• lifestyle • architecture • building construction • development Editorial plan 2015 homebydleni.cz • projektyrodinnychdomu.cz • asb-portal.cz • jagamedia.cz B2C magazines 14 000 (printed circulation audited by ABC ČR) 19 000 (printed circulation) 17 000 (printed circulation) 4 500 (printed circulation audited by ABC ČR) 4 000 (printed circulation audited by ABC ČR) 3 500 (printed circulation) www.homebydleni.cz www.asb-portal.cz www.projektyrodinnychdomu.cz B2B magazine 4 500 (printed circulation audited by ABC ČR) web 2 CONTENT CONTACTS POPULAR-EDUCATIONAL TITLES 6 Rodinné domy spring/summer 2015 6 Rodinné domy autumn/winter 2015 8 Vše o bydlení: How to do it – CONSTRUCTION AND RECONSTRUCTION 8 Vše o bydlení: The best for DO-IT-YOURSELFERS 8 Vše o bydlení: Everything about BUILDING AND RECONSTRUCTING A HOUSE 10 HOME byt/dům/styl/zahrada 16 www.home-bydleni.cz PROFESSIONAL TITLES 18 Realizace staveb 22 TZB HAUSTECHNIK 26 Inžinierske stavby / Inženýrské stavby 33 ASB – architektura, stavebnictví, byznys 36 www.asb-portal.cz COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT IN THE CZECH REPUBLIC: If you are interested in advertisement in our media JAGA MEDIA, please contact our commercial department: +420 267 219 346, obchod@jagamedia.cz or our commercial representatives directly Vladimír Brutovský Director of the Publishing House, Executive Director +420 777 284 680 vladimir.brutovsky@jagamedia.cz Alžběta Janáčková Product Manager of Vše o bydlení +420 777 284 681 alzbeta.janackova@jagamedia.cz Robert Bouška Product manager of TZB HAUSTECHNIK +420 774 284 687 robert.bouska@jagamedia.cz Markéta Šimoníčková +420 775 284 686 marketa.simonickova@jagamedia.cz Zbyněk Budka Product manager of Realizace staveb +420 775 284 685 zbynek.budka@jagamedia.cz COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT IN THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC: Ľudmila Prekalová, +421 903 592 378, ludmila.prekalova@jaga.sk Robert Hošták, +421 903 516 151, robert.hostak@jaga.sk Katarína Lipovská, +421 903 288 511, katarina.lipovska@jaga.sk Martin Moravčík, +421 903 873 005, martin.moravcik@jaga.sk Jaroslava Omastová, +421 903 245 665, jaroslava.omastova@jaga.sk Lukáš Varga, +421 903 254 121, lukas.varga@jaga.sk Juraj Vilkovský, +421 903 246 321, juraj.vilkovsky@jaga.sk HISTORY 1992 1993 1996 2000 2003 2004 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2014 Design and The JagaTech JAGA Publishbookshop is ing House is established at established. the Civil Engineering Faculty in Bratislava. 3 JAGA broadens its horizons to the Czech Republic and the first edition of Projekty rodinných domů is issued. The first volume of Renovujeme, stavíme, zařizujeme. Birth of JAGA Media, s. r. o. – the subsidiary of JAGA Publishing House and the first issue HOME byt/dům/styl/ zahrada is published. The first issue of ASB – architektura, stavebnictví, bydlení magazine is published. Realizace staveb magazine is established JAGA purchases Inžinierske stavby. Inženýrské stavby – bilingual magazine and portal homebydleni.cz is established. JAGA launches a portal asb-portal.cz and the first issue of TZB HAUSTECHNIK magazine is out. ASB – architektura, stavebnictví, byznys and HOME byt/ dům/styl/ zahrada magazines are on Facebook. It creates a new Internet catalogue projektyrodinnychdomu.cz. In the B2B segment, the titles of Jaga Media Publishing House reach the leader positionon the marketof Professional magazines.* On the occasion of its tenth anniversary, the HOME byt/dům/ styl/zahrada magazine is completely redesigned. Jaga Media co-organizes competitions (H2O story). the content of professional magazines are improved and therefore journals have become more attractive and popular for the readers. *According to Audit Bureau ABC ČR 95 % 90 % Radio Sport and sporting goods Fashion and jewellery Cosmetics and perfumes Recommendations from acquaintances Advertising on TV Advertising in magazines and newspapers Advertising on the internet Outdoor advertising – billboards, posters Advertising on radio Advertising in your mobile phone 74 % Television Travelling, holidays Black and white electronics The most trustworthy types of advertising How many people read? 98 % Billboards and posters Radio Drug-store goods Television Living, furniture, construction Newspapers Health and nutritional supplements Mobile phones Computers and technology Magazines Foodstuff Internet Cars • Print is still the important part of media consumption. • Nowadays newspapers are still the first choice for people who want to be informed and who want to understand the current events. • Overall print is able to inspire and provide more good tips than TV. Furthermore it has almost the same score as TV in regard to final purchasing decisions. • It dictates the trends for products and brands in the area of living. • In general, print advertising is the second most trustworthy after TV advertising. • Advertising in Professional journals is considered to be the most trustworthy of all types of media. Media which dictate trends Finance What can print do? Print Internet 50 % 47 % 38 % 28 % 11 % 10 % 3% 4 5 Media that most motivate people to purchase How many times is one magazine read? 10 % 90 % • 10 % = Once • 90 % = Repeatedly • 10% of readers read the magazine only once. Half of readers go back to the magazine twice or three times. One magazine is read 3.8 times on average. • One issue of the magazine is read by 3.3 people on average. • One advertisement in magazines and newspapers is seen 12.3 times on average. (source: GFK survey) Sport and sporting goods Fashion and jewellery Mobile Cosmetics and perfumes Drug-store goods Billboards and posters Travelling, holidays Radio Black and white electronics Living, furniture, construction Television Health and nutritional supplements Newspapers Foodstuff Mobile phones Magazines Computers and technology Cars Internet Finance • For efficiency it is very important to focus consumers on the advertisements in the print media. Nowadays this attribute is typical only for print. • A reader goes back to print more times and one rubric is read by another 4 people. • A significant amount of readers do not know the exact price for a newspaper or a magazine because it is an essential part of a day, a compulsory product. • During the week almost 9 out of 10 people (89.5 %) read magazines or newspapers either in print or online version. • One reader spends 6 hours and 34 minutes reading print and 8 hours and 27 minutes reading the internet every week. • In general women read more paper magazines but as far as online magazines and newspapers are concerned there is a balance between men and women. • Men prefer newspapers whereas women read more magazines. How to do it – CONSTRUCTION AND RECONSTRUCTION OF HOUSING The best for DO-IT-YOURSELFERS • hobby issue full of great working procedures for home improvement • working procedures easily done by women • tips on purchasing tools, technology and other materials for do-it-yourselfers • a guide to construction and reconstruction of housing • outline of materials and prices • examples of the most beautiful buildings and reconstructions of houses and flats Issue closing date Date of issue How to do it – CONSTRUCTION AND RECONSTRUCTION OF HOUSING ORDERS: MATERIALS: 1. 10. 2014 1. 10. 2014 2. 3. 2015 2. 3. 2015 Everything about BUILDING AND RECONSTRUCTING A HOUSE 8 ORDERS: MATERIALS: 1. 10. 2015 1. 10. 2015 November 2014 March 2015 The best for DO-IT-YOURSELFERS ORDERS: MATERIALS: Sample cover only Sample cover only Sample cover only Vše o bydlení November 2015 Target groups: general public preparing for modernisation, renovation or new construction Description: 210 × 275 mm format, approx. 200 pages, full colour print, soft cover Circulation: 17 000 copies Price of publication: 129 CZK Everything about BUILDING AND RECONSTRUCTING A HOUSE • a guide to construction and reconstruction of houses • outline of materials and prices • examples of the most beautiful buildings and reconstructions of houses Distribution: • distribution companies (EUROMEDIA GROUP, NAKLADATELSKÝ SERVIS, PAVEL DOBROVSKÝ – BETA, PEMIC, NÁRODNÍ STAVEBNÍ CENTRUM) • shop network (Pavel Dobrovský – BETA, NEOLUXOR, BUX, PERGAMEN) • department stores – selected titles (Globus, Hypernova, Kaufland, Tesco) • hobby markets – selected titles (BAUMAX, BAUHAUS) • internet bookshops (www.jagamedia.cz, www.bux.cz) Size and advertising price 1/2 height 42 000 CZK 87 x 243 mm OTHERS PR 1/2 width 42 000 CZK 180 x 119 mm repre ADVERTISING Size Dimensions in mm width height bleed 2/1 of a page 420 275 3 2/1 of a page in page layout 380 243 – 1/1 of a page 210 275 3 1/1 of a page in page layout 180 243 – 1/2 of a page width 180 119 – 1/2 of a page height 87 243 – 1/3 of a page width 180 77 – 1/3 of a page height 56 243 – Logo on the front page 2nd cover page 210 275 3 1st page of the publication 210 275 3 2nd and 3rd page of the publication 210 275 3 4th, 5th, 6th page of the publication 210 275 3 last page of the publication 210 275 3 3rd cover page 210 275 3 4th cover page 210 275 3 7 200 characters, 4 – 8 pictures, logo 2/1 PR 1/1 PR 3 600 characters, 2 – 4 pictures, logo 1/2 PR width 1 800 characters, 1 – 2 pictures, logo 1/2 PR height product placement 250 characters, 1 picture branding columns logo inserted advertisements* atypical format Price 126 000 CZK 72 000 CZK 42 000 CZK 26 000 CZK 89 000 CZK 99 000 CZK 99 000 CZK 94 000 CZK 89 000 CZK 89 000 CZK 94 000 CZK 129 000 CZK 88 000 CZK 51 000 CZK 29 000 CZK 12 000 CZK 45 000 CZK minimum price 33 000 CZK size and price depending on individual requirements * Final price of inserting and pasting-in will be determined according to the size and weight after the sample will be delivered. The price will be affected by the number of inserted supplements, the current postal charges and handling charges. 1/3 height 26 000 CZK 56 x 243 mm EXTRA CHARGE 10 % for requested placement DISCOUNTS 15 % agency commission for contract partners only 1/3 width 26 000 CZK 180 x 77 mm 9 CANCELLATION FEES 100 % after the closing date of orders for the given issue of the magazine according to the editorial plan. Prices are stated excluding VAT. The price list is valid from 1. 9. 2014 to 31. 8. 