SToNeS In My heAd / JASon derUlo I GoT yoU (I Feel Good) / JAMeS BRowN whAT The hell / AvRIl lAvIGNe IT’S A lonG wAy To The Top (IF yoU wAnnA roCk ‘n’ roll) / AC/dC I GoTTA FeelING / The BlACk eyed PeAS wIllIe ANd The hANd JIve / JohNNy oTIS I love / ToM T. hAll yoU ARe My SUNShINe / GeNe AUTRy The Amazing Aussie Guitar Songbook 0501 1499 40 The Amazing Guitar Songbook 0501 1500 40 The Amazing Guitar 4-Chord Songbook 20118007 The Amazing Ukulele Songbook 0905 1495 40 The More Amazing Ukulele Songbook 20118002 THE AMAZING UKULELE 3 AND 4 CHORD SONGBOOKS TUrn The pAGe / bob SeeGer & The SIlVer bUlleT bAnd wAlk ThIS wAy / AeroSMITh wAnTed deAd or AlIVe / bon JoVI yoU belonG wITh Me / TAylor SwIFT The Amazing Aussie Guitar Songbook 0501 1499 40 The Amazing Ukulele 4-Chord Songbook 20118006 The Amazing Guitar Songbook 0501 1500 40 The Amazing Guitar 3-Chord Songbook 20118005 The Amazing Ukulele Songbook 0905 1495 40 The More Amazing Ukulele Songbook 20118002 The Amazing Ukulele 3-Chord Songbook 20118004 The Amazing Ukulele 3-Chord Songbook A Boy NAMed SUe / JohNNy CASh I love / ToM T. hAll A RAINy NIGhT IN Soho / The PoGUeS I love RoCk ‘N’ Roll / JoAN JeTT & The BlACkheARTS The Amazing Ukulele 3-Chord Songbook I SAw The lIGhT / hANk wIllIAMS 50 4-chord songs from Bob Dylan, The Pogues, Leonard Cohen, Elton John, Taylor Swift and AC/D and many more. 20118007______________________________ $17.95 leGS / zz Top MAUreen / The wArrATAhS ApoloGIze / TIMbAlAnd FeATUrInG onerepUblIC blowIn’ In The wInd / bob dylAn nICe boyS (don’T plAy roCk ‘n’ roll) / roSe TATToo brown eyed GIrl / VAn MorrISon no woMAn no Cry / bob MArley JAMAICA FARewell / hARRy BelAFoNTe CAndle In The wInd / elTon John peGGy SUe / bUddy holly AM I eveR GoNNA See yoUR FACe AGAIN / The ANGelS JeAloUS heART / JeNNy loU CARSoN CAn’T GeT enoUGh / SUperGrooVe pInk hoUSeS / John MellenCAMp AMANdA / doN wIllIAMS JoleNe / dolly PARToN don’T be CrUel / elVIS preSley SAVe TonIGhT / eAGle-eye Cherry kANSAS CITy / lITTle wIllIe lITTleFIeld drIFT AwAy / dobIe GrAy ShArp dreSSed MAn / zz Top BANG A GoNG (GeT IT oN) / T. Rex leAvING oN A JeT PlANe / JohN deNveR BARBARA ANN / The BeACh BoyS lIGhTS ANd MUSIC / CUT CoPy FAIryTAle oF new york / The poGUeS & kIrSTy MACColl BlUe SUede ShoeS / elvIS PReSley Mellow yellow / doNovAN CAN’T yoU See / MARShAll TUCkeR BANd PleASURe ANd PAIN / The dIvINylS Cold, Cold heART / hANk wIllIAMS RAINS oN Me / ToM wAITS ShoUld I STAy or ShoUld I Go / The ClASh FIeldS oF Gold / STInG So yoU wAnT To be A roCk And roll STAr / The byrdS Free rIde / edGAr wInTer GroUp SoMebody To loVe / JeFFerSon AIrplAne GeT ToGeTher / The yoUnGbloodS STUCk In The MIddle wITh yoU / STeAlerS wheel GUAnTAnAMerA / peTe SeeGer RIdING IN My CAR / woody GUThRIe SUrFIn’ SAFArI / The beACh boyS hAlo / beyonCe RoCk ThIS TowN / STRAy CATS SUzAnne / leonArd Cohen hAndS oF My heArT / The wArrATAhS STUCk oN yoU / elvIS PReSley SweeT JAne / loU reed hAVe yoU eVer Seen The rAIn / CreedenCe CleArwATer reVIVAl TAke A lonG lIne / The AnGelS TeeNAGe dReAM / kATy PeRRy how To SAVe A lIFe / The FrAy GeNTle oN My MINd / JohN hARTFoRd The hoUSe IS RoCkIN’ / STevIe RAy vAUGhAN IF we neVer MeeT AGAIn / elVIS preSley TeACh yoUr ChIldren / CroSby, STIllS, nASh & yoUnG GIve Me oNe ReASoN / TRACy ChAPMAN The TwIST / ChUBBy CheCkeR I’ll MAke yoU hAppy / The eASybeATS elvIRA / The oAk RIdGe BoyS FARewell AUNTy JACk / GRAhAMe BoNd, RoRy o’doNoGhUe SweeT hoMe ChICAGo / RoBeRT JohNSoN GloRIA / TheM TIMe FoR Me To Fly / Reo SPeedwAGoN I’M A belIeVer / The MonkeeS hANG oN SlooPy / The MCCoyS