2015. General Terms and Conditions can be found on page 42. í? Why to advertise in Vše o bydlen e impact of • There is the maximum possibl who is on pers the on nt eme the advertis or who se building or reconstructing a hou lfers urse t-yo do-i of belongs to the group res, edu proc king wor by that are inspired in order ice adv l tica prac or s idea tive crea to improve their living. VISITS | TIMELESS DESIGN | TIPS FOR PURCHASING | IDEAS AND INSPIRATION | TESTING | CONSTRUCTION HOME STYLISH MAGAZINE ABOUT HOUSING, CONSTRUCTION AND GARDEN 14 OOO copies of each HOME issue are printed (source: ABC ČR) Reader profile Typical readers of HOME byt/dům/styl/zahrada magazine are women and men of working age from 30 to 50 years old. They have secondary or university education; they support their family with children and live in their own flat or house with the garden. They try to equip, and enhance their interior and make it more comfortable, but they also use the ideas for balconies, terraces, gardens and the surroundings of the house. They are planning to build a house, reconstruct their flat or house and make over their garden from A to Z therefore they look for advice, tips and information about products and materials. A relatively large sector is made up of readers under the age of 35 who are still single and are looking for an inspiration for their own pleasant home. A majority of readers are influenced by the advertisements in HOME byt/dům/styl/zahrada when they make decisions concerning their choice of products or firms. More than half of the entire group of the readers have selected a building firm due to reading HOME byt/dům/styl/zahrada. Distribution 10 • Subscribers • Newspaper stands, press shops • Department stores and hypermarkets – MAKRO • Sale points of distribution companies – GECO, HDS, RETAIL • Petrol stations • Managed distribution to valuable target groups • Sale at housing and building industry exhibitions • Electronic sale of the magazine via the website www.floowie.com Frequency: nine times per year + 2 specials Number of pages: 96 – 144 pages Circulation: 14 000 copies* Price: 59 CZK Year: 13th * Source: ABC ČR What is ABC ČR? ABC ČR (Audit Bureau of Circulations – Kancelářověřovánínákladutisku) is responsible for checking the circulation of print in the Czech Republic. Audit Bureau of Circulations has been functioning in the Czech Republic since March 1993 when the Union of Publishers started providing this service on the level of administrative work and methodology. Since January 1, 1997, the Association of Legal Entities ABC ČR has been responsible for checking and making the circulation public in extenso. This is a non-profit tripartite association with representation of publishers, advertising agencies and advertisers. Who are the readers of the magazine HOME? The readers of HOME finance their living from their capital and reserves or from loans! Combined financing of housing LOANS CAPITAL/RESERVES AND SAVINGS CAPITAL/ RESERVES AND LOAN CAPITAL AND RESERVES 59 % of the readers finance building, purchasing or reconstruction of their housing by the combination of their capital/reserves and a loan. 24 % of the readers finance building, purchasing or reconstruction through a home loan. Owners of properties 39 % of the readers own a house. FLAT RENT HOUSE 10 % of the readers finance building, purchasing or reconstruction by the combination of capital/ reserves and savings. 7 % of the readers finance building, purchasing or reconstruction only from their capital and reserves. Women dominate 73 % of the readers are women who put the emphasis on the quality of their living. MEN WOMEN 40 – 49 50 – 59 over 60 30 – 39 20 – 29 18 % of the readers are at the age of 20 to 29. 31 % of the readers are at the age of 30 to 39. 30 % of the readers are at the age of 40 to 49. 16 % of the readers are at the age of 50 to 59. 5 % of the readers are at the age of 60 to 69. 11 Source: survey conducted on the sample of 1 552 respondents, who answered the questions in the readers´ opinion poll. 7 % of the readers live in a rented house or a flat. Average income AVERAGE INCOME BELOW AVERAGE INCOME ABOVE AVERAGE INCOME 62 % of the readers have average living standard and average income. 36 % of the readers have the highest social status in the society and the highest income. 2 % of the readers have below average standard of living, for example students, unemployed or retired people. 27 % of the readers are men who are potential clients of building companies and they seek informationabout building in the columns. Magazine for everybody 54 % of the readers own a flat. Why to advertise in HOME? ctively distributed issues is one amount of effe ABC ČR) 1 The highest in its category. (source: the of reads or ry reader of the magazine usually 2 Eve (source: GFK . rage flicks through it 3.4 times on ave survey) one of the most Advertising in a magazine is ents have to decide ond influential factors when resp ey) surv GFK rce: (sou what to purchase 3 HOME Issues and topics ISSUE CLOSING DATE HOME byt/dům/styl/zahrada 10/2014 ORDERS: MATERIALS: advertorial advertising 20. 11. 2014 • Bathroom • Lighting • Finance • Domestic helpers: Appliances as gifts • Fabric • Heating • Garage • Garden equipment: Snow blowers 17. 2. 2015 • Bathroom • Storage space • Finance • Domestic helpers: For healthy lifestyle (ceramic pans, steaming, juicers, fitness…) • Fabric: Wooden buildings • Heating • Garden equipment: Cutting (scissors, handsaws etc.) 13. 3. 2015 • Kitchen • Central vacuum cleaners • Doors and metal fittings • Finance • Domestic helpers: Easter cleaning (vacuum cleaners, washing machines, dishwashers and other equipment...) • Roofs and sun tunnels • Fabric: prefabricated houses • Hard landscaping – materials for pavements and trails • Swimming pool: types and their characteristics – comparison of different offers • Gardening equipment: Scarifiers, lawn mowers 15. 4. 2015 • Bathroom • Storage space • Finance • Domestic helpers: Taking care of clothes (washing, drying, ironing, storage room…) • Glass-covering • Fabric • Heating • Sun tunnels • Garage • Composting • Pools: Hot water, pure water (filtration, UV lamps, ionizers, water heating – pumps, solar...) 13. 5. 2015 • Kitchen • Finance • Domestic appliances: For a small flat (small dishwashers, fridges, washing machines, microwaves, multifunctional devices) • Roofs • Fabric • Air conditioning • Fences and supporting walls 27. 5. 2015 BUILDING A HOUSE FROM A TO Z • Land selection • Foundations of buildings • Masonry materials • Plasters • Ceilings and floors • Chimney • Roofs • Garage • Fences and gates 15. 6. 2015 • Bathroom • Secure home • Finance • Domestic helpers: Candlelight dinner (experiential cooking, wine shops…) • Insulations • Sun protection • Protection of wood • Fabric • Heating • Air conditioning • Living outside: Terraces, balconies • Garden equipment: Grills (gas and coal) 13. 7. 2015 • Kitchen • Finance • Domestic helpers: For a big family (safe and practical devices for the whole family) • Fabric • Heating • Living outside: Garden, around the pool • Garden equipment: Hedge trimmers 14. 9. 2015 • Bathroom • Storage space • Finance • Domestic helpers: Food preservation (fridges, freezers, making compotes, conserving, drying...) • Fabric • Heating: fireplaces • Heat pumps • Garage • Living outside: Outdoor wellness (whirlpools, saunas) • Garden equipment: Garden cleaning (blowers, crushers…) 30. 9. 2015 Warmth of home • Types • Fireplaces and stoves • Radiators and wiring • Floor heating • Radiant and infrared heating • Heat pumps • Heating with solid fuels • Water heating and solar technology • Regulation and control – intelligent systems • Water heating in the pools 15. 10. 2015 • Kitchen • Central vacuum cleaners • Floors • Finance • Domestic appliances: To hide or not? (built-in vs. freestanding appliances) • Roofs • Sun tunnels • Fabric • Heating: fireplaces • Plasterboard • Garden equipment: Preparing wood for winter (chainsaws, axes...) • Pool: Covering 20. 11. 2015 • Bathroom • Lighting • Finance • Domestic helpers: Helpers under the Christmas tree (gift ideas) • Fabric • Heating • Garden equipment: Snow blowers 29. 1. 2015 29. 1. 2015 4. 2. 2015 24. 2. 2015 24. 2. 2015 2. 3. 2015 25. 3. 2015 25. 3. 2015 31. 3. 2015 HOME byt/dům/styl/zahrada 5/2015 ORDERS: MATERIALS: advertorial advertising GARDEN • Garden equipment: Preparing wood for winter (chainsaws, axes...) 31. 10. 2014 6.11. 2014 HOME byt/dům/styl/zahrada 4/2015 ORDERS: MATERIALS: advertorial advertising CONSTRUCTION • Roofs • Sun tunnels • Fabric • Heating: fireplaces • Plasterboard 31. 10. 2014 HOME byt/dům/styl/zahrada 3/2015 ORDERS: MATERIALS: advertorial advertising HOUSEHOLD • Domestic appliances: built-in appliances 26. 9. 2014 2. 10. 2014 HOME byt/dům/styl/zahrada 1–2/2015 ORDERS: MATERIALS: advertorial advertising HOUSING • Kitchen • Central vacuum cleaners • Floors • Finance 26. 9. 2014 HOME byt/dům/styl/zahrada 11–12/2014 ORDERS: MATERIALS: advertorial advertising DATE OF ISSUE 15. 10. 2014 22. 4. 2015 22. 4. 2015 28. 4. 2015 12 HOME byt/dům/styl/zahrada special spring/2015 ORDERS: MATERIALS: advertorial advertising 7. 5. 2015 7. 5. 2015 14. 5. 2015 HOME byt/dům/styl/zahrada 6/2015 ORDERS: MATERIALS: advertorial advertising 27. 5. 2015 27. 5. 2015 2. 6. 2015 HOME byt/dům/styl/zahrada 7–8/2015 ORDERS: MATERIALS: advertorial advertising 24. 6. 2015 24. 6. 2015 30. 6. 2015 HOME byt/dům/styl/zahrada 9/2015 ORDERS: MATERIALS: advertorial advertising 25. 8. 2015 25. 8. 2015 31. 8. 2015 HOME byt/dům/styl/zahrada special autumn/2015 ORDERS: MATERIALS: advertorial advertising 10. 9. 2015 10. 9. 2015 17. 9. 2015 HOME byt/dům/styl/zahrada 10/2015 ORDERS: MATERIALS: advertorial advertising 28. 9. 2015 28. 9. 2015 2. 10. 2015 HOME byt/dům/styl/zahrada 11–12/2015 ORDERS: MATERIALS: advertorial advertising 13 2. 11. 2015 2. 11. 2015 6. 11. 2015 Size and advertising price OTHERS PR repre advertising Size 2/1 of a page 2/1 of a page in page layout 1/1 of a page 1/1 of a page in page layout 2/3 of a page width 2/3 of a page height 1/2 of a page width 1/2 of a page height 1/3 of a page width 1/3 of a page height Lapel on the headline Z-gate 2nd cover page 1st page of magazine Other pages before editorial 1/3 height by editorial 3rd cover page 4th cover page 2/1 PR 1/1 PR 1/2 PR width 1/2 PR height Editorial section* (news and information previously not published in the magazine) Dimensions in mm width 2/1 tips on buying** 1/1 tips on buying** 1/2 tips on buying** product placement branding columns height 1 800 characters, 1 picture, logo 450 characters, 1 picture 93 x 43 mm 250 characters, 1 picture logo inserted advertisements*** atypical format 14 Price bleed 440 280 3 416 246 – 220 280 3 190 246 – 190 160 – 125 246 – 190 118 – 93 246 – 190 77 – 60 246 – 110 280 3 426 280 3 220 280 3 220 280 3 220 280 3 60 246 – 220 280 3 220 280 3 6 800 characters, 3 – 6 pictures, logo 3 400 characters, 2 – 3 pictures, logo 1/10 of a page (11 x) HOME Nonstandard formats 147 000 CZK 84 000 CZK 59 000 CZK 46 000 CZK 33 000 CZK Product placement 12 000 CZK Materials: product photo, product name, product description, price and size of the packaging, web contact Branding column 45 000 CZK MATERIALS: logo 95 000 CZK 189 000 CZK 110 000 CZK 110 000 CZK 99 000 CZK 59 000 CZK 99 000 CZK 139 000 CZK 129 000 CZK 74 000 CZK 42 000 CZK 32 000 CZK 33 000 CZK / 11 issues 40 000 CZK 25 000 CZK 15 000 CZK 12 000 CZK 45 000 CZK Editorial page 32 000 CZK MATERIALS: : text of 450 characters including spaces, 1 product photo, price, web contact 1/10 of a page 93 x 43 mm 33 000 CZK / 11 issues minimum price 50 000 CZK size and price depending on individual requirements This format is not a subject to any other discounts or agency commission. The production of advertising is not included in the price. * In editorial section are published only news and information not previously published in the magazine HOME byt/dům/styl/ zahrada. The editorial board reserves the right to grammatical, stylistic and formal correction of the delivered text materials as well as the editing of the range. The editorial section is not intended for publication of general information about the producer and his range of goods. ** Tips on buyingis set in by the editorial office according to the magazine´s layout. The column is intended to present products together with their price. *** Final price of inserting and pasting-in will be determined according to the size and weight after the sample will be delivered. The price will be affected by the number of inserted supplements, the current postal charges and handling charges. EXTRA CHARGE: 10 % for requested placement DISCOUNTS: 15 % agency commission for contract partners only CANCELLATION FEES: 100 % after the closing date of orders for the given issue of the magazine according to the editorial plan. Prices are stated excluding VAT. The price list is valid from 1. 9. 2014 to 31. 8. 2015. General Terms and Conditions can be found on page 42. Advertisement areasing 1/1 of a page 84 000 CZK 220 x 280 mm 2/3 width 59 000 CZK 190 x 160 mm 2/3 height 59 000 CZK 125 x 246 mm 15 3 400 characters, 2 – 3 pictures, 1 logo 1/3 height 33 000 CZK 60 x 246 mm 1/2 height 46 000 CZK 93 x 246 mm 1/2 width 46 000 CZK 190 x 118 mm 1/1 PR 74 000 CZK 1/3 width 33 000 CZK 190 x 77 mm HOUSING | HOUSE | GARDEN | ATTRACTIONS homebydleni.cz www.homebydleni.cz WEBSITE ABOUT HOUSING WITH A BRAND NEW DESIGN AND CONTENT Who is our reader? More than 1 500 articles and 10 000 pictures about construction, reconstruction and furnishing your living. On the website homebydleni.cz you can find inspiration, a lot of examples and information about houses, flats, gardens, domestic visits and visits from abroad. 16 LEADERBOARD 1 040 x 200 pxl 1 PARTNER OF A SECTION How much do they earn? 15 % ARCHITECTS AND DESIGNERS 32 % PEOPLE INTERESTED IN RECONSTRUCTION 9 2 31 % ABOVE AVERAGE INCOME TOP BOX 300 x 300 pxl 6% BELOW AVERAGE INCOME 22 % READERS SEARCHING FOR INSPIRATION 63 % AVERAGE INCOME 18 % 13 % FUTURE COTTAGERS BUILDERS Source: visitors´ opinion poll on the website home-bydleni.cz on the sample of 4 134 respondents. Why to advertise on the website homebydleni.cz? site homebydleni.cz is high visit rate of the web 1 The ated content, the rich guaranteed due to the daily upd s and also thanks to archive of articles and photograph nt companies. orta imp y man the cooperation with the visitors of this at Advertising is effectively targeted 3 2 portal. paign in a short time. 3 Launching of youstmr cam and checks on the campaign 4 Necessary adju bacents 5 Immediate feed k. www.homebydleni.cz TOP BOX SCROLL 300 x 300 pxl Advertising format and prices Advertising format Location Size in pxl Size Production price Price per week 1 Leaderboard main page, sections, articles 1 040 × 200 25 kB 5 000 CZK 3 000 CZK 2 top box main page, sections, articles, gallery 300 × 300 20 kB 5 000 CZK 4 500 CZK 3 top box scroll main page, sections, articles 300 × 300 20 kB 5 000 CZK 3 000 CZK articles 600 × 200 20 kB 5 000 CZK 2 500 CZK main page, sections, articles by agreement by 5 000 CZK agreement 6 000 CZK Format 5 Branding Branding 5 6 4 box in 5 branding SPECIAL FORMATS* (VIDEO BANNER, INTERSTITIAL, EXPAND, OVERLAY) PR ARTICLE by agreement Commercial presentation in the form of an article 4 Format BOX IN 600 x 200 pxl 6 PR ARTICLE** The price includes linking the three words (phrases) to the client´s website. 7 NEWS*** The price includes linking the information source to the client´s website. 8 PUBLICATION 2 TOP BOX 300 x 300 pxl Prices are stated excluding VAT. Prices and formats are approximate. 17 * The prices of non-standard formats may vary during the year. Current price list can be found on www.homebydleni. cz/online-inzerce. ** Article will be marked as PR article. The price of the article does not include translation of the supplied text into another language. The client has the right to 2 extensive corrections of the ground materials for the advertisement (e.g. changes to text and graphics) as laid out. PR articles are permanently included in portal sections. *** In the News column, only news and information previously unpublished on the portal www.homebydleni.cz OF A COMPANY VIDEO Location Parameters Price in the section according to the article´s topic 3 600 characters (including spaces), 5 – 8 pictures, max. 2 – 3 links, logo (125 pxl in width) can be included within the article 15 000 CZK per publication 900 characters (including spaces) 2 – 3 pictures, 1 link, logo (125 pxl in width) can be included within News 9 000 CZK per publication Maximum length of video: 5 min, format: FLV, embedded link (YouTube, video) in a PR article: 12 000 CZK in the News section 6 000 CZK on the main page or in section News and in the sections according to categories Customer´s video presentation published in the advertorial or in the column News Depending on processing demands, length of the recording and use of a video (operating procedures, interviews, company product presentations / technology / reference object presentations...) Partner of a section receives: •Space with dimensions 1 040 × 400 pxl in the form of static 9 PARTNERSHIP Price: image with link to chosen section and its subsections) 1 month Portal sections: Living, • PR article** 20 000 CZK House, Garden, Style •News*** (possibility to publish press releases, company´s news during the year) banner BOX IN may appear. News is published on the main page and in sections as standard articles. The editorial board reserves the right to grammatical, stylistic, and formal correction of delivered text documents and also adaptation of the scope. Presentation through the News column is not intended for publication of general information on the producer and their assortment. Information in the News column becomes a part of the portal’s archive. The client holds responsibility for the content and formal aspects of the ordered advertisements as well as for all damage that could be impeded to the Publishing House or third parties based on information cited in the given advertisements or in relation to them. The client further declares that when using photographs and other textual material or images of third parties, they have an unquestionable consent to their publication. PRODUCTION OF A VIDEO PRESENTATION realizace staveb CONSTRUCTION MARKET | MATERIALS AND PRODUCTS | STRUCTURES AND COMPONENTS PRACTICAL GUIDE FOR EVERY BUILDER 4 5OO copies are printed of each Realizace staveb issue (source: ABC ČR) Reader profile The typical reader is an academic or a man with secondary education. A great majority of readers are realization company employees and engineering design company employees. The readers of Realizace staveb are of working age (between 23 and 55) and they utilise the obtained information in their profession. Many of them are interested in unbiased information about specific products and information from practical experience. Distribution • • • • • • Subscribers Direct mailing to target groups Sale at housing and building industry exhibitions Sale at the University Bookshop of Professional Literature, Prague 6 Sale on the website www.casopisrs.cz Electronic sale of the magazine via the website www.floowie.com Frequency: Number of pages: Circulation: Price: Year: What is ABC ČR? ABC ČR (Audit Bureau of Circulations – Kancelář ověřování nákladu tisku) is responsible for checking the circulation of print in the Czech Republic Audit Bureau of Circulations has been functioning in Czech Republic since March 1993 when the Union of Publishers started providing this service on the level of administrative work and methodology. Since January 1, 1997, the Association of Legal Entities ABC ČR has been responsible for checking and making the circulation public in extenso. This is a non-profit tripartite association with representation of publishers, advertising agencies and advertisers. four times per year 56 – 80 pages 4 500 copies* 69 CZK 10th * Source: ABC ČR 18 Who are the readers of the magazine Realizace staveb? As much as 42 % of the readers of the magazine Realizace staveb are realization company employees who areresponsible for decision making. SELFEMPLOYED PEOPLE PROJECT ENGINEERS STUDENTS OTHERS CONTRACTORS Realization companies and self-employed people Secondary education UNIVERSITY 42 % of the readers are realization company employees. 34 % of the readers are self-employed people working in the field of construction who utilize the information found in the magazine in their profession. SECONDARY SCHOOL 13 % of the readers are engineering design company employees. 7 % of the readers are students of Faculties of Civil Engineering. 4 % are the others. WOMEN Working age 50 – 59 12 % of the readers are at the age of 20 to 29. 20 – 29 36 % of the readers are at the age of 30 to 39. 34 % of the readers are at the age of 40 to 49. 18 % of the readers are at the age of 50 to 59. 19 CO-DECIDE Source: survey conducted on the sample of 522 respondents, who answered the questions in the readers´ opinion poll. 36 % of the readers are academics working in the field of construction. People who decide about purchasing 53 % of the readers are the ones who decide about purchasing. 