TUMBlING dICe / The RollING SToNeS In My heAd / JASon derUlo IT’S A lonG wAy To The Top (IF yoU wAnnA roCk ‘n’ roll) / AC/dC hoNky ToNk MAN / JohNNy hoRToN TwIST ANd ShoUT / The BeATleS I FAll To PIeCeS / PATSy ClINe whAT The hell / AvRIl lAvIGNe I GoT yoU (I Feel Good) / JAMeS BRowN wIllIe ANd The hANd JIve / JohNNy oTIS I GoTTA FeelING / The BlACk eyed PeAS yoU ARe My SUNShINe / GeNe AUTRy • Small enough to put in your ukulele case. • Each song is presented clearly showing chords and lyrics. • The words are laid-out to show where they fall in the bar. • At the top of each page, the relevant ukulele chords are displayed for easy reference. • A form summary and any additional lyrics are at the foot of the page. • All songs are presented on 1 or 2 pages – so you will not need to put your ukulele down mid-song! • A useful strumming guide is included. The Amazing Ukulele Songbook 0905 1495 40 The More Amazing Ukulele Songbook 20118002 The Amazing Ukulele 4-Chord Songbook 20118006 The Amazing Aussie Guitar Songbook 0501 1499 40 The Amazing Guitar Songbook 0501 1500 40 The Amazing Guitar 3-Chord Songbook 20118005 The Amazing Guitar 4-Chord Songbook 20118007 The pASSenGer / IGGy pop The SoUnd oF SIlenCe / SIMon And GArFUnkel Throw yoUr ArMS AroUnd Me / hUnTerS & ColleCTorS JeSSIe’S GIrl / rICk SprInGFIeld TUrn The pAGe / bob SeeGer & The SIlVer bUlleT bAnd lAST kISS / J. FrAnk wIlSon wAlk ThIS wAy / AeroSMITh leApS And boUndS / pAUl kelly wAnTed deAd or AlIVe / bon JoVI leAVInG on A JeT plAne / John denVer yoU belonG wITh Me / TAylor SwIFT The Amazing Ukulele Songbook 0905 1495 40 The More Amazing Ukulele Songbook 20118002 The Amazing Ukulele 3-Chord Songbook 20118004 ALL MUSIC PUBLISHING & DISTRIBUTION PTY LTD ALL MUSIC PUBLISHING & DISTRIBUTION PTY LTD The Amazing Ukulele 4-Chord Songbook The Amazing Ukulele 4-Chord Songbook 3AM / MATChbox 20 All Shook UP / elvIS PReSley BAd CASe oF lovING yoU / RoBeRT PAlMeR The Amazing Ukulele 4-Chord Songbook 20118006 Item no. 20118007 THE AMAZING GUITAR 4-CHORD SONGBOOK 49 3-chord songs from artists as diverse as Robert Johnson, Elvis Presley, The Beatles, The Black Eyed Peas and Avril Lavigne. 20118005______________________________ $17.95 CoUNTRy MUSIC CoMING oUT oUR eARS / ToPP TwINS Adele · Someone Like You Adele · Rolling In The Deep Christina Perri · Jar Of Hearts Washington · How To Tame Lions Beyoncé · Best Thing I Never Had P!nk · F***ing Perfect Throw yoUr ArMS AroUnd Me / hUnTerS & ColleCTorS leAVInG on A JeT plAne / John denVer THE AMAZING GUITAR 3-CHORD SONGBOOK CoveR oF The RollING SToNe / dR hook PIANO · VOCAL · GuITAR The SoUnd oF SIlenCe / SIMon And GArFUnkel lAST kISS / J. FrAnk wIlSon leApS And boUndS / pAUl kelly Item no. 20118005 All APoloGIeS / NIRvANA CHARTING HITS The pASSenGer / IGGy pop ALL MUSIC PUBLISHING & DISTRIBUTION PTY LTD The popularity of the ukulele is increasing steadily. Ukuleles are cheap to buy, easy to learn, portable, and above all are great fun to play! These 3 and 4-chord songbooks are perfect for the novice player who is looking for well-known songs to play or can be used as enjoyable, easy to play pieces for more experienced players or ukulele clubs. ADELE TeACh yoUr ChIldren / CroSby, STIllS, nASh & yoUnG JeSSIe’S GIrl / rICk SprInGFIeld The Amazing Ukulele 3-Chord Songbook 20118004 ALL MUSIC PUBLISHING & DISTRIBUTION PTY LTD P!NK TAke A lonG lIne / The AnGelS The TwIST / ChUBBy CheCkeR TIMe FoR Me To Fly / Reo SPeedwAGoN TwIST ANd ShoUT / The BeATleS • Small enough to put in your guitar case. • Each song is presented