29 % of the readers co-decide about purchasing. 18 % of the readers don´t decide about purchasing. 86 % of the readers are men interested in the field of construction and they are either in charge of decision making or they are executives. 14 % of the readers are women who are professionals in the construction field. 30 – 39 DON´T DECIDE Men dominate MEN 40 – 49 DECIDE 64 % of the readers are people with secondary education who utilize the obtained information in their profession. Why to advertise in Realizace sta veb? ers decide or co-decide about the building site. 1 82purc%hasof etheof read materials and technologies for a struction of the respondents read in the con ertising 2 65mag%azin adv the and nts eme ertis adv es the articles (source: GFK survey) advertisement or the 52 % of the readers use the the magazine Realizace advertising articles published in erials and services. mat staveb to choose suppliers of (source: GFK survey) 3 realizace staveb Issues and topics ISSUE CLOSING DATE Realizace staveb 4/2014 ORDERS: MATERIALS: advertorial advertising 9. 10. 2014 DATE OF ISSUE TOPIC 28. 10. 2014 Thermal, acoustic and waterproofing • Types of insulation • Technology and installation • Substructure, insulation CONSTRUCTION AND RECONSTRUCTION • Construction chemistry • Construction machines • Scaffolding and sheeting 17. 4. 2015 Vertical and horizontal structures • Concrete and constructions from concrete • Walls, ceilings, floors • Masonry materials and prefabricates • Protection of vertical and horizontal structures • Foundation engineering • Timbering, scaffolding and sheeting • Construction machines 29. 5. 2015 External cladding of buildings and opening fillings • Facade structures • Facade cladding • Windows, doors, glassed-in walls • Thermal and sound insulation • Construction chemistry • Construction machines 10. 9. 2015 Roof constructions • Flat roofs • Sloping roofs • Roof insulation • Metal and wooden structures • Construction machinery 28. 10. 2015 Thermal, acoustic and waterproofing • Types of insulation • Technologyand installation • Substructure, insulation • Construction chemistry • Construction machines • Scaffolding and sheeting 9. 10. 2014 15. 10. 2014 Realizace staveb 1/2015 ORDERS: MATERIALS: advertoriál advertising 27. 3. 2015 27. 3. 2015 2. 4. 2015 Realizace staveb 2/2015 ORDERS: MATERIALS: advertorial advertising 12. 5. 2015 12. 5. 2015 18. 5. 2015 Realizace staveb 3/2015 ORDERS: MATERIALS: advertorial advertising 21. 8. 2015 TRAID FAIRS • IBF, MOBITEX 2015 (22. – 25. 4. 2015) • FOR ARCH Prague 2015 (15. – 19. 9. 2015) 21. 8. 2015 27. 8. 2015 Realizace staveb 4/2015 ORDERS: MATERIALS: advertorial advertising 9. 10. 2015 9. 10. 2015 15. 10. 2015 20 Size and advertising price OTHERS PR repre advertising Size 2/1 of a page 2/1 of a page in page layout 1/1 of a page 1/1 of a page in page layout 2/3 of a page width 2/3 of a page height 1/2 of a page width 1/2 of a page height 1/3 of a page width 1/3 of a page height 1/4 of a page* Lapel on the headline Z-gate 2nd cover page 1st page of magazine Other pages before editorial 1/3 height by editorial 3rd cover page 4th cover page 2/1 PR 1/1 PR 1/2 PR width 1/2 PR height Editorial section** (news and information previously not published in the magazine) Nonstandard formats Dimensions in mm width height bleed 420 297 3 390 267 – 210 297 3 175 267 – 175 178 – 86 267 – 175 132 – 86 267 – 175 87 – 56 267 – 86 132 – 105 297 3 400 297 3 210 297 3 210 297 3 210 297 3 56 267 – 210 297 3 210 297 3 8 400 characters, 4 – 8 pictures, logo 4 200 characters, 2 – 4 pictures, logo 75 000 CZK 52 000 CZK 12 000 CZK / 4 issues 12 000 CZK 22 000 CZK minimum price 45 000 CZK size and price depending on individual requirements * Size without possibility of positioning – location of the advertisement will be adapted to the magazine layout. ** In editorial section are published only news and information not previously published in the magazine Realizace staveb. The editorial board reserves the right to grammatical, stylistic and formal correction of the delivered text materials as well as the editing of the range. The editorial section is not intended for publication of general information about the producer and his range of goods. *** Final price of inserting and pasting-in will be determined according to the size and weight after the sample will be delivered. The price will be affected by the number of inserted supplements, the current postal charges and handling charges. 21 Branding column 22 000 CZK MATERIALS: logo 28 000 CZK 27 000 CZK 250 characters, 1 picture logo 12 000 CZK MATERIALS: product photo, product name, product description, price and size of the packaging, web contact 22 000 CZK 88 000 CZK 173 000 CZK 94 000 CZK 94 000 CZK 88 000 CZK 52 000 CZK 88 000 CZK 120 000 CZK 94 000 CZK 55 000 CZK 600 characters, 1 picture product placement branding columns Product placement 39 000 CZK 33 000 CZK 86 x 43 mm atypical format 130 000 CZK 2 100 characters, 1 – 2 pictures, logo 1/10 of a page (4 x) inserted advertisements*** Price EXTRA CHARGE: 10 % for requested placement DISCOUNTS: 15 % agency commission for contract partners only CANCELLATION FEES: 100 % after the closing date of orders for the given issue of the magazine according to the editorial plan. Prices are stated excluding VAT. The price list is valid from 1. 9. 2014 to 31. 8. 2015. General Terms and Conditions can be found on page 42. Editorial page 27 000 CZK MATERIALS: text of 600 characters including spaces, 1 product photo, price, web contact 1/10 of a page 86 x 43 mm 12 000 CZK / 4 issues This format is not a subject to any other discounts or agency commission. The production of advertising is not included in the price. TECHNICAL EQUIPMENT OF BUILDINGS | ENERGY | REPORTAGES AND REALISATIONS | NEWS TZB haustechnik FOR PROJECT ENGINEERS AND SANITARY ENGINEERS 4 OOO copies are printed of each TZB HAUSTECHNIK issue (source: ABC ČR) Reader profile The typical reader is a university or secondary-school educated man of working age between 25 and 55. Women also belong to the group of readers, although to a lesser extent. A prevailing number of readers operate in design and realization companies, using the information gained from TZB HAUSTECHNIK magazine in their professions. This is also reflected in the growing interest in information from the practical world and in non-commercial information on current products and trends on the Czech market. Distribution • • • • • • Subscribers Direct mailing to target groups Sale at housing and building industry exhibitions Sale at the University Bookshop of Professional Literature, Prague 6 Sale on the website www.casopistzb.cz Electronic sale of the magazine via the website www.floowie.com Frequency: four times per year Number of pages: 56 – 80 pages Circulation: 4 500 copies* Price: 69 CZK Year: 8th What is ABC ČR? ABC ČR (Audit Bureau of Circulations – Kancelář ověřování nákladu tisku) is responsible for checking the circulation of print in the Czech Republic Audit Bureau of Circulations has been functioning in Czech Republic since March 1993 when the Union of Publishers started providing this service on the level of administrative work and methodology. Since January 1, 1997, the Association of Legal Entities ABC ČR has been responsible for checking and making the circulation public in extenso. This is a non-profit tripartite association with representation of publishers, advertising agencies and advertisers. * Source: ABC ČR 22 Who are the readers of the magazine TZB HAUSTECHNIK? Over 62 % of TZB HAUSTECHNIK readers are the employees of design and realization companies. DESIGN ENGINEERS AND CONTRACTORS SANITARY ENGINEERS OF TECHNICAL BUILDING EQUIPMENT STUDENTS Design and realization companies 62 % of the readers are people who work in designand realization companies. People who decide about purchasing DON´T DECIDE CO-DECIDE 32 % of the readers are TZB sanitary engineers of technical building equipment. 48 % of the readers are the ones who decide about purchasing. DECIDE News and trends 6 % of the readers are students. Men dominate 71 % of the readers are men working in different fields from financing to building equipment. WOMEN 29 % of the readers are women who are interested in the field of technical building equipment within the frame of their profession. MEN Working age 40 – 49 30 – 39 50 – 59 14 % of the readers are at the age of 20 to 29. over 60 29 % of the readers are at the age of 30 to 39. 20 – 29 35 % of the readers are at the age of 40 to 49. 18 % of the readers are at the age of 50 to 59. 4 % of the readers are over 60 years old. Source: survey conducted on the sample of 597 respondents, who answered the questions in the readers´ opinion poll. 23 35 % of the readers co-decide about purchasing. 17 % of the readers don´t decide about purchasing. PRACTICAL SOLUTIONS CURRENT SITUATION NEWS AND TRENDS 59 % of the readers belong to the group of people who read mostly about up-to-date products and trends on the Czech market. 28 % of the readers are people who are interested in practical information as well as professional solutions from the field of technical building equipment. 13 % of the readers search for information about current situation in this field. HNIK? Why to advertise in TZB HAUSTEC ut of TZB decide or co-decide abo of the readers 1 83tech%nolo gies for a building site. ement and the readers consider the advertis azine mag the in ed 2 78the%advofertis lish ing articles pub r rmation in thei TZB useful and they utilize the info profession. (source: GFK survey) d the information from the 41 % of the readers have use ing article published advertisement or from the advertis GFK survey) rce: in TZB once or more times. (sou 3 TZB haustechnik Issues and topics ISSUE CLOSING DATE DATE OF ISSUE TZB HAUSTECHNIK 3/2014 25. 9. 2014 ORDERS: MATERIALS: advertorial advertising 5. 9. 2014 SPECIAL OTHER TOPICS Low-temperature heating based on renewable energy sources • Facility management • Energy • Sanitation equipment and installations • Ventilation, air-conditioning, and cooling • Indoor environment • Metering, regulation, and control technology • Electrical installations and lighting technology Energy • Facility management • Heating • Sanitation equipment and installations • Indoor environment • Metering, regulation, and control technology • Electrical installations and lighting technology 7. 4. 2015 The quality of the buildings´ indoor environment • Facility management • Energy • Sanitation equipment and installations • Ventilation, air-conditioning, and cooling • Indoor environment • Metering, regulation, and control technology • Electrical installations and lighting technology • Sustainability of the environmental technology 10. 6. 2015 Ventilation, air-conditioning, and cooling • Facility management • Heating • Sanitation equipment and installations • Indoor environment • Metering, regulation, and control technology • Electrical installations and lighting technology • Sustainability of the environmental technology 25. 9. 2015 Heating • Facility management • Energy • Sanitation equipment and installations • Ventilation, air-conditioning, and cooling • Metering, regulation, and control technology • Electrical installations and lighting technology • Sustainability of the environmental technology 13. 11. 2015 Energy • Facility management • Heating • Sanitation equipmentand installations • Indoor environment • Metering, regulation,and control technology • Electrical installationsand lighting technology • Sustainability of the environmental technology 5. 9. 2014 11. 9. 2014 TZB HAUSTECHNIK 4/2014 ORDERS: MATERIALS: advertorial advertising 27. 10. 2014 13. 11. 2014 27. 10. 2014 31. 10. 2014 TZB HAUSTECHNIK 1/2015 ORDERS: MATERIALS: advertorial advertising 17. 3. 2015 17. 3. 2015 23. 3. 2015 TZB HAUSTECHNIK 2/2015 ORDERS: MATERIALS: advertorial advertising 22. 5. 2015 22. 5. 2015 28. 5. 2015 TZB HAUSTECHNIK 3/2015 ORDERS: MATERIALS: advertorial advertising 7. 9. 2015 7. 9. 2015 11. 9. 2015 TZB HAUSTECHNIK 4/2015 ORDERS: MATERIALS: advertorial advertising 27.10. 2015 27.10. 2015 2.11. 2015 TRAID FAIRS • FOR ARCH Prague 2014 (16. – 20. 9. 2014) • IBF, MOBITEX, ENVIBRNO 2015 (22. – 25. 4. 2015) • FOR ARCH Prague 2015 (15. – 19. 9. 2015) 24 Size and advertising price OTHERS PR repre advertising Size 2/1 of a page 2/1 of a page in page layout 1/1 of a page 1/1 of a page in page layout 2/3 of a page width 2/3 of a page height 1/2 of a page width 1/2 of a page height 1/3 of a page width 1/3 of a page height 1/4 of a page* Lapel on the headline Z-gate 2nd cover page 1st page of magazine Other pages before editorial 3rd cover page 4th cover page 2/1 PR 1/1 PR 1/2 PR width 1/2 PR height 1/3 PR width 1/3 PR height Editorial section** (news and information previously not published in the magazine) width height bleed 420 297 3 390 263 – 210 297 3 180 263 – 180 173 – 118 263 – 180 129 – 88 263 – 180 84 – 57 263 – 88 129 – 105 297 3 400 297 3 210 297 3 210 297 3 210 297 3 210 297 3 210 297 3 8 400 characters, 4 – 8 pictures, logo 4 200 characters, 2 – 4 pictures, logo 62 000 CZK 35 000 CZK 24 000 CZK 18 500 CZK 13 000 CZK 10 000 CZK 41 000 CZK 79 000 CZK 45 000 CZK 45 000 CZK 41 000 CZK 41 000 CZK 56 000 CZK 44 000 CZK 25 000 CZK 13 500 CZK 1 100 characters, 1 picture, logo 10 000 CZK 600 characters, 1 picture 88 x 43 mm product placement branding columns 250 characters, 1 picture logo atypical format Price 2 100 characters, 1 – 2 pictures, logo 1/10 of a page (4 x) inserted advertisements*** 25 Nonstandard formats Dimensions in mm 10 000 CZK 12 000 CZK / 4 issues 12 000 CZK 22 000 CZK minimum price 30 000 CZK size and price depending on individual requirements * Size without possibility of positioning – location of the advertisement will be adapted to the magazine layout. ** In editorial section are published only news and information not previously published in the magazine TZB HAUSTECHNIK. The editorial board reserves the right to grammatical, stylistic and formal correction of the delivered text materials as well as the editing of the range. The editorial section is not intended for publication of general information about the producer and his range of goods. *** Final price of inserting and pasting-in will be determined according to the size and weight after the sample will be delivered. The price will be affected by the number of inserted supplements, the current postal charges and handling charges. EXTRA CHARGE: 10 % for requested placement DISCOUNTS: 15 % agency commission for contract partners only CANCELLATION FEES: 100 % after the closing date of orders for the given issue of the magazine according to the editorial plan. Prices are stated excluding VAT. The price list is valid from 1. 9. 2014 to 31. 8. 2015. General Terms and Conditions can be found on page 42. Product placement 12 000 CZK MATERIALS: product photo, product name, product description, price and size of the packaging, web contact Branding column 22 000 CZK MATERIALS: logo Editorial page 10 000 CZK MATERIALS: text of 600 characters including spaces, 1 product photo, price, web contact 1/10 of a page 88 x 43 mm 12 000 CZK / 4 issues This format is not a subject to any other discounts or agency commission. The production of advertising is not included in the price. INVESTMENT AND PROJECTS | REALISATIONS | ANALYSIS | NEWS inžEnýrské stavby 63 YEARS ON THE MARKET 3 5OO print circulation of the magazine Inžinierske stavby (source: publishing house Jaga Media) Reader profile The typical reader is an academic or secondary-school educated man, but universityeducated women are also in the readership. A great majority of readers are employees of engineering – designing and implementation companies. Readers of the magazine Inžinierske stavby / Inženýrské stavby are of working age, and the information gained from its pages is applied in their professions. Due to its long tradition, many readers consider keeping up with the magazine a matter of course in their professional lives. Distribution • • • • • • • Subscribers Direct mailing to target groups Sale at specialised fairs and shows Sale at the University Bookshop of Professional Literature, Prague 6 Sale at exhibitions focusing on civil engineering, transportation, and machine engineering Sale on the website www.casopisis.cz Electronic sale of the magazine via the website www.floowie.com Frequency: six times per year Number of pages: 56 – 112 pages Circulation: 3 500 copies Price: 69 CZK Year: 63th 26 Who are the readers of the magazine Inženýrské stavby? Almost 40 % of the readers of Inžinierske stavby/Inženýrske stavby are people who work in engineering- designing and implementation companies. PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS RESEARCH AND FACULTIES CONSULTING OF CIVIL ENGINEERING PROJECT ENGINEERS AND IMPLEMENTERS Engineering-designing and implementation companies People who decide about purchasing DON´T DECIDE DECIDE 39 % of the readers are people from the field of engineering-designing and implementation. CO-DECIDE 29 % of the readers work for research and consulting companies. 14 % of the readers are teachers, students and graduates of faculties of civil engineering. Men dominate 21 % of the readers are university or secondary school educated women. Magazine for everybody 50 – 59 over 60 40 – 49 20 – 29 30 – 39 9 % of the readers are at the age of 20 to 29. 24 % of the readers are at the age of 30 to 39. 34 % of the readers are at the age of 40 to 49. 21 % of the readers are at the age of 50 to 59. 12 % of the readers are at the age of 60 and more. 27 900 – 1 500 EUR LESS THAN 900 EUR MORE THAN 1 500 EUR 79 % of the readers are university or secondary school educated men. MEN Source: survey conducted on the sample of 809 respondents, who answered the questions in the readers´ opinion poll. 24 % of the readers are the ones who decide about purchasing. 17 % of the readers don´t decide about purchasing. 18 % of the readers are people employed in public institutions in the field of building industry. WOMEN 59 % of the readers co-decide about purchasing. Higher society 71 % of the readers have the income higher than 1 500 EUR. 20 % of the readers have the income between 900 and 1 500 EUR. 9 % of the readers have income lower than 900 EUR. Why to advertise in Inžinierske stavby? cerning ide or help in decision making con the readers dec technologies for 1 83the%purcof has e and design of the material and a construction site. advertisements and advertising 38 % of the readers utilise the rs ke stavby while selecting supplie articles in the magazine Inžiniers (source: GFK survey) the field ected professional magazine in It is the only and highly resp a tradition of 63 years. of building engineering and has magazine. rtised brand and the trustworthy It is a combination of the adve 2 3 4 inžEnýrské stavby Issues and topics ISSUE CLOSING DATE Inžinierske stavby / Inženýrské stavby 5/2014 ORDERS: MATERIALS: advertorial advertising 20. 10. 2014 Traffic signs on motorways and roads Design of road traffic signs, permanent and portable traffic signs, new types of traffic signs and materials, traffic safety features Tunnel construction in Slovakia and the Czech Republic Construction of tunnels in Slovakia and the Czech Republic, current state and outlook, latest Technologies in realizations of tunnels, technological outfitting, monitoring, respective standards Integrated rail transport Integration of rail passenger transport in the urban transport system • Geo-technology and foundation engineering • Transportation constructions • Water engineering constructions • Engineering networks • Technologies and materials • Construction machinery and auxiliary structures • Special constructions 14. 11. 2014 Water engineering constructions Ecological and water engineering constructions, water treatment plants, technological equipment, sewerage of regions, sewerage and waterway networks Maintenance of road networks Maintenance, repairs and reconstruction of road network, work on road surfaces and bridges, safety equipment and traffic signs Bridge construction Materials, structural systems and Technologies applied in construction of bridges, interesting implementations of bridges in Slovakia, the Czech Republic and abroad • Geo-technology and foundation engineering • Transportation constructions • Water engineering constructions • Engineering networks • Technologies and materials • Construction machinery and auxiliary structures • Special constructions 6. 3. 