clearly showing chords and lyrics and melody. • At the top of each page, the relevant guitar chords are displayed for easy reference. • A form summary and any additional lyrics are at the foot of the page. • All songs are presented on 1 or 2 pages – so you will not need to put your guitar down mid-song! SUzAnne / leonArd Cohen SweeT JAne / loU reed IF we neVer MeeT AGAIn / elVIS preSley I FAll To PIeCeS / PATSy ClINe hoNky ToNk MAN / JohNNy hoRToN WASHINGTON SUrFIn’ SAFArI / The beACh boyS how To SAVe A lIFe / The FrAy The hoUSe IS RoCkIN’ / STevIe RAy vAUGhAN GIve Me oNe ReASoN / TRACy ChAPMAN CHRISTINA PERRI So yoU wAnT To be A roCk And roll STAr / The byrdS PleASURe ANd PAIN / The dIvINylS RAINS oN Me / ToM wAITS CAN’T yoU See / MARShAll TUCkeR BANd BEYONCÉ leGS / zz Top MAUreen / The wArrATAhS nICe boyS (don’T plAy roCk ‘n’ roll) / roSe TATToo blowIn’ In The wInd / bob dylAn All APoloGIeS / NIRvANA AMANdA / doN wIllIAMS The Amazing Guitar 4-Chord Songbook The Amazing Guitar 4-Chord Songbook 3AM / MATChbox 20 ApoloGIze / TIMbAlAnd FeATUrInG onerepUblIC All Shook UP / elvIS PReSley BlUe SUede ShoeS / elvIS PReSley ADELE The Amazing Guitar 3-Chord Songbook The Amazing Aussie Guitar Songbook 0501 1499 40 The Amazing Guitar Songbook 0501 1500 40 The Amazing Guitar 3-Chord Songbook 20118005 The Amazing Guitar 4-Chord Songbook 20118007 Item no. 20118006 Item no. 20118004 THE AMAZING UKULELE 3-CHORD SONGBOOK 49 3-chord songs from artists as diverse as Robert Johnson, Elvis Presley, The Beatles, The Black Eyed Peas and Avril Lavigne. 20118004______________________________ $17.95 CaLifOrnia GirLs sTanD By yOUr Man MaH nà MaH nà sTay aM i EvEr GOnna sEE yOUr faCE aGain OvEr THE rainBOw HiGHway TO HELL 20118011_______________________ $TBC.95 50 4-chord songs from Bob Dylan, The Pogues, Leonard Cohen, Elton John, Taylor Swift and AC/D and many more. 20118006______________________________ $17.95 EZ METHOD UKULELE SONGBOOK PIANO DIVAS CHARTING HITS 6 pianistic arrangements from today’s best women artists. Jar Of Hearts – Christina Perri F***ing Perfect – P!nk Rolling In The Deep – Adele Someone Like You – Adele How To Tame Lions – Washington Best Thing I Never Had – Beyoncé THE AMAZING UKULELE 4-CHORD SONGBOOK LOvE is in THE air i aM aUsTraLian JUMp in My Car This songbook is a modern companion to the early 20th century publication EZ Method Ukulele (20118003) and contains contemporary popular songs including Love Is In The Air, California Girls, I Am Australian and Somewhere Over The Rainbow. Each song clearly shows chords, lyrics and melody. Where page turns are necessary they are at an appropriate place in the music. With EZ Method Ukulele Songbook, you will be playing fantastic, contemporary songs in no time! 20118010______________________________ $14.95 RECENT RELEASES FROM SASHA MUSIC PUBLISHING ZERO TO HERO Drum Kit Go from WANNABE to WOW musician in no time at all! Paul Watson • A fun, fast, progressive method for all ages • Clear diagrams show drums, positions, stick-holds • Before you know it, you’re playing bass, snare and hi-hat • Fills are introduced early, including many that are well-known in songs • Lots of suggested listening so you can hear the patterns and play with songs you know • Don’t just ‘wannabe’ – teach yourself to be WOW! 20118008_______________________________ $29.95 SELECTIONS FROM triple j’s HOTTEST 100 AUSTRALIAN ALBUMS OF ALL TIME A collection of 24 songs presented in Piano, Vocal, Guitar format (PVG), specially chosen from triple j’s Hottest 100 Australian Albums Of All Time. Sasha’s PVG format is easily accessible, fun to play, and yet faithful to the music. This book is further enhanced by the inclusion of photos of some of the bands as well as a complete listing of the Hottest 100 Australian albums, each album’s position in the chart and year of release. 