2015 Safety in the operation of transportation constructions Activities to increase the safety of transportation constructions, new knowledge and trends in science and research, new rules in legislation Rail transport The current state of railway transportation in Slovakia and the Czech Republic, its development and support, need for investments, proposed projects andsolutions Technological out fitting of transportation constructions Technological out fitting in the individual types of transportation constructions, relevant European standards, contemporary trends and development of technologies • Geo-technology and foundation engineering • Transportation constructions • Water engineering constructions • Engineering networks • Technologies and materials • Construction machinery and auxiliary structures • Special constructions • Trade Fairs: CONECO – RACIOENERGIA – CLIMATHERM 2015 (25. – 28. 3. 2015) IBF, MOBITEX, ENVIBRNO 2015 (22. – 25. 4. 2015) 18. 5. 2015 Anti-flooding protection Securing civil engineering constructions against surface water, current stage of implementation of proposed anti-flood measures in Slovakia and the Czech Republic, monitored goals and the methods of their implementation, problems in practice, tasks and perspectives Bridges Bridge building in Slovakia and the Czech Republic, its current state and prognoses, the latest Technologies in the realisation of newbridge constructions and reconstructions, diagnosing bridges,respective standards Remediation and waterproofing in engineering construction Remediation of concrete and steel structures, waterproofing, construction chemistry • Geo-technology and foundation engineering • Transportation constructions • Water engineering constructions • Engineering networks • Technologies and materials • Construction machinery and auxiliary structures • Special constructions • Trade Fairs: International Engineering Fair Nitra 2015 (19. – 22. 5. 2015) 26. 6. 2015 Investments in transportation in Slovakia and the Czech Republic Proposed investments for individual areas of transportation in Slovakia and the Czech Republic, goals, problems, solutions, specific projects, outlook for the future Roads – structures and materials Maintenance, repairs, reconstructions of roads, technological procedures, asphalt and cement concrete roads Concrete and concrete structures The use of concrete in the range of civil engineering constructions, current trends, technology, testing, diagnostics, protection and remediation of concrete • Geo-technology and foundation engineering • Transportation constructions • Water engineering constructions • Engineering networks • Technologies and materials • Construction machinery and auxiliary structures • Special constructions 9. 9. 2015 Regional transport Regional transportation priorities, resolving critical traffic situations Geo-technology and foundation engineering Foundation engineering, reconstruction and sanitation of grounds, geotechnical monitoring Construction technology, scaf folding and form work systems in civil engineering Uses of construction technology and machinery in the realization of engineering constructions, scaf folding and form work used in the construction of bridges and other structuresof civil engineering • Geo-technology and foundation engineering • Transportation constructions • Water engineering constructions • Engineering networks • Technologies and materials • Construction machinery and auxiliary structures • Special constructions • Trade Fairs: FOR ARCH Praha 2015 (16. – 20. 9. 2015) International Engineering Fair Brno 2015 (5. – 9. 10. 2015) 20. 10. 2015 Traffic signs on motorways and roads Design of road traffic signs, permanent and portable traffic signs, new types of traffic signs and materials, traffic safety features Tunnel construction in Slovakia and the Czech Republic Construction of tunnels in Slovakia and the Czech Republic, current state and outlook, latest Technologies in realizations of tunnels, technological outfitting, monitoring, respective standards Integrated rail transport Integration of rail passenger transport in the urban transport system • Geo-technology and foundation engineering • Transportation constructions • Water engineering constructions • Engineering networks • Technologies and materials • Construction machinery and auxiliary structures • Special constructions 18. 11. 2015 Water engineering constructions Ecological and water engineering constructions, water treatment plants, technological equipment, sewerage of regions, sewerage and waterway networks Maintenance of road networks Maintenance, repairs and reconstruction of road network, work on road surfaces and bridges, safety equipment and traffic signs Bridge construction Materials, structural systems and Technologies applied in construction of bridges, interesting implementations of bridges in Slovakia, the Czech Republic and abroad • Geo-technology and foundation engineering • Transportation constructions • Water engineering constructions • Engineering networks • Technologies and materials • Construction machinery and auxiliary structures • Special constructions 28. 10. 2014 28. 10. 2014 3. 11. 2014 17. 2. 2015 17. 2. 2015 23. 2. 2015 Inžinierske stavby / Inženýrské stavby 2/2015 ORDERS: MATERIALS: advertorial advertising TOPIC 1. 10. 2014 7. 10. 2014 Inžinierske stavby / Inženýrské stavby 1/2015 ORDERS: MATERIALS: advertorial advertising ANALYSIS 1. 10. 2014 Inžinierske stavby / Inženýrské stavby 6/2014 ORDERS: MATERIALS: advertorial advertising DATE OF ISSUE 27. 4. 2015 27. 4. 2015 4. 5. 2015 28 Inžinierske stavby / Inženýrské stavby 3/2015 ORDERS: MATERIALS: advertorial advertising 9. 6. 2015 9. 6. 2015 15. 6. 2015 Inžinierske stavby / Inženýrské stavby 4/2015 ORDERS: MATERIALS: advertorial advertising 20. 8. 2015 20. 8. 2015 26. 8. 2015 Inžinierske stavby / Inženýrské stavby 5/2015 ORDERS: MATERIALS: advertorial advertising 1. 10. 2015 1. 10. 2015 7. 10. 2015 Inžinierske stavby / Inženýrské stavby 6/2015 ORDERS: MATERIALS: advertorial advertising 29 29. 10. 2015 29. 10. 2015 4. 11. 2015 SPECIAL OTHER TOPICS inžEnýrské stavby Size and advertising price OTHERS PR repre advertising Size height published in the magazine) 1/10 of a page (6 x) 88 x 43 mm product placement branding columns 250 characters, 1 picture logo inserted advertisements*** Price bleed 420 297 3 2/1 of a page 2/1 of a page in page layout 390 263 – 1/1 of a page 210 297 3 1/1 of a page in page layout 180 263 – 2/3 of a page width 180 173 – 2/3 of a page height 118 263 – 1/2 of a page width 180 129 – 1/2 of a page height 88 263 – 180 84 – 1/3 of a page width 1/3 of a page height 57 263 – 1/4 of a page* 88 129 – Lapel on the headline 105 297 3 400 297 3 Z-gate 2nd cover page 210 297 3 1st page of magazine 210 297 3 210 297 3 2nd and 3rd page of magazine 3rd cover page 210 297 3 4th cover page 210 297 3 2/1 PR 8 400 characters, 2 – 8 pictures, logo 1/1 PR 4 200 characters, 2 – 4 pictures, logo 1/2 PR width 2 100 characters, 1 – 2 pictures, logo 1/2 PR height 1/3 PR width 1 050 characters, 1 picture, logo 1/3 PR height Editorial section** (news and information previously not 600 characters, 1 picture atypical format 30 Dimensions in mm width 96 000 CZK 55 000 CZK 39 000 CZK 30 000 CZK Nonstandard formats Product placement 12 000 CZK MATERIALS: product photo, product name, product description, price and size of the packaging, web contact Branding column 22 000 CZK MATERIALS: logo 22 000 CZK 18 000 CZK 65 000 CZK 127 000 CZK 72 000 CZK 72 000 CZK 65 000 CZK 65 000 CZK 90 000 CZK 96 000 CZK 55 000 CZK 30 000 CZK 18 000 CZK 18 000 CZK 18 000 CZK / 6 issues 12 000 CZK 22 000 CZK minimum price Editorial page 18 000 CZK MATERIALS: text of 600 characters including spaces, 1 product photo, price, web contact 28 000 CZK size and price depending on individual requirements 1/10 of a page 88 x 43 mm 18 000 CZK / 6 issues This format is not a subject to any other discounts or agency commission. The production of advertising is not included in the price. * Size without possibility of positioning – location of the advertisement will be adapted to the magazine layout. ** In editorial section are published only news and information not previously published in the magazine Inžinierske stavby/Inženýrské stavby. The editorial board reserves the right to grammatical, stylistic and formal correction of the delivered text materials as well as the editing of the range. The editorial section is not intended for publication of general information about the producer and his range of goods. *** Final price of inserting and pasting-in will be determined according to the size and weight after the sample will be delivered. The price will be affected by the number of inserted supplements, the current postal charges and handling charges. EXTRA CHARGE: 10 % for requested placement DISCOUNTS: 15 % agency commission for contract partners only CANCELLATION FEES: 100 % after the closing date of orders for the given issue of the magazine according to the editorial plan. Prices are stated excluding VAT. The price list is valid from 1. 9. 2014 to 31. 8. 2015. General Terms and Conditions can be found on page 42. Advertisement area 1/1 of a page 55 000 CZK 210 x 297 mm 2/3 width 39 000 CZK 180 x 173 mm 2/3 height 39 000 CZK 118 x 263 mm 1/2 width 30 000 CZK 180 x 129 mm 4 200 characters, 2 – 4 pictures, 1 logo 1/3 height 22 000 CZK 57 x 263 mm 1/2 height 30 000 CZK 88 x 263 mm 1/3 width 22 000 CZK 180 x 84 mm 31 1/1 PR 55 000 CZK PROJECTS | CONSTRUCTIONS AND BUILDINGS | INTERIOR AND DESIGN | MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES MAGAZINE ABOUT ARCHITECTURE AND BUILDING CONSTRUCTION 4 5OO copies of each ASB issue are printed (source: ABC ČR) Reader profile The typical reader of the magazine ASB is an academic at the age of 25 to 55, he works as a manager and has some subordinates, or he works for an architecture or design company. However, there are also university educated women among the readers. The readers of the ASB magazine are interested in the outline of the current developments in the field of architecture and BUILDING CONSTRUCTION, professional analysis, technical information and information about some figures and companies. The reader of ASB reads on average 60% of each issue´s content. Distribution • Subscribers • Special client subscription to selected target groups • Direct mailing to target groups • Sale at housing and building industry exhibitions • Sale at the University Bookshop of Professional Literature, Prague 6 • Sale through the website www.casopisasb.cz • Electronic sale of the magazine via the website www.floowie.com 32 Frequency: six times per year Number of pages: 64 – 112 pages Circulation: 4 500 copies* Price: 79 CZK Year: 12th What is ABC ČR? ABC ČR (Audit Bureau of Circulations – Kancelář ověřování nákladu tisku) is responsible for checking the circulation of print in the Czech Republic. Audit Bureau of Circulations has been functioning in the Czech Republic since March 1993 when the Union of Publishers started providing this service on the level of administrative work and methodology. Since January 1, 1997, the Association of Legal Entities ABC ČR has been responsible for checking and making the circulation public in extenso. This is a non-profit tripartite association with representation of publishers, advertising agencies and advertisers. * Source: ABC ČR Who are the readers of the magazine ASB? As much as 57 % of the readers of ASB are the managers of the construction and development companies! ARCHITECTS AND PROJECT ENGINEERS STUDENTS INVESTORS CONSTRUCTION WORKERS AND DEVELOPERS Construction workers and developers 57 % of the readers are the managers of the construction and development companies. DECIDE 28 % of the readers are architects and project engineers. DON´T DECIDE CO-DECIDE 8 % of the readers are the students of the Faculties of Civil Engineering. Men and women 42 % of the readers are the ones who decide about purchasing. Intriguing content 59 % of the readers are men. 4/5 41 % of the readers are women. MEN 49 % of the readers co-decide about purchasing. 