20118009______________________________ $34.95 NEW FROM HERRON BOOKS HOW TO PLAY PIANO AND KEYBOARD PIANO AND KEYBOARD CHORDS HOW TO PLAY GUITAR ADVANCED GUITAR CHORDS BEGINNERS GUIDE TO READING MUSIC HOW TO WRITE GREAT SONGS How to Play Piano contains everything the new or intermediate piano player needs to know to really get to grips with making music on this most popular of instruments. Highly practical, it leads you from the basics to more complex techniques, covering playing with the left hand, right hand and both together, along with a basic introduction to reading music. The clear text is accompanied by illustrative photos and diagrams, and the guide is complemented by some classic practice pieces to try as well as a glossary and further reading. 20111279______________________________ $12.95 Jake Jackson Advanced Guitar Chords is a handy resource for guitarists who feel they are able to take the next step. The simple and clean layout provides 360 chords shown as chord boxes, covering chords that are played further up the neck and in 3rd position, along with more extensive provision of augmented and diminished chords. Ideal for playing genres such as jazz, this no-nonsense, easy-to-carry book will fit into a gig bag, flight case or handbag with the minimum of fuss and will help musicians become more complete guitarists. 20111276______________________________ $12.95 2 Jake Jackson Revised and Updated! Teach yourself the essential piano chords plus many more! Organised as a chord per spread, for the left and right hands, this is a handy, comprehensive reference for jazz, pop, rock and soul musicians playing the piano or keyboard at any level. 20111281______________________________ $12.95 Jake Jackson This is the ideal guide for those who may enjoy playing instruments, but have not yet mastered how to read music from the page. Good for any age, but ideal for children between 8 and 10 years old. This guide provides the essentials you need to know, explaining pitch, the treble clef, the bass clef, rhythm, accidentals, key signatures and time signatures. Then practice what you have learnt with the ‘Play Along’ sections containing simple, wellknown examples of music. With helpful diagrams, clear accessible text and a practical ring-bound format. 20111277______________________________ $12.95 Tony Skinner & Alan Brown 12 steps to success! Step-by step technique photos. Great for all styles-from rock, folk and country to jazz and blues. Includes a simple chord finder and scale finder. 20111278______________________________ $12.95 Michael Heatley & Alan Brown This book will provide help and practical advice to anyone who wants to write their own songs. With dozens of templates it will guide you through the basics of writing songs: structuring, chord sequences, harmony and melody, to coming up with effective lyrics and fitting them to the music. 20111280______________________________ $12.95 Available from all good music retailers Highlights from the Maryborough Music Conference and Sounds Great. THE JAZZ EDUCATORS HANDBOOK BK/2CD JEFF JARVIS Jeff Jarvis & Doug Beach Easy to understand text, loads of notated examples, photos and unique illustrations. This 271-page compendium with 2 CD recordings provides a wealth of practical information for inexperienced and seasoned teachers alike. The Jazz Educator’s Handbook incorporates everything the school band director needs to know about running a successful jazz program. The musical examples isolate and address key phrasing problems encountered by every jazz band. A great primer for all band directors. Jamey Aebersold. Kendor Music. 1001779281________________$74.95 Now available! The AMPD catalogue as a CSV download! Simply go to, log in, go to catalogues for download and follow the instructions! If you need your login please call your sales representative. VOICEWORKS EFFECTIVE ETUDES FOR JAZZ BK/CD Jeff Jarvis & Mike Carubia A collection of 18 audition/performance etudes based on the chord progressions to popular jazz standards, blues, and rhythm changes. The collection was designed for honours jazz band auditions, solo evaluations, group lessons, teaching the jazz language and improvisation, learning standards, and more. Presented sequentially according to difficulty, the etudes have annotations beneath the staves identifying phrases and patterns common to the jazz language. Chord reference charts show users the notes of all chord symbols in each etude. Each book comes with a compact disc recording of a professional rhythm section and soloist performing all the etudes, plus separate accompaniment tracks without the soloist. Kendor Music. 0704776481_ALTO SAX______$29.95 0704776581_BAR SAX_______$29.95 0304776681_BASS __________$29.95 0701776781_FLUTE _________$29.95 0501776881_GUITAR ________$29.95 0101776981_PIANO ________$29.95 0101777081_TENOR SAX ____$29.95 0603777181_TROMBONE____$29.95 0601777281_TRUMPET ______$29.95 SMACKDOWN JAZZ ENSEMBLE Jeff Jarvis Series: Jazz Summit Series Instrumentation: standard jazz ensemble Ranges: D#6 trumpet, Bb4 trombone Style: swing shuffle Grade: Advanced Commissioned for the Cardinal Vaughn Memorial School Jazz Band in London, England, this swing shuffle original for proficient bands will energize players and audiences. Equally appropriate as an opener, closer or anything in between, solos are offered to trumpet and trombone, but blues-based changes mean that the solo section can be expanded for other players if desired. Afterward there is a great stop-time sax soli with trumpet lead that yields to another solo section with changes cued in the saxophone parts. An exciting shout chorus follows, ending with an open drum solo before the final chord. Rhythm section parts partially notated with chords cued. Duration 5:15. Kendor Music. 201111202_________________$89.95 “Voiceworks is exemplary in its clarity, scope and variety.” Howard Goodall Voiceworks is a magnificent resource of twelve inspirational handbooks for promoting good singing and healthy vocal development in all kinds of choirs. The series is packed with songs and ideas which are practical, motivating, and accessible. It includes books perfect for everyone, from kindergarten children to adult singing groups. As well as the very best songs to motivate and energise all kinds of singers, the books are packed with practical, empowering guidance for leaders. There’s background information on the songs, technical tips, rehearsal suggestions, creative preparatory exercises, and performance suggestions. The text is always constructive, accessible, readable, and brief. Each song in the Voiceworks series is a complete lesson/ rehearsal plan in itself, and photocopiable music pages makes Voiceworks excellent value for money. VOICELINKS NEW Sue Nicholls and Peter Hunt Voicelinks is an innovative