9 % of the readers don´t decide aboutpurchasing. 7 % of the readers are investors. WOMEN People who decide about purchasing 2/3 88 % of the readers read 4/5 of every magazine issue. 12 % of the readers read 2/3 of the magazine´s content. Working age 50 – 59 40 – 49 30 – 39 16 % of the readers are at the age of 20 to 29. over 60 26 % of the readers are at the age of 30 to 39. 20 – 29 32 % of the readers are at the age of 40 to 49. 19 % of the readers are at the age of 50 to 59. 7 % of the readers are over 60 years old. Source: survey conducted on the sample of 973 respondents, who answered the questions in the readers´ opinion poll. 33 Why to advertise in ASB? ide about the orders of readers of ASB magazine dec 1 The materials – one new a huge amount of technology and ertising in the magazine customer found thanks to the adv sted in it. will get you back the money inve the graphic of the and In December 2012 the content t resulted in the wha ed sign magazine ASB was rede %. 18 by bers scri increase of sub 2 ASB ASB Issues and topics ISSUE CLOSING DATE ASB 5/2014 ORDERS: MATERIALS: advertorial advertising 8. 10. 2014 DATE OF ISSUE ARCHITECTURE BUILDING CONSTRUCTION OTHER TOPICS 27. 10. 2014 • Commercial spaces and retail • Suppliers • External cladding of buildings, insulation • Interior and design • Detail • Software 20. 3. 2015 • Office space market • Administrative buildings • Glass, light facades • Interior and design • Detail • Software 20. 4. 2015 • Constructions for living • Roofs • Interior and design • Detail • Software 29. 5. 2015 • Construction for the public sector • Dry construction components, sanitary ceramics, tiles and paving • Interior and design • Detail • Software 14. 9. 2015 • Architects and their position on the market • Specific constructions • Materials for structural work • Interior and design • Detail • Software 15. 10. 2015 • Commercial spaces and retail • Suppliers • External cladding of buildings, insulation • Interior and design • Detail • Software 16. 11. 2015 • City-forming buildings and constructions • Reconstructions • Urban development, urbanism • Construction revitalization • Interior and design • Detail • Software TRADE FAIRS 8. 10. 2014 14. 10. 2014 ASB 1/2015 ORDERS: MATERIALS: advertorial advertising 3. 3. 2015 3. 3. 2015 9. 3. 2015 ASB 2/2015 ORDERS: MATERIALS: advertorial advertising 30. 3. 2015 • IBF, MOBITEX 2015 (22. – 25. 4. 2015) 30. 3. 2015 7. 4. 2015 ASB 3/2015 ORDERS: MATERIALS: advertorial advertising 12. 5. 2015 12. 5. 2015 18. 5. 2015 ASB 4/2015 ORDERS: MATERIALS: advertorial advertising 25. 8. 2015 • FOR ARCH Prague 2015 (15. – 19. 9. 2015) 25. 8. 2015 31. 8. 2015 ASB 5/2015 ORDERS: MATERIALS: advertorial advertising 28. 9. 2015 28. 9. 2015 2. 10. 2015 ASB 6/2015 ORDERS: MATERIALS: advertorial advertising 28. 10. 2015 28. 10. 2015 3. 11. 2015 34 Size and advertising price OTHERS PR repre advertising Size 2/1 of a page 2/1 of a page in page layout 1/1 of a page 1/1 of a page in page layout 2/3 of a page width 2/3 of a page height 1/2 of a page width 1/2 of a page height 1/3 of a page width 1/3 of a page height Lapel on the headline Z-gate 2nd cover page 1st page of magazine Other pages before editorial 1/3 height by editorial 3rd cover page 4th cover page 2/1 PR 1/1 PR 1/2 PR width 1/2 PR height Editorial section* (News and information previously not published in the magazine) width height bleed 430 300 3 420 277 – 215 300 3 192 277 – 192 183 – 126 277 – 192 136 – 94 277 – 192 89 – 61 277 – 107,5 300 3 410 300 3 215 300 3 215 300 3 215 300 3 61 277 – 215 300 3 215 300 3 8 400 characters, 4–8 pictures, logo 4 200 characters, 2–4 pictures, logo 2 100 characters, 1–2 pictures, logo 600 characters, 1 picture 1/10 of a page (6 x) 94 x 43 mm product placement branding columns 250 characters, 1 picture logo inserted advertisements** atypical format 35 Nonstandard formats Dimensions in mm Price 147 000 CZK 84 000 CZK 59 000 CZK 46 000 CZK Product placement 12 000 CZK MATERIALS: product photo, product name, product description, price and size of the packaging, web contact Branding column 45 000 CZK MATERIALS: logo 33 000 CZK 95 000 CZK 189 000 CZK 110 000 CZK 110 000 CZK 99 000 CZK 59 000 CZK 99 000 CZK 139 000 CZK 132 000 CZK 74 000 CZK Čistý design s invenční technickým řešením 42 000 CZK 32 000 CZK 18 000 CZK / 6 issues 12 000 CZK 45 000 CZK minimum price 50 000 CZK size and price depending on individual requirements * In editorial section are published only news and information not previously published in the magazine ASB. The editorial board reserves the right to grammatical, stylistic and formal correction of the delivered text materials as well as the editing of the range. The editorial section is not intended for publication of general information about the producer and his range of goods. ** Final price of inserting and pasting-in will be determined according to the size and weight after the sample will be delivered. The price will be affected by the number of inserted supplements, the current postal charges and handling charges. EXTRA CHARGE: 10 % for requested placement DISCOUNTS: 15 % agency commission for contract partners only CANCELLATION FEES: 100 % after the closing date of orders for the given issue of the magazine according to the editorial plan. Prices are stated excluding VAT. The price list is valid from 1. 9. 2014 to 31. 8. 2015. General Terms and Conditions can be found on page 42. Editorial page 32 000 CZK MATERIALS: text of 600 characters including spaces, 1 product photo, price, web contact 1/10 of a page 94 x 43 mm 18 000 CZK / 6 issues This format is not a subject to any other discounts or agency commission. The production of advertising is not included in the price. NEWS | OPINIONS | ARCHITECTURE | BUILDING INDUSTRY | CIVIL ENGINEERING WORKS | BUSINESS asb-portal.cz www.asb-portal.cz WEBSITE ABOUT ARCHITECTURE AND BUILDING BUSINESS 29 OOO people visit asb-portal.cz monthly (source: Google Analytics) 36 Who is our reader? People who decide about purchasing 16 % ENTREPRENEURS AND DEVELOPERS 17 % 15 % TUTORS AND PEOPLE INTERESTED IN STUDENTS ARCHITECTURE, BUILDING BUSINESS, DESIGN 52 % ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS 31 % CO-DECIDE 19 % DON´T DECIDE 50 % DECIDE Source: visitors´ opinion poll on the website asb.sk on the sample of 4 301 respondents. Why to advertise on the website asb-portal.cz? ide or co-decide about the 81 % of the website´s readers dec nologies for a building site. purchase of materials and tech product managers and fans of 2 More than 13 000 architects, weekly reports in the form of www.asb-portal.cz subscribe for a newsletter. les from architecture and There are more than 4 000 artic building industry. et group B2B (professionals It addresses to a special targ epreneurs within this field, from the field of architecture, entr students, people interested developers, tutors and university stry and also in current indu in architecture, design, building industry and architecture in events from the fields of building the Czech Republic and abroad). 1 2 3 4 37 asb-portal.cz www.asb-portal.cz 5 Advertising format and prices BRANDING 1 leaderboard + 2 x sky scraper leaderboard 1 000 x 200 pxl 3 4 7 SKY SCRAPER 160 x 600 pxl TOP BOX 300 x 300 pxl SPONSORED TEXT LINK 2 SQUARE 300 x 300 pxl Presentation by means of banners Package price/number of the guaranteed page views/week 300 CZK 16 500 number of the guaranteed page views/week 300 CZK 26 000 number of the guaranteed page views/week Size in pxl Size Production price Estimated number of banner impressions (IMP) per month main page, sections, articles 1 000 × 200 25 kB 5 000 CZK 2 SQUARE in articles and galleries 300 × 300 20 kB 5 000 CZK 3 TOP BOX main page, sections, articles 300 × 300 25 kB 5 000 CZK 4 SKY SCRAPER main page, sections, articles 160 × 600 25 kB 5 000 CZK 20 000 when there is circulation 1 out of 3 35 000 when there is circulation 1 out of 3 22 000 when there is circulation 1 out of 3 22 000 when there is circulation 1 out of 3 5 BRANDING main page, sections, articles 1 000 × 200, 2*160 × 600 3*25 kB 10 000 CZK 66 000 per month 600 CZK – by agreement 40 kB – – by agreement main page, sections, articles max. 80 characters, logo 50 × 50 pxl 5 kB – 66 000 per month 2 250 CZK per week 1 LEADERBOARD 6 SPECIAL FORMATS* (video banner, interstitial, expand, overlay, shading) 38 Price per 1 000 views (CPT – cost per thousand) Location Format 7 SPONSORED TEXT LINK 3 800 CZK per week 6 200 CZK per week 3 800 CZK per week 16 500 number of the guaranteed page views/week 3 300 CZK per week 16 500 number of the guaranteed page views/week 7 900 CZK per week 16 500 number of the guaranteed page views/week 300 CZK 250 CZK * The prices of non-standard formats may vary during the year. Current price list can be found on www.asb-portal.cz/inzerce. 3 8 3 9 TOP BOX 300 x 300 pxl PR ARTICLE NEWS TOP BOX 300 x 300 pxl Commercial presentation in the form of an article Format 8 PR ARTICLE** The price includes linking three words (phrases) to the client´s website. 