teaching resource for music in early years and primary education. It embraces singing as a means of accessing all areas of the curriculum, to develop the whole child, with natural progression and links between age groups and subject matter. At the heart of the book are 24 carefully written songs covering popular school topics. Each song is tailored to Early Years (3-5), Key Stage 1: Year 1 (5-6), or Key Stage 1: Year 2 (67), and comes equipped with a host of activity ideas designed for classroom use. Suitable for specialists and non-specialists alike, Voicelinks guarantees successful learning outcomes across the curriculum. 20116452___________________________ $49.95 RRP includes GST. Prices subject to change without any notice. Other books in the Voiceworks Series: Folk Voiceworks Book & 2CDs Jamaican Voiceworks Junior Voiceworks 1 Book & 2CDs Junior Voiceworks 2 Book& 2CDs Popular Voiceworks Book &2CDs Voiceplay Book & CD Voiceplay Children’s Book Voiceworks 1 Book & 2CDs Voiceworks 2 Book & 2CDs Voiceworks at Christmas Teachers Book & CD Young Voiceworks Book & CD 0806606071_________ $59.95 0806441381_________ $59.95 0806473771_________ $59.95 0801605971_________ $59.95 0806206781_________ $69.95 0801075681_________ $39.95 0801075581__________ $8.95 1001695280_________ $99.95 1001560071_________ $99.95 0806547171_________ $59.95 0801685226_________ $49.95 3 Christmas CAROLS FOR CHOIRS 5 NEW Fifty Christmas Carols Vocal score Edited and arranged by Bob Chilcott and David Blackwell • 50 carols for every occasion • well-loved tunes in fresh arrangements • original compositions, including many specially writ- ten for the collection • a wide range of composers • carols for audience or congregation with varied harmonisations and festive descants • a balanced mix of accompanied and unaccompanied items • the order of service for a Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols • a detailed list of carol orchestrations available on hire/rental • for SATB, accompanied and unaccompanied To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the publication of Carols for Choirs 1, OUP presents a new volume in this ground-breaking series. Featuring brand new carols and arrangements of classic tunes, the collection showcases the very best established and new names in choral composition today, both in the UK and world-wide. OUP Paperback 20116502______________________________ $27.95 Spiralbound Paperback 20116503______________________________ $36.95 Also available: CAROLS FOR CHOIRS 1 SATB 0806092547 CAROLS FOR CHOIRS 2 SATB 0806092647 CAROLS FOR CHOIRS 3 SATB 0806092747 CAROLS FOR CHOIRS 4 SA 0806092847 100 CAROLS FOR CHOIRS 0806030147 BEST OF CHRISTMAS CAROLS Arr: Barrie Carson Turner 45 well-known carols in easy arrangements. Titles include: Once in Royal David’s City, O Christmas Tree, O Come, All Ye Faithful, O Come, O Come, Emmanuel!, O Little Town of Bethlehem, Past Three O’Clock, Patapan, Rejoice and be Merry, Rise up, Shepherd, an’ Foller, Sans Day Carol, See Amid the Winter’s Snow, Shepherds, Rejoice, Shepherds! Shake off your Drowsy Sleep, Silent Night!, The Angel Gabriel from Heaven Came, The Coventry Carol, The First Nowell and many more. 1-2 voices PVG 0801138840___________________________ $24.95 Melody Edition 0801138740___________________________ $14.95 In Recital® With Christmas Favourites Succeeding At The Piano® Merry Christmas Book Preparatory Grade Ed. Helen Marlais BOOK 1 Early Elementary Includes arrangements of Good King Wenceslas; I Saw Three Ships; Jingles Bells; O Come, All Ye Faithful and more. 0101359602___________________________ $16.95 BOOK 2 Elementary Covers C major, G major, F major, D minor, and G minor keys-using accidentals instead of key signatures. Students will concentrate on playing tied notes, legato and staccato articulations, accents, upbeats, a few chords, blocked intervals, and fivefinger hand positions. 0101359702___________________________ $16.95 BOOK 3 Late Elementary This book reinforces concepts such as legato and staccato; five-finger and chromatic scales; as well as scale patterns that extend from the usual fivefinger patterns; the use of the pedal is continued and expanded to create a big sound as well as to play artistically. Includes favourites like: Pat-a-Pan; Parade of the Wooden Soldiers; The Twelve Days of Christmas, O Christmas Tree and more. 0101359802___________________________ $16.95 BOOK 4 Early Intermediate Features arrangements of What Child Is This; Deck the Halls; The Coventry Carol; Hark! The Herald Angels Sing plus more. 0101359902___________________________ $17.95 BOOK 5 / Intermediate Contains beautiful arrangements of classics like The Holly and the Ivy; Bring a Torch, Jeannette, Isabella; O Little Town of Bethlehem; Parade of the Wooden Soldiers and more. 0101360002___________________________ $19.95 Helen Marlais This beautiful Christmas Book starts students with pre-reading pieces so even the youngest students get a chance to play favourite Christmas music. Students play pieces on the black keys, Middle C, and “almost” Middle C position. The charming and colourful activities presented throughout not only visually enhance this very special Christmas book, but also reinforce the concepts learned in the Lesson and Technique Book. Contents include: Jolly Old Saint Nicholas; Up On the Housetop; Go, Tell It On the Mountain; Good King Wenceslas; We Thee Kings of Orient Are; Deck the Halls; Jingle Bells. 0101168191____________________________ $9.95 Succeeding At The Piano® Merry Christmas Book Grade 1 Helen Marlais Torch, Jeannette, Isabella; O Come, Little Children; I Saw Three Ships; Away in a Manger; O Come, All Ye Faithful; Jingle Bells; Coventry Carol; Over the River and Through the Woods. 0101168891____________________________ $9.95 Succeeding At The Piano® Merry Christmas Book Grade 2A Helen Marlais This festive collection of Christmas music for the Grade 2A student will fill the air with the spirit and joy of Christmastime! 20115004_______________________________ $9.95 Succeeding At The Piano® Merry Christmas Book Grade 2B Helen Marlais The beautiful arrangements along with the colourful activities will create the right mood for this special time of the year! 20116907_______________________________ $9.95 BOOK 6 Late Intermediate Reinforces concepts and provides technical challenges. A delightful inclusion in this volume are three well-known Spanish carols. Contains: Away in a Manger; Joy to the World; Auld Lang Syne; O Come, Little Children; and more. 0101360102___________________________ $17.95 AMPD distributed by Hal Leonard Australia Make your job easier with Hal Leonard Australia and AMPD - Truly your one stop print music shop. Listed A$ prices are recommended retail prices, including GST. There is no obligation on the part of retailers to comply with the recommendation. 4 Prices, and availability subject to change without notice ABN 13 085 333 713 4 Lentara Court, Cheltenham 3192 Vic. Australia P: +61 3 9585 3300 F: +61 3 9585 3399 E: Available from all good music retailers
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