9 NEWS*** The price includes linking the information source to the client´swebsite. Location Size Price on the main page, in sections according to categories 3 600 characters (including spaces), 5 – 8 pictures (min. 2 000 pxl in width, 72 dpi), max. 3 links, logo (125 x 125 pxl) can be included within the article 15 000 CZK per publication on the main page or in section News and in sections according to categories 900 characters (including spaces) 2 – 3 pictures (min. 2 000 pxl in width, 72 dpi), max. 1 link, logo (125 x 125 pxl) can be included within the News 9 500 CZK per publication ** Article will be marked as Advertorial. Price of advertorials does not include translation of the supplied text into another language. The client has the right to 2 extensive corrections of the ground materials for advertisement (e.g. changes to text and graphics) as laid out. Advertorials are published on the main page and in the sections as standard articles. They form a permanent part of the individual professional sections. They are not a part of ASB eNews. *** In the News column, only news and information previously unpublished on the portal www.asb.sk may appear. News is published on the main page and in sections as standard articles. The editorial board reserves the right to grammatical, stylistic, and formal correction of delivered text documents and also adaptation of the scope. Presentation through the News column is not determined for publication of general information on the producer and their assortment. Information in the News column becomes a part of the portal’s archive. 39 11 ADVERTISING TEXT LINK ROCKWOOL ROCTON – Akustická, protipožární a tepelně izolační deska z kamenné vlny 10 BANNER + PR ARTICLE 12 PR ARTICLE, NEW Advertising formats in ASB newsletters**** Format Location Materials Price Link to PR article (or news), published on www.asb-portal.cz, is placed at the beginning of ASB newsletter. – 15 000 CZK 11 ADVERTISING TEXT LINK Text link with a logo is placed at the beginning of ASB newsletter, above the list of the articles. logo (80 × 80 pxl) + text (max. 200 characters including spaces) 15 000 CZK 12 BANNER + PR ARTICLE Banner (455 × 100 pxl) with a link is placed at the beginning of ASB newsletter above the list of the articles. Link to PR article is included in the newsletter. jpg, png, gif 19 000 CZK 10 PR ARTICLE, NEW ****The frequency of the ASB newsletter: once a week sent to 13000 addresses. Guarantee of exclusivity – only one of the presented advertising formats will appear in the newsletter. Advertising formats for direct mailing Format Direct mail Commercial advertising sent by the operator´s web server to 13 000 addresses. Location Company information (newsletter) is sent to the customers via e-mail. Materials HTML file price for the production of HTML template is by agreement Price 10 CZK/1 address, minimum order is 20 000 CZK 40 Prices are stated excluding VAT. Prices and formats are approximate. 13 PARTNER OF A SECTION The client holds responsibility for the content and formal aspects of the ordered advertisements as well as for all damage that could be impeded to the Publishing House or third parties based on information cited in the given advertisements or in relation to them. The client further declares that when using photographs and other textual material or images of third parties, they have an unquestionable consent to their publication. 14E-MAILING / E-NEWSPAPER Specific advertising formats Format 13 PARTNER OF A SECTION Portal sections: Architecture, Building Industry, Civil Engineering Works, TZB, Business and Market 14 E-MAILING / E-NEWSPAPER In order to maximise the marketing effect we recommend publishing catalogues, magazines, leaflets and price lists as part of the advertorial or of the News column. The application of interactive features (hyperlinks, videos,etc.) is subject to individual pricing. PUBLICATION OF A COMPANY VIDEO PRODUCTION OF A VIDEOPRESENTATION 41 Location Materials Partner of a section receives: •logo in the selected section with a link • logo with its own link in all subsections (e.g. Architecture/Projects, Realization, Building sites and Buildings, Architects, Timeless Architecture, Interiors, Competitions) •logo along side every article placed into the selected section with a link • PR article** •news*** (possibility of publishing press releases, company newsletter during the year) Publication of a company magazine, catalogue, price list and leaflet etc. with the possibility of eListing (full-text search, active advertising areas) PDF file with a resolution of 150 dpi, maximum of 250 MB Customer´s video presentation published in the advertorial or in the column News Maximum length of video: 5 min, format: FLV, embedded link (youtube, video) Price 1 month 3 months 6 months 12 months 23 000 CZK 55 000 CZK 96 000 CZK 165 000 CZK Attention! A limited format – a maximum of 5 partners in one section! presentation in a PR article 17 500 CZK presentation in the News section 10 000 CZK presentation in a PR article 17 500 CZK presentation in the News section 10 000 CZK Depending on processing demands, length of the recording and use of a video (operating procedures, interviews, company product presentations / technology /reference object presentations...) GENERAL COMMERCIAL TERMS FOR ADVERTISEMENT General commercial terms for advertisement 1. The publisher is obliged to send to his client 2 copies of a magazine free of charge within 14 days from date of issue. 2. The publisher will issue an invoice within 3 days of the title being published. 3. The client is obliged to pay the invoice issued by the publisher within 14 days from the date of issue. The bank details are given on the invoice. 4. In case of late payment, the publisher has the right to claim late payment interest of 0.05 % of the invoiced price for each day of delay or not to publish the advertisement in the publication. 5. Bank fees and possible exchange rate differences connected with the invoice settlement are covered by the buyer. 6. The client may send the order form by fax, but they are obliged to send the signed original to publishing within 5 days. 7. Claims must be submitted in writing within 14 days of the date of issue. 8. The publisher has the right to reject advertisements if it is in contradiction of ethics or if it harms their interests. 9. The client takes into account that the additional fee for the required placement is 10 % of the price of the advertisement. 10. The client takes into account that the cancellation fee for cancellation of order is as follows: a) 50 % when cancelled before the official deadline of orders for the given copy of the magazine (according to the editorial plan), b) 100 % when cancelled after the official deadline of orders for the given issue of the magazine (according to the editorial plan). 11. If an invoice fails to be paid within the due date, the publisher reserves the right to re-calculate any provided discounts. 12. In the case that the client does not submit the due material within the deadline of the given title, the publisher has the right to use those materials of the client that had been used in any previous title. 13. The client has the right to 2 extensive corrections of the ground materials for advertisement (e.g. changes to text and graphics) as laid out. In case when ready-made advertisement ground materials are supplied by the client, JAGA Publishing House does not hold responsibility for the language format of the given advertisement. 14. The publication of an advertisement for the purposes of publishing the client’s advertisement in the titles of JAGA Publishing House is covered by the publisher. Thus, the advertisement becomes property of the publisher. The advertisement can be bought; its price is calculated as 10 % of the basic price of the advertisement. 15. The client holds responsibility for the content and formal aspects of the orders advertisements as well as for all damage that could be impeded to the Publishing House or third parties based on information cites in the given advertisements or in relation to them. The client further declares that when using photographs and other textual material or images of third parties, they have an unquestionable consent to their publication. 16. The publisher is not responsible for the quality of published advertisement if other than stated files are submitted and if imprint is not submitted. Ground materials • PDF 300dpi, CMYK colours • Files for PC: TIF, EPS, CDR, PDF, JPG • Medium: CD, DVD, mail, USB key, FTP server 42 CONTACTS POSTAL ADDRESS, INVOICE DETAILS Jaga Media, s. r. o. Pražská 1279/18 102 00 Praha 10 ID no.: 270 76 695 VAT ID no.: CZ27076695 CONTACTS phone: +420 267 219 346 fax: +420 267 219 347 jagamedia@jagamedia.cz DIRECTOR OF THE PUBLISHING HOUSE, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Mgr. Vladimír Brutovský +420 777 284 680 vladimir.brutovsky@jagamedia.cz EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Ing. Peter Halász peter.halasz@jagamedia.cz MARKETING DEPARTMENT marketing@jagamedia.cz Chief of publishing activities Mgr. Zuzana Koporcová zuzana.koporcova@jagamedia.cz DEPARTMENT OF PUBLISHING ACTIVITIES produkty@jagamedia.cz Chief of publishing activities PhDr. Matej Šišolák +420 777 284 678 matej.sisolak@jagamedia.cz CUSTOMISED PRODUCTS Mgr. Magdaléna Lukáčová magdalena.lukacova@jagamedia.cz 43 DISTRIBUTION DEPARTMENT distrib@jagamedia.cz Jan Žák, +420 777 284 682 jan.zak@jagamedia.cz COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT obchod@jagamedia.cz Robert Bouška, +420 774 284 687, robert.bouska@jagamedia.cz Zbyněk Budka, +420 775 284 685, zbynek.budka@jagamedia.cz Ing. Alžběta Janáčková, +420 777 284 681, alzbeta.janackova@jagamedia.cz Markéta Šimoníčková, +420 775 284 686, marketa.simonickova@jagamedia.cz GROUND MATERIALS FOR ADVERTISEMENTS podklady@jagamedia.cz Adéla Bartíková, +420 267 219 346, adela.bartikova@jagamedia.cz Print? We have the best prices on the market! Thanks to the professional background and the high level of expertise of our team we are able to arrange for you printing, complete graphic and editorial processing of catalogues, company magazines, informational brochures and other publications. For every contract, we provide the supervision over the print and guarantee the highest quality of printed materials at an affordable price. contact: obchod@jagamedia.cz call: 777 284 680
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